Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Feb 19, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 7) – Brad

I lay on my side facing the wall, trying to lie as still as possible and breathe as quietly as I could, pretending to still be asleep, hardly daring to believe what I was hearing. From across the room in his own bed, Anthony was making the unmistakeable soft sighs and whimpers of somebody jerking off, trying not to be overheard, but not quite managing to keep completely silent.

It was late Saturday morning, and the end of the first full week of classes of the semester. We had hung out with some other guys from the corridor last night, sort of like an impromptu party to celebrate "surviving" the first proper week at college, and then stayed up late talking. Since it was the weekend, we'd agreed not to set an alarm to wake us up, and for the first time since we'd started rooming together, I had slept in longer than Anthony.

And it sounded as though he had decided to take advantage of it!

I lay listening to his breathing getting faster and deeper and more ragged, gasps of pleasure leaping uncontrollably from his lips and drifting across the room to where I lay in my own bed, squeezing my eyes tight shut for some reason, as if my having them closed would add to the pretence that I was actually still asleep. My own hard cock strained against the confines of my briefs, but I didn't dare reach down to it, for fear that Anthony would overhear me moving and stop what he was doing under his bedcovers.

"Mmm Mmm Mmm" Anthony moaned softly to himself amid the sound of his bedclothes rhythmically moving and his bed squeaking a little as he wriggled in it, caught up in his private world of pleasure.

I longed to join in, just throw caution to the wind and start beating off in my own bed, adding my own sighs and moans to his own, the sound of him jerking off was turning me on so much, but that was a fantasy destined to remain just that. A fantasy. I would never be courageous enough to try it, and even if I were, Anthony would just get freaked out by it and probably ask to switch rooms. He wouldn't want to room with a freak like me who got off on the sound of his roommate getting himself off.

I had to be content with listening to Anthony's sighs getting a little louder and a little more frantic, with my boner stretching the material of my briefs to almost breaking point, my balls tingling, desperate to unload, and my heart pounding in my ears, terrified that at any minute, Anthony would cotton on to the fact that I had woken up, and start accusing me of being a filthy perverted faggot with no morals.

"Oh yes," Anthony cried, his voice rising to a crescendo. "Oh yes, Oh Fuck Yes! Oh! OH! OH!! FUCK! OH!!!" His last cry was almost a half-scream, and I could sense that as he'd let out that cry, the cum had started flying from his cock. I felt a sudden wetness filling my own briefs, and realised, a little to my shock, that the sound of him cumming had triggered something in me and caused me to cum myself, without my even having touched my dick or balls once. I was too shocked to even make a sound, and just lay there in my bed, feeling cum trickling out of the end of my dick and soaking into my briefs, as I heard Anthony sighing deeply and contentedly to himself.

A few minutes passed, then I heard the sound of Anthony getting out of bed and collecting his wash things. I heard the door close behind him, and finally rolled over, opened my eyes, and put on my glasses. I breathed in deeply. The air was heavy with the smell of fresh cum. Part of me wondered if I had dreamed the last ten minutes (I had certainly had some pretty vivid wet dreams in the past!) I pulled my bedcovers away from my body and surveyed the dark, wet stain in the center of my bulging briefs. I peeled them off, revealing my shiny, sticky, cut cock, still semi-erect. I grabbed a couple Kleenex from my drawer and cleaned myself up, wiping cum from out of my pubes and drying off my shaft and cockhead.

I got out of bed and dropped the Kleenex in the trashcan, then got myself a fresh pair of briefs from my wardrobe, and was about to put them on, when all of a sudden I got a reckless urge to stay naked. I dropped the briefs on my bed, and lay down on the floor, completely naked, stretching myself out. Then I bent my knees, and began my usual sit-ups.

After I had finished my morning exercise regime, I put on my bathrobe and was just about to open the door to leave the room to go take a shower, when the door swung open and Anthony entered. He looked cheerful, his dark brown hair plastered to his head, droplets of water still on his forehead and neck, and, also, I saw when I glanced down, running down the bottom of his hairy legs.

"Morning Brad!" He greeted me happily. "Who'd have thought it?! Me the first one up!"

"Well, it had to happen one day," I said. "Law of averages!"

He punched me lightly on the top of my arm, and ruffled my hair, both gestures of friendliness.

"Twat" he said, affectionately, before crossing to his side of the room to where he kept his deodorant and things. I left the room and went for my shower and shave. He was still in the room waiting for me when I got back, and as I dressed, he asked me what I had planned for the day.

"Oh, I'm going to meet up with my cousin," I said as I fastened my jeans. "I thought I mentioned it yesterday."

"Oh yes," he replied. "I remember you saying now. I'll probably study a little and surf the web a bit. Or maybe see what the others along the corridor are up to."

I pulled my shirt over my head. It still amazed me at how unselfconscious I had become at being in front of him with few (or even no) clothes on. It helped that he was so relaxed with himself, and never seemed awkward when stripping of in front of me, or made me feel uncomfortable when I had to do the same.

I was excited about meeting up with Abby. I had a bit of time yet, so studied for a little, consolidating in my mind all the stuff I'd learned in classes that first week. Then I tried to start some homework questions, but couldn't concentrate. I kept checking the time, desperate for it to get to 2.30, which is when I'd arranged to meet Abby.

Finally, 2.30 came, and I called out "goodbye" to Anthony as I left. He was on `Facebook', seeing what his friends back in England had been up to recently. I walked quickly downtown and found the place where Abby worked. Her shift had just finished and she bought me a coke and a frozen yogurt and we sat at one of the tables and talked.

I found myself talking quickly and excitedly, explaining all about my classes and the new people I'd met and the things we'd done together. About going to a bar for the first time, about the math professor I had who'd been wearing a bright pink sweater with "I love Pi" written on it for the first class of the semester, about the guy who'd fallen asleep in the middle of the computer science lab, many things. Abby listened intently, and laughed and asked me questions about my new classes and the people living on the corridor.

Then she'd asked me how I was finding my roommate, and I found myself talking enthusiastically about Anthony and how great he was, telling her all about how he was from England on an exchange program and must be really smart to get chosen for it, and how he'd lent me a couple dollars for a drink when we'd gone to the cafeteria and I'd left my wallet in our room by mistake, and then hadn't let me pay him back, and...

Abby had listened to it all with a smile on her face and when I paused for breath, she said that Anthony sounded like a really great guy, and I was really lucky to have been allocated him to share my room with.

"Yes, I know," I said, "he's just awesome, and made me feel so at home here." It suddenly dawned on me that apart from that one time when those high school kids had hurled abuse at us in the street, I hadn't had a single panic attack since Anthony had showed up, and had been sleeping better than I had done for years.

"So," Abby said. "The million dollar question then. Did you manage to get laid yet?!"

I felt my face burning up with embarrassment, and she laughed, but not in a mocking way.

"Relax Brad, I wasn't expecting an answer! I only asked it to wind you up and see what shade of red your cheeks would go!" She took a sip of her drink. "Seriously though, you ought to try it sometime."

"Shall we change the subject?" I asked desperately, my eyes roving around the room checking that nobody was sitting close enough to overhear us.

She laughed again.

"Sure dude. Whatever you want. I won't embarrass you anymore! Oh! I haven't told you about my new job yet, have I?"

She carried on talking about how she'd managed to get a job Saturday evenings serving behind a new bar that had just opened to add to all the waitressing and bartending she did during the week. I half-listened, but my mind was turning over what she'd said. I wished I had managed to get laid already. I really did want to see what it was like. Or even not get properly laid, just get a blow job or fool around or make out...just do something with somebody who wasn't my own hand and five fingers! I thought of all the conversations I'd overheard in the bathroom, all the things the other guys on the corridor had said, all the pussy they'd been seemed everybody was getting laid apart from me. And maybe Anthony too, I guess.

I realized Abby had stopped talking and was waiting expectantly for me to answer her.

"Sorry Abby, I wasn't concentrating. What did you just ask me?"

"Oh nothing important," she sighed. "Come on, I need to go get showered before going out for my next job."

She paid and then we started walking along the street together, heading back to the college campus, as she lived in the same direction. As we neared the entrance to campus, she disappeared inside a grocery store, telling me to wait for her for a minute. I hopped from foot to foot impatiently outside, wanting to get back to the dorm room. The air was getting hot and humid, and it felt as though there would be a storm soon. I didn't want to get caught in the rain, as I hadn't bought a coat with me.

However, when she emerged from the store carrying a whole load of cans of beer, I was made up. She told me it was a present from her to celebrate me moving away from home and settling in to college life so well. I gave her a big hug, which surprised her a bit, as I don't usually hug people. Then I collected the cans from her and we said goodbye.

I walked back to Jefferson Dorms carrying the drinks. It was lucky I had started working out some, as I don't think I'd have managed to carry them all that way so easily otherwise – they were quite heavy all stacked together.

I got back to room 318 and clumsily entered the room. Anthony was still on `Facebook', but when he saw me and what I was carrying he let out a whoop of celebration!

We stashed the beer, and quickly went round knocking on doors down the corridor to invite the guys in to have a drink, but only one person answered, and he and his roommate were both just about to go out on dates, so forewent the chance of a beer, not wanting their dates to get pissed at them for being late picking them up.

We returned to our room a little deflated, and disappointed that we wouldn't be having a little party in our room, but then Anthony laughed and said "fuck it! All the more for us then!"

We decided to order a pizza, so I phoned for one on my cell to get it delivered to the dorms, and went down to wait in the lobby for it to arrive. The atmosphere was getting more and more humid, and as I waited for the pizza to arrive I felt sweat trickling down the back of my shirt. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.

Finally, the pizza delivery guy arrived and once I'd paid him, I carried the pizza up to our dorm room. Anthony had shut down his laptop, and opened the first two cans of beer for us. He held my can out to me and I took it off him and took a sip. I'd never really drunk alcohol before. Yes, I'd tasted beer before, but never had even a whole can to myself. The drink was refreshing in the hot, humid atmosphere, and I made a mental note to thank Abby again for buying the beer for us.

I plugged my games console into my TV and set up a game for us to play as we ate and drank. The room was hot, so Anthony opened the window wider, but there wasn't much breeze outside to come in and cool us down. We were both sitting on my bed, the pizza box between us, a games controller on each of our laps and a half-drunk can of beer each on the floor beside us. We were both only half-concentrating on the game, too busy talking. I told Anthony all about Abby and how cool she was, and he told me a bit more about his life in England. I couldn't believe there were still things left for him to tell me, we'd spoken so much about it the past two weeks. In fact, I couldn't believe we had only known each other two weeks – it already seemed like I had known him a whole lot longer.

Outside, it had started to get dark, and with the window open and the bedroom light on, we were soon a target for flies and moths and other bugs looking to get out of the dark, so we closed the window and took a break from the game for five minutes to squash the bugs that had ventured into the room using rolled-up computer game magazines.

Once we'd killed all the bugs, we settled back down on my bed to continue our game and pizza. We both opened a new can of beer (our third I think) and started slurping it down. Problem was, with the window closed, the room was starting to get hot and stuffy. I felt sweat trickling down my back again, and my shirt beginning to stick to my chest. Anthony looked warm too, with beads of sweat on his forehead and his hair starting to curl a little at the sides.

"Are you sweating a bit there dude?" I asked him.

"Yes. It's getting a bit stuffy in here," he replied. "I think I might take my tshirt off to get cooler. You don't mind do you?"

"No, go ahead," I said.

He put his controller down and pulled his shirt over his head. He threw it over onto his own bed. As he lifted his arm to do so, I caught a powerful whiff of his natural smell mixed with his deodorant, and drank it in. We settled back down to play and he seemed a lot more relaxed and comfortable, sitting there shirtless. About an inch of gray waistband from his underwear showed above the top of his jeans.

Soon the heat got too much for me, and I too stripped off my shirt, discarding it on the floor next to my bed. It was a relief to have my skin exposed to the air, and helped cool me down a bit, but now my torso was cooler, it only served to make me conscious about how warm and sweaty my legs were getting in my jeans.

We finished the pizza, and Anthony took the empty box out of the way, putting it near the door with the neat piles of empty cans we'd made. Then he surprised me by starting to undo his belt.

"Mate, it's no good, I'm still too hot. My legs are all sweaty in these jeans. You don't mind me taking them off do you?"

"No," I said. "In fact," I continued, standing up myself and starting to take off my own, "that's a good idea, I think I'll take mine off too."

Soon I was standing wearing just my tight white briefs. I looked over to where Anthony stood, naked apart from a pair of grey boxerbriefs that clung to his body and bulged out gently in the center. There was no embarrassment from either of us at being in such a state of undress, which is what you'd expect from roommates who were good friends and comfortable with one another. Anthony reached down to his bulge and readjusted himself through his underwear. He caught my eye and smiled apologetically.

"One of my balls had stuck to my leg" he explained. He bent down and picked up another can of beer for each of us from the stack of unopened cans we still had.

"Have you ever downed a can in one?" He asked. I was a bit confused, so he went on to explain it was where you drank the whole can of beer in one go without stopping.

"Often you have like a competition with your mates to see who can down it the fastest," he said. "The last person to finish usually has to do a forfeit."

"Oh I've never tried," I said. "I'm not sure if I'd manage it. This is my first time drinking alcohol."

"No way?!" He said, amazed.

"Well, I'm not legal yet, don't forget," I said. "And nor are you over here."

"I know," he said, with disappointment in his voice. "Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not a heavy drinker or anything, but every now and then I just feel in the mood to get completely wasted. And I like the taste of beer. I've missed it since I've been over here."

He crossed back over to sit down next to me on my bed, then raised his can towards mine and said "so how about it? Shall we down them?"

"Um alright," I said, ready to try anything once.

I mirrored him, raising the can to my lips, and then started gulping down the cold, fizzy beer as fast as I could, taking large mouthfuls, not pausing for breath. It started to seem as though I'd never finish, that the can was bottomless and I was going to have to stop drinking and rest my throat. But I didn't want to seem like a pussy in front of Anthony, so I forced myself to keep going. Finally, I reached the last dregs and took the can away from my lips. Anthony was just doing the same, so must have finished at the exact same time as me.

"It's a draw," he announced, a little breathlessly. "Neither of us has to do a forfeit." He sounded a little disappointed.

"What is the forfeit usually?" I asked.

"Oh it can be anything," he said. "I might have got you to streak down the corridor naked or something if you'd lost." He grinned wickedly at me. His words only half sunk in, as right then I felt the effects of swallowing such a large amount of beer in such a short amount of time, and had to concentrate hard on not throwing up until the feeling went away.

While I was doing that, Anthony opened up another can for each of us, and then rebooted the game for us. I felt like I needed to belch, but remembered my manners and did my best to swallow it away, not wanting to seem rude to Anthony. We played the game for a bit, managing to complete the next level, and saved our scores. I could feel the belch rising in my throat again.

Shit! Anthony's going to think I'm so rude, but I've got to let it out, I've got to!

I opened my mouth and let rip. It came out a whole lot louder than I thought it would.

"Excuse me," I said to Anthony. "I'm afraid fizzy drinks always give me gas." I winced inwardly, expecting some sort of sarcastic insult from him about my being a disgusting pig, but none came.

"Don't worry about it mate," he replied. " `Better out than in' as the saying goes. And burping like that after a beer is one of the best bits of being a man!"

"Fuck!" I cursed. "If I'd known that was your attitude I wouldn't have tried to be so polite and keep it in all this time."

He laughed and said "That's just for burping mind. It definitely doesn't apply to farting. Especially not while we're keeping the window closed!"

"Don't worry," I said, "that won't be a problem". I saw no reason to struggle to keep my gas in any longer, and belched again, not caring how loud or gross it sounded this time. I let out a deep sigh of contentment afterwards, picked up my can to take another sip of drink, and glanced across at Anthony. He was running his hand through his hair, his underarm hair exposed. I let my gaze drift down his body, taking in his pale pink nipples, his dark brown treasure trail, the bulge in his light gray boxerbriefs... As I looked, I swear I saw movement in his underwear. I casually looked away, and took another drink from my can, but as I went to look back, to check if I'd seen what I thought, Anthony changed position, swinging his legs up onto the bed behind him to lie down on his front.

I decided to join him in the same position, and lay down on my front next to him, between him and the wall, with my feet up on my pillow. We carried on playing the next level. Every now and then my left arm would hit his right arm, from how close we were lying and how we were holding our game controllers. Every time they hit, I felt a little shock of excitement run through my body, and I edged my body a little closer to him to make our arms collide more often, enjoying the feeling of having his bare arm keep brushing up against my own.

I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol now. Not in a bad way though – the room wasn't spinning, and I didn't feel like I was about to throw up or anything, I just felt warm and fuzzy, happy and a bit giggly. Lying on my stomach, my dick was pressed down into the mattress of my bed by my bodyweight. It felt nice. Actually, it felt a bit better than just nice.

Anthony's naked arm contacted mine again, and stayed there, his skin warm against my own. I was suddenly feeling seriously horny, lying there next to my roommate, both of us only wearing our underwear. Beneath my body, I could feel my dick beginning to harden. I tried my best to concentrate on the game, but soon all I could think about was how horny I was. I kept sneaking little glances to my left to see Anthony, the concentration in his face as he played, the smooth hairless tops of his arms and shoulders. I longed to crane my neck and catch a glimpse of his plump ass encased in his tight gray boxerbriefs, but didn't think I could manage it without it being obvious what I was doing.

A beeping from the TV warning me that my character's life energy was low brought my attention back to the screen, and I managed to get back into the game for a bit, until we'd completed the next level.

I drained the last of my can (which was it? My fifth? Sixth? Seventh? Fuck it, who cares?! I'd lost count!) and belched contentedly. Next to me, Anthony let out a low "mmmmmmmm", the sort of appreciative noise you make when you've just taken a mouthful of delicious food. I'm not sure if he realised he'd done it out loud. I wondered what he was thinking of that caused him to make a sound like that. Now that I thought about it, it was kind of like one of the soft moans he'd been making to himself that morning when he'd been lying in his bed jerking off and I'd been pretending to still be asleep.

Remembering how hot he'd sounded got my dick fully hard. It was caught in an uncomfortable position and I raised my body half off the bed to readjust myself in my briefs.

Ahh, That's better!

I suddenly remembered that I hadn't had a chance to jerk off yet that day. No wonder I was feeling so horny! Of course, lying next to Anthony, both of us in just our underwear wasn't helping matters! As I squirmed into a new, more comfortable position on the bed, my bare leg rubbed up against Anthony's. My dick jolted at the body contact, feeling even harder trapped beneath me and my mattress. I waited for him to move his leg away from mine, but he didn't, so I didn't move mine either. I could feel the hairs on his leg touching my own.

I was getting majorly turned on from the body contact, and hoped Anthony didn't realise that beneath my body lurked a massive boner. Next to me, Anthony was fidgeting, wriggling his body a little. Probably his balls were getting a bit squashed under him. I moved my leg slightly until not just the lower parts were touching, but our naked thighs were as well. I could feel the thin material of his boxerbriefs against the top of my leg.

We lay in silence, neither of us saying anything. My heart was beating loudly, not because of an approaching panic attack, but because the closeness and nakedness had me so turned on. At the same time, the amount of alcohol I'd drunk that night, (the first time I'd ever drunk properly, don't forget), had relaxed me and removed all my inhibitions. I suddenly felt the urge to ask Anthony something I'd never have dared ask usually.

"Anthony, are you a virgin?" I blurted out. He turned and looked at me startled. Under normal circumstances, I'd have blushed and looked away from him, but now, feeling like I did, I just held his gaze until he broke it himself, looking self-consciously down at the bedcovers in front of him as he answered.

"Yes," he said, sounding a little ashamed.

"Me too," I admitted quickly, not wanting him to feel awkward at having told me. Then a whole load of other words poured out of my mouth as I voiced my frustration at not having had any action yet. The alcohol had loosened my tongue, and I felt no embarrassment about sharing with him how I longed to lose my virginity. Somehow, I managed to keep alert enough not to let on that I didn't want to lose it with a girl though.

"You know pretty much every guy on our floor has already gotten some action this semester already," I complained. "It's so unfair!"

He tried to reassure me that my time to lose it would come soon, but I was unrelenting in my self-anguish.

"I can't wait though Anthony. I want to see for myself what all the fuss is about. And I feel such a failure. I'm probably going to be the last person on this corridor to get laid."

"Hey, you're nowhere near as big a failure as me when it comes to a sex-life" he said, slurring his words slightly, the alcohol obviously taking its effect on him too. "Don't forget I've already spent a whole year at university in England without getting laid!"

"Fuck, I'd forgotten that," I said in awe. "Dude, how did that happen? And how did you cope? I can't imagine spending another whole year as a virgin. The first chance I get, I'm gonna lose it." I meant what I was saying too. Hell yes, I meant it. First sniff of a fuck and I was going to take it!

Shit! Thinking about sex is getting me even more horny than I already was.

My dick felt like a rod of iron it was so hard. I carried on talking to try to take my mind off it, but I think I only made it worse.

"I can't wait for that day when I finally lose my virginity. You know, my doctor says I have a high sex-drive. I'm horny all the fucking time."

Too right, all the fucking time. Right now, I'm feeling so so horny. My balls are on fire, and my dick is so so hard. I haven't felt this turned on for a long time.

"I can't imagine lasting a whole year with no action at all," I carried on saying. "And you spent a whole year with...nothing? Not even a blowjob? Not even a handjob?"

"Not even a fully-clothed grope during a slow-dance" I confessed.

"Fuck dude!" I said incredulously.

All this sex talk has got me so horned up. My dick is so hard, crying out to be stroked! And it's no good, I just can't stop thinking about it. I can't take my mind off it!

My cock was so hard it was beginning to ache, and there was a funny tickling sensation in my balls, as if they were reminding me how full they were and how much they needed to unload. I squirmed against my mattress a little, the movement automatic almost, providing me with a sensation of pure pleasure as my boner pushed down into the firmness of the mattress.

Fuck, I could really do with cumming soon!

Next to me, Anthony was fidgeting a little too, and under cover of his movements, I moved my hips a little from side to side, using my body weight and the mattress to pleasure myself. There was a sudden sweaty heat against my inner thigh, and I realised that my moving had caused my briefs to ruck up a little, and my dickhead to poke out of the side of them, sticking to my leg.

I reached my hand under my body to slide my dick back inside my briefs. The feel of my hand against my dick was almost too much to bear. I longed to keep my hand beneath me, clutch my dick tightly and jerk myself off. My bare leg brushed past Anthony's as I rearranged myself, our leg hairs rubbing against each other, sending a shiver right down my spine and through to the tip of my rigid dick.

It's no good, I have to jack-off soon. I have to! I can't control myself much longer, it's beginning to hurt, not doing anything about my boner. Fucking beer getting me feeling this horny!

What can I say to Anthony though? He's going to...Oh you know what? Fuck it! I don't care anymore! I'm drunk, I'm fucking horny, and I'm going to masturbate!

...If he...If he's not too freaked out by it.


Now that I'd made my mind up, I was feeling a bit timid all of a sudden. I could feel myself blushing a little as I spoke, and couldn't look Anthony in the eye.

"So, this is kinda embarrassing, but do you mind if I get off?"

There! I said it! And if he thinks I'm a dirty perv for getting so horned up from just talking a little about sex, then fuck him! I don't care!

"No problem," he eventually replied. "It is pretty late isn't it?"

Oh yes! Oh yes! Thank fuck for that! Finally, I can get rid of this aching feeling in my balls!

"Oh dude," I said, desperate to show my gratitude to him. "You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that." I felt I owed him a bit of an explanation.

"It's probably the heat and the drink and shit, but I really don't think I'll be able to manage to wait until you fall asleep."

I realized I'd need my lube from out of my drawer, and so I knelt up, feeling my dick straining at my severely tented briefs as I did, and leaned over the back of Anthony, to reach my bedside table. I had to put one of my hands on the back of his legs for support as I did so. He didn't seem to mind. While I was there, I took the opportunity to check out how hot his ass looked in his tight gray boxerbriefs. Mmm. Delicious.

I managed to reach my drawer, and slid it open. I grabbed hold of my lube and, pushing off Anthony's leg, went to kneel back upright. At the last moment, I lost my balance and fell forward toward Anthony's body. I put my hand out to stop myself collapsing on top of him, and found I'd managed to put it right in the center of his boxerbriefs-covered ass, my whole hand covering one of his asscheeks through the thin gray material. My thumb was practically down his asscrack, and my fingers spread over the rest of his cheek. I could feel the firmness of his ass beneath the palm of my hand. Without thinking, I squeezed my hand, digging my thumb and fingers into the round, firm cheek.

Mmm, that feels so good...But Fuck! That could have weirded him out some!

"Whoops, sorry about that, lost my balance" I said, trying to speak as casually as possible. I let out a little chuckle as if to say "what a klutz I am!" to help with the authenticity.

"Um, no worries" he said.

I sat down, my back against the wall, clutching my lube in my hand.

I looked down and saw Anthony's face inches away from where my rock hard cock was bulging in my tight white briefs. He had a shocked look on his face and his cheeks were red. He looked up at me, and gave a little jump as if surprised to see me there. A look of guilt crossed his face. I wondered what he was thinking. He couldn't be surprised to see that I was boned up, as he knew I was about to get myself off.

He was suddenly stammering, a bit awkwardly.

"Um, um, I'm a bit in your way," he stuttered. And then he raised himself off of his stomach until he too was in a sitting position next to me. I couldn't help looking down to his crotch area, and right now, I was too drunk to care if he noticed I was looking. And what I saw made my dick get even harder (I didn't think that was possible, but it did, I swear!) and tingle with excitement!


Next: Chapter 17: Geeks Get Hot 8 Brad

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