Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Dec 27, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author:

This part of the story is told by Brad. To read the chapter's events from Anthony's perspective, go back to the main `Geeks Get Hot' folder.

Geeks Get Hot (part 2) -- Brad

I awoke with a start. It took me a while to get my bearings and realise where I was. I reached my arm out and managed to find my glasses on my bedside table. I checked the time on my cell and was amazed to find it was after 1pm!

Shit, it's late! I never sleep this late. Ever! Guess all the worrying and sleepless nights finally caught up with me.

I rolled myself out of bed and lay on the floor a minute. I really couldn't be bothered with doing my exercises today, but I'd made myself a promise to do them, and resolved to stick to it, so I dutifully started my sit-ups, feeling the burn in my stomach muscles as I managed to complete 40 without stopping. Then I rolled onto my front to do my push-ups. 15 in a row -- not bad Brad, not bad at all.

After my fifteenth push-up, I collapsed onto my front and lay on the floor, my nose and chin digging into the thin carpet on the dorm room floor, and waited for my breath to come back.

Once I was breathing normally again, I got to my feet, brushing the dust from the carpet off of my naked chest and legs. I walked over to the wardrobe that I had claimed for myself and fetched my towel off of the hook inside of it. As I held my towel and picked my washbag up, I glanced over at the second bed in the room, still lying empty and unmade. I had almost completed psyching myself up to sharing my room for the first time, and with a stranger too, that I almost felt sad in a way that I wouldn't be sharing with anyone after all.

I suppose I'd better brave the bathroom. Hopefully, it won't be too busy this time in the afternoon...But what if it is?

I could feel my chest beginning to tighten and my breathing getting quick and shallow at the thought. My mind drifted back to the jeers and catcalls of high school locker-rooms...

No! Snap out of it Brad! Jeez! You're at college now, stop being such a pussy!

I took some deep breaths, remembering what my therapist had told me. Then, after pulling on a long tshirt and some baggy sweatpants, I made my way along the corridor to take my shower and have a shave. I was in luck -- the bathroom was deserted and stayed that way. I hurriedly pulled my clothes back on and towelled my hair dry before walking back to my dorm room and closing the door behind me.

I'd been tempted to jerk off while I was in the shower, out of habit more than anything else, but had been too worried about someone walking into the bathroom and catching me at it. At least that's one good thing about having a room to myself -- being able to jerk off whenever I like and not worrying about my roommate coming back from class at an inopportune moment. Yeah, that is a definite plus point. I knew from experience when it comes to jerking off, I'm not that patient at biding my time!

My dick gave a little jump as thoughts of jerking off ran through my mind, and I finally thought to myself, "Fuck it, no time like the present!" and pulled down my sweatpants and briefs. My cock was already firming up in anticipation, and I gave a quick couple of tugs on it to help it on its way, then crossed to my wardrobe and retrieved my lube from where I'd hidden it right at the back, far away from the prying eyes of my would-be roommate in case he'd ever decided to have a nose around in my stuff.

I squeezed a little lube into the palm of my right hand and ran my hand up and down my shaft a few times, then circling my cockhead in my palm, making sure I got my whole dick thoroughly coated in the slippery see-through substance. I took some Kleenex from the box on my desk, and then lay back on the bare mattress of the empty bed. It wasn't as if anyone else was going to be using it, and if I could save making a mess on my own sheets and bedcover then I was going to!

I pulled my tshirt over my head and dropped it on the floor, then set to work rubbing my hands up the length of my shaft and right over my head. First my right hand, starting at the very base of my shaft, and working its way up. Then, as the thumb and forefinger of my fist reached my tender cockhead, I brought my left hand round to clasp the base of my shaft, and as I felt my cockhead sliding through the centre of my right fist, I began moving my left hand upward. As my left hand neared the tip of my cock, I gripped my shaft with my right fist again and was ready to start the sequence over.

I continued like this for a while, laying back on the bed, just enjoying the feelings that swept through me. Then, I felt the urge for something a little more intense, and, getting some more lube to help out, I grasped my cock with both my hands, my left hand sitting completely above my right (yes, it is big enough for me to do that!) and began jacking myself off at speed. I couldn't help but moan, it felt so good doing that.

My two-handed jerking got faster and faster, and suddenly I couldn't take it any more, and my left hand left my shaft to allow my right hand to continue its motion at an even faster and harder pace, moving over and over my plump dickhead and the top quarter of my shaft, the lube making the movements easy and heightening my every sensation.

My left hand clenched at the edge of the mattress as my dick suddenly erupted, spraying my stomach and chest with my hot cum. I was unable to stop myself crying out as I hit my orgasm, but wow it felt so fucking good. It always did.

Cum dripped from my fingers as I lifted my hand away from my spent cock, and I wiped them on the Kleenex that was beside me, then mopped up my chest and stomach. I'd managed to get a little bit of cum on the mattress too, but that would soon dry and I doubted that it would leave a stain.

I screwed up the Kleenex and tossed it into the metal trashcan that was beside my desk...Okay, so I missed the first time (actually, the first four times) but I made it eventually!

That was better! I always felt way more relaxed when I'd shot my load. I tended to end the day that way and always slept better for it.

I pulled on a fresh pair of white briefs, some black jeans and a baggy dark gray tshirt, and set to work finishing my last bits of unpacking. I decided to put my lube in the drawer of my bedside cabinet to allow myself easier access to it in the future. Then, I figured out how to connect to the internet and access my new college email, and started surfing the web for a bit.

As usual when I was surfing, it wasn't long before a pop-up appeared for a porn site. It was one I hadn't come across before (after the amount of sites I'd been to, I didn't think there were that many left! But here was one) and I was just moving my mouse to slide the cursor onto the "Enter Site" button, when there was the sound of a door opening, and suddenly a thin bespectacled brown haired guy in tshirt and jeans and carrying several bags was entering the dorm room.

Actually, I say "entering", but it was more like falling -- as if he'd tripped over his own feet or something. Poor guy. I knew what that was like, wanting to make a good impression in front of a bunch of people you'd never met before and ending up making a complete dork of yourself instead.

Wait a minute, if he was coming in with bags of stuff, did this mean he was moving in?! Was this my absent roommate arriving nearly two days late?! Shit! My eyes flickered to the unmade bed where, not so long ago, I had been lying naked, jacking myself furiously to oblivion. The few spots of cum I'd sprayed on the mattress looked to have dried, luckily, and I breathed a silent sigh of relief to myself. Then, quickly remembering what webpage was showing on my computer screen, I hastily exited my web-browser, and rose from my desk chair, extending my hand out toward the young guy.

As he walked toward me, I looked him over. About the same height as me, thin, with brown hair that was a little untidy, as if it could do with a good brushing, frameless glasses behind which glistened a pair of hazel green-brown eyes, a faint dusting of freckles covering his nose and the tops of his cheeks. He was wearing a faded blue tshirt, blue denim jeans and white sneakers. I liked him instantly on sight. He definitely looked like the sort of person that I could see myself being friends with. Not too loud or too silly, fairly studious-looking, the exact sort of person I'd have chosen to room with if I'd been given a choice.

Shit! What was his name again?! The scary woman at the room allocation desk had definitely told me it. I wracked my memory, and managed to dredge it up.

"Hey, I'm Brad, you must be Anthony. Pleased to meet you." I remembered to smile at him and look him in the eye. Full marks to me, my therapist would be proud! And actually, considering how worked up I'd gotten myself over the thought of having a roommate, now the moment of us meeting was actually here, I wasn't that panicked at all. Maybe because he had just appeared and I'd had no warning and no opportunity to get nervous in anticipation.

"Actually it's Anthony with a tuh' sound -- you don't pronounce the h' ".

He looked at me coldly as he replied. My mind registered that he had a British accent. Then it registered what he'd said. And how he'd said it.

Shit. Obviously not as friendly as he looked. And I'd said his name wrong. Shit. Shit. Shit! He doesn't like me. I've got to live with him for a whole year, and he already doesn't like me. I said his name wrong! I said his name wrong! And now he's going to blank me and treat me like all the others. And I've got to live with him. In the same room. Live in the same room with someone that obviously doesn't like me. For. A. Whole. Year. And he...he...

Wait...Was he saying something else?

"Shit, that didn't come out right. I'm sorry, I've had a really long day travelling, and I'm a bit paranoid about people pronouncing my name right. Let's start again. Hi Brad, I'm Anthony. Pleased to meet you" and he took my still out-stretched hand and shook it.

Dazed, and without really thinking, I shook his hand back. Then it dawned on me that he'd apologised to me. He'd actually apologised to me for being mean, and said he'd only snapped because he was tired and cranky from travelling all day. Did that mean he didn't dislike me after all? That he was willing to try to get to know me?

The nauseas feeling that had been building inside of me quickly passed to be replaced by a giant wave of relief, the kind of which I'd never felt before. Maybe we'd end up being friends after all. I suddenly felt elated, on a total high, and, as happens when I get excited or happy about something, my mouth went into overdrive, and I started gabbling, talking way too fast and asking way too many questions.

Slow down Brad! You'll scare him off!

He didn't seem to mind though, and answered everything I asked him, and even asked some questions back, as if he were actually interested in knowing some more about me. I told him I was hoping to take classes mainly in math, physics and computer science, and he told me how he was studying math (only he called it `maths') at a university in England but had come here on a year long exchange program. He was so easy to talk to, and I found myself relaxing completely. I'd only known him ten minutes, but it already felt like I'd known him a lot longer.

As he talked, I couldn't help but enjoy listening to his voice and the way he pronounced his words. His accent was so cute. I've always loved British accents, and now suddenly I was going to be living with someone who had one.

Whoa, what was that?! A faint stirring in my briefs as I concentrated on his accent. Mmm, British accents are such a turn-on...Shit! Now is definitely not a good time to spring a boner! I desperately tried to think of a way to stop him talking, and blurted out the first thing that came into my head.

"Say, did you want to go to the cafeteria and grab a coffee or something?"

"Actually, I'd better fetch the rest of my suitcases up before someone walks off with them," he replied. "And then I've got to get some sleep -- I feel like I could sleep for the rest of the orientation week!"

"Yes, you do look pretty whacked" I said. It was true, there were faint dark circles under his eyes, and every now and then he would pause mid-sentence to yawn, closing his eyes and wrinkling up his nose as he did so.

I offered to give Anthony a hand carrying his cases, so we left the room together and made our way back to the administration building, continuing our conversation on the way. As we walked along the corridor, some guys passed us walking in the opposite direction, and I was forced to walk behind him for a little way. For some reason my eyes were drawn to his jeans and the shape of his ass filling them out. I shook my head and forced my eyes away from...checking him out? No, I wasn't. I was just...It was just...I happened to be facing that direction that's all.

We took the elevator and then walked back to where Anthony had left his cases outside the Administration Building. It was weird. The longer I was with him and the more we talked, the more connection I felt with him, and the more I was attracted to him. I was a little freaked out, and more than a little confused. Sure, I'd had crushes before, (hasn't everybody?!) but they were usually formed over a long time, this guy I'd only met for twenty minutes maximum, and I was struggling to keep my hormones under control. And it wasn't even as if he was the best-looking guy around...though he did have a certain air of cuteness around him...and a nice smile...and a hot accent...I must stop thinking like this!

We reached where Anthony had left his cases.

"So, do you have a girlfriend back in England?" I asked.

"Um..." He was looking down at the floor. I saw a look of...was it panic? No, probably just embarrassment at me asking the question.

"No, um... I...No, I don't" he finally said.

"Me either" I confessed.

I had a sudden urge to tell him. For him to be the first person other than my therapist to know. For him to be the first person I would tell. But what if he freaked out and wanted nothing more to do with me? I'd end up with a roommate who hated me and would want nothing to do with me, and that would be a shame seeing as how we were getting on so great so far.

I wrestled with my thoughts for a moment, then wimped out.

"Guess we can both have some fun searching this year though" I ended up saying. He didn't seem too enthusiastic about the idea. Maybe it's true what they say about the British, that they're all uptight about talking about sex. Or maybe he's just shy. After all, we hadn't met each other that long ago, and I can be a bit full-on sometimes when I'm excited.

I picked up the case that was nearest to me. I felt my arm almost buckle under the weight of it. The old, puny Brad wouldn't have been able to even lift it an inch off of the ground, but the new, improved, confident, exercising Brad managed to cover up that he was struggling a little with carrying it, and even found the confidence to crack a joke about how heavy it was.

"Fuck, what do you have in this thing? Bricks?!"

Anthony laughed at me. He actually laughed at what I had said. He thought my joke had been funny!

We got back to our room and stowed the cases under Anthony's desk for the moment. Then I helped Anthony make up his bed. He was looking really tired now, and kept yawning loudly, then apologizing for being rude.

"Did you want that coffee now?" I asked. Anthony nodded, so I went off to get us one each from the machine down in the dorm's entrance hallway. The coffee was very hot and on my way back I had to keep setting the plastic cups down on the floor so I didn't burn my fingers.

When I got back to the room, Anthony was lying on his bed, fully-clothed and fast asleep. I quietly put the cups of coffee down on his bedside table and turned to face him. His mouth was a little open, and I couldn't help noticing he was drooling a little onto his pillow. He was breathing heavily and every now and again would let out a little snorting sound or a sigh.

I felt like I ought to pull his bedcovers over him or something, make him more comfortable, but I didn't want to risk waking him, he looked so peaceful, and he must have been exhausted to fall so soundly asleep so quickly, and with all his clothes still on. And his glasses. I didn't want him to roll over onto his glasses in his sleep and bend them out of shape, so I slowly reached out my hand and very carefully and gently, so as not to wake him, lifted his glasses off his face and placed them down on his bedside table. Then, without thinking, I gently brushed his hair from out of his eyes.

He didn't wake, but rolled over onto his side away from me. As he did so, it caused his faded blue tshirt to ride up a little, exposing the base of his back, and about a half inch of black waistband of his underwear poking over the top of his jeans. I felt a stirring in my own underwear, and as I gazed at my sleeping roommate, I could feel my cock growing and my heart rate increasing.

I undid the button of my jeans and stuck my hand down the front of my briefs, fondling my hardening dick as I stood watching Anthony as he slept. He shifted in his sleep again until he lay on his back. Was it my imagination, or was there movement in his own jeans? I watched as a definite bulge developed at his crotch. Obviously he was having a good dream about something.

I went and sat on my own bed, quietly opening my bedside drawer to get some lube on my hand, and then, after stripping off my clothes, got beneath my covers, turning my head to focus on Anthony and the bulge in his jeans as I began jerking my cock. I was going to try to imagine what Anthony might look like naked, but I must have gotten myself too worked up, because suddenly I was cumming and in my head I hadn't even gotten round to thinking what his dick might look like.

I felt my cum shoot out of me, soaking into my sheets, and couldn't help but let out a rather loud gasp at the intensity of the feelings that swept over me. I glanced over at Anthony. Luckily he hadn't woken. I wiped my sticky hand on my sheet and took off my own glasses, then I rolled over, making sure to keep out of the wet patch I'd just made, and succumbed to sleep myself.

Next: Chapter 12: Geeks Get Hot 3 Brad

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