
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 21, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor have I ever met them in person. This is just a story something I made up in my own little world. In other words it's not real in anyway. ok now that that's over with on to more important stuff.

Warning: Like so many of my other stories I have no clue where I'm going with this. I'm am going to try and not go supernatural on this one. But I'm not making promises so this really is a warning. There might be sex in this story I don't know yet. You've been warned, oh and it's a little sad.

Authors note: Ok I love these don't you? And yes I lost my mind, it was really easy. So if you find it, tell me I could use it. OK these *** mean a character change in the story. A name will follow the little symbols or will be in the middle of the symbols. I'll try not to jump around to much, no promises there either. Ok for those of you that are still upset with me over Broken, I'm sorry. So please quit yelling at me, I know it was a little sad. I promise I'll try to give this one a happy ending, notice I said try. Anyway on with the story, oh and if you feel like it mail me with your thoughts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I stood backstage with my brother, we were about to go on. I was starting to get a little dizzy and scared. This was our only real chance to make it, it had taken everything for us to get here. Oh I should tell you who I am, My name is Chris Darken. My brothers name is Jessie, were twins. We both love to sing and dance, our band is called Gemini. Yes, we are a little crazy with the twin thing. If it wasn't for my brother I wouldn't be here right now. I didn't really want to get into this business, it made my hide my personal life. Jessie didn't care if he had to give up his personal life, I did. I was gay and so was Jessie but he didn't care if he had to hide it. He had talked me into doing this when I was in a very depressed mood. I had just lost my boyfriend in a car accident, it had been a few months. I was still really down and had been writing songs and poems about my feelings. It was helping and then Jess decided that I should put those songs to use. And here I was about to go on stage in front the world. I still didn't know how we had gotten here. We only had a single out, and here we were at the music awards. We had picked a song that meant a great deal to me. I had never managed to sing it without braking by the end of the song.

We got our two minute warning, and I got ready to run. "Oh no you don't little bro, we got work to do." I hate how he called me the his little bro, he was only a minute older. We sat up on stage in the dark, both of us dead center. This was one of the songs that didn't involve dancing. "This band has been climbing the charts over the last few weeks. We were lucky to get them here on such short notice, and without further talking on my part. Here's Gemini!" The crowd didn't go wild, most likely they didn't know who we were. The music started softly, and my eyes had already started to tear up. I sing the first few notes then my brother. Our voices sounded the same so you couldn't really tell them apart. But when we sang together it was like magic, it was perfect harmony. The song was getting close to it's end and our voices were starting to merge. Just like the other times I fell to my knees as the last words left my mouth. My brother had known so he did the same thing at the same time. It looked like it was apart of the show, it wasn't. I wiped the tears away and stood up and bowed. The crowd was cheering wildly, it was the most amazing feeling. My brother was patting my back as we walked off the stage. I was shaking like a leaf, had I really just done that? My heart was racing as we got closer to the green room. I took a seat and held my head in my hands.

I heard a few more awards being given out. Then the award I had been waiting to hear about. When the Backstreet Boys won the award I jumped around, I loved their band. I had been a fan for as long as I could remember. Britney Spears had just walked into the green room with Justin Timberlake. "It's ok baby, you'll win next year." I almost laughed, he was a big baby, so he had lost big deal. He and his band had won an award just a little while ago. I kept my mouth shut no need to make any enemies, not yet anyway. I smiled at them as they passed, Britney smiled back while Justin snubbed me. I almost flipped him off but Jessie stopped me. "What do you think your doing? They could be our new bosses, as in we open for their concert." I looked at him and shook my head I wouldn't work for someone that stuck up. "I won't work for someone that doesn't look at me as an equal. I know we may not have their stardom, but that doesn't mean they have to be pricks." I heard someone clapping their hands so I slowly turned around. My jaw dropped when I saw three of the Backstreet Boys clapping their hands. "So they can sing and one has guts, I like them." I was starstuck, that was easy to see, ok I wasn't an equal to everyone. My brother slapped the back of my head and I smiled.

Now all of them were laughing, I could only blush. "That was pretty good out there, mind if we ask who wrote the song?" I tried to answer but my voice had left me behind. "My bro wrote it, he writes all of our songs. I did the music, but it's his song." Kevin was nodding while he smiled. "It was really powerful, but why was it so sad?" I looked at Nick and then to Jessie. "I wrote when my boyfriend died in a car accident." I got six shocked looks, I had warned my brother. "I'm sorry to hear that, it was a beautiful song." I looked at them, now I was on the defense. "Sorry that I'm gay, or sorry about my boyfriend?" My brother looked like he was about to have a heart attack. "About your boyfriend, I couldn't care less if you were gay." Nick looked into my eyes as the word left his lips. "Then why the shocked look, it was like I had shot a gun or something. Sorry if I sound a little rude, but I refuse to hide who I am, unlike my brother." They looked speechless, all but Nick who smiled at me. "It's ok, trust me when I say I understand you. As for the shocked look's, not to many people are so open about it. Well, not in this business anyway." I nodded he was trying to be nice and sweet. "Then I'm sorry for coming off so cold toward you, I'm Chris Darken." I held my hand out and he shook it.

My brother still had his mouth hanging open like a bass. I hit him in the back of the head softly. Jessie closed his mouth and held his hand out to. "I'm Jessie, it's really nice to meet you." Brian shook his hand first, he almost shook it to long. "So we almost got off on the wrong foot. I'm sure you know our names, or so I hope anyway." I looked at Kevin and smiled warmly, I was going to take the plunge. "I know your names I've been a fan for years. It really is an honor to meet you, all of you." We talked for about a half an hour, then a good question came up. "So who's your label?" We hadn't signed with anyone yet, that was a good thing. "We don't have a label, not yet anyway. We used all of our money to put everything together. So if tonight doesn't work out well, we'll be homeless in a few days." Jessie told them while I looked away, that had been my idea. "Well, we need an opening act, the guys we had skipped town. We could talk to our label and see if they'll give is the go ahead." I nodded and tried to hide the fact that I was ready to jump and scream. "That would be awesome, it would be like a dream come true." They were all nodding, so now we had a chance to really do this and do it well. That was the main reason we had stayed in the green room. We had to meet as many people as we could.


While I had been watching them sing it was like I could feel their song. It was one of the most amazing songs that I had ever heard. The words alone touched my heart and soul. But their voices, it wasn't something that I had ever heard before. They sounded the same until their voices became one. Then it was like the lines faded away and only one stood. It looked like one of them had stepped out of a mirror to join it's own image. That's what it looked like until you met them, they were like night and day. So far they hadn't moved so I knew who was who. But if they ran in a circle I would have a major problem. "So how do people tell you two apart?" They smiled at one another and then took their shirts off. I didn't understand I didn't see any scars on their chest only smooth tanned skin. Then they turned around to show us two tattoo's both the same in design, but different in color. The tattoo was in the shape of broad sword, but it was all in triable the handle started just below their necks, then stopped somewhere past their waist line. Chris's was black, and Jessie's was red, blue and gold. They were beautiful in so many ways and I wanted to see more. I could tell that Brian and Kevin both wanted them to, and both of them were gay.

I was getting ready to fight for one of them, but which one? I had to get to know them both a lot better. I wasn't after them just for their bodies, not that most people wouldn't be. They had to be in perfect shape, and that six pack. They both had dark blond hair with highlights. Their skin was smooth and lightly tanned, their eyes were the most beautiful green. They looked like they stood at the least six foot three, and from what I could tell. They didn't have all that much body hair anywhere, I planned on finding out for sure. They turned and faced us again putting their shirts back on. "We know it's not much, but since we both run around half naked most of the time it will be." I laughed as Chris punched his brothers arm. "I do not run around half naked, that's you and you alone." Jessie was laughing at him, then he had this slight grin forming. "Well, let me see if I can remember last new years. Oh, yes that was you running down the street in your birthday suite." Chris's faced turned bright red and he slowly walked away from us. "Then there was that time, I believe it was a few week's ago. That was you skinny dipping in the hotel pool. You should have seen him, he was so drunk." Chris came running back toward the group and put his hand over Jessie's mouth. "I don't think these guys need to hear about my being drunk." We all started laughing, I really liked Chris, he was so shy.

I started patting him on the back while I looked toward AJ. "Trust me man that's nothing compared to AJ." He smiled at me sweetly and let his brother go. "I remember this one time he thought he was nudist. Oh, that wasn't AJ, that was Brian." I hit the button perfectly, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "I got the pictures, you want to see them?" Both Chris and Jessie were nodding and putting their arms threw mine. We started to walk away until Brian had me in a head. "I don't think they'll be seeing me naked any time soon." Both of them had the best puppy dog faces, their pouts could make the pope cave. "We'll make a deal with you" Jessie looked to Chris who was nodding. "You show us yours and we'll show you ours." Now Chris wasn't nodding he was shaking his head as he slapped his brothers head. "We're going to get along with you guys great, I can tell." That was Kevin voicing his opinion, we all agreed without a second thought. "Sorry to ruin the mood, but how do we go about getting in contact with you?" I hadn't thought about that, didn't like to either. I wanted these guys to move in with us for a while. "Well, we could give you our number, but it would be better if you gave us yours." Chris looked a little worried after Kevin said that.

Jessie kept poking Chris in the side, all Chris did was smile. "We don't have a phone anymore, that kinda got turned off a day or two ago." These guy's were really in a jam, I wanted to help. "Well, you guys could stay with us until we get the word? It's not like we don't have the room, we could go by your place and get your bags." Kevin may have liked the guys, but he didn't think I would offer them a place to stay. He was giving me a look that could kill a hundred men. "I'm sure your friends wouldn't like that to much. My brother can be really messy, and Kevin doesn't look to happy with your offer." Kevin's face changed really quickly and he smiled at Chris who had been talking. "It's not that, it's the fact that we would have to share rooms. I don't think that would be right to force you guys to sleep in the same beds as us." Jessie looked up really quickly and smiled brightly. "I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with any of you." Chris put his hand over Jessie's mouth and pulled him away. "I'm sure your right Kevin, it wouldn't be right for us to force you to sleep with us." Chris kept his hand over Jessie's mouth the whole time. I decided that I was going to get my way no matter what. "Well, I could solve that problem I'll just get you both a room at our hotel. You could pay me back later, after you've got your start." Jessie ripped Chris hand off of his mouth. "That sounds wonderful, we can be packed in ten once we get to our apartment." Chris looked at Jessie and just shook his head.

I was sitting beside Chris in the limo while we drove to their apartment. Jessie was talking to Brian and Kevin like he had known them forever. While Chris on the other hand was being really quite. I wanted to talk to him, but I just couldn't find the right words. "I'd really like to thank you for all your doing for us, it means a lot." He was now looking into my eyes, I just nodded and patted his leg. "It's cool man, we know how life can give you ups and downs." His smiled was like a reward and his leg had to be solid muscle. We pulled up to some really run down apartments. "Home sweet home, how'll I'll never miss you." I laughed at the comment it was really cute, but everything about him was. I opened the door to the limo and got out. The rest of the guys followed right behind me, Chris looked a little worried. We walked up the stairs and Jessie opened the door and walked in. We all followed him in, but Chris stayed behind slightly. The apartment was spotless, well most of it but it still didn't look to good. I had seen worse but this just didn't seem to fit the picture. They could sing like angels, and were as hot as fire, but the apartment didn't fit. Jessie was off to his room to collect his clothes, I followed him. His room was a mess, worse than mine had ever been. I was highly impressed with his messiness.

I then heard the door across the hall open, I turned to see Chris walk in. I decided to now follow him, it was spotless not anything out of place. Then he moved like the road runner, I had never seen someone pack so quickly. He was flying threw the room picking clothes up. I heard the same thing happening in the other room but it sounded like chaos. I checked my watch, it had only been three minutes since we had gotten here. They were almost done, so I walked back out to the guys, they hadn't moved an inch. Kevin was watching his watch like he did with us in the mornings. Four more minutes went by and then both walked into the living room with five bags apiece. Brian and I moved to help them as quickly as we could. Kevin was nodding his approval at them getting in here before their time was up. I was a little amazed by how much they had packed. Then it was weird how they had came out at the same time. I was just guessing but it must be a twin thing. We all piled back into the limo and off to our hotel we went. Chris was still really quite but I got him talking after a few minutes passed. "I know this is kinda personal, but how did your parents take you being gay?" His eyes changed to a deep green and tears brimmed his eyes. I mental shot myself for asking, I had thought it had gone well. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked." He shook his head lightly.

He put his hand on my knee, and looked into my eyes. "It's not that, our mom and dad died a long time ago. We had just turned sixteen, they got hit by a drunk driver. They were on their way to pick us up from school. I guess that just made it worse, it was the middle of day. We were going to take our test that day, it should have been a happy day. About five in the after noon we decided to head home, we couldn't wait any longer. My aunt was waiting for us when we walked in the doors." Everyone else had gone silent, Chris and Jessie had tears streaming down their faces. Then they spoke as if they were one person. It was so creepy it sent chill's up my spine, I noticed I wasn't the only one creeped out. "She told us what had happened, she then started cry along with us. Soon we were moved out of our house and into another. For two years the family traded us around like a tool. When we were no longer useful, we were sent to someone else. When we turned eighteen we left that world behind us. We moved to LA and both got job's and lives. We went to college on grants and studied music and other things that we liked. We spent five years learning whatever we could, then we found our places in the world. For a while we just lived, until our lives changed and we ended up at the award show tonight." They both blinked a few times then shook their heads.

I had let a few tears fall while I have listened. Their single voice didn't creep me out anymore. That's what I called it, it was just that a single voice. It was like darkness and light became one to speak. The other guys remained silent the rest of the way to the hotel. It was like one word could shatter everything, it would all come falling down. They had stopped crying but their eyes held so much more than that. When the limo stopped we all got out slowly. We helped them carry their bags in and then I got them a room on our floor. We told them to meet us in the morning for breakfast, they agreed and they went to their room. I watched as they walked in and closed the door behind them. "Group meeting now we really need to talk about this." Kevin said as we all followed him to his room. Once everyone was seated Kevin started his pacing. "I have never seen anything like that in my whole life. For a second I thought the world was going to end and I was going to hell. It was like the walls came down and they stopped being two people. I heard them sing and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. But when they did that to just talk it was scary. I think their great guys and all but I don't know if I'm ready to spend over a year with them. So I'm taking a vote, I know it's our choice if they open for us. So who wants them to stay and who wants them to go?" I looked at the guys and prayed they could stay.

There was silence for a few minutes, it wasn't looking good. "I want them to stay, they can sing and their really nice. I'm sure they can dance and it'll be really good for us and them. So what they creeped us out, but you got to think for a second. They've been threw a lot and still they turned out pretty cool. Plus I'm sure theirs something about us that's going to creep them out. So I vote for them to stay, I would also like to add that I think Chris is really cute." I was looking at all the guys, we didn't have any secrets from one another. "I'm with Nick on this, I like Jessie a lot. I could see something happening there." I smiled at Brian, somehow I knew he would take my side. "I think their funny as long as we don't get them on a serious note. So I think they should stay to, it wouldn't be right to cancel them out just because they creeped us out." Ok that was three but it had to be all of us not just most of us. I looked at Howie and Kevin, they kept looking from one another to us. "I'm cool, and just for the record I thought it was cool, so it's up to Kev." I was getting happy, and I could tell that everyone else could see. "Then it's decided they'll stay, I'll give Jive a call in the morning." We talked for a few more minutes and we all took off. I went to my room stripped down and crashed on my bed.

The next morning I jumped out of bed, I was going to go see if Chris was awake. I knocked on the door softly and seconds later it opened. I didn't know which one was standing in front of me. I didn't really care he was only wearing a pair of black sheer boxers. They did run around half naked, and I was getting an eye full. "So are you guy's ready for breakfast?" He turned around and looked at the bed, he had a nice butt. "As soon as I can wake him up we'll be right down. Oh by the way nice briefs, look's like your not the only one awake." He smiled and slowly closed the door as I turned red. I ran back to my room and jumped into the shower. Nice and cold, I had to calm down in a hurry. Not only had I ran out of my room in my underwear, but I had gotten a hard on talking to Chris, or at least I think it was Chris. He had seen it and made a cute little joke about it. I jumped out of the shower and got fully dressed this time. I walked down to Kevin's room and knocked on the door. "Come on in Howie, the food will be here in twenty." I walked in the room and shocked Kevin, he even grabbed his chest. "Oh my god, it's up before it has to be. The world really is ending call the pope, tell him I need my soul saved." He was now laughing at me whole heartedly.


I left Jessie while he was in the shower, I was hungry. I knocked on the door and waited until it opened. I wasn't a morning person until after I've had my coffee. The door opened and I walked in smiling it was the best I could do. "Coffee good need coffee now please?" Kevin, Howie, and Nick were rolling on the laughing at me. "I wasn't joking coffee good need it now." I continued to smile once I saw it brewing. I ran to the coffee pot not carry that my robe was opening. I grabbed a cup and poured my coffee, added a little cream and a lot of sugar. I stood there for a few minutes just drinking my coffee the rest of the world could have blown up. I wouldn't have cared, I was starting to feel my senses return to me. I turned around to look at five guys staring at me. I put my free hand on my hip and shook my head to the left. "What, you look like it's the first time you've seen someone drink coffee." I took another drink and looked at them for a few seconds still no answer. I had forgotten what I wore to bed the night before. I pulled my robe closed and blushed slightly. I turned back to the coffee pot, I need more so I refilled my cup. "Darkness and light I swear that's what they are." I looked at Nick confused a little, what the hell was he talking about. Jessie came walking into the room wearing only his Black sheer boxers.

To say the least he had taken the attention off of me. All of the guy's were looking at him, he just smiled and walked to the coffee pot. He poured himself a cup and instantly started drinking it. I had my white rode with my white sheer boxers on, normally Jess wore his black robe. Not today he was out to snag him a boyfriend, it worried me a little bit. It wasn't that he wasn't faithful, he was in all the rights, it was something we shared. But he really was throwing everything he had at them. If any of them were gay he was going to get them. I felt kind of jealous, he was so free with himself in someways. I could stand up to just about anyone, but him he could seduce anyone. I decided that I was going to give him a run for his money this time. I dropped my robe and looked at Nick and Brian. "So just wondering do you know which is which yet?" All of their mouths were hanging open as they looked at us. "I thought I did for a second but now I'm not sure. How can that be their the same everywhere?" Brian looked from Nick to me, I just smiled. I turned my back hoping they would catch the drift, look at the tattoos you dummy. I really wanted to yell at them, how could something that big go unnoticed. It started at the base of my neck and didn't stop until after it touched my butt. It was easy to see that one was black, mine and one wasn't Jessie's.

It was easy to see and I was wanting my robe in a bad way. After ten minutes I put my robe back on and went back to my room. They finally knew who I was, they nicked me temper. I took a nice long shower and let my body relax under the steaming water. I was forming a plan of revenge after the contracts were sighed. I was going to show them I could be just like my brother. Temper my ass, I don't have a temper there isn't a word for what I have. Maybe rage may would go with me, nope past that and the weirdest. I didn't understand why it was getting to me the way it was. It just hurt that they didn't know us apart. It had happened before but it never hurt like this, I had thought they wouldn't get confused. I had been so wrong, and it really wasn't their fault. I decided that maybe I could come up with a better idea, I'd get a name tag. Now that I had calmed a great deal I got out of the shower. I walked into my room and got dressed quickly, I needed to tell them I was sorry. I guess I did have a bit of temper, must come from my mother. That was the worst thing that could have entered my mind. Last night had opened doors like never before. I hadn't thought of my parents in so long, so many painful memories. Some we hadn't shared they were coming back now.

(((Flash Back)))

I looked around our room and looked at all the cool posters we had up. Tomorrow was our fifteenth birthday, and was going to be a blast. We had just gotten all of the posters up. Their were so many hot guys in the world it wasn't funny. My mother walked into our and looked at the pictures. She smiled at us and looked at the posters carefully. "I like him, he's kind of cute wouldn't you agree?" We both nodded and smiled at her, she didn't care that we were gay. Our father didn't care either they only wanted us to be happy. I now stood before my mother and fathers grave, I couldn't understand how this had happened. My aunt put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me away from the grave. When we were packing our room up they made us throw our posters away. I hid the one my mother had liked, I couldn't part with it. We were now on a bus to Florida, my aunt couldn't stand us any longer. We didn't care, not anymore they didn't care about us anyway. They had thought they could get their hands on my mom and dad's money. So now we were off to another family member that hated us. We didn't understand what we had done that was so wrong. We were just being ourselves why was that wrong. I watched as my uncle beat my brother up, my cousin was holding me still.

I held my brother the best I could he was bleeding and so was I. We had been told that if we ever thought of a man being sexy again we would be killed for it. So we learned to keep our mouths shut until we could back ourselves up. That took close to a year to do, then we were shipped off again. Now we live in New York with some family member we had never met. We lived there without fear until we turned eighteen, then we moved away. Our parents had made sure our futures were taken care of. We had enough money to live off of for a while. But we didn't take that path it was far to easy, so we got jobs. We worked for everything we now had, and we kept working. I now found myself falling in love with a wonderful man. His name was Jake, he was the most wonderful person. I love him with every beat of my heart, every breath I took. Now I stood over his grave, my world was crashing in on me. There wasn't anyone pulling me away this time so I just stayed. I sat beside his head stone and talked to him for hours, this time I was forced to leave. I didn't want to but I found myself there everyday for week's to come. I would get up in the morning sit out there all day and talk. I forgetting to eat so Jessie would bring me food. He would never push me to come with he would look at me and cry.

He thought that I had lost my mind then I started to write. I would sing to him, and he would listen. I would read what wrote and soon my brother heard me singing. That's all it took for him to start on his quest. From that moment my songs came up missing two days later he had the music for it. I opened my bag and slowly pulled out a poster that was old and tattered. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall freely and I let myself go again and again. Someone was knocking on the door so I put my poster away and opened the door. Nick looked really confused and kept looking back down the hall. "Your brother said you needed a friend, then he sent me down here." I smiled at him and held the door opened wider. He walked in slowly and sat down on the bed, he was really confused. "It's the twin thing, I'm surprised he didn't come himself." Nick looked even more confused than before. "I was reliving some of the worst moments in my life. He could tell that I was upset, it's a bound we have. Since we were sixteen all we had was one another. I'm also really sorry about storming off this morning, I was a little upset." He had this look of total understanding coming over his face. "It's we all have our days and I know it's most likely the dumbest question to ask. Why did you storm off like that, it wasn't what I thought you would do?" I looked into his eyes he was trying to get to know me better.

I took a seat on the bed and leaned back slightly. "It was really childish really, you didn't know which one I was and it hurt." He laid back and turned sideways to face me better. "I'm and it's not all that childish, I could see where it could get on your nerves." I smiled at him he was being so sweet right now. "It was more than that really, I know I didn't really talk to you last night. But I felt like I got to know you a bit better, I had hoped you had done the same. When you didn't it got to me, in more than one way." He laid his hand on mine and squeezed it gently. "I promise from now on I'll do my best not to confuse you two." I smiled he had no idea what he was setting himself up for. "I promise I won't blow up if you screw up." He laughed at me and stood up slowly and made his way back to the door. "Are you coming, you haven't eaten anything yet and that's not healthy." I smiled and followed him out of the room, as we neared the door I heard whispering. Nick opened the door really quickly and looked at all of them one by one. "Oh my god he wasn't lying." Kevin said as he looked at Jessie who was smiling brightly. I looked at Jessie and raised an eye brow, he was a little to happy. "Ok spill it blondie, or I'm going to go kung-fu on your ass." Jessie gave me the most hurt look he could pull.

Next: Chapter 2

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