Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Oct 30, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. To read chapters from the point of view of other characters, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 10) - Anthony

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt fully refreshed after a really good sleep. I groped blindly for my glasses on the top of my bedside table, and put them on, and then checked the time on my mobile. It was about 11 o'clock. An hour earlier than I'd got up the day before. Brad would have been outraged at the lateness!

If he were here.

I glanced across the dorm room at his empty bed. The last two days had been strange without him being here. I hadn't expected to get so used to having a roommate so quickly, but now he wasn't here, the room seemed overly quiet and, actually, quite lonely. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to have some time to myself, but the room just didn't feel right without him being in it in the evenings and at night. I had taken a long time to fall asleep the first night he'd been away, without the reassuring, comforting sound of his breathing drifting across to me as he slept in his bed just the other side of the room.

Like every other student on the whole university campus it seemed, he had gone home for Thanksgiving. He had offered to ask his parents if he could invite me back with him, but I had declined, after all, as I told him, it's not a day that has any meaning for me, not being a day we have in the UK, so I didn't feel as if I were missing out on anything by not having a celebration to attend.

The university campus had seemed like a ghost town for the past two days. I had seen a couple of international students walking outside, but other than that, not a soul. Certainly, I was the only student left on our floor of the dorm block. It was kind of lonely, but at the same time, made a refreshing change to the usual hustle and bustle of the floor.

I pushed my duvet back and got out of bed. I wasn't entirely sure if the cafeteria would be serving today or not, so had planned in advance and bought in a whole load of chocolate bars, packets of crisps, fruit, and other snacks to last me right through from Thanksgiving on the Thursday till the Sunday night. Not very healthy, but living on junk food is part of being a student isn't it?!

The room was quite chilly, so after choosing three chocolate bars for my meal, I got back under the covers and read one of Brad's gaming magazines that he'd leant me as I ate. I was careful not to get any flakes of chocolate on the pages, as Brad struck me as the sort of person who was quite protective of his things, and I didn't want to ruin something of his with chocolate stains, even if it was only a magazine.

After eating, I got my washbag and towel and made my way along the corridor to the shared bathroom. It was so nice to have it completely to myself for a change. It tended to get quite busy in the mornings with practically everybody on the corridor arriving at the same time to get washed before the first lecture of the day.

I had a shave, thinking to myself how nice it was not to have to queue for a sink first, and then went through to the toilet area for a shit. It made a pleasant change not to have someone grunting or straining in an adjacent stall, or have any of the accompanying toxic smells assaulting my nose as I did my business.

Once I'd done and flushed, it was time for a shower. I got the water nice and hot, and took my time under the stream of water. It felt so nice not to have the pressure to be finished as quickly as possible so somebody else could take my place in the shower cubicle for their own morning wash. Knowing I was the only guy on the corridor too meant I could sing or whistle whatever I wanted, and I made my way through my entire repertoire of Take That and Girls Aloud hits as I lathered up and rinsed off my body under the hot water.

My cock began to harden from habit, and I was severely tempted to wank off there in the steam, but that wasn't what I had in mind for myself that day. With Brad gone and the room to myself, I had been making the most of my opportunity to do what I wanted when it came to pleasuring myself, and planned to continue to do so today. There were three as yet unused dildos in the depths of my wardrobe, and today was the day I had earmarked to have a try with the smallest of those for the first time.

In the shower, my dick twitched at the thought. Mmm, I couldn't wait to try something a bit thicker than my own index finger. I'd done that a good few times, but had not had the opportunity to break out the "big boys" yet, always being too conscious that sometimes classes get cancelled and Brad could arrive back unexpectedly. And having him walk in on me ramming 8 inches of Ann Summers' finest up my arse is not a position I want to find myself in! (Not in reality anyway!)

Things had got a lot more relaxed between us in terms of self-love, since that day we'd agreed we could do it as and when we felt like it without worrying what the other was thinking of us. In fact most nights now, one or other of us could be heard squirming and sighing softly with private pleasure under our bedclothes after we'd switched the lights out for the night. It was just part of life, and a big relief not to have to keep the fact that we wank and enjoy it hidden from each other any longer. Sometimes, we would both be at it at the same time, and this was still a major turn-on for me, but apart from that one time, we hadn't made a habit of sitting down next to each other, firing up some porn on one or other of our computers and rubbing one out alongside each other. More's the pity!

Yesterday, I had taken advantage of Brad's absence by having the longest wank I'd had since arriving in the States, possibly even the longest wank I've had ever, getting myself rock hard and dripping wet and then slowly, ever so slowly, gently edging and keeping myself right on the cusp of cumming for longer than I'd ever imagined myself capable of. I'd had a pretty intense orgasm at the end of that, I can tell you, and I was hoping that today's with the added anal stimulation was going to be just as fine!

I shut off the shower as the last of the soapsuds were rinsed out of my hair and I came to the end of the chorus of "Love Machine". I continued to sing as I towelled my dark brown hair dry, and then began to dry the dripping water from off my body. My balls were hanging even lower than usual from the heat and the steam in the room I noticed.

Finally, I was completely dry, and finished off by spraying a good blast of deodorant under each arm and then across my chest for good measure. I normally wrapped my towel around my waist when I hurried back to my room, but knowing that the floor was deserted apart from me, I didn't bother today, and sauntered back to my room stark-bollock naked, the cool air in the corridor contrasting sharply with the steamy hot air from the bathroom, and making goose pimples stand out on my arms, my dick shrink and my scrotum contract, pulling my balls close in to my body.

Once back in the dormroom, I booted up my laptop and moved it to a position where I'd be able to see the screen from lying down on my bed. Then I quickly navigated to a hardcore porn site and selected some good-sounding videos to play. My excitement rising (actually, something else was rising too!) I opened my wardrobe and rummaged about at the very back of it, finding at last the plastic bag with the three dildos I'd secretly bought off the internet as a treat for myself for acing my first year uni exams. I'd been longing for a chance to try them out on myself ever since they'd arrived, but this was the first real risk-free opportunity I'd had, so far.

Mmmm, I'm so looking forward to this... Right, do I have everything? Dildo? Check! Porn? Check! Hardon? Check! Lube? ...Shit!

Shit! Shit! And Shit again! Despite my careful planning, it suddenly dawned on me that I didn't have any lube, and I wasn't about to try inserting a dildo into my virgin hole without any!

What was I going to do now?!

I knew Brad had lube in his bedside table drawer, as he used it for wanking, but I wasn't keen on helping myself to some from his supply. I didn't think he'd mind, in fact, had he been here, he would almost certainly have offered me some straightaway (he was generous like that!), but with him not being here...

I knew Brad valued his privacy, and I wanted to respect that. He probably wouldn't miss a pump or two of lube from his bottle, but he might notice I had been through his drawer to get it, and that might annoy him, or worse, upset him.

I decided that it was about time I invested in some lube of my own. If I ever pulled, (Hah! As if!) then I would definitely need some then. It wouldn't be difficult to wander down to a chemist or supermarket and pick some up. Okay, it might be a bit embarrassing at the checkout, especially if there was a girl serving me, but I would just have to man-up! The porn and dildo could wait, after all, I had all day to get down to it!

I hurriedly pulled on a pair of boxerbriefs, jeans and a fresh tshirt, and then put on my university hoody from back home and my trainers, grabbed my wallet, checking I had some money in it, and, leaving the dildos lying on my bed and my laptop cued up to play the first porn film, I left the room locking the door behind me.

On the way down in the lift, a whole load of different embarrassing scenarios that might arise in the chemist were running through my mind. I really hoped I would have the guts to go through with buying the lube when I got there. I was still concentrating on my thoughts as I left Jefferson Dorms and started walking along the footpath towards the exit of the university campus. I was just passing Kennedy Dorms, when the entrance door opened and somebody hurried out and crashed straight into me, almost knocking me over.

"Careful!" I said, a little angrily, and then I saw who it was, and my anger vanished, my face reddened and my legs turned to jelly a little. It was Cody, one of the best swimmers on the University Swimming Team whose table I always made sure was in my eyeline in the cafeteria, and who was taking the same Intermediate Calculus module as me. He tended to sit two rows in front of me and Barbara-Ann and I often took time out from making notes and listening to Professor Babworth to gaze longingly at his toned triceps and tanned neck. He had never spoken to me before, and had smiled at me exactly three times. (Not that I was keeping count or anything!)

"Oh hey Anthony," he said. "Sorry for running into you."

Wait...He knows my name?! Oh my God! He knows my name!!! Somebody as hot as him actually knows my name!!! Wow!

I was suddenly conscious of the tuft of hair that always sticks up untidily at the back of my head and made some attempts to flatten it down. It dawned on me that this might be my chance to actually strike up a conversation with him, a person I had looked at and fantasised about all semester.

"It's alright. Probably my fault anyway, I was daydreaming there." I said, trying not to gabble and attempting to make my voice sound as normal and masculine as possible, despite a growing threat of giggling excitedly like a girl at getting the chance to speak to such a hottie.

"It's Cody, right? You're in my Intermediate Calculus class aren't you?" I asked him casually as if I hadn't spent every single Intermediate Calculus lecture daydreaming about running my hands or tongue over his toned upper arms.

"Yeah, that's right," he confirmed.

"So how come you haven't gone home like everybody else seems to have done?" I asked him. "The whole university is deserted, I was beginning to think I was the only person here!"

"Oh I decided to stay so I could keep up my swimming training," he explained. "And I'm a little behind in the Biomechanics class I'm taking, so I wanted to do some extra studying I knew I wouldn't get done if I went home like everybody else."

"Oh I see." I said.

"And it's been nice to have my dormroom to myself since my roommate's gone home. It's meant I can watch my porn without worrying about him interrupting me!" he continued.

I could feel myself going red and mumbled awkwardly. He grinned at me. I looked down at the floor. Well, I meant to look down at the floor, but my eye was caught at his crotch level as he rearranged himself. I quickly looked back up in case he noticed me looking, and luckily he hadn't seemed to.

I racked my brains for something else to say to try and disperse the slight awkwardness that was left hanging in the air after his last sentence.

"So where were you going to in such a hurry?" I finally came up with. Not exactly original.

"Oh just taking a break from the studying and working out," he said. I took the opportunity while he was busy concentrating on answering me to check out his crotch area again. I don't know if it was just wishful thinking, or my imagination, but I could have sworn I saw movement in the beige shorts he was wearing.

I felt my own cock twitching involuntarily, as if in reply, and a bit embarrassed at starting to get a semi in Cody's presence, I pushed my glasses up my nose and cleared my throat, drawing attention to my face. He looked at me not saying anything and I smiled at him, feeling my dick continuing to quiver slightly in my boxerbriefs as we made eye contact.

"So, say no if you want," he said continuing to hold my gaze, "but did you want to come up to my room for some fun?"

"What like to play video games or something?" I asked him trying to keep out of my voice how surprised and delighted I was at being asked along to chill out with him. Actually, I thought it sounded like a great idea to head up to his room and play some X-Box. If nothing else, I'd get a chance to gaze at his toned arms at closer range.

"No, that wasn't quite the sort of fun I had in mind," he answered, raising one eyebrow and rubbing his crotch suggestively. I swear I could see the outline of his cock through his shorts, and it seemed to be growing larger as his hand played over where it lay.

Wait a minute, was he coming on to me?! Was he actually asking me up to his room to...?!!!

I felt my eyes opening so wide with shock they almost fell out of my head.

But he's fit! He fit as FUCK! And I'm...I'm just a skinny geek in glasses. What would he see in me? Is this just another prank like the ones I had to endure at school?

I found myself stuttering, trying to articulate the fact that he was so much hotter than I was and how inexperienced I was, but the words wouldn't come out properly. Nobody likes admitting they are unattractive.

" I'm not..."

"Oh it's okay if you don't want to," he said sounding a little disappointed. "I just thought maybe you were as horny as I am. And since my roommate is gone, and the whole floor is empty..." He paused and my mind processed the fact that with his whole floor as deserted as mine, there would be nobody around to walk in on us, overhear us doing anything, or even witness me going into or coming out of his room.

"But I guess I was wrong about you being interested" he was saying now, sighing deeply as if with disappointment.

"No, no, I am, I am, I definitely am!" I blurted out, unable to stop myself. Then, realising what I had just said, I clapped a hand over my mouth as if wishing the words hadn't escaped. What if somebody had overheard me? I glanced around, but the campus was as deserted as it had been all day.

"Um I've um...never told anybody that before," I told Cody, a little ashamedly, my face reddening as I admitted it.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't go telling anyone about it," he reassured me. "Hell, I don't exactly want it broadcast across college myself what with being in the swim team and all. Look," he continued, "there's nobody around to see us going into my room together...or overhear us if things get loud and heavy...!" he raised an eyebrow at me again and my cock tingled with excitement at what might actually be about to happen. I exhaled slowly, trying to keep my breathing under control, but felt my heartbeat racing and the blood pumping into my hardening dick, my body in sensory overload, and that's before we had even started anything!

But at the same time, I wanted to be honest with him and warn him my body was nothing compared to his.

"But you're fit," I said, blushing some more, "and I'm...well, I'm not! Why would you want to..."

"Why would I want to fuck your brains out?"

His words caused my heart to skip a beat and my already hard dick to turn into what felt like a solid metal pole in my boxerbriefs. I swallowed as I replied "Yes."

"Well, Anthony," he explained, "everybody has a different type, you should know that. And I'm surrounded by muscle gods in the gym every day, and if I'm being truthful, I'm not that attracted to lots of muscles. The guys that have them tend to be major assholes if you know what I'm saying. No, I find quieter, shyer guys a whole lot hotter. Thin, interesting, intelligent guys who blush easily are so hot."

I suddenly realised he was now standing right close up to me, and he slowly ran a finger over my clean-shaven face as he spoke his last sentence. He gazed directly into my eyes holding my chin up with one finger so I couldn't look away. Naturally, I felt my cheeks burning up. I tried to speak, but no sound came out. I just couldn't believe this was happening to me.

Although I hadn't technically agreed aloud, Cody turned and walked back into Kennedy Dorms, holding the entrance door open for me to follow him. My legs shaking, I did, and we stood in silence waiting for the lift to arrive.

We got in the lift and our reflections stared back at us in the mirror on the opposite wall, me, dark brown haired with glasses and a thin frame, him, a similar height to me with short blonde hair and pale blue eyes, and his toned arms and calves on show thanks to the white tshirt and beige shorts he was wearing. I looked at the centre of his shorts where they tented out slightly, hardly able to believe I was the cause of his arousal and he was turned on at the thought of having sexual contact with me.

Come to think of it, how did he know I might be up for it? He wasn't openly gay as far as I knew, so he had taken a bit of a risk in asking me when he didn't know for sure I was into guys. I decided to ask him.

"How did you know?"

"How did I know what? That you're gay?" he replied, "Well you sneaking looks at my crotch area kind of helped."

I felt myself reddening again. I had thought I had been taking tiny glances that he wouldn't notice.

"Shit. Was I really that obvious?"

"Yes!" he laughed. "You might want to work on doing that a bit more discreetly if you want to stay in the closet a little longer!"

Fuck! I hope nobody else has noticed me eyeing them up and drawn their own conclusions about me. Shit! What if Brad has noticed me looking when he's been dressing?! The thoughts started running through my head and I did my best to banish them to the very back of my mind. Brad would have said something if he'd felt uncomfortable, I knew he would. And if anyone else had noticed, well, I would deal with explaining to them as and when and if they ever confronted me about it. I had some sex to enjoy now! No spare brain power to waste dwelling on things!

We had arrived at the fourth floor and Cody led the way to room 409.

"After you", he said, unlocking and holding the door open for me. I walked into his room. The layout was much the same as Brad's and mine, but every bit of wallspace was covered by posters of some description. I glanced up at the ceiling and there were posters of bands there, and directly above the pillow of one of the beds, a Playboy centrefold. I could easily imagine what that might be used for...!

An open sportsbag with a towel poking out of it lay in the centre of the floor and Cody kicked this under his desk as he crossed to his bed and, sitting down on the edge of it, began taking off his trainers and socks. Having never been in this situation before, I wasn't sure of the etiquette involved, and remained standing in the centre of the room.

"How come you live in the dorms anyway?" I asked him, not liking the silence in the room. "I thought most people lived out after their first year."

"They do usually," he replied. "But it's a condition of my athlete's scholarship that I live in the dorms. It pays for my room you see. And it means I'm close to the rec centre. It makes sense really. But that's enough small talk. You wanna take off your tennis shoes and socks before we start?"

I gulped. It looked like we really were going to do something then. He had been serious when he'd said he wanted to. I leant down and started undoing the laces of my trainers. I could feel my hands shaking, and my boner pushing firmly out against the confines of my jeans. It was uncomfortable half-kneeling to reach my laces and I was glad to straighten up after pulling off my trainers and socks. I readjusted myself to a better position and Cody noticed and grinned at me.

"That's better," he said. "Stopping to take off your socks halfway through can be a real boner-killer! And speaking of boners..."

He stood close in front of me and reached his hand towards my jeans. I felt the palm of his hand touch against where my hardon was positioned and my cock involuntarily moved at the feel of him.

He looked into my eyes and grinned again, and I felt his hand moving upwards, feeling the whole outline of my boner through my jeans, before continuing its journey up underneath my hoody and tshirt onto my bare stomach. I felt his thumb stroking up and down my treasure trail and felt a wetness in my boxerbriefs as I began to drip a little precum with excitement at being touched in such a sensuous way. I took a sharp intake of breath as I felt his other hand also on my bare stomach, and then he was lifting the bottom of my hoody and tshirt up, beginning to undress me.

I slipped my arms out of my sleeves and together we took my tops off until I stood barechested in front of him. I could feel myself quivering slightly with nerves. My glasses had been knocked askew as my tshirt had been pulled over my head, and I straightened them up on my nose.

I looked over at Cody, wondering what I was supposed to do next. Was he expecting me to cross over and take his tshirt off? I stood rooted to the spot, unsure of how to proceed.

As if sensing my hesitation, Cody dropped his arms to the base of his own tshirt and in a swift fluid motion pulled it up off over his head and dropped it on the floor to the side of him. I couldn't take my eyes off the taut torso he had revealed. His nipples were small erect nubs in the centre of perfect lightly tanned pecs. Below he sported a toned stomach with his abs clearly visible, and of course he had good definition in his arms. I could feel my mouth watering, and that wasn't the only part of my body getting wetter.

As I watched, he slowly ran his hands over himself, and I murmured appreciatively. There wasn't a hair on his body that I could see. Obviously he shaved himself smooth to make himself more streamlined for when he was in the water. His hands were at the waistband of his shorts now and he slowly slid them down his hairless legs exposing a pair of bulging navy blue briefs.

I drank in the sight of his bulge, hardly daring to believe that Cody was showing it to me of his own choosing. He placed his hand on his bulge and rubbed it back and forth, the waistband of his briefs being pulled away from his body each time he did, and I thought how if I were stood a little closer I would be able to look down and see what was hidden beneath.

"Do you want a feel too Anthony?" His voice broke into my thoughts. Once again, I couldn't believe he was asking me. I was struck dumb, only able to nod a reply, reaching out a hand trembling with desire and nerves towards his bulging briefs. He took my shaking hand in his and pressed me onto his bulge. I felt the hardness of his shaft beneath my fingers, and, exploring further down, the roundness of his balls. I felt more precum dripping out of me at the thought that I was actually feeling somebody else up.

I suddenly felt hands at my own waist and then my belt was being undone. I gasped faintly as Cody undid the button of my jeans, unzipped my flies and tugged at my jeans making them fall to the ground leaving me standing in front of him in just my black and grey striped boxerbriefs. He glanced down and nodded appreciatively, then went back to rubbing his hand on his bulging briefs. His hand wrapped around his shaft through the material and he slid it upwards until the full outline of the cylinder shape of his cock was clearly visible, the navy blue material tight around it.

I let out a little gasp, could hardly contain my excitement and longed for him to lose his briefs completely. I felt my dick leaking even more, adding to the wet patch in my stripy boxerbriefs.

We made eye contact, both knowing that the other was immensely turned on and desperately wishing to see the other one naked. The only sound in the room seemed to be our heavy breathing and my heartbeat, which seemed a hundred times louder than usual.

Finally, Cody's hand moved from the centre of his briefs to the waistband. He hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs, one thumb each side, and slowly started lowering them. Finally his cock and balls were fully exposed, and, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. His dick was definitely smaller than my own, and far smaller than Brad's was. It was cut with a definite curve to it, maybe 5 inches in length. But it was there live in front of me, and that's all that mattered!

Cody slowly turned on the spot for me, and I drank in his body from every angle, from his firm chest and stomach to his taut back and smooth toned arse. I could feel my mouth turning upwards into a smile of approval. There was no denying, with his swimmer's build and fully shaven body, Cody was 100% my type.

He took a step towards me and then another. We were standing close now. I could feel his breath on my face and then his hand was on my shoulder. I swallowed nervously, unsure of exactly what was going to happen next.

Keeping his left hand on my right shoulder, he ran his other hand down the centre of my back, running his fingertips down my spine and making me shiver slightly at the sensation. His hand reached the bottom of my back and the top of my boxerbriefs and paused for a moment, and then I felt him feeling up my arse, his fingers kneading my round arsecheeks through my underwear. One knuckle found the cleft between my cheeks and slid between them, forcing the material into my crack with it and stretching the front of my boxerbriefs tighter around my achingly hard erection.

I exhaled deeply, hearing my breath trembling with excitement. I loved the feeling of having Cody's hand playing over my arse, it was turning me on so much.

It suddenly dawned on me that maybe Cody would like to be felt up too. And I certainly wouldn't mind copping a feel of him.

Hesitantly, slightly afraid that he might not want me to touch him, I reached a shaking hand down to between his legs, not quite able to see what I was doing as we were standing so close, but sure of the vague direction I was heading in. The tips of my fingers touched something warm that swung away from them. I realised it was his scrotum. I grasped it gently between my fingers and thumb, and tickled the base of his balls with the tips of my fingers.

"Mmm yes," he murmured softly, giving me hope that he was enjoying what I was doing to him. Growing a little braver, I felt my way over his balls to the base of his shaft and gripped around it with my hand until I was holding him in a loose fist. He groaned as I moved my hand up and down the length of his shaft a few times and his hand left its resting place on my shoulder.

I suddenly felt his palm and fingers closing round my rock hard cock through my boxerbriefs and I inhaled sharply through my nose as I wasn't expecting it. At the same time, the hand that had been stroking over my underwear-covered arse slipped beneath the waistband of my boxerbriefs and began stroking my arse without the material barrier.

Having Cody's bare hand inside the back of my boxerbriefs turned me on even more, and his fingers explored the flesh of my arse, expertly squeezing just at the places and times I wanted them too. And then one of his fingers slipped between my arsecheeks and the tip of it tickled right on my virgin arsehole.

I let out a gasp of longing, wanting that finger to continue inside me, but it left my opening and travelled down the cleft of my arse until it met the point where my scrotum began. As he tickled my scrotum, I also felt a finger gently flicking at one of my balls, and then at the other one, then at the first one again, all of this combining to make me moan softly and feel a tingling wash over my entire body.

My cock was achingly hard, dripping wet, and I couldn't stand to have it trapped in my underwear any longer. I took my hand off Cody's erection and began tugging down my boxerbriefs. As Cody realised what I was doing, he joined in to help me, and soon my black and grey underwear were discarded on the floor and my dick was out in the open, desperate to be touched.

Cody paused and surveyed my cock. I looked down too, trying to imagine what it would be like seeing it for the first time. I suddenly worried that there was something wrong with it, that it was too small, not thick enough, a weird shape...

"Is it alright?" I asked him nervously, my heart in my mouth.

"Perfect," he replied softly, making me let out a sigh of relief that turned into a sharp exclamation of pleasure and surprise as he took hold of my in his fist and began to wank me off.

"Mmm, you're uncut!" he said, his hand pulling my foreskin right over my tender head as he did so.

"Oooh fuck!" I moaned as he stroked me with long firm strokes, and then just as I was beginning to think the feeling of having him wanking me couldn't get any better, he knelt down in front of me and pulled my foreskin forwards over my head with his hand. He quickly took me into his mouth before it had a chance to unroll, and then, holding me loosely with his lips, his tongue helped my foreskin to unfurl until my head was fully exposed inside his warm mouth.

His wet tongue darted over my sensitive cockhead and I was amazed at how good it felt. Every movement that his tongue made sent a new set of shivers running through my whole body and caused little whimpers to leap uncontrollably from my lips.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh my! Oh yes! Oh fuck!" I found myself crying.

He moved a little further down my shaft with his lips until he had another inch of me inside his mouth, and then, with a wet slurping sound, he pulled off me, leaving my quivering dick slick with a mixture of precum and spit.

"That felt amazing!" I told him, a large part of me wishing he hadn't stopped, but the rest of me glad that he had, as something told me if he'd carried on I wouldn't have been able to last much longer, and I wanted this experience to last as long as it possibly could!

"Have you never gotten your dick sucked before?" he asked, sounding astonished as if it were compulsory that every male should have been given a blowjob by their 20th birthday. I shook my head feeling a little ashamed at my complete lack of experience.

"No. But now I have, I understand why everyone makes such a big deal about it! It feels..." words failed me as I struggled for an adjective to describe how incredible it had felt being inside his mouth and having his tongue licking over my sensitive dickhead.

"Yes, being sucked feels so awesome," he said. "I could use a little of that myself now." He continued, rubbing his balls and the base of his hardon.

Was that an invitation for me to suck him off? Fuck it, I don't care if it was or not, I want to know what giving a blowjob feels like now I've experienced being given one.

I grasped the base of his shaft and knelt down on the carpeted floor in front of him as he had done to me. Now that I had his straining erection inches away from my lips, I was suddenly more than a little bit nervous. What if I did it wrong?

I told myself to man up. I got the impression that Cody was the sort of person who would tell you straight away if you were doing something he didn't like.

I surveyed his shiny head with no foreskin to roll over it. Tentatively, I stuck my tongue out and licked the top of it, curious as to how it would taste. He let out a moan as my tongue touched him. My own dick quivered and dripped another drop of precum, partly from the sound, partly from remembering how good it felt having someone's tongue licking over your head. He tasted fresh and ever so faintly of chlorine as if he hadn't long been swimming. It wasn't unpleasant at all, and encouraged by the murmured groans of enjoyment Cody was making, I opened my mouth and slid my lips fully around his head and partway down his shaft.

I tried to recreate what motions I had felt him do to me with his tongue, licking it all around his head as he remained in my mouth.

"Mmmmm" he sighed.

Images came to my mind of all the pornos I'd watched of somebody getting a blowjob and I began to try to imitate some of what I had seen, holding the base of his cock firmly in my hand and sliding off him until his head was almost completely exposed, before sliding back down and taking him back into my mouth.

I had fantasised about giving somebody a blowjob like this so many times since I had properly realised I was gay, and now it was finally happening!

I bobbed up and down on his cock, enjoying hearing him moan how great it felt. Then I began to take a little more of his shaft, and then a little more. I was curious as to how low down his shaft I could manage. His head felt like it was at the very back of my throat now, and then I felt the beginnings of his scrotum at my bottom lip and a very slight prickliness under my top lip, and realised I was right at the base of his shaft with his entire length inside my mouth.

"Fuck Anthony!" He exclaimed, sounding impressed. I was impressed with myself too! Deep-throating on my first time giving head! Who'd have thought?! Obviously I'm a natural!

I couldn't keep him fully inside me for long though, so reluctantly I eased off him and as I did so, he pulled himself out of my mouth and reached down and helped me up onto my feet again, stroking his hands down my body as he did so. His hands came to rest on my round arse. He seemed to like feeling it.

"Did you like sucking my dick Anthony?" he asked, speaking quietly, his mouth close to my ear.

"Yes," I replied. "I...Ooooh!" The rest of my sentence disappeared in a sharp cry of surprise and pleasure as one of his fingers rubbed firmly over the outside of my tight hole. He rubbed back and forth and I felt myself leaking more precum. I loved the feel of having my arsehole teased with his fingertip.

"Are you a virgin Anthony?" He asked me, continuing the movement of his finger against my tight opening.

"Yes," I answered him, a bit ashamed. I hoped he wouldn't want to stop now that I'd told him that.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," he told me, stroking my hole all the more firmly. "How would you like not to be a virgin any longer though?"

Wait a minute, did that mean he wanted to fuck me? Take my virginity? Oh wow! The day has finally arrived!

My excitement suddenly turned to nerves, as I recalled reading posts in forums about how it hurt a lot the first time if the top wasn't careful. I was a little unsure about saying yes, and I couldn't understand why! I had dreamed and fantasised about this moment for years. And the slim toned guy willing to be my first was better looking than I had ever imagined. But since arriving here, the fantasies I'd had of being fucked had tended to involve a certain black-haired bespectacled geeky-looking guy...

Shit! Cody was looking at me now, waiting for my answer. How could any red-blooded male turn down the chance of sex when it was presented to him on a plate? Being fucked for the first time by Brad would have been nice, but it was unlikely to ever be a reality. He was straight after all, wasn't he?

Cody's finger pressed harder against my hole and the tip maybe slid in a fraction. That did it! I swallowed my uncertainty and nerves away, reached out and took his erection firmly in my fist, and nodded at him, not able to trust my voice not to squeak and crack with nerves if I'd spoken.

I stroked his cock a couple of times, and then ran my hands tentatively over his taut body. As my hands reached his erect nipples, he took told of one of my hands in his, and led me over to his bed. I sat on the edge of it, and he motioned to me to lie down, so I did, while he rummaged in his drawer for lube and a box of condoms.

I looked down my body at my erection. A drop of precum fell slowly from the slit onto my treasure trail. It was finally going to happen. I was going to lose my virginity!

A cold wet finger probing at my arsehole brought me back to reality. Cody had lubed up his index finger with plenty of lube and was circling around my rosebud, pushing inwards as he did so, and then his finger was sliding inside me causing me to let out a low moan. He slowly finger-fucked me, and then drew his finger out until only the tip was inside me, before a second lubed-up finger started easing its way in alongside the first.

It didn't hurt as much as I had been expecting, and I felt Cody making a small scissor action with his fingers once they were inside me, opening and closing them, gently stretching my arsehole wider. Then I felt one finger bending inside me, and all of a sudden I felt a jolt of electricity running through me, as the tip of it glided over the spot of my prostrate.

My arsehole was being skilfully loosened up for my first time. I had lost count of how many fingers Cody had inside me by this time, was it 2? 3? 4? Who knows. All I knew was my dick was leaking precum all over me, I had never felt so horny in all of my life, and I was dying for him to fuck me.

As if he had read my mind, Cody withdrew his fingers from me, and next thing I heard was a crinkling of foil as he tore open a condom. My rock solid cock twitched and jumped as I was filled with anticipation. I watched Cody spreading lube over the outside of the condom, and then felt a cold greasy wetness at my arsehole as he covered my entrance way with lube. I looked up at Cody's face and let my eyes drift down his toned smooth body, still not quite able to believe that somebody that hot wanted to have sex with me.

The bed sank as Cody knelt right up close to me, and at that moment, I was suddenly gripped with nerves, wondering how much it would hurt me to have Cody's dick push inside me. Something pressed gently against my hole and I felt my breathing rate increase. I looked into Cody's eyes and he was staring down at me, a hungry look on his face.

"Ready?" He said.

I gulped and nodded yes, swallowing down my nerves and trying to relax, and then the pressure on my hole increased more and more. I tried to relax and let myself open up to him, but it was starting to sting like crazy and I could feel my eyes tearing up. I gripped the sheet with both hands and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt his dick sliding in further. It was painful! Why did I think I would like this?!

I felt a hand stroking gently over my balls and opened my eyes to see Cody gazing down at me looking concerned.

"Just relax Anthony, maybe push out a bit like you're taking a dump, this is the bit that hurts a little, but once you're used to me being there, and I can start fucking you, that's gonna feel awesome."

I tried to do what he said, imagined I was having a shit and pushed the muscles in my arse as if dispelling a turd, and felt the pain ease a little bit.

"Okay. Push in a little more now, I think I'm ready," I told Cody, and I felt his dick slowly easing its way a little further into me. I bit my lip, but gradually, the pain diminished to be replaced by a delicious full feeling. I ran my hands over Cody's back and toned hairless arse, and as I did so, I felt his hips gently start to rise. I could feel his condom-covered cock moving inside me, slow movements forwards and backwards and I let out a soft moan of pure pleasure.

"You like this?" he asked me, continuing the slow, steady rhythm.

"Yes," I gasped, starting to love the feeling of having him fuck me, "I...oh FUCK!" The rest of my sentence ended in an uncontrollable yelp of ecstasy as he pushed in a little deeper and harder than before, and I felt a jolt of electricity running through me as he grazed over the spot of my prostate.

"Fuck!" I whispered, "this feels so good! I... Oh! Oh! OH!!!"

The feelings running through me felt indescribably good. Above me, Cody started moaning too as he fucked my tight virgin arse, and the sound of him enjoying himself so much turned me on even more, and I suddenly wanted him to pound my arse as hard as he could, ramming every last millimetre of his hard cock deep inside me. I wrapped my legs tightly around his body, pulling him closer into me and hearing him moan with pleasure as I did so.

He reached between our bodies and started wanking off my cock in time with his thrusts, doubling the amount of pleasure I was feeling, just as I thought it couldn't feel any better! I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over me, listening to his grunts and sighs, and feeling his dick moving faster and faster inside me. I could hear myself letting out cries and moans of pleasure which mingled with Cody's, and could feel the cum boiling in my balls, knowing release was imminent.

A face swam into my mind as I whimpered and squirmed on the bed, trying my best to keep myself from cumming, knowing that when I did it would all be over, and not wanting my first time to end just yet. The face was black-haired and bespectacled, friendly-looking and smiling shyly at me, and I realised it was Brad's, and at that moment I wished that when I opened my eyes again it would be him I'd see looking down at me, and that the wonderful feelings happening to me were being caused by his huge cut dick.

Oh Yes! Oh FUCK! I'm gonna cum! I'M GONNA...

I let out a loud cry as the cum burst forth from my cock, spraying up my chest. I covered myself in my load, moans continuing to fly from my lips, and above me, Cody wrinkled his forehead up and began yelling in ecstasy too, and I could tell he was cumming too, his cock still buried deep in my arse, the condom being filled with his hot white seed.

It was an intense orgasm, one of the best I'd ever had. Gradually my breathing returned to normal and I felt myself relaxing. Cody pulled out of me, and my arse suddenly felt empty and cold. I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction.

"That was amazing! I actually can't believe we just did that!" I said softly to Cody.

"Believe it," he replied, laughing a little. "Look, there's the evidence on your chest to prove we just did! Oh, by the way, congratulations on losing your virginity at last!"

"Thanks!" I said, and then it dawned on me that I had just done it! I had just had sex! I had just been fucked for the first time ever! I was no longer a virgin! The V-plates had been well and truly lost!

"I'm not a virgin any more!" I sang out, doing a little dance of excitement while still half-lying on Cody's bed. Cody threw me over a loo roll and I tore off a length of it and wiped my cum off my chest.

"Cody, thank you so much," I said to him, feeling my bashfulness coming back now that it was all over. "I was beginning to think I would be a virgin forever!"

"No sweat dude," he replied. "You were one helluva good fuck you know, and that blow job you gave me...just awesome!"

I couldn't believe he was complimenting me. I felt myself swelling up with pride at his praises. Maybe I was good at this sex malarkey after all! That would show the bullies from my schooldays who said I'd never ever get any, I was so skinny, and that even if I did I'd be crap at it.

I swung my legs off Cody's bed and, picking my boxers up off the floor, started to get dressed. If having sex felt that good every time, I knew I definitely wanted to have shitloads more of it. If Cody had enjoyed fucking me as much as he was saying he had, maybe he'd want a repeat event some time. That would be perfect! A hot toned swimmer fuck buddy to meet up with any time I got so horny I couldn't take it any longer!

"Is there um...any chance we could do it again some time?" I asked him, trying to sound casual, and feeling myself redden a little bit as I spoke.

"Um, see Anthony, I'm not really a do things again' kind of guy. I'm more of a one time only' person," he replied. "That's nothing personal, it's just how I am."

I felt something deflating inside me, as the fantasy of me having a regular fuck buddy vanished.

"By the way," he continued, "A lot of the swim team would be shocked if they knew I sometimes got with dudes, and it could get a little awkward for me, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody about this."

That seemed fair enough. I knew I would hate it if anybody found out that I was into guys. I wasn't ready for anyone to know yet.

"Sure," I reassured him, "if I can trust you to do the same. Nobody really knows that I'm..."

Say it, say it, say it!


Wow! Did I just say that out loud to somebody for the first time?! Fuck! There's progress for you!

"...I'm not ready for people to find out yet." I pulled on my trainers and started doing up my laces.

Especially not Brad. Imagine if Brad found out I was into guys. He would think I was some sort of pervert, eyeing him up when he was dressing, wanking myself off in my bed when he was still in the room, letting him touch my dick to see what a foreskin felt like. No, I would die if Brad ever found out I was gay.

"And I definitely don't want my roommate to find out," I emphasised to Cody.

"No sweat dude, me either," he said. "Don't worry Anthony, your secret's safe with me. See you in math class some time then."

He opened his dorm room door and held it open for me. I took that as my cue to leave. I said goodbye to him, feeling a little disappointed that there was no chance of me coming back for another round some time. I had loved being fucked, and it had cemented in my head that I was 100 per cent gay, and not into girls one iota.

I walked down his corridor and pressed the call button for the lift. Part of me still could hardly believe I had done it at last, but there was the slight soreness of my arse as proof, and a slickness in my underwear as some of the lube expelled itself out of me.

I couldn't stop myself smiling! I was a man at last! Finally knew what all the fuss was about and how great sex actually was. Better than I had ever imagined. A thousand times better than wanking. My only worry now, was where I could go to get some more if Cody didn't want me again. I wondered how accurately I could recreate the feeling of being fucked with one of the dildos I had. I would have to try next time Brad was definitely going to be out of the room for long enough to make it worthwhile.

The lift arrived and I stepped into it, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing a big grin plastered on my bespectacled face. I was so happy and so elated at not being a virgin any more. I had a sudden urge to tell someone. But who could I confide in?

Brad was my best friend here in the States. Even though we had only known each other a few months, I felt extremely close to him. Pah, I had been imagining him fucking me for fuck's sake! Of course I felt close to him. He would be pleased for me if I told him, I felt sure. And, being the kind of private guy he is, he might not press me for every intimate detail like some of the people I knew back home would. Because of course, although I felt the urge to boast about having done it, I didn't want to reveal who I'd done it with. Or exactly what we'd done. Let's face it, if I said I'd lost my virginity, everybody would assume that I had been the one on top, fucking some girl's pussy, and as I hadn't done that, I really didn't know exactly how that would feel and how to answer any questions about it.

I exited Kennedy Dorms into the chilly November air, and pulled out my mobile. I had to tell somebody! My hand shaking with excitement, I composed a brief text to Brad and before I could have doubts, I pressed "send", and it was gone. I walked slowly back to Jefferson Dorms, expecting to get a message back from Brad at any second, but none came. It was a bit disappointing. I knew he was sexually-frustrated, and keen to lose his own virginity, and that actually he might feel a bit envious of me, but it would have been nice for him to text back to say "well done", or show some other form of male solidarity or roommate congratulation.

Oh well.

I kicked my way through fallen leaves in the quad outside Jefferson Dorms and turned my head upwards to the sky.

"I'M NOT A VIRGIN ANY MORE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. It felt so good to get that off my chest! And maybe soon, I would feel ready to come out, and then there would be no holding me back, I'd be racking up the notches on my bedpost like there was no tomorrow, and having plenty of horny tops fucking my tight arse.



Next: Chapter 24: Geeks Get Hot 10 Cody

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