Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 14, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 8) - Anthony

It was the end of our first full week of lectures. We'd ordered a takeaway pizza, set up Brad's games console, and spent the evening lying side by side on Brad's bed playing computer games, drinking lager and talking. It was very humid that evening, so in an attempt to keep as cool as possible, we were wearing just our underwear, me tight grey boxerbriefs, and Brad white briefs.

"So, this is kinda embarrassing," Brad said, "but do you mind if I get off?"

Puzzled, my mind thought over what he said. Presumably he meant "get off to sleep".

"No problem," I said. "It is pretty late isn't it?"

"Oh dude, you don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that. It's probably the heat and the drink and shit, but I really don't think I'll be able to manage to wait until you fall asleep."

Wait...what was he saying?

Brad rolled himself over then knelt up and leaned over the back of me. One of his hands rested on the back of my leg for balance, as he reached over to pull open the drawer of his bedside table, then retrieve something from out of the drawer. He manoeuvred his weight back onto his knees and I felt his hand leave the back of my leg, then suddenly fall down right in the centre of my boxerbriefs-covered arse. His fingers were clutching my arse-cheek tightly, his thumb wedged into the cleft between my two cheeks. Fuck! That feels nice!

"Whoops, sorry about that, lost my balance" he chuckled, pushing his hand off me and then turning his body round until he was sitting back down, inches from my face. My cock felt like an iron rod between my stomach and the bed. I turned my head to look at Brad and found my eyes directly in line with... Fuck!

The tight white briefs that Brad was wearing were staring me in the face, stretched tighter than ever around a massive bulge. You could see the whole outline of his cock through the white material, exactly where his balls were, the exact angle his cock was sitting at, even where his shaft became his rounded head, his briefs were that tight.

Fuck! Brad was obviously as turned on and horny as I was.

I forced myself to look up from his crotch and found him clutching a small bottle of lube in his hand, obviously what he had leaned across me to get out of his drawer.

Fuck! Was he going to... My dazed mind finally remembered that "getting off" was American slang for "cumming". Shit! Fuck! Whoa!

"Um, I'm a bit in your way" I stammered, and flipped myself off my stomach until I too was in a sitting position.

"No worries. Hey, it looks like you could do with getting yourself off too".

I followed his gaze to where my hardon tented my boxerbriefs, a small wet circle of dark grey breaking up the light grey material. I swallowed.

"Yes, I could definitely do with a good...what is it you say over here? A good jacking-off?"

"Yeah. And I could do with a good...what is it you Brits call it again? Wank?"


"Mmm, yes, a good wank!"

Hearing the familiar word being spoken in his American accent turned me on big time, and before I knew what I was doing, I was tugging at my boxerbriefs and sliding them down my legs to discard them on the floor beside the bed. My cock sprang free and I placed my hand onto it. Next to me, Brad was taking off his white briefs to finally reveal his rock-hard pole in all its glory. It was large and curved, probably about 8 inches long and circumcised, ending in a plump dark pink cockhead.

"Fuck mate, that's a fucking nice cock you've got there!" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Whoever ends up being the first to get that monster inside them is going to feel one lucky person!"

Brad grinned at me as he squeezed some lube into his hand.

"Thanks. Hey do you want some lube for that?"

"Okay," I said. I don't usually need to bother with any lube, as once I'm in the mood, my cock pours with precum like there's no tomorrow, but I thought it would be rude not to accept his kind offer.

I held my right hand out expecting him to pass the bottle to me, or squeeze some out onto my palm, but he surprised me by reaching over and taking hold of my rock hard rod with his own lubed-up hand, and running it up and down, transferring the slippery solution onto my cock. Once he was satisfied I had enough lube on me, he removed his hand, squeezed some more lube onto it, then did the same to his own dick.

I leaned back against the wall, and began to slowly wank myself. My left hand crept to my balls and I stopped my right hand's movement up and down my shaft as I clutched at my balls, rolling them around between my palm and fingers. I sneaked a look to my right and saw Brad too was playing with his balls, his fingers moving over them, pulling at the skin of his scrotum. The palm of his hand was at the top of his shaft, and he was pressing it against the underside of his cockhead, rubbing it backwards and forwards, his eyes closed clearly enjoying the friction.

I knew how good that felt, I love touching myself there too, and I moved my index finger to the same place on my own cock, rubbing it from side to side over my banjo string, my cock leaking precum making the area even more slippery. It felt so good. A faint moan of pure pleasure escaped from my lips. Next to me, Brad echoed my moan with one of his own, which only made me leak even more precum and moan again.

I couldn't believe this was happening. This was the closest thing I'd ever had to a sexual experience with another guy. I grasped my rock hard cock tightly in my fist, and started wanking faster with long strokes right up the full length of my cock, covering my head completely with my foreskin each time, then retracting it to leave my head fully exposed before moving my hand upwards to cover it again.

I sensed Brad stop his own wanking, so slowed my own and turned my head to look questioningly at him.

"What's it like to have a foreskin?" He asked suddenly.

Again, his question stumped me a bit by its unexpectedness.

"Um, well I've never known any different, so it's just normal to me." I said.

"You know, I've never seen a dick with a foreskin before. Everyone in porn over here is circumcised, and so are all my family and everyone in my class at high school were too." He stared transfixed at my cock as I pulled my foreskin forwards over my oozing cockhead, then let it go, it rolling back of its own accord to fully expose my head.

"Can I...Can I see what it feels like?" he asked hesitantly.

"Sure, that's what roommates are for!" I quipped.

Eagerly, he reached out and took the top of my cock in his hand, which still felt warm and slippery from his own lubed-up cock. He pulled my foreskin out over my head as far as it would go, running it between his thumb and index finger, then stuck his index finger inside, circling it around the inside of my foreskin. The tip of his finger touched the tip of my cock causing me to catch my breath.

"It's so soft," he said in amazement. He slowly started wanking me, moving my foreskin forwards and backwards over my slippery precum-soaked cockhead. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of having someone else wank me for the first time, and moaned with pleasure as he stroked me.

After a couple of minutes, I opened my eyes, and noticed Brad's own impressive cock bobbing up and down in front of me, neglected as its owner busily serviced my own. I reached out for it, taking his shaft in my fist and began to stroke up and down him, then circled the rim of his cockhead with my index finger, before rubbing backwards and forwards over his banjo string, a place I'd already seen he liked to have touched.

He let out a groan and tightened his grip on my own cock.

"Fuck yes, that feels good" I murmured.

"Your foreskin is awesome!" Brad said. "I wish I had one. I'd love to know how good it feels to have a foreskin sliding forwards and backwards over your cockhead"

"It feels fucking amazing." I said.

"Man! I'm so jealous!"

An idea formed in my mind. Oh yes, that would be hot. If he lets me... Only one way to find out.

I reluctantly prised his fingers off my cock, ignoring his protests, then turned and knelt in front of him, holding his cock tightly in my left hand, and my own in my right. I guided our cockheads towards each other until they touched, piss-slit to piss-slit, both of us taking a sharp intake of breath as they contacted.

Slowly, deliberately, I started rolling my foreskin forwards over my own oozing cockhead, covering it completely, then continued pulling it forwards over his cockhead too, until it covered both of us.

"Fuck!" Brad breathed.

I placed my fist on top of my foreskin, grasping both our heads as I did so, and began wanking us both, covering and uncovering our slippery pulsing cockheads with my foreskin. Brad was moaning and gasping at the new sensation of having foreskin rubbing over his tender cockhead. I was pouring precum, coating both of us, enjoying the feel of having someone else's head touching my own.

I felt Brad's hand touching my own, and I let go, leaving him to take over, have his turn at wanking us both using my foreskin. I closed my eyes and let the sensation wash over me. My cockhead throbbed and I could feel my balls starting to tighten. Brad's breathing was quickening and he moved his hand over us faster, then suddenly he took his hand off, and pulled his cock away from mine.

I opened my eyes to look at him. A string of my precum stretched from his tip to my own, like the beginnings of a spider's web.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him, feeling my heart pounding in my chest still. "Did it feel too weird us..."

"No, it wasn't that at all," Brad replied sheepishly. "I could feel I was about to cum, and I didn't want this feeling to end so soon."

"Mate, I was so close just then too. It's great you want to keep going, but I tell you if I don't cum soon, my balls are going to literally explode...and not in a good way!"

"What? These balls?" He said, leaning forwards to cup them in his hand, running his thumb tightly over the tops of them.

"Yes, those balls" I managed to gasp, enjoying his grip. I lay down on my back on his bed as his hands stroked over my bulging, aching, heavy testicles. He knelt over me, straddling me, one knee either side of my hips, and dangled his own balls over my own, lowering them until our two sets of balls were touching, his draped over my own. I felt their surprisingly heavy weight as they rested on me, and their warm sweatiness.

He took his weight onto his hands, and leaned over the top of me, looking me straight in the eye. I looked back at him, directly into the huge pools of brown behind the lenses of his black-framed glasses. Further forwards he leaned until I felt the underside of his pulsing cockhead touch my own. We both moaned at the feel of our cockheads connecting, then moving his hips, he rubbed his cockhead forwards and backwards over my own slippery head. I felt our banjo strings sliding past and over each other, and precum leaking from my piss-slit making us slip and slide all the more easily.

My cockhead was getting so warm it felt like it was going to set on fire. It was throbbing all over. The feel of his cockhead grinding into mine felt so so good. Moans erupted from my lips and I threw my head back against the pillow. Above me, Brad was gasping and groaning loudly.

"Fuck! Fuck! Oh yes! Oh fuck!"

"Faster Brad, faster!" I instructed, and he quickened his movements, his cock slipping backwards and forwards over mine. I bucked my hips and started moving them in time with his motions. Our balls knocked against each other and his shaft pressed on mine, pinning mine down against my stomach, but we were both only concerned with creating the friction between our pulsating cockheads.

My balls were beginning to tighten, and I could feel myself getting close. I moaned loudly, a sound of pure animalistic instinct. The pressure was beginning to build. I squeezed my muscles, trying to delay the inevitable just a little bit longer. Despite what I had told Brad, I too wanted this delicious experience to last as long as possible.

He suddenly looked down at me, a look something akin to panic in his eyes.

"Anthony, I'm gonna cum," he half-whispered, half-gasped.

"Fuck Brad, me too, any second" I managed to get out.

"I'm gonna..."


"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh fuck!"


"Oh Yes! OH YES! YES! YES!!!"


I honestly couldn't tell you which of us began shooting first. All I knew was my stomach was being covered by dollop after dollop of warm sticky cum, both of us moaning loud enough to wake the dead as the shots flew out of the ends of our cocks to coat me. My stomach was plastered. Cum oozed into the dip of my belly button, slid down my sides to begin to soak into Brad's bed cover, seeped down beneath my cock to matt my pubes together.

Brad slowly lowered himself on top of me, breathing heavily but softly. His body connected my own, his stomach entering onto the wetness that coated me. I felt a sudden urge to kiss him, but didn't, unsure of how he would react. Wanking together was all very well, but he probably wouldn't want any level of post-orgasmic intimacy.

I felt his warm breath against my ear. Then he whispered "That. Was. Amazing!"

I had to agree with him. Certainly, that had been the best and most powerful orgasm of my entire life, and my first not caused entirely by my own fair hand.

Brad's breathing was rhythmic and soft now. I wriggled out from underneath him, leaving him sprawled asleep on his bed, and made my way across the room to my own bed. I used my black boxer shorts cumrag to wipe down my stomach and got under my covers. I laid my head on my pillow and smiled to myself. Okay, technically, I was still a virgin, but I had taken a big step along the path towards sexual manhood that evening.

Next: Chapter 9: Geeks Get Hot 9 Anthony

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