
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on May 26, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor have I ever met them in person. This is just a story something I made up in my own little world. In other words it's not real in anyway. ok now that that's over with on to more important stuff.

Warning: Like so many of my other stories I have no clue where I'm going with this. Ok I've failed but I'm not taking it to the max. But I'm not making promises so this really is a warning. There might be sex in this story I don't know yet. You've been warned, oh and it's a little sad. Ok this chapter is a little sad and may have sex. Just so you know

Authors note: Ok I love these don't you? And yes I lost my mind, it was really easy. So if you find it, tell me I could use it. OK these *** mean a character change in the story. A name will follow the little symbols or will be in the middle of the symbols. I'll try not to jump around to much, no promises there either. Ok for those of you that are still upset with me over Broken, I'm sorry. So please quit yelling at me, I know it was a little sad. I promise I'll try to give this one a happy ending, notice I said try. Anyway on with the story, oh and if you feel like it mail me with your thoughts.

Extra Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync, but I have met them. Anyway I don't know who they sleep with and all that.


It had been three hours since they had been taken back. The doctor was walking toward us with a grim look on his face. "I'm afraid that I only have bad news for the both of you. They have both slipped into a coma, it's a light coma or so I hope. I don't understand it myself, and I never will. My only guess is that Chris was as healthy as we first thought. As for Jessie, it doesn't make a lick of sense. He should be fine, but he to has slipped into a coma. I have never seen anything like it in all my years of working here. All I can tell you is to be by their sides and try to wake them." We both nodded and thanked the doctor, we called the other guys. Kevin said he would be right over, AJ said he was bringing his mother. While Howie said he was bringing a friend to help. I needed my friends for back up, I was starting to lose it. I knew that Chris didn't remember me but sometimes I thought he did. When we had been playing basketball he would make an effort to make skin contact. I didn't mind it at all, it was like he was slowly coming back to me. When he had asked about Jake, I knew he was getting closer. Then today I find him in the bathroom out cold. At first I had thought he had tried to kill himself, then my heart said other wise.

I could tell that it was something beyond normal understanding. The closer I was to him the more I could feel from him. It was almost like I was feeling him and what I felt was a war raging within. I could almost see lines being drawn, and people choosing sides. Jessie had been pulled into the war and I wanted to join him. I wanted to save Chris and bring him back. I just didn't know how to enter that part of his soul, or mind. I was now sitting beside his bed holding his hand. I could feel that he was getting weaker, it was like he was slipping away. I stood and knelt down kissing his lips. I knew that tears were falling from my eyes. I knew that if someone saw me my career would be over. I no longer cared I just wanted him to know how much I loved him. That no matter what I would be here for him. That I would never leave his side until he woke up. When I opened my eyes I in was in total darkness. I could see three beings of light in the distance. I walked toward them as I got closer I saw two Chris's and one Jessie. "Chris what's going on?" The one on the right smiled and ran toward me. He was in my arms his lips on mine, it was like everything faded away. I could feel everything coming from him and I knew he could feel me.


I was losing my mind, I had left the room for a few seconds. When I came back Brian was passed out on the floor. I had gotten the doctor as soon as I had found him. The doctor said that he was in a coma. So now I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the guys. I had called Kevin, I let the doctor tell him everything that had happened. I no longer had a voice, it was to horse from crying. I was losing everyone that I loved, one by one. I knew by the end of the day I would lose someone else. I just had this sanking feeling in my chest. When Kevin walked in I wanted to jump in his arms and hide from the world. I couldn't do that not in the open, it would lead to so many rumors. Kevin walked up and hugged me tightly. I held myself together and pulled away slowly, I nodded and he followed me. I opened the door to Brian's door, Kevin couldn't move for a few seconds. Then slowly he knelt down by his side, he took his hand and started to cry. Brian looked like he did after the surgery, when we didn't know if he would make it. The only difference was he had a smile on his face now. I had to wonder what he was seeing, or feeling. I had felt something from Jessie when I had gone in the room and found Brian.

I hadn't given myself long to think about it until now. I wondered if they were trying to give me a chance to join them. I left Kevin with Brian and walked quickly to Jessie's side. I held his hand and tried to force him to wake up, he had to I needed him. Nothing was happening, I could feel a warmth but nothing else. I could feel the tears falling from my eyes. They were falling on his face, it looked like Jessie was crying. He had done that a lot since the accident. He had felt guilty for always not being the good brother. I had told him so many times that he wasn't to blame. He never listened, and now he was proving that he was connected to his brother. I felt jealously, why couldn't I be that close to him? I wanted to feel him, every bit of him every second. I was also afraid of what I could lose if I did let that happen. I now knew why Brian had gotten to join Chris, it was because he didn't care. Brian didn't let that fear get in his way, he loved Chris that much. I looked at Jessie and wondered if he loved me enough to give up everything. Something told me that he would, that if he was made to chose he would chose me. I had thought about it myself, and I still didn't know. I leaned down and kissed his lips softly I could feel a heat over taking my body. Then all was darkness and Jessie stood before me smiling.


I had been holding Brian's hand when the doctor came to me. He said that Nick had passed out, that he was now was in a coma. That I would have to leave Brian's side, because they couldn't risk someone else passing out. The doctor thought that there may be some new virus. I had to leave Brian and the others, someone had to tell AJ and Howie. I sat in the waiting room, everything was falling apart. I didn't know how much longer we could keep this under wraps. Jive didn't even know that Chris had been in accident, they would have dropped him. It was like each of us was falling, and I wondered who was next. AJ walked in with his mother, I smiled and hugged them both. "It's getting worse Bone, Nick and Brian both have entered coma's." AJ looked scared and so much more than word's could say. "How did this happen Train, I mean the last time I heard Nick and Bri, were fine." I just shook my head, I had no clue what was going on. "Theirs some other weird stuff going on to. For one all of them have matched up, their heart rates breathing. It's all the same like they were living in one body. Plus all of them have a small smiles on their faces." AJ looked to his mother who was speechless, that was a first. I had hoped she would know something. She was one of the smartest ladies I had ever met in my life.

Howie walked in a few hours later with Lance from Nsync. I liked most of the guy's from Nsync, just not Justin. I hadn't thought Howie would bring Lance, but then again Howie kept to himself. I told Howie everything I knew and for the first time I saw that he was holding Lance's hand. Howie looked like he was about to crush Lance's hand. "As of now theirs no new news. The doctors have been running test all day, they don't have a clue what's wrong." I stopped and watched as Howie's lip started to tremble. "Code blue in rooms four thirty-two and four thirty." I looked down the hallway, groups of doctors were running into their rooms. AJ had been outside of Nick and Brian's room he looked scared. We all knew what a code blue meant, their hearts had stopped. For Brian that could be the last chapter. I slowly made my way down the hall Howie and Lance following. "They all just stopped, I could hear it. It was like one breath then nothing, I don't get it." The doctors came out of the room's all at once with the most confused faces. "It's like their playing with us, we didn't even touch them. Their hearts started back up like they had never stopped." I looked at the doctor and almost punched his lights out. "So your upset that their fine?" It was Howie and his voice had a dangerous edge to it.

We were allowed to visit them after a few more test. It was getting creeper as I watched them. They all lived as one, it was beyond weird. I saw that one of their hands moved. I looked to Nick and noticed his had done the same thing. Howie came charging into our room. "They moved, I saw it, their going to be ok." He looked so happy, he was almost crying. I wasn't so sure that they were in fact fine, it was just a feeling. Brian had said something once about demons. That everyone had to face their own demons, he had said it laughing. Now I wondered if that was in fact what was happening with all of them. Only they pulled together to fight the good fight, but who would win? I wished I could join them, but I knew that I couldn't. Something was at work here, something really powerful. I found myself almost seeing something that connected them all. It almost looked like a sliver cord that couldn't be broken. But it didn't connect all of them that was the weird part. I moved to Jessie and Chris's room and looked at them closely. I could see the silver cords coming threw the wall's. Then I saw a golden cord that connected Chris and Jessie together. "Every set of twins have some version of it." Those words entered my mind once again. Now everything was making some kind of sense, at least to me.

I kept my thoughts to myself as I watched them through the night. I could see that Brian was connected to Chris, while Nick was connected to Jessie. What pulled them all together was Chris and Jessie. I knew that I was the only one seeing these cords. I didn't understand that at all. I guess that since I was so close to Brian, that I could see it. He was my cousin, maybe everyone was connected in someway. I didn't know or really care, I was just happy I could see it. I knew that as long as those cord connected them they would be ok. Howie walked in with Lance, I told them I was going to grab a bite to eat. I walked out of the hospital and into the little garden they had. I noticed that it was empty, so I entered slowly. I really wasn't all that hungry, hadn't been for a while. "Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to intrude." I looked up to see a dark haired man limping toward the door. "Wait, you don't have to go, I could use some company." He turned around and smiled at me, then he walked over and took a seat. "So what happened to your leg?" He shook his head, he was really cute. "Car accident, hurt my knee got to get surgery in a few days." I nodded everyone was getting into one reck or another. "So why are you here, visiting your girlfriend?" I looked at him, was he hitting on me?

I laughed lightly, it was kind of funny when you thought about it. I was visiting my cousin and friend, plus two guys that had become a part of our family. Chris was someone I had wanted to be with. I knew that wasn't going to happen now but it was ok. "I'm here visiting four of my friends, their all in comas." His jaw dropped open and his eyes got really wide. "Then why are you laughing about that, your mean." He started to leave and I grabbed his arm. "Wait you don't understand, and I can't explain it to you. I wish I could but please understand I'm not laughing because their in a coma." He looked at me like he was studying me. "Ok, let's start over, I'm Michael, it's nice to meet you." He smiled sweetly holding his hand out. "I'm Kevin, it's nice to meet you." He started giggling lightly. "I know who you are, I'm a fan of your music." I was a little worried now, but he wasn't freaking out. "Your not going to start screaming are you?" He looked at me and flipped me off, it was kind of cute. I just laughed as he sat back down, I noticed that he was shorter then I was. I liked that fact, it meant I might be able to beat him basketball. Then again, Brian has been known to surprise people.

I talked with Michael for a long time, he was a really nice guy. I was starting to like him, but I didn't know if that was a good thing. With Chris and Jessie things were a lot easier. They were on the road with us, and we were all in the same boat. With Michael things got a little complicated, and I wondered if it would be fair to him. I had been in other relationships that were long distance. They hadn't worked out to well, and it wasn't like I could just take him with me. He was in college for one, for two it would be wrong of me to ask him to drop that. The third and final reason, I didn't know him all that well, and I didn't know if he was gay. So I decided that I would try to keep him as a friend for a while. Howie came running into the garden, he looked a little pale. "Kev, I've been looking for you for the last hour. It's happening again, they've flat lined three times and came back." I jumped off the bench and ran with Howie, this couldn't be happening. The elevator wasn't moving fast enough. I noticed that Michael had joined us on our ride, and I thought his leg was hurt. When the doors opened I took of down the hall, AJ stood between the two rooms. He looked highly confused, like he didn't know which room to run into. "What's going on?" He looked at me and just started shaking slightly. I ran into Brian's room, I could see the cords. They were shaking badly, as if getting close to breaking.

I knew the others couldn't see the cords, they didn't understand what was happening. Michael was looking at them, and then to the wall. "What are those things, and how are they going through the wall?" To say that I was a little shocked would have been an understatement. Doctors were rushing around Chris and Jessie's room. I moved to Brian's side, I pulled one of his eye lids back. His eye was rolled back in his head, his breathing was getting faster. "This can't happen, I can't let this happen." I reached out and touched the cord, my hand went straight through it. I couldn't get a grip on the cord, that was until Michael touched my back. Then I could feel the cord, and more I could see the battle taking place. Their were three of them, but that couldn't be, it just couldn't. I could see Brian and Nick in the back ground, they were trapped. I could tell the difference in the three. Jessie was blue, while one Chris was red, the other was yellow. Nick was blue like Jessie, while Brian was red like Chris. Then it all stopped, I turned to see what had happened, Michael had moved away. His eyes were getting wide and his breathing wasn't normal. "What the hell was that, and why was Gemini fighting, and who's that third guy? I thought they were just twins, not triplets." I was starting to understand everything, and that scared me.

I finally understood why I couldn't help them or even see them until now. The thought itself scared me, because if it was true then it changed everything. I had looked at some book's on the subject years ago. It didn't go this deep into it, but now everything made more sense. I also understood why Michael's touch had helped so much. He was my soul mate, it sounded so crazy. He was the only person I would ever be happy with, the only person I could love. That's what they were to each other Brian, Chris, Nick, and Jessie. Now I had found one and he completed the circle that was needed. If I could persuade him to help me I could save them. "I don't really know, well I do but it's not something you would believe. I need your help, if you can help me, I can save them all before it's to late." I was asking him to believe a stranger, and to risk his life. If my idea worked we would enter the coma with them. "I don't know you that well, and I don't think you can trust me. All I know is that I need your help, so I'm asking. Will you help me save my friends, my family?" I had started putting the pieces together after Nick had passed out. Both he and Brian had been found beside the one they loved. It took more than a simple touch, it took a kiss.

Michael looked at me for a few minutes. He closed his eyes as if trying to decide if I was nuts. I couldn't blame him, it was all so crazy and unbelievable. "Ok, I'll help but after this is all over, your filling in the blanks ok?" I nodded slowly and moved toward him then pulled him to the cords. I held his hand and reached out holding tightly onto the cord. Then the part that he didn't know about, I pulled him to my lips. The kiss was returned seconds later then everything turned to darkness. I found myself on the battle field, Jessie and Chris looked at us. Then what I guess was the evil Chris looked at us. I could see the confusion falling over all of them. "You do not belong here, you are not welcome leave now or pay the price." That was the evil Chris talking, and yes he was evil. "Can't leave, it's like a one way ticket. That's until your gone, then I think everyone will be ok." He smiled brightly then moved toward us, I felt Michael's hand tighten. "Don't you understand Kevin, I am them, one way or another. Nick and Brian could leave anytime they want. They refuse to leave the ones they love, it's an interesting problem." I looked at Brian and he nodded slowly, then Nick looked away. "Do you know what your doing to your bodies?" All of them looked at me, they didn't have a clue. "If this continues, you all of you will die. In fact you've all flat lined about five times, this has to stop now." The yellow version looked at his counter part.

Chris moved forward, the real Chris, it had to be. "All of you go, this is my battle not yours. If anyone is going to die it will be me, not any of you." The yellow Chris looked at himself, meaning the red one. "Your always so selfless, it really gets to me how weak you are. You're willing to give to the world everything and not get a thing back. I don't see how I lived this long, but then again I didn't did I?" He looked at Jessie, his smile turning into a frown. "My dear brother, you were so willing to let me die in your place. Then you had a change of heart, a little to late wasn't it. Then we have Brian, so sweet so giving, just like me. But are you really just like me Brian, or did you have other reasons for wanting me? Was it my looks, or maybe my voice, what was it Brian?" Brian started to answer but Chris stopped him. "I've been playing real nice up until now, but no one attacks my boyfriend. Brian I love you, I hope you know that, but it's time you all left. I'll find my way back to you, I promise." Then everything went dark again, I found myself waking up in a bed. I could see that Michael was waking up too, I didn't understand what had happened. I got out of the bed and ran to Brian's room, he was awake.

I looked at Nick, he was starting to sit up too. I ran to Jessie and Chris room, Jessie was standing over Chris's bed. Tears were falling from his eyes as Chris's body jerked around. He looked up at me and shook his head slowly. I could feel two sets of hands on my shoulders. Nick was at my right side while Brian was on my left. "He pushed us away, so he could fight alone. He doesn't stand a chance alone, that's why he pulled us in to start with. He can't beat himself, cause if he does it'll kill him. He doesn't care anymore, and I don't get it. Why is he like this, why does he always do stuff that puts him in danger?" I didn't know the answer, the only one that might was fighting right now. "It's his nature, he does what he thinks is right." I looked back to see Michael standing behind us. Jessie looked back at Chris while his body stopped jerking around. Brian had moved to Chris side, it wasn't looking good. I could still see the silver and gold cords. Chris was the only one fading now, that fact scared me. Jessie could feel what was happening, but I could see it. There was nothing that could save him, nothing but himself. It didn't make sense, how could Chris destroy Chris? They were two sides of the same coin, two sides of the same mirror. One evil, while the other wasn't perfect but was far from evil. I wanted to reach out and help him, but I couldn't.


I looked at myself, he wasn't me, he couldn't be. I was never this filled with hate, not like this. He was attacking me with everything he had, and I let him. I knew I couldn't beat myself, so why fight him. The best I could do was make sure he never hurt anyone. If he was the one that ruled my mind and soul, all would be lost. He was my dark side, the side everyone battled with everyday. I didn't understand how he had gotten so strong. I had always thought of myself as the good guy, and I always would. I knew that I wasn't perfect, no one was, but how did this happen. I was in a simple car accident, yeah I lost my memoire, not my mind. This just couldn't happen, it was to far out there to be real. He was throwing punches one after another, and still I didn't fight back. His eyes were filling with tears, this I didn't understand. "Why won't you fight me, this is our life? Why can't you fight for something, just this once?" He had stopped his attack, he was me in so many ways. "I am fighting, just not your way, and I do fight for things I want." He was shaking his head slowly, his eyes flickered with hate. "You could have put up a fight for Nick, it wouldn't have been that hard." I shook my head, Nick was meant to be with Jessie.

I walked toward him, he was getting weaker by the second. "I put up a fight, just not an open fight. I've been fighting you without touching you, but you don't seem to understand that. I don't understand how you can fight me, or how we can even be having this talk. You're me and I'm you, we are one, don't you get it. I don't understand everything that's happening. I won't pretend, you shouldn't exist, your an old and twisted version of me. I've moved on, that doesn't mean I've forgotten my past. I wouldn't allow that to happen if I had a choice. I didn't get in a car accident to somehow make you, that wasn't my choice. I don't understand what you are or what part of my brain you came from. In truth I don't even care, as long as those I love are safe you can kill me. But you know that don't you, you always have." His eyes seemed to shimmer brightly, then they started glowing. "I come from the darkest part of your heart, the part that wants to be free. I didn't just come into being, you made me. Every time you held back or kept your mouth shut I got stronger. I'm that part of you that killed two men, I got to let some anger out then. I'm that part of you that burns to be bad, that wants to be like our bother. I understand that every punch I land on you weakens us." His smile was getting darker and his strength was coming back.

He moved toward me slowly, he looked dangerous. "I know that every time I hurt you, it brings us closer to death. You see I don't want our body or mind, I'm already there. I want us dead, then it'll stop, the pain the selflessness. I can't stand always being so damn good, it's just not right. Your strong most of the time, but in truth your a weak coward. You stand up for those you love, but not yourself. I'm tired of it, of being pulled down and hurt because of you. I know we are one and the same, that doesn't mean shit to me. You know as well as I do that Brian didn't fall for you like you had first thought. He fell for you because of your body, and you know that one night he took advantage of you. Well, not really I was in control that night, the part that craved to be touched. He started falling that night, but not because he liked us. It was because he loved our body, he lusted over us. He did fall for the right reason soon after, but it took us dying for him to see. That doesn't bother you, it does me, and it always will. That means that a part of you will always be bothered. Now you know, and you always will, and nothings going to change it. You always look away, not anymore I won't allow it ever again." I was feeling weaker by the second, his words were cutting into my soul. I knew all of this stuff and now it bothered me.

I knew that Brian fell for what didn't count. It hurt but that's life, that's the way everything goes. I looked at him, why didn't I feel this until now? Why couldn't I be ready for this I knew it a long time ago? Nothing made sense anymore, this just couldn't be happening. I was fighting with myself, he was attacking again. I was to weak to fight back, I was so tired. He knew that he was winning, and I couldn't fight the truth. I only knew how I felt about Brian, that I loved him. I wanted him to know that I loved him, to know that I always would. I could still feel him, he was apart of me as I was a part of him. I could feel his heart breaking, I could see what he was seeing. My body was giving out, Brian was trying to save me. The tears that fell ripped at my heart and soul, he was praying for me. I could hear him asking to trade places with me, it broke my heart. I looked at myself, he had stopped his attack. He was now seeing what I saw, he could see the love Brian held for me. "You win, I give up just end it, it'll make it easier." He looked at me shocked, almost sad. "The sooner we die the sooner he'll heal, it may take time, but he will heal." He continued to look at me like I was some kind of monster. "You would give up that easily, just for him, to stop his tears from falling?" I nodded slowly, it was all I could do. I could feel myself slowly slipping away, in other words dying.

I was pulled back quickly the pain continued. He was on his little attack again but I was dying. I kept waiting for it to come, death's sweet kiss good night. I closed my eyes once again and looked through Brian's eyes, no it was Jessie's. I could hear the sob's that racked Brian's body. "Enough, if you want a fight I'll give you a fight." I pushed him away and attacked with every bit of energy I had left. I through punch after punch, I just couldn't stop. If I could kill him then it would end, I would die with him. His laughter filled my ears as I kicked him. I fell back, I was far to weak to fight him I just couldn't. His laughter stopped so quickly as he looked at me. "Now was that so hard, it couldn't have been you did it so well. That's all I ever wanted, for you just to give into yourself. For you to get off your high horse, to realize you can't save the world. That fighting for yourself and yourself alone can help you." I looked up at him, when did I get this crazy? "I never thought I could save the world, and I do fight for myself." He shook his head slowly, almost sadly. "You do fight for yourself, but not because you want to. A part of you that I know very well does believe it can save the world. You think of yourself as a hero, maybe not knowingly but you do." I looked at him, he was talking like we were two different people.

He sat down beside me his arm draped over my shoulder. "You made me Chris, you made me exist. I'm not you, or anyone else for that matter. I'm a child born of your darkest thoughts and feelings. The car accident, it was just a doorway to cross, to make me real. You are not crazy, no more than the rest of the world. In some ways I'm now just a ghost in the mist. I'm fading away as we speak, never to return. Soon you will wake up and find yourself in Brian's arms. I'll slowly become a distant memoire that will be welcomed. Because in truth I was never really here, I was just an image made of pain." With those last words I found myself alone in this strange world. A world that I made, that was slowly slipping away into nothingness. I then realized that I had made all of this, that there never was another me. I slowly closed my eyes letting myself drift back to the real world. When I opened my eyes, I could see Brian's head resting on my chest. His eyes were closed tightly, as if waiting to hear my heart stop. The tears that fell touched my very soul. I looked around the room to see everyone's head bowed. I raised my hand to Brian's head, letting my fingers wonder about. His opened slowly to meet mine, his breathing was uneven. I pulled his face to meet mine as our lips slowly met. With my eyes once again closed I could hear people crying and laughing.

To Be Continued

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