Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 3, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 7) -- Anthony

It was the end of our first full week of lectures. I had survived! I found the American style of teaching very different to that at my university in the UK. Luckily, Brad and some of the other friends I'd made were on hand to help me out with a couple of things.

I'd got up late on Saturday and spent the day quietly in mine and Brad's room, watching a DVD box-set, updating my `Facebook' profile, and composing a long and newsy email to my parents and brother. Brad had gone to meet his cousin downtown (see, I'm getting more States-like by the day!) and arrived back early in the evening carrying several 4-packs of lager that his cousin had bought for him to share between us.

We ordered a takeaway pizza, set up Brad's games console, and spent the evening lying side by side on Brad's bed playing computer games, drinking lager and talking. I told Brad all about my first year of university and how different studying in the States was proving to be, and he talked about his cousin, how she was writing a novel, but working 3 part-time jobs at once to earn enough to live on.

It was very humid that evening, the close atmosphere that happens just before a giant thunderstorm breaks, and our room soon got quite hot and stuffy. Once it got dark, we didn't want to have the window open because giant moths and annoying buzzing flies kept flying in, so in an attempt to keep as cool as possible, we peeled off our sweaty t-shirts and then our jeans, until we were wearing just our underwear. By this time we were completely comfortable at being around each other in such a state of undress, as roommates should be. As usual, I was wearing tight boxerbriefs, today light grey in colour, and Brad was wearing briefs, classic tight white ones, that perfectly emphasised his bulge (...not that I was looking...well, not that much! Old habits die hard!)

We had just finished a level and were waiting for the game to reload, when Brad let out a very long loud burp. Now in everyday life, I find burping somewhat rude, but under the right conditions and when I'm in the right mood, I have to confess, I find burping incredibly hot for some reason, especially when the burp is as loud and masculine and juicy as the one Brad had just let rip. In my boxerbriefs, I felt my cock twitch at the sound.

"Excuse me," Brad said, "fizzy drinks always give me gas."

"Don't worry about it mate," I replied. " `Better out than in' as the saying goes."

"Fuck! If I'd known that was your attitude I wouldn't have tried to be so polite and keep it in all this time."

"That's just for burping mind. It definitely doesn't apply to farting. Especially not while we're keeping the window closed!"

"Don't worry, that won't be a problem" Brad said, finishing his sentence with another colossal burp and then letting out a deep sigh of contentment.

Fuck! That was hot! I felt my cock getting harder in my underwear, and rolled over so I was lying on my stomach, my growing bulge hidden from view beneath my body. Brad joined me in the same position and we played the next level of the game, my right forearm and his left forearm sometimes brushing lightly against each other from our close proximity and how we held our game controllers.

I tried my best to concentrate on the game, but my attention was more on the hardness trapped between my stomach and the mattress. Mmm, I was feeling horny. Probably a combination of all the cans of lager I'd drunk and the fact that I was lying right next to another almost naked person. And not just any naked person, but one with a cock of their own! One that I knew from the occasional glimpses I'd had of it in its soft state, was impressive in size. As I was lying on the bed, I started slowly grinding my hips, my movements slight and barely noticeable, but pressing my cockhead down firmer onto the mattress and moving it ever so slightly forwards and backwards, rubbing against the material of my grey boxerbriefs. Fuck that feels good.

We finished the level and Brad let out another satisfying-sounding burp, not quite as long as the first two, but just as loud. My dick felt like cast-iron. I was longing to lean forward to sniff in the warm breath he had just emitted, then turn my head to furiously kiss the lips from which the sound had just erupted, pressing my own lips hard against his, sliding my tongue into his mouth to taste him.

Fuck my cock was so fucking hard! Next to me, Brad shifted his weight. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him lift his hips slightly up off the bed to adjust himself to a more comfortable angle. As he lowered his body back down, his bare leg rubbed up against mine. My cock jolted at the body contact. I waited for him to move his leg away from me, but he left it there. I could feel the hairs on his leg touching my own. Beneath me, my rock hard cock begin to leak and I dug into the mattress even harder. Now our legs were touching, Brad must have noticed my squirming, though he probably didn't realise the reason for it.

"Yes, I can never get comfortable lying on my front either," he said matter-of-factly. "I always manage to get one of my balls trapped. I swear one day I'm going to crush one."

We lapsed into silence for a bit. Not an awkward one, but the comfortable kind that you can have with close friends.

"Anthony, are you a virgin?"

His question came out of the blue and startled me for a moment as it wasn't one I was expecting, and probably not one he'd have dared to ask had he not had so much to drink.

"Yes," I admitted.

"Me too. It sucks doesn't it?" He was slurring his words a little, the lager having taken its effect. "And I mean, college is supposed to be all about freedom and independence and experimenting and most importantly, fucking anything that moves, and here we are, with not even a sniff of a sexual encounter between us. You know more than half the guys on our corridor have already gotten some action? It's so unfair!"

"Yes, but you have only been here two weeks," I reminded him. "There's plenty more time to get some!"

"I can't wait though Anthony. I want to see for myself what all the fuss is about. And I feel such a failure. I'm probably going to be the last person on this corridor to get a fuck."

"Hey, you're nowhere near as big a failure as me when it comes to a sex-life – don't forget I've already spent a whole year at university away from home without getting laid!"

"Fuck, I'd forgotten that. Dude, how did that happen? And how did you cope? I can't imagine spending another whole year as a virgin. The first chance I get, I'm gonna lose it. I can't wait for that day. You know, my doctor says I have a high sex-drive."

"uh-huh" I responded, showing him I was still listening to his drunken outpouring.

"I'm horny all the fucking time dude. I can't imagine lasting a whole year with no action at all. And you spent a whole year with...nothing? Not even a blowjob? Not even a handjob?"

"Not even a fully-clothed grope during a slow-dance" I confessed.

"Fuck dude!"

Brad reached his hand under his body to readjust himself once more and his bare leg grazed against mine, our leg hairs brushing against each other, sending a shiver right down my spine and through to the tip of my rigid dick.

"So, this is kinda embarrassing," Brad said, "but do you mind if I get off?"

Puzzled, my mind thought over what he said. Presumably he meant "get off to sleep".

"No problem," I said. "It is pretty late isn't it?"

"Oh dude, you don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that. It's probably the heat and the drink and shit, but I really don't think I'll be able to manage to wait until you fall asleep."

Wait...what was he saying?

Brad rolled himself over then knelt up and leaned over the back of me. One of his hands rested on the back of my leg for balance, as he reached over to pull open the drawer of his bedside table, then retrieve something from out of the drawer. He manoeuvred his weight back onto his knees and I felt his hand leave the back of my leg, then suddenly fall down right in the centre of my boxerbriefs-covered arse. His fingers were clutching my arse-cheek tightly, his thumb wedged into the cleft between my two cheeks. Fuck! That feels nice!

"Whoops, sorry about that, lost my balance" he chuckled, pushing his hand off me and then turning his body round until he was sitting back down, inches from my face. My cock felt like an iron rod between my stomach and the bed. I turned my head to look at Brad and found my eyes directly in line with... Fuck!


Next: Chapter 8: Geeks Get Hot 8 Anthony

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