Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Aug 16, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Anthony. At some point in the future, I plan to completely retell the story from Brad's point of view.

Geeks Get Hot (part 2) -- Anthony

I pushed the door open and walked into the room. My laptop bag swung in front of me, half falling off my shoulder and I stumbled to stop it hitting the floor, almost tripping over my own feet in the process. Great. A brilliant first impression. What a klutz, as the Americans would say. My not so elegant entrance caused the occupant of the room to look up from the computer screen on his desk. A guilty look crossed his face and he quickly clicked his mouse, closing whatever he'd had loaded up in front of him.

He rose from his desk chair and walked over to me. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I could already tell from his appearance he was someone I could get on with. Like me, he was quite tall and thin and wore glasses, but I noticed his shoulders were quite broad. His hair was short and black and his eyes were big pools of brown. He was wearing a dark grey t-shirt and black jeans. He smiled as he held his hand out to me.

"Hey, I'm Brad, you must be Anthony. Pleased to meet you." He too pronounced my name with a `th'.

"Actually it's Anthony with a tuh' sound -- you don't pronounce the h' ". The smile left his face and he looked down at his feet. Shit, that really wasn't a very friendly way to greet the person you had to spend the next year living in the same room as.

"Shit, that didn't come out right. I'm sorry, I've had a really long day travelling, and I'm a bit paranoid about people pronouncing my name right. Let's start again. Hi Brad, I'm Anthony. Pleased to meet you" and I took his still out-stretched hand and shook it, hoping he wasn't going to be cold towards me. He shook my hand back.

"Wow, are you from England? I've never met anybody from there before. How did you end up studying here?"

As I explained about the year exchange programme and we started chatting about what subjects and courses we were hoping to register for, I began to relax. Brad was really easy to talk to, and we seemed to have a lot in common. I'd only known him ten minutes, but it already felt like I'd known him a lot longer.

"Say, did you want to go to the refectory and grab a coffee or something?" He asked.

"Actually, I'd better fetch the rest of my suitcases up before someone walks off with them, and then I've got to get some sleep -- I feel like I could sleep for the rest of the orientation week!"

"Yes, you do look pretty whacked."

There's that word again. Guess it means `knackered'. This American slang's going to take some getting used to.

"I'll come give you a hand carrying your cases" Brad said. So we left the room together and made our way back to the administration building, continuing our conversation on the way.

"So, do you have a girlfriend back in England?" Brad asked.

Now would be the perfect time to tell him you're gay.


Go on, say it. Just say "no I'm not interested in girls, I'm gay". It's not difficult.


Say it.

"No, um..."


"I...No, I don't."


I seethe inwardly, cursing my lack of confidence letting me down once again. I reach down and pick up one of my suitcases, feeling like throwing it far away from me in frustration. Brad reaches for the other one.

"Me either." He hesitates a bit, then says rather eagerly "Guess we can both have some fun searching this year though."

"mm-hmm" I mumble noncommittally. We turn, each holding a heavy suitcase in one hand.

"Fuck, what do you have in this thing? Breezeblocks?!"

I laughed at him and we made our way back to our dorm, having to put the suitcases down to change arms once or twice. The sleeves of his t-shirt reached to his elbows which was a shame, as, thin as he looked, he didn't seem to be struggling with the weight quite as much as I was, and I couldn't help thinking there might be a bit more muscle definition in his arms than his outward appearance suggested.

We got back to our room and stowed the cases under my desk. Brad went off to get some coffee for both of us and I got onto my bed fully clothed, and lay down, to wait for him to come back, exhaustion suddenly hitting me again. I must have fallen asleep almost immediately, as the next thing I knew it was dark, and I could hear the soft, heavy breathing from across the room of someone sleeping. I unlaced my trainers (would I have to start referring to them as `sneakers' to get myself understood? I started wondering), pulled off my socks, jeans and t-shirt, dropping them into an untidy pile on the floor next to my bed, and got under the covers where sleep quickly overcame me again.

...The aeroplane was climbing higher. Through the windows, the fields below got smaller and smaller until they were tiny squares of contrasting greens. A voice beside me made me jump.

"Would sir care for anything else?" I stared up at the male cabin crew member who'd spoken, his tanned face looking down at me intently, his tongue protruding slightly from his open lips. My eyes travelled casually down the rest of his slender body, coming to rest on the zip of his flies. His trousers were tight, and the crotch area bulged nicely outwards. As I gazed, I could swear I saw something twitch causing movement in the material.

"What else do you have to offer?" I asked, looking back up at his dazzling blue eyes which stared suggestively down at me.

"I think you'll enjoy one of our special services" he said, before reaching out to my own flies, pulling the zip down and putting his hand inside to grasp at my growing dick. His thumb gently stroked the base of it, while his other fingers snaked up and down the whole length of my shaft making me catch my breath sharply. He kept eye contact with me as, his hand still inserted through the flies of my jeans, he slowly pulled down the waistband of my underwear, and took hold of my bare cock, then retracted his hand, pulling my dick out of my flies with it.

He ran an index finger over my piss slit, fetching up the pre that I'd begun to leak, then put his finger into his mouth to suck it clean, tasting my juices. He licked his lips, then parted them and leaned his head forward towards my lap, and the erection that protruded from my open flies. I closed my eyes in anticipation, waiting to feel the warmth of his mouth envelop my dripping cockhead...

What was taking so long?! I slowly opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar bare wall in front of me. Fuck! Why do I always wake up just when my dreams are starting to get good?! And where was I anyway? That wall definitely wasn't one I recognised.

I rolled over and tried to get my eyes to focus on my surroundings. My glasses sat on a table which was next to my bed. That's funny, I didn't remember taking them off last night. Oh well, I must have done. I reached out for them and put them on. I shook my head to try and clear the sleepiness, and then something in my mind must have switched on, as I remembered that I'd arrived in the States and this was my dorm room -- home for the next year. A voice startled me.

"Good sleep?"

I looked across the room to see Brad sitting at his desk, twisted round in his chair to face me. Shit! I have a roommate, I'd forgotten about that! Suddenly conscious of my morning wood, a remnant of the hot dream I'd been having not so long ago, I quickly glanced down at the covers covering my body to check that it wasn't showing through. As far as I could tell, it wasn't and I let out a mental sigh of relief. That would have just been embarrassing, it being less than 24 hours since we'd met. I suddenly realised Brad was waiting for me to answer his question.

"Um yes. What time is it?"

"Oh don't worry, it's still pretty early, you've not missed orientation or anything. I've not been up long, but I've been and had a shower and was just checking my emails before breakfast. I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, not at all. And even if you had, that's just one of those things when you're sharing a room isn't it? I would have forgiven you...maybe...sometime next century!"

Brad laughed at that, and twisted back on his seat to close his computer down. I stretched and then lowered my head back down to my pillow. My cock pushed at the boxers that imprisoned it and I tried to ignore it, hoping it would soon go down, but I have to confess I was feeling seriously horny and it was a big effort to stop myself reaching down to attend to it, roommate or no roommate!

I was wearing black loose-fitting boxer shorts. Not a style of underwear I wear every day, but I remember I chose them when I got dressed yesterday as I knew I'd be sitting travelling for a long time and I thought I might sweat a bit less if I gave my bits room to breathe. Well my bits were certainly alive and breathing alright this morning! No wonder really, now that I came to think about it. Right now it was Tuesday morning, which meant it was Tuesday afternoon in the UK and I'd left my house 5am Monday morning, and what with packing, checking I'd packed everything, and calming my parents who'd suddenly started stressing about me leaving the country on my own, I hadn't had any time on Sunday for a my usual wank at all. So it must have been Saturday last time I'd attended to myself, which many days ago?! Fuck! No wonder I was feeling so horned up. This was probably the longest I'd ever gone without shooting my load since I'd discovered the joys of masturbation at the age of 12. Shit!

My hardon stabbed impatiently at the material of my boxers. Brad's voice broke through my thoughts.

"So, I'm about ready for breakfast. Do you want to throw some clothes on quickly and come too?"


My erection practically cleared its throat to remind me of its presence, pushing so hard against my boxers I thought it might tear through the cotton material. "Don't you dare leave this bed without seeing to me" it seemed to be saying.

"Um no," I said as casually as I could. "You go on ahead and grab us a table and I'll catch you up. I could do with a shower, I smell pretty disgusting this morning after all that travelling yesterday."

"Okay," Brad said. "You remember where the refectory is right? We walked past it yesterday when we were fetching your stuff."

"Yes, I remember" I said, feeling my rock hard leaking cock straining against its confines.

"Okay, catch you later" he said, leaving our room.

Almost before the door had closed behind him, I'd grasped the sides of my boxers and pulled them down, releasing my dick which bounced free, almost breathing a sigh of relief at being freed from its black cotton prison. My right hand encircled my shaft, squeezed it tightly and began making its familiar journey up and down the length of it, causing my pulsing cockhead to be repeatedly covered and uncovered by my foreskin as it did so. I could already tell this wasn't going to take long.

My left hand went to my balls and began fondling them. It was probably my imagination, but they felt larger and heavier than usual from not having released a load for so long. My movements were frantic, desperate, my fist moving so fast up and down my shaft that my whole arm was starting to ache. Little moans flew uncontrollably from my lips and I could already feel that delicious feeling begin to flow through me. My feet began to tingle, as my breathing started coming in ragged gasps. I felt my bulging balls draw in towards my body and then suddenly the first volley of cum was shooting out of the end of my cock. I let out a loud cry of pleasure as more and more cum squirted out, covering my chest and stomach with a warm sticky layer.

My breathing and stroking slowly calmed as the final drops spurted weakly from the end of my cock. I let go of myself and my dick twitched a final time before starting to lose its firmness.

Fuck! That felt good! I'd needed that so badly!

Finding the pair of boxers I'd discarded, I used them to mop up the cum from off my body, then using my feet to push my bed away from the wall ever so slightly, I dropped them down the side of my bed, hearing them hit the floor wetly. I'll probably keep them as my cumrag for the time being.

I pulled the covers back over the top of me and stretched, basking in my post-orgasmic happiness. The door suddenly opened, and Brad walked in.

"Not going to get very far without my wallet!" He made his way over to where it lay on his desk and picked it up.

Shit! That was close! I'd have died of embarrassment if he'd walked in and caught me lying on my bed wanking like there was no tomorrow.

"Are you still not out of bed?!" He asked incredulously. "Thought you were desperate for a shower."

Well, I had definitely been desperate for something! I obviously didn't say that out loud though.

"What can I say? I'm not a morning person!" I told him.

"Well don't laze about too long, otherwise you'll miss breakfast."

"Alright Mum, or should I say `Mom'?!" I teased him. He laughed, and left the room.

Next: Chapter 3: Geeks Get Hot 3 Anthony

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