Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on May 27, 2013



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read Brad's version of events or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 13) - Anthony

I quickly shed my boxers and joined Brad on my bed as the porno started to play. The camera zoomed in on two university student-aged guys lounging naked on a bed, stroking at their half-hard cocks. They each had nice toned bodies, with one slightly hairier than the other, and the smoother one having a large tattoo on his chest running up almost to his shoulder. Both were cut and a large bottle of lube sat on the bed between the pair's hairy legs which were not quite touching.

Next to me, Brad let out a little gasp and I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were opened very wide and his mouth had dropped open a little way. He met my eyes and looked quickly away, swallowing uncomfortably. I wondered if he knew that I knew.

Then I thought I was being mean. He wasn't out (that's if he definitely was gay, and I only had my suspicions to go on) and I must have put him in an awkward position.

"Is this one alright for you?" I asked him, gently.

"" he stuttered.

"I can put something else on if you want," I offered.

"No, I like this sort...I-I-I's fine. I just...I didn't think you would want to see something like this."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well it's two guys isn't it?!"


"So...there's no girl."

"Yes, I know," I said, with relish, giving my achingly hard cock a stroke.

"Don't you...Don't you mind?"

I looked at him, looking cute and vulnerable behind his glasses, his cheeks a little pink with embarrassment, his erection still there, but not as hard as it had been a few moments ago.

"I'm not bothered at all. I'm...I'm g-...I'm..." For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to admit it out loud. Not even to him. I hung my head in shame. Why was I such a coward?! "I'm g-...I like all sorts of porn," I ended up saying.

"Well if you don't mind. I...I guess it's good for a change." His face reddened more, and I wondered if he realised I knew he had watched this film before.

"I don't mind at all," I reassured him. "I'm pretty drunk and I'm horny as fuck. As long as it's porn and it's legal, I can wank to it!" I gently rolled my heavy balls round in the palm of my hand and gave my cock a few long, slow strokes. I could feel Brad's eyes watching me, and then his attention turned to the screen as one of the college-aged guys in the video let out a moan. "Fuck me that feels so good," he announced to the camera.

"It sure does," his on-screen mate concurred. They were both hard now, and wanking their lubed-up cut cocks. They were both somewhere inbetween me and Brad in terms of size.

I glanced sideways at Brad to see his hand slowly moving up and down his hard shaft.

"Yes, it sure does!" I mimicked in my best American impersonation, making Brad break out into a fit of giggles. He seemed more relaxed about the situation now.

"Are you getting off on thinking we're doing exactly what they're doing?" He surprised me by suddenly asking. "I mean, they're two college roommates sitting next to each other on a bed jacking off, and we're two college roommates sitting next to each other on a bed jacking off too."

"Yes," I acknowledged, "it is kind of hot thinking that we're doing what they're doing. Although," I added, as the pornstars let go of their own dicks and grasped each other's, "I guess we're not quite doing the same thing any more."

"No," Brad agreed. "But if I do this..." I felt his hand encircling my rock hard shaft and let go of myself. I shuffled half an inch sideways on the bed, closing the small gap between Brad and myself until our bare legs and shoulders were touching, and reached for his cock with my left hand, sliding my arm underneath his right arm, the hand of which was slowly gliding up and down my dick. Brad's cock was warm to the touch and very very hard. I clutched it in my fist and began to wank him off with long slow strokes.

"...And if you do that...then mmm we'll match with what they're doing again," Brad finished in a half-whisper that ended in a low moan, no doubt due to the movements my hand was making. He gripped me tighter and I found myself letting out a moan too.

We wanked each other for a while longer, keeping a steady slow rhythm that was making shivers run up and down my body and precum drip from my piss-slit. Brad's thumb swept through the wetness, smearing my precum over my plump sensitive head.

"Oh yes!" I gasped, "keep doing that!"

Brad squeezed me tighter and began wanking me harder, and I matched his grip and speed with my own hand which was still stroking his rock hard cock.

In the video, the hairier guy slid off the bed, got onto his knees, pulled the other guy to the edge of the bed and began sucking him off.

I slowed my hand on Brad's cock.

"Ever had that done to you?" I asked him casually, indicating the video with my spare hand so he couldn't miss what I was talking about.

"No," he sighed. "I told you, 100% virgin. Bet it feels awesome though," he said, frustration in his voice.

"Yes, it does," I replied.

"Aw man! Now you're making me jealous! What does it feel like?"

I smiled to myself, remembering not just how much I'd enjoyed getting my first blowjob, but also how much I'd enjoyed giving one too.

"It feels like...Well, it's difficult to explain."

My heart was being faster, as a thought entered my mind, and for once I was brave enough to follow-through with it.

"Want me to show you instead?" I whispered.

My mouth was dry all of a sudden. What if he pushed me away horrified?! But then again, what if he wanted me to show him?!

Oh please, let him want me to show him!

Brad stared at me dumbfounded. Then, slowly, he nodded. I leaned forward, with my left hand still encircled around the base of his cock, holding his hard eight inches steady. I parted my lips and then, hardly daring to believe I was doing it, I took the head of his cock into my mouth.

He let out a noise the likes of which only a virgin could make, as I let my lips and tongue envelop him. I sucked gently, and then bobbed my head up and down so the tip of his cock slid almost completely out of my mouth on the upward movement, my lips reaching about a quarter of the way down his shaft on the downward movement.

Brad moaned with pleasure. I gently fondled the underside of his large balls with my spare hand as I continued to suck him, taking more and more of his cock into my mouth as I grew more confident with what I was doing. Then I felt the tip of his cock brushing the back of my throat and I gagged, almost choking, and hurriedly pulled off him. His big cut dick was wet with my saliva, and I ran my fist up and down his entire length and over his head as I took some breaths ready to go down on him again.

He moaned softly as his cock re-entered my mouth, and I bobbed my head up and down faster than I had done before, feeling the rim of his head sliding between my wet lips, and stroking the root of his shaft with my hand at the same time. I had to remind myself that this wasn't another wet-dream and I was actually giving my roommate Brad a blowjob, his first ever blowjob! And he seemed to be enjoying it if the noises he was making were anything to go by.

I let his cock slide out of my mouth and the warm wet head hit against my cheek. I stuck my tongue out and licked slowly down and up the entire length of Brad's hard eight inches, and then as I licked down a second time, I let my tongue carry on going past the root of his shaft, exploring the folds of his scrotum. He let out a little moan as my tongue brushed over one of his balls, and I paused, letting my tongue stay still, the body of it resting gently on the egg-shaped sperm-filled receptacle. I leaned my head even closer, my nose touching his inner thigh, breathing in his deep manly scent, and opening my lips, sucked his ball into my mouth.

Brad let out a little scream of "oh fuck!" as I sucked on his large round ball, my tongue darting around the underside of it, my hand stroking softly on the inside of his leg as I did so. I let his ball drop out of my mouth and buried my face into his pubes, nuzzling at the root of his cock with my mouth, before sticking my tongue out between slightly-parted lips, and rubbing up and down his dick, feeling it twitching excitedly with every movement.

It was no exaggeration to say that Brad was rock hard. His cock was like a solid pillar of metal, the big head a deep reddish colour and looking like it might erupt at any second. I gave a final lick, and straightened my back, lifting my head back up until it was level with his, looking into his deep brown eyes open wide behind his glasses, his pupils dilated, his cheeks flushed and his breathing ragged.

"Was that okay?" I asked tentatively.

"Awesome," he panted. "I...I...I kinda didn't want you to stop," he added, blushing.

"Were you close?" I asked him.

"Getting there."

I playfully batted his erection and it hit him in the stomach. He was still rock hard.

"You have an amazing cock," I found myself saying. He did too. Thick, at least 8 inches long, ramrod straight, with a large head. His dick would not have looked out of place on the set of a porn film. In fact, I much preferred the shape, size and colour of it to either of the cocks on show in the film we were watching. (Or rather had been watching!)

Brad chuckled embarrassedly. "You do as well." He reached over and slid my foreskin back and forth a few times. "If I had this to play with, I'd never do anything else!"

I groaned softly with pleasure as Brad continued to wank me. Then he pulled my foreskin forward over my plump sensitive head as far as it could go, holding it in place with his fist, and, turning his hips towards mine, brushed the puckered-up folds up and down his own hard shaft. We both breathed harder and deeper, and I felt tingling sweeping through me from the stimulated nerve-endings in my foreskin.

Brad let go of me and we both watched as my foreskin unrolled itself revealing my pink fleshy mushroom head. I was so turned on, sitting there on the bed next to my naked roommate, each of us with a rock hard straining erection. My cock shuddered and I felt myself dripping a little precum. A fingertip swept across my piss-slit, collecting up the precum I had just expelled, and I looked across at Brad, startled and surprised, in time to see him put his finger in his mouth to taste my juices.

He blinked slowly, and then he was leaning his head down to my lap, his tongue out. He lapped at my slit, and then began exploring the rest of my head with his nimble tongue, licking all around it, right round the rim of it. I gasped as his tongue grazed over the sensitive spot at the back of my head and he flicked at my banjo string with his tongue tip. He raised up off me for a moment, hesitating a little, then lowered his head back down and I felt his lips closing around me, my head and the top of my shaft enclosed in his mouth.

I let out a little moan, and rested my head back against the bedroom wall, closing my eyes, letting the sensations wash over me as Brad sucked my hard dick. I felt his tongue roaming over and around my head inside the warm wet cave of his mouth. Fuck it felt good!

"Mmmm," I murmured softly.

Brad was bobbing his head now like I had done, only he was using his lips to roll forward and then unroll my foreskin over my head.

"Oh Brad," I groaned. As he continued his oral assault on my cock, I reached my index finger under my body and began to stroke my arsehole, heightening the pleasure running in rivers through me.

From the computer speakers drifted over "Mmmm, I'm about to cum", and I snapped open my eyes in time to see the picture zoom in on the hairier of the college guys. He pointed his cock at his stomach, and I licked my lips in anticipation. As so often happens in these situations, the cumshot was a bit of an anti-climax, with only a couple of small white spots dripping from the end of the pornstar's cock. Perhaps he had already done a shoot that day, and there were only a few last dregs left in his balls. He made up for the lack of semen with the volume of his groans, and cleverly managed to smear his hand through his load just before the camera zoomed even closer in, spreading it out over his stomach to give the impression that it had been larger than it actually was.

The camera was now focussed on the smoother, slightly better looking guy now, who was wanking his large cut cock at a tremendous speed. I felt Brad releasing my own dick from his mouth and sitting up to watch too. A little pang of disappointment swept through me that the blowjob was over, as I had really been enjoying it, but I could hardly blame Brad for wanting to watch the end of the film too.

I held my erection, wet from Brad's saliva, loosely in my fist, and stroked slowly but with a tight grip. Brad pumped some lube into the palm of his hand and set to work on his cut cock, giving the pornstar a run for his money in the speed of stroke stakes.

"Brad, slow down, you'll give yourself friction burn!" I joked.

"Anthony, you don't understand, I need to cum so bad!"

I laughed, "I guessed that much! I do too, but I want to make this last as long as possible. It always feels better when I finally cum if I've made myself hold off as long as I can manage."

"That's true," Brad agreed, slowing his hand. "But don't you think it's hot to cum at the same time as the guy in the porn film?"

"Yes, but I think it's even hotter to cum at the same time as your roommate," I half-whispered, not sure how he would react, and hardly believing I'd dared to say it out loud. Brad stared at me in shock, but before he could say anything, the guy in the video let out a sharp yell and his cock started spraying him with cum, coating his stomach, some of it landing on his chest. A large spot landed on his left nipple.

"Wow, now that's what I call a cumshot!" I breathed.

"Yeah, awesome wasn't it?!" Brad commented. "They show it again in a minute in slow-motion...I mean um..." he blushed, realising he'd given away the fact he'd seen the video before. I pretended I hadn't heard him properly, so he wouldn't feel too embarrassed.

"So hot. Just look at all that cum," I said, ignoring Brad's comment as if I hadn't heard him. I bent my legs up, placing my feet flat on the bed, and slouched more, so I was half lying on my back, but still leaning my head and shoulders against the bedroom wall. I teased my hole with my finger as I slowly wanked my cock with my left hand. It felt good, but not good enough.

"Brad, could I steal some lube?" I asked.


He passed the bottle to me and I pumped a small amount into the palm of my hand, then ran my index finger through it, covering my finger from tip to knuckle in the gooey slippery gel. I returned my left hand to my cock and my right index finger to my hole, probing at it at first, and then when I could stand the anticipation no more, gently pushed it inside. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of having something inside me, even if it was only one of my own fingers. I pushed it in and out a few times and moaned at the feelings that were sent cascading through my body, a shiver running up and down my spine.


I opened my eyes slowly to see Brad staring awestruck at me, and it dawned on me that this was maybe a bit too much for him to take. Masturbating together might be one thing, but seeing your roommate fingering himself might be too weird a sight to cope with.

"Shit Brad, I'm sorry, I forgot you were here too. I just got a bit carried away. So turned on from seeing that cumshot, I just had to..."

"Does it feel good?" He interrupted me tentatively.

"Yes, amazing. Do you mind me doing it in front of you?"

"No, I'm cool with it."

"Good," I murmured, closing my eyes again, all the better to relax and focus on the feelings sweeping through me.

Suddenly, I felt another lubed-up finger probing at my hole. I withdrew my own finger and let its place be taken, the other digit sliding slowly and smoothly into me. I heard Brad let out a shuddering gasp.

"It's warm. And tight. And...It feels so different to how I imagined it feeling."

I squeezed my arse muscles, tightening them around his finger and he slowly pulled it out. I could hear myself moaning as he did so. I waited to see if he would push it in again, but much to my disappointment, he didn't, so I inserted my own index finger back in instead, and began rhythmically pulling it halfway out and pushing it back in again.

It was as I was doing this, that I felt Brad's finger tip tickling at my hole again requesting re-entry. I pushed out and slowly, his finger slid in alongside my own. I groaned as together we started finger-fucking me. Our fingers were moving in perfect time, the palms of our hands brushing against each other.

"Mmmm, oh Brad!" I moaned softly as his free hand encircled my still-hard cock and began to stroke me in time with the movements of our fingers.

I pressed against my entrance with a second finger, and eventually managed to slide it in alongside the others, stretching my hole wider.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Brad asked me fascinated.

"No, it feels, mmmm, it feels amazing," I panted, my dick leaking more precum as one of my fingers (or Brad's finger, I couldn't tell which) grazed over my prostate. I was incredibly turned on, and overtaken suddenly by the desire to have something more than just fingers inside me. I wanted something longer and thicker and harder in there. Something with the dimensions of Brad's cock! Ideally, Brad's cock itself!

I pulled my fingers out of myself and reached for Brad's enormous erection. He was still as hard as ever and moaned gently as I ran my hand up and down a few times. I let go of him suddenly, letting his cock slap back and hit him in the stomach, and turned to my bedside table where my wallet sat. I undid it and pulled out the condom I kept secreted inside, in the unlikely event that I ever happened to be in a situation where I needed one.

I remembered back to how good it had felt having Cody fuck me and my mouth watered with anticipation. I tore open the foil packet and pushed the condom out into my hand. I turned back towards Brad who was staring wide-eyed at me and what I was holding.

He didn't say a word as I placed the condom on the top of his dickhead, though I could hear his breathing was fast and shallow, as if he were especially nervous or excited. I unrolled the condom down the length of his rock hard dick, and smeared a generous amount of lube over the outside of it. Brad found his voice at last.

"Are you sure?" he whispered. "You definitely want me to...?"

"Yes," I replied. I looked at him straight in the eye. "Yes, I definitely want you to."

"Are you sure?" he repeated.

"Brad, stop worrying," I said, turning around so I was kneeling on my hands and knees on the bed, my arse facing him. "Please, just fuck me! I want you in me so badly!" My voice was husky. I could hardly believe we were about to finally have sex together.

I felt Brad running his hands over my smooth arsecheeks, and the head of his covered cock brushing against one of my cheeks as he positioned himself behind me.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," he whispered.

"Will you go slow to begin with?" I blurted out, suddenly feeling a little nervous of the dimensions of the monster that was about to be inserted into me.

"Of course, anything for you," he replied softly.

I felt the head of his cock pressing at my entrance and I pushed out against it, willing it inside me. It suddenly popped through my sphincter and I cried out. Brad's cock was so big...too felt like I was on fire and he was slicing me in half. My eyes filled with tears from the stinging pain, and I lowered my head to the bed, my teeth gritted, my hands clutching tightly at the sheet. I braced myself for an even worse pain, but none came. I realised Brad had paused, the tip of his cock inside me and nothing more, and after a little while, my body acclimatised and I relaxed.

"Okay, a bit further," I instructed Brad, and he obliged. I felt his cock sliding a bit deeper inside me, and then he stopped, letting me adjust again. Gradually, he eased his way right the way in, until I felt the hair of his pubes tickling my arse. I let out a low groan, overwhelmed by the feeling of fullness. He leaned over me, wrapping his arms around my body, resting his torso gently on my back and his chin on my shoulder, his head right next to mine, and for a short while neither of us moved, just enjoying the body contact and the feeling of closeness. His breathing was deep and ragged, filled with desire, and I could tell he longed to start ploughing my arse, to finally experience for himself what sex was all about and how good it actually felt, after all the years jacking off and just imagining. He ran his hands gently up and down my stomach, his thumbs teasing at the hard nubs of my erect nipples.

"Mmmm, Brad!" I moaned, squeezing my arse muscles, tightening them around his rock hard rod, causing him to let out a little gasp. I felt his dick slowly withdrawing from me, and then pushing back in.

"Oh fuck!" he breathed as he did so.

He continued to slowly fuck me with long strokes, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back down into me.

"Mmm, oh fuck yes! Oh Brad!" I murmured, as the delicious sensations swept over my body. His dick felt so good inside me now.

"Mmmm Anthony," he moaned back.

"Mmm, faster," I panted, and I felt him speeding up his thrusts in response. "Oh YES!" I cried, "That's it! Oh fuck!"

His hard cock ploughed into me, going deeper and faster with every thrust. I was moaning with every in-stroke, pleasure running through me in waves. I felt Brad scrabbling underneath me with one of his hands, searching for my cock. He found it, hard and twitching, the head soaking wet with precum, and I moaned even louder as he held me in his fist and started wanking me off as he continued to fuck me.

"Mmmm, Oh Brad!"

I placed my own hand on top of Brad's, clutching round it, forcing him to tighten his grip on my cock, increasing the pleasure even further for me. He shifted his weight on the bed behind me, and suddenly the angle of his dick changed slightly and I found he was driving himself in even deeper than before, and his cock was grazing over my prostate with every single thrust.

"OH FUCK YES BRAD!" I yelled, "Keep it like that!"

He gasped and groaned behind me, the speed and depth of his thrusts increasing. I could feel the pressure in my balls increasing and knew my body was getting ready to cum.

"Harder Brad, harder!" I urged. "Yes, that's it! Fuck yes! OH FUCK YES!"

Brad's hand left my dick and he gripped my bony hips on both sides as he drove himself hard into me, pulling my body back against himself at the same time. I squeezed myself tight, wanking frantically, feeling the cum building up in my balls, getting ready to overspill and shoot out of me.

"MMMM, Oh Brad, oh Brad, oh Brad! Oh! I'm gonna...FUCK! I'M GONNA..."

I let out a primal scream of pure animalistic pleasure as holding off became too much, and, overwhelmed by the assault on my arse and the stimulation of my cock, I started firing shot after shot of hot sticky cum over the bedsheets. I gasped for breath, the intensity of the orgasm overtaking me. Somewhere above or behind me, I could hear Brad moaning loudly, his cock still buried deep inside me, but no longer moving. Brad's arms snaked around my body and pulled me close to him and he was gasping and moaning right in my ear, as I finished cumming and basked in the delicious feeling that follows.

We stayed like that for a while, not moving. Then I felt Brad's cock slowly being withdrawn out of me. My arse felt suddenly empty without the big hard thickness of his tool inside me. I wiped my cock on the sheet (well, it was already messy with cum, so a bit more stainage wouldn't hurt!) and sat down on the bed, resting my back back against the wall. Next to me, Brad was tying a knot in the end of a very full condom, his cut dick shiny with cum and gradually softening to its flaccid state.

My heartbeat was returning to normal. I looked at Brad and grinned.

"Wow!" I exhaled. "That was...well, just amazing!"

"Yes, it was certainly...well, it was much better than just jacking off!"

"So how does it feel to not be a virgin anymore?"

"I...wait a minute...that's right! I'm not a virgin now am I?!" Brad's face lit up in a massive smile. "I'm finally a man!"

I chuckled at his exuberance.

"Yes, you're definitely a man. Anybody with a piece that big couldn't be called anything less!" I sighed contentedly. "And it felt as great as I thought it would. I really needed that, I was so horny."

"Yeah I was real horny too. But I never thought we'd...I mean I don't understand," Brad continued, a puzzled expression on his face. "Why did we...I mean, why did you want to...I mean this was just one of those things that happens when you're drunk wasn't it? You were horny, I was horny, and so we just...I mean it just happened. It doesn't mean..."

He was obviously confused about what we'd done.

"Well it can mean whatever you want it to mean," I said slowly. "I enjoyed it a lot, I really did."

"Really? But Anthony we just..."

"Brad I know what we did! I was there remember?!" I laughed. "I've wanted to do that with you for a while now." I could feel myself blushing.

"Really? But...But why?"

I swallowed uncomfortably, but for some reason, this time, the words did come out.

"Because I'm gay Brad," I said. "I'm gay."

I waited expectantly for him to say that he was too, but instead there was a long silence.

"Oh," Brad said eventually in a small quiet voice.

And then

"Oh," he repeated a little louder, his eyes going wide. He got up off the bed suddenly as though he couldn't stand to be anywhere near me. He hurriedly crossed over to the wardrobe and pulled out his dressing gown, wrapping it tightly around himself as though he didn't want to be naked in front of me any longer. Not now that he knew.

Fuck! He wasn't supposed to react like this!

I started to panic a little. Maybe I had mis-judged things. Maybe what Abby had hinted to me and what I had assumed from seeing the last porn site he'd visited was totally wrong. Maybe he was straight after all. Just straight and horny and wanting some sexual contact with somebody (anybody), and a hole (any hole) to put his big hard cock into for release. Maybe being told I was gay was a step too far for him.

"Sorry," I said, my voice cracking, and I unlocked the door and bolted from the room, still naked, my flaccid cock still a little cummy. I ran down the corridor to the communal bathroom, tears pricking at my eyes.

What have I done? What have I done?!

I'd just outed myself to my roommate, my best mate here in the States. What a fucking stupid thing to do!

I went into one of the shower cubicles and sank to my knees, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I'd told Brad my biggest secret and he hadn't taken it well at all. And we still had weeks left as roommates before my time here in the States ended. What was I going to do?!

I turned the shower on, so the running water would drown out any noise from my sobbing, just on the off-chance somebody chose to take a 3am shower. I curled into a ball underneath the lukewarm water and cried and cried.

I don't know how long I stayed there, but I was starting to shiver uncomfortably. I turned the shower off, and walked slowly back to mine and Brad's dormroom, my body wet and cold, my teeth chattering.

I quietly opened the door. The lights were off and there was the gentle sound of Brad's deep breathing. He had obviously fallen asleep. I silently fetched a big fluffy towel from out of the wardrobe and dried my body. I climbed into my bed and pulled the covers up tightly around my shoulders to warm myself up. The wet patch I'd made earlier hadn't quite dried yet and I lay uncomfortably on it, its presence reminding me of what had happened. And then, despite how sad I was feeling, I got hard remembering how good it had felt being fucked by Brad.

What a mess my life was all of a sudden.


Someone was shaking me gently by the shoulder.


I opened my eyes sleepily to see Brad's face staring down at me, his features blurred as I didn't have my glasses on yet. I sat up in bed, the covers falling from my shoulders, and put on my glasses bringing the room into focus.

"Anthony are you okay? You were talking in your sleep and...well, I wanted to check you weren't angry with me."

"Angry with you?" I asked, puzzled. "About what?"

"Well, what you told me last night, I...I guess I could have been a bit more reassuring. But it was a shock what you said. And by the time I had gotten over it, you had left. And I waited for you to come back, so I could say I was cool with it, but you didn't." Brad was looking down at the floor as he spoke, not meeting my eye. "I didn't want you to think I didn't like you any more because of what you'd told me."

"Thanks Brad mate, that means so much to me. To be honest I was really worried you wouldn't want to be friends any more."

"Oh Anthony, that's not the case at all. You're my best friend. I would be friends with you no matter what."

His words hit me. I was his best friend? But we'd only known each other less than a year. Surely he had closer friends than me from his schooldays or in his classes?

Brad rested his hand on my bare shoulder. He looked as though he wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't, he just squeezed my shoulder and then turned away. He shook his head and seemed to be swearing under his breath to himself.

"Brad...Thank you," I told him.

He turned to face me again and smiled.

"You're welcome. Maybe I should be thanking you though. After all, thanks to you I'm no longer a virgin now!"

"Are you okay with that? I mean...I don't want you to think I pressured you or took advantage or anything, or that I've been perving on you all this time..."

"No, it's fine. It was perfect."

"Well, apart from it was with me rather than some hot girl," I joked.

"No, it was perfect," he repeated. He reddened and again looked like he wanted to say something else, but didn't. He looked down at the floor.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," he said eventually.

"Brad," I said quickly, as he rummaged for his towel and washbag. "You won't tell anybody about me will you?"

"Not if you don't want me to, no. Why? Are you ashamed of being...?"

"Of being gay?" I finished. "No, I'm not ashamed...well, maybe I am a little...just...I don't want people to know yet. You heard what Brett said last night. Not everyone is going to be as comfortable with it as you are. Nobody back home knows, and only you and Barbara-Ann know here. Barbara-Ann guessed, I didn't tell her. You are the only person I've ever told. You're the only person I've felt close enough to to want to tell."

"Your secret's safe with me," Brad reassured me. He paused and took a deep breath. "I'm also...Um, I'm also g..." he broke off and sighed deeply. "I'm also going to do my laundry today. Want me to take your sheets to clean?"

I blushed, remembering what was on them, and how it had got there.

"No, it's okay. I'll take them myself. We can go together."

"Cool. Anthony?"


"I'm glad you told me. That must have taken a lot of courage." Brad swallowed. "I wish I was as brave as you."

"I'm not brave," I responded, "it just seemed like the right time. After all, we had know."

"Yeah," he smiled. "I remember." He sighed wistfully. "I wish I wasn't so shy. You're my best friend and I still clam up sometimes."

"You can tell me anything," I reassured him. "You can trust me, and I don't judge people. Hell, I told you my biggest secret ever, so you can always threaten to use that against me if you need to!"

He chuckled, but looked a little sad as he did so.

"I wouldn't do that to you. But for some reason I can't tell you what I want to. And I really want to. It's just...the words won't come out." He sounded close to tears all of a sudden and I felt a bit embarrassed at how emotional he was getting. I wanted to give him a reassuring hug, but wasn't sure how he'd react at being hugged by someone he knew was gay, so I didn't.

"It's okay Brad, don't stress about it mate. If the words won't come out, then that's obviously your brain's way of telling you it isn't the right time yet." I shrugged my shoulders. "It's no big deal. Just tell me when you're ready. Whatever it is."

Next: Chapter 32: Geeks Get Hot 14 Anthony

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