Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Dec 31, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Patronising things you should read:

Fictional characters cannot get hurt and do not feel pain. Real people can and do, especially after over-indulging on alcohol. The author does not in any way condone binge-drinking or under-age drinking. If you decide to drink, please drink responsibly and respect your body.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. Brad's version of events will be available soon! To read other chapters, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 11) - Anthony

...I felt his hard cock sliding deeper inside me and we both let out a loud moan of pleasure and longing. Lying on my back on my bed, I looked up at the figure whose dick was now moving forwards and backwards inside me, causing waves of enjoyment to wash through my entire body. He smiled down at me. It was, it was, it was Brad...yes, definitely Brad. Black-haired and bespectacled with the cutest shyest look on his face which rapidly became a closed-eye open-mouthed groan that he seemed unable to keep down. I felt his hands holding my hips as he continued to pound my arse with his enormous cock.

"Oh yes, Brad, fuck me! Fuck me harder! Please!" I whimpered...


I awoke with a jump, my cock painfully hard and leaking precum, my phone alarm beeping impatiently.

Shit! Why do I never get to cum in my dreams?!

I grumpily swung my arm over to my phone where it sat on my bedside table, and switched the alarm off. Without yet putting my glasses on, I glanced over at Brad's bed to see a blurry outline of him sitting up in his bed yawning and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

I sank my head back down onto the pillow, conscious of the tingling feeling in my full balls and my hard cock straining against the confines of my boxerbriefs, aching to be stroked. I hesitated for about a second, before thinking "fuck it, I need to wank so bad" and fetched my dick out of my underwear to hold in my fist, beginning to stroke myself immediately. I used my other hand to pull my boxerbriefs further down my legs and then started massaging my balls, rolling them round and round between my fingers and the palm of my hand.

I murmured softly to myself, trying not to make any noise because of Brad being in the room, but unable to stop myself, as I was feeling so horny. It was probably obvious from the rhythmic movements of my bedclothes what I was doing anyway, regardless of how quiet or loud I was.

From across the room I heard the sound of a drawer being opened, and a short while later, the sound of Brad's bedclothes rustling met my ears.

Was he also...?

I paused in my wanking. Unless my ears were deceiving me, it seemed he too had decided to take care of some morning wood before showering. I squinted in the direction of Brad's bed, but without my glasses couldn't see anything clearly. I groped on the top of my bedside table with my clean hand (the one not sticky with my precum!) and finally located my glasses and put them on. The room came into focus and I glanced over at Brad's bed, trying to make it a casual look, gently fondling my balls as I did so.

He too was wearing his glasses, with his hands busy underneath his bedclothes. Our eyes met for the briefest of seconds, before he hurriedly looked away from me. My eyes swept down his bed, wishing, not for the first time, that his bedclothes were see-through. I had dreamt so often of his perfect cock ever since I first saw it in all its hard eight inch cut glory, and having it just the other side of the room, fully erect and being stroked, but hidden beneath moving covers, was mind-numbingly frustrating.

Brad moaned softly to himself, the sound sending a shiver running right up the length of my spine and turning me on even more. I grasped my hard dick firmly and began wanking at speed. Part of me had the urge to throw my bedclothes off me completely and lie on my back in the centre of my bed, naked to the open air of our bedroom, wanking myself into a frenzy, letting Brad see me and how much I was enjoying stroking my cock, letting him see for himself the foreskin he seemed so fascinated by doing its job and rolling forwards and backwards over my big wet tender cockhead, helping the waves of pleasure build up within me...but then the rest of me was more rational, and reminded me that wanking was a private business, and yes, we were both doing it at the same time, but that was just because we were both horny at that exact same moment, and Brad would probably be shocked or disgusted if I discarded my bedclothes, and I didn't want my wonderful roommate to feel uncomfortable.

I glanced over at Brad, and he was looking in my direction. Our eyes met and we held eye contact, his brown eyes gazing directly into my hazel ones. I turned onto my side to face him properly, my hand still working away on my erection beneath my bedclothes. I wished to myself that he wasn't lying facing me in his bed, but lying facing me in my own bed, his head inches from my own, our rapidly moving hands grazing knuckles as we wanked our cocks centimetres away from each other, maybe even taking a break from our own to work on each other's.

There wasn't a sound in the room apart from our heavy breathing, and the squelching slick noise of Brad's lubed-up hand. I heard Brad's breathing rate begin to increase, a tell-tale sound he was getting close, and the knowledge that he was about to cum tipped me right to the edge. I could hear myself moaning softly to myself as my climax approached. I continued looking deep into Brad's brown eyes, and then suddenly I felt my balls starting to draw in close to my body. My eyes opened wide and I let out a soft "oh fuck!" as I began to shoot. Across the room, Brad added some soft gasps of his own to the mix as he came too, our eyes never breaking contact as we hit our orgasms. We continued staring into each other's eyes as our moaning died away. I continued to gently stroke my softening dick, encouraging every last drip of cum to be milked out of it. Finally, I rested my head back down on my pillow and allowed my eyes to close for a few seconds as I came down from the high of my orgasm.

I let out a deep sigh and then opened my eyes, looking back over at Brad. He was grinning at me.

"Seemed as if we both desperately needed that!" he said chuckling.

"Hell yes," I answered, "I woke up feeling proper horny this morning."

"Good to get it out of your system before your final test of the semester," he replied.

"Yes, true, I..." I began, before suddenly my brain switched into gear. "Fuck! My exam!" I exclaimed, grabbing my mobile to look at the time. Luckily, it was still fairly early. I'd just about have time to have a quick shower, grab a bite to eat and look over my notes one last time.

I picked up the boxerbriefs I had been wearing to sleep in, and used them to quickly mop down my stomach, then swung my legs out of bed completely unselfconscious about being stark-bollocked naked in front of Brad. I walked across our room to deposit them in my dirty washing basket. I pulled on my dressing gown and grabbed my towel and washbag.

"I'm off for a shower then," I announced unnecessarily.

"Cool," Brad answered. "I'll go take mine later when the rush has died down. After all, my classes have finished for the semester already!" he added in a gloating tone.

"Lucky bastard!" I said over shoulder at him as I closed the door behind me.

I hurried to the shared bathroom on the corridor for my shower, and while I was standing under the hot water washing myself, I recited all the maths formulas I could think of that I had memorised in preparation for the end of semester test I had. It made a change from singing cheesy pop songs to myself!

I exited the shower and quickly towelled myself dry and sprayed on some deodorant. I wrapped my white towel around my waist and picked up my things, hurrying back down the corridor to mine and Brad's dorm room.

I opened the door to find Brad sitting in his desk chair with his computer on. He was bare chested, wearing only a pair of light grey jogging bottoms. He called me over to help explain more of the mysteries of Facebook to him.

"Anthony, Charlie's status has gone all weird. I don't understand!"

He pointed at the screen as I stood close to him, trying not to think too much about his naked torso being inches away from me, as I squinted to try and get the words in focus at the angle I was stood at.

"Charlie Wood is jacking off to a Justin Bieber song" I read. Then I laughed. Our neighbour Charlie's roommate Chris had probably fraped him. I explained to Brad, what I thought had happened, and he seemed to understand. Then I crossed over to my wardrobe and opened to door to fetch out some fresh clothes to wear for the day.

And then my heart flew up into my mouth and I let out a little curse of annoyance as I saw the shelf where I kept my underwear was empty. Shit! I remembered now, I had meant to do my washing yesterday, but then I had got side-tracked with revising for the maths exam I had today and forgotten. Now I had no clean underwear left. I could have reworn yesterday's pair, except I had just used them to wipe up the cum I had produced a short while earlier. Shit! Looks like I would have to fetch a dirty pair from out of my dirty washing basket then. I expect most people would just go commando, but I had tried that once and hated the feeling of it. Denim against my sensitive parts, and a cold metal zip that would be only too easy to trap my foreskin thank you!

I reached my hand into my dirty washing basket and pulled out a couple of old pairs of boxerbriefs that I'd worn earlier in the week. I gave both a quick experimental sniff. They smelt of stale sweat, and one of the pairs had a crusty cumstain at the crotch.

"Um Anthony...what the fuck?!" Brad was twisted round in his chair looking over at me in amazement.

"Well, I'm out of clean ones," I explained. "My own fault, I needed to wash some clothes, but I've been so busy revising for my exams that I forgot."

"You can always borrow some of my clothes," Brad said getting out of his desk chair and walking over to his wardrobe.

"Um, well it's not all my clothes I'm out of, just boxers," I explained embarrassedly.

"Oh. I don't have any boxers I'm afraid, but you're welcome to borrow a pair of briefs," Brad said, tossing me over a pair of bright red ones from the top of a pile of neatly folded underwear sitting on one of the shelves in his wardrobe. "They're clean," he explained unnecessarily, as I caught them and held them in my hands.

"Brad, you're a lifesaver!" I told him. "I really hate going commando and I literally have no clean pairs at all. You're a real mate!"

He smiled shyly at me and closed his wardrobe door. I dropped my towel and stepped into the red briefs, pulling them up over my legs. It had been years since I last wore briefs. It was something you got picked on for by the bullies if you were seen to be wearing them in the changing rooms at school, so I had quickly stopped and switched to boxerbriefs, which I had ended up finding a whole lot more comfortable anyway.

"Did you manage to work out which way up to put them on?" Brad asked me, a faint hint of mocking in his tone of voice. "I know you have trouble dressing yourself sometimes and they're not what you're used to!"

I think this was him poking fun at me for the time right back at the start of term, pretty much the first day I had met him, when I had managed to put my boxers on back to front. I took it in good humour and stuck my middle finger up at him before continuing to dress, putting on dark jeans and a t-shirt and red hoody.

As I finished dressing, he collected his wash things and towel, and after wishing me good luck for my test, he left the room to go and have his shower. He really was an amazing roommate to have. I doubt there'd be many that would offer a lend of their clothes without a second thought.

I checked my watch and with a start saw it was practically time for me to leave. After the test, I had arranged to go to the cafeteria with Barbara-Ann to eat. I'd be giving her my Christmas present then too, and fetched it from its hiding place at the back of my wardrobe to take with me. My Christmas present for Brad was hidden alongside it, and I thought I might as well leave that on his desk for him to find when he came back from his shower. It was nothing special, just a deodorant and shower gel set and a Star Trek magazine that I'd noticed was missing from his collection.

I picked up the bag with Barbara-Ann's present in, and exited the dormroom locking the door behind me and hoping Brad had remembered to take his key to the bathroom with him.


"Thank fuck that test is over with!" Barbara-Ann exclaimed slamming her tray of food down on the cafeteria table. I had to agree with her. The test we had been given had been difficult, and I wasn't at all confident of having done well in it. I sat down and then moved my chair to get a better view of the table where the swimming team were sitting eating.

"So," Barbara-Ann said, taking the seat opposite me, "I got you a little something as a Christmas present," and she passed across a flat square-ish parcel packaged up in bright and shiny wrapping paper.

"Snap!" I said, laughing, and passed her a nearly identical parcel, except the wrapping paper I had used was a different pattern. She took it from me and started tearing the paper off excitedly. I had to laugh watching her, she was just acting like a little child on Christmas morning!

"Oh wow!" She half-shrieked on unwrapping it fully to reveal the Eva Longoria calendar I had bought for her. "Is it one with bikini shots?!" She rifled through the pages to check the photographs for each month and seemed satisfied that there was enough skin on show! "Mmm I'm going to have some fun with this! Thank you Anthony so much! You open yours now." And she laid her calendar down on the table and waited expectantly for me to open the present she had given me.

I ripped across the back of the brightly coloured parcel. From the shape and feel of the present I was guessing Barbara-Ann had bought me a calendar too. Finally I had all the paper torn off and saw I was correct. It was a calendar. It was a Zac Efron calendar! The same Zac Efron calendar I had seen in the shop when I was buying Barbara-Ann's Eva Longoria calendar, and lingered in front of, unable to resist gazing with longing at his taut torso.

Mmm, yes. He looks so hot...

But wait! If Barbara-Ann has got me this, then she must think I'm...! Shit!

My heart was suddenly in my mouth and I felt sick. How had she guessed my secret?! Who might she have told?!

"You don't seem to be saying anything!" Barbara-Ann's voice drifted over to me as if coming from another dimension. "I'm sorry if I've embarrassed or offended you, but I kinda guessed you might prefer a naked calendar of him rather than of Eva Longoria."

I stuttered, my face bright red, feeling as though I might actually throw up at any moment.

"Speak to me Anthony!" Barbara-Ann implored. "I haven't offended you have I? And I am right, aren't I?"

I found my voice at last. "How...? How...?"

"How did I know? Let's just say I have kickass gaydar! I am right aren't I?"

"You can't tell anyone!" My voice sounded small and shrill, as if I were close to tears. Actually, I probably was close to tears. "You mustn't tell anyone! Please, please Barbara-Ann, don't tell..." I found I couldn't continue and lowered my head, a tear sliding from each eye as I began to sob quietly.

"Shit Anthony. I didn't think I'd get a reaction like that. I kinda hoped you'd like the present. Is he really that unattractive?!" I could tell Barbara-Ann was joking trying to cheer me up, but the revelation that she had worked out that I'd rather have a half-naked calendar of Zac Efron than any Hollywood babe had hit me hard.

I felt Barbara-Ann's hand on mine, and then she passed me a tissue so I could dry my face and blow my nose.

"So I'm guessing from your reaction I am the first person to know," she said softly. "And I'm sorry if I freaked you out. Maybe I should have kept it to myself that I knew. But, you know, it might be kinda cool for you to have a friend to confide in about things. Especially one like me who knows what it's like to not be straight."

I made a non-committal noise.

"Are we still friends?" She asked me, anxiously.

I sighed and blew my nose again on the tissue. I hoped my eyes weren't too red from crying. It had been a long time since I had cried in public.

"Yes, of course we're still friends. It's just a shock that you know. I didn't think it was that obvious."

"Oh it's not obvious Anthony. If you don't want people to know, then they wouldn't guess you are, unless, like me, they know you well and have spent a lot of time around other gay guys."

She reached over the table and gave me a hug.

"You know, a part of me is excited it's all out in the open at last. It's been a real struggle for me to keep it to myself that I know," Barbara-Ann said. "If you ever want to talk about things, you can. And don't forget, I have plenty cute gay friends I can introduce you to if you wanted!" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I had to laugh.

Maybe she was right too. Maybe it would be nice to have one of my friends in the know about the real me, have somebody to confide in about things.

"Oh and Anthony," Barbara-Ann added, "don't worry, I'm not about to tell anybody. I'm good at keeping secrets, and if you're not ready to come out yet, then nobody is going to hear you're gay from me. Of course," she continued, "you'd stand a much better chance of getting laid if people did know!"

I felt myself blushing slightly and she laughed at me.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop embarrassing you now, let's change the subject. What exciting plans do you have for this evening to celebrate the end of the semester?"

"Oh, I'm going to a party!" I announced proudly. And I was proud too! It wasn't often anybody invited me to a social event.

"Awesome!" Barbara-Ann exclaimed excitedly. "Where, when and who with?!" she asked nosily making me chuckle. "And why didn't I get an invitation?!" She stuck her bottom lip out in an exaggerated sulky pout.

"It's actually a party the swimteam have organised," I explained. "You could probably come if you wanted. I asked if my roommate Brad could come with me and they said he could."

"No, I wasn't being serious," Barbara-Ann said. "I'm having a housemates-only Christmas meal tonight before we all start going home. But how did you manage to get invited to a swimteam party? No offence Anthony, but you are not exactly the most athletic of people. I wouldn't have thought you'd know anybody on the swimteam!"

"Well, Cody invited me," I replied. "You know, Cody, from Intermediate Calculus?"

"What? Cody `I fuck anything with a pulse and a hole' Cody?" She asked incredulously.

"Um, I guess. Does he really have that nickname?"

"Oh yes. He has a definite reputation for being...what's a polite word for it? A `womaniser'? Or at least he did have last year. The entire cheerleading squad, nearly every girl taking the American History course I took, even some of the guys I know from the LGBT society. He has certainly been around the block more than a few times. So how comes he's invited you?"

"Um...well I think he's asked quite a few people from the Intermediate Calculus study group we were both assigned to," I said. This was true, and I hadn't expected to be invited as well. I had overheard him talking about the party to people in the study group and assumed I wouldn't be included in the invitation. But, he turned around and looked right at me and said that I was invited too, and I'd melted a little bit. After the class had finished, he had caught up with me in the corridor and whispered that he was glad I'd agreed to come to the party because at least then he knew there'd be at least one person there good at giving head. I smiled to myself remembering how much he'd enjoyed having me suck him that time over the Thanksgiving holiday. And maybe what he was hinting, was that at the party, we'd find a quiet room together, and then...

"Earth to Anthony!" Barbara-Ann was saying.

I shook my head to get rid of my little daydream.

"Sorry, I was miles away there," I apologised. "Did you just ask me something?"

She laughed. "You were obviously thinking of something nice - you had the biggest smile ever on your face! Or maybe it was someone nice!"

I chuckled a little self-consciously. Barbara-Ann knew me so well.

"Well I hope you have fun at this party of yours," she said. "Don't let Cody try anything with you though. Not unless you want him to that is."

I felt my cheeks turning pink.

"Oh Jeez, Anthony, you do want him to?! Or maybe he has done already...?!"

My face felt hot and was probably the colour of beetroot by this stage.

"He has, hasn't he?! You and he have... Oh. My. God! Anthony!" Her voice was awestruck and horrified at the same time. I opened my mouth to try to deny it, but closed it. She would be able to tell I wasn't being truthful.

"Seriously, Anthony, I thought you'd have more taste and...oh, never mind, what's done is done. I didn't think he'd be your type though. Or you'd be his. But then, you are alive, so I guess you would be his type."

"Why would you think that?" I asked. Suddenly, I felt a bit angry at Barbara-Ann. "Because I'm thin and wear glasses you think I can't be anybody's type?! Is that it?!"

"Jeez, Anthony calm down! No, I don't think that at all. I'm not like those dumb assholes at your high school that used to bully you. No, what I meant was because you're really smart and quite quiet and shy, I always thought your type would be someone else smart and quiet, and not somebody like Cody who likes to be the centre of attention and who thinks he's a whole lot more popular and better looking than he actually is. Anyway, I know you're a private person, so I won't be asking any more questions about it. Just, try and do better than that jerk next time. Have fun at the party! Oh, and thank you for Eva!"

She scraped her chair backwards and got to her feet, picked up her calendar and air-kissed me goodbye.


"I hadn't expected there to be this many people!" Brad half-shouted to me over the loud music that was playing as we stood in the doorway of the living room. His eyes were darting about the room nervously.

It was quite a busy party. I too was surprised at the number of people there, but then, I didn't know how large parties like this tended to get over here in the States. Brad had confessed to me on the way over that he had never been to a proper party like this before, so he didn't have any idea what to expect either.

I scanned the room looking for a familiar face from Intermediate Calculus, but I couldn't see anybody that I recognised. The number of... "Jocks" I suppose you could call them, was a little intimidating. And they didn't all seem very friendly. A few of them were casting suspicious glances in my and Brad's direction, as if to say "who let the losers in?!"

I looked at Brad. He didn't look like a loser tonight at all. In fact, actually, I thought he looked pretty hot tonight. He was wearing a pale blue V-necked jumper that suited him perfectly, and black jeans that matched the colour of his spectacle frames and his short black hair that he had combed just a little gel into. I'd noticed he was also wearing the new deodorant I had bought him for his Christmas present, so he smelt absolutely gorgeous to me. I was wearing my most fashionable dark blue jeans along with a long sleeved navy blue top with white stripes across it. I had to confess, all things considered, I didn't think I looked too bad either tonight. And I was hoping a certain sexy swimmer noticed and thought the same.

I raised my beer bottle to my lips and took a big swig, enjoying the taste of it. It had been so long since I had last drunk any beer. I had never been a big drinker back home, but every now and again I did enjoy going to a pub or to the Union and having a few cheeky pints with my mates. Over here, because I wasn't yet 21, I couldn't even buy alcohol legally.

Next to me, Brad was holding his beer tightly in his hand and taking small gulps every now and again. I hoped he was going to enjoy this party. I had asked Cody if he could come because I thought he would appreciate the invitation, correctly guessing that he didn't get invited to things like this that often either. But at the moment he seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Are you okay Brad?" I asked him, shouting into his ear, as the music was so loud.

"Yes, I think so," he replied. "Have you seen anybody that you know yet?"

"No," I said. I raised my beer to my lips again and was surprised to find I had practically finished it already.

"I'm going for another beer," I said to Brad. "Coming?"

He nodded, and we walked back through to the kitchen where the alcohol supply was. I picked up a new bottle and looked along the table for the bottle-opener, spying it at the other end. I weaved my way around a couple of people standing talking and reached out for it, but before my hand touched it, it was lifted up off the table by somebody.

"Could I use that after you please?" I asked the person who had taken it. And then I noticed who that person was. It was Charlie, who lived in the room next door to me and Brad in the dorms. "Hi Charlie," I said, surprised.

"Anthony!" He greeted me, smiling. "Here dude, I'm through with it now," and he thrust the bottle-opener into my hand.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," I said to Charlie as I took the bottle top off my beer bottle. "Look Brad," I said turning back to face him, "Charlie's here!"

"Brad!" Charlie exclaimed holding his fist out for Brad to bump his against. "Awesome! So glad both of you are here. Me and Chris were beginning to think we didn't know anybody."

"Is Chris here too?" I asked, looking around the kitchen for Charlie's roommate.

"Yes," Charlie said. "It's because of him we're here in the first place. His latest girlfriend is best friends with the girlfriend of the swim team captain," he continued taking a big drink of his beer as he finished speaking. "How did you two manage to get invited?"

"Cody from the swim team invited everybody in my Intermediate Calculus study group," I explained, "and he said Brad could come along too."

"Ah sweet!" Charlie enthused. He gazed around the kitchen and ran his hand through his dark blonde hair. "There's some really hot girls here aren't there?"

"Uh-huh" I agreed non-committally.

"I swear that one in the red top just smiled at me!" Charlie had a habit of clutching at his crotch when he got excited or enthusiastic about something. He did it completely subconsciously I was sure. He was good-looking, but not what I would call "hot", slim and quite toned (from what I had seen in the communal bathroom), but not what anybody would describe as muscled or ripped, especially when dressed. I remembered he had very nice pecs and nipples, and his whole body was perfectly in proportion. He and his roommate Chris were the two people on the corridor that Brad and I socialised with the most. They were both really friendly and a lot of fun to be around. They had certainly helped me settle into university life here in the States.

"She did! She smiled at me! I should totally take her a drink over! Wish me luck dudes!" Charlie bounced off happily to take a drink over to the girl who had happened to glance in his direction. I had to laugh a little at him. I went to take another gulp of beer and found to my surprise the bottle was empty.

"Another beer Brad?" I asked.

"No, I still have half of my first one!" He replied.

I fetched myself a new beer and stood next to Brad, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"So, like Charlie said, there's loads of hot girls here. Do you have your eye on any of them?"

"Do you?" Brad asked me, deflecting my question.

"Hey, I'm not the one that still has to lose his virginity am I?!" I answered teasing him. "Lighten up, Brad" I continued, when he shot me a withering look of contempt. "I was only taking the piss."

"Yes, well, maybe I don't appreciate the joke. I had enough of that in high-school."

"Shit, I'm sorry Brad. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay, I know it's just the beer talking! Charlie seems to be having some success over there look."

I looked over to see Charlie talking animatedly to the girl in the red top.

"He does. I hope he's a bit quieter than Chris usually is if he invites her back to his dormroom though!"

Brad laughed and I joined in. Charlie's roommate Chris tended to be rather on the loud side when he had sex, and there had been a few times when Brad and I had been studying quietly in our room, or trying to watch a film, and the unmistakeable noises of lovemaking had drifted over from the room next door to disturb us. Hearing Chris moaning "Oh baby! Oh yes baby!" and the sound of his deep, masculine grunting coming through the walls never failed to make me hard, and I just used to hope that Brad wouldn't notice how aroused I had become from overhearing our neighbour.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned around from watching Charlie chatting-up the girl. Cody stood next to me, dressed in a blue checked shirt that was completely unbuttoned showing a tight white tshirt or vest underneath.

"Hey Anthony! You came!" He greeted me.

"Um, y-y-yes," I stammered, my tongue feeling too big for my mouth all of a sudden and my face growing red.

Cody grinned at me, and leaned past me, reaching for a beer, his body close to me, maybe too close. I felt myself beginning to chub up a little and had to really concentrate on trying not to get a hardon. That would just be embarrassing if anybody were to notice.

"Cody, this is Brad, my roommate," I said, remembering my manners.

"Hey Brad," he smiled, "pleased to meet you." He and Brad shook hands and a shiver ran through me, thinking that those two hands were the only two other than my own that had touched my cock.

"So Anthony what are you drinking?" He asked me.

"Oh just a beer," I replied.

"Sweet. You should try the punch some time. In fact, let me get you a cupful right away." He returned a moment later with a plastic cup full of a deep pink liquid.

"Cheers!" I said, taking the cup from him and immediately taking a sip. It was fruity, with a bit of a kick that made me wince ever so slightly. I could tell straight away that there was probably more alcohol in this small cup than there would be in a whole keg of the beer I had been drinking before. But I didn't care. Getting drunk every now and then was all part and parcel of being a student, and it had been aaaaaaages since I was last drunk. I downed the rest of the contents of the cup. Cody raised his eyebrows at me, looking impressed, while Brad was frowning slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the return of a less than jubilant Charlie.

"Well that was a waste of a half-hour - she already has a boyfriend!" Charlie announced, picking up a new beer from off the table. "It figures. The hottest girls are always already dating somebody else."

"Or completely frigid," Cody added.

"Exactly dude. I really need to get laid tonight. It's been so long!"

"Oh me too," Cody replied, "But I'm confident that tonight I definitely will get laid!" (was it my imagination or did he look in my direction as he said that?!) "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go speak with my swim buddies."

"Cya" I said, helping myself to another drink.

"Let's go see if we can find Chris," Charlie said to me and Brad. We picked our drinks up and walked back through to the living room. I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol a little. The room wasn't spinning or anything, but my cheeks felt a little flushed and I felt nicely warm right through my body.

At the end of the living room a semi-circle of athletic-looking guys was gathered and cheering, and I stopped to see what the commotion was about. In the centre of the semi-circle, somebody was doing press-ups, and the rest of the guys were counting him and encouraging him to do more. Obviously the aim was for him to do as many as he could without stopping.

"Forty-Three! Forty-Four!" The guys were yelling excitedly, "Forty-Five,...Forty-Ssssss NOOOO!!!!! He fails!" They roared. The press-up guy's arms had given way and he had collapsed onto his front on the floor.

"You could do better than that," I said to Brad. Unfortunately, I think the alcohol I had drunk made me speak a bit louder than I had been aiming for, as several of the semi-circle turned to look at us. The person standing closest to us gave a little laugh and called out to the others.

"Hahaha! These geeks think they can do better than us! What planet are they on?!"

Next to me I sensed Brad bristling with anger, and then suddenly he had walked into the centre of the semi-circle and got into a press-up position with his hands on the floor. The assembled sportsmen jeered a little, but started to count loudly as Brad started doing press-ups as I had seen him do in our dormroom almost every morning and evening. As he passed twenty, still keeping a steady pace, I could see a couple of the crowd exchanging looks of disbelief that somebody who looked so slim on the outside could be capable of such an athletic performance.

Brad reached thirty press-ups and was still going strong.

"Come on Brad!" I encouraged, "You can do it! Keep going!"

Brad was slowing down slightly, and I could tell it was starting to be a struggle for him to keep going. He had made it to forty press-ups without stopping by now.

"Keep going Brad! You can do it!" I shouted. Beside me, Charlie too was yelling encouragement.

"Go Brad!"

"Keep going mate! You can do it! That's it, keep it going!"

"Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, FORTY-EIGHT..."


"FIFTY! ... FIFTY-ONE! ..."

As Brad reached his fifty-second press-up his teeth were gritted as he pushed his arms straight, and he barely managed to straighten them fully before they gave way and he sank face-first to the floor.

"FIFTY-TWO!!!" The crowd of boys cheered. I did a quick calculation in my head (actually, rather a slow one considering I was studying maths...but then, the alcohol had made the thinking-part of my brain a little fuzzy!) and realised he had beaten the last person's score by 7!

Charlie rushed forward whooping to high-five Brad as he got to his feet, his face flushed and a small bead of sweat running down his forehead. He looked directly at me and grinned happily. The guy whose score he had beaten was scowling and saying "I wasn't trying, plus I'd had all that beer". He seemed a sore loser, and embarrassed to be beaten by Brad. Brad was having his back slapped and hand shaken by half the people who had been watching, and then he was swept off by the crowd of sportsmen for a victory lap around the room. I smiled to myself, hoping that he would be enjoying the attention, and went to get myself another drink.

Another beer later and I was definitely feeling pleasantly drunk. I re-entered the living room and stood looking for Brad, or somebody else I knew. I was standing next to a group of 4 girls, and I noticed one of them looking at me and nudging the girl standing next to her. Then the two of them said something to the girl who currently had her back to me and she whirled around to face me with a rather drunken expression on her face.

"So, apparently we are standing under mistletoe," she announced, her words slurring slightly. I glanced up and sure enough a sprig of green plastic mistletoe was hanging above our heads, attached to the wall with a drawing pin. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered there was a tradition attached to mistletoe. Something to do with...oh shit!

The girl lunged at me, her lips meeting mine. She had caught me by surprise, and before I knew it, she was kissing me properly. And in my less than sober state, I began to kiss her back, closing my eyes and pressing my lips back against hers. It was only a kiss after all. Not as if I was about to have sex with her. I heard wolf-whistling and a girl cry "Woo hoo! Go Courtney!". I felt her tongue entering my mouth and then hands were massaging my bum through the outside of my jeans. Her hair touched the side of my cheek and as I breathed in, my nostrils were filled with the scent of her perfume. She pulled me close to her and I felt her tits pushing against my chest. The kiss was beginning to feel wrong, and I wasn't feeling in the slightest bit turned on. Nothing felt right, not the taste, nor the smell, nor the feel. I pulled away from her, breaking the kiss.

She smiled seductively at me. Across the room I could see Charlie grinning broadly at me and giving me a thumbs-up of approval. Next to him stood Brad but he wasn't looking in my direction.

No, it's definite. No electricity, no connection, no hardon, nothing. I am 100% not interested in girls physically. Full stop. The end. And after that experience, I badly need another drink!

"Sorry," I said to the girls, "I need a piss," (if nothing else, that would put them off me, surely?!) and I turned away and stumbled back to the kitchen. I picked up a cup of punch and downed it in one, before getting another beer.

"Wow Anthony! She was hot!" Charlie had followed me into the kitchen and stood next to me as I took a gulp of beer. "Maybe you might get some action tonight dude! Should I warn Brad he might have to sleep in the corridor tonight?!"

I didn't reply as across the other side of the kitchen something had caught my eye. It was Cody. His eyes were closed and his lips were locked with those of a big-chested girl with curly blonde hair. His crotch was pressed up against her body and he was grinding himself against her as she leant against the kitchen unit. I felt a bit stunned.

"Wh-wh-who's that with Cody?" I forced out.

Charlie looked at the couple snogging on the other side of the kitchen.

"Oh that's his girlfriend. Well, I say `girlfriend', I think they have only been dating six weeks, but that's longer than any other chick he's gotten with, so for him that's like a long-term relationship!"

Wait?! Cody has a girlfriend?!!! Fuck! There goes my idea of catching him later on for a little bit of how's your father! And did Charlie just say they had been together six weeks?! But it's only been three weeks since he and me...

Fuck! Maybe that time he really was just using me.

I reached for the nearest drink and downed it.

"Whoa Anthony!" Charlie exclaimed. "Keep that up and we'll be carrying you back to the dorms."

I didn't care. I looked over at Cody and felt anger. And shame at having given my precious virginity to such a player.

I reached for another drink.


I opened my eyes slowly and immediately wished I hadn't. My head was pounding and my mouth tasted as though I'd been rimming somebody's pet alsatian. There was a disgusting smell in the room of rancid sick and stale sweat.

I slowly sat up in bed, my headache increasing in pain by a factor of ten, and waves of nausea swimming over me. The familiar four walls of mine and Brad's dormroom was a comforting sight. I was in my own bed, completely naked beneath my bedcovers.

But wait, how did I even get back here?

I had heard people discussing how they had drunk so much they couldn't remember what had happened the night before, but it had never happened to me before now. It was a scary feeling actually, now I came to think about it. A whole night vanished from my memory. Anything could have happened and I wouldn't know.

Oh yes, there had been a party. I could remember that much. And Brad had been there, and Charlie, and there'd been music, and... no, that was as far as my memory went.

I looked over at Brad's bed but it was empty.

Where is he?!

There was a faint sound from the floor next to my bed and I glanced down, probably too quickly, as my head span making me wince with pain, and the feeling of sickness grew slightly worse. Brad was half-sitting, half-lying on the floor partially covered with a blanket. He was still wearing his glasses and the pale blue V-necked jumper he'd been wearing at the party the day before. His head rested on the side of my bed, using it as a pillow. He mumbled softly and indistinctly to himself, still fast asleep.

There was suddenly a loud knocking on the dormroom door. Brad jerked awake, his eyes flying open and head shooting upright so quickly it was hilarious. I would have laughed if I hadn't been feeling so ill. In the back of my mind I remembered that Brad's parents were arriving some time today to collect him and take him home for the Christmas holiday. With the state the room was in, I really really hoped it wasn't them arriving now.

Brad got to his feet, the blanket falling off him, revealing he was wearing no jeans with his jumper, just a pair of tight black briefs. He looked at me, concern etched in his face.

"Are you...?" He began, before another bout of loud knocking interrupted him. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he walked over to the door and unlocked and opened it.

Charlie stood in the doorway, but reeled backwards instead of entering.

"Fuck! What's that smell?! Did something die in here?!"

The feelings of nausea I had been so far successfully fighting back suddenly returned with a vengeance and I could tell I had less than a minute to get to a sink or toilet.

"Oh shit!"

I threw the bedclothes off me and got to my feet, not caring I was completely naked in front of Brad and Charlie, only conscious of the fact I had to get to the communal bathrooms and fast. I clapped a hand over my mouth and literally ran through our dormroom door, past a now-laughing Charlie, and down the corridor to the sanctuary of the bathroom, my flaccid dick bouncing up and down as I ran, just managing to make it into a vacant stall before throwing up.

I am never drinking again.

Next: Chapter 26: Geeks Get Hot 11 Brad

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