Geeks Get Hot

By Mr Skinny

Published on Aug 9, 2010



The following piece of fiction contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adult males aged over the age of 18. Please do not read further if the subject matter might offend you. If you are aged under 18 (or 21 if that is the law in your state or country) please leave this site without reading further.

Note from Author: This part of the story is told by Anthony.

Geeks Get Hot (part 1) -- Anthony

I sat back in the seat of the taxi, completely exhausted after the flight. I didn't even have the energy to stare out of the window at the traffic going past on the busy..wait, what was I supposed to call it now? Freeway? Highway? Fuck knows.

It was just after 2pm and I had been travelling the best part of 24 hours if you included all the waiting around at Heathrow. I should have been completely hyper and excited, after all, this was my first time in the States, and all the applications, paperwork and hard work I'd been through over the last year was finally going to come to fruition, but somehow I just felt drained. Not even a little bit excited. But on the upside, that meant I wasn't at all nervous either.

"You're from England aren't you?" The taxi driver startled me with his question. I had just begun to feel my eyes starting to close.

"No shit Sherlock. What was your first clue? The English accent? The labels on the suitcases?" was what I wanted to say. But I didn't -- I'm way too well brought up to be so cheeky.

"Yes." Last of the big conversationalists! Maybe he'll get the hint that I feel too tired to be bothered talking...

"So what brings you to the good old U S of A then son?" he chuckled.

Perhaps not then. Great. Just my luck to get a talkative taxi driver (or should I be calling him a cabdriver now?)

"I'm here to study at the city's university for the year" I tell him. It's a story I'll probably be telling a lot of people over the next few days, so I might as well get some practise in. "I'm actually at university in the UK, but I got the chance to apply for a year abroad, and my university has an exchange scheme with the university here, so here I am!"

"Wow kid what an opportunity. I'm sure you'll have a great time here..." He continued talking and I tuned out, turning to my own thoughts. After saying it out loud, it suddenly dawned on me that I was here, in the States, on my own, with no friends or family nearby, going to a university where I knew literally no was actually happening, after all those months of planning. Half my friends thought I was mad travelling so far away for my second year of study, just when I had got to know people on my course and settled into the life of a student. The other half were jealous as Hell at my going on what they thought of as a free holiday in America. No matter how hard I tried to explain to them that I'd be working just as hard as them, if not harder, taking courses and exams that actually counted towards my final degree grade, they still had visions of me strolling along Florida beaches and spending half the year at theme parks. The university wasn't even in Florida! I suddenly realised my driver had paused and was waiting for me to answer a question.

"Sorry, what did you just ask me?"

"What are you going to be studying? Smart-looking guy like you, gotta be math or something".

"Um, yes. Math" (wow it feels strange not putting an `s' on the end of that word. Well, I suppose I'll have to get used to it...or change degrees!) "But I'm hoping to also do some computer science and physics courses while I'm here."

"Well good luck with that! Rather you than me..."

"Look, I hope you don't think I'm being rude, but I'm worn out from all my travelling and not really in the mood for talking. If you don't mind, I'm just going to try to sleep for a bit until we arrive at the university."

"Sure, no problem. You do look whacked."

Um...yes, whatever that means. I laid my head back against the seat, closed my eyes and tried my best to get to sleep, but it proved impossible. Damn that driver for trying to talk to me and getting my head full of thoughts! And now he's turned his radio up and started whistling. Great. Even if I could get to sleep, there's no way I'd stay asleep with that noise going on.

I wonder what the university will be like. And how busy it will be. I'm arriving one day later than the date they recommended because the flights were cheaper doing it this way, so probably most of the other students will already have arrived and settled in. Orientation isn't for another two days, so that should give me time to get over my jetlag before I actually have to start concentrating properly on things.

I sighed, remembering how hectic my fresher's week at university was, and groaned inwardly at the thought of all the introductory welcome talks I was going to have to sit through. There's not a lot that can make them interesting. Only sitting within view of someone fit. At the student union welcome talk I was sat right behind a tall, tanned blonde who smelt absolutely gorgeous, filled his clothes perfectly and showed off just the right amount of boxers waistband when his t-shirt rode up his back. Mmm. My cock twitched at the memory, and I absentmindly placed my hand into my lap, feeling an unconscious urge to have it close to my dick.

No one knew I was gay. It was my biggest secret. As far as I knew, no one even suspected. After all, I definitely wasn't your stereotypical loud-mouthed queen. I'd always planned on coming out at university. New start, no one knowing you, no one judging you, the chance to be your own person. Would have made perfect sense. Problem was, I ended up living on a corridor with 7 macho, football-mad, Jack-the-lads, who seemed somewhat homophobic in their attitudes. There was no way I was going to come out to them. And then when I got to know people on my course, I somehow never got round to plucking up the courage to telling them, and after a while, it became easier for me to just keep quiet about it, and ignore the jibes at completely failing to "pull a nice bird".

Maybe here I might actually grow a pair of balls and tell people I'd rather sleep with Ashley Cole than Cheryl Cole. (Not that I would want to sleep with Ashley Cole, just...oh you get the idea!) Even if I didn't come out properly, I definitely wanted to try and get some action this year. After all, Americans go mad for Harry Potter, and can't resist a cute English accent and... Hey, I can dream can't I?!

It was so frustrating being at university and hearing stories about who had shagged who, feeling unbelievably horny all the bloody time, desperate to go to bed and experience for myself what all the fuss was about, and not being able to do anything about it. A whole year being away from my family, having the freedom all that entailed, and still not managing even a fumble with someone because I was so worried about what my macho housemates might think of me, so desperate to fit in with everyone I was afraid of being my own person and admitting that cock turned me on.

Well, enough was enough. I was definitely going to lose my virginity while I was away. Definitely. But then I'd said that to myself when I started university, and here I was one year on with my V-plates still completely intact. It wasn't that I was shy...okay, actually it probably was that I was shy. And unconfident. And too thin. And scared of the unknown, if truth be told.

If I'd had a bit more confidence, I'd probably have managed to pull loads of times by now. In fact I'd already had an opportunity today at the airport. I was getting my cock out at the urinal for a piss after the flight had landed and had glanced down at the cock of the man standing next to me, as you do (well as I do anyway). He'd noticed me looking and after he'd finished pissing he stayed standing there at the urinal and started stroking himself, getting hard. I was transfixed by his hand running up and down the length of his shaft and at his cock gradually hardening, growing thicker as the blood pumped into it, the head getting fatter and redder as it grew. I'd looked up at his face and he'd made eye contact with me, raising one eyebrow, and then turned and made his way into the nearest cubicle leaving the door unlocked.

My heart had been beating so fast and hard in my chest and my mouth had gone dry. I'd wanted to walk across to the cubicle he was in and push the door open, but as usual, I'd bottled it and ended up zipping myself up and fleeing from the toilets as quickly as I could.

I was mentally kicking myself now sitting in the taxi for letting the opportunity go away, but part of me was also thinking that I didn't want my first sexual experience to be a rushed fumble with a stranger in an airport toilet that stunk of stale urine. I want it to be...well, perfect and for me to feel comfortable and at ease with the other person and...well, I'm sure my first time will happen eventually, but sometimes I just wish it would hurry up and happen! Being 19 and constantly horny isn't easy, especially when everyone around you seems to be getting plenty!

And let's face it, that was a very nice cock he'd had. Very nice indeed. I could feel myself starting to grow hard as the image of him stroking himself erect replayed through my mind. I snorted to myself at the irony that even in my jetlagged, exhausted state, I still had the energy to get a hardon. I felt my dick pushing against the zip on my fly through my underwear, its movements constrained by the jeans I was wearing and the angle I was sitting at. I'd told myself as I got in the taxi that the first thing I was going to do when I got to my dorm room was collapse on the bed and get some sleep. I now decided this was the second thing I was going to do, and the first thing I was going to do was have a wank, because I was suddenly feeling seriously horny.

The voice of the taxi driver broke into my thoughts.

"We're only a couple of blocks away now. Should be there real soon."

Shit, I hope I go down before we arrive. I really didn't want to have to get out of the taxi at the university still bulging. We'd stopped at some traffic lights, so I looked out of the window to try and take my mind off the erection in my jeans. Right in front of me was a 30 foot high billboard of a tanned, toned, twentysomething man, standing under a jet of water, drops of water running down his chiselled naked torso, the advert for a new brand of showergel. Wow! I felt a lurch in my jeans as my cock turned to iron. Luck definitely wasn't on my side. Reluctantly (for the model in the advert really was hot) I tore my eyes away from the billboard and turned my head away from the window, to find the taxi driver had twisted himself round in his seat and was looking at me.

I smiled and swallowed nervously, hoping he hadn't noticed the bulge at my crotch. He grinned a knowing grin at me and winked. Shit, he must have noticed. I felt my face growing red. I really hoped that he hadn't noticed what had given it to me. I swallowed again, my cheeks hot from blushing, and gave an incoherent mumble.

"Hey, don't get embarrassed, I know all you English get all uptight about sex and stuff, but believe me, you're not the first and you sure as Hell won't be the last guy to spring a boner in the back of my cab. And I don't blame you when she's got a pair of tits like that."

Tits?! Puzzled, I looked back out of the window. Directly next to the billboard of the hot half-naked guy was an equally large picture of a bikini-clad girl also standing under a jet of water, evidently the advert for the equivalent female showergel. Funny, I hadn't even noticed it before. Then again, half-naked women don't do it for me, so why would I have done?

Chuckling to himself, the taxi driver pulled away from the lights and less than a minute later we were driving up the entranceway to the university campus. The embarrassment, uncomfortable as it had been at the time, had done the trick, and my erection had gone. For now.

We pulled up in front of the administration building and the driver helped me unload my suitcases and other stuff. I thanked him and remembered to tip him when I paid him, then headed into the building to pick up my room allocation.

A serious-looking lady with greying hair and glasses looked up from her computer monitor as I approached the reception desk.


So much for the big friendly all-American welcome.

"Um, I'm here to collect my room key. I'm Anthony Smith, here on the year exchange programme."

Frowning, she picked up a clipboard from the desk beside her and started running her finger down it. "Can you spell that for me? I can't seem to find you."

You have got to be joking.

"Um yes, Smith is S M I T H and Anthony is A N T H O N..."

"Ah yes, I didn't catch you first time, you mean Anthony Smith, here you are" she pronounced my name the way all Americans seem to, with a th' sound instead of a t'.

"No, actually it's Anthony -- you don't pronounce the `h'" I trailed off as she glared at me. Great, less than five minutes at the university and I've already made an enemy.

"Your room is in Jefferson Dorms, room 318 which is on the third floor. Your roommate is Brad Griffiths. Showers on that floor are cleaned on Mondays and Thursdays. You will need to leave twenty dollars as a deposit for your key..."

Hold on, did she just say "roommate"?!

"Sorry? Did you just say something about a roommate?"

"Yes. Brad Griffiths. Your roommate is Brad Griffiths."

"You mean I have to share? My room is a shared room?"

"Jeez, I thought you were supposed to be smart to get on this exchange programme. Yes, you will be sharing your room with your roommate."

"But I wasn't expecting to share. I thought I'd have a room to myself."

"Whatever gave you that idea? All our dorm rooms here are two-person rooms."

"There's no single rooms here at all?"

I must have sounded completely astonished, and to tell the truth, I was.

"Don't sound so surprised honey, it's not that uncommon here in the States. Lots of college dorms are all shared rooms. I would have thought you'd have known that before you applied to study over here." She looked at me over the top of her glasses, a look that told me without any words how thick she thought I was. "Did you want the room or not?"

"Um yes, of course I do, sorry it's just a bit of a shock. All the rooms at my university were single rooms and I just assumed it would be the same here."

"Well, I guess your assumption was wrong."

She took the twenty dollars I held out to her and handed me my room key in return, along with a copy of a map of the site. I walked out of the building feeling her unfriendly stare boring into the back of me.

Opening the map out, I quickly found the building marked `Jefferson Dorms', and deciding to leave my two larger suitcases where they were for the time being, stacked neatly against the side of the administration building, picked up my laptop bag, rucksack and small suitcase of belongings, and made my way over to my new halls of residence.

I couldn't believe I hadn't realised I would have to share my room over here. I had had the option to try and find an apartment to rent in the city, but decided against it as it would have been too much hassle to arrange from back home. Now I was really regretting not making the effort. I'd never shared a bedroom in my life before, even when I'd gone on family holidays, me and my brother had always had separate rooms, and now I had to share a room for the next year with someone I'd never met before. What if we didn't get on? It was bad enough being on the same corridor as people I didn't really like last year, but at least I could escape to my room and lock the door behind me when I wanted to. Here I wouldn't even have that option. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Did I ought to tell him I'm gay? If we're sharing a room, maybe he'd want to know, maybe he's got a right to know. But would he feel comfortable sharing a room with me if he knew? Would he wonder if I was checking him out every time he got dressed. Would I check him out every time he got dressed? Would I actually be able to stop myself if he's hot? Ooh, what if he is hot?! No need for the `Attitude' calendar I'd brought with me, I could just stare at him and...wait, what am I thinking?! Even if he is hot, I'll just have to learn some self-control and do my best not to perve and... Oh God this is going to be so hard. Actually, something else is getting pretty hard thinking about what it might be like sharing with a hot roommate. Trust me to think with my dick at a time of possible crisis!

My mind spinning with all my thoughts, I got in the lift of the Jefferson Dorms building and pressed the `3' button. As the lift climbed to the third floor, I could feel myself beginning to sweat with nerves at the thought of meeting my roommate for the first time. We had to share the room together for a whole year, and I really hoped that he would be someone I'd manage to get on with, have a laugh with and become friends with.

The lift pinged as the doors slid open. I made my way down the corridor, my heart pounding in my chest, and stopped outside the door marked `318'. My hand shaking, I put the key in the lock and turned it.

This is it. Shit. Shit. Shit. I hope he's friendly. I hope he's friendly. I hope he's hot. No, I don't, I hope he's friendly. Shit. This is it...


Next: Chapter 2: Geeks Get Hot 2 Anthony

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