Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 29, 2015



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 18) - Brad

It had been a perfect day.

Zack and I had met as arranged and walked downtown. I had given him a sort of walking tour of the city center, with us stopping for coffee and donuts at a little diner midway. Then we had watched a movie that I had been dying to go see, but with revision had never gotten around to. It had been good sitting next to Zack in the movie theater, our legs touching. I had been tempted to put my arm around him, but didn't dare.

After the movie, we went to a restaurant for a delicious meal. The restaurant was full of couples and I think the waiting staff were a little surprised at having the two of us show up as well, but they didn't say anything and we didn't even get any strange looks as we dined together on a table for two with candles in the center of it. Maybe people thought we were buddies hanging out, or maybe nobody cared that two guys were on a date together. Who knows! I had been worried that we might run out of things to talk about, but we didn't. In fact, it felt so comfortable being with Zack, it was as if the four-year separation had never happened, and I felt as close to him as I had ever done. Perhaps even closer, as there was a definite spark of mutual attraction in the air that was something more than our plain friendship had been.

After the meal, we walked slowly back to Barbara-Ann's house. I was disappointed that the day had to end, but it was getting dark. Zack would be going back home the next day and he probably had to pack. I sighed as the house came into view, knowing that we would be saying goodbye soon. Hopefully, though, we would kiss goodbye. I was looking forward to that part!

We reached the house and stood awkwardly on the sidewalk. Zack opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted as the front door flew open and Barbara-Ann strode down the path toward us, her housemates and two of her friends following behind her.

"Zack, where have you been?! You need to hurry up and change we are all ready to go."

"Um where to?"

"It's the LGBT Society end of year social. We're meeting at this bar downtown and then going to the gay night at the nightclub. I told you about it this morning at breakfast! Weren't you listening?!"

"No. Um listen Barbara-Ann, I appreciate you including me, but I don't really want to go," Zack said. "I don't really enjoy drinking or going to noisy bars or night clubs."

Barbara-Ann rolled her eyes and tutted impatiently. "Sweetie, I know it's not really your thing, but you didn't go out to the gaybar with us last night, you don't want to come out with us tonight. You're going to miss every opportunity I'm trying to give you. Don't you want to get laid?! There are going to be tons of cute gay guys there."

Zack shrugged, looking down at the sidewalk, his face going red.

Barbara-Ann sighed in exasperation.

"Well okay if you don't want to come I can't force you. But aren't you going to be bored and lonely staying in all night on your own again?"

"No," Zack answered. "I can watch some TV and Brad can keep me company for a while. He's not in a hurry to go home. That's okay isn't it Brad?" He asked me, nervously.

"Yes, sure," I replied.

"You'd really rather stay in and watch TV with Brad than come out partying with us and maybe get laid?" Barbara-Ann asked incredulously.

"Yes," Zack mumbled.

"But..." Barbara-Ann started. Then she stopped and her eyes opened wide and then she smiled as if realizing something for the first time. "Ah I see," she said slowly. "With Brad." Then she was her usual brisk, bossy self again. "Well we will all be out until gone midnight, so you will have the house to yourselves. Come along you guys," she said to her friends, "or we will be late and miss the end of year awards. Have a good night Zack!" She winked at him and he blushed an even deeper red. I wondered what all that was about and why Zack seemed embarrassed.

We turned and watched Barbara-Ann and her friends get into two cars that were parked out front and they drove away. Zack walked up to the front door and I followed. We walked through to the kitchen and Zack fixed us both a glass of juice. He looked nervous for some reason.

"Did you want to go hang in my room upstairs?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yes, sure," I replied.

I climbed the stairs behind him. I couldn't help checking out his ass as I did so. He was wearing shorts again today, black with a dark green stripe down the leg, and also a dark green shirt with black and grey patterning. I was wearing sand colored shorts and a plain blue shirt.

He pushed open a door at the top of the stairs and I followed him into the bedroom. It was obvious it was Barbara-Ann's bedroom. There were scarves and necklaces hanging from hooks on one of the walls, posters of a heavy metal band stuck onto the closet door, and an Eva Longoria calendar pinned to the wall just inside the doorway. A black sportsbag with the red shirt and dark blue shorts Zack was wearing yesterday spilling halfway out of the zipper opening was on the floor beside the double bed which had been neatly made. The room smelled faintly of Zack's deodorant, which I had caught a whiff of any time I leaned in close to him.

Zack sat down on the edge of the bed and I sat next to him. His face still wore a nervous expression.

"So did you not want to watch television then?" I asked him.

"No," he replied quietly, moving his face close to mine. "I'd rather do...this."

He stroked his hand down my cheek until he was holding my chin, tilting my head to the side a little and then he kissed me gently on the lips.

I kissed him back, mirroring his tenderness and softness of pressure. We were kissing lightly at first, the kisses short, but they grew gradually longer, until we were making out properly, breathing through our noses, our mouths staying touching, our tongues brushing against each other, a tingling sweeping through my body every time the tips made contact. My dick quickly grew hard and as it did, I increased the pressure of my kiss against Zack's lips and stroked the base of his neck.

Zack lay down backwards and I moved my body with his, our lips staying locked together. I stretched my right leg over his body so I was lying half on top of him, one leg on either side of him, our crotches touching and I could feel through his shorts, my heart beating faster at the realization, that he was as hard as I was.

I broke the kiss and stared deep into his eyes, both of us breathing a little heavily. Then I tentatively reached for the base of his shirt and lifted it, pulling it up over his body and then over his head. I threw it onto the floor and looked down admiring his body. It was quite skinny, but with a little definition, like mine. I ran my hands over his chest, letting my thumbs pause at his nipples. I leaned down and kissed first one nipple and then the other before letting my tongue trace a trail from his nipple back up his chest, up the centre of his neck, over his Adam's apple, over his chin, to meet his mouth and begin kissing again.

As we kissed, I felt his hands fumbling at my shirt, and helped him to take it off. He drank in the sight of my thin toned body and ran his hands down it, making me shiver. His fingers traced the contours of my abs.

"Wow," he breathed softly. "Brad, you have a hot body. Do you work out?"

"Not properly," I replied. "I just do some push-ups and sit-ups in my bedroom every morning. Your bodies pretty hot too." I continued, my hand running over his chest and stomach again. I moved it lower, until my fingertips reached the waistband of his tented shorts. I slid the tip of my index finger under the waistband and ran it sideways along his stomach. He exhaled slowly and I saw the bulge in his shorts move a little as if his dick had twitched.

I unbuttoned his shorts and slowly slid them down his legs. He was wearing light gray briefs underneath, and they were tented outwards obscenely, barely able to contain the hard dick inside them. I placed my hand on his bulge and he took a sharp in-breath. I looked into his eyes as I lightly moved my hand feeling the shape of his dick through his briefs. I ran my fingers over his balls through the material, the palm of my hand resting on the base of his shaft as I did so. They felt big. I moved my fingers to the inside of his leg lightly stroking the skin right by the elasticated leg of his briefs. I leaned in for another kiss and slid my fingers just inside the leg of his briefs as I did, my fingertip touching one of his balls feeling the warmth of his scrotum's wrinkled skin and the soft hairs growing on it. I cupped my hand around it and he gasped into my mouth as we kissed.

I brought my hand back out and stroked up and down the outline of his hard shaft through his briefs. We broke our kiss and Zack reached for the buttons on my shorts, but his hands were shaking too much to undo them, whether through nerves or excitement.

"Relax," I whispered to him, kissing him again. I undid my own shorts as we kissed and took them off, throwing them on the floor next to the bed. I straddled Zack's body again, one leg either side of his, my own impressive bulge touching against his. He moaned softly into my mouth as he felt them touch and I slowly moved my hips so they rubbed together.

"Brad, that feels amazing," he murmured, breaking our kiss for a second. His hands clutched at my asscheeks through my dark blue briefs as I lay on top of him, grinding our bulges together. I kissed the side of his neck, enjoying feeling the sensation of us touching, my rock hard dick pushing out against the material of my briefs as it felt the shape of Zack's own hard cock close to it.

Zack moaned gently as I changed the angle of my movement slightly, the plump head of my dick gliding up and down half the length of his shaft, both of us still wearing our briefs, mine dark blue and his light gray. I could feel the material of my briefs stretching right out and knew they were only just keeping my dick in check. Part of one of my balls was hanging out of one of the leg holes. I continued grinding our crotches together and kissed the other side of Zack's neck. His head was tilted back and he had his eyes closed, his mouth half-open. A little groan escaped his lips as I kissed right behind his ear and then licked slowly with the very tip of my tongue round the edge of his chin.

I licked slowly up the center of his neck, the tip of my tongue grazing over his adam's apple and up over his chin, up to his parted lips and into his mouth, my lips touching his again now, my tongue lapping against his inside his mouth. I rested my body down on his, and moved my hips from side to side, still grinding our crotches together. There was a sudden heat against my belly button and I realised that the waistband of Zack's light gray briefs had worked its way down allowing the head of his dick to poke a little way out. I reached down between us with my hand and pulled the waistband down a little way more, reaching inside his briefs to wrap my hand around the hardness of his shaft. It felt so warm, and so so hard.

He moaned urgently into my mouth as we continued kissing and I lowered his briefs slightly more, moving my leg and my crotch away from his to allow myself better access. I moved my hand slowly upward, feeling the shape of his dick in my hand. It was absolutely rock hard, and twitched and moved as my hand moved higher toward the head. Zack moaned again and touched my arm with his hand.

I broke the kiss.

"Enjoying this?" I asked, suggestively, one finger tip gently tickling the very base of his rock hard shaft as my hand stroked up his dick for a second time. His dick was more than halfway out of his briefs now, only the bottom part of his shaft and his balls still inside.

"Yes," he panted desperately, breathing fast and shallow, "but Brad I...oh SHIT!" he half-squealed as with a spasm, his dick suddenly erupted, a stream of cum shooting out of the end of it, arcing high in the air and landing high up his chest well above his nipples. I was caught by surprise and let go of his dick, watching it jumping and twitching as he jizzed. Six more powerful squirts shot out, coating Zack's torso as he arched his back, unable to control his loud moans of pleasure as he came. It was so hot! Like having the cumshot of one of my favorite porn clips playing live right in front of my eyes.

Zack kept his eyes closed a while as his orgasm finished and when he opened them he had tears in them.

"Brad, I'm so sorry," he sniffed, sounding heartbroken. "I didn't even take my briefs off yet and...what a fucking let down I am!" He looked as if he was about to burst into tears.

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked. "That was incredibly hot!"

"Yeah, but...I mean, I know it's my first time, but cumming that's embarrassing! And you must be so disappointed by me." Zack spoke in a small quiet voice. He sounded really disheartened.

I started to protest, but he interrupted me.

"You don't have to try and make me feel better. I know this is the worst sex you've ever had. Hah! Sex! We didn't even both get naked yet. You only stroked my dick three times and that was it! I couldn't stop myself!"

"You mean, I made you so horny just from doing that you couldn't stop yourself from cumming?" I asked.

"Yes," Zack admitted, blushing. "I'm so lame, I..."

"Do you have any idea how honored that makes me feel?" I interrupted. "Me with my looks and body having that effect on you?! It's a total turn-on too," I murmured, leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

"You mean you don't mind?" He asked incredulously.

"Mind?! It's made me hornier than ever! That cumshot of yours was amazing" I replied honestly. "Hot to see, and hot to hear. You made the hottest noises I ever heard." I kissed him again. "So you came quickly. So what?! It was your first time even fooling around with a guy. And it feels awesome doesn't it?!"

"Fuck yes!" Zack replied. "Amazing! I can't wait to do more with you! If you want to, that is?"

"You bet I do!" I gestured at my erection which was still straining against my dark blue briefs. Zack looked down and when he looked back up at me his eyes were wide open.

"Fuck Brad! That looks enormous!"

I laughed, a little embarrassed, and reached onto the floor, picking up my discarded blue shirt. I tenderly wiped the cum off his body with it.

"Man, you cum a lot!"

I dropped the now sodden shirt back onto the floor by the bed.

"So what now?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

I looked down at his soft dick which was around three and a half inches and neatly circumsized. Before I knew what I was doing, I had leaned down and taken it into my mouth, sucking at it gently. Zack gasped. I licked my tongue around the edge of his head and moved my lips up and down. I could feel his dick beginning to harden in my mouth. It was an incredible sensation feeling it swelling and growing bigger and thicker between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I bobbed my head, sliding my mouth forward and backward up and down Zack's head and the first inch of his shaft.

"Oh Brad!" Zack moaned softly. "Oh Brad!" His voice turned me on so much and I had to stroke my own aching erection through my briefs as I sucked him. His dick felt completely hard now and I pulled my mouth of it. It glistened, the head wet with my spit, between six and seven inches long now it was hard.

"Nice cock Zack," I murmured.

"Thanks," he whispered.

I leaned in and kissed him, wondering if he could taste himself on me as our tongues brushed against each other inside his mouth.

His hands slid down the sides of my body and hooked into the waistband of my briefs. He broke the kiss and we both looked down as he peeled my briefs off me, my rock hard cock springing out and slapping against my stomach as he did.

"Fucking Hell!" He breathed. "Brad, your cock is fucking enormous! I remember thinking it was big when we jacked off that time, but wasn't sure if I had exaggerated your size in my memory."

He seemed a little overawed. I smiled at him, trying to put him at his ease, but in the end, just leaned in for another kiss, resting my now naked body on top of his, my hard cock pressing into his stomach. We rolled onto our sides, still making out. I felt his hand tentatively stroking over my chest and moving downward. I sighed into Zack's mouth and ran my own hand down over his body and onto his hard cock. He broke the kiss and moaned my name again as I slowly began jacking him off.

I looked down, curious why he hadn't started doing the same to me. His hand hovered, shaking, about an inch away from my boner, as if he didn't dare touch it.

"Don't be nervous," I whispered to him. "I'm enjoying this so much!" And I took my hand off his dick and used it to guide his hand so it was touching my shaft. He nervously moved his fingers up and down a little and I breathed a little deeper and let out a little groan to encourage him and let him know he was doing okay. Emboldened, he circled his hand around my shaft and began jerking me properly, and now I was groaning for real as I felt the familiar feeling of pleasure sweeping through me. Although...

"Zack, do you have any lube?" I asked.

"Sure, it would make things a little easier." He left the bed and I heard him walk over to the desk where his washbag was.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed suddenly. I heard him rummaging around urgently.

"What is it?"

"I had lube and condoms on here with my wash things, and now the lube is here but the condoms have gone!" He sounded disappointed.

"What did you have condoms for?"

"Well, just in know. And to be honest Brad, with us having the house to ourselves, I was hoping you would...well," he sat back down on the bed beside where I was lying on my side, dropping the lube between us. "I was hoping you would fuck me."

"I would like that," I said, hungrily. "I would like that a lot." I leaned in to him and we made out harder and more intensely than before.

"I might have a condom in my wallet," he said, sounding doubtful. "Hold on."

He got off the bed again, and kneeled on the floor, searching through the pile of our discarded clothes for his shorts.

"Oh wait, here they are," he said, reaching half under the bed sounding puzzled. "These were the ones that were on the desk. I wonder how they got down here under the bed. And there is one missing! I guess somebody at Barbara-Ann's party came up here to fuck and helped themselves."

"I guess."

"Well, at least we have everything we need now." Zack sounded glad, although still a little nervous. He clambered back onto the bed and lay down beside me again. I picked up the lube and pumped some out directly onto the head of his hard cock, then got to work with my right hand, circling it around his head and up and down his shaft.

"Mmm, Brad!" He moaned softly. He kissed the side of my neck and then I felt lube being pumped onto the head of my own hard dick. He circled his hand around me and began to stroke slowly up and down. I groaned quietly. His lips covered mine and we made out as we both continued to jerk one another slowly off.

I shifted closer to him on the bed and, letting go of his cock, reached around behind him and ran my index finger down between his asscheeks. It brushed lightly over his hole and he moaned gently into my mouth as we kissed. I let the tip of my finger circle around his sensitive opening a few times before breaking our kiss, rolling him onto his back and lifting his legs up off of the bed, my hands behind his knees, bending them in toward his body. I lowered my head toward his ass and used my hands to prize apart his cheeks, exposing his soft pink hole to view. I stuck my tongue out and tentatively licked his hole with the tip of it. It twitched. I licked again and again, using more of my tongue than before, and then rested my mouth against it, my tongue swirling round against Zack's quivering asshole, my nose buried in the base of his balls, breathing in the deep manly smell of him.

I let my tongue run up from his hole, licking slowly, over his balls, up the center of his shaft, and over onto his head. I looked upward over the top of my glasses as I licked, trying to meet his eyes.

"Brad, that feels so good," he whispered breathlessly. I smiled to myself, so glad that Zack seemed to be enjoying his first time. I kissed him quickly on the lips, then reached for the lube and pumped some into my hand, smearing it around my fingers. I ran my lubed-up finger around Zack's hole again, and then slowly slid it inside. He exhaled as I did so. His ass muscles clenched tightly around my finger. I started slowly withdrawing it, before pushing it back inside again. Zack whimpered softly as I continued to gently finger fuck him.

"Oh Brad! Oh Brad!"

I rested my head on his stomach and kissed his belly button before sticking my tongue out and just resting it gently on the head of his erect dick. At the same time, I bent the finger I had inserted in his ass and stroked the wall of his passage.

"Fuuuuck!" He exclaimed suddenly. "Oh BRAD!" I guessed I had managed to find the right spot to target his prostate, and kept my finger focussed on this point. His dick bounced and twitched and the sweet taste of precum flooded my tongue as his piss-slit began to leak. I lapped his precum up and took the head of his cock into my mouth sucking at it powerfully and bobbing my head, moving my lips up and down the first inch or two of his shaft.

Zack was making the hottest moaning noises. The sound was really turning me on. I let his dick fall from my mouth and kissed my way up his chest. His lips met mine hungrily and we made out furiously, our mouths pressed hard against one another, our tongues lashing and swirling round. I was sure he could taste his sweet precum on my tongue as we kissed.

We finally broke the kiss, both of us panting raggedly.

"Brad, this is awesome!" Zack said. "I really...Oh FUCK!" Whatever else he was going to say was lost in a moan of pleasure as I pushed a second lubed-up finger into his ass alongside the first. I was finger-fucking him with two fingers now, sliding them up and down his passage, making him moan and arch his back. I paused for a second to apply some more lube, and while I was doing that I felt Zack take ahold of the center of my cock and begin to jerk me again. I groaned softly. It really did feel good having Zack jack me off. He had a firm grip of me now, applying just the right amount of pressure, his hand moving at a speed that was quick enough to give me constant pleasure, but not so fast that I was in danger of getting close to cumming sooner than I wanted to.

We continued a while longer like that, me finger-fucking Zack's ass and Zack jacking my hard cock until finally Zack whispered right in my ear "Brad, will you fuck me properly now? I want your cock inside me so bad!"

I was instantly even more turned on than before, my cock firmed up even harder. I think Zack noticed, because he said "Did it just get even bigger?!" in an astounded tone. He handed me a rubber with a shaking hand and I tore open the foil packet and, after a bit of a struggle to fit it over my plump dickhead, managed to roll it right down my cock. I pumped lube over my covered dick and smeared it over with my hand before applying more lube to Zack's hole.

He lay on his back, his legs raised toward the ceiling and I knelt close up to him, my cock positioned at his hole. I gently pressed it against him and felt the head begin to slide inside. Zack winced and closed his eyes, his hands grasping at the sheets as I started to penetrate him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned, pausing.

"Yes," he grunted. "It just stings a bit. You are huge Brad, that's why. Keep going."

I pushed my cock further into him, feeling the head popping through his sphincter. He was so tight it was unreal. Zack cried out a little, keeping his eyes closed, his face contorted in a grimace of pain.

"I'm hurting you, Zack. We should stop," I said, starting to pull my cock out. I didn't want to hurt Zack. I wanted him to feel nothing but pleasure.

"NO! Don't stop!" Zack begged. "Just give me some time to adjust to you. Please! It's fine."

He reached up and around and I felt his hands against my bare asscheeks, pulling me in closer to him, preventing me from withdrawing out of him.

Slowly, ever so slowly, we inched the rest of my erection inside him, through a combination of relaxation and deep breaths, somehow Zack managed to take every last bit of it and I eventually felt my pubes touching against his ass. Every inch of my rock hard cock was surrounded by him and I could feel the tightness of his insides squeezing right round my full length. It felt so good, and it took every last bit of my willpower to stop me from just beginning to pound his tight virgin hole good and hard, knowing it would feel just awesome to do that. Instead, I leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on his mouth. And then another one. And then a longer one. And then Zack tenderly kissed me back and we were making out again, slowly but passionately, our tongues gently brushing against each other inside my mouth as Zack pushed his inside. We stayed like that for maybe five minutes, me not moving at all, just resting still inside him, feeling the tightness hugging right round my head and shaft, kissing deeper and deeper, Zack's hands running up and down my naked back, my own hands around his neck and shoulders, cuddling him close to me.

Finally, I broke the kiss, resting my forehead against his, both of us breathing heavy.

"I love the feeling of having you inside me," Zack murmured softly.

I said nothing, but held his gaze as I slowly and deliberately raised my ass to the ceiling, the movement causing my cock to begin to withdraw, before sinking my hips back down to meet Zack's body, my cock sliding right the way back in. His eyes opened wide behind his glasses and I repeated the action, fucking him slowly and gently with long smooth careful movements.

"Like it?" I whispered.

"Yes!" He breathed. "Oh Brad, you're amazing!"

I continued slowly fucking Zack. It felt incredible! His ass was so tight around my giant rock hard dick. I rested more of my weight down on top of him, our thin bodies connecting skin to skin, our chests touching. I could feel the hard nubs of his erect nipples brushing against my hairless chest. I was so turned on, having his naked body beneath me. I reached my head around his and kissed the side of his neck. My hands stroked up his slender arms until they reached his. I linked our fingers, pinning his hands to the bed on either side of his head, his arms raised exposing his soft blond armpit hair. I kissed up from his neck over his chin, and he moved his head so my next kiss landed on his lips and I left my mouth there on his, breathing heavily through my partly open lips.

My hips continued moving backward and forward, slowly, rhythmically, my dick sliding back and forth inside him. It felt so so good. I couldn't help moaning with pleasure every now and again. Zack's fingers stroked their way directly up and down my spinal cord, and then his hands were clasped around my naked hairless ass, pulling me even further into him on the in-thrusts. I figured he wanted a little change of pace or position and I raised myself up holding my weight on my hands, our chests breaking contact, and began to thrust into him a little faster and a little more powerfully.

"Oh BRAD!" He exclaimed. "Fuck! YES! Like that! Keep going like that!"

I watched his face and his eyes met mine shining brightly, his mouth open in a moan of pleasure. The sound was so hot. I was even more turned on than before. My eyes scanned down. His chest was flushed pink and his dick, still as hard as ever, bounced to and fro against his stomach in time with my thrusts.

Zack threw his head back and his back arched as I continued fucking his ass, speeding up a little, my hips pistoning back and forth, moans flying from my lips uncontrollably from how good it felt having my dick moving inside his tight ass.

"Oh Zack!" I groaned, delirious with pleasure.

"Mmmm!" He moaned back. "Oh YES!"

I could feel his ass muscles squeezing even tighter around me, every inch of my dick enveloped, my head glowing warm from the friction.

"MMMM!" I moaned.

"Oh Brad! Oh Brad! Oh Brad!" He panted, his voice high-pitched. "Oh Brad! Keep going! Oh Brad! Oh Brad! Oh Brad! OH! OHHH!!" His moans rose in a crescendo as he tilted his head back, his body arched in a glorious curve, writhing and shuddering as his dick suddenly jolted away from his stomach at an angle and began shooting, cum flying absolutely everywhere, one squirt landing on Zack's chin, another hitting the wall behind the bed. I felt a wetness on my chest and realized some of Zack's cum had landed on me. It ran down, dripping off my nipple onto Zack's lean body lying beneath me. Zack's ass muscles automatically tightened as he hit his orgasm and the grip around my cock was vicelike. I couldn't remember it ever being squeezed as tightly before. I slowed in my thrusting until I was barely moving, allowing Zack to savor every last second of his orgasm, watching fascinated as his cock continued to twitch and bounce again and again.

Zack gasped for breath, his eyes closed, his glasses knocked askew, his torso shimmering wetly covered in his load. From what I'd seen this evening, he was an incredibly heavy cummer and a powerful shooter. It was so hot to watch. I had a sudden urge to join him, to hit my orgasm too, and with the grip around my dick as tight as it was, I knew it wouldn't take long. I gripped his hips tightly and began desperately thrusting as fast and hard as I could. It felt amazing and I moaned again and again. I leaned down and my lips found his, and I kissed him hard, hungrily, passionately. He returned my kiss just as hard. I moaned into his mouth as I felt the familiar build up in my balls, and then I felt the cum speeding down my cock and out of my piss-slit, and thrust hard right into him, pausing a second and then repeating the action, moaning into his mouth and continuing to thrust as I came, the two of us still making out. My heart was beating so fast and my whole body was tingling. I swear I could feel every nerve on my body contracting. My ass muscles twitched, my leg muscles tightened, even the soles of my feet tingled. I broke the kiss, fighting for breath, the lenses of my glasses steamed up and my entire body shivering and shaking from the sensations sweeping through me.

I collapsed onto Zack, feeling his wet cum oozing between our naked chests and stomachs. We lay there not speaking, just panting deeply.

Eventually, our breathing returned to normal speed and I opened my eyes, my face inches from his.

"Wow," he breathed softly.

"Yes, wow," I repeated. I sat up, feeling cold cum running down my chest as I did, and reached one hand down and brushed his hair out of his eyes and adjusted his glasses back to the correct position on his nose. I gripped the base of my softening cock and gently eased it out of his ass.

"That. Was. Incredible!" He whispered. "Better even than I'd imagined. Brad, you were awesome! You wouldn't believe how glad I am that my first time was with you."

"I'm just glad you enjoyed your first time," I replied. I reached for my shirt and again set to work mopping his load up. "Man, you sure do cum a lot. Actually, I think I already said that once this evening!"

"From the looks of how full that rubber is, you seem to be a heavy cummer yourself," he observed. I tied a knot in the end of the condom and dropped it in the trashcan beside the bed. Zack took ahold of my soft dick, still a little wet from my cum and enveloped his mouth around it, sucking it clean. He smiled up at me as he did, and then put his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, kissing me on the mouth and sliding his tongue against mine. I could faintly taste my cum on him as we made out, both of us stretching our bodies out, lying naked next to each other on the bed. The room smelt deliciously of sex.

"So how long before you'll be ready to do all that again?" Zack asked me, suggestively. I laughed and ran one finger slowly down his naked body.

"Not long!"

I slowly opened my eyes. I couldn't tell what the time was, but the room didn't seem light enough to suggest the sun was fully up yet. Zack and I were spooning, my chest and stomach against his back, both of us completely naked, a comforter draped over the top of us. My arms were around his body. I could feel my morning wood digging into the base of his back, and shuffled my lower body back a little bit so it wasn't pressing so hard against him, feeling guilty that I was erect against him while he was asleep.

I replayed the events of last night in my head and smiled to myself. The sex had been incredible. Zack murmured my name softly in his sleep, and shifted his body back against me a little bit so my cock was digging into his back again. It felt nice being there. It felt better than nice. Guess Zack thought it felt nice too.

I lay there enjoying the body contact between us, and it was how I'd always imagined it; spooning up against another naked male body, cuddling him to me. It felt the most natural thing in the world. I was gay. And, for the first time, I didn't care. I didn't care that I was gay, and I didn't care who knew. It just felt...right.

Next: Chapter 41: Geeks Get Hot 18 Anthony

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