Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Aug 28, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 3) -- Anthony

After we'd finished breakfast, and Brad had explained the difference between having fried eggs sunny side up' and easy over', we made our way back up to our room. I still couldn't believe how easily we'd clicked. We'd had loads to talk about while we'd been eating, despite him never having been to the UK and me never having been to the States before, and our senses of humour matched perfectly. We'd bounced jokes off each other, and had spent a lot of time laughing. All my earlier worries about sharing a room with somebody had vanished.

And the room itself wasn't bad. We effectively had one side of the room each, with a bed, bedside table, desk and small chest of drawers against our wall, then the window with radiator beneath it on the far wall between our bedside tables, and on the wall opposite that, the door into the corridor, and a large wardrobe which we shared, one side each.

I stood in the centre of the room taking in my surroundings, failing to notice Brad picking up one of the suitcases of mine that we'd abandoned under my desk the previous day.

"Did you want a hand unpacking your stuff?" Brad asked, starting to unzip the suitcase.

Fuck! That's the one I put my...

"Um, no, it's alright, leave it, I'll do it later" I yelled, probably much too loudly, rushing across the room to take the case off him and zip it back up again.

"Okay, okay. Jeez, what's the matter? Was I about to discover your secret porn stash or something?!"

Actually, yes, that suitcase he'd been about to open contained, amongst other things, my entire collection of gay porn magazines which I hadn't dared to leave at home in case my mum decided to clean my bedroom while I was away, several calendars featuring some of my favourite celebrities in various states of undress, four unopened boxes of condoms (well, it never fails to be prepared!) and three dildos of various sizes which I'd secretly bought on the internet, but was still waiting to try out on myself.

I could feel myself blushing, so I turned away as I put the suitcase back down on the floor.

"Um, no. I just...It's time to go for orientation, we don't want to be late do we?" Phew! Got out of that one pretty well! Hope he doesn't notice how red my cheeks are.

Brad looked at his watch.

"You're right. We'd better get going."

We left our room and made our way out of the dorms building and over towards the main university teaching buildings. Soon we were part of a steady stream of new students, all walking to the same talk to introduce us to the university. There were some pretty fit lads around. I looked around me as we walked, drinking in the sights, hoping Brad wasn't guessing what I was doing.

We arrived at the lecture theatre that the talk was being held in, and along with all the other students, walked inside to sit down. The seating was tiered, but without individual seats, just long benches to sit on with a long writing desk to lean on. There were so many students at that talk, and more kept arriving. The Dean of the university who was starting the talks off spoke over the microphone and told everyone to sit closer together so that nobody would have to stand up.

We were crammed into those rows so tightly, it was impossible not to make body contact with the person sitting next to you. I gazed along the rows of seats at the tanned bodies of the male students, breathing in the scents of the various deodorants and aftershaves that hung in the air around me. Obviously, there were lots of girls there too, but for some reason, my eyes just darted over them not taking them in.

On one side of me was Brad, on the other, a very hot looking surfer-type lad with shoulder length tangled blonde hair and a tanned face that was lightly freckled. He wore a bright green t-shirt, long white and dark green patterned shorts, and flip-flops. His arms and legs were tanned too, with his hairs bleached by the sun, and had just the right amount of muscle definition to look shapely but not unnatural.

Our shoulders were touching and so were the whole of our legs, right from our hips down to our ankles. We had no choice, we were packed into the seating rows so tightly, but I wasn't complaining! He shifted in his seat causing his shorts-covered leg to press tighter against my jeans-covered one, and my cock twitched, then started to grow harder. Obviously being this close to such a hottie was turning me on big time. I let it grow until it was starting to cause my jeans to bulge outwards. No one was paying any attention, they were all busy listening to the Dean droning on about how wonderful the university was, and how proud they should be to be American, and blah blah blah.

My cock was getting uncomfortable at the angle it was positioned at, so I slowly put my hand into my jeans pocket and surreptitiously repositioned myself through the lining of the pocket. I accidentally brushed the palm of my hand over Brad's thigh as I drew my hand back out of my pocket, making him jump a little.

"Sorry mate" I whispered to him, then went back to checking out the guys around me. I couldn't believe how many of them were hot. Had this university set a wet-dream-worthy appearance as one of its entry criteria? My cock remained hard for the whole of the talks, and at one stage I felt a drop of precum spilling over and running slowly down the length of my shaft to end up in my pubes. I couldn't believe how horny I was so soon after my morning wank. My mind drifted off, remembering the dream I'd been having. There really had been a cute cabin crew attendant on my flight, and I had spent most of the flight daydreaming about what I'd have liked him to do to me. Mmm.

The sound of applause quickly brought me out of my thoughts and back to my senses. I began clapping too. Obviously the talks were over.

"How boring was that?!" Brad whispered to me. People around us were getting up to leave. Brad and I stood up too and made our way out of the lecture hall along with all the other students. I was conscious of the erection I had, but hoped no one would notice. Just along from the lecture hall was a toilet (or restroom, as my new fellow students would say!) and I said to Brad I needed a piss, and darted into it.

I headed into a cubicle, locked the door, then sat on the toilet and brought my rock hard cock out of my jeans. A drop of precum was starting to slide from my piss-slit and I quickly caught it on my index finger, rubbing it around my head, making it good and slippery.

Quietly, in case there was anyone else still in the toilets, I started wanking, conscious that I'd have to be as quick as I could to get back to Brad before he started thinking I'd fallen into the toilet and drowned.

As I moved my hand rapidly up and down my shaft, I played a slideshow of the students I'd been eyeing up in the lecture hall through my mind, imagining them first in the clothes they'd been wearing, and then what they might look like underneath their clothing, their tanned, toned bodies, their thick curly pubic hair, their large thick cocks growing into even larger, even thicker ones as they stroked themselves in time with me.

I felt myself getting close and pointed my cock down into the toilet bowl, taking a sharp intake of breath and biting down on my bottom lip to stop myself crying out as I felt big dollops of cum flying out of me.

As my breathing returned to normal, I looked down at the floor and at my jeans and underwear bunched around my ankles. Phew, it looked as though I'd managed to get all my cum into the toilet without making any mess. Squeezing out the remnants of the last drop of cum from the end of my now practically soft cock, I stood up and pulled my underwear and jeans back up.

I turned and pulled the chain. There was a gargling sound, but no water came flooding down the side of the toilet bowl. I pulled the chain again. The same thing happened. The flush must be broken. I tried one last time and still the toilet refused to flush. My cum remained floating on the surface of the water and oozing down the inside rim of the toilet bowl.

Oh well, whoever uses this toilet next is in for a bit of a surprise!

Next: Chapter 4: Geeks Get Hot 4 Anthony

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