Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Apr 23, 2012



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Patronising things you should read:

Fictional characters cannot get hurt and do not feel pain. Real people can and do, especially after over-indulging on alcohol. The author does not in any way condone binge-drinking or under-age drinking. If you decide to drink, please drink responsibly and respect your body.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read Anthony's version of events, or other chapters from this story, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 11) - Brad

It was the very last day of the semester and I had already finished all of my classes and exams for the year. Anthony had gone for his shower, so I leisurely got out of bed and completed my exercises, before sitting down at my computer dressed in just a pair of light gray sweatpants. I logged into Facebook and began reading down the items in my news feed. One status update in particular caught my eye. "Charlie Wood is jacking off to a Justin Bieber song".

Charlie was mine and Anthony's neighbor here in Jefferson Dorms, living next door in room 316 with his roommate Chris. We had met them right at the beginning of the semester when they had invited us next door to play X Box one evening. They were both a lot of fun to be around, and had been so good at including Anthony and me in social activities over the semester. Along with Anthony they were my best friends here at college. Well, actually, my best friends period, as I didn't have any others back in my hometown.

This status had me totally confused though. Why would Charlie post that he was jacking off to a Justin Bieber song? Why would he post that he was jacking off at all?! I heard the door to the dormroom opening and Anthony entered. I turned in my chair to look at him. He was wearing a white towel tied around his waist, and his dark brown hair was wet, making it look even darker than it was. His leg hair was plastered to the sides of his legs and there were little droplets of water running down his calves toward his ankles.

"Anthony," I said, beckoning him over. "Charlie's status has gone all weird. I don't understand!"

He frowned a little and walked over to stand close behind me. I could smell his deodorant and the body wash that he'd used for his shower, and I drank in his scent, trying not to think too closely about how close he was standing to me and wearing just a towel. Even so, I could feel myself chubbing up a little in my sweatpants.

"Charlie Wood is jacking off to a Justin Bieber song," he read softly to himself, almost under his breath. Then he burst out laughing. A couple of drips of water fell from his hair and landed on the tops of my shoulders and I shuddered inwardly.

"What does it mean?" I asked. "That is, I mean, not `what does jacking off mean?', I know what that is, obviously," I stuttered embarrassedly, "but, what does posting a status like that mean? Why would Charlie broadcast that?!"

"Um I don't think Charlie has written that status himself," Anthony spluttered through his giggles. "He probably doesn't even know it has been posted. Somebody's fraped him! I bet it was Chris!"

"Fraped him? What does that mean?"

"Fraped. It means `Facebook-raped', it's where somebody changes your status to something dodgy when you've accidentally left yourself logged in."

I turned my head to look up at Anthony's face. I must have still looked puzzled, as he elaborated on his explanation.

"Say you went off for your shower now leaving your computer on and logged in to Facebook. If I noticed and was feeling evil, I could change your status to something silly or embarrassing, and then it would appear on all your friends' news feeds. It's like a practical joke," he finished. "My younger brother is always doing it to me when I'm at home." He sighed wistfully. "I expect I will have to have that to contend with when I am back at home for the Christmas holidays. So if you see my status changed to something crazy, then you'll know what has happened!"

He turned and walked away to get his clean clothes for the day. I made a mental note to never leave my computer signed in to Facebook again. From behind me came the sound of Anthony swearing half under his breath.


I twisted around in my desk chair to see what had caused him to cuss like that, and watched, intrigued as he moved across from the closet to his dirty washing basket and pulled out a couple pairs of boxerbriefs from it, one black pair and one navy blue pair. As I watched, he lifted the black pair to his face and sniffed at the crotch. I felt my dick give a jolt in my sweatpants.

"Um Anthony, what the fuck?!" I found myself exclaiming.

He looked up at me and blushed slightly. "Well I'm out of clean ones," he explained. "My own fault, I needed to wash some clothes, but I've been so busy revising for my exams that I forgot."

"You can always borrow some of my clothes," I said without even hesitating. I felt sure if it had been the other way around, Anthony would have offered to lend me some of his clean clothes, and besides, I was glad to help my roommate out. I got out of my desk chair and walked over to the closet to pass Anthony a shirt and whatever else he needed.

"Um, well it's not all my clothes I'm out of, just boxers," he said to me, his face getting even redder.

"Oh. I don't have any boxers I'm afraid," I told him, "but you're welcome to borrow a pair of my briefs." I tried not to make a big deal of it so as not to embarrass him any further. I reached into the closet and picked the top pair of briefs up off of the pile of clean ones on the shelf. They were red. I threw them over to Anthony and he managed to catch them.

"They're clean," I told him, as he held them in his hand, standing there with his white bath towel wrapped around the lower half of his thin body. My dick was definitely starting to chub slightly as I watched him drop his towel exposing his flaccid uncut cock dangling between his legs along with his round low-hanging balls, and step into the briefs - my pair of red briefs! He pulled them up his legs. I thought they really suited him and he filled them out well, his bulge looking a good size in them. I had a sudden vision of me standing close to him and sliding them down his legs, to let his beautiful uncut dick spring out, and I shook my head, trying to concentrate on something else so as not to spring a boner at the thought. We exchanged a few joking comments at each other and then as Anthony finished getting dressed, I gathered up my towel and washbag and put on my robe ready to go take my morning shower.

"Good luck for the test," I wished Anthony as I left the room. "I'm sure you'll ace it!"

I closed our dormroom door behind me and walked down the corridor to the shared bathroom. I pushed open the door and entered. It was warm and steamy and smelt of body wash and deodorant. I made my way over to the shower cubicles and as I approached them the curtain of the first cubicle slid back and mine and Anthony's neighbor Charlie stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey Brad!" He greeted me cheerily.

"Hey Charlie."

I watched him as he walked over to the benches in the center of the room and started vigorously drying himself with his towel. I couldn't help thinking about how unbeknown to him, all of his Facebook friends were reading the fake status his roommate Chris had posted on his profile.

"Brad, you're smirking at me," he commented as he lifted his towel to dry his hair. His cut cock and balls swung gently from side-to-side from the movements of his body as he did so.

"Sorry. Um Charlie, did you check Facebook this morning yet?"

"Um yes I did. Me and Chris were invited to a party tonight and I was checking the address. Why do you ask?"

"Well um..."

The door to the bathroom swung open and a guy from a room further down the corridor walked in.

"Hey Charlie, how's Justin Bieber sounding this morning?!" And he laughed to himself.

Charlie turned to me with a puzzled expression on his face. "That's the second person to ask me that this morning!"

I sniggered a little to myself and said "well maybe you should be more careful about logging off of Facebook when you're done checking party addresses."

Charlie's eyes opened wide

"What's that sonofabitch of a roommate of mine done to my profile now?!" And he tied his towel tightly around himself, grabbed his wash stuff and hurried out of the bathroom.

I laughed gently to myself at his reaction and then busied myself with taking my shower and having a shave. When I was done, I made my way back to mine and Anthony's dormroom. It was empty. Anthony had already left for his last test of the semester.

But what was that sitting on the corner of my desk?

It looked like a brightly wrapped Christmas present!

If it was on my desk, did that mean it was for...did that mean it was for me?

Cautiously, I picked it up and saw there was a gift-tag attached with ribbon. I turned the tag over and read what was written there.

"To Brad. Thanks for being such a great friend and roommate. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All the best, Anthony "

I sat down hard on my bed, feeling a tear welling up in my eye. I had never received a Christmas present from one of my friends before. Anthony's thoughtfulness touched me. And he had written such a kind message too - "thanks for being such a great friend and roommate" - I hadn't had somebody say something like that to me for...well, longer than I could remember.

I slowly tore open the wrapping paper to reveal an Axe giftset containing deodorant, body spray and shower gel. There was something else underneath it. I lifted it up and there was a copy of the Star Trek magazine I collected.

Oh wow! It's the one back issue that's missing from my collection!

My heart swelled with love and gratitude for my roommate who had just given me an awesome Christmas present. Maybe a lot of people wouldn't get excited about receiving a comicbook or magazine, but to me, it was just perfect.

Then as I sat there on my bed I thought of the perfect gift to get Anthony in return. He had run out of clean underwear hadn't he?! I could buy him some new pairs! That's if I could be brave enough to buy them without getting too embarrassed.


My shopping trip had been successful! I walked across the university campus toward Jefferson Dorms with a bag dangling from my hand. Inside were a packet of three pairs of Calvin Klein designer boxerbriefs in plain white, black and gray, each with a bright red waistband which I had bought all by myself! I had also bought a plain red pair and a fluorescent green pair with black polka dots on (not designer this time, but I wasn't made of money!) because Anthony seemed to like bright colors. And because the bright red briefs I had lent him suited him. Red suited him. And looked hot on him.

I was proud of myself. I had never bought myself any underwear before, and thought I would get way too embarrassed to buy any, but in the shopping mall, some kind of braveness had come over me, and I found nothing was fazing me. It helped that the person serving behind the cash register was a woman in her 40s and not a cute guy similar in age to me. She had smiled at me when I had given her the colorful pairs of boxerbriefs to ring through the register, but it wasn't in a mean way as if to say "Oh my god look at what you're buying," it was almost as if she approved of the funky colors I had chosen. In fact...

A voice broke into my thoughts as I wandered happily along the path.

"Brad? Brad Griffiths?!"

My eyes opened wide as I saw who had spoken, and a shiver swept through me.

The girl was standing staring at me, less than three feet away on the opposite side of the pathway.

"It is you isn't it? Brad Griffiths?"

Her name left my lips in an almost voiceless whisper.

"Courtney Sellick"

"Yes, that's right! Cool, you remember me! I can't believe you're actually here at the same college as me! How much of a coincidence is that?! I can't wait to tell Andy."

"Andy?!" I felt a bit sick.

"Yes, you remember, Andy. Andy West? I always thought you and he were best buddies. We dated the whole of senior year, but we decided to end things to leave us single to begin college. We're still friends though. I bet he'll be made up to know I saw you! What happened to you anyway? One morning our homeroom teacher just told us all you had left. She never explained why or anything, and it was so sudden. Did you move house or something?"

I shook my head.

"No, I...I just switched high schools."

"Oh. You know there were all sorts of rumors flying around. I remember one guy was adamant you had flipped and stabbed one of the Jocks and gone to jail for it! Crazy! As if you could ever do anything like that!"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"You haven't changed a bit you know. You still look just the same." She stepped toward me until she was standing a bit too close to me, making me feel threatened. "Same haircut, same glasses, same everything. Same old skinny geeky Brad."

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Hmm you still don't say much do you?! Well you never did. Not unless it was to answer a question on algebra or calculus!" And she laughed piercingly in my face. "Hahaha! So lame!"

"Yes," I mumbled, my cheeks burning up.

"Do you remember that time in math when one of the jocks drew a target on the back of some dork's sweater in chalk and we all took it in turns throwing screwed up balls of paper at him?!

I felt my heart fluttering nervously.

"Yes, I remember." Of course I remembered. I had been the `dork' having things thrown at him.

"Ah. Memories. We sure did have fun at high school didn't we?!" Courtney looked at me. Her poisonous eyes seemed to burn right into my thoughts. "And now look at us! All grown up and college students at last!"

"Yes," I mumbled.

"I mean, no offense Brad, but you were a complete loser at high school. But now, you look almost normal. Almost!" And she let out that piercing laugh again. I felt sorely offended by her comment, but tried my best not to show it.

She looked down at her watch. "Oh shoot, I have to run now. But I'll add you on Facebook. Bye Brad." She set off walking down the path away from me. I sighed with relief that she had gone.

I walked back to the dorm in a bit of a daze, and with a sinking feeling in my chest. It was no exaggeration to say that having somebody here at college from my past, somebody who knew what life for me was like at high school and how unpopular I was there, made me nervous. What if Courtney met any of my new friends and turned them against me, making out I was some loser not worth bothering with? I sighed deeply as I unlocked mine and Anthony's dormroom door, and resolved to put thoughts of Courtney and worrying about what others might or might not think of me out of my head, just as my counselor had taught me to do. She would be proud!

I swung the door open. Anthony wasn't back yet. I wondered if I would have time to wrap up his Christmas present from me before he got back. I set the bag down on my bed and lifted out the bright red pair of boxerbriefs. My heart started beating a little faster and my dick started chubbing a little as I thought of how hot Anthony would look wearing them, the red material stretched tight over his plump ass and bulging perfectly at the front.

Is it wrong to fantasize about my roommate like this?!

I absentmindedly ran my hand over the crotch of my pants feeling my growing dick firming up even more. A noise behind me shocked me out of my daydream as I heard Anthony putting his key in the dormroom door and trying to unlock it. As I had left the door unlocked, he wasn't getting very far in getting the key turned, but as he tried it gave me the time I needed to quickly drop the boxerbriefs back into the carrier bag and stuff the bag into the drawer of my bedside table out of sight. (Right next to my ironic!)

Anthony entered the room and I turned around hoping to look expressionless as if I hadn't just been imagining him half-naked in my mind.

"It was open," I told his unnecessarily for want of something to say.

"Yes, I noticed," he replied. He seemed a little distracted. He was carrying a thin rectangular parcel wrapped in Christmas paper in his hands.

"What's the present?" I asked him.

"Oh, um, nothing. Just something from Barbara-Ann. A silly something. It's um...Well, it's not anything special," he said, going very red and stuttering a little. He opened the door to his closet and slid the parcel inside at the back of his things. "Besides," he continued turning back to look at me. "We have a party to get ready for!"

Fuck! In the shock of running into Courtney I had forgotten about the party he and I were due to go to that night. Anthony's friend Cody from one of his math study groups had invited him and he had asked if I could go too. I had never been to a proper party before. Obviously I had never been invited to one while I was at high school, I was way too uncool for that! I had overheard people talking about them and the sorts of activities that had happened, like who had made out with who, who had got drunk and puked in the back yard, who had made it to third base and beyond in a quiet corner...At the time I had been jealous, but now it was my chance to experience the atmosphere of a party myself, I was feeling scared of what might happen. Not least because I didn't think I would know anybody there apart from Anthony, and I had never been at ease with meeting lots of new people. Tonight was going to be a challenge, but I was determined to enjoy myself. My first ever proper party! Alongside the nerves I was feeling a little excited too!

I changed my clothes, putting on a pale blue woolen sweater with a V-neck along with black jeans, spraying myself all over with the deodorant Anthony had given me as my present beforehand. Anthony changed into a sweater of navy blue and white horizontal stripes and put on a fresh pair of jeans and a quite trendy looking belt. He too had sprayed his armpits and chest with copious amounts of deodorant and smelt very very nice. I combed some gel into my hair while Anthony attempted to flatten down the tuft of his hair that always stuck up.

We stood next to each other admiring ourselves in the mirror that was attached to the inside of the closet door.

"I think we're ready!" Anthony announced. And so, we left our room and ventured out into the night for my first ever proper party.


The music boomed loudly from the speakers. I hadn't made up my mind if I was having a good time at the party yet or not. On the one hand, there was something infectious about the beats of the music, the large amount of alcohol on offer and the good mood that everybody there seemed to be in because of the end of the semester and start of the Christmas vacation. On the other hand, there seemed to be so many people there, and I really really didn't like crowds...I had already felt as though I was about to have a panic attack at being surrounded by so many people I didn't know, but luckily I was standing right next to Anthony at the time and thinking about having him near to me gave me the strength I needed to stave it off. Mine and Anthony's neighbors from Jefferson Dorms, Chris and Charlie were at the party too by some happy coincidence, so Anthony wasn't even the only person there that I knew.

Charlie, Anthony and I were searching the downstairs of the house the party was being held in, looking for Chris. There was a group of guys standing in a semi-circle in one corner of the room, cheering on a guy in the middle of the circle who was doing push-ups. I guess he was trying to do as many as he could without stopping.

"You could do better than that!" Anthony said to me loudly, slurring his words a little due to the alcohol he had already consumed, after the guy had given up after managing 45. Several of the guys standing in the circle turned round to see who had spoken. When they saw us, they started snickering to one another. One of them yelled over to the others in the circle "These geeks think they can do better than us! What planet are they on?!"

I suddenly saw red. Jocks like this meathead had been giving me shit all my life for being a weakling, and I had had enough of it!

Just because I'm smart and I wear glasses, and I'm not hideously obese, doesn't mean I'm a worthless goodfornothing piece of shit with no strength at all! Stop writing me off because of how I look! I'll show you...!

I glared at the guy who had spoken, and then I walked away from Anthony and Charlie into the middle of the circle and got onto the floor in a push-up position. I knew I could do definitely 35 without stopping, as that is the number I had managed to get to with my morning exercise routine, and I hoped with the anger giving me some motivation to keep going till I dropped, I would beat the score of 45.

I started my push-ups, ignoring the laughs and catcalls around me, concentrating on getting a steady rhythm, not too fast, not too slow. I became aware that the guys were counting loudly. You could hear in their voices that they thought they were just humoring me and that the whole thing was one huge joke to them, and this kept my blood boiling and made me determined to reach and pass the target of 45.

The numbers were getting higher, and the voices were getting louder and louder and more and more disbelieving at how many push-ups I was managing.


My arms were beginning to burn a little, and it was becoming harder to keep my rhythm going. I started to wonder if I was going to make it even to thirty-five, and what sort of mocking I would have to endure when I stopped defeated.

Then, through the sea of unfamiliar voices, I heard a voice I recognized. Slightly drunker sounding than usual, but familiar all the same. An English-accented voice shouting words of encouragement for me.

"Come on Brad! You can do it mate! Keep going!"

Anthony believes in me! Anthony wants me to succeed!

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to keep going.


"Keep going Brad, you can do it!"

"Go on dude! Keep going!"

Now Charlie had joined in with Anthony shouting encouragement. My heart swelled with gratitude at their support, and I found the strength to keep pushing my arms straight each time I bent them.


I had made it! I had made it past the last guy's total! That'll show those motherfuckers!

"Keep going Brad!"


My arms burn so bad! Just a few more. Come on Brad, just a few more!

"FIFTY! ..."



One more Brad, you can... oh God this is hard!

I had reached fifty-one push-ups and the backs of my arms felt as though they were on fire. I shut my eyes and pushed with all my strength and just managed to straight my arms one last time, before my arms gave way beneath me completely and I collapsed onto the floor, panting and exhausted, with my arms burning.

"FIFTY-TWO!!!" exclaimed the circle of Jocks around me.

I got wearily to me feet, for once my cheeks burning from exertion not embarrassment. Charlie bounded forward with his arm raised to high-five me, and it was all I could do to raise my arm high enough to slap palms with him. I sought out Anthony's face in the crowd surrounding me and, making eye contact with him, smiled.

"I did it!" I tried to say to him with my eyes. "I got one over on the Jocks! Go the Geeks!"

He smiled back and gave me a thumbs-up. I became aware that people were slapping me on the back in congratulation, and shaking my hand, and saying "Wow! You must be a helluva lot stronger than you look!" and "Nice going man!", and then two of the Jocks picked me up and started carrying me around the room and out to the garden, like a victory parade!

It was exhilarating! I was the center of attention, but because the Jocks were impressed with something I'd done, not because they were trying to torture me.

They set me down on the floor and Charlie was there to congratulate me again.

"Nice going man! You sure did show the Jocks who was boss!" and he put his arm around my shoulder. We walked back into the house together. I scanned the room for Anthony while Charlie went to the kitchen to get us a beer each. I finally spied Anthony's navy blue and white striped sweater on the other side of the room. Then I noticed who he was talking to and my blood ran cold.

I watched as Courtney pushed her ample chest out toward him. They were obviously flirting. Looking up above their heads I saw a sprig of mistletoe dangling. I watched with horror as Courtney leaned in and she and Anthony started making out.

NO! Not her! Anyone but her!

Everything else in the room went fuzzy and out of focus as I stared at my hot English roommate and my former high school classmate on the other side of the room.

That should be me! ME! Not that twisted bitch...

Charlie's voice broke into my thoughts.

"Brad dude you need to try not to make it so obvious how jealous you are."

"What?" I turned away from looking at the pair of them shoving their tongues down each other's throats.

"Staring at Anthony making out with that girl. It's obvious from the look on your face you're jealous as fuck dude!"

I felt my cheeks beginning to color and my heart fluttering nervously in my chest.

How does Charlie know I'm jealous and wishing it was me kissing Anthony?!

"Seriously," Charlie continued, "you should be pleased for your roommate that he's actually having a bit of fun with a girl this evening. I know you've not had any action this semester, but nor has he. And you never know, the night is young...we might yet find you some pussy for the night!"

Oh phew! Charlie hasn't guessed at all. He thinks I want to be the one making out Courtney, not the one making out with Anthony.

I felt relieved at my secret still remaining intact. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Are you the skinny guy who was doing the push-ups earlier?" It was a guy with a friendly smile and light brown hair, with the build of a heavyweight wrestler. I swallowed nervously.


"Just wanted to say I was impressed dude. I used to beat the shit out of guys who looked like you when I was in high school, just for looking weak. But if I'd known any of them were capable of doing more than 50 push-ups in a row, well, I might have thought twice about it! Say, you don't seem to know many people here. Do you want to come hang with me and my buddies?"

I looked over to where Anthony was...had been. He had vanished. Courtney was still there talking and giggling with a group of girls. Maybe he had gone to fetch her a drink from the kitchen. Or to check out which bedrooms upstairs were free for them to go and screw in. I really didn't want to stay and be witness to him drooling over her.

"Sure," I said to the guy. "My name's Brad by the way." We walked into the garden and I joined him and his buddies who were sitting in a circle talking about their plans for the Christmas vacation.


I was still talking with the guys. It was weird. If it had been a few months ago and we had all been at the same high school, no doubt they would have been major players in the crowd of people pushing me around and treating me like shit, but here at the party, with all of us in college, we were almost equals and they were talking to me like any other regular guy. And I was kind of able to talk back and relax in their company. As much as my shyness would allow, anyway.

Suddenly, Charlie was there in the garden.

"Brad!" he was calling urgently. I got to my feet and he ran over to me.

"Brad, you've got to come quick! It's Anthony...he's...well, you'd better come see!"

I hurried after him, not even bothering to say goodbye to my circle of new friends. We made our way through the house to the kitchen. Charlie's roommate Chris was standing with Anthony who was yelling at the top of his voice. "WHERE'S BRAD?! I WANT BRAD! BRAD WILL HELP ME! I WANT BRAD!!!" He sounded distressed, and my heart leaped into my mouth.

"Fuck! What's wrong with him?!" I asked, hurrying forward toward Anthony.

"Nothing," Chris replied, "he's just wasted."

"BRAD'S HERE!!!!" Anthony exclaimed. "You can all FUCK OFF NOW! I don't need any of you! Brad will take me home! He's better than ANY OF YOU LOT!!!"

I kneeled down next to Anthony and he turned toward me and clutched at my shoulder. "Brad, you're my best friend, and..." he seemed emotional all of a sudden, and was slurring his words. I felt touched by what he had just said. I was his best friend. He was feeling...well, I don't know what he was feeling to be honest, but in his uncoordinated confused drunken state it was me he was calling for. Me he wanted. Not Chris, not Charlie, not a random friend from back in England, not his Mom or Dad, Me. Me.

I panicked for a few seconds not sure of what to do or say, but then I breathed out slowly and my head cleared.

"I think it's time we left Anthony," I told him.

"Yes, yes." He murmured. "Take me home to bed Brad."

I helped him to his feet and he swayed unsteadily. Music was still blasting out of the speakers in the room next door, but for some reason there in the kitchen with Anthony standing in front of me, it was as if the two of us were inside a bubble of silence. I looked at him dressed in his navy and white striped sweater and dark blue jeans with his dark brown hair sticking up at the back and his frameless glasses sitting on his freckled nose, and a warmth spread over me, followed swiftly by a feeling of lust. At that precise moment, with Anthony looking all cute and vulnerable it was a real struggle to keep my hormones in check.

"Are you going to manage to get Anthony back to the dorms on your own?" Charlie asked me sounding concerned.

"Yes, I'm sure I'll manage," I replied, a little defensively. But then I added "Actually, could you and Chris get Anthony outside while I call for a cab?"

I pulled my cell out of my pocket and scrolled through the numbers. Luckily I had saved the number for a cab firm earlier in the semester just in case I ever needed to call for one. I went out of the front door and stood outside on the sidewalk to make the call as it was quieter there than in the house or the back yard. I was in luck as I was told the wait for a cab would only be five minutes.

Just as the call ended, Chris and Charlie came out, with Anthony half-walking half-stumbling between them with the three of them having their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders for balance. "Where did Brad go?" I could hear Anthony asking faintly, sounding puzzled. He sounded small and young and frightened and lost. Charlie and Chris gently sat him down on the sidewalk next to where I was standing, and he put his head in his hands and rocked backward and forward slightly.

"Brad, did you ever look after a drunk person before?" Charlie asked me.

"No, but...I am sure I will cope fine. And Anthony trusts me. We have that roommate bond going on," I told him, smiling to cover up my nerves some.

"Well, call one of us if you do need help, won't you?" Charlie said. "Though if I don't answer my cell it will be because I'm too busy banging some chick!"

"You still think you're going to get your ass laid tonight then?!" Chris laughed

"I sure hope so. My balls will explode soon if I don't get me some pussy, it's been so long! At the very least I want to score some girl's number." Charlie replied as the two of them walked off back into the house.

I chuckled to myself thinking about how guys all have one-track minds. Less than five seconds after worrying about their friend, Chris and Charlie were back thinking about sex.

Just then, the cab pulled up in front of me and Anthony. I opened the back door and managed to coax Anthony onto his feet and get him inside the back of the cab. The driver turned around to look at us.

"I hope he's not going to throw up inside my cab," he said gruffly.

"No, he...he's only had a little too much to drink. He won't throw up, I promise," I replied, hoping I was speaking the truth.

"Well he'd better not. Just so you know, I charge a fine of $100 for that, since I have to get the whole inside cleaned. You students are all the same with your wild parties and your drinking..." the cab driver grumbled.

We were soon back outside Jefferson Dorms. I was glad the journey had been a short one, as Anthony was growing paler, and I wasn't sure if he was going to last much longer without being sick inside the stuffy moving vehicle. The driver wasn't driving very smoothly and kept braking suddenly and steering sharply. He was probably trying to make Anthony feel ill so he'd throw up and then he'd be able to fine us. I hurriedly paid the driver and helped Anthony out of the back of the cab. The cab drove off and left us standing outside the entrance door to Jefferson Dorms. Anthony stood still, but swaying a little, and took some deep breaths of the cool night air, and then began to sing some made-up song loudly and tunelessly.

"I am here in the U S of A with my good friend BRAD!"

I felt my heart fluttering in my chest nervously. I wasn't sure, but I guessed if an RA saw us with Anthony in this inebriated state, we would get in serious trouble since we were underage.

"Anthony!" I told him urgently, "you must be quiet now, or you will get us caught. We don't want to wake anybody up or attract any attention."

"Okay, okay," he slurred. "I understand. No singing. But that goes for you too!" And he poked me on the nose with his index finger as he spoke.

I unlocked the door to Jefferson Dorms and with Anthony's arm around my shoulder for support, we walked slowly over to the elevators. As the doors to the elevator closed behind us and I pressed the button for the third floor, Anthony began to giggle.

"What?" I asked him.

He gestured at our reflection in the elevator mirror. I looked, but couldn't see anything funny. Just me in my V-necked pale blue sweater and Anthony in his navy blue and white striped sweater, both of us wearing glasses and with our hair a little disheveled. Anthony was laughing harder now and I felt more of his weight pressing onto me as he leaned against me.

"It's you and me in the mirror!" he announced, laughing harder than ever and gripping my shoulder tightly.

The elevator doors opened as we reached the third floor.

"Sssh," I hushed Anthony, trying to get him to be quiet as we made our way down the corridor from the elevator to our dormroom.

"Sssh!" he said back to me delightedly. "Ssssh! SSSHHH! SSSSHHHH! YOU'RE THE LOUD ONE!"

"Sssh!" I told him desperately, glancing around us, sure at any moment our corridor's RA would appear to see what the noise was about.

We made it to room 318 and I managed to get my keys out and unlock the door. Anthony staggered inside and collapsed onto his bed on his back, his legs lifting into the air. He lay there a few seconds and then sat up and began bouncing up and down.

"Brad! My bed is bouncy! Look!" he announced, laughing. I smiled to myself. He seemed so childlike, just like an excited little kid. I turned and locked the dormroom door. "Come and bounce with me!" he instructed.

"No, Anthony, I'm just going to go to bed now. I'm tired. You should go to bed too." I sat on my own bed and took off my sneakers.

"Hah! I'm not tired!" Anthony continued bouncing and then stopped suddenly. A look of panic spread over his face. The color was draining from his cheeks, and he was breathing rapidly.

"Brad, I don't feel very well," he said in a very small high voice.

I kicked my sneakers under my bed and walked over to him. He clutched at the sleeve of my sweater tightly with both his hands.

"I feel sick," he confessed quietly, sounding close to tears.

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed, "Do we have time to run to the john?"

"No," he replied, starting to gag. "Oh Brad, help me!" He put one hand over his mouth.

Fuck! He's going to puke!

I quickly wracked my brain. I needed something for him to be sick into. I ran over to my desk and grabbed the trashcan emptying out the used Kleenex, candy wrappers and torn-up paper that were inside it onto the floor beside my desk. I put the now empty trashcan on Anthony's lap, and only just in time as he began to throw up into it seconds later. He hugged it to himself and I sat beside him on his bed, trying desperately to ignore the smell, and doing my best to soothe him by gently running my hand over his back and shoulders.

"There there, let it all out," I murmured softly to him. I moved my hand up and stroked the back of his bare neck just below where his dark brown hair ended. He choked and spat a final few times and then slowly raised his head up. He turned to look at me.

"Thanks Brad," he groaned. "I feel better now." He sank down onto his back, leaving me holding the trashcan of sick.

"Will you be alright while I go empty this and wash it out?" I asked him. "You're not going to throw up again any time soon?"

"No, no, I'll be fine. Sorry Brad."

I quickly went to the bathroom and tipped the contents of the trashcan down one of the toilets. It was bright pick and I winced as the scent of it hit my nostrils. I flushed it away and then rinsed the trashcan out as best I could in one of the sinks. It would have to do for now, I didn't want to leave Anthony alone for very long.

When I arrived back at our room, Anthony was still lying on his bed. I thought he might have fallen asleep, but as I quietly closed and locked the door behind me, he sat up.

"Brad, I'm sorry about that. I don't usually get this drunk. In fact this might be the drunkest I've ever been. Thank you for looking after me."

I was touched by what he said, it was quite sweet.

"Anthony you don't have to apologize. You're my friend. Friends help each other."

"You're right. I would do the same for you." He told me, looking deep into my eyes. Something in me stirred and I shook my head to clear it.

"How come you're not as drunk as I am?" He asked me.

"Self-control?!" I teased.

He stuck his middle finger up at me in response.

"Fuck you Brad!" He was good-natured in his insult and I could tell he wasn't being serious.

I watched him as he gripped the bottom of his sweater and tried to pull it off over his head. He was having difficulty and I realized he hadn't sobered up as much as I thought he had. He finally gave up and sat with his sweater half off and inside-out, covering his head, his thin hairless chest exposed.

"Brad, I think I'm stuck!" he said starting to laugh uncontrollably. I joined in with the laughter and crossed over to him. I put the empty trashcan on the bed beside him and then sat down sitting next to him on his bed. I helped him off with his sweater knocking his glasses askew as I did. He stared at me intensely, no longer laughing but quiet, as he used his middle finger to adjust them straight on his nose. I felt my dick twitching slightly in my briefs as I looked back into his green-brown eyes.

"Thanks Brad," he slurred, patting me on the shoulder, "you're a mate." His hand left my shoulder and he started fumbling with his belt. "Um Brad, I think I could use your help again here!" and he started laughing again. "Fucking hell, if I'd have known I'd get this drunk I would never have worn this belt."

I smiled wryly to myself as I snapped open the belt buckle for him and got off of his bed, walking over to my side of the room to begin getting undressed myself. Anthony was cussing to himself.

"Oh fuck it! These stupid fucking jeans. Brad, I can't manage the buttons on my fly!" and he collapsed into a fit of exasperated giggles. "Could you help me again mate?"

"What, unbutton your jeans for you?" I asked, my heart racing a bit faster.

"Well unless you want to cut them off with scissors!"

I walked back over to his bed and sat next to him on the opposite side this time. I reached a shaking hand out toward his crotch and slowly started undoing the buttons down his fly. I couldn't believe I was doing this to my roommate, and my cock was starting to chub up in response. As I undid the final button, my fingers accidentally brushed against his underwear-covered dick.


He giggled coyly at me. "Brad, you touched my willy!"

"Yes, I noticed. Sorry."

"Doesn't matter."

I stayed sitting next to him feeling a little awkward as he began to pull his jeans down, wiggling his ass and lower body to get them off down his legs.

"Help me then Brad!" he commanded, sounded exasperated.

I gripped the waistband of his jeans and helped him pull them down his hairy legs and drop them onto the floor in a heap of crumpled denim.

"What the fuck am I wearing?!" Anthony exclaimed suddenly.

I looked at him. I had forgotten he was still wearing the pair of bright red briefs I had loaned him. Now this was the only piece of clothing he had on.

"I've not worn pants like these since I was like twelve!" he continued in amazement. "Where did these come from?!"

"You borrowed them off me this morning remember?" I told him, blushing a little. I tried my best not to look too closely, but I couldn't help myself, he really did look hot in them and I kept stealing little glances of his bulge out of the corner of my eye. Yes, red was definitely his color! And was it just my imagination, or was his bulge filling out a little?!

"Well they're too uncomfortable to sleep in! They'd keep going up my bum. No, we'd better get rid of these too!" And he grabbed the waistband with both hands and ripped them off, throwing them onto the floor beside the bed.

"Ahhh! That's better!" He sighed contentedly, his whole body now completely naked. "Let it all hang out, eh Brad?!" He giggled again and then groaned, leaning backward and resting his head on the wall, closing his eyes as he did so. "Shit I'm so drunk!"

I smiled, trying to keep my eyes on his face, but was so tempted to glance down at his dick. Since he had his eyes shut, he wouldn't know, so I gave in to temptation and drank in the sight hungrily. His uncut dick sat plump amid a bush of brown pubes. Anthony let out another sigh. His dick moved, angling sideways, and then as I watched it, began to twitch of its own accord.

"Um Brad," Anthony said nervously, opening his eyes.

"Yeah?" I quickly looked up at his face, hoping he didn't catch me looking at his cock.

"I think I'm getting a stiffy."

"A...a what?"

He just gestured downwards and I looked, following his gaze. We both watched in silence as his dick twitched and jumped, and began to fill out. It was bouncing up and down in time with his heartbeat, getting a little fatter and a little longer each time it moved, the foreskin slowly beginning to unroll and uncover the plump pink head that lay beneath it as it grew larger and harder.

"Brad, does this embarrass you?"

"Um, no, I guess not,"

"Good, because I really can't be arsed to cover myself up. And I think I'm too drunk to be embarrassed myself." He yawned and stretched. I stared transfixed at his erect dick. It looked about six, maybe six and a half inches long. I longed to take it in my hand, and stroke it and suck it, until it spat its hot white nectar and Anthony moaned and writhed with pleasure at my touch.

I became aware that I was hard myself. Uncomfortably hard. And very horny. What was to stop me stripping naked too, letting my big dick out and rubbing it against Anthony's, getting us both off as we both so clearly needed to? Anthony was wasted and wouldn't know, or wouldn't care. For a half second I actually considered doing just that, but then came to my senses. I couldn't do that to my roommate. It would be like a violation. Even if he did badly need to get off.

Anthony's voice broke into my thoughts.

"Brad, I think I need a wank." And he giggled.

"Oh," I replied, my hard cock straining against the confines of my briefs and jeans.

He brought his hand round to his dick and stroked himself a couple times, looking me in the eye.

"You know, it feels better if someone else does it to you," he said matter-of-factly. I felt my mouth go dry. "Would you...would you wank me off Brad?"

I gulped nervously and then stretched out a trembling hand, grasping his shaft lightly in my fist.

"Mmm" he moaned softly as I began to stroke him. A bead of precum formed at his piss-slit. I was so turned on, my dick felt like a solid rod of iron. I couldn't believe I was jacking off my drunk roommate...

But then my conscience came to the surface of my mind. Anthony was drunk and I was taking advantage of him. I couldn't do that! It was wrong! I took my hand off Anthony's dick.

"Oi! I was enjoying that!" He grumbled. "What did you stop for?"

"It just doesn't feel right," I tried to explain. "You're really drunk, and I'm not, and you probably wouldn't want me to do it if you were sober. What are you going to think when you wake up in the morning?"

"Fucking hell Brad, I'm that drunk I probably won't remember a thing! You could probably confess any secret you like to me and I won't remember it in the morning. Right now, all I want to do is cum, and I don't care if it's my hand, your hand, or anything else, that makes it happen!" Finishing his speech he grasped his own cock again and began to stroke it, but then stopped and clutched his stomach, wincing. He shook his head a few times, wrinkling his forehead up. Then he looked up at me.

"You know, I could probably have had sex tonight if I'd wanted. There was this girl at the party..."

"Yes, I saw," I interrupted him. I couldn't bear to hear Anthony describe what had happened between him and Courtney. And especially not what else he had wanted to happen with her.

"Oh. Did you see us?" He sounded a little disappointed.


There was a short silence. I noticed Anthony hadn't restarted jacking his dick.

"Brad, do you want to know a secret?"

Anthony leaned closer to me, placed his hand on my shoulder and half-whispered "I didn't really like kissing her."

I turned my head toward him. His face was close to me, his eyes looking directly into mine. A warmth washed over me and before I could stop myself, I found myself whispering back to him "I wish it had been me under the mistletoe with you instead of her."

His face was getting closer to mine. So close, I could actually feel his warm breath on my face. Our noses were almost touching. He whispered something, that sounded almost like "me too", but it was such a faint whisper I couldn't be sure I'd heard right. His breath was on my lips now and it felt as though his hand wasn't on my shoulder any more but on the side of my chin, tilting my head to the side.

His lips were practically touching mine now. Were we about to...

Anthony suddenly let out a gargle and jerked his head away from mine. He turned it quickly to the side just managing to get his mouth above the trashcan that was still on the bed next to him, and began vomiting into it. He groaned with discomfort as he continued to throw up. I tried to swallow down the feelings of disappointment that were washing through me.

"There there Anthony," I said softly, patting him on his back. Soon, he was just dry-heaving, with no sick left to come out.

"Oh Brad, thank you. Too drunk," he groaned. "Too drunk."

"Sssh," I hushed him gently. "It's fine, I don't mind."

"You're such a good friend," he told me.

"Let's get you comfortable and then try to sleep," I suggested. He nodded and lay down. I lifted his glasses off of his nose and put them down on his bedside table. Then I pulled his bed covers up over his naked body. He wriggled beneath them getting into a comfortable position.

"Don't leave me Brad," he urged me. "I might get ill in the night again. I want you near me."

"Sssh, don't worry, I'm right here," I reassured him, sitting on the floor next to his bed and holding his hand so he was aware of my presence, gently stroking the base of his arm. Anthony closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep. I watched his sleeping body and continued to hold his hand in mine until I finally fell asleep too.

Next: Chapter 27: Geeks Get Hot 12 Brad

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