Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Mar 24, 2013



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read Brad's version of events, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 12) - Anthony

The Christmas holidays seemed a lifetime ago. It had been a good few weeks, if not now a couple of months since I had arrived back in the States after spending Christmas and New Year at home. I didn't think I would even be able to do that, but my grandparents, distressed at the thought of my spending Christmas abroad all by myself, had paid for my flights for my Christmas present. So it had been three weeks of carols and charades with my relatives, arguing with my younger brother, and meeting my mates in the pub to tell them about life in the good old U S of A and successfully deflect their probing questions about how hot the cheerleaders at the university were, and whether or not I'd managed to shag an American girl yet.

On my return, I'd quickly got back into the routine of things, and sharing a room with Brad once again seemed the most normal thing in the world. I had missed his company while being back at home, even though we had Skyped a few times. He had had his bedroom completely redecorated as a Christmas present from his family, which he had been extra-excited about. He kept saying I ought to go home with him one weekend to see it, but once our new classes started, we were both too busy studying to spare the time. I was secretly relieved, as I didn't think his parents were too keen on me. I had only met them briefly when they picked him up for Thanksgiving, and again when they collected him for Christmas, but his mother in particular had seemed very untrusting and sniffy towards me. It didn't help that when they were collecting him for Christmas I was suffering from the worst hangover I'd ever had in my life and our dormroom had still smelled faintly of my sick from when I'd thrown up in the night. Brad had tried to tell them I had food poisoning, but I don't think they believed him.

It was a Saturday, and, as he often did, Brad had arranged to meet his cousin, but this time -had invited me along. It had surprised me, as I thought he enjoyed meeting up just the two of them, but I had agreed since I was curious to meet another relative of Brad's that was more our own age. Plus, she sounded like a laugh from what Brad had told me.

I wasn't sure if I should dress up or not. I wanted to make a good impression on Brad's cousin in case she reported back to his parents about me and my suitability as a roommate for their son. Brad had gone to the library to study, so I wasn't able to ask his advice. In the end, I put on some fairly non-descript navy blue jeans and a pale lemon checked shirt, with a navy blue woollen jumper on top. Casual enough to look casual, but smart enough to look smart if I took the jumper off so I was just wearing the shirt.

I had just finished getting ready and was trying with little success to flatten down the tuft of hair I have that always sticks up, when Brad came through the dormroom door.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked me, putting his books back tidily onto his desk. Then he turned and looked at me properly, noticing what I had on. "Wow, you're looking...nice," he said eventually, his cheeks reddening slightly. "You know we're not going anyplace fancy, just a regular Italian restaurant. You didn't have to dress up! You're not going on a date you know!" He chuckled at me.

I felt my face colouring.

"Should I change into something else?"

"No, no," he replied quickly. "You look fine."

I made sure I had my wallet in my jeans pocket, and then we left the room together and took the lift down to the ground floor. It wasn't too cold outside and we walked leisurely to the restaurant where we were meeting Abby for lunch. Brad and I chatted about the course he had been studying for in the library, and other very mundane things. No matter how much we talked, we never ever seemed to run out of things to say. I suppose that is a sign of a true friendship.

We arrived at the restaurant and Brad pushed the door open, entering in front of me.

"There she is!" He announced, pointing.

We walked over to a round table set for three where a tall slim girl who looked to be in her mid to late twenties was sitting alone reading the menu. She looked up at us as we approached and smiled, getting to her feet.

"Brad!" She exclaimed cheerfully. She spread her arms wide as if she were going to hug him, but then seemed to change her mind, and instead ruffled his short black hair with her hand before squeezing his shoulder.

"Good to see you! And is this your roommate?" She turned her attention to me, and I held out my hand to shake hers.

"Hi, I'm Anthony."

"Hey Anthony, I'm Abby. Brad has told me a lot about you, and it is lovely to meet you at last."

We all sat down. I couldn't help comparing how alike the two cousins looked, even though Abby didn't wear glasses. They had the same tall slim build, the same black hair, and the same big dark brown eyes that on occasions stared at you with fierce intensity. I opened the menu and quickly decided what I wanted to eat. Brad and Abby were catching up on family news, so I let my eyes wander around the rest of the restaurant. It wasn't too busy, being fairly early in the evening.

"Good evening everybody, my name is Adam and I'll be your server for this evening, are you ready to order?" While I had been scoping out the restaurant, I hadn't noticed our waiter approach the other side of the table. I glanced in his direction, and then felt my eyes go wide and my mouth drop open a little of its own accord. Our waiter Adam was gorgeous! He had short jet black hair that was gelled, an olive-skinned face with a cheeky smile, just the right amount of dark stubble, and a dimple in each cheek. I was so distracted, when he asked what I wanted to drink, I replied a bloke' instead of a coke', which made him chuckle to himself, making those dimples show up even more. I hurriedly corrected myself, blushing beetroot red, while Brad and Abby laughed good-naturedly at my Freudian slip.

We gave our food order and then our waiter took our menus from us. His hand accidentally brushed against mine as he took my menu from me, and a jolt swept through my body at the touch. He walked back to the bar with the menus under his arm and I gazed at his arse, the material of his pinstriped black trousers stretched tight over what looked to be two extremely firm mounds.

I realised Abby had asked me something and was waiting for my reply.

"Sorry, I was miles away just then! What did you say?"

"Aww Anthony, what a daydreamer you seem to be! I was just asking you how college life here compares to back in England."

"Oh it's quite different. People here seem to take a wider variety of classes in lots of different subjects. And of course when I lived in the way, we tend to call it in halls' rather than in the dorms' in the UK, I had a single room with an ensuite, and I shared just a kitchen with the other eight people on my corridor."

We were interrupted by the waiter bringing us our drinks. I took the opportunity to discreetly check him out again as he leaned across the table putting the drinks down.

"So how are you finding sharing a room with my little cousin then? It must be a little strange after being used to having your own room at college," Abby asked, taking a sip from the glass of red wine she had ordered.

"Actually it didn't take as much getting used to as I was expecting," I replied. I glanced over at Brad and he was gazing intently at me as I spoke. "I think I was pretty lucky to end up sharing with Brad. We seem quite similar in a lot of ways, and are both fairly quiet and into the same sort of TV shows and computer games and so on. I can't imagine how difficult it would be sharing a room with somebody totally different to you. I mean if I was sharing with someone who was really into American football, say, who wanted to watch sports all the time, someone I'd have nothing in common with...well, I'd probably be a lot more homesick than I have been. No, I couldn't think of a nicer roommate to have than Brad. He's kind and funny, and just a really good and loyal friend," I concluded, looking over at Brad again. He was smiling a little bashfully, obviously pleased at what I had said, but maybe also a bit embarrassed. I hoped I hadn't said anything that sounded too soppy.

The waiter brought us our food just then. As we ate, we chatted a bit more about university life, and Abby shared some funny stories about Brad as a young child.

I finished my meal and excused myself to go to the toilet. The classical music that was playing softly in the background in the restaurant seemed loud in the quietness of the toilets. It was quite a large room, with two separate stalls and three individual urinals. As I stood in front of a urinal and unzipped myself, I found myself wondering what I would do if the waiter from our table came into the toilets too and stood next to me at the neighbouring urinal. Would I risk taking a crafty glance at his cock as he pulled it out of his trousers? Would I be brave enough to do that? What if he noticed? What if he noticed and looked back at mine to size me up too? What if he reached down and held my dick for me as I pissed and then when I finished he started to slowly wank me off?

I was beginning to chub up at the thought of the fantasy. Just then, the door to the toilets swung open and I jumped, hurriedly stuffing my semi-hard dick through my flies back into my jeans. I zipped myself up as the person who'd entered came and stood at the furthest urinal from me. My eyes opened wide as I realised it was our waiter Adam. My heart was suddenly beating faster. Now was my chance to check out his cock if I wanted to...

I pulled on the little lever that flushed the urinal, planning to casually glance down in the direction of his dick as I did so, but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I wimped out, and just stared at the tiled wall in front of me. I moved from the urinals over to the sinks, mentally kicking myself at my cowardice. I washed my hands and stared in the mirror above the sink which provided me with a perfect view of his firm trouser-covered arse. I sighed wistfully and pulled a paper towel from the dispenser to dry my hands, tossing it in the bin once I had finished.

I exited the `restroom' as my American friends called it, and started to make my way back to my table. As I approached, I noticed Brad was sitting with his head lowered. He had his back to me. Abby glanced up and caught my eye, and motioned at me to stay away. Puzzled, I turned around and went and stood next to the restaurant entrance doors. I kept my eyes on the two cousins and saw Abby lean over and take Brad's hand in hers, talking intently. After about a minute, Brad got up and, taking off his glasses, wiped his eyes. Keeping his head down and one hand held up in front of his face, he weaved his way through the tables towards the men's toilets on the other side of the restaurant.

I walked back over to the table and sat down in my seat.

"What's the matter with Brad?" I questioned Abby.

She looked at me strangely.

"I'm sure he'll tell you later if he wants to. Now though, Anthony, I think you and I need to have a little chat."

"Um okay."

I lifted my glass to my lips to drain the last mouthful of my coke

"Does Brad know that you're gay?"

I gave a little gasp which made some of the coke go down the wrong way. I coughed and spluttered and all the while Abby was watching me intently, her brown eyes burning into me just as Brad's did on occasions.

"What do you...I mean I...I'm not...I'm not g-"

"Cut the bullshit Anthony. You've hardly taken your eyes off our waiter's ass since we arrived here."

I swallowed awkwardly and looked down at the tablecloth.

"How did you-"

Abby cut me off.

"Anthony I'm older than you, I'm smart, I've been around gay people before, I know some of the cues to look for. It's not obvious, but you and I both know I'm right."

I continued looking down, not saying anything. I could feel my eyes starting to fill with tears. If Abby had worked it out, then Brad would probably work it out too, and then he wouldn't want to be my friend any more.

"Please Abby don't tell Brad," I blurted out.

"Why shouldn't I? Don't you think he has a right to know? He is sharing his room with you, he gets undressed in front of you. Jeez, he's probably masturbated while you've still been in the room with him."

"I know, I know, I know, but Abby if you tell him he won't like me any more."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well like you said, we share a room, and he might think I've been perving on him while he's been getting dressed, and..." my voice tailed off and I felt a sob building in my throat. "He's been such a good friend to me here, please don't spoil my friendship with him."

"Anthony, my cousin is a wonderful person,"

"I know that,"

"If you told him I really don't think he would react the way you're scared of him doing. You know, you and he have a lot more in common that you think."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed.

"I don't know if I should...No, it's not for me to say. But Anthony, just think a minute, has Brad ever spoken about girls with you?"

"Um," I thought for a bit, "no, I don't think he has."

"Ever wonder why?"

"No, I...To tell the truth, I just thought he was shy about talking about that sort of stuff."

"I see."

We sat in an uncomfortable silence for a short while.

"Anthony, do you have feelings for my cousin?"

"No, I...Well I..." I could feel my face growing hot. "Well if I did, what difference would it make? He's straight, isn't he?!"

Abby rolled her eyes and muttered something half under her breath that sounded like "Jeez, am I the only one that has a working gaydar?!"

"He is straight," I repeated. "Isn't he?"

Abby leaned across and took my hand. I looked up into her dark brown eyes.

"Think about it Anthony. The answer to that question should be obvious, and it's not my place to say. But I will say this: my cousin has been through a lot in his life so far. One Hell of a lot, as I'm sure he's told you. And these last few months, he has just started to get his life back together." She was speaking softly, but her voice took on a hard edge. "So if you mess him around, play with his emotions, crush his feelings or make him unhappy in any way, I will personally make it impossible for you to ever have sex again." She suddenly squeezed my hand so tightly I almost cried out. Her grip was like a metal vice around me. "Do you understand?"

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Feeling better now Brad?" Abby asked over my shoulder, quickly letting go of my hand as she spoke. I surreptitiously opened and closed my fingers a few times, checking I could still move them. Brad let out a little murmur of assent and came round to his chair to sit back down. Behind his black-framed spectacles, his eyes looked a bit red as if he had been rubbing them. Or as if he had been crying.

Why would he have been crying? And what was it Abby had said? He's been through a Hell of a lot in his life so far and has just started to get his life back together'? What was that all about? He hadn't given any indication at all that he was someone who was just starting to get his life back together'. Yes, he was quiet and quite shy around people, but then so was I. Yes, he didn't speak much when in a large group of people, but then nor did I. He was just a normal guy, admittedly a little on the geeky side, but then so were all the best people! No, there was nothing I could think of at all that gave the impression that he had been through a lot of traumatic stuff and was only just getting himself sorted. Maybe Abby was mistaken. Maybe she was exaggerating. Maybe she'd said that in an attempt to warn me off... And why was she warning me off Brad in the first place?! Threatening me?! What the fuck was that all about?!

I realised both Brad and Abby were looking expectantly at me. Obviously I had been asked a question in the conversation I had tuned out of while I'd been pondering.

"Sorry, miles away again!" I confessed.

Brad chuckled a little at me. "You really are in the land of daydreams today! I was just asking Abby that favour we discussed earlier, and she said yes!"

"Oh, um, thank you Abby," I said, not sure how I felt now about begging a favour off somebody who had just almost broken half my fingers.

"You're welcome," she replied. "I'm sure I can trust both of you to be sensible."

It turned out Abby had asked for the bill and paid it while I had been lost in my thoughts, so we were ready now to leave the restaurant. I looked around the room for one last glance of our waiter's tight arse, but he was nowhere to be seen.

We left the restaurant, and Abby led the way to where her car was parked. Brad let me get in the front. It was weird sitting there having the driver on my left. Very disorientating in fact.

Abby drove us to a large hypermarket and we traipsed inside together. We made our way to the alcohol aisle and Brad and I gave her instructions for what to buy for us.

"Is that all you want?" She asked disbelievingly, and then made us put an extra six pack each in the trolley as her treat for us. The person at the checkout looked at us suspiciously, but Abby happily showed her driving licence as ID and explained that we were only there to help lift and carry and that we weren't even going to be at the party she was hosting. I felt a bit bad at her having to lie for us, but I was looking forward to having a few relaxed drinks later that evening with Brad. Every now and again, a cold beer was just what I fancied having to drink, and not being old enough to buy one when I liked anymore was beginning to drive me mad!

We loaded the boot of Abby's car up with our ill-gotten spoils, and then she drove us back to the university campus, stopping in the taxi drop-off point just outside Jefferson Dorms.

"It was good to meet you at last Anthony," she said to me as we said goodbye to her. "I hope to see you again before you go back home to England. And remember what I said." Her eyes burned intensely into mine as she finished speaking and I swallowed uncomfortably.

Then she was gone, waving goodbye to us as she drove off. Brad and I both stood on the pavement with our arms laden down with crates of beer. Luckily there weren't any people about to see. We staggered into the lobby of Jefferson Dorms and hit the call button for the lift.

The lift arrived with its accompanying loud ping. The doors slid open and a figure strode out. It was Brett, who lived on our corridor in the room the other side of our neighbours Charlie and Chris. He was very broad shouldered and had the build of a rugby player. His hair was very short and he had a round face with rosy cheeks. He was dressed in a baggy white tshirt and black shorts and carried a grubby towel over his shoulder.

"Hey guys," he greeted us amiably. Then his eyes grew wide as he registered what we were carrying, and he let out a low whistle of approval.

"Whoa, where did you guys get the beer from?"

"My cousin bought it for us," Brad explained.

"And were you planning to drink it all yourselves?"

Brad and I exchanged a sideways look.

"No sweat if you were, but it's been so long since I last got drunk. I wouldn't say no to an invitation to your room to share it with you."

"Well we were thinking of maybe inviting a couple people round for an X-box tournament and to have some drinks anyway, so sure, you can come share it," Brad answered. "We would have invited you and your roommate anyway. We did last time we had alcohol remember?"

"Yes, I remember, but I had a date that night. Man, I'm glad I ran into you guys just now. I was going to go work-out at the rec centre, but getting stuck into that beer sounds so much more appealing right now."

Brett stepped back into the lift with us and pressed the button for the third floor.

"I wouldn't invite many people though. That number of cans won't last long if you do. In fact, why not just leave it at just us three? We can all get totally wasted and won't have to worry about running out." Brett stared greedily at the beer we were holding.

"Um, sure," Brad agreed uncertainly.

"Excellent! Oh dudes we're going to have fun tonight!"

The lift arrived at the third floor and Brett took charge, ushering us quickly down the corridor to our room, keeping a watch all the while for our dorm's RA. It was quite funny, like having a bodyguard!

We made it to our room without attracting any suspicion and Brett closed the door behind us. We set the cans down on the far side of the room under the window, and grabbed one each, pulling the ringpulls and hearing the satisfying sound of the hiss the can lets out as it gets opened. I took a long sip of cold beer and sighed deeply. It was so refreshing on this warm spring evening.

Brad set up his X-box with a car racing game, connecting it to his computer monitor, and then between us we repositioned the monitor on his desk so that it was clearly visible to us as we sat together on my bed on the opposite wall of the narrow dormroom, leaning our backs against the wall. We grabbed a controller each and were just about to start playing when there was a gentle knock on the dormroom door. The door opened and Charlie stuck his head around it.

"Hey, do you guys mind if I hang with you this evening? Chris's girlfriend is coming over and he wants our room to himself." Charlie's eyes opened wide as he saw the stash of beer. "Whoa! Is that what I think it is?!"

"Don't stand there with the door open so anybody could see it!" Brett yelled. "What if the RA is walking past?!"

"Sorry," Charlie said, coming inside properly and closing the door quietly behind him. "So what's the deal with the beer? Don't tell me one of you two managed to buy it without getting carded?!" He laughed, speaking to me and Brad.

"No, it was my cousin," Brad explained.

"Do you mind if I have one?"

"Of course not, help yourself" Brad answered.

"But there won't be enough for the rest of us to get properly wasted if he joins in too," Brett complained.

"What is your problem dude?" Charlie asked. "If I understood correctly this is Brad and Anthony's beer, not yours."

"Yes, but..."

"Brett," Brad broke in. "Charlie is our friend. Of course he is welcome to drink some beers with us. Don't be selfish, there is plenty to go around."

"Sorry," Brett apologised. "I just got excited about finally getting the opportunity to drink at last."

"Well Anthony is such a lightweight, you can finish off his share when he passes out after 2 cans!" Brad said with a laugh.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in mock-annoyance giving Brad a friendly punch on the shoulder. The others laughed and we restarted the game in 4-player mode so Charlie could join in.

It was a very relaxed and fun evening. Charlie won nearly all of the racing games we played, and then we switched to a shooting game that Brad was particularly skilled at. Brett finished last nearly every time, but he didn't seem to mind too much, and was happy enough as long as he had a can in his hand! There wasn't quite enough room for all four of us to sit next to each other on my bed and all see the computer monitor, so we took it in turns to sit on the floor in front of the bed. When it was Brad's turn to sit on the floor he had positioned himself right in front of me and leaned his back against the side of the bed. My feet dangled either side of his body and I rested them lightly on his shoulders. He didn't seem to mind. I was comfortable (and, yes, I'll admit it, a little bit turned-on!) in that position, and was disappointed when Brad stood up and announced to Brett it was his turn to go on the floor now.

Brett grabbed himself a fresh beer and Brad came and sat between me and Charlie on the bed while Brett deposited himself on the floor. He took a long gulp from his can, burped and then sighed contentedly.

"You know, the only thing that would improve this evening would be some pussy. I haven't had any in weeks."

"Awww," Charlie teased. "Is poor Brett suffering from blue balls?!"

"Alright Mr. `I got a hot girlfriend'. It's not that long ago since you were single like the rest of us. You must be able to remember how frustrating it feels!"

"Yes, I do," Charlie answered, "and I don't envy you one bit! Anthony, I'll always be grateful to you that you got so wasted at that party that time. If you hadn't, I'd never have got my chance with her!"

"What's this?" Brett asked, intrigued.

"Oh, my girlfriend, Courtney. Anthony almost hooked-up with her at this Christmas party we were all at, but he got so drunk he had to leave early. Lucky he did, because she saw sense and hooked-up with the best-looking guy at the party!"

"Shit dude, so your girlfriend is one of Anthony's cast-offs?! That's funny dude!" Brett laughed. I found myself blushing.

"It wasn't quite like that..." I tried to explain.

"Oh it so was!" Charlie interrupted. "Seriously though Anthony, I appreciate it. We've been together ever since that night, and she's amazing."

"Amazing how?!" Brett asked raising his eyebrow suggestively.

"Just...amazing," Charlie sighed. "Pretty, and smart, and she gives the best head!"

Brett guffawed.

"Man, now you're really making me jealous. Why aren't you with her tonight?"

"She's meeting up with her girlfriends for the evening. I think they are going to the movies to watch some dumb click-flick or something. Besides," Charlie grinned wickedly, "I think I wore her out last night!"

Brett leaned over while laughing and punched Charlie good-naturedly on the arm. Charlie got up off the bed to get himself a new beer. He sat down in Brad's deskchair rather than joining us back on the bed.

"So who was the last girl you got with?" he asked Brett.

"This girl from my history class. We dated maybe three or four times, but it didn't turn into anything serious. She was good though dude. Absolutely amazing in bed." Brett absentmindedly rubbed the crotch of his shorts. "The positions she could get into...and her pussy was so tight...the tightest I ever had dude!"

"You had a lot then Brett?" Charlie asked, drinking down some more of his can.

"I guess around ten different girls. You?"

"Three girls in high school, three girls here at college, and then Courtney, so seven altogether." Charlie replied after a pause as if to count them off in his head.

"How about you Brad?" Brett asked, turning to face my roommate.

Brad went red and he looked down at the floor.

"Um...well...actually I've not...that is...I mean..." he stumbled over his words before letting out a deep sigh. "I'm still a virgin," he confessed finally.

Brett let out a snigger.

"No way dude!" Charlie exclaimed, "Seriously?! A virgin?!"

"Uh-huh," Brad confirmed, still red-faced and not looking anybody in the eye.

Charlie let out a low whistle of astonishment.

"I can't believe you're still a virgin. You're what? Nineteen? Fuck dude, that's..."

"I know, I know," Brad said sounding a little ashamed.

"Well if there's anything I can do to help get you laid. Hey, did you want me to get Courtney to tell her friends you've got a big dick? It might help get you some action when they hear..."

"NO!" Brad replied, very fast and a little too loudly.

"Okay okay dude, no need to shout! I was just trying to be helpful. And it's not as if it would be a lie!"

"Ain't that the truth?!" Brett said. "I'm amazed you want to keep that a secret Brad, chicks go wild for a big dick."

"How would you know?!" Charlie joked.

"Fuck you dude!" Brett laughed. He took another large gulp of his beer. "Seriously though Brad," he said, resting his hand on Brad's shoulder, "you should let Charlie's girlfriend tell her friends. Once they know how big it is they'll be queuing up for a ride on it!"

Brad rolled his eyes and took a swig from his can.

"He's right," Charlie said. "Hell, if mine were that big I'd make sure everybody knew about it! Not that I've been checking you out or anything dude," he added quickly. "Just, you know, getting in and out of the showers, you can't help noticing."

"What's it like having to share room-space with such a monster Anthony?" Brett asked me, smirking wickedly. "You feel constantly inadequate or what?!"

I felt tongue-tied and not sure how to answer. To be honest, I was also feeling a little bit turned-on by all this talk about Brad's huge cock.

"Don't tease Anthony!" Brad surprised me by turning and saying to Brett. He gave him a little punch on the arm that made Brett almost spill his drink on my sheets.

"Whoa chill out Brad!" Brett complained. "It was just a joke. I know I wouldn't want a roommate who was so much bigger than me. I'd get jealous every time he stripped ready for bed."

"Well your roommate does only need to be two inches long to beat you and make you jealous!" Charlie cracked.

I couldn't help myself and let out a little chuckle. Next to me, Brad's shoulders were shaking and I realised he was laughing silently.

"Fuck you Charlie!" Brett retorted, downing the last of his can. "In fact, fuck all of you! I've had more girls than all of you put together, and I've never had any complaints!"

"Well you might do if they ever hear about Brad!" I couldn't stop myself saying, wanting to join in the man-to-man banter and piss-taking.

Charlie laughed and held out a hand for a high-five. Brett stuck his middle finger up at me and reached for another can.

"How big is it then Brad?" Charlie asked, taking another drink of beer. "If I'm going to get Courtney to spread around about you being hung we might as well get the dimensions right!"

"I don't want it spread around," Brad protested, "and come on guys, let's get real now, my dick isn't really that big is it?"

"Um YES!" Charlie, Brett and I all chorused together.

Brad tried to look disbelieving, but couldn't help letting his lips curl upwards in a small smile of what looked like pride.

I brought my can up to my lips and drained the last drops of beer from it.

"Chuck us over another beer please Brett," I asked.

"Yeah, me too," Brad added.

Brett threw us a can each. Neither of us caught them. I popped open the ringpull and some foam started flowing out. I quickly placed my mouth over the hole and started supping it down. Next to me, Brad's can sprayed a little onto my duvet as he opened it, but I didn't care. I was starting to feel nicely giddy as the alcohol took its effect. Brad took a deep drink from his fresh can and sighed contentedly, laying his head back against the wall. Then he opened his mouth wide and let out the most colossal burp I have ever heard anyone do in my entire life. My cock twitched wildly at how masculine he sounded.

"Was that you Brad?!" Charlie asked awestruck.

"Yup," Brad confirmed with a grin.

"Whoa, fucking hell dude, that was awesome!" Brett laughed.

Charlie joined in with comments of admiration.

"The biggest belches, the biggest dick, Brad is there anything about you that isn't the biggest of all of us?!"

"Enough about my dick already!"

We all laughed. But then through the laughter came an altogether different noise.

"Mmmm oh yes baby!"

We looked at each other and stopped laughing to listen.

"Mmmm! Mmmm! Yes, baby yes!"

It was a sound Brad and I had heard before. The sound of our neighbour Chris having sex with his girlfriend in the room next door. His moans of pleasure increased in volume and continued to drift through the walls from next door.

"Is that Chris?!" Brett asked wide-eyed.

"Uh-huh," I confirmed. "Sounds like he is making the most of Charlie letting him and his girlfriend have the room to themselves!"

We sat in silence, listening to the noises. My cock was growing and I was feeling more and more turned-on hearing the grunts and moans Chris was making. Then, through the wall, we heard panting and little screams from a female voice.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh yes Chris yes! Oh! Oh yes! Keep going!"

"Fuck me that's hot!" Brett said, his hand resting in his lap.

Charlie whispered "is it wrong that I'm getting turned-on from hearing my roommate have sex?!"

"Dude, I think we all are!" Brett commented.

Chris's deep masculine groans and the higher shorter squeals of his girlfriend continued. It dawned on me that I was rock hard now from listening to him.

"She sounds like she's loving that!" Brett whispered excitedly. His hand was still in his lap and was making little forwards and backwards movements.

The noises continued, growing in volume and urgency until finally we heard Chris yell "OH YES!!!" And after that we didn't hear anything else through the wall. I realised I had a wet patch in my underwear where I had leaked some precum and my cock was still hard and quivering. I hoped none of the others would notice how turned-on I had become.

"Well that certainly livened up the night!" Brett announced. "Except I'm so jealous of Chris right now at getting laid. I could really do with it!"

"Yes, me too," Charlie agreed. "I don't know about the rest of you, but just hearing all that has made me seriously horny. I might have to call Courtney and see if I can go over to her room!"

"Lucky sonofabitch," Brett said. "I wish I had a girl I could call for a fuck. I sure could use one right at this moment." I looked across and his shorts were quite noticeably tented in the middle. That made me feel a bit better about having got hard myself.

Charlie reached for his phone and after dialling a number held it to his ear. He frowned. "Shit! She must have it switched off."

"Haha, you'll have to make do with jacking off like the rest of us!" Brett laughed.

"I guess," Charlie sighed frustratedly. Brad and I exchanged a look and started laughing at him. He stuck his middle finger up at both of us and downed the last of his can. "Man, I'm hard as fuck right now."

"Yeah, me too," Brett said.

"Me too," Brad said quietly.

"Me too," I confessed.

Brett clutched at himself through his shorts and I almost ejaculated on the spot as the outline of his erect cock was clearly visible through the thin black material. "I so need to jack-off right now!" He announced with a little chuckle.

"Same," Charlie smiled, rearranging himself to a more comfortable position.

"Me too," I chimed in.

"And me," Brad said brightly. "Shall I put some porn on for us to jack-off to?" He got up off my bed to make his way over to his computer, his cock clearly straining behind the confines of his jeans.

I was just about to say "Yes, go for it," when Brett suddenly said "No way dude, that's like the gayest suggestion I ever heard."

Brad whirled around, with a puzzled expression on his face. "But I thought you said you needed to..."

"Well yes, obviously I need to jack-off," Brett said, clutching at his hardon through his shorts as if to demonstrate his need. "But that's something I'll do on my own. I don't want to see the rest of you jerking your dicks while I do it! I'm not a queer!"

"I..I'm sorry," Brad stammered. "I thought, you know, since we all are hard and all feeling horny, it might be..."

"Fuck no dude. I mean, I know we're all drunk, but dude, that's gross. I mean you and Anthony don't jack-off to porn together do you?! Not at the same time?!"

Brad had gone red, and I felt my face turning warm too.

"Have you never jacked-off watching porn with any of your friends then Brett?" Charlie asked, before either of us could answer.

"Not since I was, like, fourteen," Brett retorted. "Why? Do you and Chris jack-off together then?"

"Well, no, we've never sat down to watch porn and jack-off together, but I don't see the big deal. You're horny, so is your roommate, so you put a video on and both go do your own thing. It doesn't make you gay."

"Humph," Brett snorted.

"All the same," Charlie continued, "I know I'm hard, and horny as fuck, but I think I'd find it a bit awkward. Nice suggestion though Brad."

Brad came back and retook his place on the bed between me and Charlie.

"You know, I hadn't realised how much the noise can travel from our room into this one," Charlie commented. "You guys haven't ever overheard me have you?" He looked a bit embarrassed.

"Only jacking-off!" Brad replied with a little laugh. And then a bigger laugh when Charlie went a bit red because he'd believed him. "Relax dude, I was joking! No, Chris is quite loud. We haven't ever heard you. But, if we do, so what?! This is college. We're all adults, we all know what sex is and that it happens in the dorms. The walls aren't that thick and there's nothing you can do. If it feels good, you can't stop yourself being loud sometimes I guess."

"Yes, that's true!" Charlie agreed.

"They should make the walls thicker between the rooms," I chimed in. "They have to know how horny people are at this age and how much sex goes on. It would be less embarrassing for everyone. There's nothing more distracting than trying to revise for a test and hearing your neighbour having sex."

"Haha, that's true!" Brett confirmed with a grin. "And you're right Anthony, they should make the walls thicker. Sometimes you don't want to hear what's going on. I overheard the most disgusting thing through the wall when I was walking down the hallway in this other dorm block leaving my study partner's room after studying one night. It was two guys going at it." He shuddered. "Just imagine living next door to a filthy queer and having to hear that all the time. They shouldn't be allowed to have sex in the dorms."

"What? Just because a person's gay they shouldn't be allowed to have sex in their own room?" Charlie said incredulously. "What are they supposed to do? Tie a knot in their dick so they can't?! Gay guys get just as horny as we do you know. How would you feel if you were banned from having any sex?!"

"That's different," Brett replied.

"How is it?! I'm not gay, hell you know that, but I don't believe they should be treated any differently."

"Yes, but it's not natural, two guys fucking each other. It's revolting. Just hearing those two that time nearly made me throw up on the spot. I'm so glad there's nobody like that living on our floor," Brett concluded downing the last of his can.

I felt a little bit sick and my heart rate sped up.

"Well I wouldn't have a problem with it," Charlie said. "What about you guys?" he asked me and Brad. I swallowed.

"No, I...I...that is...'live and let live' I always say," I said, trying to sound casual. "People should be free to sleep with who they want."

"I agree," Brad added.

Brett shrugged. "Whatever." He shook his can and turned it upside down over his open mouth, tilting his head back and letting three or four final drops fall in. "Well, since there's no beer left, I think I'll leave now." He tugged at the tent in his shorts and grinned. "I think I'll stop off at the bathroom to deal with this on the way back to my room though!"

We all laughed.

"Night dudes, thanks for sharing your alcohol."

"Night," Charlie, Brad and I chorused.

Brett closed the door behind him. For some reason, I found myself breathing what felt like a sigh of relief at him leaving.

"I didn't know you two were that friendly with Brett," Charlie commented, from his seated position still in Brad's desk chair.

"We're not, really" I explained. "He caught us coming in the dorm entrance with the beer and kind of invited himself along. But it's all good, we didn't mind sharing."

"It was a bit out of order though, what he was saying at the end. I mean, I don't know how you two feel, but I have no problem with gay people. Anyone who does is still living in the stone age."

"Yes," I said in the silence that followed, not quite knowing what to say. Brad made a non-committal noise. Just then, Charlie's mobile beeped twice, letting him know he had received a text message. He checked it.

"Ah, that's Chris letting me know it's safe to come back to the room now." He stood up and looked around our room. "You two can cope with clearing up the empty cans can't you?"

"Yes, no problem," we both nodded.

"Good. Well I'll see you both tomorrow I guess then. Thanks for the beer and for letting me hang with you."

"Any time," I said. "You're a mate, you know that."

Charlie looked a bit sheepish. "Actually, before I go next door, I think I'll probably go jack-off in the restroom. guys won't tell Chris we all got turned-on overhearing his girlfriend will you?"

"No, of course not," I said. "Part of the unspoken agreement of mates and uni life!"

"Cool." He breathed a sigh of relief after he spoke. "Catch you later then. Night."

"Night," we chorused. He left the room closing the dormroom door quietly behind him. I checked the time on my phone and it was just coming up to 1am. I didn't feel at all sleepy though. I felt nicely drunk, and still very horny. I stretched my arms out straight above my head and my legs out wide in a star shape, accidentally grazing Brad's jeans-covered leg with mine.

"Whoops, sorry mate," I apologised.

He didn't seem to mind. I wondered if he was feeling as horny as I was. And I was feeling horny!

"Have you gone down yet Brad?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.

"No," he replied, distractedly.

"Me neither," I said.

He turned and looked at me. His eyes slid down to my crotch and back up to my face and then he grinned.

"Chris sure did sound hot didn't he?" He said. "I...I...I mean Chris and his girlfriend did...mainly his girlfriend, of course."

"Yeah," I said non-committally. To be honest, I hadn't really noticed what his girlfriend had sounded like, I'd been too busy concentrating on the wonderful masculine grunts Chris had been making. I rested my hand in my lap and felt my hard cock press up against it through the prison of my jeans and boxers. "I'm really feeling horny Brad," I confessed.

"Me too."

"Really really really horny."

"Yeah, me too," Brad chuckled embarrassedly.

"I know the other two didn't want to, but I wouldn't mind if we put some porn on and...well, dealt with our hardons. If you still wanted to."

"Hell yes! I need to jack-off so badly it hurts! You don't mind that we'd know, next to each other and...well..."

"I don't have a problem with it if you don't. It wouldn't be the first time would it?! If we don't do it now, we're only going to both be doing it as soon as we crawl under our bedcovers aren't we? Let's not pretend any different! At least this way we can both enjoy some porn at the same time!"

Brad's eyes lit up. "That's true!"

"Cool. Well, you lock the door and get your lube ready, I'll find us something to watch. Can we use your computer since the monitor's already in a position where we can both see it if we sit on my bed?"


We both got off my bed. I unbuttoned my shirt, shrugging it off my shoulders onto the floor, and took my jeans off, letting them fall to the carpet in a heap of crumpled denim, before sitting down in Brad's deskchair in front of his computer dressed in just my boxers. I opened Internet Explorer, while Brad padded over to the door and locked it before going over to fetch his lube out of its home in his bedside table drawer.

It occurred to me that I hadn't asked Brad what sort of porn he wanted to see. I was guessing it wouldn't be the two-or-more-guys variety that I would normally go for! I didn't really have a clue what straight guys would want to watch. But then I had a brainwave and I clicked the button to open Brad's Internet Explorer History. As I hoped, he hadn't cleared it recently, and I scanned down the list of sites he had visited until I came to one whose name gave it away as being a porn site. If I went to that site and chose a `top-watched' film, it would probably be something he would like.

Wait a minute...

I looked again at the name of the site. It looked somewhat familiar, and then it dawned on me that it was a site I regularly visited myself. And was a site with films you wouldn't find a vagina or a pair of tits featuring in anywhere.

That's weird. Why would Brad be looking at stuff on that site? Unless...

A smile slowly spread over my face as it dawned on me that if Brad had been looking at gay porn, then maybe he was...

The conversation with Abby came back to me: He is straight, isn't he?' Think about it Anthony. The answer to that question should be obvious.'

And all of a sudden it was obvious, and I realised that the night ahead could turn out to be the night I'd been dreaming about ever since I first saw Brad naked for the first time.

Behind me, I heard Brad unzipping his jeans and taking his tshirt off.

"Did you find something good for us to watch yet?"

"I think so," I said, and with my heart beating wildly and feeling as if it was located in my mouth and not my chest, I clicked onto the link in Brad's history and started the film that loaded up.


Next: Chapter 31: Geeks Get Hot 13 Anthony

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