Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 19, 2015



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read this chapter from Brad's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 17) - Anthony

I slowly opened my eyes, my head pounding and a disgusting taste in my dry mouth. I felt terrible. How much had I had to drink last night?! Too much from the feel of it. I groaned and slowly closed my eyes again. From the other side of the room came a chuckle of laughter.

My eyes snapped open again and I squinted through the blurriness that was my uncorrected eyesight, trying to see who it was that was laughing at me. I groped on the floor beside the sofa I was lying on and found my glasses. The world came into focus as I put them on and I winced at the sharpness of it all.

"I guess you have quite a hangover!" A voice said.

I looked around for its source. A young guy was perched on one of the stools that stood at the breakfast bar of the kitchen/living room I was in. He had short, very blonde hair and was wearing black-framed spectacles, a red tshirt with a pocket on the left side and navy blue shorts. His legs were pale and rather thin, and dusted with hair that was darker than that on his head but still blonde in colour.

"Yeah, one of the worst!" I groaned. "Um, who are you again?"

He laughed.

"I guess you don't remember much about last night. I'm Zack." He got up from the stool he was sat on. "Coffee?"

"Um, yes please." I wracked my brains trying to think clearly. Could I remember a Zack? His name was drawing a blank with me. At the same time, the slight ache of my arse muscles told me that I had almost certainly had sex the night before. Was this Zack a casual shag whose sofa I had crashed on after doing the deed?

He handed me a cup of coffee. I took a sip. It was hot and strong - just what I needed to try and neutralise my hangover.

"Thanks," I said. "Um...This is a really embarrassing thing to ask, but did sex last night?"

Zack threw his head back and laughed.

"No, we didn't, much to Barbara-Ann's disappointment! I think part of the reason she threw the party was in the hopes that we would hook-up."

"Oh. So who...?" I began. Then my memory began to come back, helped by the caffeine rush. There had been a tall guy, with black spiky hair and piercings. Suddenly I could vividly remember him standing naked and erect in front of me.

"Oh so you've finally woken up then," came another voice, as Barbara-Ann walked into the room, her dyed red hair damp, presumably from having recently had a shower. "Did Zack offer you breakfast?"

"Oh I don't think I could eat anything without being sick," I groaned.

"Serves you right for drinking so much last night. I was really surprised Anthony, I didn't expect you to get so wasted. Do you remember any of the stuff you did or said?"


"Well you'd better hope nobody is going to upload anything too embarrassing to Facebook."

Barbara-Ann and Zack both laughed. It made me wonder what on earth I had got up to last night at the party.

"So, what was Dylan like in bed?" Barbara-Ann asked conversationally. I had just taken a mouthful of coffee and spat some of it back into the mug as I choked in surprise.

"Come on, don't be bashful," she teased. "You and I both know the two of you fucked last night."

"A gentleman never tells," I joked.

"Bullshit! Okay, so you're not going to give details, fair enough. Just tell me one thing, did he have a Prince Albert?"

"What? A pierced cock?! No!"

"I knew it!" She punched a fist into her other hand. "He always was one to exaggerate. Well, I still think it is a shame that you and Zack never really got the chance to talk properly before you had drunk too much to be coherent. You could have hit it off and Zack could have..."

"Barbara-Ann, please!" Zack interrupted.

"Oh sweetie, am I embarrassing you? Poor little virgin."

Zack's cheeks blazed bright red, his freckles vanishing.

"You know, sometimes Barbara-Ann, I really hate you!"

"Oh relax! It's only Anthony. He's not going to say anything. In fact, play your cards right, and he might make it so that you aren't a virgin any longer!"

Zack and I both looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"Sorry about her," Zack said to me.

"It's okay, I'm used to it," I replied.

"Well fuck the both of you!" Barbara-Ann said, mock-insulted, as she left the room.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Zack asked me.

"Go back to the dorms and sleep off this hangover for a start. Then maybe revise a little."

"Is it true you room with Brad Griffiths?"

"How did you know that?!"

"Oh, I met your buddies last night. Brad and I were in high school together, but we lost touch. In fact, we didn't get much chance to talk yesterday. He left early."


"Yeah, he seemed real upset about something. Anyways, could I get his number off you? I really would like to talk to him properly before I go back home."

"Um, sure." I scrolled through the contacts on my mobile and read off Brad's number to Zack who quickly saved it into his own phone.

"Thanks," he said.

I reached down for my tshirt and jeans which lay on the floor beside the sofa I had been sleeping on. I swung my legs out from under the blanket I was curled up under and stood up to pull my tshirt over my head. I could sense Zack's eyes sweeping over my half-naked body and as my head emerged through the neckhole, I caught him checking out my lower half. I knew I looked good in the black Calvin Kleins boxerbriefs I was wearing, and purposefully let my tshirt ruck up so it didn't fall completely down my body and obscure my bulge from his view.

He looked up and made eye contact with me, then quickly looked away. I began to put my jeans on.

"I can see why Barbara-Ann thought you would be my type," Zack said suddenly.

"Oh?" I asked curiously.

"Barbara-Ann was hoping we might hookup while I was here," Zack laughed softly. "Physically, you tick every box. I like guys with dark hair and thin bodies, I am attracted to guys in glasses, I find the geek look so hot."

"Oh, thanks," I said, flattered that I could actually be somebody's type. "Well I'm feeling a bit hungover now, but maybe later tonight, we know...if you wanted to?" It was a little out of character for me to be so brazen, but in a few days I would be leaving the States and back at home living with my parents for the summer, where the opportunities for sex would be scarce if at all. Another shag would simply be making the most of the freedom I had left. And Zack was pretty hot in a geeky way himself.

Zack sighed.

"And that's where Barbara-Ann got it wrong. Physically, you're exactly my type, but as a person...let's just say I'd prefer to lose my virginity to somebody a lot less easy than you."

I reddened. Had Zack just called me easy? Did he think I was some sort of slut who let anybody fuck them?! I opened my mouth to protest my (near-)innocence, but it was too late, Zack had left the room.

I stepped out of the lift on the fourth floor of Jefferson Dorms. Walking down the corridor to mine and Brad's dormroom, for some reason I felt a little nervous. In fact, almost as nervous as when I had walked down it the very first time when I had first arrived at the university. Perhaps it was because it was the first time either of us had stayed away for the whole night due to a sexual conquest. I paused outside our room and took a deep breath, before swinging the door open.

Brad was sitting on his bed holding his mobile. He looked up and over at me as I stood in the doorway, then looked down at his handset again.

"You came back then," he said, gruffly.

"Um, yes," I replied, "why wouldn't I?"

"I thought maybe you would stay the weekend with your new friend " he sneered.

"What?" I blushed. "No, that...that didn't mean anything."

Brad snorted in derision, and then the room filled with silence.

"Brad, talk to me!" I said finally, trying to break the awkward atmosphere between us. "Why are you being like this?!"

"Like what?! Oh I don't know, maybe because, unlike you, I don't just fuck any guy I see. I only have sex with people I like! And I like you...sorry, liked you!"

"What?!" My head was spinning and I felt my heart beating faster. Had Brad just said that he fancied me?! "But you're never said you were..."

"I really liked you! REALLY liked you! And you just went off with some random guy!"

"Brad, I..."

"I can't believe you did that! I thought we were...I thought we..."

"Brad, I don't understand what you are upset about. We aren't in a relationship or anything, what happened between us was just sex."

"Just sex?! JUST SEX?! It might have been "just sex" to you, but it meant everything to me! EVERYTHING!"



"Brad, keep your voice down!" I begged, glancing behind me at the open door. He continued walking towards me, his face contorted with anger. I took a step backwards.

"Keep my voice down?! Why? Are you afraid the other guys on the corridor will hear what a SLUT you are?!"

Behind me I could hear doors opening on the corridor and the murmur of curious voices, as all the guys busy studying took a welcome break to investigate why the two normally quiet-as-mice geeks were yelling and causing such a disturbance to the quiet of the Saturday daytime.

Brad's fists were clenched and his face wore an expression I had never seen on him before. He was walking towards me drawing his fist back and it suddenly struck me that he was about to punch me! Fuck!

I stepped backwards, practically in the doorway now, cowering slightly and wincing, anticipating the blow.

Suddenly, Charlie was in the room, putting his arm around Brad's shoulder and leading him out of the door, Brad's face beginning to crumple as they left. Charlie shot a stern look over his shoulder at me.

"I'll talk with you later, Anthony."

I could hear the other guys from the corridor mumbling excitedly at the turn of events, as from Chris and Charlie's room came the unmistakeable sound of a person crying uncontrollably.

"What is Brad so upset about?" One of the guys called across to me as I stood unmoving in the doorway of our dormroom.

"I dunno," I shrugged, and slammed the door shut.

Charlie had seemed angry at me too. What had I done that was so wrong?! I had obviously hurt Brad's feelings somehow, although exactly how I didn't have a clue, and Charlie had sided with him. Why was everything turning out so shit all of a sudden?! I only had a few days left here in the States, and I wanted to spend it having fun with my friends, not arguing with them and being the subject of hatred.

I didn't want Brad to be mad at me. Or Charlie. They were my friends. What had I done? Why were they angry with me all of a sudden?

My head spinning, I curled up into a foetal position on my bed, and as Brad's loud sobbing drifted through the walls from the room next door, tears ran silently down my cheeks.

There was a quiet knock at the dormroom door. I looked up from the notes I was revising from as Charlie stuck his head around the door.

"Hey Anthony, can I talk with you a minute?"

"Sure," I said, spinning my desk chair round to face him. He sat down on Brad's bed opposite me.

"I'm not sure if you realise how much you hurt Brad's feelings by hooking up with that guy last night."

"But Brad's not g..."

"No, let me finish. Brad told me you and he were both gay and that you had had sex, and, I admit, it shocked me a little. I had no idea either of you were gay. Not that it bothers me in the slightest, I could care less if you are or not. But anyway," Charlie itched at his leg a little uncomfortable at what he was saying, "I think that Brad regarded the sex you had as than you did. From what he told me, I think he has a pretty major crush on you."

My head span. What was Charlie saying?! Brad was gay after all?! But he had never said! And he fancied me?! What. The. Fuck?!

Charlie looked at me sternly.

"I think Brad had hopes of you two becoming serious. Don't ask me how that would have worked with you moving back to England in a few days, but it's true. And then to find out you had hooked-up at the party...I think it completely fucked his head up."

I swallowed uncomfortably. It felt like I was receiving a telling-off lecture from my Dad or a headteacher.

"I didn't know he felt that way, honestly Charlie, I didn't."

"And, as you know, he has been through a lot, what with being rejected by his friend at high school, being bullied so bad he tried to commit suicide..."

What?! I didn't know any of this! Why hadn't Brad told me any of this?!

"...I guess I don't need to tell you how coming here to college was such a big of a deal for Brad, and moving on afresh with a new life after everything. I got the impression he didn't have much of a fun time in high school and hasn't had the same experiences maybe you or I have had."

I stared at the floor. Brad had obviously opened up about his past to Charlie. I had thought the two of us were close and knew each other well, but evidently not. He can't have felt able to trust me. The floor suddenly became blurred.

"You remember your first crush Anthony?"

I nodded, as I didn't trust myself to speak. I certainly remembered the first guy I had had a crush on. It had been one of the sixth formers at school who had made sure there were no fights and no queue-jumping in the dinner queue. I had been completely smitten as a hormone-ridden teen, and spent so many nights wanking and fantasising about him.

"Yeah me too. So you know as well as I do that getting over them when they reject you hurts a lot."

"I didn't mean to make Brad upset," I mumbled. "He didn't even tell me he was gay, let alone that he liked me. I just thought, you know, he was horny and I was helping him out. It was just sex Charlie."

Charlie sighed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Kinda."

"You've seen the size of his cock, haven't you? Trust me, if you were gay you wouldn't turn it down either."

"You don't have to defend your actions to me, Anthony. I've had my share of casual sex and one night stands. It would be hypocritical of me to judge you. I just thought you needed to know that Brad is a little upset and hurting right now, but I think I managed to talk him round for you."

Charlie got up and walked to the dormroom door.

"You should probably try and make it up to him."

"How should I do that?!" I wondered aloud.

"You'll think of something."

I looked around our room. I had (with difficulty) cleared my desk and moved it to an angle so there was space for mine and Brad's desk chairs to go one either side of it facing each other. I had been out and bought candles to put in the centre of the desk, and ordered Brad's favourite pizza, asking for it to be delivered at the time he and I usually went to have food in the evening. Nervously, I sat at the desk and waited for Brad's return.

And I waited.

And I waited some more.

The scraping of Brad's key in the dormroom door lock brought me out of my revision-induced stupor. I had long abandoned sitting at the desk/dining table and had stretched out on my bed with a maths textbook, revising for my last exam which was due to take place on Monday afternoon.

Brad entered the room with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hi," I smiled. "You came back then. I was beginning to think you had left me!"

"Yeah, sorry, I got chatting and..." Brad broke off, noticing the desk I had laid up like a dinner table. I had long since blown the candles out, and the box of pizza had been sitting for so long the bottom of it had gone soggy. "Is that...Is that for me?"

"Yes. Sorry, you are back later than I thought you would be. Your pizza is probably stone cold by now. I'm afraid I ate mine, I got so hungry I couldn't wait any longer."

"Even cold pizza would taste so good right now - I'm really hungry!"

Brad sat down in his desk chair and opened the box lid.

"My favourite topping too! Thank you Anthony." He smiled at me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was almost as if the argument between us had never taken place.

"I feel I ought to apologise to you," I began a little hesitantly, as Brad commenced gobbling down the cold slices of pizza. "I had no idea that I would upset you so much by hooking-up with that guy at the party. If I'd have known that it would upset you that much, of course I wouldn't have gone with him." Brad continued eating, but I could tell he was listening intently and digesting every word I was saying.

"But if I can defend myself a little, I had no idea at all you had feelings for me. I didn't even know you were gay. You never said."

"No, I..I tried to, so many times, but the words just wouldn't come out," Brad said softly and dejectedly. "I guess in the end I just sorta assumed that you knew. I mean, we did have sex together. It wasn't just fooling around. There aren't many straight guys that would do that."

He shrugged and resumed eating.

"I did suspect, but when I came out to you, it was the perfect time for you to come out too, and you didn't. I said to myself if you were gay you would have definitely told me the same time I told you. But you didn't. So I doubted my hunch. And then...I don't know, there were just so many opportunities where you could have told me. I suppose I thought we were such good friends, you would have told me at some point if you were. Especially knowing for certain I was and that I wouldn't be a homophobe or anything."

"I know, I know. I had so much respect for you when you told me. It must have taken a lot of courage to do that. I should have come out to you. I know I should."

"Why didn't you then? I couldn't help sounding slightly accusatory.

"I don't know. Like I said before, I wanted to. I just couldn't make the words come out. I guess I'm just not as brave as you."

There was a silence, but not an awkward one.

"I feel I should apologize to you too," Brad said. "I probably over-reacted a little this morning."

"A little?!" I raised one eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe more than a little!" Brad said, laughing a bit. "Charlie spoke with me and he helped me see how I might have misled you by not telling you how I felt, and also made me realise that it was unlikely anything would happen between us."

"Yes. I mean if we'd both come out straight away, maybe we could have had something, but I was always going to go back to the UK. It wouldn't have been long-term."

"No," Brad sighed.

"Don't be too disappointed Brad. I'm sure you'll meet someone else."

"Yeah, I know," he said, reddening slightly.

"I really enjoyed sharing a room with you, you know," I said quietly. "I would have absolutely hated being with somebody else I had nothing in common with. You really helped me adjust to life over here and have been such a good friend. I'm sorry that we had to quarrel today. I hope it hasn't spoilt our friendship, because I really do enjoy your company and everything. Until today I had the feeling we would be friends for life."

"Yeah, I had that feeling too," Brad confirmed, swallowing down the last mouthful of the last slice of his pizza. "We still are friends though, aren't we? I mean the argument hasn't changed that much, has it?"

"God I hope we're still friends," I said looking at him directly in the eye. "I mean I've just wasted money on a pizza otherwise!"

He laughed.

"And very tasty it was too! Even if it was cold."

"Shouldn't have kept me waiting so long then," I joked. "I had candles lit and everything! I'm glad it was alright for you though. I made sure I got your favourite."

"Yeah, it was so good," Brad said, downing the last of his can of coke. He placed the empty can down on the desk, tilted his head back slightly, and let out an absolutely colossal burp.

We looked at each other and both burst out laughing.

"Fucking hell, Brad," I said eventually. "I think they might have heard that one in England!"

"Just expressing my satisfaction with the pizza!" He explained, smiling coyly. "It really was good." He let rip another enormous burp, grinning broadly and proudly after it. It always surprised me how someone normally so polite and well-mannered could be so uncouth and laddish and masculine. To be honest, it was a bit of a turn-on.

I arranged myself in my jeans to give me a little more growing room and angled my body so it would be obvious I was getting hard if Brad were to look in the right direction.

"You did enjoy what we did together didn't you Brad?" I asked. "You don't regret it?"

"Hell no! It was the best! I'm glad I lost my virginity to you, even though we didn't end up in a relationship."

"Oh I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to regret your first time."

"You enjoyed it too, didn't you?"

"Oh yes! It felt so good having you in me!" My cock was fully hard by now at the memory. "I don't suppose..." I continued casually. "I mean, I only have three more nights left here, but that's three nights we could spend shagging if you wanted to..."

Brad laughed softly. "I take it you're horny then!"

"Well yes!" I laughed, indicating my hardon through my jeans. I raised my eyebrow suggestively. "So how about it? Wanna fuck?!"

Brad shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, but no. I always promised myself I would be a one-guy-at-a-time guy, and, well...." he looked down at the floor blushing slightly, but couldn't stop a faint smile appearing on his lips, "I have a date tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 40: Geeks Get Hot 18 Brad

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