Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Sep 5, 2015


Disclaimer: The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Patronising things you should read: Fictional characters cannot get hurt and do not feel pain. Real people can and do. Actions have consequences, and the author does not in any way condone suicide, self-harm, self-mutilation, or any form of self-abuse as a coping mechanism.

Note from Author: This part of the story is told by Charlie. To read this chapter from Anthony's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 16) - Charlie

Anthony, Brad and I stood on the sidewalk waiting for Curtis to finish paying the cab driver. We had all come to a party at Anthony's friend Barbara-Ann's house. My roommate, Chris, had been invited too, but chosen to spend the evening with his girlfriend, Carly. Probably they would be spending most of the night in our dormroom having sex. Lucky Chris!

"HA! DORKS!" yelled a voice. I looked around for the source and saw a car waiting at the traffic lights on the other side of the road. The back window was wound down and the occupants, a group of guys aged probably around 17 were staring out, one of them making a rude gesture with his hand.

"Look at those skinny legs!" One of them jeered.

"Pair of Nerds!"


I looked sideways at my companions. Brad and Anthony were both looking down at the floor, pretending not to hear the abuse that was being hurled their way.

The traffic lights turned to green and the car sped away, the taunting laughter fading away with it. Curtis joined us having finished paying.

"What were those assholes in the car saying?"

"It's nothing," Anthony said quickly.

"I get that a lot," Brad added. "It's no big deal."

I frowned inwardly. That sort of verbal abuse was not something anyone ought to have to put up with, and especially not on a regular basis. I couldn't believe Brad and Anthony were shrugging it off as if it were nothing. Well, it wasn't the time to dwell on it now. It was party time!

We walked thru the front yard to the door of Barbara-Ann's house and knocked on the door. It was answered almost immediately and we were ushered inside. I was a little nervous about the people who might be there, as Anthony had told us that the party was a coming-out party for one of Barbara-Ann's friends from back home, and that there would be a lot of gay people there, but actually it was almost the same as any other party I'd been to, with groups of people drinking and hanging out in the kitchen and sitting together in the backyard. The only difference was drunken guys hitting on other guys rather than on the girls. I didn't feel at all uncomfortable. Curtis and I had spoken earlier about how neither of us had been friends with any gay people before and how we weren't used to socializing with gay guys or lesbians.

We walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer each before continuing into the back yard where there were groups of people standing and sitting talking.

"Hey, Anthony!" Somebody yelled over. He smiled in response and started talking to a guy and two girls who were sitting on the grass close by.

"Did you ask Brad yet?" Curtis asked me in a low voice so nobody else would overhear.

"No. Jeez, give me a chance!" I replied.

"Well don't wait too long," he said impatiently.

"Guys, this is Alice, Christine and Davy from my maths study group," Anthony said to us, breaking through mine and Curtis's whispered conversation. "And this is Curtis, Charlie and my roommate Brad." We each smiled and said hey to the other guys. Curtis and I sat down on the lawn next to Davy while Anthony and Brad headed back to the kitchen to get us all some snacks.

"So are you guys all friends with Barbara-Ann?" Davy asked.

"No, just Anthony," Curtis replied. "He knows her from his math classes. And you guys too I guess."

"Yeah, that's how we all know each other." Davy draped his arm possessively around Christine. "And it's how we met too." She leaned in toward him and they shared a little kiss.

"You two are dating then?" Curtis asked.

"Yeah. Are you two?"

Curtis and I looked at each other and both burst into laughter.

"Fuck, no! We are both straight!" Curtis said through his giggles.

"Oh, sorry dude, I didn't mean to offend you," Davy stuttered. "I um...just practically every person here is gay, so I just assumed..."

"Oh you didn't offend us," I replied quickly.

"That is the first time we have ever been mistaken for a gay couple though!" Curtis said. "Actually, we are all just friends and neighbors in Jefferson Dorms."

"Oh right, so you all live in the dorms?"


We continued talking, along with Brad and Anthony who had rejoined us with a box of pizza and a bag of chips to share as well as some more beers. It grew darker and the beers continued to flow. Our new friends Davy, Christine and Alice were easy to talk to and the conversation flowed too. Brad and Anthony were both being quite talkative, and Curtis was the usual Curtis, making jokes and being generally friendly to everybody. It was a really nice evening and I was enjoying myself a lot chilling with everyone. After the recent stress of exams it was nice just to chill for a change.

The night continued. Around us, guys were getting drunker and drunker. Anthony excused himself to go take a leak. I watched with interest two guys on the other side of the garden making out greedily, their crotches grinding against each other oblivious to everyone else, their hands roaming all over each other's bodies, down the front of their shirts, down the back of their pants.

"Fucking Hell!" Curtis said to the group of us, noticing them too. "Those two are practically having sex over there!"

I laughed good-naturedly, and looked over my shoulder, drinking a mouthful of my beer. A thin guy with short blond hair was hovering uncertainly between the several small groups of people chilling in the yard. He looked nervous and lost, as though he didn't know anybody and was too afraid to approach any of the circles of people.

"Hey, dude, come sit with us," I hailed him.

He smiled, looking relieved as he walked over toward me.

"Thanks dude. I don't really know anybody and I'm really shy..." He broke off, his eyes opening wide, staring disbelievingly at somebody on the other side of the circle we were sitting in. "Ohmygod! Brad?! Brad Griffiths?!" He exclaimed.

Brad turned at the sound of his name and his eyes opened wide in recognition behind his glasses.

"Zack?! Zack Kennedy?!"

The two stared at each other unspeaking for a short while as the conversation continued around them.

"Guys!" Brad said excitedly. "This is Zack. Zack was my best friend in high school before he moved. Wow! When did we last see each other Zack? Like, four years ago?! I can't believe you're...Why are you...?"

"Barbara-Ann is my neighbor back home," Zack explained. "I am thinking of transferring here and she invited me to stay so I could check out the campus before I decide. I think this party is sort of in my honor."

"Wait, so you're the friend of Barbara-Ann's who just came out?" Curtis asked, spectacularly untactfully.

"Uh yeah," Zack said, looking down at the floor, his cheeks coloring slightly.

"Cool, nice to meet you dude," Curtis held his fist out and Zack bumped it with his own.

"So this is where you are!" came Barbara-Ann's voice from behind us. We turned. She was swaying slightly, an almost empty beer bottle in her hand, obviously rather drunk.

"You finally stopped hiding up in your room. Well, you missed out, I'm afraid Dylan stole your lay!"

Zack spluttered a little and went even redder. I guess he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, I just saw them going upstairs," continued Barbara-Ann, oblivious to Zack's discomfort, or perhaps enjoying it. "And trust me, Dylan wouldn't be going upstairs with a guy to just listen to music! Never mind though, plenty more gays in the sea."

"Wait, Barbara-Ann had a guy lined up at the party for you to hookup with?!" Curtis asked, wide-eyed. "You lucky sonofabitch!"

"Yeah, he'd have been perfect to break Zack in," Barbara-Ann slurred.

We all jeered playfully at Zack who grew even redder, but couldn't stop himself from grinning.

"I know, I should feel honored that Barbara-Ann was going to try to arrange it."

"You should feel honored!" agreed Curtis. "Not only does she throw a coming-out party for you, she also manages to sort out getting you laid! That is precisely the sort of friend you want! I wish you were my friend Barbara-Ann!"

"Well it was nothing definite," protested Zack. "Just some guy called Anthony that Barbara-Ann knows who she thought might be interested."

There was an audible gasp from nearly everybody present.

"What?! Anthony?! Brad's roommate Anthony?!" Curtis asked incredulously. "Why on earth would Barbara-Ann be trying to set you up with him? He isn't gay! he Brad?" he ended a little uncertainly.

I looked over at Brad. His expression was frozen on his face. He was clutching his stomach. As I watched, his lip started quivering as though he was either going to puke his guts out or burst into tears.

"Oh yeah, Anthony's gay alright," Barbara-Ann slurred. "One hundred percent homo." She suddenly clapped one hand over her mouth. "Oh crap! I think that is supposed to be a secret!"

I shook my head trying to comprehend.

Anthony was gay?! I hadn't suspected that at all! However, now I thought about it, it did explain a couple things about his mannerisms, and the way he always seemed a little distracted whenever the swim team walked past, and the way he always seemed to avoid joining in conversations about hot girls.

"Whoa!" Curtis let out a low whistle of shock. "Anthony is gay?! I never would have worked that out! But how comes Barbara-Ann would choose him for you Zack? I mean, he's a great guy and everything, but he is hardly the best-looking!"

"Well, I told her my type," Zack was blushing again. "I'm attracted to slim guys with dark hair who wear glasses."

Was it my imagination or did he glance over at Brad as he said that?

Brad had a weird expression on his face as if he were holding back a sneeze. Behind his glasses his brown eyes were shimmering slightly as if they were filling with tears.

"You know, Harry Potter, Leonard from Big Bang Theory, Artie from Glee, ... I find dark-haired guys in glasses really hot!"

"You'd choose Artie over Sam or Finn?!" one of the girls asked disbelievingly.

"Uh-huh," Zack confirmed.

"Well Anthony sure fits into that dark-haired geek in glasses category," confirmed Curtis.

"Yeah, but he's busy fucking Dylan's brains out right about now, so you missed your chance with him Zack!" Barbara-Ann laughed, stroking Zack on the arm, mock-consoling him.

Brad suddenly let out a splutter, leapt to his feet, and, his face crumpling, began to run across the yard toward the gate.

"Brad?!" I called after him. He didn't turn around, just kept moving. We all looked at each other uneasily.

"I think I had better go after him," I said, getting to my feet.

"Do you think he's ok?" Zack asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, probably just a bit freaked out about finding out his roommate is gay," I explained. "Brad is a little sensitive."

"Yeah, he always was," Zack sighed wistfully, probably thinking back to some time in the past while he and Anthony were at high school together.

I turned and quickly started jogging the way Brad had run off. I reached the street and could just about see him in the distance, still running. I quickened my pace and was soon catching him up as he tired, not used to running long distances, and not quite having the physical prowess to cope.

"BRAD! WAIT UP!" I yelled.

He slowed to a walk, but didn't stop to wait for me. I continued running until I was alongside him.

"Why did you take off like that?" I panted, out of breath from the running. "Is something wrong?"

Brad was walking quickly, his head down, shoulders slumped, sniffing and snuffling slightly as if he were holding back tears or had just finished crying. He didn't answer me. I took the hint that he didn't want to talk about it and we just walked in silence. We were headed in the direction of the campus. I never was any good at keeping quiet though, and the silence was making me feel awkward.

"So, me and Courtney broke up," I announced, startling myself that I had blurted it out to him. It had only happened that afternoon and I didn't even get a chance to tell Curtis yet.

He didn't reply. I was getting kinda pissed now at being given the silent treatment.

"Aren't you even going to pretend to console me?"

He shrugged. "I'm sorry to hear that you and Courtney have broken up," he dutifully said in a monotone. "Actually," he added, "I'm not sorry at all. I'm glad. You could do a lot better."

"Jeez Brad, don't hold back! Though, actually, you're right. I could do better. You know, part of why we broke up was because she had a problem with my friends. She was always saying she couldn't understand why I enjoyed hanging out with you and Anthony, that you were just boring geeks. I told her that wasn't the case and that all my friends were important to me and a loving girlfriend would understand that. She didn't like me saying that." I paused. "You and her always did have a problem with each other and I never did understand why. I mean I know you both were at high school together. Did something happen there? I you guys have a history?"

He let out a short laugh of contempt.

"She thinks I'm a worthless piece of crap and I think she's a total bitch. That kind of sums it all up."

I was shocked. That was about the first time I had heard Brad say something bad about anyone.

We walked around a corner, past the entrance to a 7-11. Three teenage boys, probably aged about 15, were hanging out next to the doorway.

"Check out the geek!" One of them shouted.

The others jeered unkindly.

"Nice haircut dork!" Another yelled out.

I glanced sideways at Brad. He was clenching and unclenching his fists as his arms dangled at the sides of his body. He continued walking briskly, making out he was ignoring the jeers and the catcalls around him.

"What a total loser!"

I saw red, and turned back, grabbing the front of the shirt of the guy who had last yelled out, my hand balled into a fist and held ready to smash into his face.

"What did you just say dipshit?!" I demanded.

"Charlie!" Brad exclaimed, appearing at my side. "Leave it, it's not worth getting into a fight over."

He turned and walked away. I let go of the guy I had a hold of, giving him a push as I did so. He fell against the guy next to him and the two of them tumbled to the ground in a heap. I sneered at them lying there in a tangle of gangly teenage limbs.

"You're lucky my friend is a pacifist. I would have beaten seven shades of shit out of you for teasing him like that." I slowly turned and walked away, knowing from their scared faces there would be no comeback.

"Thanks," Brad mumbled as I caught him up.

"Why do you let them treat you like that?!" I demanded to know.

"I'm used to it, it doesn't matter," he sighed. "That was nothing compared to some of the shit I put up with in high school."

"But why?" I asked. "Why didn't you stand up for yourself?"

"Do you think that would have made them stop?!" Brad laughed sarcastically. "Hah! I would have just gotten beat up even worse."


"Charlie, you don't know what it's like. How can you? You're a normal guy. You're popular. You haven't had to put up with what I went through in high school. I went through absolute Hell. Hell! Every fucking day. You would not believe some of the things they said and did to me."

"Surely you're exaggerating Brad. Every day?"

"Yes, every day. No, not quite every day. There were twelve days where they didn't."

"What?!" I laughed, "how can you be so accurate?"

"I counted them. I marked them on my bedroom wall in bright red crayon. Twelve days between starting sophomore year and graduating high school. They were special days for me. Days when I didn't cry or get hurt."

His tone of voice told me that he was being serious. I opened my eyes wide. Twelve days over three years? That left an awful lot of days that must have been complete torture for him.

"Brad that's awful. Why didn't you tell someone? Why didn't you move schools?"

"I did," he said in a quiet voice. "I moved schools. I changed classes. I told my homeroom teacher. I tried dressing in cooler clothes. I did everything I could think of. It...It didn't make any difference." His voice cracked and I realized he was holding back tears.

"I tried to kill myself," he suddenly said.

"What?!" I gasped, shocked.

"It got too much for me and I couldn't take the bullying any more, so I took an overdose. It didn't work. I couldn't even manage to do that right."

There was a short silence. The only sound was of him struggling to keep his sobs in. I didn't know what to say. I was trying to comprehend how low, how lonely, how worthless he must have felt to have tried to commit suicide. And I couldn't. I just couldn't imagine it.

"Brad, I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. That is all in the past now. I had counselling. I found ways to cope. ellHeI'm a loser and a lot of people just don't like me. I just have to deal with it. There's nothing I can do about it."

"Brad, that's total crap. You're not a loser at all. You're one of the nicest, kindest guys I know." I reached over and put my arm around his shoulder, hugging him towards me as we walked.

"Thanks Charlie. I wish more people thought that."

"Plenty of people do Brad, believe me. We are college students now, not immature high school kids. People grow up, and being a bit different doesn't matter as much when you're our age. So you're smart and wear glasses, big deal! Is that the real reason why Courtney has such a problem with you? Because you were one of the unpopular kids in high school?"


"Did she ever make fun of you?"

"She was one of the worst. But, like I said, that is all in the past now," he wiped his face with the backs of his fingers.

"I'm really glad me and Courtney broke up now. I would choose to have you as a friend rather than her as a girlfriend every time if she is the sort of person who bullies people who are a little different."

We walked in silence a little longer, turning into the street that led up to the college campus entrance. I was deep in thought about how dreadful Brad's life must have been when he was in high school. And how I had dated a girl who had made his life Hell, and he had never said a word. Had been out for meals with us and socialized with us, and how uncomfortable he must have felt being around her, remembering how she had treated him. What an incredible person he was. I was all the more resolved to ask him what Chris, Curtis and I had discussed at length before finally deciding it was a good idea. Was now the right time? I opened my mouth then closed it again. No, now probably wasn't the right time. After the revelation he had just told me, it might seem ungenuine, or as if I was only asking because I felt sorry for him. I decided instead to ask him about the other major revelation of the evening, to try to get to the bottom of why he had suddenly left the party.

"So, Anthony is gay!" I stated, in a mock-scandalized voice.

"Yes," Brad mumbled in reply.

"I never would have guessed. I wonder why he didn't tell us before now. I wouldn't have had a problem with it, and nor would Chris or Curtis, or any of the other guys really."

"Brett would have," Brad said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, you think that is why he didn't say anything?"

"I don't know," Brad snapped.

"What is wrong Brad? Why are you so touchy all of a sudden? Are you upset because he didn't confide in you first?"

"No, I...I knew." Brad spoke in a quiet voice. "I knew, and the truth is Charlie, I...I...I am gay too!"

My eyes almost popped out of my head in surprise. That was a confession I definitely wasn't expecting. Brad was gay?! What the Hell was going on tonight?! Were all my friends secretly gay?! Brad was still talking and I left the thoughts spinning round in my head to listen to what he was saying.

"I am gay, and Anthony is gay, and we had sex and...and it was amazing and I...I...I really like him..." Brad's voice faltered and the sentence ended in a fresh bout of sobbing. Brad sank to his knees, his hands covering his face. He crouched crying in the middle of the sidewalk unable to walk any further. I remained standing, my brain trying to compute what he'd just said.

"You and Anthony?! Then...Oh my God! Is that the real reason you got upset and left the party? Because he went and hooked up with somebody else?"

Brad just nodded his head weakly and continued sobbing.

Fuck! What do I do?!

I didn't have any experience of dealing with other guys crying this badly. When Chris or one of my other buddies broke up with somebody, we just used to get drunk together, say a lot of nasty things about the girl in question, and go to a club and try and get laid. I was a little out of my depth here with Brad. Plus it wasn't a girl he was upset over - it was a guy! Not just any guy, his roommate.

I wasn't sure how to handle this. But Brad was my friend and I didn't like seeing him crying like that. I kneeled down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

"There there," I said a little awkwardly. "Um...Brad, I don't know what to say to make you feel better...I..."

He turned his head, placing it against my chest, his hands clutching at my shirt. I could feel his tears soaking into the material of my shirt and I just stopped speaking and gently hugged him tighter, my hand stroking his back soothingly. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

It wasn't long before Brad's sobs faded and stopped. We stood up.

"Sorry Charlie," Brad mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. "You must think I'm such a loser bursting into tears every five minutes."

"Brad, it's alright dude." I shrugged my shoulders trying to make out it was no big deal having another guy blubbing all over me. "I get that you're upset. Anthony acted like a total jerk going off with that guy like that if he knows you like him that much."


"So how comes you never told me before? That you're gay I mean," I asked as we started walking again. "I have said often enough that I have nothing against gay people."

"I know. It's just...I'm not really comfortable with telling people yet, and...I don't know, I'm not ashamed exactly, just...well, it's one more way in which I'm different from people, isn't it? And I had enough of being bullied for being different when I was in high school. I've been treated almost like a regular guy here at college. I guess I didn't want anything to change." He sighed deeply. "Plus Brett wouldn't have been supportive, and that would have caused the group of us to be not as tight. And I never had a group of friends before. I didn't want to spoil that."

"Well I'm glad you had the confidence to tell me now," I said.

"I didn't really mean to. I just sort of blurted it out without thinking. Would you mind not telling anybody else?"

"Well if that's what you want Brad, I won't tell anybody. But if you want my opinion, I think you should just come out properly and not keep it a secret at all. This university is very supportive of LGBT students. There's a whole community and society. I think Barbara-Ann, you know, the girl whose house we were at, is involved, like the society president or event organizer or something. And I'm pretty certain Chris and Curtis are like me and could care less that you are gay, so you needn't be worried about them and their reactions."

"Oh Charlie, you're such a good friend. I don't think I'm quite ready to come out properly yet though."

"OK Brad, that's your choice. I won't tell anybody. Just know that you have friends to support you when the time is right. And I'm sorry if we ever made you feel uncomfortable by trying to hook you up with girls, or asking about which celebrities you had a crush on, or..."

"It doesn't matter," he laughed. I was pleased he was sounding more cheerful now. Perhaps telling somebody he was gay had lifted a weight off of his mind.

"So which celebrities do you really have a crush on then?" I asked mischievously. "I'm guessing it isn't Miley Cyrus like you claimed before!"

He blushed.

"No, that was just a cover story. Um Daniel Radcliffe, Robert Pattison..."

"The Twilight guy?!" I laughed.

"Oh and Chord Understreet. I almost forgot about him. He's insanely hot!"


"Chord Understreet. He's in Glee. He...Oh never mind!" Brad gave up trying to explain, probably seeing from the look on my face I had no idea at all who he meant. We continued talking, teasing each other good-naturedly about which girls and guys were and weren't hot as we walked, finally arriving back at Jefferson Dorms.

We rode the elevator to the third floor and walked along the corridor to our rooms. There was a white sock tied to the door handle of my room.

"What's that?" Brad asked.

I laughed. "It's code between me and Chris. Basically means we want the room to ourselves for the night because we have a girl with us."


"Don't you and Anthony have a similar thing? I thought most guys would have so they don't get walked in on having sex with someone."

"No. We never discussed anything like that."

"Well I was supposed to be sleeping in Curtis's room tonight so Chris and Carly could have our room to themselves. We had it arranged between us."

"But Curtis isn't back yet."

"No." I sighed. "And I can't really go into my room and interrupt Chris and Carly!"

"Well you are welcome to wait in my room. In fact, fuck it, you can sleep there if you like," Brad offered.

"Oh Brad that would be great, thank you!" I said sincerely.

We waked the few paces further up the corridor to his dormroom door and he unlocked it and flung it open.

"Sorry, it is a little messy."

I nearly laughed aloud. Brad and Anthony were two of the tidiest people I had met. Their dormroom was always neat and tidy. I liked going into it because (unlike many of the dormrooms on the corridor) it always smelt nice. Not once had I been in there and there had been the smell of stale sweat or unwashed sheets or moldy food or stale farts or sweaty feet or any of the other distinctive odors of young men. Tonight the room just smelt faintly of Axe deodorant. The only negative thing was the walls were too blank for my liking. There were hardly any personal effects apart from text books and study aids, and an alarm clock, and there were no posters on the walls, so the room always looked a bit bare and impersonal.

"You can have Anthony's bed," Brad spat out. "After all, it's unlikely he will be needing it himself tonight." There was so much venom in his voice it almost scared me how aggressive he sounded.

Brad walked over to his own bed and sat on the edge of it looking up at me.

"Charlie, are you sure you are comfortable with sleeping here?"

"Yes of course," I replied. "Why wouldn't I be?!"

"Well it's I said before, I'm...I'm gay."

"So what?!"

"You won't be uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as me?"

I laughed a little. The thought was completely ridiculous.

"Of course not. Brad, you're my friend. I could care less that you are gay. I admit I never had any friends who are gay before, and I never stayed in the same room as a gay guy before, but it doesn't bother me, really it doesn't."

He visibly relaxed.

"I'm gonna go get washed," I said. "Could I borrow a towel or something?"

"Yes, sure." Brad handed me a clean towel from out of his closet, then picked up his own towel and washbag. We walked along the corridor to the communal washroom together. Brad took a leak at one of the urinals while I washed my face, my mind still whirling with the revelations that I had learned that night. Two of my close college friends were gay. Not just that, they had been having sex together. What a mindfuck!

Brad joined me at the sinks to wash his face and brush his teeth and I walked over to the urinal he had just vacated and took a long piss. I washed my hands after, and then we walked back to Brad's dormroom together.

"Are you sure Anthony won't mind me sleeping in his bed?" I asked.

"I could care less if he minds or not," Brad retorted angrily, putting his washbag down and beginning to unlace his tennis shoes. "He isn't here. He chose to hook-up with some slut. It's his own fault if he gets back and his bed isn't available for him!"

I began to get undressed, taking off my socks, shirt and shorts, dropping them into a neat pile on the floor beside Anthony's bed. Finally I was dressed in just my tight boxerbriefs, light gray in color with a white waistband with "Calvin Klein" emblazed in black letters around it. Brad took a little longer than me to get undressed as he was folding his shirt neatly and placing it on his desk chair. He unzipped his shorts and stepped out of them, folding them too. He was wearing black bikini briefs underneath and, as always, I was impressed and intimidated by the size of the bulge his soft dick and balls made. I had never seen anybody fill out a pair of underwear so much. He caught me looking and grinned shyly.

"Fuck! Sorry Brad," I garbled. "I wasn't checking you out dude, honestly, it's's natural, isn't it?! All guys size each other up."

"I guess," he replied with a sly smile. He walked over to the lightswitch and killed the lights while I got into Anthony's bed and pulled the comforter over me. I heard Brad's bedclothes rustling as he got into his own bed.



"Did you manage to arrange anywhere to live next year yet?"

"Um...No. I guess I just presumed since Anthony is going back to England I would just stay in the dorms and get assigned a new roommate."

"Well me, Chris and Curtis have a two-room suite in the dorms for next year. Two guys sharing each room with a bathroom and little kitchen area between the rooms. It was going to be me and Chris in one room, Curtis and Brett in the other, but I don't know if you heard, but Brett has just dropped out of college."

"Oh? I didn't hear that yet, no."

"Yeah," I continued. "He had stopped going to all his classes and was only interested in drinking and socializing. He was going to flunk all his exams anyway so he decided to drop out. So anyway, it means we are short of one guy to room with us."


"So we have all discussed it, and we have decided we would like the extra person to be you, if you want to."

Brad was silent for a while.

"Do you really mean that?!" He asked, finally.

"Yes, sure. I wouldn't be asking you if we didn't. You would share a room with me, and Chris and Curtis would room together."

"Wow, Charlie, I don't know what to say!" I could hear emotion in his voice, but he sounded pleased. "You would really choose to room with me?!"

"Yeah. No offense to Chris, but he is a real slob, and so untidy. So I guess tonight is almost like a trial run for how it would be next year."

"Oh, but I just thought. Would Chris and Curtis still be okay with rooming with me if they knew I was gay?"

"I would think so. They are both cool guys and not homophobic at all."

"That would be cool then. I mean, if you still want to?"

"I'm not going to change my mind Brad, it is up to you. Don't feel pressured. If you would rather just get paired up with another student in the dorms and continue sharing a bathroom with a whole corridor..."

"No! I would definitely prefer to share with you guys," Brad said quickly. "I just didn't expect anybody would want to share with me through choice."

"Well, we do." I fidgeted under the bed covers, feeling uncomfortably warm and restricted with my boxerbriefs still on.

"Brad, do you mind if I sleep naked?"

"What? Um, no, I guess I don't mind."

"Cool," I replied, relieved. I pulled my Calvin Klein boxerbriefs off under the covers and dropped them on the floor by the side of Anthony's bed. "I'm glad you don't have a problem with it dude. I always sleep naked in the summer. I just can't get comfortable and fall asleep otherwise, I get too hot and sweaty."

"I never slept naked before," Brad said, thoughtfully.

"Oh dude you should totally try it," I enthused. "It's so much better. You feel freer and less restricted, and it's a nice feeling having the sheets next to your bare skin too."

I heard the rustling of bed clothes across the room.

"I'm going to try it," Brad announced.

"Yeah! Way to go Brad!" I yawned sleepily and rubbed absent-mindedly at my soft dick as it rolled against my thigh. What a night it had been. Full of all sorts of shocks and unexpected revelations. Anthony was gay, Brad was gay, Brad and Anthony had had sex, Brad had once tried to commit suicide, ... the thoughts spun around in my head.

"Brad, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah," he yawned.

"You and Anthony...the sex...was it...did it happen just once or was it, like a serious thing?"

"It happened a few times. Usually when we'd been drinking and gotten all horny." He sighed deeply. "It was awesome every time."

"And did you...I mean, were you, like, the guy role or the girl role?"

He laughed a little at my awkwardness.

"We tried it both ways. I preferred being the one on top doing the fucking. And we usually use "top" and "bottom" or "active" and "passive" rather than "guy role" and "girl role". Get the terminology right!"

"Sorry Brad," I apologized. "I never had any gay friends to ask stuff like this before."

"It's cool, I'm only joking."

"So," I continued, feeling my dick rising a little (it was only natural, wasn't it? I mean, we were talking about sex, after all!), "is it true what they say? That guys give better blow jobs than girls?"

"Well I wouldn't know!" he laughed again. "I never did anything with a girl ever, so I have nothing to compare to. Anthony sucks dick really good though!"

"Eww, Brad, too much information!" I laughed and he joined in.

"Courtney used to be awesome at sucking dick too," I said in the silence that followed. I felt my cock hardening as I remembered.

"Eww, Charlie, too much information!" Brad giggled, mimicking what I had said earlier.

We laughed together again. I gently stroked at the shaft of my cock as it grew harder. It was true, Courtney had given me some of the best blowjobs I had ever had. Man! Was I horny all of a sudden?!

"I could really use a blowjob right now!" I said, kind of thinking out loud.

"What did you just ask?!" Brad asked frostily. "Did you just hint that you needed a blowjob?! I suppose you thought I would be eager to oblige. Well how dare you!" Brad yelled angrily. "Just because I am gay, you think you can use me to get a blowjob whenever you're feeling horny..."

"No, no, Brad, I wasn't thinking that at all!" I protested. "I wasn't hinting that I wanted you to...Oh fuck dude, I was just thinking out loud, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I was embarrassed that Brad had reacted that way and had assumed that I was hinting I wanted him to blow me.

"I wouldn't ask you to do that dude. You're my friend and I have a lot of respect for you."

"I'm sorry Charlie, I guess I over-reacted. But that is how some straight guys are - as soon as they find out you are gay, they want to see for themselves if it's true that guys give better head than girls, or want to use you to get off if they can't find a girl. I've read about it on forums online."

"Well that's not the sort of person I am. You should know that by now, we have known each other long enough!"

"Yeah, sorry Charlie. I guess I was worried too that something like that would ruin our friendship. I already lost one good friendship over something foolish. That was my fault that time."

"What? Anthony?" I was confused.

"No, a guy called Andy. He and Zack (you know, the guy from Barbara-Ann's party?) and I used to be best friends. Then Zack moved away and it was just Andy and me left, all went wrong. I...I tried to kiss him and he um...he told me to fuck off and never to talk to him again. He joined in with bullying me and I couldn't take it. That's why I tried to commit suicide."

"Oh Brad..."

"It's ok Charlie, I have had counselling about it. I am over it now. Just, I wouldn't want to do something with a good friend again in case it spoiled things."

"What about you and Anthony though?"

"That kind of just...happened. Besides, that is all spoiled anyway now, isn't it?"

"I guess. Brad, thank you for telling me all these things about yourself. It has helped me to understand the real you and I feel I know you so much better now."

"That's alright Charlie."

Brad was silent for a short while.

"By the way, if you are that horny, I know it's not the same as a blowjob, but if you need to, you can just jack-off in bed. Anthony does it all the time. I am cool with it."

"The moment has passed Brad," I replied. It was true, my boner had subsided while Brad had been telling me about him and Andy. And now, I was feeling sleepy rather than horny.

"Night Brad. Or should I say future roomie?" I yawned.

"I like the sound of that! Night future roomie!" he replied.

Next: Chapter 38: Geeks Get Hot 17 Brad

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