
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 23, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor have I ever met them in person. This is just a story something I made up in my own little world. In other words it's not real in anyway. ok now that that's over with on to more important stuff.

Warning: Like so many of my other stories I have no clue where I'm going with this. Ok I've failed but I'm not taking it to the max. But I'm not making promises so this really is a warning. There might be sex in this story I don't know yet. You've been warned, oh and it's a little sad.

Authors note: Ok I love these don't you? And yes I lost my mind, it was really easy. So if you find it, tell me I could use it. OK these *** mean a character change in the story. A name will follow the little symbols or will be in the middle of the symbols. I'll try not to jump around to much, no promises there either. Ok for those of you that are still upset with me over Broken, I'm sorry. So please quit yelling at me, I know it was a little sad. I promise I'll try to give this one a happy ending, notice I said try. Anyway on with the story, oh and if you feel like it mail me with your thoughts.

I added a song to this chapter so I have write another disclaimer. The song is If You Sleep it's not mine in anyway shape or form. It's on the Here On Earth sound track and it's performed by Tal Bachman, he also wrote it. I think I've spelled everything right and got all the words right. Some of them are a little hard to understand so please don't get mad.


I found out an hour and twisted arm later that Jessie had freaked them out. He had told them right when I was at the door that I was to come in. To say the least I wasn't happy with him at all. He had used that bound we had in the wrong way, he invaded my space. Most people didn't understand it and called us freaks. It was how sang it was our secret it wasn't like he could read my mind. I couldn't read his so I knew it didn't go that deep, but I could feel him. The further away we got from one another the weaker the bound. To say the least we never really stayed to far apart. One time he had flown to New York by himself to handle something with our single. That's when we found out after a hundred miles we couldn't feel each other. I had almost had a heart attack, I thought that he was dead. Twenty minutes later he called thinking the same thing had happened to me. It was also the first time we had ever been completely alone. There had always been something there, but at that time there wasn't. I had enjoyed the time so much, it freed me feel whatever I wanted. Then it started to get to me, when you live your life with someone always there. Then that person is gone all together, it messes with your mind. By the time I could feel him again, I knew that he had been feeling the same thing.

And now we stood before new friends, and they knew. "I swear it wasn't my fault it was Kevin's. He said that if I could prove it to him he would make sure we were the opening act. I had to Chris, it's all we have now." I let him go and just looked at him, he had broken his word. We had promised to never tell anyone about the true bound we shared. I walked to the table and sat down, I refused to run off again. All of the guys stood a little bit away from us. None of them had gotten in my way when I had started fighting with Jessie. It wasn't really a fight, just us rolling on the floor until I had his arm behind his back. I looked at each of the Backstreet Boys and tried to see what they were feeling. "It's a twin thing, almost all twins have some version of it." I tried to keep my voice from cracking but it didn't work. I was starting to get upset, they looked at us like we were freaks. "Come on Jess, let's leave these guys alone." Jessie nodded and followed me out of the room. I had thought them better than that, at least Nick. I walked into our room and told Jessie to get dressed. I put what clothes we had out back in our bags. After Jessie was dressed we headed out, Jessie looked really down. "I'm sorry Chris I didn't mean for that to happen." I sighed and looked at him, he was really down.

We sat in the lobby for a while it wasn't like we had somewhere to go. "It's ok Jess, really man you didn't know. I just got to think of a place to go, maybe Jason will let us stay with him." Jessie was nodding slightly, I could feel how upset he was. "Where are you two going, we have to sign contracts in an hour." I looked up at Brian, he looked really confused. "We thought you didn't want us after the mind thing." He started laughing at us and shook his head. "It's a little freaky but we keep our word. Plus you can't read our minds, so it's cool, you can't read our minds can you?" He looked like he was worried for a few seconds. "No, we can't read minds, we don't read each others either." He smiled and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "It's more of a we know what each other is feeling kinda thing. And it get stronger the closer we are to one another. So he knew when I was outside the door because the bound got stronger." Brian was nodding and smiling brightly. "So you know when the other is having sex, damn that would come in useful." If I had been drinking something I would have choked on it or spit it everywhere. Jessie smiled sweetly and put his arm around Brian's shoulder.

I still couldn't speak much less move, how could he ask that. "I can tell you stories Brian, you wouldn't believe." I tackled Jessie the floor and held him there. "Your not telling anyone about anything, at least not my sex life." He smiled and I tried to move fast enough to cover his mouth. "What sex life, you haven't even had sex, you came close but no cigar." I was once again shocked with him how could he say that about me. I stood up grabbed my bags and stormed off, back to my room. I heard a lot of laughter behind me. I hit the button and watch the doors to the elevator close. I stormed past Kevin and went into my room. "Wait up Chris, what's wrong man?" I stopped he knew who I was, it made my heart do back flips. "It's nothing Kevin I'm sure Brian and Jessie will tell you when they get up here." I went to close my door and Kevin stopped me and smiled. "I'm sorry Chris really I am, if you need someone to talk I'm down the hall." I looked at him, why was he sorry, he hadn't done anything. "I don't understand what there is to talk about." It sounded a little colder than I had wanted it to. "Well, there is the small fact that Brian and Jessie are now dating." My jaw dropped open and I could talk.

I almost fell down when those words left his mouth. He wrapped his arms around me and helped me to my bed. "When did that happen, I didn't know Brian was gay?" Kevin's eyes got really wide and I caught him from falling this time. "You mean that's not what you were upset about?" I shook my head, and then it hit me. "Oh my God I'm so sorry Kevin, I was upset because Jessie told Brian I was a virgin." My hand flew over my mouth the second the words left my mouth. Kevin took a deep breath and looked at me slowly. "Your a virgin, but you had a boyfriend for so long. I just thought that you had already taken the plunge." I looked at Kevin who had just managed to piss me off. "For one I don't see there being a problem with me being a virgin. Two I was in love not lust there is a huge difference." I jumped off the bed and stormed out of my room. I saw Nick in the hallway and decided I would talk to him. I walked up to him and looked into his eyes. "Could we talk in your room please?" He smiled at me and opened his door pulling me in. "Sure so what's up?" He was so cute but I was still to angry to notice that second. "I just needed some time away from everyone else and you looked like my best bet." He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my should and led me to the bed.

I talked with him for a while just venting. He was such a good listener, I just hoped he knew who I was. "Damn I'm sorry to hear all that Chris, Kevin didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sure it's just a shock to hear, I mean look at yourself. Your a hottie and any guy would be lucky to get you. It's just even I would have never thought you were a virgin. Not that it's a bad thing, in fact it's a huge turn on." I laughed at him, at least he didn't make it sound bad like Kevin had. "I got to jet, I'm going to go take a nap and listen to some music." Nick smiled at me and then hugged me tightly. I liked the feel of his body against mine. I pulled away slowly, I had almost kissed his cheek. I stood and left the room and returned to mine. I locked the door behind me and turned the radio on. I was starting to fall asleep when the worst song that could come on did.

Think your out to find perfection No ones loved with more affection Soul to soul we breathe Oh I won't let fate succeed

Worried eyes of contemplation Whispered bit's of conversion I'm afraid to go to leave Our disinfected rooms and hallways

And if you sleep you sleep with God And if I cry I cry it's for my heart Why should I hope to make it threw Cause if you sleep I'll sleep to

Jagged thorns and pretty petals Butterflies and stinging meadows Sunny days and nights of blackness Where's the joy to cure my sadness

And if you sleep you sleep with God And if I cry it's for my heart Why should I hope to make it threw Cause if you sleep I'll sleep to

Cleaning cars and covered faces Teary eyes and hollow places Cross and granted stone No ones been more all alone

And if you sleep you sleep with God And if I cry it's for my heart Why should I hope to make it threw Cause if you sleep I'll sleep to

Why should I hope to make it threw Cause if you sleep I'll sleep to

I hadn't been able to turn the radio off, it had frozen me. "That was If You Sleep, By Tal Bachman." I turned the radio off and walked to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door soundly. I sank to the floor and cry, it was like losing Jake all over again. It was the same song I had been listening to when I had gotten the news. I heard someone beating on the door to the room. I didn't want to answer it so I didn't, I just let myself get lost in my own world. We had planned everything in our lives together, we even had a song. That song had just played on the radio, I had played it at his funeral. Now whoever was beating on the front door was beating on the bathroom door. "Chris let me in man, you know better than this." I looked at my hands and then to the mirror, it would be so easy. I could just go to sleep to, it would all end. "It's ok Jessie, really it is, I'm just a little tired." I slowly stood up and opened the door he looked pretty bad. Brian was right beside him along with Nick. I wondered when they had joined forces, I shrugged. I moved past them slowly and walked to the bed. I fell on the bed and started crying again, no one heard me. I was sure the Jessie knew what was happening, but that didn't matter.

I woke up with Kevin standing over me smiling. "I got the contracts and you have to sign here, and here." I looked at the contracts and started reading. I was having a bit of a hard time, so I grabbed my glasses. I looked the papers over and saw that Jessie had already signed it. I took my time which for some odd reason impressed Kevin. After I was happy with what it said I signed. I handed them back to Kevin and smiled at him he was nice looking. "I'm really sorry about what happened this morning. It's just that I don't really know a guy that's a virgin. It's not like I think it's a bad thing, it's just so cool. Your the only guy I know that's got those kind of balls." He was trying really hard to get me to forgive him. I sat up and pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly. "It's cool man, I'm sure you straight guys don't get it." He laughed and left the room slowly, he had poked me with something. I was to tired to think about it now, maybe I'd find out later. I woke up two hours later, I felt a lot better. I got up from bed and took a shower, then got dressed. I didn't know what time it was, but I didn't really check either. Jessie was no where to be found. I knew he was close, but where I had no idea until I felt this huge amount of release. I had felt it before and knew what it was, he was getting a blow job.

I leaned against the wall for a little bit, it was almost like it was happening to me. I closed my eyes and let myself ride it for a while. "Chris are you ok, you look a little out of it." I looked up at Kevin and smiled like a little kid. "Trust me I'm fine, in fact I feel like I'm on top of the world." He had this strange smile while he walked toward me. "Your glowing, well not glowing, but I could swear you have a look in your eyes. You said you were a virgin, but right now you look like your recovering from an orgasm." I almost laughed he had hit it dead center. "I didn't but Jessie did, I wonder who he's with right now?" Kevin had this really weird look coming over his face. "You mean you can that? Like whenever the other, whenever they cum?" I thought it was cute that he was trying so hard to sound his age. "Yes, it can be really helpful in times of crisis, there have been times. Where I really wanted to go out and hop in bed with the first person I saw. Then Jessie would go out and have his fun and I wouldn't worry anymore." I was now pulling myself back together enough to stand up straight. "I feel better now, so want to hit a club?" Kevin smiled and nodded and off went together. I took him to some of the boring clubs, it wasn't like I could just take him to a gay club. "Let's hit that one over there it look's really cool" I looked at it and knew instantly it was a gay club. The music kicked ass and you could dance to it. Plus I had pretty much lived there back in the day.

I looked at Kevin and patted his back shaking my head. "Kev, I don't think your going to find a girl in there." He smiled at me and started laughing really hard. "Who said I was looking for a girl?" It took a few seconds for what he said to hit me. "So your telling me that your gay?" He nodded and continued to smile at me brightly. "Ok mind telling me why you couldn't have said something sooner?" He started laughing again, he shook his head and looked back at me. "You never asked, if you would have I would have told you." Then he reached over and kissed me lightly on the lips. Then it hit me again but not as strong this time. My brother was at it again, but something was different. He was in pain and pleasure, the pain was leaving but it was still there. I was kissing Kevin I didn't even know that I had been doing so. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, I wasn't ready for this. "I'm sorry Kev, I can't man I'm really sorry." I jumped out of the car and started running. He'd be able to get back to the hotel, that shouldn't be a problem. I had to think and there was only one place I could go. I ran for what seemed like forever, it was hard. I was still feeling my brother, it was driving me wild wanting something. I jumped the fence to the grave yard. I ran up to Jack's gave and sat beside it for a while. I just looked at the head stone and cried.

I woke up with someone shaking me gently. The sun was coming up and it was really cold. I looked up to see a nice old man starring at me, he was smiling. "Are you all right son, how long have to been here?" I looked around then remembered the night before and started crying again. "All night, it's the only place I have left, I'm sorry sir." I stood up and moved away, he put his hand on my shoulder. "You look like you could use some coffee. Come with me and I'll get you some." I nodded and followed him to a building. I walked in and noticed it was a church of some sort. I didn't belong here, their bible said I was a sin. I then noticed the white band that went around his neck. "Father I don't belong, I'm sorry for even walking in the doors." I turned to leave and again his hand was on my shoulder. "Nonsense everyone belongs here one way or another. Maybe not this church but one or another. If you believe in God then you belong here, if you don't then you really need to be here." I looked at him and smiled he was really trying to be nice. "Father I believe in God, but I don't think he would want me in his house." His eyes seemed to fill with worry and sadness. "God loves all of his children regardless of what people think. It doesn't matter what color your skin is or who you sleep with. Be it a woman or a man, if it's done in love then it's done with his grace." I had tears streaming down my face.

He hugged me a man of the cloth, someone that I was told would hate me. "Now let's get you some coffee and we'll have a nice little talk." I followed him into his office and he made a pot of coffee. After drinking two cups I noticed that he was watching me. He was waiting for me to tell him my problems so he could help. "I while back I lost the man I loved to a car accident. That was his grave I had fallen asleep on, he was my world. I thought I would always have him with me. Last night another man kissed me and I felt like I had betrayed him. He was better than I was and he always will be, he deserved better. I keep thinking that, he's looking down on me, that he knows that I'm starting to fall again. I can't help but to think that it's hurting him to see me with someone else. The man that kissed me last night isn't the one I'm falling for. I felt bad that I had kissed him back. I'm just so confused and I'm so afraid that it's hurting him in someway." My body was being rocked by the pain. The tears fell and I couldn't see straight, so far the man hadn't said anything. "Would this man, the one that passed on want you to hurt?" I shook my head, Jake would never want that. "Then why would he be in pain seeing you happy?" I didn't understand the question, I wasn't happy.

I looked at him he had managed to confuse me, an easy task lately. "You loved him with all of your heart while he was alive. He loved you, but now he is gone to a better place. I'm sure that he would want to see you happy, that would make him happy. Don't close your heart to the world son. If you close yourself up, it's going to hurt you in the end. Now that would hurt this man that you love so much, he would see you in pain." I looked at him, could he be right? Would Jake want me to move on? I had a lot of questions to ask and more importantly. I had to call Jessie I could feel his panic rising every second. I didn't see a phone, so I decided to walk back to the hotel. "Thank you father, this has meant a lot to me." He nodded as I stood up and left, it was the last time I ever saw him. I walked down the street and felt Jessie get further and further away. I knew I was going in the right way, I had a good sense of direction. With him panicking the way he was, he couldn't track me down. I was starting to understand that as I walked into the hotel. I went to the elevator and hit our floor, Jessie was still getting further away. I pulled the key out of my pocket and opened our door. I walked in stripped down and got into the shower.

After I got out of the shower I laid down on my bed. I didn't worry about getting any clothes. I just laid there and started to drift off into a wonderful dream world. I knew that Jessie would find me, he was getting closer ever second. Someone walked into the room and sat down beside me. I slowly woke up thinking it was Jessie, when I vision cleared it was Nick. "We have been looking for you all night, Jessie started freaking out big time. Kevin came back asking if you were here, he was a mess, what happened?" I didn't think about covering myself up. "He kissed me and it freaked me out a little. Plus at that same moment, I felt something that was happening to Jessie. So I went with the kiss for a second until I found out what was happening. I pulled away and ran to Jake, I fell to sleep there." Nick was nodding and looked like he was wanting to ask me. I nodded toward him giving him permission to ask whatever he wanted to. "Who's Jake, I mean you've never said any names until now?" I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. "Jake is the boyfriend that died in the car accident, I went to his grave and talked to him. I know it sounds crazy, but he's all I've ever really known. I'm so sorry I hurt Kevin, I didn't mean to. I don't feel love toward Kevin, I feel it toward someone else." Nick nodded and stood and moved toward the door.

He opened the door to reveal Kevin and the rest of the guys standing there. I don't know how much they had heard nor did I care. "It's ok Chris, I shouldn't have kissed you. I was out of line, and I'm really sorry that I ran you off like that." I stood up and moved toward them slowly. "No, I'm sorry Kevin I did start to return your kiss, it wasn't really your fault." He held his hand out and I shook it, smiling. "Well, at least I got a free show." He shrugged and I looked down, then I ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my robe. I walked back out blushing a little. "Oh and I'll be able to tell you apart from now on." Nick said smiling sweetly, he took Jessie's hand in his. I smiled warmly, I was happy for Jessie. It was just to bad that I now had a reason to be jealous of him. I had been falling for Nick, now he was taken. "I'm happy for you, really I am. I'm sorry I worried you Jessie, I'll try to not run off again." I wanted to be alone for a while, I had just lost Nick. I now knew who he had been with last night. "Well, you won't be able to run off any more we all leave tomorrow." I looked at Kevin and smiled warmly, nodding slowly. "I'm not feeling to well right now, so I'm going to go back to sleep." Everyone nodded and moved away, it almost looked like Brian wanted to say something. I closed the door before he could.


I still couldn't believe that Chris had lost it like that. I had known he was upset but I didn't pay any attention to it. I didn't want to think about him, I was in pure bliss. Nick and I had gone further than I had ever gone before. Chris was a virgin in every way, he had only ever kissed. I on the other had done just about everything but have pure sex. I had let Nick take my final cherry last night. It had hurt a little but there was more pleasure than pain. Soon after we both climaxed that night, we fell to sleep. Then Kevin was beating on our door. He had told us what that Chris had taken off like a bat out of hell. He had also told us that it was his fault, he was crying so hard. Then for the first time that night I had let myself feel my brother. All I got was pure mental pain from him, he was beyond tears. I panicked, I had let this happen, he needed me and I wasn't there. I could have been there I could have stopped and gone after him. I didn't I had only been thinking of myself. We had searched for the rest of the night, I could feel the bound getting weaker. I had thought that he was dying, on the inside at least. Then it all stopped, I couldn't feel him anymore. I had started shaking and looking around, I drove to the grave yard. Even now I was having a hard time connecting with him. It was like the bound was fading.

I knew that somehow I was to blame for this. I didn't know if he could still feel me or not. I almost got nothing off of him, just the slightest bit of pain. Then nothing every second it was getting weaker. The biggest problem with all of this was I was kinda happy. I had never wanted this before, I was happy with the connection. That was changing, I now wanted my feeling to be private. Now Chris had closed the door on us, he was gone. I didn't feel anything coming from him and I was happy. I took Nick's hand and slowly walked toward his room with him. I saw Brian standing at our door with the saddest look on his face. Everyone else had gone their separate ways, but still Brian remained. I turned back to Nick and walked into our room, I had some plans in mind. Once the door was closed I pulled him into a deep kiss. I let my hands slide up his back pulling his shirt up as I did. I broke the kiss long enough to remove his and my shirt. I then pulled him back into my embrace. His hand's were like magic, where ever they touched it was like lighting striking. I pulled him on top of me as I fell onto the bed. I unbuttoned his pants and slid them down slowly. He kicked them off once they were far enough down.

He was pulling my pants down slowly, I lifted my waist to help him. I then kicked them off and continued to kiss him. I gridded my cock against his exciting a moan from him. It only turned me on more, I reached down and gave his cock I few jerks. I turned quickly putting him under me. I left little kisses going down his throat pausing to lick his adams apple. He moaned and I went further down flicking my tongue against his left nipple. I moved to the other and did the same thing again. He was breathing deeply, his eyes closed tightly. I started kissing my way down his body once again. I licked around his member then licked the tip of his head. I deep throated his whole cock in one go, it wasn't all that easy. He was a lot larger then my last boyfriend, he was at least eight. His moans were getting louder as I bobbed my head up and down. I stopped and slid back up his body. I placed the tip of his cock against my hole and he pushed upward. He was his and I took a deep breath, there wasn't pain this time. He sat up and pushed me on my back and started thrusting. I moaned loudly as he went harder and faster, his breaths were coming quick. He leaned down and kissed my passionately, he moaned in my mouth.

I started ramming my hip's into him as I got my legs wrapped around his waist. I pushed him back and now I was riding him. I rocked my body hard and fast against his, I was getting close. I pushed my body against his harder, I wanted him deeper in me. "I'm getting close Jess, so close." He breathed the words out a moan soon following. I decided to send him over the edge, I blew my load on his chest. I knew the muscles in my ass were contracting like wild. His eye's got really wild and he started filling my bows with his seed. I slowed down and leaned in kissing him, we were both out of breath. I fell on top him letting his member slide out of my bows. I rolled to my side and laid there for a short while. "That was so intense, I have never blew like that before." I smiled at him then kissed him sweetly. I let myself fall to sleep slowly wrapping my arms around him pulling him against my body. I spooned him laying my head on his shoulder. I fell to sleep shortly after, his even breathing told me he was out. I thought I would have a good dream. I was quickly proven wrong, I saw my brother standing before me. He had tears streaming down his face, then he opened his shirt. He was bleeding from three different places on his body. I tried to move toward him to help, but he faded away.


I laid back on my bed and let my thoughts flow freely. I picked up my phone and dialed Howie's number. It ringed four times before he picked up laughing at someone. "It's your dime spill or be killed." I was a little shocked by his new hello. "With that said I think I'll call you back later D." I hung up the phone and started thinking about Chris. He looked so hurt when Nick took Jessie's hand. I had wanted to hold him and tell him everything would be ok. I wanted to kiss his lips and pull his body against mine. I wanted to wait until he was ready, I wanted to make him happy. I heard someone knocking on my door, so I answered it. Howie was standing there with a frown on his face. "What's up B, you sounded a little down?" I opened my door wider and waved him in. He took a seat on my bed and looked at me. "I like Chris, but I don't know about how to get him. I need some advice, something that'll blow his mind. But I want to take things really slow, I don't want to rush him in anyway." Howie was looking at me like I was nuts, normally I would go to Kevin. This time was different, Kevin wanted Chris as much as I did. "Well, I would go with sending him roses, or maybe a teddy bear." It sounded like a good idea, but I didn't want him to know it was me.

I took a few deep breaths, I would have to take a chance. "Thanks D, I just hope I can get to know him a little bit better. I don't want to send him something that may bring back a memoire that'll hurt him. So I guess I'm going to wait a while, thanks again man." Howie looked at me and nodded, once he was at the door he looked back. "Bri, sometimes waiting isn't the best idea. We never know when our time is up, so don't wait to long." Then he was gone, his words left a big weight on my heart. I didn't really know why but they did, it was like a vision of the future. I decided that I should go check on Chris, maybe we could get to know one another. I walked to his door and knocked softly, no need to wake him. Seconds later the door opened, he smiled waved me in. "What's up Bri?" I took a seat on his bed and laid back. "Nothing just wanted to come hang out if that's ok with you?" He smiled and laid down beside me, I could feel the heat off his body. "It's cool, not like I got anything planned." We started talking and before I knew it he was asleep. I was starting to get tired myself, but the door looked so far away. I didn't think he would mind if I fell to sleep, so I did. I woke up with his arms wrapped tightly around me. Somehow he had managed to move us both under the covers.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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