Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Jan 9, 2011



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 3) -- Brad

I lay in my bed, having just woken up, listening to the heavy breathing of Anthony sleeping peacefully. It was a relaxing and reassuring sound, hearing the regular deep breaths coming from across the dorm room. I put on my glasses and the room suddenly came into focus. I glanced over at Anthony's bed. At some point in the night he must have woken, as the clothes he'd been wearing when he fell asleep were now in a pile on the floor beside his bed, and he was beneath his bedcovers. One skinny naked arm stuck out of the side of the bedclothes, and I wondered whether he had stripped completely and slept naked, or put on pajama trousers, or (like me) preferred to sleep in his underwear.

Well, guess I'll find out soon enough when he wakes up.

I lay patiently in my bed waiting for my morning wood to subside of its own accord, not really feeling in the mood to beat off straight away that morning. I suddenly remembered I hadn't recorded my exercise scores from the day before, and so got my notebook and a pen out of the drawer in my bedside table to write them down.

Fifteen push-ups and forty sit-ups, I think. Not bad Brad. See if we can equal that today.

Quietly, so as not to awaken Anthony, I slid out from under my covers and did my exercises on the floor of the room. I managed the exact same amounts as the previous day, and entered the scores at the back of my notepad. I looked up the neat columns of figures on the page. There was a definite improvement in the last couple weeks. I remembered when I first started exercising and I had bent my arms to attempt a push-up and just collapsed face-down on the carpet on my bedroom at home. I'd come a long way since then, even if the numbers were nothing compared to what the athletic scholars and other Jocks would be able to manage.

I closed my notebook, careful not to let the pages flip to the front half of the book, where I'd written...where I'd done those exercises for my therapist. It always helped at the time, and some day I'd feel strong enough to re-read it, but it wasn't that day yet.

I checked the time on my cell and it was still early. I grabbed my towel and shaving stuff and headed off to the bathroom to take a shower and have a shave. Like the previous day, the bathroom was empty when I arrived, and I was able to shave in peace and take a long, leisurely shower.

I lathered up my body and stood under the shower head, enjoying feeling the warm water running over me and washing off the soap suds. I carefully lifted my flaccid dick and made sure the soap got fully washed off the base of my shaft and my balls. The feel of the jet of water from the shower head hitting my balls felt good, and I felt my dick beginning to harden slightly from the intense sensation. I let go of it, letting it drop back down to hang between my legs, but as it fell, I felt it beginning to plump out, and then it was rising back up of its own accord, making little bobbing motions as it got pumped full of blood.

Soon I was fully erect and in two minds about what to do. Half of me wanted to just grab my cock in my fist and pump it till I spurted, the other half of me thought I oughtn't to do that in case somebody else chose that moment to take their morning wash. In the end (as usual) the half of me that controls my sexual enjoyment won out, and, making sure that the shower cubicle door was firmly closed behind me, I made sure my cock was good and wet from the spray from the shower, and then started stroking up and down my shaft.

Oh yes, it felt good. I moaned softly to myself as my hand made its way up and down my entire length. I brought my left hand down to my balls and began fondling them. They hung lower than usual due to the warmth from the shower water. I grabbed my scrotum with my thumb and index finger and pulled, using my other three fingers to tickle the underneath of my balls.

My right hand continued its ever-repeating journey up and down my shaft. I closed my eyes and for some reason, the image of Anthony lying sleeping came into my mind. I remembered stroking his hair gently across his forehead and out of his eyes as he slept, and then my thoughts turned to his naked arm lying outside his bedcovers that morning, the fine dark hairs on his lower arm and the paleness of his skin against the dark blue of his bedclothes. How I'd stared at it and longed to reach out and touch it, feel the smoothness and softness of his arm, the warmth of his body, how I'd wanted to lift up his bedclothes and climb in beside him, place my own arm over his and huddle up close to him until we were spooning, my naked chest against his naked back, my face in his brown hair breathing in his natural scent, our legs intertwined and my throbbing cock tenting my briefs and pushing outwards at his...

I couldn't hold back any longer, and with a grunt allowed the pressure that had been building up inside of me to be released, my cock firing out spurt after spurt of thick white cum, which landed on the shower cubicle floor. I struggled to keep my moans under control as the cum shot out of me, all thoughts of Anthony abandoned, my mind concentrating only on the intensity of the feelings running through my body. My legs felt weak, and I braced myself against the back wall of the shower cubicle with my left hand.

Fuck! That was awesome!

My spent dick began to soften, and I sighed deeply to myself with contentment. As I shut off the shower, I heard the door to the bathroom open, and the sound of deep male voices continuing their conversation as they stripped off ready to take their showers.

"Dude she was just amazing!"

"Were those tits as good as they looked?"

"You have no idea! And to think it was only the second day here. I can't believe I got laid my second day!"

"Dude I'm so jealous of you right now!"

"And you should be. She fucked good dude. Best fuck I ever had!"

"Man! I hope I get me some action too soon."

"I hope you do too dude. You sure could use some huh?"

"Hell yes!"

"Dude? You getting a little wood there buddy?!"

There was a short silence, then the sound of laughter.

"You are! No prizes for guessing what you'll be doing when you get under that shower!"

"Fuck you dude!"

The sound of cubicle doors banging came to me, and then two showers started up. I left my cubicle, grabbed my towel and wash-stuff and hurried out of the bathroom, still dripping wet. Luckily, I didn't meet anyone in the corridor.

I entered the room I share with Anthony. He was still asleep, making little snorts and whimpers to himself in his sleep. I hurriedly towelled myself dry, and pulled on fresh briefs and socks, a clean tshirt and the jeans I wore yesterday. Finally, once I was fully clothed, I could relax. Anthony could wake up any time he wanted now and I'd be ready to face him.

I hung my wet towel over the radiator and switched on my computer to check my email. While I was waiting for it to boot up, I looked over at Anthony again. A big smile was plastered on his face. He must have been having a good dream. I bet if he was, his cock was hard again. I looked hard at where I imagined it would be, but there were no tell-tale signs showing through the bedclothes.

I jumped as the Windows fanfare sounded on my computer.

Shit! I'd forgotten I'd left the sound enabled.

Anthony's eyes blinked.

Shit! I'd woken him up. Fuck! He might be mad at me.

I took some deep slow breaths to calm my heart which had suddenly started pounding in my chest at the thought of my roommate getting pissed at me. I watched as Anthony put on his glasses, and felt like I ought to say something.

"Good sleep?"

Oh very good Brad, the height of originality. Jeez, couldn't you think of something better to say to him?

As I mentally kicked myself, a sheepish look came over Anthony's face and he pulled his bedcovers closely around his body. He must have felt cold or something.

"Um yes," he replied. "What time is it?"

"Oh don't worry," I said "it's still pretty early, you've not missed orientation or anything. I've not been up long, but I've been and had a shower and was just checking my emails before breakfast. I er..." I could feel myself getting red. " I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, not at all. And even if you had, that's just one of those things when you're sharing a room isn't it? I would have forgiven you...maybe...sometime next century!"

I laughed. Partly because what he'd said was quite funny, and partly from pure relief. He wasn't mad at me! He wasn't mad at me! What a great roommate to have.

I turned back to my computer to switch it off. I could check my email later. Right now, I wanted Anthony to get out of bed and for us to continue where we left off yesterday, getting to know each other better, sharing jokes and just generally talking about random shit. Plus I was getting kinda hungry.

"So, I'm about ready for breakfast," I said. "Do you want to throw some clothes on quickly and come too?"

"Um no," he said. "You go on ahead and grab us a table and I'll catch you up. I could do with a shower, I smell pretty disgusting this morning after all that travelling yesterday."

Of course he didn't. Yes, I could smell him, but it was a faint natural manly smell, with undertones of deodorant lingering on his armpits, certainly not an unpleasant, stale body odor or anything.

But if he wanted a shower before breakfast, that was fine by me. I checked he knew where the cafeteria was, and then made my way down in the lift. There was already a bit of a line waiting to get served. I normally get a bit panicky being among so many people, but for some reason today, I didn't feel too bad. Maybe it was the reassurance of knowing Anthony would soon be joining me and that I wouldn't be completely on my own for very long.

I neared the front of the line, and felt in my pocket to get my money ready for paying.

Shit! Both pockets were empty. I must have left my wallet in the dorm room. I hurried out of line and made my way back up to the room. I expected Anthony would be in the shower by now.

I opened the door to our room. No, Anthony was still lying in bed, stretched out under his covers. I saw my wallet sitting on the corner of my desk and walked over to it. As I passed Anthony's bed, I thought I smelt a familiar strong-scented smell.

Had he...? No, it was probably just my imagination.

"Are you still not out of bed?!" I asked him. "Thought you were desperate for a shower."

He looked a little sheepish.

"What can I say? I'm not a morning person!"

"Well don't laze about too long, otherwise you'll miss breakfast." I mock-scolded.

"Alright Mum, or should I say `Mom'?!" He answered.

I laughed at him, he really had my sense of humor nailed, and we'd only known each other less than a day.

I left the room for the second time, and arrived back at the cafeteria. I chose what I wanted to eat, and got a large cup of strong coffee, then sat down at a table to wait for Anthony. I studied my fellow students as I waited. They mostly sat in groups of four or five people, talking loudly about parties they'd been to the night before, or the classes they hoped to register for.

It wasn't long before I noticed Anthony arrive with his tray of breakfast. He sat across from me at the table.

"Why are you on your own? Isn't there anyone else on the same floor as us that you could have sat with while you were waiting for me?"

It hadn't occurred to me to sit with anybody else. Not that I knew anybody else on our corridor. I had spent all my first day here unpacking and stressing about who I might end up sharing a room with. I hadn't had time to even introduce myself to the guys living in the neighboring rooms. I didn't want to tell Anthony that though, in case he thought I was a loser.

"Um how's the breakfast?" I asked him, changing the subject. He seemed not to notice. We talked for a little about the different foods on offer for breakfast here as opposed to what he usually has in England, and then moved on to talking about other stuff. I couldn't believe how easy it was talking with him. He seemed interested in what I had to say, and laughed at my attempts at cracking jokes. And he was funny himself, making me laugh lots of times over the course of the meal. I completely relaxed with him, and felt like all my earlier worries about sharing a room with somebody had vanished.

Once we'd both finished eating, we went back up to our room together. His cases still lay under his desk where we'd left them the day before. I took hold of the nearest one and hoisted it up onto my bed.

"So did you want a hand unpacking your stuff?" I asked him, starting to unzip it.

A look of panic swept across his face as he saw what I was doing, and he yelled at me.

"NO! Um, no, it's alright, leave it, I'll do it later"

He strode across the room and zipped his case back up again. It was weird, we'd been talking so naturally just moments before, and then all of a sudden his mood had changed. And I'd only been trying to help him.

"Okay, okay. Jeez, what's the matter? Was I about to discover your secret porn stash or something?!" The words were out of my mouth before I'd realised I'd started speaking. It was a pretty smart, sarcastic thing to say I thought, but then once I'd said it, I could feel my heart pounding again, at the possibility he might get mad at me for interfering in his stuff and being flippant about it.

I felt myself tense up, certain he was going to yell at me again, and get properly mad this time. But, no, he didn't yell. In fact, his cheeks seemed to color...He was blushing!

"Um, no. I just...It's time to go for orientation" he said as he put the suitcase down on the floor next to his bed. "We don't want to be late do we?"

"I guess not," I said, checking the time myself. He was right, it was getting pretty near to the time we'd need to leave to get to the lecture hall on time for the orientation welcome talk by the Dean of the university.

We left our room and made our way out of the dorms building and over towards the main university teaching buildings. Soon we were part of a steady stream of new students, all walking to the same talk to introduce us to the university. We talked a little as we walked, but Anthony seemed a bit preoccupied, not concentrating too closely on what we were saying. He kept glancing from left to right, at the other students walking in the same direction as us. Probably he was checking out the girls. I guess there were some pretty hot ones around us.

There were some pretty hot guys too, I couldn't help noticing. The sort of Jocks that in high school used to make my life Hell. But this time they didn't seem intent on bullying me. And, of course, now I wasn't alone – I was walking alongside an actual friend, one that was kinda cute, and from England of all places, and one that I instinctively felt would stick up for me if I got any shit from anyone. Even though he was hardly built like a bodyguard himself.

We crammed into the lecture hall. There were literally hundreds of us, all trying to squeeze into the seating, which was just long benches with a kind of long strip of writing desk to lean your notepad or whatever on. There really wasn't enough space, and we had to sit real close to one another, our legs and shoulders touching.

I could feel heat radiating off of all the bodies around me, and could smell the different perfumes and deodorants of everyone. And the scent of fresh sweat, that natural body smell before it gets all stale and turns into BO.

Immediately to my left sat Anthony, then to my right sat a girl with short red hair who for some reason seemed kinda familiar, though I couldn't think where I'd seen her before. In the row in front was a long line of guys. The one in front of me smelt absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't help breathing in his scent as the Dean at the front of the lecture hall droned on, welcoming us to the university and explaining the dorm regulations. His brown hair reached his tanned neck and he had a few moles between where his hair ended and his red tshirt began. I felt a stirring in my briefs as his smell swept through my nostrils. Now was definitely not a good time to spring a boner – in a lecture hall surrounded by probably more than a thousand people, I couldn't think of many things more embarrassing.

I sneaked a sideways glance at Anthony. Behind his glasses, his eyes looked glazed over as if he wasn't paying attention to the Dean's talk at all. My eyes drifted down his body to his crotch, and then widened of their own accord. Anthony had a definite bulge at the flies of his jeans. Shoot! Did the guy walk around with a permanent boner or something?!

My own dick started chubbing up more as I looked at Anthony's bulging jeans. Every now and then, the material twitched. Wow! Something (or someone) must be seriously turning him on!

Completely unaware I was watching him, Anthony casually slipped his right hand into the pocket of his jeans and as I watched, the bulge at his crotch shifted to a new, much less noticeable position.

Fuck! Spoiling my view! Oh well, maybe that was all for the better. With a shock I realised I was sporting at least a semi, and before long my own pants would be bulging out in certain places.

I suddenly felt a hand brushing against my left thigh, and I jumped. In my briefs, my cock jumped too.

"Sorry mate," Anthony whispered to me. He had obviously been withdrawing his hand from his pocket after adjusting himself. I lost the battle with keeping my own growing erection under control as the thought that the hand that had just brushed over me had only seconds before been in contact with his rock hard rod swept through my mind.

I felt a wave of panic sweep through me as it dawned on me that I was sitting in a crowded hall with a full-on boner. But nobody seemed to be taking any notice. And I knew for a fact I wasn't the only one! In fact, glancing down the row I was sitting in, there seemed to be quite a few bulging crotches among the male occupants. Guess all the heat and the body contact was getting to lots of people!

Suddenly, people around me were applauding and standing up getting ready to leave the lecture hall.

Fuck! I still have my boner!

I wished I had a bag or some books or something (anything) with me to hide my crotch behind, but I didn't. But so far, nobody seemed to be taking any notice of me. I might just get away with it!

"How boring was that?!" I said to Anthony, as we exited. I hoped he would start talking about how boring it had been, and distract me from my dick, giving it the opportunity to go down, but he didn't answer. In fact, he seemed preoccupied with something. I wondered if he too was still sporting wood.

We walked down the corridor from the lecture hall. My dick was pushing against the confines of my briefs, and had started to ache from being hard for so long. It was no good, I could tell it wasn't going to go down on its own. I would have to find some way of giving Anthony the slip and finding somewhere to jack off.

I suddenly noticed we were coming up to some restrooms. Perfect. I was just about to say to Anthony that I would have to stop off in the restroom and he could carry on ahead of me back to the dorm, when he spoke.

"Um...I've just got to go for a piss. Um...I won't be long. Meet you back out here in a minute." And he disappeared into the restroom himself.

Hmm...Chances were he was still as boned up as me and had taken the opportunity to go sort himself out, as I had planned to do. My rock hard dick stabbed at the material of my briefs as I thought of him in the restroom urgently tugging at his own hard cock, and now I knew I couldn't keep myself under control much longer.

Next to the male restrooms were the female restrooms, but just the other side of those was a door with a disabled sign on it. I pushed the door open, and found it was a disabled stall. I quickly stepped in, and closed the door behind me, turning the bolt to lock the door.

I quickly unbuttoned my pants and slid the zipper down, then pulled my throbbing rock hard dick out of my briefs. I was conscious I would have to be quick so that Anthony wouldn't come out of the male restroom to find me gone, and think I had left for the dorm without him, but it was soon apparent that being quick wouldn't be a problem for me. I thought of Anthony in the men's room jacking himself off as I spat on my hand and started work on my own dick.

I had only given my cock a few quick strokes when I felt my balls tightening and knew I was about to shoot. I closed my eyes and succumbed to the feelings running through me, and felt cum flying out of the end of my dickhead, moaning softly to myself with pleasure.

Only once I had finished cumming and the feelings had begun to subside, did I open my eyes and realise I had forgotten where I was and neglected to aim for the toilet bowl. I had made quite a mess of the floor of the stall, and a large blob of cum lay on the seat of the toilet. There was even some cum dripping off of the emergency pull-cord.

Shit! I ought to clean this up.

I grabbed some paper towel from the dispenser to make a start, but then panicked that Anthony would be finished soon and wondering where I'd disappeared to. I unbolted the door and plastered what I hoped was an innocent expression on my face, before slipping out into the corridor, leaving the cum-covered stall behind me.

No sooner had I walked the few paces along the corridor to stand outside the male restroom, than Anthony was exiting from the restroom door. He too seemed in a hurry to get away from the corridor for some reason, and we quickly left the scene of my crime to walk back to our dorm.

Next: Chapter 13: Geeks Get Hot 4 Brad

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