Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Mar 5, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 8) -- Brad

I sat down, my back against the wall, clutching my lube in my hand.

I looked down and saw Anthony's face inches away from where my rock hard cock was bulging in my tight white briefs. He had a shocked look on his face and his cheeks were red. He looked up at me, and gave a little jump as if surprised to see me there. A look of guilt crossed his face. I wondered what he was thinking. He couldn't be surprised to see that I was boned up, as he knew I was about to get myself off.

He was suddenly stammering, a bit awkwardly.

"Um, um, I'm a bit in your way," he stuttered. And then he raised himself off of his stomach until he too was in a sitting position next to me. I couldn't help looking down to his crotch area, and right now, I was too drunk to care if he noticed I was looking. And what I saw made my dick get even harder (I didn't think that was possible, but it did, I swear!) and tingle with excitement!

His tight gray boxerbriefs were severely tented, struggling to contain an obviously rock hard dick, and toward the top of his underwear, right where his dickhead lay, there was a circular patch of dark gray wetness, showing up clearly amidst the light gray material that was bulging outward impressively.

Fuck! Anthony was obviously as turned on and horny as I was. So much so he had started leaking precum into his boxerbriefs. Shit! Nice! Wow!

"Hey dude, it looks like you could do with getting yourself off too," I told him.

He swallowed a little uncomfortably. I expect he felt a bit embarrassed, both of us sitting there with obvious hardons showing. I know I would under normal circumstances, but the effects of the alcohol had dimmed my self-consciousness, and right now, I just felt 100% horny.

"Yes, you're right," Anthony eventually said, softly. "I could definitely do with a good...what is it you say over here? A good jacking-off?"

Fuck, yes! He definitely could. And so could I!

"Yeah," I said, wracking my brains for the corresponding British expression. "And I could do with a good...what is it you Brits call it again? Wank?"


"Mmm, yes, a good wank!" I repeated slowly and deliberately, emphasizing the words as I said them.

Anthony let out a little desperate cry, as if he couldn't hold back any longer, and his hand went to the hardness in his boxerbriefs and started rubbing it furiously through the material. The dark gray circle of precum increased in diameter. My own dick was still tingling and I felt waves of excitement and anticipation running through my body. I slowly gripped the sides of my tight white briefs and pulled them down, letting my achingly hard cock free at last. I bent my knees up and slid my briefs right down and off, then discarded them on the floor.

Next to me, Anthony tugged down his boxerbriefs and his own dick sprang out, landing back against his stomach with a soft splatting sound. He threw his own underwear onto the floor where it landed on top of mine. I turned my head and looked down at his cock, sensing him turning his head to look at mine at the same time.

Anthony's dick was just...perfect. There was no other word to describe it. I knew he was uncut, but right at that moment, his foreskin had rolled right back, exposing a very plump, pale pink dickhead from which radiated the most gorgeous manly scent. There was a little drop of precum sitting on his piss-slit, which I longed to collect on the tip of my tongue, to see what it tasted like, but despite the beer having relaxed my inhibitions, I still didn't dare do that. Besides, it would probably completely freak him out, and I didn't want that. Not when the night was turning out like one of my wet dreams!

"Fuck mate, that's a fucking nice cock you've got there!" Anthony suddenly said, sounding impressed. "Whoever ends up being the first to get that monster inside them is going to feel one lucky person!"

I looked down at my own 8 inch dick, rock hard and throbbing, the dark pink head completely engorged with blood. I had to admit, it did look pretty good. I looked back over at Anthony's. No, it definitely wasn't as big as mine was, nor was it as big as most of the cocks I'd seen in porn films. But there was just something about it that drew me to it. I couldn't explain it, just the sight of it had me so turned on I couldn't believe it.

I tore my gaze away from it for a moment and squeezed some lube into my hand. Then I remembered my manners, and thought I'd better offer some to Anthony too.

"Hey do you want some lube for that?" I asked. He looked up and caught my eye. I nodded down at his dick to make it obvious what I meant by "that". (As if he wouldn't have known!)

"Okay," he said.

Without thinking properly, I reached out the hand I'd just squeezed lube onto, and transferred the lube off of it onto his dick, stroking my hand up and down him a few times to get all of it coated. Then, I suddenly realized what I was doing, and was a bit afraid he would get mad at me, but he didn't seem to be minding. I got some more lube, and transferred it onto my own cock. While I was lubing myself up, Anthony took hold of his own shaft, and, leaning back, resting his head against the wall, started jacking himself, his hand moving slowly and rhythmically up and down. He let out a long satisfied moan as he started, as if to say "I've been waiting all night for this". His left hand went down to his balls and started playing with them.

I stroked up and down my shaft a couple times, then started playing with my own balls. They felt so full and heavy, and I rolled them round in the palm of my hand, pulling at my scrotum. I moved the palm of my other hand up to my cockhead, and used it to press my head against my slightly defined abs, then rubbed the palm of my hand back and forth over the underside of my head. It felt so good. I closed my eyes and let the waves of pleasure I was creating wash over me.

I opened my eyes and sneaked a look over at Anthony. He had his own eyes closed now, enjoying his own world of pleasure, and was running his index finger backward and forward over his banjo string at the back of his cockhead. His whole head was shiny and wet with a mix of lube and precum. As I watched, a large drop of precum formed at his piss-slit, then spilled over. As it did, he let out a moan, the sound of which made a shiver run right down my spine. I pressed a bit harder on my tender dickhead to increase the friction and sensation, and suddenly found myself moaning too, the feelings were so good and I was so turned on from having Anthony jerking off next to me.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I kept expecting to wake up alone in my bed with wet and sticky briefs, convinced I was just experiencing a particularly vivid wet dream. I pinched myself on the arm to check I was actually awake, and it seemed I was, if a little drunk. I resolved to make the most of the experience, because it was unlikely to happen again.

Next to me, Anthony moaned again, louder this time, and more desperate-sounding. I looked over at him. He was jacking hard and fast, squeezing his dick so tight his head had darkened in color from the pressure he was applying. Now he was jacking his cock properly, I could see his foreskin in action, covering and uncovering his slippery head. I stared at it transfixed. Covered head. Uncovered head. Covered head. Uncovered head. The skin was sliding forward and backward smoothly. Covered head. Uncovered head. Covered head...

Anthony took his hand off his dick and I watched as slowly, the foreskin rolled back of its own accord, his round pink cockhead getting gradually exposed until it was fully revealed.

"What's it like to have a foreskin?" The question was out of my mouth before I'd realized I'd started speaking.

"Um, well I've never known any different, so it's just normal to me," he told me.

"You know," I said, "I've never seen a dick with a foreskin before. Everyone in porn over here is circumcized, and so are all my family and everyone in my class at high school were too."

I stared at Anthony's dick as once again he moved his hand forward until his foreskin completely covered his head, and then released his hand letting the skin roll back by itself.

"Can I...Can I see what it feels like?" I asked hesitantly.

Oh my God! I can't believe I even dared ask that!

"Sure," he said, with a cheeky grin. "That's what roommates are for!"

Wow! He actually agreed! Wow! I don't believe that!

Quickly, before he could change his mind, I reached over and took the top of his dick in my hand. I pulled his foreskin upward over his head and then stretched it out as far as it would go. I ran it between my thumb and index finger, then stuck my index finger down inside, circling it around the inside of his foreskin. His foreskin felt so soft. The tip of my finger touched the tip of his dick which was warm and oozing precum. He gasped out as I made contact with his head.

I slowly started masturbating him, moving his foreskin forward and backward over his slippery precum-soaked cockhead. Through the thin skin, I could feel the rock hardness of his shaft giving way to the plump sponginess of his head as I moved my hand up and down his length. His cock was warm and so so hard. Anthony moaned with pleasure as I jerked him off. I couldn't believe I was actually touching another guy's dick for the first time. And he seemed to be enjoying what I was doing too, if his frequent moans and squirming movements were anything to go by.

As I jacked him, I suddenly felt a warm and slippery hand encircling my own boner, and then begin stroking up and down it. I gasped out in shock, and met Anthony's eye. He smiled at me and then began running his index finger backward and forward over my banjo string, like I'd seen him do to himself earlier.

It felt good. I love touching myself there, and having someone else do it for me made it feel twice as good. I moaned loudly, unable to stop the sound leaving my lips. I tightened the grip on the dick I was jacking, forgetting for a moment it wasn't my own. Now it was Anthony's turn to moan.

"Oh fuck yes, that feels good" he murmured appreciatively as I squeezed him tightly and continued my exploration of how his foreskin worked.

"Your foreskin is awesome!" I told him. "I wish I had one. I'd love to know how good it feels to have a foreskin sliding forward and backward over your cockhead"

"It feels fucking amazing." he said.

"Man! I'm so jealous!" I complained.

I felt his hand leave my dick, and then he was pulling at my own fist as it stroked him.

"What? Don't you like it? Aren't I doing it right?" I asked him, releasing his rock hard shaft. He didn't answer me, but knelt up beside me, holding his own dick in his right hand. He reached over and grabbed hold of my own dick with his other hand, pulling at it, and forcing me to kneel up facing him. He guided our dicks toward each other and I let him, curious to know what he had planned, but just enjoying having him touch my aching erection.

Our dickheads met, and we both let out a little gasp at the sensation of having the two throbbing heads touching one another.

I looked up at his face. He was breathing deeply and concentrating. I followed his gaze to our dicks and saw him slowly rolling his foreskin forward, down over his own head and toward my own. I opened my eyes wide with realisation of what he was doing, and then felt the soft skin begin to slide over the sides of my own head.

"Fuck!" I exhaled softly.

His dickhead pressed hard against my own and his hand straddled both our heads as he continued rolling his foreskin forward as far as it would go. The puckered bottom edge of it just touched the rim of my head when he stopped. He applied some pressure and then I felt my head getting gradually exposed as he rolled the skin backward. But then he started rolling it forward again over my head.

Oh Fuck! It felt so so good. Better than I'd even imagined. My cockhead was getting more and more slippery, and it felt wet. It dawned on me that Anthony was leaking huge amounts of precum as he jacked us both, and it was helping to lube me up, getting my dickhead nice and slippery. Another new sensation, as I couldn't remember ever getting any pre myself.

I was moaning pretty constantly now, caught up in the feeling of being jacked by him, having precum coating the end of my dick, being so close to another completely naked guy, having a foreskin wrapped around the tip of my cock...

I wanted a go at jacking us both, and placed my hand over Anthony's. He released his grip and now it was my turn to run his foreskin forward and backward over us. Anthony joined me moaning as I jacked the two of us. The urgency of his moans turned me on even more, and caused me to increase the speed of my hand. Both of us were breathing faster now, and I felt Anthony's dick leaking even more precum over both of us inside the cover of his foreskin.

Shit! I'm about to cum! I can't cum yet. I don't want to. I want this to last forever. This is the best night of my life.

I let go, and moved away from Anthony, breaking the connection between our dicks. A thin strand of his precum stretched between us and then dropped downward onto the bed beneath us. I squeezed my asscheeks tight, and just managed to stop myself from cumming.

"Why did you stop?" Anthony asked. "Did it feel too weird us..."

"No, it wasn't that at all," I replied sheepishly. "I could feel I was about to cum, and I didn't want this feeling to end so soon."

"Mate, I was so close just then too," he said. "It's great you want to keep going, but I tell you if I don't cum soon, my balls are going to literally explode...and not in a good way!"

"What? These balls?" I said, playfully (and so out of character! I should get drunk more often if it was going to give me this much confidence!) leaning forward to take them in my hand, running my thumb tightly over the tops of them. They felt as large and full and heavy as my own. Guess he really did need to cum soon.

"Yes, those balls" he gasped out.

He lay down on his back on the bed as my hands stroked over his balls. I moved forward as he lay down, staying on my knees, one leg either side of his body until I was kneeling over the top of his, straddling him, with one knee either side of his hips. I surprised myself that I was brave enough to get into this position, but the animal instinct was taking over. I was enjoying my first sexual experience, and just doing what I'd dreamed of, fantasized of doing a million times over. I bent my knees, lowering my ass toward his legs, and dangled my balls over the top of his, lowering until our two sets of balls were touching, mine draped over his. I felt the warm sweatiness from his balls and scrotum beneath my own.

I placed my hands down on the bed, on each side of his shoulders, and leaned forward toward him. I looked him straight in the eye. They were opened wide behind his rimless glasses. Both of us were breathing deeply, we were both turned on completely. I leaned down closer to him, and was opening my mouth, getting ready to kiss him on his lips, when between us, our dickheads connected again, and we both cried out at the feeling. Anthony turned his head to the side, his cheek pressing into my pillow, little beads of sweat trickling down the side of his head.

I moved my hips forward and backward, feeling my dickhead sliding against his own slippery head. I felt our banjo strings sliding past and over each other and Anthony leaking precum steadily, big drops of it that made him even more slippery and heightened the sensation of pleasure for both of us. My head was getting warmer and warmer, radiating heat, the warmth spreading down the whole length of my cock. We both moaned loudly again and again at the feeling of our dickheads rubbing against each other.

"Fuck!" I cried. "Fuck! Oh yes! Oh fuck! Oh this feels so good!"

"Faster Brad, faster!" Anthony moaned, and I sped up my movements, not really needing his encouragement to do so, but feeling all the more turned on that I was the one controlling the level of his pleasure.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!"

Anthony was moving beneath me now, his hips rising and falling, matching the rhythm of my own motions. I could feel a pressure building up in my balls, building up more and more, and then the feeling was spreading, a warm tickling feeling sweeping right through my body, from the tips of my ears to the soles of my feet. I felt my chest flushing, my breaths coming fast and ragged, and knew I was on the verge of an intense orgasm, the likes of which I'd never felt before.

I looked down at Anthony, thrashing about beneath me, his head turning from side to side on my pillow, his cheeks reddened, his eyes wide and looking directly into my own.

"Anthony, I'm gonna cum," I gasped, feeling my body trembling. My body barely felt as if it were my own any more. I felt as though I had no control left over it.

"Fuck Brad, me too, any second" Anthony panted, between moans.

"I'm gonna..."


"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh fuck!"


"Oh Yes! OH YES! YES! YES!!!"

I felt cum shooting out of my dick, more powerfully than I had ever felt it come out before. I continued to moan with pleasure, and beneath me, Anthony was sighing big deep sighs. And still the cum poured forth from me. It must have been the biggest load of my life. I lost count of how many shots there'd been.

Anthony's stomach must be covered!

The feelings of my orgasm continued to wash over me and I could barely breathe, the intensity of it was so severe. I didn't recognise myself, the noises I was making. I still had my weight on my arms, and they felt as though they would collapse at any second. I slowly lowered myself down, until I felt my stomach touch the wet stickiness of Anthony's, then I stretched out my legs and arms, until I was lying on top of him, my whole body covering his own.

I felt his nipples against my naked chest. I felt his breaths, warm on my neck, and leaned forwards, putting my head to the side of his own.

"That. Was. Amazing!" I murmured into his ear. It was all I could manage to say. All I had the energy for. All I had the breath for. The whole thing had wiped me out. I'd honestly never cum so hard or so much, or felt that good before, during or afterward.

Anthony's body felt warm and comfortable beneath me. It dawned on me that I had just had my first proper sexual experience. Had just had the most awesome jerk-off session with my roommate. Sure, it was alcohol-induced, and would probably never ever have happened if Anthony hadn't been so drunk, but that didn't mean it didn't count. I would remember this night for the rest of my life.

Next: Chapter 18: Geeks Get Hot 7 Abby

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