Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Apr 11, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main Geeks Get Hot' folder. The next chapters of the story have all been planned out, but due to other commitments it may be a while before they make it into written form. Check the main Geeks Get Hot' folder for new instalments in a couple of months though, because from part 10 onwards, events are about to turn even hotter for these two geeks...

Geeks Get Hot (part 9) - Brad

Anthony and some of the other guys had finally persuaded me to join Facebook.

I hadn't had any need to while I was still at high school. In fact, I'm sure if I had joined then, it would have just provided my tormenters with another medium to insult me through.

But now I was at college away from my hometown, and beginning to successfully shake off my previous lowly existence. All in all, I was a million times happier than I'd been for a long long time. Everyone here had been so nice to me, and sure, I still wasn't "Mr. Popular" by any means, but I did now have a growing circle of acquaintances, maybe even a few people I could actually call real "friends". And Anthony of course. And every time I met and spoke to a new person in class, they'd be like "yes, I'll add you on Facebook", and then I'd feel a bit bad because I didn't have an account yet. And pretty much every day, I would get an email through on my college email telling me somebody had tried searching for me and invited me to join up because they couldn't find me on there.

In the end, after some serious encouragement from the guys on our corridor, and being told by Anthony how much social networking I was missing out on, I finally gave in and registered. Straightaway I was hit by friend requests, group requests, all sorts of stuff I hadn't been expecting. I was able to join study groups for my classes, see photos of my new friends from when they'd been in high school, and every time I logged in I got something of a thrill from seeing the number of "friends" I had – people that actually wanted to be associated with me.

The first person I'd added as a friend was Abby, and she'd written on my Wall to say how she was glad I'd finally joined. I'd spent a lot of time too looking at Anthony's profile, searching through his pictures and old status updates, putting faces to the names of the friends he'd mentioned, seeing for myself what his life at his university in England had been like.

It had been over a week now, and as well as Anthony, Abby, and all the guys living on the third floor of Jefferson Dorms, I had a good number of people from each of my classes added too. There was one other person I desperately wanted to add as a friend – Zack. I hadn't seen or heard from him for years, which might seem strange considering how close we'd been at one time, but I had been so busy struggling with my life at high school, keeping in touch hadn't really been high on my agenda. But now, I was curious to know what he was doing these days. Where he'd ended up at college (if he'd gone at all). Problem was, he didn't seem to be anywhere on the site. I'd tried searching for him by name, and using the email address he used to have, but he was nowhere to be found.

I had found Andy pretty easily. He didn't have his privacy settings set very high either, so I was able to see a lot of his profile. I hadn't really seen him either since...well, that day, and judging from his pictures he was a pretty popular guy now, and had gotten even hotter than I remembered. I'd tried searching his friends list for Zack, but he wasn't there either, so I gave up on the search.

I'd taken a last look at Andy's profile. A little wistfully it has to be said. And then, before I could stop myself, I'd clicked on the "add as a friend" button and sent him a friend request. I don't know what came over me, but we had been such good buddies when we were younger, I'd felt sure now some time had passed and we'd both grown up, he would be ready to be my friend again, like he used to be, before I'd...well, just before.

The day after I'd added Andy was the one day of the week I didn't have too many classes. My only class that day was a two hour math lecture first thing in the morning. I'd gone to that and the professor had announced that he would be giving us a mid-term at the end of the week. Then, I'd gone to the library to study for a little while and grabbed some lunch at the cafeteria with Anthony and one of our neighbors, Charlie.

After that, they had both headed off to their classes, and I'd headed back to the dorm. I'd had enough of studying for one day, and was ready to just do some mindless surfing for a bit. Plus I was feeling seriously horny, and I knew Anthony would be away from the room at class for the whole afternoon. I tended to make the most of these long afternoons with the room to myself if you know what I mean! Lots of lube, lots of porn, lots of time, and a slow right hand makes Brad a very satisfied boy indeed!

I unlocked and threw open the dorm room door, my dick already semi-hard in my briefs with anticipation of the edging session to come. I switched on my computer and fetched my lube from my drawer as it booted up. I had a sudden panicky thought that I had the day wrong and that Anthony's class was only one hour long, so I went over to his desk where he had his class schedule pinned up to double-check. No, it definitely said that on Tuesdays he had classes from 1 right thru to 5. I checked my watch. It was a little after 1.30. I had plenty of time before he came back.

I decided to quickly check my email before starting the fun stuff. I signed in and went to my inbox.

Oooh, an email from Facebook: "Andy West has sent you a message on Facebook". Oh, that's weird - I'm sure the email usually says something like "Andy West has accepted your friend request" when that happens.

My curiosity raised, I logged in to Facebook and found where the notification symbol was highlighted red. Then, a few mouseclicks later, I had the full notification in front of me and sat staring at the screen, wide-eyed and feeling completely numb.

Andy hadn't accepted my friend request (I still had the same number of friends as I had done the day before). Instead, he had sent me a message response to my request. I re-read it, tears pricking at my eyes as I did so.

"Fuck off you loser. As if I'd ever want to be friends with you".

It felt like a punch to the stomach. And to think we'd been best friends right from the age of five to the age of fifteen. Then one stupid stupid mis-judged moment on my part coupled with the negative opinions of others toward me, and that was it. He didn't want to know me. He still didn't want to know me, even after all this time apart from each other.

I don't know how long I sat there, just staring blankly at the screen, not taking in the words on it anymore. I felt a tear trickling down my cheek and took my glasses off to wipe it away with the palm of my hand. I looked at the glasses I held in my hand, the dark round frames encircling the clear lenses, and suddenly felt rage sweeping through me.

Stupid fucking glasses. Making me look like a geek.

I turned and threw my glasses away from me. They hit the wall beneath the window and fell to the floor. I didn't care if they were broken. They'd been the source of such misery through high school, coupled with my skinniness and my general appearance. My uncool haircut and my lame clothes. Even now, I could hear the taunts, hear the jeers of Andy and the others, laughing at me, the skinny geek in glasses. The guy with no muscles. With no dress-sense. With no style. With no friends.

Well fuck them! Fuck the lot of them!

"FUCK YOU THEN ANDY WEST!" I yelled at the screen, tears stinging my eyes. Strangely, it made me feel better. I realised then that Andy wasn't worth having as a friend anyway. And actually, thinking about it, Anthony, even though I'd only known him a couple months, was already a better and more supportive friend to me than Andy had ever been. I wasn't going to waste my time or my tears on dwelling on Andy any more. Or Zack either. Probably he would react just the same as Andy. My life had moved on and I was a college boy now. And I didn't have room in my life or my heart for those who'd made my teenage years a total misery.

I walked over to where my glasses lay on the floor and picked them up, putting them back on. Luckily, they weren't broken. I guess I'd over-reacted a bit before. Wearing glasses didn't make me a geek. And I could think of tons of people who did wear glasses who were seriously hot. And if I found them hot, I'm sure tons of other people found guys who wore glasses hot too.

I went back over to my computer and did a Google search for "naked guys in glasses". Yes, as I'd thought, some seriously hot guys did wear glasses.

I felt my dick twitching appreciatively as I scanned the images that I'd found. Suddenly my previous sadness (and anger) had practically gone, being replaced by 100% horniness. A good jack-off session is just what I needed to get over the rejection from Andy. I logged out of Facebook so I'd have no distractions, and after checking the time (still only 2.30 - tons of time left) navigated to one of my favorite porn sites and queued up some videos I hadn't seen yet.

I undid the zipper and button on my jeans as the first video started, to give my dick a little more space to grow, and settled back in my desk chair to enjoy myself.

With my left hand resting on my left leg, I slid my right hand up under my shirt and stroked across my thin smooth chest, imagining it was one of the horned-up guys in the video that was touching me. My thumb and index finger found one of my nipples and I played with it a while, feeling it getting erect from my touch, enjoying the sensations running through me.

The three guys in the movie had stripped to their white jock straps now, the purple cockhead of one of them poking out of the side of his underwear, as they caressed one another, two of them kissing each other, their mouths open and their tongues touching. The other guy leaned down and started sucking on the nipples of the guy whose dick was escaping from his jock-strap. I moaned quietly to myself at the sight and moved my hand about under my shirt, going from one erect nipple to the other, tweaking them and imagining what it would be like to have a wet warm mouth encircling one of them.

My shirt was getting in the way a bit now, and I pulled it off over my head, dropping it on the floor next to me. I let both my hands run over my naked chest now, my dick hard and straining in my briefs, desperate for me to begin work on it, but I ignored it for now, teasing myself, letting my right hand begin to drift down past my belly-button toward where my cock lay waiting, then moving back up my body, stroking over my stomach where my abs were beginning to start to show through, up to the hard nubs of my nipples.

The movie had me so turned on. On my monitor, the guy who'd been sucking nipples was now kneeling on the floor, reaching toward the cock of the guy in front of him as it poked out the side of his jockstrap, pushing aside the white material, taking hold of the shaft and putting it into his mouth making the guy break off from making out with the other dude and moan. My own dick turned even harder in my briefs at the sound, and I could feel a tingling feeling in my balls and my heartbeat speeding up.

I grasped the sides of my jeans and pulled them and my briefs down my legs, letting my aching dick spring free. I watched it bouncing gently in time with my pulse, engorged with blood and extended to its full 8-inch length.

"What are you waiting for?! Jack me! Jack me now!" it seemed to be screaming at me, but still I ignored it, teasing myself and letting the tension in me build even further. I slowly moved my hand to my balls, running them through my fingers, pulling at the skin of my scrotum, gently tickling the base of my balls as I concentrated on my computer monitor.

All 3 guys had removed their jock straps now, and their large cut cocks jutted out from their toned bodies. The one kneeling went back to sucking on the guy next to him's dick, starting to jack his own dick as he did so. The other guy knelt down at the back of the guy getting his dick sucked, and prising apart his asscheeks, stuck his tongue out and began to lick at his asshole. The guy moaned loudly, obviously enjoying the feelings of the two mouths working their magic at both ends of him.

I increased the pressure of my grip as I fondled my balls. My dick kept twitching by itself, hard and throbbing, aching for my hand to begin stroking up and down it. I gently placed my left hand at the base of my shaft, holding myself between my thumb and index finger, and running my middle finger backward and forward over the spot where the root of my cock met my ballsack.

Mmmm, so so hard and horny. Can't keep my hand off my dick much longer...!

I reached over for my lube and squeezed a good amount out onto the top of my cockhead. It juddered a little as the substance hit its sensitive surface, and I slowly spread it around my plump head and down my shaft, making everything good and slippery.

On my monitor, the guy who'd been rimming the other dude's ass had just stood up, and continuing to pull apart his asscheeks, started to ease his erection into his ass. The camerashot moved in to show a closeup of the condom-covered dick sliding into the other guy's asshole, and then begin to move forward and backward as the dude started thrusting.

"Oh yes, bet that feels good" I murmured to myself, and I began slowly jerking on my dick, slowly, ever so slowly, knowing if I was too quick, I would cum before the guys onscreen and I didn't want that, I wanted to see the three of them shoot their creamy loads, then replay their cumshots in my mind as I shot my own.

In my head as I watched the movie, it was my dick that was pushing in and out of that firm round ass on the screen, causing the masculine moans of enjoyment that poured forth from the lips of the guy being fucked. The third dude in the film had stopped sucking on the dick of the guy getting his ass fucked, and was standing watching the two of them, like me, his hand working away on his own dick. He was moaning too, in fact all three of them were, and I added some moans of my own to the proceedings, the feeling of my hand on my hard dick driving me insane with pleasure.

My cock glistened with lube and tingled as I stroked it, doing my absolute best to keep control and not speed up as much as I was longing to do, as much as my body was telling me to do. The three men onscreen moaned loudly as the camerashot panned over their faces in turn.

I was suddenly aware of a movement to my side and turned my head to the right to see Anthony standing in the open doorway of our dormroom, his hand still on the door handle from having just opened the door, his eyes wide behind his glasses, and his mouth open, a look of shock and embarrassment on his face.


I felt myself freeze with shock, my fist still clasped around the center of my boner, my eyes widening and my heart suddenly feeling as if it had leapt into my throat. I felt physically sick.

Fuck! Fuck! He's...He's...Ohmygod! He's caught me...He's caught me doing...He's caught me watching...Oh FUCK!

I was suddenly aware of the loud male grunting and moaning coming from my speakers as onscreen the three guys continued fucking and jacking.

Fuck! He's going to see...He can hear...Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!

I fumbled for my mouse, my hand shaking a little, and tried to move it to stop the movie playing, mute the sound, close the fucking browser window, anything to make the noises stop and try and prevent Anthony from realizing exactly what I was watching, but my hand, still covered in lube, kept sliding off the side of the mouse.

"Um, um, sorry Brad, I um...Class was cancelled, so I um...I'll see you later", Anthony stammered awkwardly, before turning and exiting the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

Too late, I finally managed to shut off the movie, and sat there naked on my desk chair, shivering a little, my breathing quick and shallow, feeling like I might barf at any second. My erection, so hard and solid just moments before, had shrivelled and died from my shock and embarrassment. I reached out for a Kleenex to wipe the lube off of my hand, and noticed my hand was trembling. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. That helped a little, but I could still feel my heart pounding unnaturally hard and fast.

Anthony had walked in on me masturbating to a gay porn movie. There was no denying it, no hiding from it. He had certainly seen what I was doing, and must have known what I was watching. And he knew that I...that I...that what turned me on was...

Oh fuck!

Oh why did this have to happen?!

I reached down for where my jeans and briefs hung around my ankles and pulled them back up my legs, fastening my belt back up. I stood up, picked my shirt up off of the floor and pulled it over my head.

What was I going to do?!

I paced the floor between the two beds, fighting to swallow down the panic that threatened to engulf me.

What the fuck was I going to do?! Anthony had seen...Anthony had heard...Anthony had seen...Anthony had...Anthony had...Oh why did this have to happen?!

Anthony had seen what I was watching...he must have seen...he must know...know that...he knows...he knows...he knows that I'm...that I'm...He's not going to want to know me now. He won't want to know me...won't want to...Oh why did this have to happen?!

And we'd been getting along so well too. What was going to happen now? Would he react like Andy had done? Was he even now speaking to the other guys on the corridor? Laughing with them about how he'd walked in on me? Telling them how his roommate was a queer, that I got off to gay porn? Making arrangements to switch rooms?

He'll want to switch rooms...He will...He will...And then I'll be alone again...Alone...Nobody will want me as a friend when they know I'm...When he tells them I'm...They're all going to find out I'm...Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh why? WHY?!

A horrific animalistic wailing scream filled the room. A sound of desperation, of despair, of frustration, of anger, of loss. With a shock, I realised it was coming from my own mouth. The tears started coming hard and fast, pouring down my cheeks and I threw myself onto my bed, facedown, and pummelled my fists into the bedcovers, like a kid having a tantrum.

Only I wasn't a kid any more. I was 19 years old for fuck's sake. Old enough to have a sex-life. Old enough to do what I wanted with who I wanted. Old enough to watch whatever the fuck I wanted to help get myself off. Anthony would understand that...wouldn't he? I bet he watches porn when he jerks it. What's the difference between him watching porn and me watching porn, except mine doesn't have girls in it?

Except I didn't want him to know that. Wasn't ready for him to know that. For him to know that I'm...that I'm...

Oh man up Brad you pussy. There's nothing you can do about it now. If he knows, he knows. Period.

I slowly sat up, still sobbing a little, and sat on my bed with my back leaning against the wall. This whole day sucked. First Andy had rejected my friendship again, then Anthony had walked in on me masturbating, and discovered my secret. Next I would be probably losing his friendship too. Just like happened with Andy when he found out. Yes this day sucked alright. The worst day of my life, the...

No, actually, I had already had the worst day of my life. This was nothing in comparison to the Hell I'd been through that day. I pulled my socks off to uncover the tattoo on my foot, and stared at it, the black numbers standing out against my pale white skin. 10-29-07. October 29 2007. Yes, this day paled to insignificance against the events that had taken place that day.

I screwed my socks up into a ball and threw them onto the floor, then reached across into the drawer of my bedside table to bring out my journal and a pen. I turned to a blank page at the front of the book and, like my therapist had told me, started writing what I was feeling, letting my emotions run out of my system and onto the page in word form, relieving some of the tension in my brain, getting things into perspective.

I read back over the sentences I'd written, describing how upset I'd felt when I'd received that hurtful message from Andy over Facebook, and felt tears welling up in my eyes again. I blinked them away and began writing about what had happened with Anthony. About how I wasn't ready yet for him to know my secret. About how scared I was of losing him as a friend.

As if thinking of and writing about him had made him appear, Anthony was suddenly there, pushing the door of the dorm room open slowly, gently, fearfully, as if unsure of what he would find happening inside. He closed the door behind him and stood hovering just inside the threshold of our room.

"Um Brad, could I have a word with you for a minute?" he asked hesitantly.

This is it. He's going to tell me he wants to switch rooms. He's going to tell me he wants nothing more to do with me. He's going to... Oh why did he have to walk in at that precise moment he walked in at?! Why did he come back from class early?! He should have been at class! It was his fault! His fault!

"Why did you come back early? You should have been at class!" To my surprise I could hear myself yelling at him, hurt and anger filling my voice. "I checked your timetable you've got pinned to your wall and everything! I...I..." I felt my voice beginning to quiver and a tightness in my throat, and found I couldn't complete my sentence.

Anthony crossed the room and sat on the edge of my bed. He stretched his arm out to me and gently rested his hand on my shoulder. I flinched at his touch, half-expecting his hand to grip my tightly, pin me back against the wall I was leaning against and for him to punch me in the face, punishing me, letting me know how much he despised me for not telling him sooner and for letting him strip off in front of me so I could enjoy the view, showing me how much he hated me now he knew I was...

But no, he put the hand I'd just shaken off in fright back on my shoulder, and squeezed ever so slightly, an almost comforting gesture.

"Mate, don't worry about it. I'm not going to tell anyone about walking in on you. Hey apart from anything else, it's hardly going to be a hard-hitting headline is it? Horny nineteen year old has a wank!' I think it would be more unusual to see a headline We can exclusively confirm the Pope is Catholic!' Seriously, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, though you probably feel like you want to change your name by deedpoll and switch to a different university so nobody can ever name and shame you."

"It's easy for you to laugh and joke about it," I mumbled, not looking him in the eye, "you weren't the one that got caught."

And not just caught, but caught watching porn. Not just any old porn, but hardcore gay porn. Funny how Anthony wasn't mentioning that though.

"True," he said. "And probably if I had, I'd be feeling just as bad as you. But I hope we can be mature about it. I mean we're both adults, we're not sniggering fourteen year olds. I bet it happens all the time. In fact, I bet if you asked everyone on this floor, pretty much everyone will have walked in on their roommate wanking or been walked in on by their roommate while they were wanking"

"You're not going to ask everyone are you?!" I asked, suddenly fearful that he would walk down the dorm floor conducting a survey and would mention to everyone what he'd found me watching.

"No, silly. I was just saying, probably this happens to a lot of people, and it's one of the perils of sharing a room with somebody. Especially at our age, you know? Horny, red-blooded single males. And you thought I'd be at lectures for another two hours, it wasn't your fault it got cancelled and I came back early. I..I..."

He stuttered, sounding a little embarrassed. I glanced up at him and saw he was blushing slightly.

Fuck he looks cute when he blushes like that! ...No! No! We're trying to have an adult conversation here - control your hormones Brad!

"I do the same thing when I know you're going to be out at classes all afternoon," he finally wound up saying.

"Do you? Do you really?!"

"Hell yes, of course," he said. "Mate, I know I don't talk about sex and stuff much, I get all embarrassed and awkward about talking about it. I mean, fuck, look at my face now, bright red, I would probably glow in the dark!"

I couldn't help but laugh at him. It was true too, his face was getting redder and redder as he talked, and his eyes were darting about behind his glasses, avoiding all eye contact with me.

"But yes," he continued. "I get horny, really fucking horny, all the time. Fuck I spend probably half the day with a hardon sometimes. We all do, it's just a part of being a guy! And not a bad part either when you think how good it feels to get rid of it!"

Well that much was true!

Hearing him talk about how horny he gets, and having a boner was causing an effect inside my briefs. Despite the situation and how I was still not completely convinced he wasn't suddenly going to turn on me for liking guys rather than girls, I was finding I was starting to get turned on!

Strange how he hasn't mentioned at all about the nature of the film I was watching while I was jerking it though. Could it be...Could it actually be that he'd missed noticing that?! That he was so embarrassed at what he'd walked in on that his other senses had blocked out the sounds coming from my speakers and the images on my monitor?! Could he have even seen my monitor from where he'd been standing in the doorway?! Had I been getting myself stressed out over nothing again?!

Anthony was talking now about how it was totally normal to jerk-off and that he did it too, and so too did every man on the planet, going to great lengths to relax me and reassure me that he wasn't weirded out by it all. Surely if he had seen the film I'd been watching or figured out the truth about me, he'd have mentioned it by now, even if it was just to say he was cool with it and it wasn't a problem.

Looks like he didn't notice after all. Which must mean he doesn't know. WHICH MEANS HE DOESN'T KNOW!!!

He doesn't know! He doesn't know! He doesn't know! The thought sang through my head like a glorious song, and I suddenly felt like standing up and doing a little dance (oh, but that would totally give things away!)

I was struggling to contain the elation that was suddenly engulfing me, but forced myself to tune back in to whatever it was that Anthony was saying.

"We both know we each wank," he was saying. "I've heard you at night when you've thought I'm asleep. You've probably heard me at night too. Neither of us has said anything because we don't want to embarrass each other, neither of us has taken the piss, we've just left each other to get on with it. That's how it should be! We're both old enough and mature enough to be able to ignore suspicious rustling noises coming from our roommate's bed when the lights are off."

Yes, I'd definitely heard suspicious rustling noises coming from Anthony's bed on a few occasions. Delicious moaning noises too. Man I'm feeling horny now!

I looked over at Anthony as he sat on the edge of my bed. My outstretched legs and bare feet were so close to his jeans-covered thighs. If I moved a little to my left, my heels could be resting on the tops of his legs, my feet oh so close to where his dick must be lying behind the zipper of his flies. Fuck I couldn't believe I was thinking things like this so soon after being so worried that he might have discovered about me. Guess sometimes the hormones just take over!

Anthony's cheeks were still flushed bright red and his hair was sticking up a bit at the back of his head. His eyes were cast down and he looked as though he was building up the courage to say something that he was embarrassed about saying. He gulped and pushed his glasses further up his nose with his index finger.

"So um what I'm proposing is that we have a rule for the room that if we feel like a wank we can have one, and neither of us is allowed to feel embarrassed or intimidated about it," he finally said quietly. "We just let each other get on with it and act like it's a totally natural thing, as if we were listening to our iPods or doing a maths assignment. Um what do you say?"

Whoa! I was not expecting that! That would make things so much easier rather than me having to wait until he was asleep before being able to get it out and jerk it. Although as it turns out, he hadn't always been asleep. But wait, did I mishear him? Did he really mean what he'd said?

"You mean you could be studying," I said cautiously, testing the waters. "And if I was feeling um..."

"Horny?" he supplied.

"Yeah, horny." I repeated, feeling my hardening dick twitching as I said the word and hoping Anthony wasn't noticing the movement in my jeans. "I could just start beating off then and there and you wouldn't mind? You'd just ignore me?"

"Yep. Or if I woke up with a massive case of morning wood, I won't need to wait for you to go for your shower before taking care of it, I could just go for it straight away."

"Hey, you don't always wait these days!" I grinned, remembering a couple occasions where I'd woken to the sound of him quietly jerking himself off in his bed, and lain unmoving, facing the wall, pretending to still be asleep so as he wouldn't stop, my dick rock hard from hearing him sighing and moaning softly to himself under his bed covers.

Anthony blushed even deeper. I don't think I'd ever seen anyone's face go so red before.

"You see," he said. "You have kind of caught me too. I honestly thought you were asleep when I did that."

"Yeah well." I said, blushing a little myself at the memory, and starting to feel more than a little turned on remembering it. My dick was hard in my briefs and lying at an uncomfortable angle. I ran my hands through my hair trying to take my mind off it and pushed my glasses up my nose.

Anthony was looking expectantly at me and I realized he was waiting for me to give an answer to his suggestion about having the room as an open jack-off space.

"Okay, it sounds like a sensible rule," I said, trying to hide my enthusiasm - after all, this rule would mean hopefully I would hear a lot more of Anthony jerking off. Maybe even see him jerking his cock off if he started doing it outside of his bed now we were going to be more relaxed about things.

"I would never have plucked up the courage to suggest the rule though," I said. "I'm so glad you did, it's going to make things so much easier."

"Well, I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't get on with you so well, and if I didn't feel comfortable around you," he replied.

"And I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't feel comfortable around you," I said.

"So that's settled then" he said triumphantly. "This room is a wank-friendly zone!"

Wow! Wow! Amazing!

I held my hand up for a high-five.

"Mate, I don't think so," Anthony laughed, moving his hand out of my reach. "I know where that's been not so long ago don't forget!"

I felt my face reddening, then it dawned on me he was joking with me and I leaned forward and punched him on the top of his arm. He feigned pain, wincing theatrically and rubbing the top of his arm sliding his hand under the sleeve of his shirt. Then he turned and stood up, the indentation of his bodyweight staying visible on my bed covers. I took the opportunity of him momentarily having his back to me to quickly adjust my boner into a less uncomfortable position.

Anthony gave me a nervous look for some reason, then walked over and sat down at his desk, switching on his laptop. My eyes followed him, staring at the back of his brown-haired head. The `Windows' logo came onscreen as his laptop started loading up. Then there was a jangling sound followed by a soft thump and I realized with surprise that Anthony had unlooped his belt out of his jeans and dropped it onto the floor beside his chair. His hands were blocked from my view by the rest of his body, but from the angle of his elbows I could tell they were in his lap. Then there was the unmistakeable sound of a zipper being pulled down, and my dick gave a lurch, throbbing harder than ever.

Was he going to... Was he actually preparing to...

"Um Anthony, what are you doing?" I asked him quietly, trying my best to keep my tone as non-committal as possible, keep the excitement out of my voice.

He turned and looked at me, twisting the top half of his body round in his chair, his cheeks still a little pink, as the fanfare sounded on his laptop to say Windows had finished loading.

"Well, we have just agreed any time we feel like it we can...And mate I really feel like it. I'm gagging! Horny as fuck!"

Ohmygod! He actually is! Fuck! With me here in the room too. And with the light on! Out of his bed, sitting in his desk chair with a porn film in front of him by the looks of it! Whoa!

My dick stabbed at the confines of my briefs and jeans as the realization hit me of what was about to happen right in front of my eyes.

"Are you going to watch porn?" I asked, my curiosity raised. After all, I'd never really had friends to discuss with what sorts of porn they used to help get themselves off. And it had been a while since I watched any porn that didn't involve just guys. I was very interested to see what turned Anthony on!

"Um, yes," he replied, sounding a little uncertain, or perhaps just preoccupied, tapping furiously away on his keyboard. Then he must have found the film he was looking for, as he suddenly stopped his typing and mouse clicking, and slid his jeans down his thin hairy legs until they lay around his ankles.

His hands seemed to go back into his lap again, and then from where I was sitting, I could see his right elbow begin to move slowly and rhythmically.

My dick was so hard now, dying to be released and be allowed to join in the fun. I remembered that after Anthony had interrupted my own porn-fuelled jack-off session, I had immediately lost my boner and never got the chance to finish myself off, and right now from the feeling in my balls, my body was all too aware of that fact.

I wrestled with my conscience for about a second, before getting up off my bed to take a better look, not only at what Anthony was watching, but also at what he was doing! I walked the few paces to his side of the room and stood at the back of his chair, positioning myself just to the side, out of his eyeline, but with a perfect view of what was happening in his lap. I rested one hand on the back of his chair.

"Nice film," I said, for want of something to say. Actually, this was a total lie. A quick glance at the blond curly hair, inflated tits and overdone make-up of the woman sitting open-legged and fingering herself on the screen, forced-sounding squeals of enjoyment coming from her mouth, was all it took to remind me how little of a turn-on I found the female figure. No, I wasn't missing much by not looking at Anthony's laptop screen. I was much more interested in looking downward at what his hand was doing.

And as I watched what his hand was doing, I felt my own right hand moving involuntarily to my crotch, to massage my aching balls through my jeans and stroke the outline of my own rock hard dick.

Man I'm feeling so horny right now!

"Um, do you mind if I um watch with you?" I asked, my voice quivering with nerves slightly at what he might answer.

"Sure," he said, and my dick jolted with anticipation of what was to come.

"Cool," I said, trying my best to keep the eagerness out of my voice. "Only, um after you'd um left, I um didn't really get round to finishing um". I fumbled with the button on my jeans as I spoke, and then undid my zipper, letting my jeans fall to the floor. I stepped out of them and pulled down my briefs, discarding them too on the floor, then walked over to my own desk to retrieve my lube from out of my drawer. My boner bobbed up and down as I walked, and I felt as though I was walking on air, not feeling self-conscious at all, just feeling completely horny and desperate to stroke my dick and shoot my load. And watch Anthony stroke his and shoot his too.

I went back to standing behind Anthony as he was sitting in his chair, and, lubing my cock up, got to work at stroking on it. On Anthony's screen, a man had joined the woman and was in the process of nailing her doggy-style. The camera panned in toward the woman's face, her mouth wide open as she panted theatrically and screamed at how great being fucked by such a hunk was, her big tits bouncing up and down as she thrust in time with him. Hmm. Yeah, there was definitely a better sight to see here in the room! I lowered my eyes to stare at Anthony's hard cock, his hand sliding the foreskin forward and backward over his dickhead.

I was so turned on at this point. So turned on. Not just because I was watching Anthony jerking off live right in front of my eyes, but because he didn't know I was concentrating on him and not the film on his laptop screen. I gave a little moan to myself and sped up my own jacking a little, the end of my dick inches away from the back of Anthony's head. I couldn't help thinking if he were to swivel around on his chair, how easy it would be for him to take my plump throbbing dickhead into his mouth and begin to suck on it, he would be at the perfect height.

Anthony let out a soft moan of sheer pleasure. I looked down and saw he had slowed his hand movements and was running his index finger around the rim of his shiny wet dickhead, his foreskin rolled fully back for the moment. As I continued to watch, my own right hand sliding automatically up and down my lube-covered shaft, he took his dick in his fist again, and rolled his foreskin forward and backward a few times, a big drop of precum forming at his cockslit. His index finger hovered above where the precum was leaking, about to scoop it up and smear it over and around the rest of his head.

"Oh yes, do it!" I murmured, the words escaping from my lips before I could stop them, so transfixed was I by his hand, by his head, wet and slippery-looking, by the precum that was dripping out of his slit... I moaned to myself, so turned on and caught up in the moment.

Oh fuck, I wish I could jerk him off again, like I did that night...that wonderful alcohol-fuelled night that he either got so drunk he doesn't remember or too embarrassed or uncomfortable about to have mentioned again.

I longed to take his big hard boner in my hand, squeeze it tightly, feeling the warmth of it, the twitching of his pulse running through it, the smoothness of his foreskin sliding over his wet pink cockhead...

Go on Brad, ask him if you can. I dare you!

"Um...Um... Anthony, um..." My voice sounded high with nerves, and I swallowed, hardly believing that I was daring to begin to ask this, but I was feeling so horny it was as if my dick had taken over my body completely and was controlling my thoughts and my power of speech.

He swivelled his seat around until his back was to the desk and the laptop sitting on it, the film continuing to play behind him. His hand stayed at the base of his dick, gently fondling his balls. I forced myself to tear my eyes away and look at his face instead.

"Could I just...I'm sorry dude, this is probably really creepy, but you know, yours is the only uncircumcised penis I've ever seen and um I just wondered if um..."

Oh fuck this is coming out all wrong! It's going to totally weird him out.

A look came into his eyes. I couldn't quite decide what it was. It was almost a look of triumph or excitement or longing, but as quickly as it had appeared it had gone again. Weird.

I decided actions spoke louder than words, and instead of trying to form my sentence again, I just took my right hand off my dick and tentatively reached it toward his. As I looked at it, I realized it was shaking a little, I was so nervous of how he might react. There was look of realization in his eyes now.

"Do you want to..."

"Just to see what it feels like," I answered. "Again."

"What?" He said, sounding surprised. "What do you mean again?!"

"Well..." I began. Then I stopped and looked down at the floor, swallowing down my nerves, feeling myself blushing a little. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've felt it. That night? You remember?"

There was a pause, a slightly awkward one. I looked at Anthony and tried to read what he was thinking from the expression on his face, but I couldn't tell.

"Um yes, I sort of remember," he said finally.

Wait, so he does remember it after all!

"I'm a little hazy on the details because of the alcohol," he continued slowly.

"Yes, well drinking makes you do things you wouldn't usually do, doesn't it?" I said, wanting to reassure him that just because we'd jerked each other off didn't mean he was gay, suddenly a little panicky that if he thought too closely about what we'd done then he wouldn't let me do it again now, and I really really wanted to.

"Mate, that night was just two friends getting a bit drunk and a bit horny and helping each other relieve that tension because there was no other action on offer, that's all," he said to me, licking his lips as if he needed to moisten them, as if his mouth was dry from nerves all of a sudden. "I'm totally cool with it and you should be too."

"Don't you think what we did was a bit...well, gay?" I asked him, surprised by his responses, and wanting to make sure he really was cool with it, also to make sure he wasn't suspicious about my motives, or suspected anything.

"Well," he said slowly, his forehead wrinkling up in thought as if he was considering carefully how to phrase what he wanted to say. "I suppose you could look at it like that, but I prefer my way of thinking, that we were just feeling horny and fancied trying something a bit different to our own usual hand technique!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I said. Then, hardly daring to believe I was doing it, and wondering where my sudden burst of confidence to do it had come from, I reached my hand further and grasped his cock. (After all, he hadn't said "no" to me!) His dick twitched beneath my hand, and I began to stroke him, sliding his soft foreskin forward and backward over his wet cockhead, squeezing tightly with my hand, feeling how hard his dick was. He let out a little strangled moan, and grasped at the sides of his chair with both hands as I speeded my movements up.

"Oh Fuck! Oh yes!" he cried urgently as I jerked him off, my own dick rock hard, in fact feeling harder than I could ever remember it feeling before, my balls beginning to ache, longing for release.

"That's it you stud, I want your cum all over my face!" A female voice suddenly said loudly. I realized it was the porn movie still playing on Anthony's laptop. "Don't you worry baby, my heavy load's on its way and you're going to get every last drop" the male actor replied. "Oh yes, you stud, I want it now! Oh! Oh! My pussy's dripping at the thought..."

Jeez, that movie sounded terrible! But, I guess Anthony would want to see the ending, imagine the woman was getting his own load sprayed all over her, see her with cum dripping down her face. I reluctantly let go of Anthony's dick, and gestured with my left hand at the screen behind him.

"You'd better turn around, or you're going to miss it!"

My right hand was a little wet and slippery from the precum Anthony had been leaking while I jerked on his cock. I started jerking my own again, turned on even more at the thought that some of what was helping my hand glide up and down so smoothly was Anthony's own body fluids.

Anthony was probably going to try to cum the same time as the pornstar, and I wanted to bust the same time as he did, that would be so hot! I speeded up my jerking until I could feel myself starting to get close.

Anthony too was jacking his cock really fast and hard, and I realized he hadn't swivelled his chair back round to face his laptop, he was still facing me. The moans and groans from the laptop speakers were building to a crescendo as the man stood over the woman, jerking himself furiously, and the woman's hand stroked herself between her legs, her mouth open wide expecting a heavy load of cum to get deposited on her at any second.

I pointed at the laptop screen again.

"Anthony you're going to miss it!"

He turned round to face the screen and I repositioned myself so I could still see his hand busily jerking his glorious cock. I was really close now, couldn't last much longer...

"Mmmm" I moaned, unable to stop the sound of pleasure, the sound of my impending orgasm from escaping from me.

Anthony didn't seem to mind, in fact he was moaning too, as was the man in the porn movie. All three of us were moaning together, getting closer and closer and...

Suddenly, on screen, the man's large purple cockhead suddenly erupted, spraying forth an enormous amount of cum, landing right on the woman's face. Then, a second after my mind registered that, Anthony let out a really loud "FUUUUCK YEEESSS!!!" and I saw cum, thick and white pouring from his own cock, some of it landing in his pubes, some of it flying up his stomach and causing a wet stain on the front of his dark blue shirt. The scent of cum hit my nostrils and tipped me over the edge, and now I too was gasping in ecstasy, feeling cum shooting out of me. I closed my eyes, my left hand bracing myself on the back of Anthony's desk chair, and succumbed to the feeling running through me.

As I felt my dick give out a final spurt, I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was a large globule of white lying on the dark brown strands of hair on the back of Anthony's head. My eyes widened and I slid my eyes down from it, to see more of it, and a large wet stain at the neck of his shirt.

Oh fuck! I'd cum on him! In his hair! On his neck!

As my mind registered the fact, Anthony's hand came round and touched his neck right where the largest amount of cum sat, no doubt also running down his back, down the back of his shirt. I panicked briefly, then reality kicked in and I realized he must know, he must have felt the wetness, I could hardly deny it was me, there wasn't anyone else it could have been, and I doubted he would believe he could have gotten himself on the back of the neck!

I decided to own up.

"Whoops. Sorry dude, I um seem to have got you a little there" I said, feeling...well, how did I feel? Actually, I suddenly realized, I didn't much care! I'd just had an amazing time and cum the hardest I could remember cumming for...well, since the last time I'd had an Anthony-assisted orgasm. I could feel myself smiling, and then suddenly (don't ask me why) I was laughing. Maybe delirium!

"Bastard!" He said, turning in his chair to look at me. "This isn't `There's Something About Mary' you know! If I wanted to style my hair I'd have used gel like any normal person!"

I just laughed harder, partly at what he had said, partly at the expression he was pulling, partly just because of how happy I felt at having the wonderful feelings running through me.

Then Anthony was laughing too, and we were both laughing together, just as we had both been jerking off together, and something inside me clicked and I realized I wanted very much to remember this moment, this intensely happy and completely satisfying moment, forever.

Next: Chapter 21: Geeks Get Hot 10 Abby

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