Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jul 6, 2014



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Barbara-Ann. To read other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 15) - Barbara-Ann

I sometimes wonder if I am destined to attract the waifs, strays and closeted souls of the world. I mean, obviously, given my sexuality, I am far more likely to come in contact with and socialize with other gay people, but still! These guys just keep choosing me to confide in and come out to. Maybe they see me as a safe option, maybe they know I'm not going to judge them negatively, maybe they just see me as this wise, oracle-like advice-giving figure that will supply all the answers and reassurance they want and need to continue functioning in society once their dirty little close-guarded secret is out in the open. I don't know!

Anyways, first, just before Christmas, it was Anthony, cute little geeky English guy from my math class. Okay, okay, so it took a little prompting from yours truly to finally admit it to me, but I knew he was! And he seemed fine with telling me. Besides, he got a naked Zac Efron calendar out of it, so how could he have any complaints?!

Then, while I was at home for the Christmas Break, my next door neighbor came out to me. Now that one came as a complete shock, although, in hindsight, it shouldn't have done. We had spent a lot of time together right from when he moved next door to me with his mom and sisters. He was a year younger than me, but that didn't stop us from becoming real close friends and hanging out almost constantly. When I was a junior in high school and rebelling, he was there for me, and when his mom turned his world upside-down by moving her new boyfriend in, I was there for him.

He was the first guy I ever made out with. We were alone watching a movie in his basement, and it just happened, we didn't plan it. And it was okay, I guess. I didn't see stars, the earth didn't move. We were both a little weirded out by it, to be honest. I was already questioning my sexuality at that time, and this didn't help matters. A couple weeks later, we were in my house alone as my parents had gone out for the evening, and I decided to really test my feelings for guys, and asked if he wanted to have sex. You know, see what the big fuss was about.

Actually, he took some persuading, which seemed a little weird, I mean guys are all ruled by their dicks, right? So he should have jumped at the chance. In the end, I just tried giving him a blowjob and I knew then almost as soon as I started that I could never have a physical relationship with a guy. It just so didn't feel right. I had to stop and explain to him that I'd kind of been using him to test my sexuality, and he was amazing about it, said it didn't bother him at all. He hadn't exactly been that hard when I was blowing him, which was a bit of an insult actually, but I put it down to me not doing it right as I wasn't into guys. Now that he'd come out, that whole embarrassing night made a bit more sense - his reluctance, his lack of maintainable erection, his visible relief when I stopped...

Anyways, we'd remained friends, if anything become even closer as he was the first person I came out to, and he came to prom with me. Well, it wasn't as if anybody else would have done. Me, the scary slightly overweight girl with dyed hair and piercings that everybody suspected was a lesbian but were too scared to ask and find out for sure. We'd had a great time, I could be myself around him and relax, and he didn't have too many friends of his own, so I think he enjoyed my company.

I'd tried to be ultra-supportive when he came out. He'd broken down in tears and cried for a long long time when he told me. It took a lot of persuading on my part to convince him that being gay was nothing to be ashamed of. I think he was scared of how his mom and stepdad would react (yeah, his mom married her boyfriend). As far as I know, he hasn't told them yet.

I arranged to hang out with him when we were both back at home for Spring Break, and soon he was in tears again.

"I hate college Barbara-Ann, I hate it! I thought maybe I might come out at college, you know, be myself at last. But that's not going to happen! I'll be stuck in the closet forever. All I want is a boyfriend to love, it's not too much to ask, is it?!"

"No, of course not," I'd sighed, stroking his arm. He leaned in to me for a hug and I put my arms around him, squeezing him tight so he'd feel secure. "Don't you have a friend there at college you can confide in about this?"

He'd laughed bitterly.

"Yeah, right. At my college?!"

I understood straight away. The college he'd gone to was deep in the Bible Belt, and the students there tended to be ultra-religious. He'd only gone there because it was the same college his stepfather had gone to and he wanted to please his mom and prove to her he'd finally accepted her new relationship. That was the sort of guy he was, always eager to please everybody else apart from himself. He was going to make somebody an amazing boyfriend some day. He really was one of the nicest, kindest people I knew.

"I don't even like the courses I'm taking. What is the point in carrying on going there?! I can't be the real me, can't be myself, hate my roommate, hate my courses, I've got no real friends...Barbara-Ann, I just hate my life so much right now!" He'd dissolved into fresh tears. I tried my best to appease him and I think in the end I succeeded, but it worried me how down he was.

The next day, we'd met up again.

"I've decided I'm dropping out of college," he announced. "Don't try and talk me out of it. I can't stick it out there any longer, I feel too isolated and unhappy."

"But you can't drop out!" I exclaimed. "You're one of the smartest guys I know! You were valedictorian for your senior year at high school for fuck's sake! If anybody deserves to get a college degree it's you."

"Well it's not worth being unhappy for. I've told my mom I'm not going back. She's real disappointed, thinks I'm doing it just to spite her because it's my stepdad's old college."

"That's total crap."

"I know," he sighed. "It might seem melodramatic, but I really can't go back there. You know, I wish I'd listened to you and gone to the same college as you instead."

I remembered trying to persuade him to do exactly that the summer previously. I'd kind of known he wouldn't like it at the college he'd applied for, even without knowing he was gay. If I'd known that too, I'd have been relentless in insisting he didn't even consider that religious place.

"Why don't you try and transfer?" I suggested. Then I became excited. That was a real possibility. "You know, you could do! You could transfer and come to my college in the fall. You'd love it there. There is a big LGBT society and we have social events, the campus is really gay-friendly. We'd find you a boyfriend in no time! Or even just some casual hook-ups if that was what you wanted! Seriously though, you should transfer. You can't drop out of college, not with your intelligence."

He didn't look too sure, and I realized he would take some persuading.

"My college is totally different to yours. Like I said, there is very little prejudice, nobody cares if you're gay, straight, or whatever. Hey, maybe you should come visit and see for yourself."


"No, I'm serious! I would room with one of my housemates for a weekend so you could sleep in my room. Then I could throw a party, you could meet some of my friends, we could go out to some bars or a nightclub, and I could show you around the campus so you would be able to tell if it were a place you'd like. It'd be perfect!"

"Well, maybe."

"No "maybe" about it! We're doing it! So, what kind of guy is your type?"

"You can't ask me that!"

"Why ever not?! I need to know to see if I know anybody that fits the description. Maybe invite them to the party, see if I can hook you up with someone!"

"There's no need to..."

"For fuck's sake, you're a guy aren't you?! You must think of sex all the time, and there's no way you're getting any at the college you're at!"

He'd blushed and squirmed uncomfortable, but finally I'd gotten out of him what type of guy he found attractive.

"Really?!" I said disbelieving. "That's a little...well, unusual I guess. It wouldn't be most people's first choice - geeky-looking guys who wear glasses. How comes that's your type of guy?"

"I had my first major crush on someone that looked exactly like that, and I just can't see myself with anybody that doesn't look similar to how he did."

"Well I do happen to know somebody who looks just how you described. He's from England and he's real nice. And he's gay too! If you come visit, I will introduce you."

"Hehe, now that's more the sort of thing that will persuade me!"

"See, I knew you thought with your dick just the same as every guy!"

I'd finally managed to persuade him to come visit, and he was arriving this Friday afternoon and staying 3 nights. I had everything arranged - a party Friday night, plans to go to a club Saturday, and an LGBT social night Sunday. Everything was organized, and I just had to invite one more special guest to the party.

I arrived at Jefferson Dorms and saw my friend's roommate, Brad, entering just ahead of me.

"Hey Brad!" I called. He jumped, bless him, and turned around to see who it was greeting him.

"Hey Barbara-Ann."

"I was just coming to speak with Anthony. Will he be in your room?" We got into the elevator together.

"I should think so. He normally studies in there." Brad looked at his watch. "Although he might not be awake and dressed yet. He is rather lazy in the mornings!"

"But it's nearly the afternoon!"

"I know!"

"Well do you think he would be interested in coming to a party I'm throwing this Friday?"

Brad looked at his reflection in the elevator mirror and itched his nose, deep in thought.

"I don't know Barbara-Ann. He is very serious about his exams and studying. His grades count toward his degree in England. He might think they are too important to want to go out, even though it is a Friday."

"Well maybe you can help me persuade him," I pleaded, thinking of how perfect he would be as a date for my neighbor. "You would be invited too, of course."

Brad brightened visibly. I guess he didn't often get invited to parties for some reason.

"I'd like that. I will try my best to help."

We'd arrived at the door to Brad and Anthony's dormroom. Brad unlocked it and I entered the room behind him. As predicted, Anthony was still in bed, his bedclothes pulled up tightly underneath his chin.

"See!" Brad laughed, turning to face me. "He is still in bed! I told you he would be!"

I crossed the room to Anthony's bed and tugged playfully at the top of his sheets.

"Come on lazybones! Time to get out of bed!"

He clutched tighter onto the top of his sheets, desperately preventing them from being pulled off of his body.

"Don't, please!" he whispered.

"What's the matter Anthony? We interrupt you jacking off or something?!" I joked.

His horrified little gasp and cheeks that flushed bright red with embarrassment confirmed that actually that was almost certainly the case. I swallowed uncomfortably, not wanting to embarrass him further, and decided the best course of action was to just ignore the fact and pretend I hadn't worked it out.

"Well anyways, I came to invite you to a party I'm throwing this Friday. I know it's exam time, but you will have the whole weekend to study afterward. I have a friend visiting from back home and I want to introduce you to him as you and he have something in common." I gave a big suggestive wink. Not a lot else I could do with Brad in the room. I presumed Anthony hadn't confided in his roommate that he was gay and I wasn't about to out him by accident by saying my neighbor could be a potential hook-up for him.

"Yes, sure, I'd love to come," he replied hurriedly. "Relaxing and getting drunk with my mates might be just what I need after this week of exams."

"Excellent!" I whooped. "You're invited too Brad," I continued turning to him as he sat at his computer checking his email. "And bring a couple other guys from your corridor if you want to. The crowd there might be a little more...exotic than what you're used to."

"Sure," they both chorused impatiently. I could take a hint. For some reason, they both wanted me out of the room. Brad probably wanted to get on with studying for his exams, and Anthony...well, presumably, Anthony wanted to finish off playing with himself, though how he'd manage to do that with Brad in the room is beyond me. Unless they have some sort of roommate agreement whereby he can ask Brad to leave for ten minutes or so so he can have some private time.

Guys! They never stop with their sexual thoughts! No wonder they have to study for their exams so hard, they probably only have 2% of their brain left to function with after they have finished filling the rest of it with thoughts of getting laid.

"Don't forget then guys, Friday night at my place. See you both then."

Brad got up and followed me to the door.

"Bye Barbara-Ann. And thank you for inviting me."

"No problem Brad. Bye Anthony!" I called past him into the room.

I heard Anthony grunt some sort of goodbye before the door closed behind me. I walked down the corridor to the elevator, happy that Anthony had agreed to come to the party. I was confident that he and my neighbor would like each other. I was quite the match-maker! And I didn't think Anthony was getting laid much, if at all, so he would probably welcome the opportunity! Even if they didn't hook-up together, the party would do them both some good, being amongst other gay people for a change. I kept trying to persuade Anthony to come to LGBT social events with me, but he never would, so he never got the chance to mix with other gay guys like himself.

I awoke Friday morning with a sense of excitement. Although he had offered to bring a sleeping bag with him, and sleep on the floor or the couch, I insisted my neighbor would have a bed to sleep in. I would be sharing a room with one of my housemates while he was staying so that he could take my bedroom for himself. I spent the day cleaning my bedroom and then changed my sheets.

At about 2, I sent a text message to Anthony reminding him about the party that evening in case he had forgotten. He replied straight away.

"I'll be there, looking forward to it. Brad Charlie and Curtis are coming too x "

My housemates helped prepare the snacks I had bought. We would cook pizzas later when people arrived. Then it was time for me to go pick up my neighbor from the coach station. He let out a big smile when he saw me and I smiled back before giving him a big hug of welcome.

"Hey Barbara-Ann!" He greeted me cheerfully.

"Hey Zack!"

Next: Chapter 36: Geeks Get Hot 16 Anthony

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