Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 5, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 4) -- Anthony

Having finished my wank and completely failed to flush away the evidence, I unlocked the door and hurried out of the cubicle, quickly rinsed my hands under the tap and left the toilets. Brad was stood outside waiting for me, and we grabbed a sandwich from the refectory before making our way back up to our room. I unpacked my clothes and we spent the rest of the day reading through the course descriptions and chatting about which courses we planned to register for.

In the evening, the two lads rooming next door to us knocked on our door and asked if we wanted to join in an X-Box tournament they were holding in their room, so we spent the evening playing computer games with them and some other guys from our corridor, talking and making friends. They were all interested to hear about life in the UK, and I was happy to tell them, for once not feeling at all shy or embarrassed at being the centre of attention, which is not like me at all.

About midnight, my eyes started to droop. I was still tired, although not as jetlagged as I was expecting. I said I was going to leave, and Brad decided to leave too. We collected our washbags from our room, and walked down to the communal bathroom together. I brushed my teeth and splashed my face over with water, and Brad did the same. Then we walked back up to our room.

I closed the door behind us and walked over to put my washbag on top of my chest of drawers. Then I sat on my bed and took off my trainers (well, sneakers I suppose I will have to start calling them if I want to be understood!) and socks. Brad had also sat on his bed and taken off his trainers and socks, balling his socks up and dropping them into his dirty washing basket.

Then we both kind of sat there hesitating. I was starting to feel a bit self-conscious. I had never shared a room before, not with a relative, nor a friend, and I hadn't got changed in front of another person since doing PE at school over four years ago. My mind strayed back to those days, at the laughs and jeers, at being whipped by wet towels. Being a geek at school was no fun at all.

But me and Brad had been getting on fine all day. I was sure he wasn't going to laugh at me and my thin body -- he looked pretty skinny himself. Besides, we had to share a room for the next year, and were going to have to get changed in front of each other every single day. I was being silly feeling this shy at getting my kit off in front of him.

I got back to my feet and pulled my t-shirt off over my head. I turned to drop it into my dirty washing basket and could feel Brad watching me. Then as I started undoing my belt, Brad stood up too and took his t-shirt off. I looked up quickly, not wanting to seem as though I was staring, but curious to see what his body looked like.

He was thin, with small round nipples that were a lot darker than my own. His chest was completely smooth and he had only the faintest of treasure trails beginning just below his belly button. He might have been thin, but that didn't mean he had no muscle at all, in fact he had the definite beginnings of what could end up being a very nice six pack, and his arms although slender, looked capable of some heavy lifting.

I unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them, leaving me standing in just my tight black boxerbriefs. Brad took down his own jeans until he stood in just his own underwear, a pair of close-fitting navy blue briefs. He filled them nicely, and my own bulge twitched slightly as my cock registered my appreciation. He opened his mouth as though he was about to say something but then closed it again, took off his glasses and crawled into his bed.

I walked over to the door, turned off the main light in the room and then returned and got into my own bed.

"Night then" I said.

"Night" he replied.

I lay there in the dark trying to fall asleep, but as tired as I had been a short while ago, I just couldn't drop off. It had been about twenty minutes before I heard Brad softly whisper.


"Yes?" I replied.

"Oh, you're still awake."

"Yes Brad I am. What was it you wanted?"

"Oh, um, nothing, it can wait till morning."

"Good job I wasn't asleep then, if you were going to wake me up just to tell me that!"

"Yes. Sorry! Night then Anthony."

I rolled over to face the wall, moving my feet into a new space that was cooler than where they'd just been. I was nice and comfortable, but still couldn't seem to fall asleep. Bloody jetlag. I lay still and tried to replay the Dean's welcome talk in my head -- that was boring enough to send anybody to sleep!

Behind me, I heard Brad fidgeting a little, probably turning over in his sleep, and then a faint scraping sound. That was odd. I stayed lying on my side facing the wall and tried to tune my ears in to what I could hear. It was almost the sound of a drawer being opened or closed incredibly slowly. Brad fidgeted a bit more, as if he was rearranging his bedclothes, then a different soft rhythmic rustling noise drifted over to me. I held my breath, keeping as still and as quiet as I could to try and pinpoint what the noise might be.

I could hear the rustling noise quite plainly now. It sounded to me a bit like someone's bedcovers moving backwards and forwards or up and down. In the quiet, Brad suddenly let out a little gasp of breath. The rustling noise stopped, then after a few seconds it resumed, but at a slightly faster rhythm than before, and accompanied by some more sharp exhalations of breath.

Could it be...Was it possible that...

"Mmmmm" Brad groaned softly. "Mmmmm"

Was he...Was he actually...

The rustling increased in speed, and Brad let out another very soft moan, so quiet I probably wouldn't have heard it if I hadn't been lying so still and breathing so quietly myself.

He was...He definitely was...My roommate was wanking in his bed, thinking I'd fallen asleep. I could feel my own cock starting to harden in my tight black boxerbriefs.

Now it wasn't just the sound of bedclothes rustling I could hear, it was also the wet squelchy sound of a hand running over a slippery cockhead. Brad's breathing was getting faster and faster, his sighs and breaths getting longer and louder. My own cock felt like cast iron in my boxerbriefs, precum dripping from my tip and soaking into my underwear, as I listened to Brad building up to his climax, soft sighs and deep breaths giving way to little whimpers of pleasure, until he let out a whispered "Fuck! Yes!" and then a very long sigh, and I knew he had cum.

My dick was so hard and so wet in my boxerbriefs, pushing out against the material, demanding attention, but I knew I had to keep still and quiet as if I was asleep so that Brad wouldn't know I'd heard him wanking. I knew he'd feel incredibly embarrassed if he thought I was still awake and listening, so I contented myself with just enjoying the feeling of having a raging hardon, and soon, without me trying, I drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5: Geeks Get Hot 5 Anthony

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