Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Feb 2, 2014



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Patronising things you should read:

Fictional characters cannot catch STDs. Real people can and do. The author does not in any way condone or support risky sexual practices or unprotected casual sex, and recommends that all readers respect their bodies and wear a condom in the real world.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read this chapter from Brad's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder. For updates on this, and other, stories, see my blog:

Geeks Get Hot (part 15) - Anthony

It was almost the end of the academic year and exam time was practically upon us. Brad and I were spending all our time revising and then revising some more. Masturbation had taken a back seat for me, as attending study groups and cramming for my end of year exams overtook my every waking moment. A quick tug first thing in the morning or in the shower, if that. I was certainly usually way too tired to think about doing it in bed at night before I went to sleep as per my typical habit. My body was starting to complain, but I had to get my priorities right. It was a struggle though!

I awoke late one morning, after having stayed up till 2am the night before trying to memorise the method for solving partial differential equations, to find the room empty. Brad had evidently left me sleeping and gone off to study elsewhere, probably the library. He sometimes went there rather than studying at his desk. He shared some classes with Charlie and some with Curtis, so they sometimes met up and revised together in one of the other two's dormrooms too.

Fucking hell I'm horny today!

I stroked at my morning glory, recalling in my mind the last time I'd been fucked by Brad, his enormous hard dick pushing deep into me, stretching my hole and making my whole body tingle with enjoyment. I found myself wishing (not for the first time) that I could recreate the feeling. Then the idea came to me in a flash. Brad was out and I had the room to myself. In my wardrobe lay the dildos I had brought with me, still unused. What was to stop me giving myself a bit of "me time" before I carried on with the endless revision?! I deserved a treat for finally getting my head around partial differential equations, didn't I?! But then again, it would be a waste of time when I could be revising the next topic on my revision schedule.

I licked my lips longingly, struggling not to give in to temptation. It was like in the cartoons where the little devil sits on one shoulder whispering how good it would be, and the little angel sits on the other shoulder imploring you to be good and not give in.

Well, fuck it, I support the little devil's line of argument!

First though, I needed to prepare myself. I rolled out of bed and fetched my wash things to go for a shower, and reaching into the depths of my wardrobe, found a douche kit that I'd hidden away for such an occasion as this. The communal bathroom was deserted and I was able to take my time, emptying my bowels and then turning up the temperature in the shower to scalding hot so the room filled with steam. Then, carefully douching and washing myself all over so the stale smell of sweat that had lingered on my skin had gone to be replaced by the fresh, clean smell of my shower gel.

I dried myself hurriedly feeling the impatience of my body to get on with the task in hand, my cock rising to a semi and my balls feeling uncomfortably heavy. The door to the bathroom swung open and I pulled my towel tightly around me to try and disguise my growing cock. Chris entered the deserted bathroom, clad in just his boxers, a towel slung over his left shoulder and his washbag in his right hand.

"Hey Anthony," he greeted me. "Nice to see I'm not the only one who is late getting up today."

"Yes, I'm never any good at getting up early in the morning," I replied. "Brad is always awake at like 6am and gets straight on with his work. I could never do that, I'm the complete opposite!"

Chris laughed.

"Yes, I think Charlie is regretting asking to study with him because of how early he likes to begin! As soon as the library opens some mornings!"

"Is that where they are today? Studying in the library?" I asked casually.

"Yes, I guess so." Chris put his wash bag down on the side and pulled his shower gel out. "What's it like sharing a room with Brad?" He asked me. "Is know, an easy guy to get along with?"


"You ever argue about stuff?"

"No," I said, "we've never had a single argument the whole year we've been sharing."

"He have any weird habits or hobbies or get up to any freaky shit?"

"No, he's very quiet, and just likes reading and gaming, things like that. Why are you asking anyway?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Oh, no reason," Chris replied, quickly. "He sounds like a nice roommate to have."

"Yes, he is, he's the best. He's helped make my year here so fun and memorable."

"Oh yes, I keep forgetting you'll be going back to England soon."

"Yes, right after the exams. Well, actually, I'm spending a few days sightseeing in New York before I fly home, but yes, it's not long now." I towelled my wet hair dry as I spoke.

"Well you'll have to stay in touch dude, on Facebook and so on."

Chris slipped his boxers off and stood completely naked. I made sure to focus on his face rather than his flaccid cock.

"Don't worry, I will. That's if we're both still alive at the end of all these exams!"

Chris sighed.

"You know the worst bit about these exams? Me and Carly are so busy studying for them we've hardly seen each other. I've not had sex in over a week! Can you imagine that?!"

"Welcome to my world!" I joked.

"Oh, yeah, sorry dude. How long has it been since you last got laid?"

"Too long," I replied, blushing.

"Hmm, well when these exams are over you ought to get your ass out to a nightclub and see if you can't get yourself some pussy for the night. As for me, Carly has promised me a whole night of non-stop sex as soon as we've both finished our last exam," he said enthusiastically. As he spoke, his cock began to chub out and rise. "It can't come soon enough! I'm so fucking horny it's unreal dude! I keep getting distracted from my studying, daydreaming constantly about having sex!"

It was difficult for me to ignore his growing cock.

"Oh shoot!" Chris exclaimed. "I'm starting to spring a boner just thinking about it! That's how bad it is dude!" He turned his body away, reaching for his boxers to hold in front of himself. "How embarrassing!"

"Don't worry about it," I said, "it happens to everyone."

"I guess. I don't know what's wrong with me dude, I seem to be horny all the fucking time, jacking off twice a day or even more often. Last night I think Charlie might have even heard me. I was lying in bed and I just had to do it, you know, but I'm not sure if he was properly asleep. How do you and Brad deal with things like that? I mean, neither of you have girlfriends, so you must need to jack-off a helluva lot."

"Oh we just get on with it. We both know we do it, so there's no point in pretending otherwise. If one of us needs to have a wank or whatever, we just do it, whether the other one of us is in the room or not. It's not big deal to us."

"Seriously dude?! You jack-off just whenever?"

"Yes, I mean, we see each other naked when we're getting dressed anyway, and we see each other waking up with a hardon anyway, so it's not that much different. And we're both adults, we're both mature about it."

"Fuck dude, you two have such a great roommate relationship. I sorta wish me and Charlie had that arrangement, it would make things a whole lot easier, but then again, I'm not sure I'd want to see him jacking-off and I don't think I'd want him to see me. I know one guy in my chemistry class whose roommate doesn't just jack-off when he's in the room, but doesn't care if he's there when he's with a girl. That's something me and Charlie have discussed. We both think it would be kind of hot to both be having sex the same time, but we don't think Carly or Courtney would be up for it. Fuck, I'm back thinking about sex again! I'd better go take my shower, sort myself out. Um...are you about through?"

"Don't worry mate, you won't have an audience," I laughed. "I'm finished here." I wrapped my towel back around myself. "Catch you later," I said over my shoulder as I left the communal bathrooms, feeling even hornier than ever now, the sight of Chris's semi ingrained in my memory, and the thought that he would be under the shower wanking himself off as soon as I closed the door behind me turning me on big time. In the short time it took me to walk down the corridor from the bathroom to mine and Brad's room, I got rock hard myself.

I let myself into our room. It was still empty. I locked the door behind me and hurriedly threw my washbag into my wardrobe, discarded my damp towel and got my dildo from its hiding place. I helped myself to some of Brad's lube, smearing it over the rubbery phallus and applying some to my arse. I crawled into my bed, lying under the covers on my side, and gently pushed against my hole with the dildo, teasing myself with it until I could stand the anticipation no longer and slowly inserted it inside myself.

I let out a deep sigh as I felt it sliding into me, stretching my hole out. Fuck it felt good! I rolled onto my back. My knees bent up towards my chest, and started slowly fucking myself with it, moaning softly at the sensations that swept through me. I imagined Brad leaning over me, pushing his dick in and out of me.

"Oh fuck!" I murmured softly to myself. My cock was rock hard and leaking, jumping a little every time I pushed the dildo inwards. I closed my eyes and relaxed my head back onto my pillow, my back arching as I began to fuck myself harder and faster.

"Mmm," I moaned softly. "Mmm, mmm, oh yes!" And then "Oh fuck, NO!" I gasped, my eyes opening wide, as I heard the faint sound of voices in the corridor outside and the scraping of Brad's key in the lock of the dormroom door. I scrabbled for my bedclothes and pulled them right up to my chin, covering my naked body, just before the door swung open and Brad entered the room, Barbara-Ann following him.

"See," Brad laughed, looking over his shoulder at Barbara-Ann. "He isn't even out of bed yet!"

"Oh Anthony! You're so lazy!" Barbara-Ann teased. She crossed the room and tugged lightly, jokingly, at the top of the bedclothes. "You want to try getting out of bed some time before the day is over. Need some help?!"

"No," I replied, way too quickly, clutching them under my chin all the more tightly, conscious of being stark naked underneath, with a raging hardon, and a dildo still inserted inside me.

She grinned evilly at me.

"What's the matter Anthony? We interrupt you jacking-off or something?!"

"" I protested, feeling myself going red.

Brad had made his way over to his desk and sat down in front of his computer, switching it on.

"Well I'll leave you to get back to it in a minute. I just came to invite you to a party I'm throwing on Friday. My next door neighbour from back home is visiting this weekend. He's thinking of transferring here next year and wanted to see the campus and explore the city some. Everybody is so busy with exams and revision, they could do with some time off from the studying to relax and get drunk. And it will be a Friday, after all. You'll have the whole weekend to recover."

"Yes, that would be nice," I replied, absent-mindedly, hoping the outline of my boner wasn't showing through my bedclothes too plainly.

"So you'll come then?"

"Yes, sure."

"Awesome! Because you and he have got something in common." Barbara-Ann gave me a big wink. I was confused about what she meant, but then I wasn't really concentrating all that closely, I was still preoccupied by the thought of the dildo stuck in my arse.

"You're invited too Brad, of course," Barbara-Ann continued, turning to him.

"Cool," he said, enthusiastically.

"And bring a couple the other guys from your corridor too if you like. The more the merrier. Anyways, I'll let you get back to what you were doing," she said, giving another huge wink. "Catch you later Brad."

"Bye," he replied.

The door closed behind Barbara-Ann and Brad turned to look at me.

"Anthony, I kinda need to jack-off really badly. Would you mind?"

"Course not mate," I replied, my mouth going a bit dry and my cock jumping a little in excitement.

He walked over to the door and locked it.

"Good. I'm real horny today for some reason. Just ignore me, I'll be through soon."

He bent to pick up his lube which had been on the floor under his desk, and navigated his internet browser to a porn site with quick, nimble fingers. From where I was in my bed, I couldn't see which one properly, his body was blocking my view of the screen.

There was a jangling sound as he undid his belt, and then he unbuttoned the flies of his jeans. They fell to the floor in a heap in front of his desk chair and, as I stared at the floor, his tshirt and briefs joined them. I looked at his naked shoulders, the right one moving rhythmically as he began to wank himself off.

Slowly and quietly under my bedclothes, I began to fuck myself with the dildo again, my arse still lubed up enough from earlier, the sounds coming from Brad's speakers and the sight of him wanking just the other side of the room (albeit only a back view), turning me on so much.

He moaned softly to himself. I imagined his ginormous cut dick, his bony, long-fingered hand stroking up and down it, remembering how good it had felt being fucked by it. Suddenly, the dildo going in and out of my arse lost its appeal and I longed to have the warm hard pulsing flesh of another human there instead. I pulled it out completely, my arse still stretched open from its dimensions and longing to be filled by something even bigger and harder.

Brad was completely engrossed by the porn film. I quietly threw my covers aside and got out of bed, my achingly hard cock jutting out at an angle from my body as I walked towards my naked, black haired, wanking roommate. I placed my hands on the top of the back of his deskchair and swivelled it (and thus also him) around to face me. He let out a little gasp of surprise, his hand letting go of his cock, leaving it pointing directly at the ceiling and quivering, the length of it shiny and wet with lube. I gripped the root of it tightly. Brad looked up at me through his dark-rimmed spectacles, a questioning expression on his face. I held onto the top of the back of his desk chair with my left hand for balance and stepped my right leg across his lap so I was standing astride him. Then I slowly sat down, feeling his rock hard cock penetrating me as smoothly as a knife cutting through butter.

He inhaled sharply, then let out his breath in a slow whispered "fuuuuuck!" as my tight arse swallowed up his long hard dick. I stared directly into his widened brown eyes, ready to stop if he asked me, but he didn't. He held my gaze, our eyes locked, as I began to slowly ride him. We both gasped deeply as I repeatedly lifted slightly up off his dick and then lowered myself back down.

I leaned closer to him to get a better angle, still staring directly into his eyes. Our foreheads touched and I leaned against him, our noses millimetres away from each other, my warm breath mingling with his, as I exhaled in short deep ragged gasps.

His cock felt like cast iron deep inside me, harder and longer, and also warmer, than I remembered it feeling. My own dick rubbed against his near-hairless toned stomach as I continued riding him, precum leaking out of me, my plump sensitive head a deep purple and looking ready to explode at any second.

Brad reached his hand out, curling his fingers round to make a loose fist, and gripped the tip of me. As I raised myself up my dick slid further into his fist and as I lowered down it lowered with me until it almost popped out of his hand.

"Mmmm Brad," I moaned, my pleasure heightened from the new action he'd introduced. I began riding him slightly quicker, pumping my rock hard cock in and out of his fist as I did so, feeling my orgasm beginning to build. I threw my head back, moaning loudly, my mouth wide open. I didn't want to cum yet, not just yet. I forced myself to slow my movements down, until I was riding him slowly again, lifting off him until almost the full 8 inches of his cock was outside me, just his head remaining inside, and then sitting back down, feeling him sink right into me.

He groaned, biting his bottom lip, and I felt his hips thrusting upwards, trying to increase the speed, but I was keeping it slow. Slow and slower still. Slow and relishing every tiny movement.

"Oh Anthony!" he whispered urgently, and I could feel him wriggling beneath me. "Please!"

I continued my slow, deliberate, unhurried motions, my hard dick leaking, severely tempted to give in and ride him hard and fast, race towards cumming as my body so desperately wanted to, but managing to control myself and make the sex, and the delicious feeling it was giving me, last as long as I could possibly make it.

Brad whimpered, his eyes screwing up behind his glasses, his forehead furrowed in a deep frown. I could feel his frustration, feel his desperation, feel his cast-iron cock deep deep inside me.

Suddenly, I felt the chair we were on moving, Brad was propelling us on its castors across the room, away from his desk until we came to a stop against my bed. He leaned forwards and tipped us out of the chair, me landing on my back on my bed, his hands resting on the bed one either side of my shoulders and his body leaning over me, his cock still buried in my arse. He immediately began desperately thrusting hard and fast into me, and I moaned loudly with pleasure, a sound he echoed.

"Oh fuck Anthony! Oh fuck!" he gasped, and I swear I felt the head of his dick swelling larger inside me and his rock hard shaft suddenly seemed harder than ever. My own cock tingled and jumped, and I felt my aching balls beginning to tighten.

Brad let out a loud cry of pure pleasure, every muscle in his thin body tensing up, and I suddenly felt a hot wetness spreading and filling the depths of my arse. My mind briefly registered with a shock that in my haste to satisfy my horniness I had forgotten to roll a condom down Brad's dick before I'd penetrated myself with it, but then my own orgasm hit with a vengeance, sending all other thoughts out of my mind. My cock erupted, firing cum everywhere, some landing on my torso, some on the sheets next to my head, some on Brad's chest and nipples as he remained leaning over me, gasping and moaning as he pumped his white-hot load deep into me. I arched my back, my mouth opened wide. This had to be the best and most powerful orgasm of my entire life. My heartbeat was racing and the room briefly span. I closed my eyes, gasping.

"Fuck!" I breathed.

Above me, Brad let out a deep sigh of satisfaction and fulfilment.

"Fuck Anthony, that was amazing!"

I felt him withdrawing his shrinking, but still firm cock. A small trickle of his cum dribbled out of me as his dick left my arse. I looked up at him. His eyes had opened wide in shock behind his glasses as he saw his condomless cock, shiny and sticky with his cum.

"Anthony, fuck! I'm so sorry! I hadn't realised I wasn't wearing...I forgot I hadn't put on a...oh fuck!"

"Brad, relax," I reassured him. "It was my fault, and" I grinned "it felt awesome!"

"But what about...I mean, aren't you worried about diseases and stuff?"

A fleeting moment of doubt passed through me before I shook my head.

"No, I trust you. I'm the only person you've been with, and I've never done it without a condom before, and there's only been one other guy apart from you. I think we're both safe."

Brad still looked a little worried and I reached over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Brad, these things happen. Heat of the moment and all that. Nothing we can do about it now. Now I don't know about you, but I need to go and clean myself up."

I felt my cum running down the front of my body, and Brad's cum trickling slowly out of my arse and down the back of my hairy leg as I got my bath towel, still damp from earlier, and wrapped it around my body.

The room smelt of sex, and I opened the window a little. Brad continued sitting where he was on my bed in a bit of a daze. Not for the first time, I wondered what he was thinking of, and if he was justifying his actions to himself. It can't be easy for a straight guy to shag another man and not feel mixed up afterwards.

"Sorry Brad, was it..." I struggled to find the right words. "This must be weird for you, but it's ok, I don't mind. It's not like I didn't enjoy it too. I don't feel like you're using me or anything. You were horny, I was horny...I was really fucking horny, actually! And so we had sex. It doesn't make you less of a man. There wasn't a girl on offer for you, and I fancied something more than a wank on my own, so I...we..." I trailed off. "I guess I'm trying to say, just because we've had sex together doesn't mean you're gay like I am."

I sighed. Brad was so unresponsive, and this was difficult for me, trying to reassure him.

"Look, I won't tell anybody if that's what you're worried about."

Brad remained silent. My patience deserted me. Fuck it. I'd cum, he'd cum, we'd both enjoyed it, what was the big deal?! This is the twenty-first century after all!

I unlocked the dormroom door and strode along the corridor to the communal bathroom for my second shower of the day. As I stood under the hot water, it dawned on me that that was the first time Brad and I had done something without any influence of alcohol. And it had rather come out of nowhere. Maybe that was why Brad was so in shock over things. It was one thing to drunkenly get with your roommate because your horniness levels got out of control and alcohol can be easily blamed, but quite another to fuck him (and enjoy it) stone cold sober.

I resolved to do my best to reassure him again when I got back to the room, but he wasn't there when I arrived.

I sent him a quick text " are things ok between us? I hope so x ", but he didn't reply straight away. I sighed and returned to revising from my maths notes. I finally got a text back later that afternoon. " yes we're cool. I just need to clear my head x "

Brad stayed out the rest of the day and was still absent when I got into bed. My dildo was still there beneath my bedclothes and I smiled to myself, before hiding it away again in the bottom of my wardrobe. It had served its purpose.

I lay in my bed and gently stroked myself hard remembering mine and Brad's earlier fuck session, edging, and finally cumming a huge load on the sheets before falling into a deep sleep full of dreams of him fucking me once more and filling me up with his huge load.

Next: Chapter 35: Geeks Get Hot 15 Barbara Ann

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