
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 25, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor have I ever met them in person. This is just a story something I made up in my own little world. In other words it's not real in anyway. ok now that that's over with on to more important stuff.

Warning: Like so many of my other stories I have no clue where I'm going with this. Ok I've failed but I'm not taking it to the max. But I'm not making promises so this really is a warning. There might be sex in this story I don't know yet. You've been warned, oh and it's a little sad. Ok this chapter is a little sad and may have sex. Just so you know

Authors note: Ok I love these don't you? And yes I lost my mind, it was really easy. So if you find it, tell me I could use it. OK these *** mean a character change in the story. A name will follow the little symbols or will be in the middle of the symbols. I'll try not to jump around to much, no promises there either. Ok for those of you that are still upset with me over Broken, I'm sorry. So please quit yelling at me, I know it was a little sad. I promise I'll try to give this one a happy ending, notice I said try. Anyway on with the story, oh and if you feel like it mail me with your thoughts.


I could feel ever inch of his body pressed against mine. His breath on my neck, his arms around my waist. I was in heaven and I didn't want to move and I didn't plan on it. I noticed that his robe was gone and something big and hard was poking my lower back. I didn't mind at all he could have his way with me. He pulled me tighter against his body his hand half way under my shirt. The feel of his skin against mine was amazing, I felt so at peace. He moaned softly and moved his hand further up my body and let it rest over my heart. His hand was lightly brushing the scar that I had from the surgery. I never really liked anyone to see or touch it. But I didn't mind his touch at all in fact I wanted him to see everything. His lips were on my neck, it was almost like a kiss. I turned to face him, to watch him sleeping. He looked like an angel sent from heaven to watch over me. His hand was now on my upper back between my shoulder blades. He pulled me against his body again, his lips were now touching mine. I closed my eyes and let myself just feel him. I wrapped my arms around him, his skin was like silk. One of his legs slid between mine, which caused me to take a deep breath. His other leg now slid under my leg, he was wrapping himself around me. His other hand that had remained around my waist was now just below that area.

His hand was lightly resting on my butt check under the sweats I was wearing. Then his hand moved lower and cupped my left cheek. I was doing everything in my power to control myself. His arm moved slightly pulling my sweats down a little. He had a small frown forming slowly, then his hand that was on my back moved down. Before I knew what was happening my sweats were past my butt cheeks. My hard on was against his, he pulled me tighter to his body. I slid my shirt over my head and wiggled out of my sweats. I wanted to feel every inch of my body pressed against his. I no longer cared how things would look in when we woke up. His knee was just under my ball sack and he was pulling me closer still. My chest was now pushed up against his, our hard on's were against each others six packs. I could feel his pre cum leaking on me, as I'm sure mine was leaking on him. I knew that my body was getting hot in more than one way. He started grinding his member against me in a smooth movement. His arms were pulling me as close as they could. With his hips moving it was causing my prick to rub against his six pack. I was so hard that I knew I couldn't last much longer. His lips were on my chin his tongue was sneaking out every so often. He left little kisses my chin and moved to my lips.

One of his hands slid up my back and now rested on my head. His eyes were closed softly, he had to be dreaming. He kissed me, his tongue slid out and into mine. The kiss deepened, his hand holding my head to his. He moaned in my mouth, it sent waves of fire running down my body. I felt my ball sack start to pull up, I was so close. His hand that was still on my butt cheek squeezed gently. His fingers started rubbing my butt cheek then his finger was near my hole. He wasn't pushing in but he was sending chills up my spine. Our tongues danced around one another in a beautiful dance. I had to wonder what he could do if he was awake. He was sending me places I had never been and he wasn't even trying. His finger gently pushed inside of my and wiggled around slightly. His hand moved away and then went between my legs pulled my leg up. My leg was now hanging over his waist and his hand was a better place. His fingers danced around my hole once again and he was back inside of me. He pulled me tighter pushing his finger in deeper hitting my prostate. I moaned into his mouth, he was acting like an animal. His mouth had moved to my neck and he was hitting my weak spot. He was holding me up sending waves of pleasure threw my body.

My body ached for release, I could see spots in front of my eyes. I blew my load all over his chest, then I saw stars. Then he blew his load all over my chest, it was like liquid fire. I relaxed into his chest almost letting myself slip back to sleep. My mind was returning to normal, what had I just done? I had just slept with Chris and he most likely wouldn't remember it. I slowly got out of bed and cleaned everything up, couldn't have him waking up just yet. I put my clothes in a pile by the bathroom, once everything looked ok I jumped in the shower. I had wiped Chris chest off as good as I could, I hoped he wouldn't notice. I could hear someone knocking on the door to the room, most likely Kevin. I heard someone open the door to the bathroom, then it closed really quickly. I finished my shower and got out, wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out. Chris was sitting up in his bed looking around, Kevin was sitting in a chair. "Brian? what are you doing here man?" I smiled sweetly at him, he was pulling out all the stops. He was almost in a suite his hair looked perfect, well he looked perfect. "I fell asleep in here last night after we talked." Kevin nodded but I could see the ice in his eyes. "I had the strangest dream last night." We both looked at Chris who was now standing.

I tossed him his robe, he caught it and put it on. "Thank you Brian, sorry about shedding it last night." I just shrugged and smiled at him, I wasn't sorry at all. "It's cool if I knew you better I would have done the same." He smiled at me and Kevin decided to interrupt. "We should all be getting dressed and heading out, come on Bri, I walk you back to your room." I left with Kevin hot on my trail, I walked to my room and opened the door. "Did you sleep with him Brian?" I turned around slowly, I had slept with him, for a little bit at least. "Nothing happened Kevin, we only slept for a little while. But he did hold me in his arms, he's got an amazing body." Kevin's face was turning three shades of red when I closed the door. I went to my bed and fell back, I was in heaven. I had to find a way to get Chris in my life forever. I was falling for him for all the wrong reasons, I had to get to know him better. I had to beat Kevin for the prize, and I would do anything for the prize. Chris was like a Greek God or something he was perfect. His skin was flawless and his body was like it was carved from stone. He was beautiful in every way that he could be, his man hood was big to. It had to be at least nine inches, and cut, what more could I ask for. I got dressed and headed to meet the rest of the guys.


I had the weirdest dream, I dreamed that I had almost had sex with Brian. It felt so real, I wanted to go back to sleep and re-dream it again. Then again it may have just been what I was feeling from Jessie. I just wish I knew for sure, because nothing I have ever felt before had felt so good. When I had woke up in the middle of the night I had put myself and Brian under the covers. I tossed my robe on the chair and just held him in my arms. I had missed that feeling, it had been something I cherished with Jake. Jake and I had always just kissed and held one another. It had made me happy in so many ways, he never pushed me to do anything. We had been together for a long amount of time before we ever kissed. He always asked if it was ok to pull me closer to his body. I would agree to anything for him. He knew that, that's why he never pushed me to have any kind of sex. He told me that when I was ready, to tell him. I had never told him to go further I regret that now. I had been so selfish, I didn't need sex, Jessie had enough for the both of us. Then I lost him, never to know what it could have been like to have him. He had always been ready to do whatever I asked of him. I tried to never ask much of him, he meant to much to me.

He was like my angel for so long, and I had denied him access. We had lived together for close to eight months. He had to have been wanting more than what I was giving. He never said anything about it, but that was his way. I missed him so much and if hadn't been for the man at the grave yard, I would be dead. I now knew that Jake would want me to go on. I would always hold him close to my heart, I could never do any less than that. I got into my shower and let the water take everything away. I just let myself get lost in the steam and heat. I closed my eyes and thought about Brian, he was so kind. He had come to me last night when I needed someone the most. He had stayed with me and just talked, that had meant so much to me. It felt so right to hold him in my arms it made me feel complete. I had to get to know him better, he seemed like such a nice guy. I could fall for him in time, I just had to get to know him. I knew that he was very cute, and that he would be a great person to spend my life with. He could be the one to take this pain away forever. I promised myself that I wouldn't make him wait forever. I would wait a month then maybe takes things to another level. I would learn from my mistakes.

We only had so much time to live, Jake proved that to me. I would let Brian have all access to me after I knew him better. I just hoped he could wait at least a month, I had to know if he could. If my career took off we would be away from one another for months at a time. There would always be the phone but you could only do so much with a phone. I stepped out of the shower and dried off, then putting my robe on I went to get dressed. I got my white wet shirt out and put it on, then my black leather pants. I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair and then my teeth. I smiled the got the rest of my stuff together, I even packed Jessie's stuff. I left our bags in our room and walked down to Kevin's room. That seemed to be where everyone went to eat, and I needed my coffee. I knocked on the door and waited till he opened up. I walked in and went straight to the coffee pot. I got a few cat call's from the guys, I let it slide this one time. Brian hadn't said anything so far, only watched me move. I got my coffee and that world was good, at least for now. I watched as Nick and Jessie walked in together holding hands. I was happy for them, I only hoped Nick wouldn't brake his heart. I sat down next to Brian with my egg's and toast. "How many week's do you give them." I whispered into his ear, his smile was beautiful.

I had stayed close to Brian all day long so far. He had told me that Nick and Jessie could end up being together forever. I was happy with his answer and smiled, that seemed to surprise him. I showed Brian some of my dance moves and tried to teach him a few. He was a really quick learner, up until he fell on his ass. I laughed at him while I pulled him back to his feet. "How do you do those spins in the air and still land on your feet?" I smiled and yelled for Jessie to come over, that took a few minutes. "Easy we mirror one another, and we've both taken dance for the longest time. Let's show him the dance moves to cloud nine." Jessie nodded and got ready to mirror me. It was easy for us to do, we had been doing it all our lives. The dance itself was pretty simple, it was only the spins that were hard. We danced for five minutes, hitting everything so far. We didn't really need the music, it was in our minds. We had drawn a bunch of attention to ourselves. When we stopped we noticed a lady clapping, while she looked at the guys. They all seemed to fear her, she didn't look all that bad. "Very well done, and here I thought I was going to have problems with you two." We looked at her like she was nuts, who did she think she was?

She walked up and looked us over really well then picked my arm up. She looked at my hands and then Jessie's. "Nice really nice, you should be able to hold yourselves up really good." We looked to one another and then to the guys, they had backed away. "Who the hell are you, and why the hell are you checking us out?" She smiled and looked back to the guys. "I'm Fatima, and your going to be learning some new dances. Jive sent me up to give you a hand, but it doesn't look like your going to need it." I had heard of her on the TV a long time ago. I didn't really care who this lady was, I knew how to dance. "It's really nice of you to come all this way for nothing. I've already got all the dances to our music down. We know it like the back of our hands, so your really not needed." I smiled as sweetly as could, and she laughed at us. I looked at Brian who was getting pale really quickly. All of the guys looked like they were scared out of their minds. "I don't really give a damn what you think. I was sent here to do a job and I'm going to do it. Now why don't you give me ten laps around the arena?" I looked at her and started laughing, she really had it coming. "Look lady, I've taken dance classes for the last ten years. I know what I'm doing we both have majors in the art, so back off. I'm not running anywhere, so you can shove it." She looked impressed for about ten seconds.

All of the guys looked like they were going to pass out. I didn't see why they were so afraid of this little woman. "It's good to know you'll pick everything up really quickly. Now give me twenty laps and before you tell me to shove it. Why don't you go take a closer look at your contracts? Maybe then you'll learn that you have to do what I say, or you'll lose it." I looked at her and smiled, Jessie grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Listen stop fighting with her, it's in our contract." I looked at him and then walked back to her side. "Fine I'll do your laps, but I can't do it in these clothes. I'm going to go change real quick." She nodded as I walked away, let me show her what I did on new years. I walked back stage and striped down. I then started doing my laps around the arena, it was really nice. After the twenty laps I walked back on stage and stood before her with my arms crossed over my chest. Her eyes were really wide so were the guys, Jessie was laughing his ass off. "Well, I'm waiting, show me these dance moves you were talking about." It didn't seem to click she just kept starring at me. "I don't recall my contract saying I had to wear any clothes. So if you please start your little session. Oh and close your mouth something might fly in there." I smiled at her warmly then sat down on the stage.

I sat there for ten minutes before she closed her mouth and walked away. She walked back ten minutes later with renewed strength. I had to give her credit, she wasn't going to back down for even a second. "Ok I've loaded the music to your songs, I've got the new moves for it." She started showing us what to do and I mimicked her. I refused to put my clothes back on any time soon. I danced for three hours straight and it was starting to get a little cold. I didn't like the new moves all that much, they were to easy. Everyone was starting to get use to my being naked to. Fatima stopped and looked at me for a few seconds. "Listen I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm just doing my job so why don't you put your clothes back on." I nodded and went backstage to get my clothes. I took a quick shower and got dressed and walked back out on stage. I heard a few boo's coming from the guys. I flipped them off and kept walking, until Kevin screamed something out. "Any time, any place, any where you just name it and I'll be there." I stopped for a few second's and then turned around and walked toward him. "Run Kevin, if he gets to you man, you'll regret it!" Kevin took off at full speed and Jessie fell on his ass laughing.

It was a little joke that we played on people. It was good to know that things were getting back to normal. Fatima was smiling the whole time, maybe she wasn't so evil. "Why don't you show me some of the dances for your music, maybe we can merge them?" I nodded and showed her some of the moves, she looked impressed. I knew that didn't mean anything, she could be trying to be nice. "Ok I like the spinning deal, but can you do it without jumping in the air?" I nodded, but it was still making it easy. After a few more hours of learning and teaching some dance moves we left. We had to be on a plane in a few hours. I hated flying, but Jessie loved to fly, I hated that small fact. As soon as I was on the plane I took a few pills and passed out. When I woke up someone was caring me into a room and laying me a bed. I looked up into his eyes, it was Brian, when he tried to leave I pulled him to me. "Stay here tonight, I don't want to be alone." He nodded and laid down beside me, I pulled him into my arms and held him tightly. I fell back to sleep seconds later, I felt so at peace with myself. I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had in a long time. I jumped in the shower and let Brian sleep for a while. I walked out of the bathroom and just watched him sleep. He looked so innocent, it was like years melted off of him.

We were now in our third concert, everything was so amazing. The fans would scream at the end of every song. At first I thought that it was a bad thing until we noticed that some of fan were crying. After we learned that it was a good thing, we really started to sing our hearts out. Jive had called telling us our single was selling out all across the US. We weren't even in the US, we were somewhere in, well I didn't know. I slept most of the time, we were on a plane a lot. Brian had been spending every night in my bed, nothing happened but it felt good. I was planing on asking him out in a few days I had everything planned. I knew that in two days we got a day off, I wanted to invite him to dinner. I was going to set my room up with a bunch of candles and ask him out. I just hoped he would accept the offer. I was in love with him I knew, when he wasn't by my side my heart ached. I wanted him in my arms every second I could have him there. I was willing to give up anything for him. I was willing to tell the world I was straight and involved with a girl. I would do anything to keep him with me, to be with him. I had a weird feeling all night, I had asked Jessie if he was feeling it, he shook his head. I let it go, if he didn't feel it there was nothing to worry about.

The guy's ran out first, they had to get to the limo the quickest. We ran out a few second's later, but fans were everywhere. We started signing autographs, then two large men walked toward us. I had seen them somewhere before, but I couldn't place it just yet. I saw a flash of light come from one of there hands and I knew who it was. I felt the knife stab into my side then my chest then my shoulder. He was raising the blade again but he wouldn't make that far. I grabbed his arm and broke it at his elbow, then I plunged the knife into his gut. I then pulled his face down as I raised my knee, I heard the crack. I had sent the bone straight into his brain. I looked to my left, Jessie was about to be stabbed so I threw myself in front of him. I felt the blade enter my back, but I could stop yet Jessie was still in danger. I turned facing my uncle, I brought an open handed fist to his noise. I had just killed him, then I felt the ground under my knees. I started to fall backwards but someone caught me. I looked up into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. It was getting dark and there were so many screams. "I love you Bri, so much, sorry it took so long to tell you." Then everything turned black, so at peace.


I couldn't move, nothing was real anymore. Chris was bleeding and tears were streaming down his face. Brian was holding him and screaming for help. People were running and screaming, Brian couldn't be heard. He was holding Chris's body tightly against his body. Two men were dead, I had seen them somewhere else. Chris had killed them to save me, and I didn't help him. I had froze, now he could be dying. My body and mind kicked into high gear. I pushed people out of my way pulling Brian and Chris to the limo. We had to get them to the hospital soon, Chris needed me. The limo sped off toward the hospital, people were moving out of the way. I looked at Chris he was still breathing, but there was blood coming out of his mouth. He was coughing up blood, Brian was crying and wouldn't let Chris go. He kept telling him he was sorry about something. Nick was trying to help me but he couldn't, he kept saying everything would be ok. I knew that wasn't true, this was my fault, if only I had done something. The limo stopped and I opened the door pulling Brian and Chris out. I carried them both into the hospital, doctors were running up to help. Then Chris was taken away from us, I stood there with Brian by my side.

I couldn't sit still for longer then a few minutes. All of the guys were sitting in the waiting room with me. Chris had been surgery for the last seven hours. Brian wouldn't stop crying, Kevin looked like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest. Nick stayed by my side holding my hand. He kept telling thing's would work out for Chris. That Chris was strong and he could pull threw this. I knew that Chris was stronger than a lot of people. He was stronger than I would ever be, I knew that now. When he had seen that I was in danger he jumped to save me. Just a weeks ago I was glad that I couldn't feel him anymore. Now all I wanted was to feel him, to know he was ok. I couldn't feel anything from him now, it was like he was already gone. Then I remembered him asking me if I had any weird feelings. I had told him no, if I could have felt him I would have known better. I saw the doctor walking toward us, he had blood all over his hands and scrubs. "Mr. Darken?" I stood up and walked toward him, Nick was right by my side. "Oh my I shouldn't have needed to ask should I?" I didn't answer him I wanted him to start talking. "Ok here's the deal, he's in real bad shape. Three of his wounds aren't that bad. But the one in his back, it could kill him. We've done everything we could to keep his lungs from filling with blood. Amazingly the knife wound to his chest missed his heart by an inch." The doctor paused for a second then looked back.

He took a few deep breaths then looked back toward us. "The wound to his side missed everything, but his shoulder is damaged. I don't like to take chances so I'm not going to, he could die to night. The police need to talk with you, it seems they now know who it was that tried to kill you. I'm going to send them in here in about fifteen minutes. I will be moving Chris to an ICU room in thirty minutes. I'll send a nurse you get you as soon as he's moved. I would also like to ask you not to take any chances, in other words say your good byes. He's in a deep sleep, there are tubes running threw his mouth to keep him breathing. When he does wake up he won't be able to talk, if we can keep him alive for forty-eight hours he stands a chance. I have to go see other families, so I bid you farewell." Then he was gone, I let the words sank in before I fell to my knees. Chris could die, and it would be my fault. If he hadn't moved in front of me he wouldn't be on his death bed. He was willing to die to save me, he hadn't even thought twice about it. I hadn't been able to move, I had froze and he was paying the price for it. His whole life was changing, this could be it for him, even if he lives. I didn't want to ask the doctor if he could still sing. That would be so selfish of me to ask, but I still wondered.

We had already spoken with the police, Brian was in with Chris right now. He didn't want to leave his side once he was by it. I couldn't face him, even if he was asleep it was to hard. Our past had come back to haunt us in a big way. It was our uncle and our cousin that had attacked. I had no doubt that Chris knew who it was, that's why he killed them. News lines were flying all across the world, my brother was a hero. So many people were praying for him. I had never really had any faith in God, I found that I was the only one that wasn't praying. Brian was walking toward us his eyes were puffy and red. "Code blue to ICU room five, code blue for ICU room five." We all turned toward Chris's room, that was his room. Nurse's and doctors were running in, we all froze looking to his room. I didn't know what a code blue was, but it couldn't be good with that many people in there. "His heart must have stopped, oh God no!" Brian screamed running back toward his room. Kevin had stopped him, Brian was fighting him with everything he had. Nick had his arms around me, hold me tightly. "It's all my fault, if he had just looked out for himself, this wouldn't have happened. He's dying for me, and theirs nothing I can do to save him." I wanted to move to his side now, I had to say good bye.


The pain was leaving my body and I was filled with light. I was in a beautiful place, everyone was so happy. I could see my parents standing in front of me, they were crying. Then I could see Jake not to far off and he was walking toward me slowly. I jumped into his arms, he held onto me. "It's not your time Chris, you have to go back." I shook my head, go back where. This was where I could be happy and never have to worry about pain. My mother and father walked toward me, I took them in my arms. "I've missed you so much, all of you. Now we can all be happy together, I need you all so much." My mother had tears streaming down her face as she kissed my cheek. "My little baby, I've missed not being there for you. You can't stay here my little one, your brother needs you." I didn't remember having a brother, he had cut his ties to me. I knew that now, he had been happy that he couldn't feel me anymore. I would miss Brian and instantly I felt guilty. I was here with Jake but he didn't look mad, he smiled. "I want you to be happy Chris, I never wanted you to stop because of me." He turned me around and I could see Kevin holding Brian back. Jessie was on his knees reaching out to me, he looked so lost. I could still feel him, even here in this place of happiness.

His pain and loss filled me with the need to help him. I wondered if he could still feel me where he was. I wanted him to know that I wasn't in pain any more. Then it was like his eyes lit up and he could see me. I smiled at him, he started crying harder. What was he crying about, I was happy now. Then I saw the doctors walked toward him slowly. "What's wrong mama, why is he crying?" She looked sadder than before all three of them did. "Your dead Chris, the doctors are telling your friends and Jessie that they couldn't save you. You can still go back, but it'll be harder and it'll hurt you. You have three minutes to decide what you want to do." I looked into her eyes, she was fading away so was my father. I looked to Jake, he was still here with me. "You didn't leave me Jake, I knew you wouldn't." I held onto him he, I could feel tears on my shoulder. "I would never leave you, I love you Chris and I always will. I want you to go back, you haven't got a chance to live yet. They need you in so many ways my love. Look at them, their crying for you to come back. Jessie's even praying for you now, he's screaming to trade places with you. Brian loves you so much, and you love him. It's ok I'm happy that you found him, he's been alone for so long. Go to him Chris heal both of your hearts." I watched them, I still had two minutes to decide.

Brian was beating on Kevin's chest while he cried. He kept asking him why, his tears touched my heart. I could feel them, I really could it was like each tears made my heart beat. Jessie was hiding in Nick's arms his eyes closed tightly. Kevin was asking why it had to happen, he was questioning his faith. He started asking questions about his father and me. I couldn't hear him clearly, then I noticed that he wasn't talking. I was hearing his thoughts, how could hear his thoughts? "We can always hear the thoughts of our loved ones." I turned to see a man with dark hair talking to me, he looked like Kevin. "Every time they think of us we hear them loud and clear." I nodded and looked back to the image, it was getting darker. "Your time is running out Chris you have to chose now." I looked at Jake he was at my side again. Brian was standing by my body, he was telling me he loved me. They had taken the tubes out of my mouth. Brian was holding my hand, he was telling me he was sorry. He was sorry that he hadn't told me when I could hear him. "I can hear Brian, I love you to, do you hear me?" Jake was by my side his hands on my shoulders. "He can't hear you Chris, your gone, but you can go back, But you have to chose now their coming for you, the angels." I looked back at Brian, could I leave this place and go back?

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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