Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 16, 2013



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Patronising things you should read:

Fictional characters cannot catch STDs. Real people can and do. The author does not in any way condone or support risky sexual practices or unprotected casual sex, and recommends that all readers respect their bodies and wear a condom in the real world.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read this chapter from Anthony's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 15) - Brad

It was nearing the end of my first year as a college student. Time had passed so quickly, I could hardly believe my time as a freshman was nearly thru and I would be returning as a sophomore after the summer vacation. Assuming I passed all my courses, which was pretty much a certainty given my grades so far.

Everybody was worrying about the impending exams, and I was forever being asked to study with people. My braininess had never been appreciated before, and it was kind of nice to be almost popular for a change. Because Anthony wasn't technically a freshman (he was, as he insisted on calling himself, a "second year"!) and was taking more advanced classes than me, we tended not to study together. In fact, I was spending more time with our neighbor Charlie and his buddy Curtis, either in one of our dormrooms, or in the library. One time, we even took our books to a McDonalds and studied in the restaurant there for a change of scene (and the readily available junk food to keep us awake!)

This particular day, I had arranged to meet with Charlie in a study room in the library, to study for our physics exam which was in two days' time. As usual, I was there ahead of time, first thing in the morning, and got my books and lecture notes spread out on the study desk ready. About a half hour later, while I was in the middle of trying to memorize the different stages of the life cycle of a star, Charlie finally arrived.

"Hey Brad," he greeted me.

"Hey Charlie. Ready to immerse yourself in the joy of physics?!"

He just groaned in reply.

"Brad, it's way too early for me to be thinking! How comes you're always so cheerful and fully awake at this time of the morning?!"

"That's just part of being me!" I laughed. "I'm good at getting up early. Anthony, on the other hand, is probably still in bed asleep right now!"

"Sounds sensible," Charlie sighed. "So what's on the agenda for our studying today?"

"I thought we'd do the life cycle of a star first, then the rest of the Astrophysics syllabus. Sound OK to you?"

"Yes, fine."

We studied in silence for a while, then tried testing each other on what we'd memorized, but Charlie's mind seemed elsewhere. Finally, he threw his pen down on the desk and gave an enormous sigh.

"What's the matter Charlie?" I asked him, concerned. He was usually so cheerful and happy. I wasn't used to him being like this.

"It's Courtney. We're going thru a rough patch at the moment. She thinks I'm not paying her enough attention. But my exams are important to me, and I have to study for them. I need to study for them." He sighed again. "But at the same time I kind of miss spending time with her. And the sex of course! You'll understand one day when you have a girlfriend of your own."

"I guess," I mumbled, feeling a little uncomfortable, knowing that a girlfriend isn't something I ever want to have. A boyfriend on the other hand, well, I dream of having one of those fairly regularly.

"Actually Brad, can I ask your advice about something?"

"Yes, if you think I could help."

"It's kinda embarrassing, but...oh well, you're a guy so you'll understand. Basically last night when I was trying to fall asleep I heard Chris jacking-off in his bed."

Charlie paused uncertainly.

"And?" I commented.

"And, well, I don't know if he knows I heard him, and I feel kind of awkward about it. What if he realizes I was still awake and he feels embarrassed about it? I know I would be so embarrassed if he ever heard me doing it."

"Just don't make a big deal of it," I suggested. "It happens when you share a room with someone. You overhear things you'd rather not hear, you see things you'd rather not see."

"Yes, but...I know we all do it, but, you know, when you hear your roommate doing it..." Charlie winced, "it's just so excruciatingly embarrassing!"

I laughed at his obvious discomfort.

"Come on dude, it's like you said, we all do it! Chris would probably laugh about it and say it was no big deal if he knew."

"I guess. Did you and Anthony ever have this problem? I mean, neither of you have girlfriends, so you must need to jack-off a lot more often than me and Chris need to."

I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with Charlie and I was amazed I wasn't bright red with embarrassment.

"Well, no we don't have any problems with it, we just go ahead and jack-off whenever we need to."

"What?! Even if the other person is there in the room too?!"

"Yes." I shrugged. "It's no big deal. We're both cool with it."

Charlie whistled softly.

"Dude, you two have such a great friendship with each other. Part of me wishes Chris and I had that arrangement. There's some days we're both in the room studying and I'm so so horny and I just have to try and ignore it. It would be so liberating to just be able to whip my dick out and stroke it whenever I was in the mood without worrying about offending him or embarrassing either of us."

He sighed deeply.

"It's especially frustrating just at the moment with me and Courtney too busy with studying to meet up. I haven't had sex in ages!"

"Unlucky dude," I sympathized. "Still, exams are nearly over. Then you and she can have as much sex as you want!"

"True," he replied, grinning. "That will be a real treat. I can't wait! Trust me Brad, I know you haven't had it yet, but when you do, you'll understand. Sex is just awesome! You know what, once the exams are over, me and Chris should take you out to a nightclub and get you laid. Initiate you into the joys of sex! Nobody should end the first year of college still a virgin."

I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair, knowing that thanks to Anthony, I really wasn't a virgin any more, and not just in the usual sense straight guys thought of it in.

"Don't you wonder what it might be like?" Charlie asked me.

"Well, yes, obviously. I wouldn't be a guy if I didn't!" I replied, "But there would have to be a connection for me to want to do it with someone. The idea of casual sex for the sake of it and one-night stands doesn't appeal to me at all." I thought of Anthony and how amazing it had felt fucking him. "Yes, there definitely needs to be a connection."

"Well, I guess, if that is what you think is right and are comfortable with. Hooking up with someone for just one night can be just as fun as having sex with someone you're in a relationship with though. Sometimes more so, just satisfying that animal need. Man I could really do with getting laid myself right now!" Charlie absentmindedly adjusted himself through his pants. "I'm getting horny now just thinking about it! Would you mind if we had a rest from studying today? I can't really concentrate."

"No, that's ok," I said. "I'll maybe go back to my room and ask Anthony to help me study for my math exams instead." We packed up our books and walked through the library toward the exit.

"Actually Brad, why don't you go on ahead?" Charlie mumbled, as we passed the library restrooms. "I just have to stop in here and um..."

"Masturbate?!" I said, laughing.

He laughed too, reddening. "I'll catch you later Brad."

"I notice you don't deny it!" I joked. He just shrugged and laughed once more, before pushing the restroom door open.

Now I was the one feeling horny! Talking about sex with Charlie had started it, and knowing he was right that minute in a stall about to jack-off was getting me seriously worked up. I hurried back to Jefferson Dorms, resolved to jacking-off myself as soon as I got back, regardless of what Anthony was doing.

"Hey Brad," a voice behind me said as I entered the dorm building lobby.

I jumped, as I had been lost in my own little world, preoccupied by my horny thoughts. Turning, I saw it was Anthony's friend Barbara-Ann who had greeted me.

"Hey Barbara-Ann," I said.

She smiled at me and ran her hand through her short dyed-red hair. "I was just coming to see Anthony." We entered the elevator and she continued talking. "Do you think he would be interested in coming to a party Friday?"

"Um, I don't know. He is very serious about studying and exams. His results will count toward his grades back in England."

"Well maybe you can help me persuade him." She winked at me conspiratorially. "You'd be invited too, of course."

"Sure, whatever" I said, a little confused by the conversation.

The elevator arrived at the third floor and we walked down the corridor together.

"I should warn you, he might not even be awake yet," I said.

"You're kidding, right?!" "No, he is one lazy sonofabitch when it comes to getting up in the morning!"

I unlocked the door as I spoke and pushed it open. Sure enough, Anthony was still in his bed, the bedclothes pulled up tightly around him.

"See, I was right! Still in bed!" I announced to Barbara-Ann, laughing a little.

Anthony was a little red-faced.

"Hey Anthony," Barbara-Ann greeted him, coming into the room behind me. She started teasing him about being lazy and still being in bed. I turned to my desk to put my bag and books down on it, and my eyes opened wide with shock as I saw my lube sitting right in the center of it. I can't have put it away in my drawer last time I used it!

I glanced quickly over my shoulder to where Barbara-Ann was pretending to pull Anthony's bedclothes off of his body to force him out of bed. I couldn't let her see my lube, she would be shocked and disgusted. I hastily grabbed the bottle and threw it on the floor beneath my desk. It was weird. I was usually so careful about putting it away after I had masturbated. And now that I thought about it, it had been a day or two since I had done that, and I had used my desk to study on a number of times since. Strange.

I sat down in my desk chair and turned on my computer to check my email. I was still feeling horny, and was impatient for Barbara-Ann to leave. I tuned back in to her and Anthony's conversation. He agreed to go to the party she was throwing on Friday. She seemed pleased. She smiled broadly and turned to me to reiterate my invitation.

"Yes, cool," I replied impatiently. "I'd love to come to your party."

"Well I'll leave you guys to it. See you both Friday."

I got up and followed her to the door. I was so impatient for her to be gone so I could masturbate at last. My balls were aching.

"Bye Barbara-Ann."

"Bye Brad. Bye Anthony."

I closed the door behind her and locked it, crossing the room quickly to my desk. I crawled underneath it and retrieved my lube. My dick was beginning to chub up a little, even without me starting the porn. I glanced over my shoulder at Anthony. He was lying in his bed still.

"Anthony, I really need to jack-off right now. I hope you don't mind. I probably won't take long."

I didn't wait for a response from him, just turned my desk chair back around to face my computer and within five seconds had opened a gay porn site. I just chose the film at the top of the screen, not caring what it was. At that moment, I was feeling so horny that any porn would have sufficed, perhaps even straight porn!

I unbuttoned my pants and slid them and my briefs down my legs before pulling my shirt over my head and dropping it on the floor under my desk too. I pumped some lube into my right hand, feeling my dick stiffening up of its own accord as the two guys in the porn film starting making out while jacking each other off. Their cocks were big and thick and I watched as one of the guys knelt down and started to suck the other one off.

I stroked up and down the length of my shaft, my hand moving smoothly thanks to the lube. My dick felt so hard. With my left hand, I teased my right nipple with my thumb and index finger, never taking my eyes off of my computer screen. The guy in the porn film who had been getting his dick sucked pulled himself out of the other guy's mouth, a string of drool stretching between his dick and the other guy's lips. He pulled the kneeling guy to his feet kissed him and then span him around. The guy placed his hands against the wall, bracing himself as the first guy pulled his asscheeks apart and inserted his hard cock between them. My own cock quivered and I started jacking a little faster.

"Mmm yes," I murmured softly to myself. I let go of my dick for a couple seconds and helped myself to a bit more lube.

Behind me, I vaguely heard some noise from the direction of Anthony's bed, but I ignored it, my full attention focused on my computer screen where the two guys had started some serious fucking. I was jacking hard and fast now, moaning gently to myself and running my left hand up and down my body.

Suddenly, my desk chair was spun around and I gasped out in shock, letting go of my hard dick.

Anthony stood in front of me, his hands still on the back of my chair, his cock as hard as mine, quivering and sticking out at an angle from his naked skinny body. Glancing up I could see the soft brown hair beneath his armpits and smell his deodorant. He didn't speak, and I was too surprised to move or say anything, as he stepped one leg across mine as I sat on my chair, and reached for the base of my dick to hold it still. He bent his legs and began to sit on my lap, steadying himself with one hand on the back of my chair. I was frozen in shock, still unable to move, but not about to stop him by any means.

I felt the tip of my dick touching his rosebud hole, and then in one smooth long movement I had slid inside him, his ass engulfing me. I inhaled sharply from the wonderful sensation, and then slowly let the air out in one long, shuddering breath.

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" I whispered.

He made eye contact with me and I looked deep into his green-brown eyes as he began slowly to ride me.

"Oh fuck that feels so good!" he murmured.

I groaned softly, showing agreement, as he lifted himself up and down, my dick sliding deeper and shallower inside him. He leaned forward and for a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me, but no, instead he rested his forehead against my own, still staring deeply and unblinking into my eyes. I felt his breath warm on my face. I was so incredibly turned on at that moment. I wanted to press my lips against his and begin making out, but in the position we were in, and with him leaning against me, it was impossible and I didn't want to spoil the erotically-charged mood.

I felt something wet against my chest. It felt as if I were being painted by a paintbrush. Lowering my eyes I saw it was Anthony's cock, fat and rock hard, the foreskin rolled completely back and the plump head wet with precum. I licked my lips longingly, then, as Anthony lowered himself onto me, I circled my hand around the head of his dick meaning that as he raised himself up a little, he pushed his own dick into my fist and as he sat back down again, his dick slid out. In effect, he was fucking my hand as he rode me.

"MMMMMM! Brad!" he moaned.

He started riding me a little faster, bouncing up and down on my rock hard boner, his own uncut cock pistoning in and out of my fist. I squeezed tightly, making sure to maximize the friction around his sensitive dickhead. I leaned toward him, opening my lips to begin making out, wanting more... I don't know, really, just more passion from the moment, I guess. He jerked his head back away from mine, preventing our lips from meeting, and, not for the first time, I felt disappointed by his actions when it came to that side of things, but my mind wasn't able to dwell on it for long, as I could feel my orgasm approaching, and began thrusting upward into him as he rode me.

But then, Anthony began to slow his movements right down, until he was raising and lowering himself up and down slowly and deliberately, rising up until my dick felt as though it was about to pop out him, and sitting down right to the root of me, my pubes touching his asscheeks. I'd been right on the edge of cumming, so so close, and now he was holding me there, suspended in limbo. My balls ached and I moaned at the feelings running through me.

I needed to cum so badly! But Anthony was definitely in control, in control of the speed, in control of when I would cum. I tried thrusting desperately up into him with shallow little pushes, but he just grinned down at me, and, if anything, slowed down his riding even more. I winced and whimpered, twisting my head from side to side as I sat on my desk chair. My balls felt they would combust if they didn't get some release soon. At the same time, I was loving the feelings building up inside of me, and kept moaning with pleasure as another wave of it swept over me as my dick grazed up and down Anthony's warm, tight insides.

Suddenly, I couldn't stand it any more! I was so so desperate to cum, I just had to! Remembering my chair was on castors, I propelled us along the floor until we hit the side of Anthony's bed. I leaned forward and we toppled out of the chair, with me still implanted deep inside him. Anthony landed on his back and I leaned over him, one hand either side of his shoulders, my hips bucking up and down as I thrust hard and fast as if my life depended on it. My dick was glowing with heat and my balls were tightening as I fucked Anthony harder and harder and faster and faster.

"OH FUCK YES!" I cried out. "FUCK! MMMMM! OH FUCK!"

"Keep going!" Anthony urged me. "Fuck me Brad! Fuck me!"

I didn't need any encouragement, my rock hard dick was going to erupt at any second.

"OH BRAD! OH BRAD! OH BRAD!" Anthony squealed uncontrollably. I was conscious we were being loud, it was the middle of the day, and probably everybody else on the corridor was busy studying for their exams, but at that moment I could care less how much noise we were making, the sex was so incredible.

I was right on the edge of cumming, and could tell the next thrust would do it, and I was right! I cried out as I felt my cock start to shoot its load. Anthony made a noise the like of which I had never heard before and then he too was cumming, his rock hard dick spurting hot white cum without either of us touching it. It flew out in an uncontrollable arc, two or three shots landing wetly on my body as I leaned over him, some of it landing on his chest, some on the bedclothes, some of it even hitting him in the face.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Mmmmmmmm!" I murmured softly, gasping for breath. I continued gently moving my dick forward and backward inside Anthony even though I had finished cumming, the waves of pleasure still washing over me with every movement. I leaned down, wanting to kiss him, but he turned his head away from me, so I gave up on that idea.

I gently pulled my cock out of him and reached down to take off the condom. It wasn't there! I looked down, seeing my softening cock shiny and wet with my cum. A trickle of white was running out of Anthony's rosebud hole onto the sheets where he was lying, a small wet patch spreading beneath his ass.

I felt panic rising up inside me and my heart beating faster as it dawned on me that we had been so intent on having sex that neither of us had thought to put a condom on me.

I struggled for words.

"Anthony, I...Fuck! I'm so so sorry! I forgot to put on a...I hadn't realized I wasn't wearing...Oh fuck! What did we just do?!" I clutched at my head with my hands, tugging at my hair.

"Brad, relax," Anthony said softly, stretching his limbs out on the bed like a satisfied cat. "It was my fault, not yours. These things happen, you know? Heat of the moment and all that." He looked at me and grinned his face full of lust. "And it felt awesome! Fucking awesome!"

I shook my head, trying to think straight.

"But...But...But what about...I mean aren't you worried about diseases and stuff?"

He frowned slightly as if considering what I'd said, then shook his head.

"No, I trust you. I've never done that with anyone before, had sex without a condom I mean, and I know I'm the only person you've been with, so yes, I think we're both safe."


"Brad, it's no biggie. So we forgot to use protection this once. We know each other, we're not strangers meeting in a bathhouse or in a nightclub having a one night stand, and we both know we've not shagged our way round half the university with multiple sexual partners. Don't worry about it. There's nothing we can do about it now." He looked at me. "That was the best orgasm I've ever had, I'm going to dream about it and wank off thinking about it for a long long time to come."

I couldn't explain to him. Couldn't explain how I felt. It was a mixture of panic and shame. I even felt a little dirty. And he was shrugging it off as if it were no big deal at all. But it was a big deal. A fucking big deal! To me, anyways.

He left the room to go take a shower. I had to get out of the room, had to go clear my head of all the thoughts racing around in it. Had to go calm down.

I wiped my body down with a towel and sprayed deodorant all over myself to drown out any smell of cum that might have lingered on me, then dressed hurriedly and left the dormroom before Anthony arrived back from his shower.

I wandered aimlessly around the campus before finding a bench to sit down on. I was so confused about what I was feeling. I hadn't envisaged ever barebacking anybody outside of a long-term relationship and part of me was ashamed at how easily I had forgotten to rubber up. Then part of me wondered if that had been the reason why it had felt even better than it had felt before, and part of me felt a closer connection to Anthony than I had ever felt before. And a big part of me was disappointed in how much it didn't seem to matter to Anthony.

My cell beeped, announcing the arrival of a text. It was from Anthony checking things were cool between us still. I sighed deeply and put my cell back in my pocket. I'd answer him later. For now, I just gazed up at the sky searching for some answers to what I was feeling.

Next: Chapter 34: Geeks Get Hot 15 Anthony

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