Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jun 25, 2012



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. The chapter will be retold from Anthony's point of view soon. To read other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 13) - Brad

I looked over at Anthony with my heart in my mouth, but he didn't seem grossed out by the fact that the porn film so far was just two naked guys sitting next to each other on a bed stroking their cut cocks from soft to hard. In fact, if anything, he seemed more turned on than ever, his rock hard erection twitching and throbbing without him even touching it yet.

"Is this one alright for you?" He asked, turning to face me.

I stammered a reply. "I didn't think you'd want to see something like this."

"Why not?"

"Well, it's two guys isn't it?" I replied, swallowing uncomfortably.

"So?" he shrugged.

"So there's no girl." I spelt out the obvious.

Maybe Anthony thought a pair of chicks would be joining in soon, but having already viewed this film before, I knew for definite that that wasn't the case. The guys jacked off, swapped blow jobs, and shot their loads. That was it. Anthony wouldn't want to watch something like that, would he?!

"Yes, I can see that," he said. He didn't sound disappointed. He circled his fist round his shaft and jacked up and down a couple times before letting go and sighing with pleasure. "Fuck I need a wank so bad!"

"Don't you...don't you mind there's no girl?" I asked him incredulously.

"I'm not bothered at all. I'm...I'm g-...I'm...I like all sorts of porn," he replied, looking down at the bed seeming a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Well if you don't mind," I said, speaking slowly and trying to sound casual about it, but actually really excited and turned-on that we would be jacking-off next to each other watching the sort of porn that really gets me off. "I...I guess it's good for a change." I tried to bluff that I didn't usually watch porn like this myself. I think he bought it.

"I don't mind at all. I'm pretty drunk and I'm horny as fuck. As long as it's porn and it's legal, I can wank to it!" He was playing with his balls as he spoke, rolling them in his hand and tugging at his scrotum with his thumb and forefinger. It made his rock hard dick bounce up and down.

I watched him transfixed and then realized I wasn't being very discreet about checking him out. He hadn't seemed to have noticed though. Or maybe he was just too wasted to care. I ran my eyes over his naked body, letting my gaze linger on his hard uncut dick. He was jacking himself slowly, his foreskin covering and uncovering his juicy plump pink head as he did. My own dick throbbed at the sight, and I began to stroke myself.

Man it felt so good. Even better than usual. I felt sure having Anthony next to me doing the same thing, not to mention the guys on the porn film too, was having an effect on the level of my pleasure. I loved that Anthony and I were doing the exact same thing as the guys in the film too. Sitting side by side on a bed jacking-off. Wow. Maybe that was why Anthony didn't mind the film as it was, because he was getting off on the idea that the actors in it were doing the same thing he was. I had to find out.

"Are you getting off on thinking we're doing exactly what they're doing?" I asked him eagerly. "I mean, they're two college roommates sitting next to each other on a bed jacking-off, and we're two college roommates sitting next to each other on a bed jacking-off too." I increased the speed of my hand for a few strokes and then eased off a bit.

"Yes, I supposed it is kind of hot thinking that we're doing exactly what they're doing," he said thoughtfully. "Although, I guess we're not quite doing the same thing as them any more," he added, gesturing at the monitor. I looked over and the guys in the video weren't jacking themselves off any more, but had each other's dick in their hand jacking each other off.

"No," I replied, "I guess we aren't." My mouth watered and my heart started beating faster as I let go of myself and reached for Anthony's dick, wrapping my hand tightly round his hard shaft, feeling his cock moving in my grip. "But if I do this..." I worried that maybe Anthony wouldn't respond, but as I held his throbbing erection, he moved closer to me, closing the gap between us until our hairy legs were touching, and then, I felt his warm hand around my own hard dick and I almost ejaculated on the spot I was so turned-on. "...And if you do that..." His shoulder was touching mine and I loved the extra body contact between us. He was jerking me off with long slow strokes that made me shudder right from head to toe. "...Then we'll match what they're doing again," I concluded, my voice husky with desire.

Anthony squeezed my dick tighter, his hand running right the way up and down my lubed-up shaft, and I let out a moan of pure pleasure. I couldn't believe we were doing this again. As I moaned, Anthony moaned too, obviously enjoying what I was doing to him, my hand working away on his hard uncut dick, keeping a nice steady rhythm.

He was continuing to jack my own hard cock and I loved the feel of his warm hand around me. His fingers teased at the sensitive rim of my dickhead and I gasped out with pleasure, squeezing him tighter as I did. I worked my hand over his own head, my hand sticky with his precum.

"Oh fuck yes," he moaned, "keep doing that!"

I made sure his foreskin was rolled back, then put the palm of my hand over his exposed sensitive head, wrapping my fingers round the plump sphere of flesh, and moved my hand in a circling motion as if I were turning a doorknob.

"OH FUCK!" He cried out, "Fuck yes Brad! Oh fuck that feels good!"

I felt a warm feeling spreading through me at the thought that I was making him feel so much pleasure. That, coupled with the handjob I was getting, the alcohol, and the porn (not that I was paying much attention to that any more), had me unbelievably turned-on.

I sensed Anthony's hand slowing down the speed of its strokes on me, until he paused, just holding me loosely in his hand. I wasn't sure if this was a way of him asking me to ease off on him too, so I quit moving my hand so I was just holding his dick in the center of his shaft. It twitched and throbbed in my grip, and I longed to just keep stroking it, faster and faster until it erupted.

"Brad, have you ever had that done to you?" Anthony asked me quietly. He gestured at the computer monitor with his free hand as he spoke.

I looked over. One of the guys was kneeling on the floor in front of the bed holding the shaft of the other guy's dick in his hand. The camera zoomed in on his face as he parted his lips and took the guy's dick into his mouth. Then the picture panned out quickly to show the expression on the other guy's face. He had his eyes closed and a big smile. Not for the first time I wondered how much the actors were acting and how good it actually felt to be blown like that. I sighed wistfully before answering Anthony's question.

"No, I've never gotten a blowjob before. I told you, I'm 100% virgin." I sighed again. "Bet it feels awesome though," I added.

"Yes, it does," he said turning his head to look at me in the eye, smiling faintly, obviously remembering what it felt like.

"Aww man!" I emitted, "quit making me jealous!" My dick swelled, feeling even harder than before, as an intense longing swept through me. I wanted to experience a blowjob for myself so much! Not just jack-off while imagining how good it must feel, but knowing what it actually feels like.

"What does it feel like?" I demanded of Anthony, eager to hear him describe it. I could barely imagine what the sensation of a wet tongue on my cock might feel like. A bit like a lubed-up finger I guess...Oh quit trying to guess at it Brad. You'll get to find out one day!

"It feels like..." he replied slowly.

"Yes?!" I said eagerly.

"Well, it's difficult to explain."

"Oh," I said, disappointed.

"Do you...Do you want me to show you instead?" He whispered, so quietly I wasn't sure if I'd heard him correctly. It took my brain a moment to process what he'd said.

Wait a minute! Did he just offer to...???!!!! Fuck!

I hesitated a moment, certain he was about to punch me on the shoulder, laugh and say he was messing with me. But then he looked down at the bed, his cheeks coloring, and I realized he might actually be serious!

Whoa! Fuck! But why would he...? Fuck it, as if I'm going to let this opportunity pass me by!

I turned my crotch toward him, letting go of his dick, and he took the hint that that was an acceptance of his offer.

He held the base of my shaft between his thumb and fingers and leaned his head down toward my lap. I could feel myself beginning to shake a little, partly with excitement, and partly (for some weird reason) with nerves, as my brain registered that I was about to get my dick sucked for the first time.

I felt a warm wetness spreading around my dickhead and realized I was inside his mouth! I could feel his lips gliding down the top inch of my shaft, and his tongue resting along the side my head. I let out a little high-pitched cry at the new feelings and sensations that swept through me, as he began to blow me, his wet muscular tongue running around my head, his lips moving up and down my shaft.

His mouth was so warm! I felt myself sliding in and out of his lips as he bobbed his head up and down me, faster and faster, a faint slurping sound being heard every now and again, and I closed my eyes, letting out little moans of pleasure that I couldn't control.

Everybody I had ever overheard talking about getting head always said how great it felt, and now I could understand exactly why they thought so.

Anthony's hand gripped the base of my shaft and his fingers lightly tickled the underside of my balls as his mouth worked its magic on my dick. It felt so good. And then, his mouth plunged right the way down me, his nose almost touching my pubes and I gasped, my dick jumping inside his mouth. He made a gagging sound and I was worried for a second that I had choked him, but then he lifted his head up, and I breathed a sigh of relief as he seemed okay. The sigh of relief quickly turned into a sigh of ecstasy as he ran his fist up and down my hard cock. He kept his head lowered, but turned it to grin up at me, as if wanting to check I was enjoying what he was doing. Then I felt his breath warm on the head of my dick just before he took me back into his mouth.

Fuck it felt good!

I groaned softly, and then more urgently as Anthony continued to blow me. He turned his head sideways, and my dick popped out of his lips. He licked down my shaft with his tongue and my spit-slicked head grazed against his cheek as he did so. I could feel his faint stubble against the soft sensitive flesh of my head as my cock moved over his face. Then his tongue reached the root of my shaft and continued licking its way over my balls. My ball moved of its own accord as the tip of Anthony's tongue tickled at it, and then he was placing his whole mouth over it. His tongue tip continued to probe at my ball and then he sucked it into his mouth, causing me to cry out.

I couldn't believe the sensations washing through me as Anthony continued to suck and lick over my balls, his hand stroking my leg gently as he did so. I was making all sorts of little whimpering noises, and my dick felt like a solid rod of iron, harder than I'd ever been in my life before!

Anthony licked his way up and down the full length of my dick...or was he kissing up and down it? Fuck it, whatever he was doing, it felt amazing, and I could feel my cum beginning to boil in my aching balls. It wouldn't be long now...

"Oh fuck Anthony!" I panted. "Fuck, yes! Wow! Oh! Mmmm," I moaned loudly, as Anthony's tongue swirled around the sensitive rim of my head.

"Was that ok?" he asked me, straightening up so he was sitting next to me again. He was still holding the base of my shaft loosely in his hand. My dick was so hard!

"That was awesome!" I told him softly. "I...I...I..." I could feel myself blushing, "I kinda didn't want you to stop though." Part of me wanted to grab him by the back of the head and lower him back down onto me. Fuck, he had me so horned up!

"Were you getting close?"

"Yes!" I enthused.

He giggled at my obvious frustration, and hit at my boner. It bounced down and back, slapping me on the stomach.

"You have an amazing cock," he said suddenly, his face reddening.

"Thanks," I replied, embarrassed. "So do you." I reached out for it and took it in my hand, stroking it slowly and firmly, watching his foreskin rolling back and forward. Anthony groaned softly.

I shuffled round on the bed and leaned toward him, my dick almost touching him. I pulled his foreskin as far forward as it would go, and then ran the tip of him up and down my hard cock, feeling the puckered folds of the end of his foreskin gliding up and down my shaft. We both moaned gently.

I let go of Anthony's dick and he relaxed back against the bedroom wall, his cock jutting out at an angle, still as hard as ever, his foreskin slowly unrolling itself exposing his pale pink head. He let out a deep shuddering breath, and gently rolled his balls around in the palm of his hand.

I stared transfixed at the head of his dick, where a perfect sphere of precum had formed on his piss-slit. Not for the first time, I wondered what it would taste of, and then I thought, `fuck it! He's just had my dick in his mouth! He won't mind if I...' and then before I lost my nerve, I gathered the droplet of precum up on the end of my index finger and raised my finger to my mouth. It tasted sweet! Not at all unpleasant! I stroked his dick gently a couple times, causing more pre to drip from him and then lowered my head to lick it directly from his piss-slit.

Oh wow!

I lapped at his piss-slit, as he dripped more and more precum, and then started licking all around his mushroom head, feeling the flesh tightening beneath my tongue. Anthony moaned softly, and I felt even more turned-on that I was causing him pleasure. I really wanted to try sucking him off properly, give him a blowjob like he'd just given me, but I was nervous that I wouldn't do it right.

Then I thought `oh fuck it', and opened my mouth, sliding my lips around the head of his cock. Anthony breathed out raggedly, and groaned as I bobbed my head up and down, sucking on his hard dick. I guessed I wasn't doing it wrong judging from the satisfied murmurs Anthony kept giving. As I blew him, I felt his fingertips gently stroking at the back of my neck, right where my hair ended and the bare skin began, and the feeling sent shivers down my spine. It made it all the more intimate having him gently touching me there. My dick had lost none of its firmness and was still achingly hard as I continued my oral assault on Anthony's cock. He kept wriggling, shifting his body weight from side to side, and letting out little gasps, so I was presuming he was enjoying what I was doing to him. Every time he let out a moan the noise raced through me, making my heart beat faster and turning me on even more. My dick was so hard, and my balls were starting to feel uncomfortably desperate for release.

I raised my head up, letting Anthony's dick drop out of my mouth. It throbbed away, angling out from his dark brown pubes, and he immediately began stroking it himself, letting out a loud moan of pleasure as he did so. I reached for the lube, and got a good amount of it in the palm of my hand, spreading it over my achingly hard dick.

Fuck I need to cum so bad!

I turned my attention to the computer monitor where the better looking of the porn stars was jacking away at his dick so hard and fast his hand was a blur. I began jerking myself off using fast strokes and a firm grip.

Nearly there...Nearly there...Oh fuck yes! This is going to be an awesome cum!

"Slow down Brad!" Anthony laughed. "It always feels better if you hold off as long as possible!"

"I know that," I agreed, "but I want to try and nut the same time as the porn star. Don't you think it's hot when you can manage to do that? Cum at the same time?"

"Yes," he admitted, "but I think it's even hotter to cum at the same time as my roommate."

What did he just say? Did he just...

I stared at him in shock. I could feel my mouth had dropped open a little. In the video, the college guy's dick had started erupting, shooting spurt after spurt of thick white cum over his toned body.

"Wow!" Anthony breathed softly.

"Yeah, it's an awesome one," I acknowledged. "They show it again in slow motion in a couple seconds...I mean um..." I realized I had just given away the fact that I had seen this movie before. Anthony didn't seem to have heard though.

"Look at all that cum!" he was saying awestruck. "Brad, Could I steal some lube?"

"Yes, sure," I said, tossing him the bottle over. I was still trying to process what he had hinted at. Was he trying to say he thought it would be hot for us to cum at the same time? As in...

I looked over at him, and opened my eyes wide. He was slouched against the bedroom wall, his knees bent, one hand slowly rubbing up and down his boner, and the other...

"Whoa!" I breathed softly to myself.

His other hand rested on his butt and he was probing his index finger at his own asshole. His eyes were closed and he looked overcome by feelings of pleasure. It was possibly one of the hottest things I'd ever seen! I felt unbelievably turned-on right at that moment, and how I kept myself from cumming on the spot I have no idea! I watched him silently for a couple minutes as his finger probed and explored, pushed in and out of his rosebud hole, little moans escaping from his open lips. Then I thought it was a little creepy just watching him like this. I mean it was amazing having my own private porn show in front of me, but he was my friend. As turned-on as I felt, I still felt a little uncomfortable at seeing him doing something so private, without him being aware I was watching.

"Um...Anthony..." I whispered.

He opened his eyes slowly, dreamily, and looked at me. Then a look of panic raced across his face.

"Shit Brad, I'm sorry, I forgot you were here too. I just got a bit carried away. So turned on from seeing that cumshot, I just had to..."

"Does it feel good?" I blurted out. I couldn't help it. I'd seen guys doing it in porn movies, touching themselves like that, and a whole lot more, but always felt a bit weirded-out doing it to myself. But Anthony looked like he was enjoying it.

"Yes, it feels amazing," he replied with relish. "Um...Do you...Do you mind me doing it in front of you?"

"No, I'm cool with it," I told him, my mouth watering. I was more than cool with it, in fact, I wanted to join in and tease his asshole myself with my own lubed-up index finger. But I didn't dare. And then a part of my brain whispered to me `well, why not join in? He can always ask you to stop if he doesn't want you to'.

I got my finger nice and slippery with the lube, and gently stroked the edge of Anthony's exposed rosebud. He moved his finger out of the way to allow me better access, and I slowly pushed against his hole, my fingertip easing inside him. His sphincter squeezed tight around my finger and I continued pushing slowly, until it wasn't just the tip inside him, but my whole finger right to the knuckle.

Anthony was breathing heavily, making eye contact with me. My finger felt like it was being squeezed from every angle in a tight warm tunnel. It felt different from how I'd always imagined. Warmer and more muscular.

I slowly withdrew my finger and examined it. To my relief, it was clean. I gave it a sniff. It smelt mainly of the lube, with a faint deeper smell that was all Anthony, but wasn't unpleasant.

Anthony had re-inserted his own finger. I watched as he slowly pulled it out of himself a little way and pushed it back in again, repeating the motion and groaning softly. I had the sudden urge to be the one doing it to him, to be the one making him make those noises of pleasure. I made sure my finger was lubed-up again, and tickled gently at the edge of his asshole, alongside the finger that was working its way rhythmically in and out, to make Anthony aware of its presence. I expected him to extract his finger and let me take over the finger-fucking, but he didn't. I wondered if maybe he hadn't felt me, so I applied a little more pressure, and then suddenly my finger was back inside him again, sliding in alongside his own.

"Mmmm," Anthony moaned.

I felt his hand moving next to mine and his finger against my own moving rhythmically forwards and backwards inside the warm caverns of his ass, and I began to move my own finger, matching the speed and timing of his. His hard dick was lying on his stomach, jumping every now and then, oozing a little puddle of precum on the thin brown hairy trail between his belly button and pubes. It was crying out to be stroked, and I gently grasped it in my fist and started slowly jacking Anthony off as we both finger-fucked him.

"Mmmm, Oh Brad!" He responded. His dick felt unbelievably hard in the grip of my hand, a solid rod of flesh. Anthony's hand pushed urgently at his entrance and he slid yet another finger in, gasping with pleasure as he did. I was amazed!

"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked him.

"No, it feels amazing," he groaned lustfully.

My hand was growing sticky from the precum he was dripping. My swollen dick was achingly hard, and seemed even bigger than usual, I was so turned-on from what we were doing. I wondered if there was enough blood left in the rest of my body to support my vital organs as so much of it seemed to have been redirected to my solid boner!

I felt Anthony's hand against me, and moaned softly as he stroked my straining cock, easing off on the finger-fucking to enjoy what he was doing to me. Suddenly Anthony pulled away from me and my finger popped out of his ass. He turned away from me. Probably he was just getting himself some more lube or something. I looked longingly at the plump tensed ass that was facing me, and then down at my engorged dick, the head bright red and looking ready to burst. I jacked myself slowly a couple times, concentrating hard on every sensation that ran through me as my hand moved. It just felt so good! I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the bedroom wall. There was a faint crinkling noise, like the tearing of aluminum foil. Curious, I opened my eyes to see Anthony looking at me, holding a rolled-up condom between his thumb and index finger.

I felt my eyes opening wide as the reality dawned on me of what this meant!

Fuck! Does this mean he's going to let me...?! Oh wow!

Neither of us said anything as he leaned toward me, and placed the rubber on the end of my dick, his leaking erection brushing against the sheet and leaving a little wet trail as he did so. He squeezed the end of it and rolled it smoothly down to the base of my shaft, then grabbed the lube and applied a generous amount of it to my covered cock.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breathing getting faster and faster, but this time it had nothing at all to do with an approaching panic attack, and everything to do with being more turned-on and excited than I had ever been in my life before.

My mind was spinning. Why was Anthony doing this with me?! Was he that horny that he wanted me to... What if he changed his mind? He surely wouldn't want me to actually...?

"Are you sure?" I kept asking him in a strangled whisper. He nodded his ascent and then turned around, kneeling on all fours on the bed, his juicy ass pointing toward me.

"Brad, stop worrying and please, just fuck me! I want you in me so badly!"

I knelt close behind him, my erection sticking out in front of me, and spread his asscheeks wide with my hands, the head of my dick positioned right at the entrance to him.

I couldn't believe this was happening! I was just about to lose my virginity! Oh. My. God!

I pushed and Anthony's ass suddenly yielded to the pressure, my head popping inside. He let out a little yelp, and gripped at the sheets with his fists.

Oh crap! I've hurt him! What do I do now?!

I paused, not moving, the very tip of my dick inserted in Anthony. After a few moments, I could feel him relaxing a little.

"Okay, a bit further," he said through gritted teeth, and I slid my dick in a little more before he tensed up again and I had to stop. We continued, slowly and gradually, until the entire length of my cock had disappeared inside him. I could feel the tight muscles of his ass contracting around me, and it took all my willpower to stop myself from ejaculating immediately.

I felt a sudden rush of love toward my roommate, who had seen past my insecurities, my weirdness and my looks, and allowed me to enter him in the most intimate way, so that I too would no longer be a virgin. I had a sudden urge to wrap my arms around him, squeeze him tight to my slender body, cover him in passionate kisses as I began to make love to him...

I leaned my body forward, resting myself on his hairless back, feeling my nipples against his bare skin. I rested my head on his shoulder, willing him to turn his head toward me so I could reach his lips and we could make out, but he didn't. My arms slipped beneath his body and I hugged him. I planted a little kiss on his shoulder, so light he probably didn't feel it, and ran my hands up and down his chest and stomach.

"Mmm, Brad!" he murmured softly.

I couldn't believe I wasn't dreaming. I kept expecting any moment to wake up alone in my own bed with sticky briefs. How was it possible that I actually had my cute and wonderful roommate beneath me, moaning my name, with my dick inside him?!

His ass squeezed around me, as I slowly withdrew my dick a little way and pushed back in.

Oh fuck! That felt sooo good!

I kept up a slow smooth rhythm, my body shaking, whether from nerves, excitement or ecstasy I had no idea.

"Mmm," moaned Anthony beneath me. "Mmm, oh Brad! Oh yes Brad! Fuck yes!"

I couldn't help but moan too. The feelings running over me were so intense. My dick was being squeezed so tightly. I had imagined sex would feel good, but this was way better than I'd ever dreamt it would be!

"Mmm, Brad," Anthony sighed. "Mmmm! Faster!"

I could feel him rocking his body backward against me, as if willing me in deeper. His ass squeezed tightly round the whole length of my solid dick as I began to fuck him a little faster. Not too fast as I was afraid of hurting him still.

"MMM! MMM! That's it! FASTER!" Anthony urged, so I abandoned all my attempts to keep it slow and, gripping his hips, began to fuck him harder and faster, crying out at how good it felt. I reached beneath him, groping for his hard uncut dick, not wanting him to miss out, and began jacking him off. Anthony placed his hand over mine on his dick, and squeezed, forcing my grip tighter around his boner. My dick slipped out of his ass, and I hurriedly pushed it back inside, only breaking rhythm for a second. I leaned in closer to him, putting one foot flat on the bed, and suddenly my cock felt even better positioned and I was really able to get some real speed and depth up.

"Oh yes!" he responded, "that's it! Oh FUCK YES!"

"Oh Anthony!" I moaned back.

I disentangled my hand from his, leaving him to jack his own dick himself, and placed my hand on his hip. I was holding his body with one hand on each of his sides, and really thrusting fast into him. My dick felt ready to explode and I could feel my balls beginning to contract.

"OH FUCK!" Anthony screamed beneath me, "Oh Brad, oh Brad, oh Brad! I'm gonna...FUCK! I'M GONNA..."

His ass muscles suddenly tightened right around me, and there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I gave a final thrust, plunging deep inside Anthony, and cried out loudly again and again, as I felt my cock pulsing and spasming, firing out shot after shot of cum into the end of the condom I was wearing. I was overcome with the intensity of my orgasm and could hardly breathe. Fuck, it felt so good! My legs turned to jelly and I collapsed onto Anthony's back. I wrapped my arms tightly around his slender body and pulled him close, still moaning and gasping with ecstasy. I wanted to kiss him so much, but his face was buried in the sheets, breathing deeply. I settled for gently brushing his bare shoulder with my lips before laying my head down on his naked back.

Eventually, I felt my breathing had returned to normal, and, although I longed to remain forever in this intimate position, lying with my naked body completely on top of Anthony's, I realized it probably wasn't all that comfortable for him being squashed underneath me, and raised myself up off of him. I gently pulled my dick out of his ass, the end of the condom filled with jizz.

I had done it! I had finally done it! I was no longer a virgin, I was a man!

Anthony turned and smiled at me as I was pulling off the condom and tying a knot in the end of it, ready to throw in the trash.

"That was...well, just amazing," he said softly.

"Yes," I replied, "it was certainly...well, a helluva lot better than just jacking-off!"

"So how does it feel to not be a virgin any more?" he asked me.

"Just awesome!" I could feel my face smiling the biggest grin ever.

"Yeah? I'm glad. It felt awesome to me too. I really needed that," he sighed contentedly. "I was so horny."

"Yeah, I was real horny too," I admitted. "But I never thought we'd...I mean...what just happened?! One minute we were jacking-off, the next..." my voice trailed off. "I mean...why did you let me...why did we...this was just one of those things that happens when you're drunk and horny wasn't it? You were horny, I was horny, the lube was there, one thing led to another...It doesn't mean..."

My brain was working slowly, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

"It can mean whatever you want it to mean," he replied softly. "I enjoyed it a lot. I really did."

"Really?" I said astounded. "You enjoyed it?! But Anthony we just let me...fuck you!" The last two words came out in a whisper.

"Brad I know what we did! I was there remember?!" Anthony looked down at the floor, his cheeks growing red. "I've wanted to do that with you for a while now."

What was he saying?! I didn't understand. My head was spinning. Did he just say he'd been wanting to have sex with me for a while?!

"But...why? I...I don't understand."

He took a deep breath and raised his head, looking me right in the eye.

"Because I'm gay Brad."

What did he just say?! What...The...Fuck...?! He couldn't be...

"I'm gay," he repeated softly.

I froze. Sweat broke out on my forehead. I could feel my heart beating faster and harder, and my breathing getting out of control. This was everything I'd ever wished for, everything I'd ever dreamed of. My cute English roommate who I had a major crush on was coming out to me!

I should say something...I should tell him that I'm gay too...But would he think that was weird? Would he think I was only saying that to make him feel better? Would he think I was making fun of him? Could he look any hotter right now?!

My brain was struggling to compute what Anthony had just told me, I just stared at him in silence, and then, to my horror, I could feel my dick starting to chub up, from the sight of his naked body, even though I wasn't thinking anything sexual, even though it was only minutes since we had finished having sex.

What would he think if he noticed?! He'd think...

I began to panic. I quickly climbed off of the bed and pulled a robe on, tying it around my body to hide my growing erection. I didn't think it was the time to spring a boner when he was confessing something so serious to me. My legs were growing wobbly and I felt like I was about to hyperventilate.

I sat on my own bed, and tried to calm myself down. I had to tell him. I had to tell him I was gay too. I had to tell him. I had to...

But it was too much! My body started to shake and I began to feel sick. I tried hard to concentrate on my breathing. Why was this happening to me now?! Why now?! This fucking stupid body of mine! He'd told me, why couldn't I bring myself to tell him?!

The room span. I shut my eyes and took some deep breaths, managing to bring myself under control. It would be over soon.

Three words Brad, that's all you have to say. Three words. `I'm gay too'. Just say it!

I opened my mouth, but no sound would come out. It wasn't that long ago that we had been writhing together in ecstasy, joined in the most intimate way. I had felt so close to him. Connected to him. Why then could I not manage to get the words out?!

He was looking at me, with a horrified expression on his face. Then his face crumpled and he scrambled to his feet.

Fuck! He looks like he's about to cry! I tried again to speak, but my voice still wasn't working.

"Sorry," he squeaked, and he fumbled with the dormroom door, finally managing to unlock it. I gazed helplessly at his tight hairless ass.

I had to say something! I had to tell him NOW! I could feel tears in my eyes, frustration filling my body amid the panic. Why couldn't I tell him?! What was so difficult?! What was wrong with me?!

He pulled the door open and fled naked from the room. A tear trickled down my cheek as the door closed itself behind him.

"Me too," I said softly to the empty room. "Me too."

Next: Chapter 29: Geeks Get Hot 14 Brad

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