Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Nov 24, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Cody. To read Anthony's version of events, or chapters from the point of view of other characters, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 10) - Cody

I love sex. That's hardly unusual or controversial - most 20 year old guys love sex. I'm no exception. Luckily, I don't usually have a problem getting laid - it's the swimmer's body. The toned hairlessness gets people every time, and they just can't say no to going to bed with me! When I'm not getting laid, I'm generally imagining getting laid, jerking off imagining getting laid, or plotting how next to get laid. But it wasn't always this way...

When I was 14, I started dating my girlfriend, and we stayed together right through high school. She was seriously religious, and didn't believe in sex before marriage. She'd taken one of these chastity pledges, wore a silver ring of abstinence, took the whole thing deadly seriously. I was head over heels in love with her, and had been happy enough to wait. It didn't stop me being curious about what sex was like though, and I was a high consumer of porn, and some days jacked off so much I left myself red raw.

I did feel seriously jealous of all my friends when their girlfriends all caved in to the pressure, and they started getting regular sex or blowjobs. Two girls held out until the night of our senior prom before allowing their boyfriends full sex, but then over the summer that followed, they more than made up for the wait they had caused.

It never occurred to me to cheat on my girlfriend, find an easy hookup and see for myself what all the fuss was about. Besides I was too busy with all my swimming to look properly. I found out later that with my swimmer's body, I could have had my pick of the girls, but I make it a rule never to have regrets. Life's too short.

My girlfriend and I ended up at different colleges, but we were determined to keep our relationship alive. At least I thought we were. One month into college, I got a phonecall from her to say she had met someone at her College Christian Society who she thought was better suited for her long-term, and she wanted to break up with me. Bitch.

I cried for a week solid, but then realized what a lifeline had been dealt to me, as I was finally free to experience everything sex had to offer me. To say I threw myself out there is a bit of an understatement. I lost my virginity within a fortnight of us breaking up, and never looked back. My swimmer's build served me well, and I was never short of offers for a hookup.

One night, I got hit on by a guy, and my curiosity got the better of me. I ended up going back to his place and after a nervous start, ended up having an all-night sex session with him (and some of the next morning too!) It made me realize I really wasn't that fussy about whether I was fucking a girl or a guy - as long as they had a hole, I was happy! Probably some people would judge me, but I don't give a fuck - I'm young and I'm enjoying having as much sex as I possibly can. Tell me what 20 year old guy wouldn't if he had the chance?!

By the end of my freshman year I had literally lost count of the number of sexual partners I'd had, but somehow (as far as I know) I never got a bad reputation of being a womanizer (or a slut!) At first, I had gone for people that would be viewed as "attractive" in the general sense. Thin, tanned, big tits (if a lady), toned muscles (if a guy), nice ass (regardless of being female or male!) but I'd grown quickly bored of these "perfect bodies", possibly something to do with being surrounded by hairless toned guys and toned beautiful girls when training with the swim team every day. These days, I found myself seeking out people with radically different bodies to my own sculpted perfection to sleep with. I tended to find the age-old saying of less-attractive people being grateful, and therefore more willing in bed, rang true. And usually the lack of regular action meant they were twice as horny and provided a better fuck.

This particular day, it was me that was missing the regular action - it had been a busy week on the run-up to Thanksgiving. We had had extra training, my professors had set extra assignments or tests, everybody was so busy. As it stood, it had probably been a full ten days since I had last gotten laid, and I was horny as fuck. Worst of all, college was nearly completely deserted due to so many people going home for Thanksgiving. I was forced to stay at college for Thanksgiving this year, because I was behind in one of my classes, and couldn't risk losing my athlete's scholarship because of a low grade. Plus, we had a big meet coming up and I was determined to medal in at least one race and maybe qualify for the State Championships. However much my mom moaned at me, going home for a Thanksgiving dinner was definitely not at the top of my list of priorities.

I had made up my mind that I couldn't last another day without some sort of action that wasn't my own lubed-up hand, and planned to visit the bathhouse downtown. I rushed through my usual workout in the gym, and swam my laps in record time. Maybe I should try abstaining for ten days before the next swim meet if it was going to make me this much faster in the water!

I quickly rinsed my body off in the shower, and grabbed my workout bag and damp towel. I hurried back to my dorm room and just dumped them inside on the floor, as I fetched my car keys, eager to be on my way to the bathhouse in search of satisfying my sexual cravings.

As I was leaving my dorm block, I was so preoccupied with my horny thoughts, I wasn't watching where I was going, and collided heavily with someone walking past the entrance door.

"Careful!" the other person exclaimed, as our bodies crashed into each other. It was a British voice. I took a step backward to see better who it was I had run into and almost knocked over. It was Anthony, this British visiting student from one of my math classes.

"Oh hey Anthony," I greeted him. "Sorry for running into you."

He opened his eyes a little wider behind the frameless glasses he always wore, and attempted to flatten his hair where it was sticking up at the back of his head.

"It's alright. Probably my fault anyway. I was daydreaming there. It's Cody, right? You're in my Intermediate Calculus class aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's right," I confirmed. I hoped Anthony wasn't going to try to start a conversation about calculus with me. I really wasn't in the mood to discuss math.

"So how come you haven't gone home like everybody else seems to have done?" Anthony was asking. "The whole university is deserted, I was beginning to think I was the only person here!"

"Oh I decided to stay so I could keep up my swimming training," I explained. "And I'm a little behind in the Biomechanics class I'm taking, so I wanted to do some extra studying I knew I wouldn't get done if I went home like everybody else."

"Oh I see."

"Yes," I carried on with a wicked grin to myself, thinking I might have a bit of fun and try and embarrass him a little. (I'm a total bastard like that!) "Plus it's been nice to have my dormroom to myself since my roommate's gone home, it's meant I can watch my porn without worrying about him interrupting me!"

"Ah right," Anthony said a little awkwardly and starting to go red.

"Yes," I said absentmindedly rearranging myself while thinking how Anthony was actually kind of cute when he blushed. I looked at Anthony and caught his eyes flitting downwards to what my hand was doing to my shorts before they quickly raised back up to focus on my face again.

Wait a minute, did he just check me out then?!

"So where were you going to in such a hurry?" Anthony asked me, obviously wanting to change the subject before he got any redder.

"Oh just taking a break from the studying and working out," I said, feeling my dick twitching a little at the thought of what kind of a study break I had had in mind. There was no doubt about it, Anthony's eyes definitely drifted down in the direction of my crotch as I replied. He was checking me out, and this realization started to turn me on more than the thought of what might lie awaiting me in the bathhouse.

I quickly glanced at Anthony's own crotch, the jeans he was wearing not particularly revealing anything much about the size or state of what lay hiding behind his zipper, but I could have sworn there was movement down there as something twitched involuntarily. I looked back at Anthony's face. He pushed his glasses further up his nose and smiled shyly at me. I noticed behind the lenses of his glasses, his eyes were a color somewhere between green and brown and looked friendly and inviting. It was obvious there was a fairly skinny body lurking beneath his hooded sweater and jeans, but I had certainly slept with worse.

"So, say no if you want," I said slowly feeling myself chubbing up slightly in my briefs, "but did you want to come up to my room for some fun?"

"What?" he asked, genuinely puzzled, "like to play video games or something?"

"No, that wasn't quite the sort of fun I had in mind," I explained, stroking my hardening bulge as I spoke.

His eyes grew wide as he followed the motion of my hand, and finally understood what I meant.

" I'm not..." he stuttered, his face reddening again.

"Oh it's okay," I said a little embarrassed myself now, assuming his awkwardness was a refusal and guessing that I had misread the signs. "I thought maybe you were as horny as I am. And since my roommate is gone, and the whole floor is empty..." I left that part of my sentence unfinished. "But I guess I was wrong about you being interested."

"No, no, I am, I am, I definitely am...shit!" he clapped a hand over his mouth. "Um I've um...never told anybody that before, so um..."

I realized that this geek was still firmly in the closet.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't go telling anyone about it," I promised. "And there's nobody around to see us going into my room together...or overhear us if things get loud and heavy...!"

He slowly exhaled, his breath trembling slightly as he did so.

"But you're fit," he blushed harder as he said this, "and I'm...well, I'm not! Why would you want to..."

"Why would I want to fuck your brains out?" I said seductively, raising one eyebrow.

He swallowed nervously, his breathing rate increasing slightly, obviously already getting quite turned on by the way things were going.


"Well, Anthony, everybody has a different type, you should know that. And I'm surrounded by muscle gods in the gym every day, and if I'm being truthful, I'm not that attracted to lots of muscles. The guys that have them tend to be major assholes if you know what I'm saying. No, I find quieter, shyer guys a whole lot hotter." I edged closer to him. "Thin, interesting, intelligent guys who blush easily." I slowly ran my index finger down his cheek to his chin, and felt him shuddering as I did so

I could sense I had him transfixed, caught in my spell, and opened the dorm block door, knowing he would follow me in. I pushed the call button for the elevator and we waited in silence for it. He kept taking little glances at the moving bulge in my shorts where my semi-erect dick was twitching in anticipation of the fun to come.

"How did you know?" He eventually said as we got into the elevator and I pushed the button for the fourth floor.

"How did I know what? That you're gay? Well you sneaking looks at my crotch area kind of helped."

"Shit. Was I really that obvious?"

"Yes!" I laughed. "You might want to work on doing that a bit more discreetly if you want to stay in the closet a little longer!"

We arrived at the fourth floor and I led the way to my dorm room, unlocking it and throwing the door open.

"After you," I said, and drank in the shape of his jeans-encased ass as he walked in front of me into the room.

"How come you live in the dorms anyway?" He asked me as I entered the room and closed the door behind us. "I thought most people lived out after their first year."

"They do usually," I explained, sitting down on the bed and slipping off my tennis shoes and socks. "But it's a condition of my athlete's scholarship that I live in the dorms. It pays for my room you see. And it means I'm close to the rec center. It makes sense really. But that's enough small talk. You wanna take off your tennis shoes and socks before we start?"

"Um sure." Anthony gulped nervously and his hands shook a little as he untied his laces.

"That's better," I said once he was barefoot like me. "Stopping to take off your socks halfway through can be a real boner-killer! And speaking of boners..." I stood in front of him and touched his crotch with my hand. He was rock hard beneath his jeans. I smiled, feeling the outline of his solid pole under the denim material.

I moved my hand up underneath the hooded sweater he had on and the shirt beneath it, finding he had a thin line of hair running up his stomach toward his chest. I stroked my thumb slowly up it. He caught his breath.

I reached my other hand to the side of his shirt and sweater as I stroked my thumb back down, and then moved that hand to the other side, and slowly pulled them up. He slipped his arms out of the sleeves and together we took his sweater and shirt off. His glasses were askew when we'd done, and he readjusted them back onto his nose properly. From experience, I knew that geeks generally came in two types: those that stank of BO and those that smelt absolutely gorgeous, obviously trying their hardest to dispel the myth that all geeks stank of BO. Luckily, Anthony was one of the latter, and the delicious scent of his deodorant or aftershave drifted over to me as he stood topless in front of me.

As I'd guessed, he was thin, and his chest was quite pale as though he hadn't spent any time sunbathing over the summer. His nipples were a very pale pink and looked roughly the size of quarters. The happy trail I'd been stroking was revealed to be brown - a similar color to the hair on his head. I wondered if his pubes were the same color, and suddenly I could barely wait to find out.

He stood motionless, and didn't seem to be making any plans to come help me strip my own clothes off, so I decided to save him the bother, and pulled my white shirt over my head. I could feel his eyes burning into my body, appreciating the work I had put into getting and maintaining the muscle definition I had. Nobody would ever say I was built, but I had a firm, sculpted appearance, washboard abs, well-proportioned pecs that stood out, broad shoulders without being so broad they made my head look ridiculously tiny on the top of them.

I slowly and deliberately ran my hands over my smooth torso, and heard him let out a soft appreciative "wow!" Reaching the waistband of the sand-colored shorts I had on, I slid them down my legs and stepped out of them until I was standing in just my briefs, my bulge clearly visible. Anthony's eyes grew so wide I thought they might pop out of his head, and I couldn't help wondering to myself how much action he'd gotten in his life already, if he was that turned on just by me stripping to my underwear.

I rubbed my bulge a few times, encouraging my dick to harden some more.

"Did you want a feel too Anthony?" I asked him. He didn't say anything for a moment, and then nodded, and reached one hand out. I noticed it was shaking a little bit. I took it with my own hand, and guided it onto the bulge in my briefs. He stroked me gently. Maybe too gently, as if he were afraid of hurting me, and I pressed his hand harder on me.

While he was preoccupied with feeling me up, I busied myself with undoing his belt, snapped open the button on his jeans and unzipped his flies, tugging at his jeans so they fell down to the floor. He stepped backward out of them, his hand leaving contact with me, and I got a chance to feast my eyes on the bulge in his own underwear. He wore gray and black striped boxerbriefs, tight-fitting and leaving you in no doubt that he was seriously turned on at the moment. His dick was pushing outward, creating a pyramid shape in the material, and there was a small wet circle in the center of his boxerbriefs where he had obviously starting leaking a little. Yes, he was definitely into this!

I rubbed my hand over the bulge in my briefs, enjoying how Anthony's eyes followed its every movement. I closed my hand around the base of my shaft, clutching round the circumference of my boner through the material of my briefs, and slid my hand upward, showing Anthony the full outline of my achingly hard dick through my underwear. He let out a little gasp, and I noticed the little wet patch I'd spied in his boxerbriefs a moment ago had increased in size a little.

I looked at Anthony's face, catching his eye, and for a while, probably twenty or thirty seconds, we just stared at each other, neither of us breaking eye contact. The only sound in the room was our breathing, mine deep and controlled, Anthony's deep and nervous-sounding, but both tinged with anticipation, longing and horniness.

My hands slid to the side of my briefs, and I hooked my thumbs under the waistband, and slowly, teasingly, began lowering them. Finally, my briefs were below my balls, and I let them go. I'd tried to gauge Anthony's reaction once my dick was finally fully exposed. He'd frowned a little, but didn't say anything. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the largest, or the thickest, and a couple people in the past have been quite unkind when they've first seen me, but I've never once had any complaints afterward - I definitely know how to use what I've got, despite my less than pornstar dimensions.

My dick was so so hard, and desperate for attention. I lifted my leg to pull my briefs off completely and it bobbed up and down from the movement. I looked over at Anthony, and tensed, showing off my ripped body. I turned slowly round, first to the side so he could get a good view of my dick standing out from my body in profile, and then I turned my back to him, so he could see my ass, before finally completing the turn and coming round to face him again.

Anthony didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth were twitching into a shy smile, so I guessed he approved.

I took a step toward him and then another one, smiling myself now. Then we were standing close. I could feel his breath warm on my face, faintly mint-scented as though he hadn't long ago brushed his teeth. He swallowed nervously, and I placed one hand on his shoulder and ran my other hand down his bare back, trying my best to reassure him and relax his nerves. My hand reached the waistband of his boxerbriefs and I ran my hand over his ass.

Wow - for such a skinny guy, he sure did have a nice plump ass on him! I couldn't stop my hand roaming backward and forward over the boxerbriefs-covered mounds of his asscheeks, gently squeezing every now and again. I imagined how good it would feel plowing my dick between those firm asscheeks and into the tight hole I was sure was hidden between them, and felt my cock getting even harder, if that was possible.

As my hand explored the roundness of Anthony's butt, and my mind busied itself with thoughts and fantasies of what (hopefully) was to come, I felt a warm and gentle hand between my legs, and then fingers running over my ballsack, gently tickling the undersides of my full aching testicles and pulling at my scrotum.

"Mmm, yes," I groaned softly, letting Anthony know what he was doing felt good, and, as if encouraged by the sound, I felt his hand getting braver, and making more definite movements around my balls and then beginning to stroke down the length of my hard shaft.

I took my right hand off of Anthony's shoulder and brought it down to his crotch, closing the palm of it round the center of his boxerbriefs, right where his erection was pushing out against the confines of the material. I immediately felt a wetness on the palm of my hand as I closed my fingers around his hard bulge, and realized I had grasped right at the wet patch of precum he'd dripped in his boxerbriefs.

Anthony inhaled sharply through his nose as I squeezed at his cock. I slipped my other hand down the back of his boxerbriefs, below the waistband, feeling my fingers on his bare ass, my index finger sliding between his asscheeks. He was warm and ever so slightly sweaty. I carried my finger's journey downward, running it round beneath his legs until it met his scrotum. I gently flicked at each of his balls in turn, and he whimpered softly as they were struck.

His hand left my dick and joined my own, stroking his balls through his boxerbriefs, and then together, we slid his underwear down, letting his achingly hard cock spring free of its prison. I looked at it twitching gently in time with his heartbeat. His head was the same pale pink as his nipples, paler than any other head I'd ever seen, and was slicked wet with precum. His dick was about 6 inches long, maybe 6.5, and quite thick. His balls hung low in his scrotum and looked quite large.

"Is it alright?" Anthony asked me, nervously, knowing what I was looking at, but not able to see my face properly to tell if I approved or not.

"Perfect," I reassured him, reaching for the throbbing rod of hardness that I couldn't take my eyes off, and, gripping it in my hand. I stroked him a few times, which caused a low moan of pleasure and longing to escape from his mouth.

"Mmmm, you're uncut," I murmured, rolling his foreskin back and forth over his wet head, before kneeling and sliding my lips over the skin and taking him into my mouth. His foreskin slowly unrolled inside my mouth and I licked over his head with my tongue, tasting the sweetness of his precum and hearing him gasp uncontrollably as I explored every last bit of his tender dickhead with my probing tongue.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh my! Oh yes! Oh fuck!" He whimpered.

I took him further into my mouth and felt a big drop of precum leaking out of him and running down the side of his shaft to meet where my lips closed around him. I pulled up off him, his dick coming out of my mouth to twitch in the open air again, wet with a mixture of his precum and my spit. I looked up at his face as I stood back up, and he was wearing a big smile.

"That felt amazing!" He said.

"Have you never had your dick sucked before?" I asked, a little surprised. Okay, I know not everybody gets as much action as me, but I'd have expected most guys by this age to have gotten head at least a couple times.

"No," he admitted, blushing again slightly. "But now I have, I understand why everyone makes such a big deal about it."

"Yes, being sucked feels so awesome," I said, rubbing my boner. "I could use a little of that myself now." I hoped that he would take the hint. It took a second or two, and then it clicked in his mind that I wanted him to take his turn and blow me off for a while. He gripped the base of my shaft in his hand, and knelt down in front of me as I had done to him. Then, slowly, hesitantly, he stuck his tongue out and licked my dickhead.

"Mmmm," I moaned, to try and encourage him. He licked again, and then opening his mouth, slid his lips around my head. It felt as good as it always does, and it was a struggle for me to stop myself holding his head in place and pushing myself further into him. I managed to restrain myself, and enjoyed the warmth of his mouth and the feeling of his tongue sweeping over my head. Actually, as blowjobs go, it wasn't bad so far!

I felt my dick sliding out from between his lips, and resigned myself to the fact that he had had enough and wanted a turn being sucked by me again, but then I felt his lips sinking back round my head again until I was fully engulfed in his mouth once more. Then sliding out of his mouth again, and then sliding in again. Mmm fuck, it felt so good. I moaned loudly as he continued to bob up and down on the head of my cock. I realized that each time he took me back into his mouth, he was taking me a little deeper in each time, his lips getting lower and lower down my hard shaft with each movement. I closed my eyes and let the feelings of pleasure wash over me, breathing deeply and moaning with satisfaction every once in a while.

Finally, I felt his lips right at the base of my shaft and realized he'd managed to take all of me.

"Fuck Anthony, that feels so good!" I gasped, as he deep-throated me. Since he'd already admitted it had been his first time getting head, I assumed it was also his first time giving it. And if that was true, he had a natural skill for it. Plenty of the experienced guys I'd been with could learn a thing or two off of him.

I let him deep-throat me for a little longer, before gently pulling myself out of his mouth, my dick wet with his saliva, and feeling suddenly cold in the open air after being enveloped in his warm mouth for so long. He got to his feet, and I ran both my hands slowly down his slim body, from his shoulders over his erect nipples, down his stomach and through his happy trail, bypassing his erect cock and traveling round the sides of his body to grip ahold of his firm plump asscheeks. I ran my thumbs firmly over the smooth flesh of his cheeks, and then pushed one index finger between them, stroking gently up and down the cleft between his asscheeks.

"Did you like sucking my dick Anthony?" I asked him softly.

"Yes, I...Ooooh!" he gasped, as the tip of my index finger stroked directly over his rosebud hole. I continued rubbing my fingertip back and forth over his rosebud, enjoying the whimpering noises he made. It twitched under my touch, and I noticed a big drop of precum forming at the slit of Anthony's dick. Obviously this geek liked having his ass played with.

"Are you a virgin Anthony?" I asked as I maintained the teasing of my finger against his entrance.

"Yes," he said in a quiet voice, sounding a little ashamed.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," I reassured him. "Would you like to not be a virgin after today though?"

He gulped and nodded. I pressed my finger a little harder against his entrance, feeling how tight it was, and imagining how good it was going to feel sliding my dick inside. I felt his hand encircling my shaft and stroking me, and then both his hands running over my six pack and pecs. I moaned appreciatively as his fingers stroked over my nipples on their journey around my toned torso. I gently took his hand off of my smooth chest and led him by the hand to my bed, both of our erections bouncing up and down as we walked the three or four steps it took to reach it.

He sat on the edge of my bed, and then swivelled round and lay down on his back with his head on my pillow. I noticed he was trembling slightly as I reached into the drawer of my bedside table for a rubber and my lube.

"I know my dick isn't as big as the ones you've probably seen in porn movies," I said, "but it's a perfect size to break-in virgins. Trust me."

I lubed up my fingers and sat down on the bed next to his legs, bending his knees gently up and reaching to stroke and tease at his tight asshole again.

"Please don't hurt me," he suddenly said, sounding completely terrified. I looked at his eyes, staring at me nervously from behind his glasses. He looked so vulnerable, but so cute.

I wanted him so badly at that moment.

"Don't worry Anthony. I won't hurt you, I promise. It might be a bit uncomfortable to begin with, but it's going to feel awesome, trust me. Just relax and enjoy your first time."

I took my time fingering round Anthony's hole, sliding one lubed-up finger gently in, and then once he'd adjusted to that invasion, stretching him a little further by slowly adding a second finger. I was careful to keep him as relaxed as possible, and although all I wanted to do was push my throbbing boner into his tight hole and fuck him as though my life depended on it, I managed to display great self-control and concentrated on taking things slow and gradual, loosening up and lubing-up Anthony's virgin ass, at the same time just managing to keep my dick hard by imagining how good Anthony's ass was going to feel.

Finally, I could stand it no longer, and withdrew my fingers (three by this time) from Anthony and rolled a rubber skilfully down the length of my shaft in one smooth maneuver, then applied a large amount of lube to myself and to Anthony's entrance. Anthony was breathing quickly, and was shaking a little, so before I slid in, I gave his dick a few strokes with my hand, still slick with lube, and he moaned softly, enjoying my touch.

I knelt on the bed and moved my dick with my hand until the condom-covered head was right at Anthony's hole. I left it there for about thirty seconds, just resting against his entrance, partly to allow him to prepare himself, and partly to tease myself. I licked my lips, my longing growing almost uncontrollable now from the wait.

"Ready?" I asked him, looking at him straight in the eye.

He nodded back at me, and with his permission, I pressed my dick against his hole and felt my head pop inside as he yielded to me. He let out a little yelp, which could have been of pain, and I paused to let him adjust to me. I ran my fingers over his balls as I waited.

"Just relax Anthony, maybe push out a bit like you're taking a dump, this is the bit that hurts a little, but once you're used to me being there, and I can start fucking you, that's gonna feel awesome."

He looked up at me and exhaled a couple times.

"Okay. Push in a little more now, I think I'm ready," he said quietly, and I did, until I felt him tense up a little and knew I had to stop again for a bit. We continued like that with me gently sliding myself further and further inside, just a little at a time, allowing Anthony to get used to the new feeling of me being there. It was so difficult for me to exert the self-control needed - I badly wanted to begin drawing myself out and then thrusting back in again, fucking the brains out of the virgin that lay beneath me. I couldn't cope with the anticipation and the waiting much longer. I fondled Anthony's balls again, and then slowly stroked up and down his shaft and over his precum-leaking head. As I did, I felt his hole contracting round me a little, squeezing the whole length of my dick tightly, and couldn't help but let out a little moan of longing.

I tentatively began a slow rhythm, feeling my dick moving slowly forward and backward inside the tight warm passageway. Anthony moaned softly. I took it to be one of pleasure rather than pain.

"You like this?" I asked him after a couple more gentle movements in and out.

"Yes, I...Oh FUCK!" He let out as I pushed in again. I guessed I had just grazed over his prostate. He stopped trying to speak, and just groaned loudly, a noise that sent a shiver running right down my spine, turning me on so much that I could cause another human being to make that noise. I increased my pace a little, and began to push in a little deeper on the in-strokes. I was forced to moan myself at how good it felt having Anthony's tight passageway squeezing around my dick, and then Anthony moaned too, even louder than before, really turning me on.

Soon, we were both moaning with every thrust I made, and by this time, I really was thrusting, fucking the skinny little geek's virgin ass fast and deep, causing the groans of pleasure to fly uncontrollably from his lips. Beads of sweat had formed on his forehead, and I leant forward and licked them off with my tongue as I continued to fuck him. I felt something tickling me around my sides and the base of my back, and realized with a thrill he had bent his knees and wrapped his hairy legs around me. I loved feeling the hair of another guy against my smooth clean-shaven swimmer's body, so different to my own hairless frame.

I started pounding his ass harder and harder, and he dug his heels into the top of my own ass, trying to use his feet to encourage me deeper into him.

"Oh fuck, this feels good!" I exclaimed, relishing the sensations coursing along every last sensitive bit of my dick, and running up through my entire body. Anthony moaned pleasurably beneath me, and I grabbed his hard uncut dick and started jerking it for him, squeezing it tightly in my fist as I continued to fuck his ass. His moans began to rise in volume and frequency.

"Oh Fuck! Oh Yes! Oh Fuck Yes!" he cried. "Oh! Oh! OH! OOHH! OOOOHHHH!"

I could tell he was getting close, and the sounds he was making were starting to get the cum boiling in my own achingly full balls.


Suddenly an enormous spurt of cum shot out of the end of his dick. It landed right up on the pillow next to his head and was followed straight away by another shot that flew out and landed right at the top of his chest, then the cum was gushing out of him and he moaned with ecstasy. As he came, his hole tightened around my moving dick like a vice, and the added tightness along with the noises he was making and the strong scent of his fresh jizz tipped me over the edge, and with a last deep thrust, I let out some animalistic noises of my own as I filled the condom with my load.

We both lay still as our breathing returned to normal. I gently pulled out of his ass, and took the rubber off, tying a knot in the end before dropping it into the trashcan. Anthony sighed deeply and satisfying.

"That was amazing ! I actually can't believe we just did that."

"Believe it!" I told him. "Look, there's the evidence on your chest to prove it! Oh, and by the way, congratulations on losing your virginity!"

"Thanks! Oh wow! You're right! I'm not a virgin any more!" He sounded elated. "I'm not a virgin any more! I'm not a virgin any more!" He was bouncing up and down on my bed in time with the little chant he was singing, his spent dick slapping up and down, hitting him in the stomach where his cum still oozed wetly.

I threw him over the toilet roll I keep in my bedside drawer for masturbation clean-up duties, and he wiped the cum off of himself. He grinned happily. It was as if he wouldn't be able to stop smiling even if he tried.

"Thank you Cody," he said, sincerely. "I was honestly beginning to think I'd be a virgin forever."

"No sweat dude," I told him. "It was fun. You were a helluva good fuck you know. And you give a good blowjob too. Trust me, I've had a lot to compare it to!"

He swung his legs over the side of my bed and stood up, walking over to where his clothes lay in an untidy pile on the floor.

"Thanks Cody. I'll take that as a serious compliment."

"You should do."

"Is there um any chance we could maybe do this again sometime?" he asked pulling on his underwear, blushing ever so slightly as he spoke.

"Um, see Anthony, I'm not really a do things again' kind of guy. I'm more of a one time only' person. That's nothing personal, it's just how I am."

He looked a little disappointed, but he'll get over it I'm sure.

"By the way," I added, "A lot of the swim team would be shocked if they knew I sometimes got with dudes, and it could get a little awkward for me, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody about this."

"Sure," he said, "if I can trust you to do the same. Nobody really knows that I'm..." (he took a deep breath) ", and I'm not ready for people to find out yet." He finished pulling on his clothes and began tying the laces on his tennis shoes. "And I definitely don't want my roommate finding out," he finished.

"No sweat," I said. "Your secret's safe with me. See you in math class some time then."

"Yes, see ya," he replied, and he walked out of my room, smiling cutely back over his shoulder at me as I closed the door behind him.

Next: Chapter 25: Geeks Get Hot 11 Anthony

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