Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jan 23, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 5) – Brad

I lay still beneath my bedclothes my head settled on my pillow, listening to the relaxed rhythmic breathing of Anthony as he slept. There was something really peaceful about the sound. I glanced over at the back of his head, his dark brown hair tangled and out of place. One of his naked shoulders and the top of his back was sticking out of his bed covers, and if I squinted hard, from the position his arm lay in, I could make out the strands of his dark brown underarm hair.

Quietly, so as not to wake him, I rolled out from under my covers and did my usual exercises on the floor between our two beds. He easily slept through it, and as I lay face down on the floor after finishing my final push-up, panting, getting my breath back after my early morning exertion, I felt my dick chub a little as I remembered what he had slept through last night. I turned my head to the side, as I caught my breath, and found myself looking directly under Anthony's bed.

Something was under there. Something oddly-shaped and black. My curiosity raised, I shuffled forward on my belly and reached my arm under Anthony's bed until my hand made contact with...what was it? It felt like some sort of material. I drew my hand out and found myself holding a pair of screwed up black boxer shorts. I remembered Anthony had been wearing black underwear yesterday, I'd seen when we were getting undressed for bed (oh yes, I'd definitely seen! And taken some mental photographs for future reference!) But these didn't look to be the same pair. These looked a little bigger, looked like they'd fit a good bit looser...No, it was definitely a different pair.

Why would Anthony have a pair of old underwear under his bed? He seemed pretty tidy. Certainly yesterday he'd neatly dropped his dirty clothes into this fold-up basket thing he'd bought with him. Unless...

My dick gave a jolt in my briefs as I thought of a possible reason for Anthony to keep them stashed under his bed. Looking at them a little closer, there did seem to be the odd dried white streak on them. My dick hardened some more as it dawned on me that I had probably accidentally stumbled upon Anthony's designated cumrag.

Wow! Proof that I wasn't the only one in the room who masturbated (though I kind of assumed he did do. Everybody does, don't they?) in fact, proof that he had jacked off in this very room at least once since he'd arrived a day and a half ago. Cool! He must get just as horny as I do. And speaking of horny...

My dick was way past half-mast at this point. I could actually feel the blood being pumped into it in time with my heartbeat. In his bed above me, Anthony suddenly let out a mumbled groan and rolled over.

My heart was suddenly in my mouth and beating so fast and hard I thought it might explode. I had a sick feeling in my stomach, and pretty much threw Anthony's boxer shorts back under his bed, fearful that the noise might mean he had woken up and was about to catch me holding his underwear, his cumrag for fuck's sake, dressed in just my briefs and sporting a boner. How would I explain that one? I was scared to look up at his bed, certain that I was going to see his green-brown eyes glaring down at me, wearing a "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" expression, but forced myself to.

His eyes were still closed. He was still asleep, looking as peaceful as ever. He literally must have just been rolling over in his sleep.

Brad you retard! Fancy getting so scared shitless over that!

Anthony lay on his back now with his head turned toward me. One naked arm hung down outside of the bed covers, his hand nearly touching the floor. From my position on the floor, I could faintly smell that young guy smell of fresh sweat mixed with stale deodorant that drifted from his exposed armpit. Part of his chest was exposed now, including one round pale pink nipple.

I got up to my feet, standing next to his bed, my dick still tenting my navy blue briefs. If he were to wake up and open his eyes right now, he'd be staring right at my boner. I felt myself get even harder at the thought, though of course, if he did actually wake up and find me standing over him hard as a rock in just my underwear, I probably would be more embarrassed than anyone has ever been before, and would never be able to look him in the eye ever again.

He gave a little snort in his sleep and his mouth remained half open afterward, his breathing a little louder because of it. He seemed like he might wake up soon, so I decided to go along to the bathroom to take care of my hard dick. There was no way it was going to go down now without a little "help".

I grabbed my towel and washbag and slipped into my bathrobe. I hurried down the corridor, not wanting anyone to come out of their room and catch me half-naked with an obvious boner.

Once again, the bathroom was completely empty when I entered. Three days in a row, how lucky! I darted into a shower cubicle and set the water running, discarding my stuff on the bench as I did so. I quickly lathered up my body with soap, and used the suds to jerk myself off. I let the image of Anthony standing in his tight black boxerbriefs last night enter my mind as my hand flew up and down my rock hard shaft and rubbed around my tender, throbbing cockhead. Then my thoughts shifted to the other pair of black underwear of Anthony's I'd found under his bed, and what he used them for, and suddenly I could feel myself getting close.

Cum flew out of me onto the shower cubicle floor, and I felt my legs buckle a little as the intense feelings swept through me. I put my hand out to brace myself against the cubicle wall, and accidentally hit the shower control as I did, shutting off the water. Right at that moment, I heard the door to the bathroom swinging open and the sound of male voices.

I put my hand over my mouth, to muffle the sound of my heavy breathing as I came down from the high of my orgasm. Not that the guys outside would have taken any notice probably, they were too busy discussing the girls they'd managed to nail the night before. Competing to see whose lay had had the biggest tits.

I waited in my cubicle until I heard the sound of their showers starting up and then exited my cubicle. Still wet from my shower, I grabbed my towel and other stuff and made my way back to mine and Anthony's dorm room. It was only once I'd closed the dorm room door behind me that I remembered I hadn't turned the shower back on to properly wash away the cum I'd sprayed all over the floor and wall of the cubicle. I decided it wasn't worth going back now to clean it up, besides it would look a little weird. By now probably someone else had already used the shower after me anyway. I wondered what they must have thought when they noticed what I'd left behind. I hoped they hadn't stepped in any. Still, I can't be the only guy on the whole corridor who got themselves off in the showers, and nobody would know it was me that had left some evidence. I felt nice and relaxed after jerking off, and after I'd dried myself and dressed (Anthony was still asleep, the lazy son of a bitch!) I powered up my computer to check my email.

My jack-off session had put me in a really good mood and I decided to plug in my headphones and play a little music as I typed out a reply email to my parents who'd written to see how things were going and to remind me of my promise to get in touch with my cousin Abby if I needed help with anything.

I guess I ought to speak to her at some point. Let her know I've settled in and which dorms I'm living in. I set to work typing out a quick email to her, telling her I'd call her on Skype later that afternoon when I knew I had some free time and she wouldn't be at one of her many jobs.

I was tempted to tell her all about Anthony in that email, what a great roommate he had turned out to be, but ended up just putting "my roomie's cool and we get on fine. Will tell u more l8r." As I thought about Anthony I felt a warm feeling inside me, and glanced over my shoulder at where he lay sleeping...

Except he wasn't sleeping any longer! To my surprise he was sitting up in his bed with his glasses on and looking right at me!

I pulled my headphones out of my ears.

"Hey! How are you this morning?" I asked.

"Good. Not every morning I'm treated to such a choral wake-up call!" He replied.

What does he...Ohmygod! I must have been...

"Oh shit! Was I singing out loud?!" I could feel myself blushing. I hadn't known I was doing it.

He laughed, but not in a cruel way, and cracked a joke about me auditioning for the next season of `American Idol'. Then, before I knew it, he had sprung out of his bed, grabbed his towel and washbag and disappeared out of the door to go have his wash. I was treated to another look at him in just his tight black boxerbriefs as he collected his things. Mmm, he really looked good in them. Because they were so close fitting, it made his legs and body look a little less skinny than he actually was – he was in proportion with them, rather than looking like he was drowning in them like baggier shorts would probably give the impression of.

I went back to my emailing with a semi in my briefs. Not feeling fully turned on or anything, just feeling...I don't know how to describe it. Comfortable I guess. Just enjoying the feeling of having movement down there, but not in a sexual way. It was probably too soon after jerking off for my horniness levels to have built right the way back up!

I finished the email to Abby and hit `send'. Then, I sat in my desk chair a while thinking. Anthony had gone for a wash and would be coming back soon. He would have to get dressed when he got back, unless he was planning on staying in just a pair of underwear all day (I wouldn't be complaining if he did, mind you!) as he didn't take any other clothes out with him to put on in the bathroom. Not even a fresh pair of underwear.

I didn't want to make him feel embarrassed when he was getting dressed, but at the same time, I kind of wanted to have a good view! But I didn't want to be obvious. What was wrong with me? I was turning into some sort of calculating perv, working out the best way to check out my roommate while he was getting changed. But, let's face it, I was curious. Curious about his body. I enjoyed looking at it, getting to know it, noticing the differences between it and my own. I hadn't had many chances to do things like that so far in my life. Yes, I'd been through high school, and changed in the changing rooms there for the compulsory phys ed we'd been forced to do, but I was usually too busy being whipped by towels or given wedgies or laughed at or spat on or...yes, let's not go there, I preferred to block out that part of my life. Let's just say the opportunity to take advantage of being surrounded by naked male bodies hadn't been high up on my agenda while I'd been in the changing rooms.

And I intended to make up for it now.

Although doing so was going to make me a bit of a hypocrite. If I'd been the one going out for a shower, I'd want the room to be empty when I got back so I could get dressed without any embarrassment. Probably Anthony felt the same. But here I was making plans to stay in the room so as to check him out.

I took a computer game magazine from off my shelf, fetched my iPod and made myself comfortable on my bed. It wasn't long before the door to the room was opening and Anthony was making his way inside. He wore a white towel around his waist, and his hair was still damp. In his hands he carried his washbag and...oh yes! The black pair of boxerbriefs he'd been wearing earlier. That must mean that under his towel he was...

My dick twitched and started growing. I made the effort not to openly stare, and looked down at my magazine, but without taking in the writing on the page. I heard Anthony moving around his side of the room, collecting fresh clothes from his wardrobe and sorting his stuff out. Then, there was the sound of an aerosol spraying, and the fresh, fragrant smell of deodorant drifted over to hit my nostrils. Mmm. I looked up from my magazine as Anthony sprayed a second time under his other armpit. The brown hair under his raised arm looked so inviting, and I felt a sudden unexpected urge to cross the room and bury my nose in it, drinking in the smell of his deodorant and feeling the soft strands tickling my face.

I felt my dick getting harder and harder, and made sure my magazine was positioned in my lap to disguise it. Although Anthony wasn't paying much attention to me. He seemed pretty relaxed considering he was standing wearing just a damp towel. A roommate comfortable with his body and nakedness – definitely another good quality about him!

I moved my head back down as if reading again, but kept my eyes looking over at Anthony, just managing to keep him in focus through the top of the lenses in my glasses. He held a clean pair of boxerbriefs in his hand, of some sort of pattern in gray and purple, I couldn't quite tell what the pattern was from my angle. I was expecting him to put his underwear on under cover of his towel, certainly that's what I would have done in his position, but to my surprise, he dropped his towel to the ground leaving him standing completely naked, and hurriedly stepped into his boxerbriefs pulling them up quickly over his naked ass.

I was stunned, I really hadn't been expecting that! I was so unprepared for the sight of it I hadn't even given myself chance to take a proper look, to mentally store the sight to replay through my mind next time I needed something to help me jack off. Shit! What a missed opportunity!

Anthony turned away from me to pick his shirt up off of his bed, and I took the opportunity to openly check out how hot his ass looked encased in his new pair of boxerbriefs. They were gray and purple striped, the stripes running horizontal, and his ass looked as great as ever in them...except, I didn't think boxerbriefs usually had a fly button in the back...oh poor guy, he's put them on back-to-front! I wonder if I should tell him. I think I'd want to know if I'd made a fool of myself if it were me. But not in a nasty way.

I let out a nervous half-chuckle and said "Um dude I think you've got those on back-to-front!"

That did it. Anthony's hands dropped the shirt he was just about to put on and snaked backwards running over his ass until they contacted the button at the back. I didn't have to see his face to know what sort of expression he'd been making.

He turned to face me, and struck up a self-conscious-looking catwalk-style pose.

"Yes. It's the new fashion. Didn't you know?!"

I couldn't help laughing at him. He was taking it so well, and didn't seem at all embarrassed. OK so his cheeks were a little flushed, but he wasn't blushing anywhere near as much as I would have been if it had been me that had done it. I expected him to turn his back to me to take them back off and switch them around, and got ready to drink in the sight of his naked plump ass, but to my astonishment, he remained face on to me, and tugged them down his legs, his flaccid dick swinging from side to side as he stepped first one foot and then the other out of them.

I felt my mouth had dropped open in surprise, and had to focus to close it as I stared transfixed at the sight of what hung between his legs. His treasure trail thickened out into a bushy dark brown mass of pubes from which fell his cock, not too big, not too small, just perfectly in proportion with the rest of his body. His balls were quite low-hanging, but what really caught my eye was the fact that he was uncut. Not even a speck of his cockhead was exposed, his foreskin covered it completely and puckered itself together at the end.

Wow! It was the first uncut cock I'd ever seen. Like literally ever. Every cock I'd ever seen in any porn film I'd watched had always been circumsized, and from what I remembered from the occasional glimpses in the high school changing rooms between my tears, everyone in my class had been cut too. I guess I'd never thought about it before, it wasn't something I'd been particularly bothered about, but suddenly seeing a real life uncut cock in front of my eyes, I had this immense urge to touch it, feel it, look every last inch of it over to see how different it was to my own, run the skin between my fingers, roll it gently back to expose the sensitive head that was hidden beneath it...

My own dick felt like a solid pole of metal in my briefs. I hoped the magazine I still had open over my lap was covering it well enough. As I gazed unblinkingly at the thin pale naked guy in front of me, he looked up from where he'd been concentrating at stepping his feet through the leg holes of his underwear, and his eyes met my own.

Shit! He caught me looking.

I quickly dropped my gaze back to my magazine, noticing the page quivering slightly as my erect dick that the magazine was helping to disguise, moved, pushing itself outward at the confines of my briefs and jeans. I looked up again, not wanting to draw Anthony's attention to the movement and he was still looking over at me, his hands holding either side of his boxerbriefs in the process of pulling them up his legs, but not actually pulling them, just kind of holding the waistband of them level with his knees, his dick and balls swinging gently a small distance above them. It might have been my imagination, but his dick looked a little bigger and a little chubbier than it had done a few seconds before.

I had the sudden urge to say something along the lines of "So you're uncut dude?!", and actually opened my mouth in readiness, but I just couldn't bring myself to say it, and he probably would have gotten all weirded out by it in any case. I felt myself reddening and I looked down at the floor.

The room suddenly seemed heavy with awkwardness. That was probably my fault for getting caught staring so openly. He's going to guess now, I'm sure of it. Fuck! Shit, he's going to want to switch rooms. He won't want to share with someone that looks over at him while he's getting dressed. Shit! Shit!

In my briefs, my boner shrivelled and died, as I felt my chest tightening and sweat trickling down my back. I heard rather than saw Anthony pulling his boxerbriefs the rest of the way up his legs. I closed my eyes in readiness for an accusatory onslaught, expecting him to yell "what the fuck were you looking at? Checking me out? You fucking queer!"...But the yell never came.

In fact, he let out a sort of forced chuckle and said

"You wouldn't have guessed it, but I have actually dressed myself before!"

Was he actually making a joke out of the situation? Shit, he is! He really is the nicest guy ever!

I looked back up at him, and he was smiling awkwardly, as if unsure of what I was thinking. There was a definite look of nervousness in his eyes, and his face was a little redder than normal, hinting at the slight embarrassment that he was feeling.

I had the sudden overwhelming urge to make him feel as relaxed as possible. After all, he'd just been standing completely naked in front of me while I gawped at him. I know if our roles had been reversed I'd be feeling sick with nerves. I smiled at him, and he smiled shyly back.

"Hopefully you won't get graded on your ability to dress yourself correctly," I said. "By the looks of things it would severely pull down your GPA!" He laughed at me (luckily I had explained to him the day before what `GPA' meant, because he'd never heard the term before).

"Bastard" he said, but kind of like a teasing comment rather than a hateful insult. Then he picked up his shirt again, and carried on getting dressed. We chatted as he dressed. I allowed myself a last longing look at his chest and stomach with his dark brown treasure trail before he covered himself up, and managed to keep my dick under control.

He finally had all his clothes on, and we left the room together to go sign up for our classes. We both signed up for the same classes in physics and computer science, so there would be at least two classes where I would have someone to sit next to. Then I registered for some first year math classes while he signed up for some more advanced second and third year math classes, because he'd already done a year of math back in England. After that, we went to the cafeteria together to get lunch. I'd forgotten I hadn't had any breakfast that day yet, so I was starving hungry.

Some of the guys from our corridor were already sitting at the benches outside and so we went and joined them. It was quite nice to sit among a group of people for a change. Not something I'd ever really done at high school, I'd usually taken my tray and found a quiet corner somewhere away from the taunts and the food being flicked at me.

I had just finished eating when my cell vibrated. I checked it and found a text from my cousin saying she had just logged in to Skype and was waiting for me. I made my excuses to the guys and went back to the dorm room alone. They said they'd probably stay talking at the benches the rest of the afternoon because they wanted to compare class schedules.

I switched my computer on and signed into Skype. Straight away Abby launched into a conversation with me, demanding to know all about how my first few days had been, what my roommate was like, and how I was getting on with the guys on my corridor.

"Everyone's been great," I said. "I haven't felt like I can't cope at all. And my roommate is just the best. He's awesome! From England! He's funny and smart and we're taking some classes together, and he's...And we get on great, just...great!" I'd almost said he was cute! What is wrong with me?! Keep your hormones under control Brad, otherwise the whole world will work it out!

Abby didn't seem to notice though. She just smiled and nodded and then told me a funny story about a rude customer she'd had to serve that lunchtime.

"Look after yourself little dude" she eventually said, and then she was gone. I looked at the time in the corner of my computer screen. It was later in the afternoon than it seemed. I wondered how much longer it would be before Anthony would be back. Then thoughts of Anthony turned to thoughts of Anthony's cock and balls, and very soon I could feel my dick hardening in my briefs.

I couldn't get over how alluring I'd found his cock. Maybe it was the novelty of not being able to see the head exposed, maybe it was because it was the first cock I'd gotten a proper look at without it being an image on the computer screen (or my own), maybe it was because it seemed in perfect proportion with the rest of his body. I didn't know, and part of me was confused. The rest of me was just plain horny!

My dick was fully hard now, and I unzipped myself to give it a bit of room to move, pulling my jeans down to my knees. I signed out of Skype and navigated to my favorite porn site, browsing through the titles of the newest uploads. I suddenly had a brainwave, and typed "uncut" into the search bar. I hit return and my cock lurched with excitement as the page filled with the dozens of search results. I glanced down at myself, and saw my cock was so hard it was literally pulling the waistband of my briefs out from my body, my deep pink, blood-engorged head clearly exposed.

I reached down and untangled my pulsing head from the material of my briefs, pushing the waistband down to the bottom of my shaft. My cock felt relief at being exposed to fresh air, and jumped and bobbed by itself, as I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it beside my desk chair.

Eagerly, I clicked on the first title in the search results and the movie started playing. I maximised the window until it filled my monitor screen, and took my hard, aching cock in my hand.

Oh shit! Forgot the lube!

I paused the video and scooted over to my bedside table, gliding across the room on my wheeled desk chair. I opened my drawer, got out my lube and made my hand ready with a generous amount before replacing the bottle back in the drawer. I grabbed a couple Kleenex from the box in my drawer, pushed it shut, and sped back over to my desk.


I pressed `refresh', and started lubing up my shaft as I waited for the video to replay. It was taking a while, so I refreshed it again. To my horror, a message filled the screen.

"As a non-member you have used up your free privileges for today. Sign in or register to access more hot content!"

Fuck! That didn't usually happen until I'd watched 2 or even 3 movies. I guess the searching and refreshing the video screwed up the site's counting.

I felt a little disappointed. Here I was all lubed up and ready to go, and I'd been looking forward to seeing a film full of hot uncut cocks like Anthony's. Oh well, on to another site I guess!

I began to type in the web address of a different site, but the banner across the top of the current page made me pause in my one-handed typing (my other hand was covered in lube don't forget!). Right in the center of the banner was an anonymous tanned and smooth stomach and legs with a bulging pair of black boxershorts between them. My mind returned to another pair of black boxershorts I'd seen recently and I felt my dick tingle with excitement as a shiver passed through my body.

I was suddenly way turned on just thinking about having found Anthony's cumrag that morning. I gently stroked my cock as I thought about how he must have jerked off in the room at some point, maybe exactly as I was doing now, grabbing a quiet few minutes when the room was empty. Covering the black boxershorts with thick creamy cum and then hiding them under his bed so I wouldn't know what he'd been doing.

Except I did know.

Oh fuck, yes, that feels good!

I was circling my cockhead with the palm of my hand, turning and twisting my hand over the plump red spongy flesh.


I wonder if Anthony likes jerking off like this. I wonder if Anthony can jerk off like this. Did having a foreskin mean you could only jerk off in a particular way? I'd never thought about it before. Some people I knew would be able to just ask straight out, but I knew I'd never be so bold as to ask Anthony that. I doubt I'd ever even acknowledge to him that I jerked off, let alone have a conversation with him about it, sharing tips or what porn sites we were into or whatever. Yeah, as if I'd ever let on to him what porn sites I used!

Which reminded me, I still had the window open on my screen, telling me I couldn't watch anything else on the site today. Fucking useless site! I was almost tempted to sign up as a member, but at nearly $20 a month, it really wasn't worth it when there was so much free stuff available online.

I closed the window and resumed jacking my cock, taking it slow and enjoying the feelings that washed over me. Mmmmm. Oh yes, that feels so good.

Good, but it would be so much better if...No, Brad, no, that would just be wrong. You can't do that. That's sick,

But he would never know...And I'm so turned on right now just thinking about them...What harm would...No!! Control yourself Brad!

But in the end, I just couldn't control my urge, and I got up from my chair, stepped out of my jeans and briefs, knelt down in front of Anthony's bed and reaching out under it with my left hand, brought out the screwed-up pair of cum-stained black boxershorts that lay underneath it.

Just holding them in my hand made my cock jolt with excitement and I had to reach down with my other hand and stroke it a little, I just couldn't stop myself. My hand clasped round my rock hard shaft and glided up and down it a few times. I sat back down in my desk chair with my fist still wrapped around and jacking my cock, my naked ass feeling warm against the upholstered seat, my low-hanging balls gently hitting and rebounding off the seat as I jacked.

I raised my left hand and looked over Anthony's boxershorts, turning them inside-out to see even more slightly crusted dried-on cumstains streaked on the material. My fist jacked my cock harder and I moaned softly to myself with pleasure. I brought my hand up further, the stained black material getting ever closer to my face, until it contacted with the end of my nose, and I was burying my face into Anthony's boxershorts, sniffing deeply and breathing in their stale scent. The faint smell of dried-up cum mingled with traces of sweat and that deep, intense, manly smell that lingers on the crotch of young guys' underwear.

Oh fuck yes! This is so hot!

I moaned to myself as images of Anthony standing naked played through my mind, his limp uncut cock swinging between his legs, then in my imagination, growing longer and harder, standing proudly out from his bushy dark brown pubes above his large round low-hanging balls. From the scent of his underwear playing in my nostrils, I could easily imagine what he must smell like in his intimate area, and I pretended to myself that it wasn't his boxershorts I had my nose in, but the warm, slightly hairy, slightly sweaty place just behind where his scrotum met the top of his leg, that if I opened my mouth a little, I'd be able to suck on one of his heavy balls.

Oh yes! Oh fuck yes!

I sped my jacking up, then slowed it, then sped it up again, my fist squeezing my shaft tighter and tighter until it felt like I was going to cut off my circulation.

Mmmmm! Oh yes! Oh fuck! Oh I so want to cum now!

I released Anthony's boxershorts from my left hand, letting them fall onto my face, covering it completely, and reached my left hand down to my cock to start jerking two-handed, my left hand squeezing tight round my shaft, my lubed-up right hand working furiously backward and forward over my tender cockhead. My breathing grew faster and faster, and under cover of Anthony's boxershorts, the lenses of my glasses were steaming up.

Oh yes! Not long now! Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! Oh fuck! Oh yes! Oh, oh, oh, OH, OH! OH!!!


I felt hot and sticky cum flowing over my stomach as my cock erupted. Five, six, seven spurts of cum landed on the lower part of my naked body. I stretched myself out on my desk chair, turning my head from side to side, and the boxershorts fell off my face and onto the floor beside me. I looked down at my body and saw the mass of thick, creamy white oozing down the base of my stomach to pool in my pubes, sticking the hairs together. My cock quivered above, still semi-erect, the last remnants of cum dripping out of the end of it.

I reached for the Kleenex on my desk, and wiped up the cum, discarding the wet Kleenex back on my desk for the time being, not wanting to risk a shot at the trashcan while they were so wet and heavy with my seed – I'd no doubt miss and make a mess on the carpet. The smell of my cum filled the room and I stood up to open the window to let it out before Anthony came back and guessed what I had spent the late afternoon doing.

As I walked over toward the window, I trod on the pair of boxershorts I'd not long ago been holding, sniffing, using to aid my jerk-off session. I was suddenly filled with a sick nauseous feeling of guilt and wrongdoing. I felt bad at having got off at the thought of my roommate jerking, dirty at having used his underwear (not just any old pair, but his cumrag) to help me get off. I kicked the boxershorts away from me, back under Anthony's bed. It was wrong what I'd just done. So so wrong. But it had felt so so good...

Not for the first time in my life, I felt seriously confused about things. Why did I enjoy stuff like that? Did I want to enjoy it? Did I like enjoying it? What would Anthony say if he found out? No, don't even think that!

My stomach was still wet and my pubes were still a bit matted together. I put my bathrobe on and took my towel from my wardrobe. I needed a hot shower to take my mind off things.

I locked the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom and took my shower, spending a long time under the water deep in thought. Not for the first time, I questioned why I was how I was, why I felt how I felt, and had no answers.

I finally shut off the shower and stepped out to towel myself dry. I tied my towel round my waist and slid my bathrobe back on. As I reached for the door, it opened and another guy from off the corridor walked in clad only in a loose pair of red and white checked boxershorts.

"Hey Brad," he said cheerily as he walked past me. It threw me a little. He'd actually said "Hey" to me. And in a friendly way. I wasn't used to that yet. And he'd remembered my name, even though we'd hardly spoken, just a little at the games tournament the night before. My heart immediately swelled and I felt good inside myself at this small act of kindness that he'd showed me – just greeting me and remembering my name. It made me feel so much better about myself, as if I actually did mean something to some people.

"Hey," I said back to him, smiling shyly.

"Did you manage to speak to your cousin? How is he?"

"Yes, I did. And she's a she', not a he'!"

"Oh, sorry dude." He'd hung his towel up on a hook and was in the middle of taking down his boxershorts. He looked up and made eye contact with me as he spoke.

"Guess I just assumed your cousin was a guy." He resumed pulling down his boxershorts, exposing an untidy mass of pubic hair and a thick cut cock. I made sure to focus on his face, which smiled unselfconsciously up at me.

"No sweat dude. She's good. Keen to hear how I was settling in and everything."

"Cool. Well, I must take my shower. See you later I guess." He turned and walked over to a cubicle his flaccid dick and balls swinging from side to side as he walked. There was a fine covering of dark hair on his pale ass.

"Yeah. See you later" I replied, and left the bathroom hearing the sound of a shower starting up as I did so.

The interaction had cheered me up no end. He had thought it perfectly natural to stand and talk with me while he was undressing for his shower. At least one more person other than Anthony that didn't think I was a total freak to be avoided.

I put my key in the lock to the dorm room door and tried to turn it. It wouldn't go, which meant the door was unlocked.

That's funny. I felt sure I'd locked it on my way out to take my shower.

My bathrobe had fallen open while I tried to turn the key, and I left it untied as I pushed the door open.

Anthony was standing in the center of the room, in the middle of pulling a red shirt over his head. I couldn't help noticing the gray waistband of his gray and purple boxerbriefs showing over the top of his jeans.

"Hi Brad" he greeted me as his head appeared through the neck hole of his shirt, leaving his dark brown hair sticking up even worse than usual.

I stayed in the doorway, rooted to the spot. From where I was standing, the two scrunched-up Kleenex were in full view on my desk. Evidence of what I'd been doing in the room not so long ago. Shit! I'd forgotten about them! What if Anthony had noticed them? He'd think I was some sex-obsessed loony that jerked off every time he was out of the room (and he'd be right! But, that wasn't the impression I wanted to give!)

I suddenly became aware that I was dressed in just a towel and undone bathrobe, my naked torso exposed, and my towel pulled tight around me bulging where my dick and balls hung, even though I was completely soft. I felt a little embarrassed at my state of undress, but Anthony was continuing talking as if I were fully dressed, or as if there was nothing out of the ordinary in my wearing so little.

"I'm just about to go for something to eat with a couple of people if you want to come."

Was he inviting me to tag along with his new friends? Me?! I never get invited along to anything!

"Obviously you ought to put some clothes on first!" he continued, chuckling a little as he finished speaking.

I felt myself blushing. I couldn't help it. I don't know why, I just felt my cheeks growing red and hot. I decided to say something, anything, to try and distract attention from my glowing cheeks.

"Um yes, that sounds good. I...I...I fancied taking a shower while the corridor was quiet. I'm a bit shy of showering with other people around."

"Yes, me too," Anthony said, "but I suppose we'll both have to get used to it if we've got to share the bathroom with everyone on this corridor for the year."

He had a point actually. Once classes started properly I imagined the bathroom would get pretty busy in the mornings as everybody tried to take a shower before class. I wondered for a minute how I would cope with being surrounded by so many people and if anyone would say anything bad or insulting to me when they saw how skinny I was.

Well, Anthony hadn't said anything insulting so far. And the other guy I'd just met in the bathroom hadn't said anything either. Maybe it wouldn't be like the high school changing rooms here. I really hoped not anyway. I wasn't sure I could go through all that again.

I got some clean clothes from my wardrobe and laid them out on my bed. I'd put deodorant on in the bathroom, so I didn't need to put any more on. I shrugged off my bathrobe and hung it up in my wardrobe. I glanced over at Anthony. He was obviously ready to go already, and was sitting on his bed waiting for me.

My hands went to the towel that was tied around my waist, but I couldn't get myself to loosen it. My heart was suddenly beating in my mouth and I felt a bit faint. Being half-naked in front of Anthony was one thing (and a big step for me!) but being completely naked in front of him...was I ready for that yet?

Come on Brad, stop being such a pussy! It only takes a few seconds to put a pair of briefs on. So he'll see your dick. Big deal! He's got one himself.

I remembered that morning how when he'd come back from his shower he hadn't even hesitated before dropping his towel in front of me. He obviously had no hang-ups about his body or of stripping off in front of his roommate. Why was I being such a pussy about it?!

Then I remembered all the times changing after games at high school. All the taunts and the jeers about how skinny I was. All the pain from being pushed around from one side of the changing rooms to the other, being knocked into the benches, being tripped up, being given a wedgie so hard the waistband of my briefs touched my neck and I felt like my balls had been completely crushed into dust.

Anthony must have noticed me hesitating, as he said "You don't need to feel awkward about changing in front of me. I'm not going to laugh at you or anything."

I tried to make my hands move, to take my towel down, but I couldn't. I was literally frozen in panic just from the memories. I felt my breathing getting shallow and felt dizzy, nausea rising inside me, my vision starting to blur...

Oh no. Not now. Not here. Not in front of Anthony.

I was determined to keep control on myself, and took some deep slow breaths like my doctor had taught me to calm myself down. The room came back into focus and the nauseous feelings subsided.

Anthony was still speaking.

"Look, I don't want you to be uncomfortable, I'll leave if you want me to. But let's face it, we're sharing a room, there's no way we can go all year without seeing each other naked."

He had a point.

"I was shitting myself this morning when I realised I'd have to drop my towel and change in front of you," he continued, "but I managed it. And I bet you'll manage to put your pants on the right way round first time, unlike me!"

I couldn't help but smile a little, remembering his dilemma that morning. I looked up at him, and he was smiling too, a little self-consciously. His friendly face and relaxed attitude helped to calm me even more. I felt I owed him a bit of an explanation about why I felt the way I did, but how to start?

"I'm sorry," I said, "it's just with my body, I've never really been comfortable getting naked in front of people. I had some...issues in high school and..." I could feel my voice getting higher and squeakier as I spoke, and looked down at the floor, embarrassed at confessing to my new friend and roommate about what a loser I'd been thought of at high school.

"Hell, me too," Anthony surprised me by saying. "Don't worry, I'm hardly likely to tease you for being thin am I? After all, I'm not exactly a body-builder myself!"

I laughed. I couldn't quite believe how much he'd managed to calm me down with his easy-going nature, comradely solidarity and gentle sense of humor. I immediately felt that this was somebody I could trust completely, and that wouldn't put me down, judge me, or think badly of me just for the way I looked.

Hardly believing I was doing it, I tentatively undid the towel from around my waist and let it fall to the floor behind me. I turned to the side and picked up the clean pair of blue briefs I'd laid out on my bed. I stepped into them and pulled them up, adjusting my dick and balls to a more comfortable position once I had them fully on. I had felt Anthony watching me, but not staring at me. In the end, it hadn't bothered me as much as I thought it would, and I suddenly felt that I could cope with this. Could cope with changing, getting dressed and undressed in the same room as my roommate without any real embarrassment or awkwardness.

Cheered, I pulled on my shirt and jeans, socks and sneakers, and just as I was done, there was a knock at the door. Anthony went to answer it, and while his back was turned, I quickly collected the Kleenex from off of my desk and tossed them into the trashcan, being lucky enough for them not to bounce back out for once.

I shut off my computer, and looked up to see Anthony looking at me with a kind of pissed look on his face. Weird! The other guys from the room next door and a couple others from further along the corridor were standing behind him just inside the doorway.

I picked up my wallet and cell and put them into my jeans pockets.

"Ready" I said.

We left the room locking the door behind us and made our way to the elevators together, a group of maybe 7 or 8 guys. It seemed a little surreal to me. It wasn't so long ago that I felt completely alone in the world (and I mean completely), and now here I was leaving for a meal with a group of friends.

Anthony stood next to me as we waited for the elevator and I looked at him. Yes, I was definitely lucky to have gotten him as my roommate, I decided. Definitely lucky.

Next: Chapter 15: Geeks Get Hot 6 Brad

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