Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Aug 18, 2013



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read this chapter from Brad's point of view, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 14) - Anthony

You could tell it was getting close to the end of the semester. My lecturers kept setting essays and giving tests in class. I also had exams to revise for. It had been a busy week, meaning I didn't have time to dwell on things, which was a good thing, as coming out to Brad hadn't gone as well as I'd hoped. Luckily, after his initial shock at my revelation, Brad had seemed fine with what I had told him, and although things were a little awkward for the first few days, we were still definitely on friendly terms.

Soon, Saturday arrived again, and as I dozed in bed, lying in as usual, and Brad studied at his desk, our mobiles both beeped announcing the arrival of a text message. I sleepily reached over for my phone and opened the new message.

"Come to our room 2nite. My bro got us beer :) "

It was from Charlie, who lived in the dormroom next door with his roommate Chris. I was immediately a bit more awake with excitement. Having a few relaxed beers with my mates was exactly what I needed to help me unwind after the stressful and busy week I'd had.

Brad and I spent the day studying, and after eating in the cafeteria, we headed next door to Chris and Charlie's room. As well as Chris and Charlie, Brett was there with his roommate Curtis, and then Chris's girlfriend Carly was there with her roommate, and Charlie's girlfriend Courtney was there with her roommate. Yes, Courtney. The same one I apparently got off with under the mistletoe at the Christmas party that time. Not that I remember it. I must have been really really drunk to have even considered letting my lips meet with a girl's!

After an hour or so of chatting with everybody (well, Brad and I mainly listened since we are both rather quiet) and drinking steadily, I realised that this evening was not intended by the others to be the quiet few drinks I had envisaged, and the target of the night was to get through the entire crate of beer. Then Curtis suggested playing a game of strip poker, and I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to end up getting very drunk. And what harm would that do?! I deserved a break after the week I'd had.

I necked the rest of my drink. Brad was making desperate-looking sidelong glances at me, finally leaning into me and whispering "I don't know how to play".

"Just remind me of the rules can you?" I asked Curtis. "We might play it slightly differently where I'm from. And I can never remember what order the winning hands go in."

As Curtis explained the basic rules, and went through which hand would win out in each situation, I could sense Brad relaxing next to me. At least now he would be able to join in the game without losing face, although I guess I had sacrificed a little of my streetcred with the other guys at the same time. Never mind though. That's what friends did for one another.

We began to play and luck was on the side of the girls, much to Brett's frustration as the naked flesh being revealed was all male for the first few hands. Chris had lost the first hand, Charlie the second and Curtis the third. All three chose to remove their tshirt, revealing their torsos to the group.

We played another hand and I ended up losing. My heart sank as I realised I would have to take an article of clothing off. Curtis had just stripped off his tshirt and he was ripped! His pecs and abs were perfectly sculpted, evidence of the copious amount of time he spent working out in the gym on campus. At the same time he wasn't so built up that his dimensions were unnatural. In fact, his body was near-perfect, and it was a struggle for me to not stare openly at him. He had a tattoo of a scorpion above one of his nipples which only served to draw attention to his toned chest, making his body even hotter.

I really really didn't want to take my tshirt off. Not straight after Curtis had exposed such a gorgeous body. Next to him, my pathetic pale skinny frame would look ridiculous and inadequate. The other guys and girls were looking expectantly at me, but I just couldn't bring myself to take my tshirt off.

What if I took my jeans off instead?

That could work! My boxers weren't that tight today, and my tshirt was probably long enough to practically cover my bulge anyway. And I'd far prefer to expose my legs than my chest. If I'm lucky, I won't lose another hand and can keep my body covered up and away from the prying eyes and teasing. It had been a long time, but you never forget the PE changing room taunts do you? And I'd had plenty of those over the years. I could do without any more.

Before I bottled it, I stood and took my jeans off, to a chorus of wolf whistles from the others. I could feel myself blushing and felt decidedly vulnerable standing in front of the group just in my tshirt and underwear. I sat down quickly and tugged at the bottom of my tshirt, making sure it hung down as low as possible to keep my modesty! I caught Brad's eye as I looked back up and he glanced quickly away. Had he been checking out my... No, I must have imagined it.

"Nice boxers Anthony!" Charlie said with a slightly drunken chuckle, before he started dealing the cards. I had navy blue and white striped boxerbriefs on today. I tried to forget that I had no trousers on and concentrate on the game I was playing. And soon enough (probably thanks to the copious alcohol more than anything!), my self-consciousness had all but evaporated, and I was able to join in the laughter and encouragement as Carly lost a hand and took her shorts off. Her top was definitely long enough to cover her knickers, much to Brett's disappointment.

It was my turn to deal and as I dealt the cards I could feel the attention of all the males in the room on Carly, focussing on the smooth skin at the tops of her legs, and hoping to catch a sneaky look at her knickers or more if she moved and her top rode up.

I looked at my hand and folded immediately, my cards were useless. I took some mouthfuls of beer as the others continued to play, and soon the last two left in the game were Brad and Charlie. It was tense stuff. From the expression on Brad's face he was really nervous to be in this position with the possibility of having to strip off just around the corner if he lost. My brain wasn't sure which of them I wanted to lose. Brad, to see some of his nice body, or Charlie, to see him in just his underwear. My cock twitched impatiently and I glanced quickly around in case anybody had noticed, but they were all too busy concentrating on the game. Charlie showed his hand and it was a full house, Kings and sevens. Brad lay his cards down and it was a two pair Kings and Aces with a Queen kicker. We all let out a loud jeer at Brad, and he sighed resignedly, his hands going to his tshirt to pull it off over his head.

He dropped his tshirt on the floor in front of him, his thin toned chest exposed. His abs were really starting to show through and I had to concentrate on not staring. His cheeks were a little pink and he was glancing shyly down at the floor avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Would one of you chicks hurry up and lose?" Brett demanded, downing the last of his latest can of beer. "I want some tits on show to give me horny dreams tonight, and at the moment all this naked man-flesh is going to give me nightmares!" It was obvious Brett was a little drunker than the rest of us, and it was starting to affect his play. He made some bad betting decisions and lost the next two hands in a row.

"Off! Off! Off!" The girls chanted as he divested, giving him a taste of his own medicine. His rugby player build and hairy chest was in stark contrast to the other bodies in the room. Brad and Curtis both had hairless chests, while Charlie had only a tiny amount of hair around his nipples. Chris had a light dusting of dark hair, but Brett was decidedly hairy, with a tangled mass all over his chest and continuing down over his stomach. With his tshirt off, the faint manly smell of sweat emanated from him.

After losing his second hand in a row, he swore loudly before taking down his shorts. He was the first of the group to have lost twice, and so the first to be down to just his underwear. He had on baggy boxers, dark coloured but faded as if they had been washed too many times. His powerful-looking legs were very hairy, and his thighs looked almost the same circumference as my waist!

To be completely honest, Brett was the complete opposite to my type of guy. Hairy, large build (alright, so it was beefy muscle not fat, but still a big build), loud, obnoxious, alcohol-obsessed...neither his personality nor his body did anything for. me at all, which was proving to be quite useful actually - every time I felt myself getting a little worked-up from looking too long at the hotter bodies of Brad or Charlie or Curtis, I would take a look at him to ease off my desire!

I was hoping the other guys in the room would join Brett in losing and having to strip down to just their underwear, but for the next few hands it was the girls who had the bad luck. Soon, two of them were sitting in just their bra and knickers. But then, my wish came true, and Charlie lost a hand to Curtis. He chugged down the last of his can, and took down his shorts. He was wearing tight white Calvin Klein boxers underneath, which emphasised his bulge perfectly. I made sure not to stare too hard, and to just take sneaky glances out of the corner of my eye.

The next hand began and soon it was down to just Curtis and Charlie again, both grinning at one another holding their cards close to their naked chests. I was wondering if Charlie was going to lose this hand too and end up having to peel off his white Calvins exposing his cock to the room.

Mmmm that would be nice.

Then again, it would be just as nice if Curtis lost, as then he'd be just sitting in his underwear too, and alongside his hot ripped body, that would be an amazing sight.

I could hardly contain my excitement, and could feel my dick beginning to grow slightly. I shuffled on the bed I was sat on, and concentrated hard on the half-naked girls opposite me to encourage my horniness to diminish.

Curtis and Charlie placed their cards down on the table, and Charlie leapt to his feet and punched the air, seeing he had the winning hand. His cock moved slightly in his boxers as he did so, and he rearranged himself as he sat back down. Curtis let out a groan of resignation, and stood up himself, his hands on his fly buttons. He quickly undid his shorts and let them fall to the floor. Underneath he was wearing tight black boxerbriefs which contrasted well with his fairly tanned skin. His trimmed treasure trail disappeared into his waistband and his bulge was a reasonable size. All in all, very pleasant eye candy, and not helping my horniness levels one bit!

Brad seemed a little distracted and made some foolish betting decisions in the next hand that caused him to lose. He blushed as he stood and unzipped his flies, taking his jeans down, leaving him standing in just a pair of tight white briefs that left you under no illusion that he was packing some serious size. The girl sitting opposite me opened her eyes so wide I thought they were going to pop out of her head, and she turned to Carly and Courtney and they began whispering excitedly to one another.

"Oh my God, did you notice?!"

"I know, How hung is he?!"

"He can't be that big?! He must have something stuffed down there!"

"Doesn't look like there's room to stuff anything else in there! Puts the other guys to shame doesn't he?!"

"So hung!"

"Looks massive!"

I felt embarrassed on Brad's behalf. The girls weren't talking that quietly or being particularly discreet about what they were saying, but Brad didn't seem to mind. I guess he must enjoy getting attention from girls for a change. He didn't often get it when we were out and about normally.

The game continued, with Carly's roommate losing the next hand. She looked right at Brad as she pulled her loose dark purple top up over her head to reveal a lacy pale pink bra which matched the pair of knickers she had on.

"Wow!" Brett exclaimed.

She tossed her curly dark hair and grinned timidly. Curtis scratched his balls through his tight black boxers and then busied himself rearranging his bulge. I was somewhat distracted by this, and lost concentration on the hand, meaning I ended up losing to Courtney. Chris, Courtney and I were the only ones left wearing more than just underwear by this point, and I inwardly cursed myself at letting my mind get distracted by Curtis and his boxers-covered penis. Still, nearly everybody else in the room was half-naked and nobody had made any derogatory comments at anybody so far. The alcohol had dulled my inhibitions and I took my tshirt off without any dithering.

I deposited it on the floor beside me and caught Brad's eye as I turned back. His gaze swept briefly up and down me before he looked away. I felt sure he was comparing my body to the others in the room, as they all were. I was by far the skinniest there. Yes, Brad was thin too, but due to his daily exercise regime, he was getting fairly toned, whereas there was barely any extra meat on me at all. Oh well, at least the bulge in my boxers wasn't any smaller than anybody else's there.

Chris's girlfriend Carly lost the next hand and she threw her cards down on the table in frustration. Brett cheered with delight, as she was already in just bra and knickers, so would have to take one or other off. She reached behind her back and undid her bra, slipping it off her shoulders and dropping it onto the floor. Her breasts were big, though don't ask me what size (all those C-cups and double-D-cups confused me, and it wasn't as if I was interested!). Big enough for all the other guys in the room to let out wolf whistles and begin to clap Chris on the back saying how lucky he was to have a girlfriend with such nice tits. Brett was particularly vocal.

"They have got to be some of the nicest tits I ever saw," he said to Chris for the third time.

I raised my can to my mouth glancing sideways at Brad as I did so.

"Yup, they are definitely...Carly, if you ever finish with Chris, I would love to get with you. Could I have a squeeze...?" Brett continued. Brad rolled his eyes, evidently tiring of the comments, and I let out a little chuckle to myself, nearly choking on my drink as I did so.

Carly herself was getting a little uncomfortable with all the attention the guys were giving her (or, rather, giving her breasts). She picked up the cards and started dealing the next hand of the game, yelling at them to "quit staring!". Brett's boxers were tenting a little. It was obvious he had a semi. My own dick wasn't completely flaccid either, with all the naked flesh and hot male bodies on display, I was starting to feel incredibly horny.

I picked up my hand and folded immediately. There was no way I had any chance with the cards I had. The other players folded too, until only Curtis and Brad were left in, their faces expressionless, staring each other out. I looked closely at the side of Brad's head, and saw a tiny bead of sweat forming and start to trickle slowly down his cheek. I guess he was feeling the strain. Of course! Both of them were only in their underwear, so whichever of them lost and ended up stripping would be the first in the room to be completely naked! No wonder Brad was starting to sweat with nerves.

The betting finished and Brad inhaled deeply before placing his cards down on the table. Curtis let out a yell of annoyance before tossing his cards down in front of him.

"I thought you were bluffing! Motherfucker!"

The girls started cheering, as it dawned on them Curtis would be getting naked. He stood, his thumbs hooked in the waistband of his tight black boxers and slowly tugged them down his legs, grinning cockily at us all. He obviously knew he had nothing to be embarrassed about, and that was true! His dick was a good size both in length and girth, he had fairly large balls, and his pubes were neatly trimmed. Next to me, Brad let out a quiet groan for some reason as Curtis's cock was revealed in all its glory. I thought Curtis would sit back down, but he remained standing.

"Is that the game over then?" He asked.

"No! Just one more," Brett begged, "I want to see one of the girls get naked!"

We all laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Alright then," Curtis agreed, "one more game." He sat down, his cock settling lifelessly over his balls. Courtney dealt the cards and we played a hand. Brett ended up losing. He threw the cards he was holding onto the floor in disgust.

"Boxers off then Brett!" Charlie said, laughing at his reaction.

"Yes," Courtney said, an unkind smile on her lips, "it's only fair. It is part of the game, after all!"

Brett pulled his grubby baggy boxers down revealing his untidy mess of pubes and short but fat cut dick. He didn't seem too embarrassed, even though he was dwarfed by Curtis in the size stakes.

"Okay, game's over now," Charlie announced, picking up his shorts and beginning to put them on. We all dived for our scattered piles of clothing and began dressing. I couldn't wait to get my thin body covered up and my underwear-clad bulge hidden away.

"I expect you're glad the game's over," Brett said to me, leaning across Brad to speak. "Now you're dressed again, nobody can tell you're the skinniest!"

I wasn't sure what had prompted him to say this. It was a little hurtful to be honest. Nobody likes their body's flaws being pointed out.

"Quit teasing Anthony!" Brad suddenly shouted angrily at Brett. He gave him a shove, causing Brett to sprawl backwards on the bed against the wall, almost letting go of his drink from shock. Brett glared at Brad.

"It was only a joke, asshole. No need to get so uptight."

I was touched that Brad had stuck up for me. Roommate solidarity and all that. What a good friend he was. I smiled at him.

"Brad never could understand a joke," Courtney suddenly said. "I remember this one time in high school..."

"Wait, you and Brad were in high school together?!" Curtis asked, astonished. I was surprised too. Brad had never told me that. I wondered if there was any history between them. That might explain the slight coldness Brad always displayed towards her which I had never fully understood. She was quite a nice girl when all was said and done. I tuned back into the conversation going on around me. Courtney was telling a story about a trick that had been played on Brad while they were at high school. He had turned up to school one day dressed in really trendy jeans, and the popular guys and Jocks had sneaked into the changing rooms while he was doing PE and filled the pockets with dogshit. Courtney laughed as she recounted the tale.

"Hahaha! Can you imagine the smell?!"

Next to me, I could sense Brad becoming more and more dejected, his shoulders rounding and his head hanging in shame. I glanced sideways at him, and, to my horror, I could tell he was struggling not to cry. The beautiful big brown eyes behind his glasses were shimmering with tears. His fists clenched and unclenched as Courtney's story continued.

"...And even our homeroom teacher thought he had shit himself!"

A wave of laughter swept around the room, but I didn't join in. I could see how despondent Brad was getting, and I knew better than most what it was like to be laughed at. To give him his credit, Charlie also failed to join in the laughter and was making wide-eyed glances at Courtney, trying to mime at her to shut up, but she wasn't noticing.

Brad suddenly climbed off the bed, his head remaining down looking at the floor.

"I'm just going for a leak," he said in a small, quiet voice.

The door closed behind him and Charlie immediately rounded on Courtney.

"What the fuck did you say all that for?!"


"Couldn't you tell he was getting upset about the story you were telling?! He was almost crying! Sometimes you can be such an insensitive bitch!"

"Now hold on a minute...!"

"NO! He is my friend! I invited him here to have a good time, not to get laughed at by everybody and end up crying!"

"Oh come on! It was just a funny story. Any normal person would have laughed it off. They wouldn't have a problem with it. Just because he's a dork with no social skills..."

"Courtney, grow up! We're not in high school now. It's not all about being popular and teasing people who happen to be a little different. Yes, Brad might be a little dorky, but he's a good friend and I like him."

"Me too," Curtis interjected. "Brad's cool. He's really funny when you break through the shy exterior. And kind. He helped me with my biology paper when he'd finished his three days before, sat up till 5am with me in the library explaining it and helping me write it, and he never once got grouchy with me, however many times I didn't understand and he had to explain again. I got a B on that paper, and I would have failed it if he hadn't helped me."

Courtney snorted and shook her head.

"Well none of you knew him in high school so you don't know how much of a major loser he really is. This one time..."

"ENOUGH ALREADY!" Charlie yelled. "Who gives a fuck what he used to be like in high school?! Right now he's upset, and it's YOUR FAULT!"

He got up and walked over to the dormroom door.

"I'm warning you Courtney, you'd better start being nice to my friends, or I'm not sure I want to carry on dating you."

He slammed the door behind him. There was an embarrassed silence in the room.

"Wow, somebody's touchy!" Courtney's roommate finally said.

"Yeah, that was a bit of an over-reaction," Carly agreed.

"So if Charlie had made one of your best friends cry you'd be fine with that?! You wouldn't get angry with him?!" Curtis asked Courtney in astonishment. He sighed. "I guess I'll never understand girls."

"That's different..." Courtney began. But then she stopped and also sighed. "Oh I guess you're right if you look at it like that. But Brad is so not the sort of person I would usually hang out with. And I can't get over remembering him as he was in high school - a major geek who nobody would talk to. It's difficult getting that out of my head."

"Well I don't care if he's a geek or not," one of the other girls said, "it looked as if he has got one seriously big dick! Now that's what I'm finding difficult getting out of my head!"

Curtis, Chris and Brett all laughed.

"And they say size don't matter!" Chris chuckled.

"He has got a big dick though, hasn't he?" Carly asked. "Or did he have socks stuffed in his underwear to pad them out?"

"Oh no, that massive bulge was all Brad alright!" Curtis replied. "He does have the biggest dick on the whole corridor I would guess."

"Really?!" The girls asked in awe.

"Yes," Chris confirmed. "Only, don't tease him about it. It gets him embarrassed."

"What's to be embarrassed about?" Courtney's roommate asked, licking her lips.

Just then, the dormroom door opened and Charlie entered, his arm around Brad's shoulder. Brad looked a lot happier now. Curtis and Chris immediately hushed the girls so they wouldn't let on we had been talking about Brad.

"So, I think we should play a drinking game now," Charlie announced enthusiastically.

"How about `never have I ever'?" Curtis suggested. He turned to me. "You have that in England too, right?"

"Yes," I confirmed. "That's the one where you drink when you've done what is said, isn't it?"

"That's right."

"Um I don't know how to play," Brad said, raising his hand and blushing.

Courtney let out a snort of derision.

"So lame."

Charlie glared at her and she fell silent. He quickly explained the rules to Brad, who said he understood, and then the game started.

"Never have I ever had sex in the library," Charlie said, causing Chris and Carly to each go red and take a mouthful of their drinks.

"Never have I ever smoked a joint," Carly said, being next in the circle. Chris, Charlie, Brett and Curtis all drank from their cans.

"Never have I ever had a dick in my mouth," Brett said drunkenly, while leering at the girls in the room.

I froze, feeling my face growing warm. I knew I should drink, but that would mean outing myself to everybody in the room...and I wasn't ready for that yet. Brad had reacted badly when I had first told him, and he was my friend and roommate, so I couldn't risk having the others on the corridor think bad of me and losing their friendship. For the first time in my life, I decided to cheat at the game, and hoped nobody would notice me going red or acting shiftily.

Across the circle from me, sitting next to Charlie where he had sat down when he re-entered the room, Brad was wide-eyed and looking at me as if for guidance. Of course, he had had a dick in his mouth before now too (mine!) and wasn't sure whether to drink and give himself away or not. I gave the smallest possible shake of my head, hoping he'd pick up on it, and to my relief, he seemed to. The others in the room didn't notice anything, they were too busy arguing amongst themselves about something Brett had said.

"Two girls getting it on is fricking HOT!" Brett was exclaiming enthusiastically, "Whereas two guys getting it on is just...gross!" He pulled a face as if he was about to puke.

I felt my heart beating faster.

"Different things turn different people on," Curtis replied to Brett. "I'm sure if I was gay or bi I'd find two guys fucking as much of a turn on as two girls fooling around. I don't get the big issue about someone's sexuality anyway. They can't help being gay. If someone's gay, they're gay, even if they don't want to be. Say, I was gay, right? The only..."

"You're not, are you?" Brett asked, sounding horrified. "We've been sharing a room for fuck's sake. You can't be! I can't have been sharing my room with a faggot all this time..."

"No, I'm not," Curtis confirmed. "I'm totally not. But if I was, the only difference between me as I am now would be I'd want to stick my dick in another guy's ass rather than in some girl's pussy. I wouldn't be any different otherwise, any less of a man, or a bad person."

"Anyways, this is getting too serious!" Charlie broke in. "Courtney, it's your turn."

"Never have I ever worn a girl guide uniform to have sex," Courtney said, taking revenge on her roommate who had to take a drink.

Then it was my turn. I had a long think. I wanted to say something that would force Brad to drink. Not because I was an evil roommate, but because I sort of wanted him to get nicely drunk. I was well on the way to complete drunkenness myself, and I had very much enjoyed the activities that had taken place previously when Brad and I had both been drunk in the past. And after all the naked flesh that had been on show, I was feeling more than a little horny, and hopeful that, if he got drunk enough, Brad and I might end up doing something together later that night.

But what to ask though? Brad was hardly sexually-experienced or adventurous (not that I was either), in fact neither of us had had to drink so far during the game. And then it came to me.

"Never have I ever been circumcised," I said. The other five guys in the room all took mouthfuls of their drink.

"Are you uncut, then, Anthony?" Curtis asked, curiously.

"Didn't you ever notice when he's been drying himself after his shower in the communal bathroom?" Charlie asked him. "Not that I was checking you out or anything dude," he reassured me hastily.

"Haha! Charlie looked at Anthony's dick!" chanted Brett.

"Fuck you Brett!" Charlie yelled, leaning across to punch him. "It's the sort of thing you can't help noticing."

"Well Curtis didn't notice! Guess he's not as queer as you are! Faggot!"

"Don't call me that!" Charlie shouted. "That's real insulting. You don't know who you might be offending by saying that word."

My mouth went dry, as I suddenly thought that Charlie might be referring to me, but he didn't seem to be looking at anybody in particular.

"My turn now!" announced the girl sitting next to me. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo."

Curtis, Carly and Brad all had to drink.

"Wait a minute!" Charlie exclaimed. "Brad, you have a tattoo?!"

"Uh-huh," he confirmed, looking down at the floor.

"I never noticed that!"

"No, you were too busy checking out his dick!" laughed Brett.


"I've never noticed Carly's tattoo either," Courtney said, frowning.

"That's because it's in a very special place," Chris butted in drunkenly. "I like to think I am the only other person that's ever seen it..."

Carly was blushing bright red and the other guys were jeering at her.

"Well you've all seen mine," Curtis said, referring to the scorpion on his chest that had been exposed earlier in the strip poker game. "I think we should all get a chance to see Carly's. And Brad's too!"

"Mine's boring," Brad protested, nervously. I could tell he didn't want to show the others, although I didn't understand why. His tattoo was just a meaningless string of numbers, after all.

"You both show your tattoos, or you both do a drinking forfeit!" Curtis said, grinning evilly.

"I'll take the forfeit," Brad said, feigning bravado. He had already had to down a whole can for not being able to think of a `never have I ever' statement of his own to ask everybody.

"Me too," Carly said. "No way am I showing all and y'all my tattoo."

"And no way would I let you!" Chris said, possessively. "There are some parts of a girl only her boyfriend is allowed to see!"

"Now I really wanna see it!" Brett slurred. He leered at Carly. "Have you had something tattooed on your pussy?! `Only big dicks allowed inside!' ?!" He laughed and high-fived his roommate Curtis.

"Enough already," Chris shouted. "You're making Carly uncomfortable. Let's just get on with the game. I'll go, I got a good one. Never have I ever had a middle name."

There was a murmur in the room before everybody else drank.

"You have no middle name at all?" Courtney asked incredulously. "I have four!"

"No, my parents were lazy!"

"Four?!" I exclaimed, "what are you? A member of the Royal Family?! Nobody has four!"

"Well I do! Courtney Elizabeth Angela Rose Audrey. Elizabeth because my parents liked the name and then Angela after my aunt, and Rose and Audrey after my two grandmas."

"My parents gave me my grandma's name as a middle name too," Carly interrupted. "Edith. I hate it, it's so old-fashioned." She made a face of distaste.

"Well I got named after that guy in the bible, Noah," Charlie said, joining in the conversation. "the one that built the boat that saved all the animals. I think it's kinda cool," he said proudly. "What's your middle name Brad?" he asked.

"Nicholas," came the reply. "Bradley Nicholas Griffiths."

"I like that name," one of the girls said.

"Yeah, it's okay," Brad said, shrugging.

"How about you Anthony?" Charlie asked me.

"Oh, my middle name's Benjamin," I said, "after my dad. My brother has it too. It's tradition in my dad's family for the sons to have their dad's first name as their middle name."

"Wait a minute, Benjamin?!" Curtis said, laughing. "You mean your full name is Anthony Benjamin Smith?!"

"Yes, that's right," I said, knowing what was coming.

"So your initials are ABS?! They spell out `abs'! That's ironic seeing as you don't have any!"

There was laughter in the room and I joined in. "Yes, my parents obviously hadn't clocked that when they were naming me. Or maybe they were expecting me to have a washboard stomach! it's not as bad as my brother though. His name's Iain, so his initials spell out IBS, like the bowel complaint!"

We all laughed. It was the kind of drunken laughter that happens when something that would be slightly funny when you're sober turns into the most hilarious comment ever after a few beers.

"Anyways, it's my turn now," one of the girls said. "Never have I ever had sex in my roommate's bed."

And so the game continued, with the statements getting more and more personal and sexual, and the voices saying them getting more and more slurred as everybody got drunker and drunker. Well, nearly everybody. Brad and I still weren't having to drink very often at all. I was almost tempted to lie and drink when I didn't need to, except the others in the room would want to know details which I wouldn't be able to provide.

"Never have I ever gotten full marks on a test," Curtis unexpectedly said when it was his go.

Finally! Something I can drink as a forfeit to!

I took a huge swig from my can, noticing Brad doing the same.

"What kind of a lame turn is that?!" Courtney snorted with derision.

"It's my turn and I can say what I like!" Curtis retorted. "There's no rule to say it has to be sexual, and I noticed Brad and Anthony weren't drinking much, so I decided to geek it up a little to get them involved." He grinned at both of us. "And it worked I guess!"

"I guess," Brad said, smiling.

"I think you two should drink your whole can each to catch up with us!" Charlie said.

Brad and I shrugged at each other, and downed our cans as instructed.

Fuck yes! The geeks can drink as good as the cool kids!

"If we're looking for ways of getting Anthony to drink I have the perfect one," Chris shouted excitedly. "Never have I ever made out with Courtney!" He pointed at her and the other guys laughed and jeered at me good-naturtedly.

Well it wasn't as if I'd wanted to. I shuddered inwardly remembering the drunken moment under the mistletoe at Cody's house party. She had thrown herself at me and stuck her tongue down my throat before I had known what was happening.

Curtis chucked me over a new can of beer and I pulled the ringpull and took a large drink from it. Charlie also drank, as did Courtney's roommate, much to everyone's surprise.

"Wow!" Laughed Chris. "Charlie did you know your girlfriend makes out with her roommate when you're not available?!"

"It's not like that! It was only one time," Courtney responded. "And only to tease some dumb jocks who wouldn't leave us alone."

"I think we ought to have a live replay of that incident!" Brett yelled excitedly.

"Okay," Courtney's roommate said. "We'll do it if you will."

"Come on then Brett, let's do this shit!" Curtis laughed, turning to face Brett and puckering his lips up.

"No fucking way dude!" Brett shouted, recoiling from Curtis in horror making us all laugh hysterically.

"You see," Carly said. "You just proved my point from earlier. You are a total hypocrite. You get all excited about the thought of two girl roommates making out, but are totally grossed out by the thought of making out with your own roommate, just because he's a guy! I bet any of the other guys here would dare make out with their roommate."

I caught Brad's eye and looked away quickly. I would let him do so much more than just `make out' with me! My cock twitched just remembering being fucked by him, and suddenly my horniness was back with a vengeance.

"Let's not argue," Charlie pleaded. "Brad, it must be your turn now. Or do you need to do another drinking forfeit for not being able to think of anything?!"

"No, I thought of something this time," Brad said, smiling drunkenly. He looked directly at me as he said "never have I ever taken it up the ass."

Oh. My. Fucking. God! What the FUCK does he think he's playing at?! What if they all notice?! What if...

There was a sudden shriek from Courtney and she hurled herself at Charlie and started slapping him.

"You BASTARD! You promised me you wouldn't tell your friends we'd done that!"

The other guys cheered excitedly and Curtis held his hand out for a high-five with Charlie, but he was too busy being pummelled by Courtney. I looked across at Brad. He was sitting wide-eyed with his mouth dropped open a little in shock as if his brain was only now computing what it was he'd said.

I looked around me. Everyone was preoccupied by Courtney's assault on Charlie. Nobody was paying attention to me or Brad. I made sure to catch his eye and then slowly and deliberately, while keeping eye contact all the time, took a long drink from my can, my cock growing hard in my boxers at the subconscious acknowledgement of our shared sexual experience.

Brad's cheeks turned pink and his mouth opened a little wider. It started turning up at the edges into a cute little smile and his eyes looked wistful. You could almost see the thought processes going on. I half-expected a thought bubble to appear out of his head with what he was remembering clearly animated inside it. And then I started thinking what would be inside it, and a little animation of the two of us fucking ran through my mind, making me feel hornier than ever.

"Looks like the party's over," announced Chris getting to his feet as Courtney continued to yell at Charlie. The other guys started getting up as well. I had rather a huge hardon by this point, not helped by my latest thoughts, so I remained sitting on the bed with my arms crossed over my lap to hide it as best I could.

I watched Brad staggering slightly from the drinking and he leaned against the wall for support. One of the girls (Carly's roommate I think it was) was talking to him.

I decided my cock had finally softened enough to not be noticeable, and got to my feet. The other guys were standing talking near the door.

"So, it looks as if this argument between Charlie and Courtney is going to spoil mine and Carly's plans for tonight," Chris said dejectedly.

"Oh? What plans were they?!" Curtis said, laughing as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Were you and Carly planning on spending all night fucking each other's brains out?!"

"Well, yes!" confirmed Chris, laughing.

Curtis slapped him on the shoulder. "Oh dude! You lucky sonofabitch! I so wish I had a girlfriend at the moment. I really need to get laid."

"Yeah?! You got blue balls dude?!"

"Fuck yes, so bad! The fuckers are so heavy they feel like fucking cinderblocks banging around in my boxers!"

"Unlucky dude! But at this rate it seems like I'll be the same way," Chris grumbled. "It doesn't look as if Charlie will be going back to Courtney's room tonight, not with how bad they are arguing. We had it all planned out between us. Carly and I got mine and Charlie's room, Charlie and Courtney went to Courtney's room, and Courtney's roommate said she'd stay the night in Carly's room. Me and Charlie both get laid, everybody's happy! But now..." he hit his fist into his hand. "Charlie's gone and goddamn fucked things up by arguing with Courtney. He will have to stay in our room and there's no way Carly will have sex with me when Charlie's in the next bed." He sighed heavily. "And I need it so bad!"

"Awww!" Jeered me and Curtis.

"I don't suppose he could stay the night in one of your rooms could he? On the floor or something? He wouldn't mind. Pleeease!" Chris pleaded. "That way I could still get laid!"

I sighed and was about to offer the floor of mine and Brad's room, when Curtis said "well he might be able to sleep in Brett's bed." He gestured to the other side of the room where Brett and the girl who had been talking to Brad before were standing a little too close to be innocently talking. "It looks like Brett is about to hookup for the night and won't be needing it himself!"

We watched as Brett and the girl (Carly's roommate) began kissing, with his hands roaming her body.

"Slut," I heard the person next to me whisper quietly under their breath, and, looking round, realised Brad had come over to stand beside me.

"Oh really?! That would be perfect dude!" Chris exclaimed happily, giving Curtis a high five.

"You owe me one dude!"

We were interrupted by Courtney pushing through the middle of the group of us to get to the dormroom door. She turned and yelled "And don't even think about calling me tomorrow!" at Charlie before striding angrily out of the room, her roommate following her, attempting to calm her down.

"Jeez, is she touchy?!" Charlie sighed, coming over to stand with us.

"Yeah, unlucky dude! No way your ass is getting laid tonight," Chris said. "Don't worry, I found you a bed for the night, thanks to Curtis and Brett."

"It sucks!" Charlie complained. "I was really counting on having sex tonight, I fucking need to!"

"Think how it is for the rest of us single guys," Curtis said, gesturing to himself, me and Brad. "All of us with permanent blue balls. Courtney will forgive you some time soon, probably by tomorrow and then you'll have pussy on tap again, whereas our balls will still be getting bluer! We got the worst deal, for sure! Anyways, we'd better be going so Chris can get down to fucking Carly! Goodnight!" He led us all out of the room, and Brad and I went back to our own room.

We started playing a game on the X-box, but we had both drunk just a little too much for the hand-eye coordination needed, so in the end we gave up and got ready for bed. I stripped to my boxerbriefs quickly, while Brad tidied away his X-box, and then I lay on my bed watching Brad getting undressed. Brad pulled his tshirt over his head, then unzipped his jeans, folded them neatly and placed them over the back of his desk chair. He was wearing just his briefs now, his prominent bulge reminding me how hung he was. There was now none of the self-consciousness that had existed between us at the start of the academic year when we had first started rooming together. He appeared entirely comfortable with being almost naked in front of me.

He adjusted his dick in his briefs as he turned to cross to the light switch by the door.

"No, leave it on," I said. "We can talk for a bit. I'm not sleepy yet."

"No, me either," he agreed. He got into his bed, arranging his bedclothes around him, and lay on his side facing me, his head propped up by his hand, mirroring the position I was lying in, except I was on top of my covers. I felt his eyes briefly skimming down the length of my body as I lay there.

"It was a great evening, wasn't it?" I asked him.

"Yes awesome," he replied, eagerly. "I never played strip poker before! Or never have I ever'. It was fun! By the way, I'm sorry I said what I did when it was my turn in never have I ever'. I didn't mean to, it was just the only thing I could think of. I was so busy trying to think of a way to force you into drinking like the other guys were doing to their roommates, I just..."

"Oh, I don't mind mate," I replied, smiling. "I know it was just the alcohol blurring your mind! Just lucky you didn't blow my cover." I started laughing a little. "Courtney's reaction was pretty hilarious, wasn't it?!"

"Yeah," Brad said, joining in with the laughing.

"And..." I continued, but just then, we heard the moans of Chris and Carly having sex drifting through the walls from the room next door.

"Sounds like they're having a good end to the night!" I remarked. The sounds of sex were getting me feeling horny again, and I absent-mindedly massaged my balls through my boxerbriefs as I listened, feeling my cock growing harder and harder.

Chris was moaning loudly now.


The deep, masculine grunts and moans were really turning me on, and I was rock hard by this time,lying on my back on my bed and stroking desperately at the hard bulge in my boxerbriefs. Brad fidgeted under his bedclothes, his sheets rustling, and I could only imagine at what he was doing under there...and then of course I did start imagining what he was doing (and from the angle and position of the moving bedcovers there was a good chance I was right!) which only served to make me even more horny. My hand stroked up and down the length of my rock hard cock through my underwear and then I couldn't help myself any longer, and hoisted my hardon out and began wanking properly.

A faint gasp from the other side of the room reminded me suddenly that I wasn't alone and that Brad was present too. My eyes flew open and I hastily let go of my erection and began pulling my bedclothes around me.

"Sorry Brad, I kind of forgot you were still here. Just got swept away with my horniness and...well...I hope I haven't embarrassed you..."

"No, it's cool," he giggled shyly and lifted the side of his bedclothes closest to me so I could see beneath. "I'm just the same, look!"

I couldn't help but look. He had taken his briefs off and was completely naked. His cock was ramrod straight and pointing up at the ceiling. It looked even bigger than I remembered it being.

"Wow Brad! Looks like you're just as horny as I am!" I said, meaningfully.

He blushed, and turned his head to look at me properly.

"Probably hornier," he replied eventually, keeping eye contact with me. He left his bedclothes off his body.

"I doubt it!" I snorted. "I'm feeling really really horny!" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah?! Well I'm feeling really really REALLY horny!" he countered.

"Well I'm..." I began, to continue the drunken flirty competition, but then I stopped mid-sentence as my ears picked up fresh sexual activity in the vicinity.

"Do you hear that?!" I asked Brad in a whisper.

We listened together. It sounded like someone in the neighbouring room to us on the opposite side to Chris and Charlie was also enjoying some late night sex. My dick quivered with each moan I heard.

"Jeez," Brad complained. "Are we the only two guys on the whole corridor not getting laid tonight?!"

"It would seem that way," I confirmed. "But still, a good wank is the next best thing," I laughed, stroking my hand up and down my erection a few times. Brad did the same. I was feeling incredibly horny by now, and desperate for a play with Brad's cock. I was wishing I could slide out of my bed and into his.

We both watched the other wanking in silence for about 30 seconds.

"Um, Anthony?" Brad asked quietly. "Could you use a hand with that?"

With a rush, I realised he was talking about my cock, and suddenly I was more turned on than ever, with my dick tingling with excitement.

"I wouldn't say no," I replied suggestively. He got out of bed and walked over to mine. "You sure you're OK with this though?" I asked. "I mean, it's not awkward for you, what with me"

"No, I'm cool with it," he said, sitting on the side of my bed. I moved over so he could lie down next to me. We were facing each other, our breath mingling, my hand wanking his cock and his wanking mine. I lay my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling, and moaned softly.

Next to me, Brad moved, sliding round on the bed, and I let go of his dick to let him change position more easily. Suddenly, my cock was enveloped in a soft warmth and I gasped out in surprise and pleasure. Brad's tongue darted round my sensitive mushroom head as he went down on me.

"Oh fuck Brad, that feels so good!" I murmured softly. I rolled onto my back and he changed position with me, stepping his second leg over me so he was kneeling astride me, his head lowered in my lap, his lips fixed around my cock. He bobbed his head up and down and I groaned appreciatively, enjoying the blowjob.

I opened my eyes and saw Brad's massive hardon dangling right in front of my eyes, swinging weightily back and forwards from the movement of his head as he bobbed up and down on me.

I reached for his dick and pulled it backwards towards me, opening my mouth as I did so. I raised my head off the pillow and took as much of him into my mouth as I could manage from that angle. He moaned with pleasure and I felt the vibrations around my own dickhead as he did.

His cut cock slid out of the side of my mouth and grazed against my cheek leaving a wet trail. I licked my way along his shaft to where his big, low hanging balls were swinging gently right above my forehead, and lapped the underneath of them. He moaned again, and I lapped harder, my tongue making the whole of the underside of his scrotum wet. He leaned further forward, taking more of my own cock in his mouth and I gasped out, leaning my head back against the pillow as I enjoyed the sensation.

I felt my cock grow cold as Brad lifted off me for air, before he plunged back down, his mouth and tongue working their magic on my sensitive head. I raised back up off the pillow and resumed licking at his balls, and then sucked one of them completely inside my mouth, feeling the egg shape through his scrotum. I leaned in close, my nose nestling in close to the root of his cock, my nostrils being filled with a deep rich scent that was pure Brad. I let his ball fall out of my mouth and slowly licked the tip of my tongue down his taint, away from his balls and towards his arse. He tensed up and let out a moan that vibrated around my cock inside his mouth.

I slowly repeated my actions, my tongue travelling ever so lightly and slowly down his taint that it was barely moving and barely touching it, until my mouth was right at his arse. I pulled the cheeks of his arse apart to expose his pink rosebud hole. I blew gently on it and it twitched at the sensation. I hesitantly stuck my tongue out and lapped at it, expecting a nasty taste, but there was none there, it just tasted of him. Getting braver, I placed my mouth between his cheeks and began to work over his hole with my tongue, rubbing it forward and backward over the sensitive outer ring. He drew his mouth off my cock and began moaning as I rimmed him.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" he gasped.

I pulled his cheeks even wider and made my tongue as rigid as possible, pushing it deep inside him. He let out a strangled whimper, and I took this to be a sound of pleasure, continuing my oral assault on his arse.

He pulled away, crawling down the bed a little, before turning to look over his shoulder at me.

"Don't you like it?" I asked a little disappointed.

He shook his head, "no, no, it's not that, it feels great, it's just..." his eyes were full of lust and desire, "did it feel nice having me um...fuck you?"

"Oh yes!" I replied with relish. "It felt fucking amazing! Why?! You want to do it again?!" I asked hopefully.

"No, well, yes, but not right now," he replied. "I just...actually I want to try...if you want" he hesitated, blushing furiously. "I thought maybe you could try fucking me," he eventually blurted out.

I was shocked, but then curiosity overtook me. I had never been top before, and I would be lying if I said I had never wondered what it would feel like.

"You'd let me do that to you?" I asked Brad, incredulously.

"Yes," he whispered, his cheeks flushed.

"Wow!" I breathed, feeling myself shaking with excitement. Part of me wondered why he wanted to try it. I mean, it's not the sort of thing a typical straight guy would be curious about. Then again, Brad was very unique, I was learning that all too well, and he had drunk a lot of alcohol, and drunk horny guys just wanted sex didn't they?! The finer details didn't matter so much as long as they got some somehow in some shape or form. The part of my brain that rationalises things was being overtaken by the part of my brain that controls my sexual urges, and I couldn't resist taking Brad up on his offer. I fetched a condom and lube from out of my bedside drawer, hardly daring to believe what I was about to do.

"Are you sure?" I asked Brad. "I mean, you're sure you want me to?"

"Yes," he replied. "I want to see if it's as good as you said it was."

"Okay," I said, rolling the condom down my dick. "I hope it'll be okay for you. I've never been top before." I spread lube over his hole.

"It's okay, I trust you."

"Ready?" I asked, positioning myself behind him as he knelt in the centre of the bed.

"I guess."

I pushed the tip of my head against his hole feeling it resist me. He was so tight.

"Try and relax a little Brad," I whispered, clutching his hips as I pushed into him. I felt his sphincter relenting and the head of my cock sliding inside into the tightest grip I had ever felt.

"Oh my fuck!" I breathed.

I felt Brad tensing up, and noticed his hands gripping the sheets of the bed tightly. I gently slid my hands up and down the sides of his body, remembering how painful and terrifying it felt being penetrated the first time.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked him gently.

"No, no, keep going, just...give me a minute, I just need to adjust to you."

"Okay. Let me know when," I replied. I ran my hands over the backs of his shoulders. "You feel so tight around me!"

"Yeah?! You like it?!"


I began slowly moving my hips, feeling my dick sliding forward and backward inside Brad's tight warm passage. It felt nice and I let out a little moan of pleasure. Brad had his head turned to the side looking back at me as I gripped his sides, feeling his sharp hipbones beneath the palms of my hands, and continued to gently fuck him.

He sighed with pleasure beneath me and we shifted position, our bodies moving as one. I was thrusting deeper and deeper into him, speeding up, getting faster and faster, both of us moaning with every movement I made... but, somehow, something was missing. It felt nice, fuck yes, there was no denying that, but it was just...nice, whereas when I'd been the one on the bottom, the one being penetrated, it had felt amazing! No, better than amazing... fucking amazing! I felt myself hardening even further as I remembered how it had felt, and then, oh yes, I felt my orgasm beginning to build inside me as I imagined me and Brad in opposite positions, him inside me, fucking me deeply with his massive cock... I grunted, feeling my balls tightening and knowing the inevitable was about to happen.

"Brad, I'm gonna cum!"

"That's cool, cum any time you like," he panted beneath me breathlessly.

I gripped his body tightly and gave a final thrust, feeling the cum shooting its way down my cock and out into the condom I was wearing. I groaned softly, and stopped moving, letting my load be expelled from me in several spasming squirts. I rested my forehead on the back of Brad's naked shoulders, breathing deeply and waiting for my orgasm to subside.

I sighed. It had definitely been nicer than wanking myself off, but no comparison to actually being fucked myself. I reached down and squeezed the condom tightly round the base of my softening cock as I pulled out of Brad. He rolled over and sat, looking at me, as I tugged it off myself and tied a knot in the end to stop the cum running out. His hair was ruffled and he was breathing heavily.

"What did you think then?" I asked him softly.

He hesitated, breaking eye contact with me and looking down at the bed, before glancing up, his face serious.

"Um...It was nice," he said eventually, "but I enjoyed it more with us the other way round."

"Yes, me too," I agreed. He looked crestfallen and I quickly continued to reassure him. "Don't get me wrong Brad, your arse felt amazing! But I kind of enjoyed getting fucked a lot more." I felt myself blushing as I spoke. "Having a cock inside me, and stretching me, and getting my prostate rubbed, feeling the other person's dick pushing in and out of me, moving inside me, I just..." My not-long-ago spent cock was starting to stiffen back up as I reminisced about how much I liked being fucked. It was no good, I was still horny! "...It really turns me on and doubles the pleasure for me." I looked up at Brad, nervously. "Does that sound weird to you?"

"No, not at all," he replied. "It would be a boring world if everybody got off on the exact same things."

Then I realised everything I'd just said. That wasn't exactly the sort of stuff a straight guy would want to hear. I was surprised Brad hadn't left the room in disgust. I let my eyes fall to his crotch and saw he was sporting at least a semi.

"Sorry Brad, I didn't mean to freak you out talking about gay stuff."

"It's cool," he replied. "I'm also g-..."

But I interrupted him, hushing him, as I heard new sexual sounds drifting into the room through the ceiling. It sounded as someone in the dormroom above us was getting it on.

"Do you hear that?! Whoa! The whole dorm is shagging like rabbits tonight!" I laughed, thinking to myself how much I wanted to join back in! I looked down at myself. Yep, fully hard again already! I looked back over at Brad. His thick meaty cut dick was definitely filling out to its full size.

"I'm still mega-horny Brad," I whispered to him, stating the obvious. The couple in the room above us were moaning loudly now as they reached their orgasms. "Fuck, that sounds hot! Yes, anyway, I'm very very horny still!"

I reached over and squeezed at his low-hanging balls, his cock pointing directly at the ceiling now, standing at attention at its full eight inch length. His balls felt big in his scrotum and he inhaled sharply at my touch.

"Is there enough spunk left in these for a second round?"

"Well, actually, I didn't cum yet," he confessed.

"What? You didn't cum?" I asked, astonished, and berating myself for not noticing. I'd just assumed he'd cum as I had.

"No, not that time. It's cool though, I don't mind."

My mind rushed. Even Brad had made me cum the first time he'd fucked me, and he'd been a virgin before then. Maybe...maybe I just wasn't very good at sex. I felt a deep sense of shame. Maybe I could add sex to the long list of sports I was crap at. Football, rugby, cricket, tennis, rounders...

"Wasn't I very good then?" I asked him.

"It's not that at all," he replied quickly. "I just think I prefer being the one doing the fucking, that's all."

That made sense, actually. After all, most straight guys wouldn't let a cock anywhere near their arse, let alone inside it. It was no wonder he hadn't cum and hadn't enjoyed it so much. I felt I wanted to make it up to him. And since he was hard and ready...

"You like doing the fucking then?!" I asked him suggestively, looking at the eight inch cut beauty that grew from his body.

He nodded, hungrily.

I ran my hand teasingly up his shaft before reaching into my drawer for a new condom.

"You'd best get one with it then!" I said, throwing it to him.

I busied myself with lubing up my entrance and the inside of my arse while he opened the packet and rolled the condom down his cock. We didn't speak as he eased himself inside me. He felt huge, but it was a welcome feeling, not unpleasant. I reached round and placed my hands on his naked hairless arse, pulling him right in close to me, forcing every last millimetre of his cock into me. We stayed in that position for a short while and then he began to move.

"That's it Brad, fuck me! FUCK ME!" I urged. Encouraged by my words, he began thrusting deep and hard into me and I started moaning louder and louder, not caring who heard me through the thin walls of the dormroom, just losing myself in the pleasure of the late night drunken sex.


Oh yes, sex was so much better this way round.

Next: Chapter 33: Geeks Get Hot 15 Brad

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