Geeks and Studs

By Mas P

Published on Jan 13, 2009


This is the sequel to my story "Talk Nerdy to Me". For those readers following my stories you'll know about Jay, if not, then this is Jay's story. It's loooong. Hope that it's even mildly entertaining. And I probably wouldn't have even finished it if a certain fan wasn't bugging me about know who you are! If I was to dedicate this one it'll be to you oh bothersome one. Haha! Enjoy!

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch, or volunteer as a beta reader/editor (shameless advertising...) hit me up at:

Studs Don't Cry

By Mas

"Jane," the woman called out. She was finishing up breakfast. Her youngest daughter was already at the table but her eldest was, as usual, missing in action.

"Jane!" Still no answer. Janice was giggling now. She knew how much her sister hated the name yet their mother insisted on using it. "JANE?!" Now she was full out laughing.

"Mama, just use the name she likes to be called."

"That is not her God-given name Janice and you know it!" She walked over to the foot of the stairs and sighed. "If I ever met a heard-headed..." She frowned then gave up; she always did with Jay but not without a fight. "Jay, come downstairs for breakfast."

"Coming mama!" came the immediate reply. She chuckled despite her annoyance. The girl was going to be the death of her.

Jay came bounding down the stairs, already dressed. Sometimes she regretted not living on campus, but then on mornings like this one, when her mother had hot, fluffy pancakes waiting on her, she was very happy about her decision to stay off campus.

She walked into the kitchen and promptly kissed her mother on the cheek. "Morning mama. Hey Janny."

"Hey Jay, you driving me to school right?" Hope-filled eyes looked up at her in adoration. She walked over and wiped away a drop of syrup from the tip of her nose.

"Yeah boo, let's give mama this morning to chill for once." She saw the grateful smile on her mother's face. She always volunteered to drop Janny off to school. She knew that her sister REALLY loved to pull up in her jeep though. She made sure that it was clean most days and always had some kind of hip-hop music blaring from it to get her classmates dancing. It cracked her up when they'd wave at her. Many of the little boys would come over, talking to Janny as they eyed her. She'd shake her head and wonder if they had any idea how much of a chance they DIDN'T have.

Then the girls.

That was another story. She graduated from Janny's school so a few of the older students knew her or knew of her. She was probably the only out girl at school and didn't shy away from attention. A few times she had to speak with a teacher or two on her mother's behalf and would notice some of the girls hanging around staring at her. Some with curiosity and others with bold interest. She'd smile her, 'get some' smile and watch them blush their way into a frenzy. It was fun but most importantly safe, since she had no intention of ever dating any girl in highschool. She leaned over for Janny to kiss her cheek and smiled as she walked into school immediately met by her friends who waved. "Hey Jay!" they called out.

"Hey ladies. Don't drive the boys crazy today now!" They giggled as they walked off. She pulled away and headed to school. It was October and she was in the middle of classes now. It felt good to help out her mother and she decided to tell her that she'd drop Janny to school from now on if it was okay with her...and pick her up when her schedule allowed it.

Their mother worked downtown as an accountant in one of the smaller companies. She made enough to take care of her family and that was all that she asked for. The company though informed her to come in at 10 every morning instead of 8:30. Her 12 years with them gave her seniority status even if she wasn't a partner. Jay knew that she would be one day though.

She opened up her phone when she pulled into the underground parking lot and began to text. She smirked at the content of the text and pressed send. She knew that it would get her cursed out but loved to tease her. Tammy texted back immediately.

"It's none of your business who I was with last night. It wasn't U for sure though! N stop bein so rude! :P"

"U in class baby? :)"

"No, but I'm headin there now. So stop textin and let me get to class!"

Jay smiled and began to text anyway. "I know how much U look forward to hearin from me baby. I luv U too..." she smiled and waited for a reply. She frowned when after 5 minutes she still had no response. Then her phone buzzed and she flipped it back open.

"You need to behave and not throw a round that L word so much. Lata J." Jay studied the reply for a few moments. "...and not throw around that L word..." She didn't even realize that she typed it; it just seemed so natural...Jay frowned and shoved her phone in her jeans.

"What in the hell am I thinking?" This happened a lot lately. She'd find herself thinking about the blonde and end up doing something like adding sugar to her coffee. She grumbled then pulled out her phone when it began to ring. Thinking that it was Tammy she began to smile. The smile dimmed when the voice on the other end of the line began to speak; it wasn't her.

"Hey Jay," she heard.

"Hey boo." She had no idea who was on the phone with her, but she sounded pretty enough.

"Can I see you today for lunch?" Jay thought about meeting up with Brady and Tammy. Then she thought about whoever was on the line and the prospect of getting with them. She hadn't been with anyone in a week. The added thoughts of Tammy only made her more anxious.

"You know it, meet me in the cafeteria say 'about oneish." She smiled when the girl hung up. She had a "mystery" date and felt much better as she headed off to class. All thoughts of Tammy gone...for the moment.

"Jay! Where are you man? We're havin' lunch at the Diner." The Diner was a popular little hole in the wall that the four like to dine in. Since Brady got together with Lauryn, she became a fixture at all of their little get-togethers. Jay loved to see the two of them together. It didn't hurt that she helped push things along, that was when Brady wasn't unknowingly trying to mess up her plans of course.

My little dork, she thought as she stepped out of the building of her recent class.

"I'm leaving class. You guys getting together to eat?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, I'm starving man!"

"You know what I love about you Brady? Your subtleness." Jay stepped into the bathroom ignoring the looks of confusion that gradually cleared when they met her face. Yes, she dressed like a guy but had the face of a woman. You could confuse her for a man from the back, but once you looked into her eyes you knew.

"So who's with you? Tammy with you?" Brady told her yes. She felt a smile forming on her lips and immediately frowned in annoyance. "I don't know...I have a meeting at 2." She thought about the girl who called her. "I don't think that I can cancel it." She heard a scuffle then Brady saying something that she couldn't make out.

"Hello? Jay?"

"Hey Lauryn, what's up boo?" She smiled as Lauryn told her to get her but over to the Diner or else.

"I haven't seen you in ages Jay!"

"I'm pretty sure I saw you two days ago Brady's place remember?" It always amazed her how a day or two can feel like forever in university.

"You know what I mean. Anyway, Tammy's coming too." Jay didn't miss Lauryn's much too casual mention of their mutual friend.

"Oh really? Well I was telling Brady that I had something planned..." There was silence on the other end. Jay didn't like the sound of it. "Ummm..."

"Well, no worries. You had plans so we'll jus' see you later then."

"Umm, okay?" Something was wrong and she just couldn't put her finger on it. She shrugged it off and told Brady that she'd see her later. For a few minutes she stood looking at her phone wondering what was happening on the other side of that conversation. When her brain began to hurt she shrugged it off and headed toward the cafeteria.

It turned out being a girl named Heather that she met in an English class during the summer. She was a red head who liked to wear big gold hoops that Jay found sexy as hell. She told her as much as they sat next to each other, ignoring their sandwiches.

"So Heather, what are you doin' tonight?"

"Well that depends..."

"On what?" Heather was about to answer as Jay looked up at the glass doors that their table was pressed up against. Tammy was glaring at her with arms crossed, obviously annoyed. "Isn't she always?" She asked.

"What?" Heather asked and followed Jay's gaze. When she saw Tammy she rolled her eyes. She'd seen her around school with Jay, but she asked around and knew that they were only friends. Friends who seemed to spend a ridiculous amount of time together...

"That depends on if you ask me out." She quickly added. Jay's attention was on the entrance of the cafeteria by now.

"What?" She absently asked then moved her arm from the back of Heather's chair as Tammy walked over with Brady and Lauryn in tow.

"Looks like one intense meeting Jay." Tammy looked pointedly at Heather then her eyes turned to angry slits when she placed her hand on Jay's thigh. "You just could have told us that you had a lunch date you know, it's not like we're starved of your company."

"Sounds like YOU are though," Jay smirked at a fuming Tammy and watched her look at Lauryn who shrugged helplessly. They all watched as she stalked off towards the pizza display. Jay watched her, fighting down a surge of guilt at lying about her lunch date. But it was worth it to see her come storming into the cafeteria in all her blonde glory.

Jay loved to watch Tammy when she got angry. Her eyes, a pale green had sparks of yellow in them and flared to life. Then a pink blush appeared on her cheeks. Her slim, little nose, slightly upturned would flare out for a moment then relax and her usually full lips would thin. She'd usually do something like flick her shoulder length hair over her shoulder in defiance or place her hands on her hips.

She turned feisty. And she wasn't even a red head. Jay followed her hips as they swayed in her tight jeans. Brady was saying something to her but she could only hear Tammy's words echoing in her ears and see the swell of her breasts revealed from her unzipped jacket.

"DUDE!? I'm talking to you?" Brady waved her hands in front of Jay, finally pulling her attention away from Tammy. Jay looked at her confused.


"I said that you're an ass and Tammy was ready to kill you when she saw you here man. She wanted to talk to you about her project. You know the one you helped her with." Brady shook her head at the regret in Jay's eyes. Sometimes Jay made her worry. Sometimes she didn't know if she knew how lucky she was to have Tammy as a friend.

"Oh man, how did she do?" Brady just rolled her eyes but Lauryn told her that she aced it.

"She wanted to tell you first." Jay sat back and looked over at Heather, for a moment she was surprised that she was still there. Heather looked at all of them then touched Jay's arm.

"We can get together some other time Jay. Call me." Jay nodded her head and watched Heather walk away.

"Damn," she mumbled.

"You're an ass." Brady said.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything!" Brady rolled her eyes and sat down in the chair Heather vacated and Lauryn sat next to her. Tammy came over a moment later sitting down across from Jay silently. When she spoke she addressed only Lauryn and Brady. Jay thought that it was cute and funny at first, but after 10 minutes she was pissed off.

"Okay Tammy, I get the point."

"Oh, I'm sorry but did you guys hear something?" Tammy asked and tiled her head to the side as if listening. "Hmmm, probably just hearing the sound of a liar who thinks that she can put off friendships for a hoe."

"Now Heather wasn't a hoe!"

"She looked like one to me!" Tammy said as she glared at Jay. "Actally she talks like one, WALKS like one-"

"Ha! I got you to talk to me!" Brady looked at Lauryn with pleading eyes.

"Guys, come on. Don't fight over this." They both looked at her then back at each other. Tammy lowered her eyes to her food and sighed.

"Look Jay, I did really well on that project, I got the highest mark in the class and I wanted to surprise you with the news. It hurt to find out that you blew us all off for some girl." Jay lowered her eyes too, wishing that she was alone so that she could hug Tammy. She always did when she was feeling down. In public though, she seemed to be a completely different person.

"I'm sorry baby." Jay leaned closer shifting over her chair until her arm rested comfortably on the back of Tammy's chair. She hugged her and sat staring at her with puppy eyes until she smiled and pushed her away.

"Okay ya big goof, you're forgiven." Tammy looked over at Jay fondly. Jay felt her heart jump. She felt that a lot now, random lurches in her heart and her stomach when Tammy was around or talking to her. "It's in my room, I'll show it to you after lunch."

Jay agreed then remembered that she had to pick up Janny that day at 3. It was already 2:20. "I have to get Janny at 3 though..."

"Bring her too! I haven't seen her in ages." Jay smiled and told her that she would. She had no idea why but Janny seemed to idolize Tammy. She would see Tammy in a jacket and ask their mother if she could buy it the next day. Then whenever Tammy came by to chill she'd try to monopolize all of her time. Jay now had to plan visits to when she knew Janny was in school or else she's never get to spend time with her friend.

"Good, now that you two settled your little fight, we can talk about thanksgiving." Brady sat forward excitedly. "My dad said that he can get us a deal on a hotel if you guys are still down."

"Skiing...? I still don't know about this Brady," Jay grumbled. This would be her first time skiing or snowboarding but Brady insisted that the four of them take advantage of her dad's connection with a popular ski resort.

"You'll love snowboarding better Jay, I know it. I love it too plus I can teach you! Plus if we don't do it now we'll have to wait for Christmas!"

"Two and a half WHOLE months away," Lauryn said before Brady could.

"My mama is still mad at me for planning this and not telling her about it." Tammy looked over at Jay sympathetically. She knew Jay's mother and knew that the woman didn't like surprises. "I'll have to see. Plus all that snow won't be good for my skin man." Jay pulled out a small mirror and began to look at herself. Tammy sat back in disbelief.

"Jay! Can you get over yourself for a minute?!" Jay looked up surprised. She'd never heard Tammy speak like that before.

"Excuse me?" Jay put the mirror down and turned toward Tammy.

"You and your damn looks. Yes! You are attractive. Yes! You have looks but GOD Jay, sometimes you act absorbed!" Jay sat back and knew that her eyes hardened. It hurt. Those words, coming from Tammy who she thought...fuck what I thought.

"You know what? Fuck you Tammy. I don't know what in the world you expect from me but THIS is me. So fuck you if you don't like it."

"Don't say that to me." Tammy's voice was low and trembled in anger.

"Say what?"

"Fuck you. You know I hate it when you curse at me." Jay heard Tammy's control begin to slip.

"Well you just cursed at me. You just said it too."

"You are such an ass."

"Hah! As far as I know "ass" is a curse too. You're a hypocrite." She smirked at Tammy and saw when she grabbed the cup of soda but didn't react quick enough to stop its progress. A moment later she found herself drenched in pepsi and not liking it. Not in the least. "You little..." Tammy stood up and leaned in close.

"You think that we're gonna always be here hanging around? You don't know what to do with friendships Jay! You think these little hoes are gonna be here for you when you REALLY need them?" She stood back and Jay was about to tell her to fuck off when she saw the glimmer of unshed tears pooling in her eyes. Tammy grabbed her bag and stormed out of the cafeteria.

Jay watched her exit as what felt like a thousand emotion danced around inside of her. She ignored the ones in her heart. She looked around at the faces still looking at her and stood up slowly as she wiped her face. Brady still sat in stunned silence and Lauryn was trying to find the right words to say. Jay looked at them both and sighed. "I'll see you guys around." With that Jay left the cafeteria.

It's been a week since she spoke to Tammy. She saw her around campus of course. Then when she spoke with Brady sometimes she'd be there. They'd look at each other then look away not knowing what to say anymore. Brady watched this from the middle feeling horrible as her two closest friends grew father and father apart. She knew that it was going to be tricky when they got together if they ever did but she didn't know to prepare for this. She was afraid now that they were going to damage a really good friendship.

"Jay, you need to talk to her."

"I don't need to do shit." Jay said as she jammed down one of the buttons of Brady's controls. They were playing video games on a school night after Jay called asking if she wanted to hang. Brady knew though that Jay would usually spend her nights doing homework or talking to Tammy. She just told Lauryn to give her and Jay some alone time so that she could vent.

"You know Tammy-"

"No I DON'T if she'd gonna call me self-absorbed and all that shit! I mean, I'm not that bad Brady."

"Well actually you are." Jay's mouth fell open as she looked at Brady in shock. "I mean, I just learned to love you and accept you for who you are, someone who is very infatuated with her good looks."

Jay placed the control on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't believe that they were all teaming up against her. Did Lauryn think that too? Suddenly she felt cornered.

"You guys CAN'T be jealous 'cause I can get any girl I want?" Brady's eyebrows raced for her hairline.

"Ummm, not really Jay. You're taste in women leaves something to be desired."

"You are jealous." Jay stood up and reached for her bag.

:Listen to yourself man! This is Brady you're talkin' to! You really need to get past your looks for a minute here and-"

"This isn't about my looks Brady! This is about my friends all turning against me." Brady rolled her eyes and wondered how such a strong, butch woman could be such a big baby.

"You're such a big baby Jay. You need to listen to Tammy man. Get over yourself!"

"Fuck you too then!"

"No thanks! Not my type and I HAVE a girl friend to do that too anyway unlike you..." Jay stopped a few feet from Brady's door and turned back to her. The words hit home though she wasn't going to admit it.

"So what?!"

"So maybe if you stop sluttin' it up with these girls around here you can have a serious and HEALTHY relationship!"

"I am quite healthy thank you very much! I get my ass tested every couple of months!"

"That is not my point block head." Brady stepped forward and grabbed Jays arm. "Most off these girls around here are only with you because of your looks, because it's all you put forward. None of them are real man! A bunch of pretty faces Jay."

"Pretty face that I can lay on demand." Brady rolled her eyes and threw up her hands.

"I give up man. You're on your own."

"Well geez! Thank you Brady, considering I never asked for your help in the first place!"

"Damn idiot!"


"I take that as a compliment!" Brady shouted as her door slammed shut. The windows shook from the force and she winced as her neighbour banged on her wall. "I know! I know..." Shaky hands rubbed up and down her face as she wondered if she just lost her best friend.

"Yes Jay..." Heather mumbled as Jay's fingers moved inside her. Pushing her further and further into ecstasy.

"Ohh yeah," Jay murmured as she sucked on her neck then her breasts. Her lips left a trail of kisses that led right back to her lips and she plunged her tongue inside trying to push everything and everyone away.

She called Heather as soon as she left Brady's place and they arranged to meet that night. She practically jumped the red head as soon as she opened her dorm room. She had no intention of having any girl in her mama's house. With Jay it was your place, or no lay. Jay was known for being worth the trouble though.

Heather lifted her hips and moved them in rhythm to Jay's fingers. Jay tasted her lips again and again as she squeezed her eyes shut. She tried to block out a pair of green eyes that kept fluttering by. She barely kept her hands from covering her ears as the last words that Tammy said to her taunted her. Teased her.

She moved her pussy over Heather's thigh, seeking release. It seemed to be right there, a moment away. Managing to elude her as she drew even closer to it. Then her walls fell down and the face that she'd been hiding from herself emerged. Tammy. She groaned and felt herself getting wetter and wetter as her orgasm began to move over her.

She shouted out something. She had no idea what it was but she did feel the body beneath her stiffen. She rode out her orgasm then moved her fingers slowly in and out of Heather until she moaned her orgasm into her neck. Jay closed her eyes and suck into darkness.

Four weeks and still no word from Tammy. Jay was trying to fight the sadness but she'd get home and end up listening to sad music. She got together with Heather a few times after that but it felt staged, as if Heather had her as some stud to show off the all of her friends. Jay was aware of it but didn't fight it. Tammy would usually tell her to get rid of a girl like Heather but with Tammy not talking to her she felt...lost. So she kept her around.

They were in the cafeteria. Heather was eating a pasta salad and talking about some show she wanted to visit that Jay had no intention of taking her to. She looked at Heather and saw what everyone else saw; a pretty face, a nice body but that was all. There was nothing else there. She wondered if that was how everyone saw HER. "Oh Jay's fine as hell but..." She shook her head and pushed the plate of food that Heather got for her closer absently taking a bite. She chewed as she began to realize that she wanted more...that she WAS more. She swallowed and felt her throat begin to tickle. She cleared it and looked down at the plate. Jay raised frightened eyes to Heather who was babbling about something.

"What...What's in this salad?" She asked as she began to gasp for air. She pushed away from the table, pulling out her cell phone. Her throat felt like it was swelling up, as if someone lodged a ball in her mouth and told her to swallow it.

"It's crab salad...Jay? Jay!"

She cursed herself for leaving her inhaler home that day, she almost always had it with her. But maybe...Jay stood and stumbled into the people sitting behind them. She pressed a number on speed dial and grabbed for her throat

"I'm...I'" She gasped for breath and people gathered around watching in horror as Jay began to turn grey.

"Hello! Jay?!" Heather heard the voice shouting on the phone in Jay's hand and grabbed in hurriedly as she watched Jay gasping for breath. Her face suddenly turned blotchy and swelled up.

"Hello?!" Heather said into the phone.

"Somebody call the paramedics!" Someone shouted.

"...already did!"

"Who is this? Where's Jay?"

"She ate crab salad! I didn't know! She can't breathe!"

"Where is she? Where are you?!" Tammy asked.

"We're in the cafeteria, she's on the floor, a guy is trying to help her breath but...hello? Hello?" Heather looked frantically at the phone and barely heard the man ask her questions.

"What else was in the salad? Is the crab all she's allergic to?" Heather shrugged as tears began to rain down her face.

"I don't know..." Suddenly Tammy was running through the crowd, Jay was grabbing the man's shirt begging for air. Her face was grey now and her eyes were beginning to turn glassy.

"I have her inhaler! She needs this!" Tammy pushed through the crowd and slid to a halt next to Jay, gently she and the man who turned out to be the head cashier help position Jay so that she could push down on it and get Jay much needed relief. Jay breathed in deep grabbing Tammy's wrist her eyes pouring tears as Tammy quietly rubbed her chest. She wiped at her tears as she watched Jay crying on her lap. "That's it, breathe baby..."

Her face was puffed up beyond recognition and already blotchy with breakouts but she looked just as good as she always did to Tammy. She held Jay's hand as they waited for the paramedics who didn't take long at all. What was really a few minutes felt like an hour. Jay held Tammy's hand as the paramedics loaded her up in the van. She had a mask over her face that she tried to remove to talk to Tammy only to have the medics tell her to leave it on.

"Mama..." Tammy nodded her head as she waved Jay's cell phone.

"I'll call her. I'm gonna tell Brady too, we're right behind you Jay. Right behind you! We'll come in Lauryn's car!" Jay nodded her head even as her eyes teared. Tammy saw the fear in them, she was still shaking when she saw the door close. She turned around to the crowd but her eyes searched for only one face. She walked over slowly then began to run towards Heather who stepped back in fear looking left and right desperate to escape. Someone saw her intent and grabbed her, holding her back.

"You mother fucking bitch! She could have died! Why in the FUCK did you give her crab meat? She's allergic to crab and shrimp and fish! She can't drink anything over 2 percent milk too incase you want to try to KILL her again!"

"I'm sorry," Heather said as she wiped at her tears. Tammy was sure that if they let her go that she'd slap her. She'd never been so sure of anything in her life. Jay could have...if she didn't keep one of her inhalers in Tammy's dorm room...Tammy's eyes began to water again.

"You fucking better be! And you better stay away from her too!" She settled down still breathing as if she ran a marathon. "Let me go please." She said as she lowered her eyes to the ground trying to catch her breath.

"Only if you promise not to kill her." One guy said and the crowd laughed. She nodded her head and glared at Heather before turning away. After running a trembling hand through her hair she pulled out Jay's cell phone and began calling all of the people who needed to be called. Brady and Lauryn were going to be at her dorm in 5 minutes so she went up to her room and finally allowed herself to cry. Lauryn entered the room and met her like that; her broken cries could be heard from the hallway. She told Brady to wait downstairs and held her until she was okay enough to leave for the hospital.

Tammy knocked on the door of the pretty brick house smiling when she heard Janny shouting "who is it?".

"It's Tammy Janny." It cracked her up when she first said that.

"Tammy! It's Tammy!" She heard Jay's sister shriek as she rushed to unbolt the locks. She opened the door in a flourish and wrapped her slim arms around Tammy's waist. She laughed and begged to be allowed into the house. "Okay!" Janny took her hand and led her into the kitchen where Jay's mother was making dinner. The singing woman looked over her shoulder and Tammy met eyes just as kind and mischievous as Jay's. Dorothy Brown was a beautiful woman and if you saw her and her children together, you knew where they got their good looks from.

"Come here girl and give me a hug! I haven't seen you around here in ages." Tammy walked over and hugged her. She breathed in the familiar and comforting scent of vanilla and sweat. Dorothy always made her feel at home at her dinner table. She never asked if she was staying for dinner when she and Jay got carried away watching some movie or talking, she'd just call for them to come downstairs to eat.

Tammy loved that.

"How is she?" Tammy asked as she took of the backpack filled with a dvd's and notes from the classes Jay missed that evening. She already spoke with the professors who had received phone calls from Jay's mother about her being home for two days until the swelling went down. Jay of course wanted to stay home until her face healed completely but Dorothy wasn't hearing any of it...

"Mama!" She argued as tears fell from her eyes.

"Jay, you'll be able to go to class, the doctor said so..."

"But mama my face!"

"Is beautiful." She never had any heart-to-heart with Jay about her vanity. She thought that it would go away with age but now she realized that she failed her daughter by not addressing it. She knew about Jay's row with Tammy, Brady made sure to keep her informed. "You know, all those girls who call here to wish you well if they don't think that you're beautiful even now when you're at your worst, then they aren't good girls." Jay sank back into the pillow and turned onto her side. Suddenly her big and strong daughter looked like little Janice. "I never talked to you about your vanity..."

"You think so too," Jay said in a dejected voice.

"I know so, I 'm your mother. You know it too or else you wouldn't be so down about Tammy not being around anymore." She watched as Jay began to cry. "I know you miss her baby but you have to fix in here before you can fix your relationship with Tammy."

"But that's the thing mama, I think I messed it up with her. I cursed her out, I never did that to her before." She held Jay as she cried even harder. Dorothy knew that they were really tears of frustration now.

"Nothing is beyond repair if you love someone Jay." Jay looked up as she wiped at her tears. "Yes, I think that you're in love with her." Jay didn't respond, just wiped her face with the corner of her sheet and pouted.

"I can't take Janice to school now and I wanted to help you out."

"It's just two days Jay, I'll be fine."

"Are you cooking tonight?"

"Yes I am, you're favorite too. Pot roast." Jay nodded her head slowly as she fished for something to ask beside the obvious. Dorothy shook her head at the stubbornness but knew that she had to figure it out on her own anyway. She leaned over to kiss Jay's swollen cheek. "I love you baby."

"I love you too mama." Jay watched her mother as she closed her door. Just before it clicked shut she called out to her. "You still think that I'm beautiful mama?" She asked in a small voice.

"Yes I do." Jay smiled and nodded her head in thanks. "She will too." Before Jay could ask who the door was closed.

Dorothy watched the young blonde woman as she unpacked the bag, taking out a folder and a smaller bag that was overflowing with movies.

"Jay is Jay. She's-" Just then Jay bellowed from upstairs in a whining voice. Dorothy sighed and looked up at the ceiling as if ready to punch a hole into it. Tammy grimaced and patted her arm in sympathy.

"Was she like that all day?"

"Yeah, you'd think the crab swelled her feet and her hands too the way she's behaving." Tammy chuckled. Dorothy may have appeared to be irritated but Tammy knew that she loved taking care of her daughters.

"They say that the big and strong fall the hardest." The tall woman rolled her eyes. "I'll go up, I have some dvds to keep her busy for a few hours."

"Here, let Janny help you. Janny, take this food up to Jay then come back down for Tammy's plate." Tammy turned for the stairs with Janny right behind her.

"Has she been behaving herself Janny?"

"Nope! Mama said that she was gonna put her in the hospital if she didn't shut up soon." Tammy smiled as Janny told her about Jay's ornery behavior. "Mama said that she regressed into the mind of a 3 year old." Tammy looked over at Janny's confused expression and laughed.

"A perfect description I think." Jay must have heard them because she was calling for someone again. Tammy opened the door to Jay's room just as she opened her mouth to shout again. She noticed the surprise and embarrassment in her eyes but chose to ignore it. "We hear you Jay. Actually I think that the whole block heard you."

Janny placed the food on a nearby table and stood looking at Jay in awe. She looked different with the swelling. Jay scowled at Janny who was oblivious to her increasing annoyance. She managed to look away before she said something mean to Janice. Tammy saw this and told Janny to go back to mama to get the rest of the food.

She left and Tammy stood watching Jay who looked anywhere but at her. She sighed and tried not to scream in frustration. The least Jay could do was look at me, she thought.

"I got some CD's and stuff for you and your notes from class."

"Oh, thanks." Jay mumbled.

"Oh, thanks?" Tammy walked up to the bed and crossed her arms. "Jay? Jay? Look at me Jay..." Jay shook her head. Tammy felt her tears start up again, after all this, almost losing her she still plays these games? "Why?"

"'Cause I don't want to see your reaction to me." Tammy watched a tear slide down Jay's cheek.

What? She thought. She's crying...Tammy pushed aside her own annoyance and replayed Jay's last words. "...your reaction to me." She thinks that I'll be repulsed by her?

"Oh ass." Jay looked up and frowned, or at least tried to with her puffy cheeks.

"Hey! I'm sick. You can't call me that!"

"Like we don't know that your legs and arms are working just fine." Tammy sat on the edge of the bed, motioning for Jay to make room for her. She looked at Jay until her eyes met her own. Only then did she begin to speak. "Jay, I loved you before your face swelled up like a watermelon, I'm gonna love you as your face swells up like a watermelon and I'm gonna love you after the swelling goes down." Jay looked at her, seeing the sincerity in her eyes and her hands reached out to rest over Tammy's fingers. Tammy turned her hand over to hold Jay's. "I know that you're more than your looks Jay. I know this, but do you?" Jay shrugged and Tammy smiled. "That's what we're here for, Brady, Lauryn, me, we're here so that you know that."

"I know that I'm vain, I'm gonna work on it Tammy. I'm gonna work on me. I know I hurt you..."

"I forgive you." Jay studied Tammy's face in awe at the quick answer. She suddenly saw what a beautiful person Tammy was inside and out. She saw what she was throwing away and pushing aside for all those other girls. Girls who didn't care enough to hop on a subway and visit her. Jay realized that she didn't care enough about any of them to want them to.

"You shouldn't, but okay. Thank you." Tammy smiled and nodded her head then began to busy herself. Jay sat up in bed as Tammy readied the bed for her tray. Jay ate as Tammy talked about school and the movies she brought along. When she finished and Tammy finished her plate Tammy shoved Jay over so that she could slip beneath the covers with her.

"You don't want to watch the movies?" Jay asked in a sleepy voice.

"Are you tired?" Tammy arranged the covers over them and wrapped her arm around Jay's waist.

"Yeah, kinda."

"Then go to bed, we'll watch it after you sleep."

"'Kay," Jay pulled her closer and fell asleep with the first smile that she had on her face all day.

"Look who's here?! It's Sponge Bob!" Jay tensed as Brady cackled, waving her over. She felt better when Lauryn slapped Brady on the back of her head telling her to shut up then she felt loads better when Tammy smiled at her and removed her bag from the chair next to her.

A week ago Jay would have been offended. Hurt even at Brady's innocent teasing. She was talking with her mama, who happened to be very wise though biased with her advice and she had Tammy, even Lauryn, who was always there asking if she was all right.

"Dork," she said as she sat down, making sure to give Brady a hard nudge and hugged Lauryn. She sat down, bypassing a hug for Tammy. She saw the flash of disappointment and smiled. She placed her arm over the back of Tammy's chair like she always did and leaned in to kiss her softly on the cheek. A blush flared up on her cheeks and she began to cough, probably to hide her embarrassment. The thought of it made Jay want to hug her.

Lauryn glanced at Brady with a raised eyebrow as Brady smirked knowingly. My friend has seen the light, she thought as she looked at Jay as she looked at Tammy who was giving Jay shy glances. It was like they were back in highschool or something.

"So, how was class Jay?" They all knew how hard it was for Jay to go to class the last two weeks with her face still scarred from the breakouts. Her mama told her to tell herself everyday that she was beautiful inside and out every morning to build up her self- esteem and she tried to not feel like a 10 year old when she looked in the mirror saying it.

Then there was Tammy. Tammy made her feel good no matter what, she was just realizing it and wished that she was aware of it years ago. She wouldn't have wasted so much time, so much attention on women who she didn't really care about her.

"Class was good. I still have people asking if I'm doing better. I don't scowl at them I just smile and say what Tammy taught me to say."

"What's that?" Lauryn asked.

"Yes." They chuckled at that and Jay turned to Tammy. Her hand rubbed her arm softly. "How are you baby?" Now the endearments took on a different meaning that Jay was very aware of. She made sure that whenever she said one of them she was touching Tammy somehow. Tammy leaned into her, her green eyes bright and relaxed.

"I'm good. You're face is clearing up quickly. They'll fade away in no time."

"Shooks! Just when I was getting used to them too." Jay frowned feigning disappointment.

"But I love this Sponge Bob look so much." Brady said sadly then laughed, relieved when Jay just smirked and threw a straw at her. She was really lightening up. "Seriously though, you have so much good in you Jay that you could walk around with a bag over your face and we'd know man."

Jay was stunned by the sudden heart-to-heart with Brady. Lauryn looked surprised too and promptly kissed Brady's cheek gushing about how sweet she was. "Isn't she sweet Tammy?" Tammy laughed at the two as they cuddled for a moment and looked at Jay who was smiling broadly at Brady.

"Thanks Brady." She held out her fist as Bradly held out her hand for a hand shake. "You're obviously still a geek though."

"Don't I know it."

"So we're having a Godfather night for you Jay, at my house. Most of my roommates will be out tomorrow night, some big club opening or something."

"Niice! I'll be there. Thanks Lauryn."

"Hey, don't thank me, it was Tammy's idea." Jay turned to Tammy again and met her shy gaze. She kissed her cheek again and placed a hand on her thigh. When she squeezed she heard Tammy gasped.

"Thanks Tammy."

"You're welcome." Brady looked at her watch and stood up announcing that she had to head home to call her mother.

"You guys take it easy and I'll see you tomorrow. Later Jay." This time when Jay held out her fist Brady had hers ready and the dabs was successful. "See! I can be cool if I want to be!" She shouted and took Lauryn's hand. Jay watched as they left the cafeteria, Brady holding the door for a smiling Lauryn and the taller woman immediately wrapping her arm around Brady's waist. Soon they disappeared into the night.

"So, what are the plans for tonight?" Tammy asked as she began to gather her school bag and books. She smiled when Jay took them from her in a rather gallant gesture. When Jay took the bag too she stared at her.

"What?!" Jay asked as she stood up pulling the bag over her shoulder.

"Ummm, nothing I guess..." Tammy smiled and they walked off in the direction of Tammy's dormitory. She had a single room that she practically fought for pleading with the school to look at her grades which were very good the last two years.

"So, no plans?" She asked as they neared her building.

"Well, not yet anyway." Jay looked up as she made her way over the crunching leaves. "Can I chill with you for a bit?" Tammy's smile was answer enough. She signed in at the desk and they stepped into the elevator.

The reflective doors closed and Jay looked at her face and neck, reflexively she grimaced at the reflection. When Tammy took her free hand and squeezed it she released a breath that she didn't realize she was holding. "Jay..." she whispered looking at her meaningfully. Jay nodded her head and looked up at herself, slowly she began to smile. She was starting to really like who she saw.

Tammy held her hand as they neared her room. She said hellos to a few faces that were all curiously eyeing Jay. It made Jay wonder why, she was sure that Tammy wasn't in the closet at school.

Tammy opened her door and told Jay to place their bags near the table. She went into the bathroom and Jay sat on Tammy's bed, a bed that she slept on a few nights when she had all-nighters and needed a place to crash, but now holding Tammy would be different. She'd be more aware of her, her scent, her body. She was already more than aware of her beauty. It took Brady nearly beating it into her head to show her what she was allowing to slip right through her fingers. An actual chance at a real, healthy relationship. She knew now that that was what she wanted. And she wanted it with Tammy.

"You do realize that she has girls AND guys knockin' at her door twenty four seven right?" Brady told her as they sat talking one night.

"What?!" Jay asked already angry and ready to fight anyone for her.

"Just put your ego aside for a minute Jay. Tammy is a hot commodity that no one seems to be able to get. The three S's; smart, sexy and single. Guys AND girls are trying to get her Jay...both sexes...both quite aware that she's a you realize what a serious position that puts you in?"

Jay realized then that she could lose Tammy. She couldn't and wouldn't let a chance at a relationship with her drift away. "What do I do? I want to be with her Brady?"

"Well first you need to tell her that."


"Then you need to tell her how hot she is a lot, women like that."

"I do that already though." Jay's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No, you do your sleazy 'let me get in your panties' spiel. It's not the same. She needs to hear words like beautiful, goddess, everything...mixed with a few pronouns like 'you' of course." Jay sat back and studied her friend impressed with what she was hearing. Why didn't she ask Brady for advice more often? She voiced her question a moment later. "Because you were in your stud mode and now you're in the mode of the gentleman."

Jay laughed and nodded her head. "Okay, okay then Brady, what else? Tell me about the mode of the gantleman."

Brady gave her a few more tips then told her to do the opposite of what she did to get with all of the other girls. "Wait now! I used some of my best material with most of those girls!"

"Like what?" Jay didn't miss the dry way she asked it.

"Like my 'get some' smile." She then went on to give Brady a demonstration and barely resisted throwing her drink at her when she burst out laughing.

"You could tone that down a bit buddy. And don't let her catch you showing it to anyone else." Jay looked offended which only made Brady want to laugh more.

"Tone it down..." she grumbled. Brady watched as Jay rubbed her mouth.

"You want to get over yourself quickly? I mean like suddenly your selfless and all self sacrificial and stuff?" When Jay leaned forward and nodded her head eagerly Brady continued. "Make her feel like a queen everyday of her life until she tells you to stop." Brady sat back as Jay processed that bit of information. They stood up and Jay mumbled her thanks, but before Jay got too far she called out to her, "As far as I know, they never tell you to stop!"

Now Jay sat on Tammy's bed looking at pictures of her with her sisters stuck in a mirror and at the neat desk. The only thing in the room that looked messy was the bed, and that was only because it was rumpled. Tammy was always neat, never any clutter around her. It reflected in her appearance and gave Jay, who was a little messy by nature, peace of mind just being in her room.

Tammy came out of the bathroom in her shorts and a t-shirt. She went to the closet and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of Jay's basket ball shorts. "Just incase you end up sleeping here."

"I need to call mama then."

"I'll call her, go change." Jay went into the bathroom and heard when Tammy began to talk to her mother. Her mother gave her stamp of approval just a week ago when she asked. She said that she would have given it ages ago but didn't think she had enough sense to see that they were meant to be together. Boy was she glad to come to her senses.

"Yes Dorothy, I'll make sure...we did, we ate at the cafeteria a little while ago. Yes mam...oh yeah? Tell Janny that I said hey right back....yes mam...oh she's right here...okay...I will...bye." Tammy handed over the phone and stood up to pull out a text book.

"Hey mama," Jay said as she watched Tammy settling behind her desk.

"Now you behave yourself Jay and you better get to class on time tomorrow."

"Yes mam, Tammy planned a movie night for me tomorrow mama, so I won't be home early again..." She smiled and exchanged goodnights with her mother then her sister and turned the phone off. She smiled when she saw that it was Tammy's phone with her home number saved as "My Jay." She gave the phone back and walked over to the bed to lie down.

"You have to study tonight?" Tammy turned around in the chair that she was already settled in.

"No, but I like to go over my notes before I turn in. Keeps it fresh." She saw Jay's pout and stood up to pull down her blanket, gesturing for Jay to get in. She pushed the blankets back over her and smoothed it over her stomach. Jay watched her and wanted to pull her closer to kiss her so badly it hurt. "Go to sleep, I'll be done in an hour or so."

"I won't fall asleep without you though, I know it."

"What ever you say tough guy." Jay crossed her arms stubbornly and Tammy watched as her eyes became drowsy. Jay was asleep 2 minutes later. "All you need is a warm bed and a pillow and you'll fall like a rock Jay." She stood up and went back to studying.

Jay felt a warm body moving closer to her and immediately wrapped herself around it, pulling it close. "Tammy..." She mumbled in sleep kissing her neck.

"Shhh, go back to bed hon."

"'Kay." She said and promptly fell back to sleep.

Jay awoke with a start. Tammy's alarm was screaming at them as it made its way toward the edge of her table. She noticed a few things at once. She didn't have her t-shirt on, or a bra and Tammy's back was pressed firmly against her stomach. She reached over and turned off the alarm when Tammy's feeble attempts failed.

"You awake baby?" Jay asked into her ear only to get a moan in reply. Tammy didn't like morning classes and most days that's just what she had. Jay rubbed her arm, smiling at how peaceful it felt to wake up next to her. No awkward looks, no morning after excuses as to why she had to leave in a hurry. Just her and Tammy. It was refreshing.

"You have class at 8 right?" Another moan was her response. So she decided to take matters into her own hands. She began to place kisses behind her neck, lifting her soft, blond hair away to reach tricky spots that roused deep moans. Then they moved to the back of her ear, then onto her cheek, soon she was pushing Tammy onto her back and her lips were on her chin. Giving her small, soft kisses. Tammy watched her with sleepy eyes, almost not believing it. It had to be a dream. She couldn't believe that Jay, the woman she was in love with for more that 2 years was in her room, half naked, kissing her as if she was a fragile piece of glass. Then Jay's mouth touched hers and she believed.

It was real.

The feel of her mouth, the texture of her tongue. The feel of her breasts pressed into her own, her thigh as it moved to push down between her legs. The flesh there roared to life. After a year of no one's touch but her own she was beyond ready.

Jay's tongue slid into her mouth and began to touch her own, making her want to scream out. It felt so good, then her lips were gone and she opened her eyes to see her gazing at her. The only word she found to describe it was adoration. Jay looked at her in that moment as if she adored her. It made her want to cry.

"I care for you a lot Tammy. I want you to be my one and only." She whispered softly into the brightening room. Tammy nodded her head working her throat so that she could speak without her voice cracking with emotion.

"I want the same thing too Jay."

Jay smiled and leaned down to kiss her neck. Tammy ran her fingers over her cheeks then framed her face, pulling her lips close again. Forget school she thought as she became lost in Jay's kiss. God she knows how to kiss...

"I'm not even gonna ask why your half naked." Jay laughed against her lips.

"I don't sleep with a shirt on. I never could since I was a baby."

"I didn't know that. You must have been going crazy when you slept over here then. I never saw you with your shirt off." Jay smirked at that.

"If you recall, I always made an early exit." Tammy laughed and wrapped her arms around Jay's waist. "I've never done this before Tammy."

"What, sleep with a girl in only your shorts?" She gave her a doubtful look.

"Well that too actually but I was talkin' about being in a meaningful relationship." Tammy nodded her head sensing that Jay had more to add. "I don't want to mess this up..."

"How 'bout this? How about we take it one step at a time and help each other out?" Jay smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "Good."

"Do you want to eat dinner with us next Sunday? Saturday too if you don't have plans?"

"Yes, I'd like that." Jay smiled then looked at the clock. The sun was creeping more and more into the room. With the light came reality. She had to let her go soon. Her smile dropped a bit but brightened when Tammy's hands found her hips and began to rub. "I know, I have to get ready for classes."

"I don't want you to go though."

"You have to too. Are you dropping off Janice today?" Suddenly Jay looked at the clock and scrambled to grab her phone.

"Shit! I forgot about that! Hello, mama!..." She began then quickly quieted as her mother said she was already ready and was just headed for the door. "I'm sorry mama, I overslept."

"I understand honey, tell Tammy good morning and to get you dressed and ready for classes." With that Jay stared at the phone and relayed the message. Tammy's blush flared at the implications of the orders.

"How does she know that you're half naked?" As soon as the question left her mouth she knew the answer. "Never mind, scratch that. Hop in the shower then let's head down to grab a muffin or something." She stood up from the bed, the sheet slid down revealing more skin than Jay saw last night. Her shorts were discarded leaving black panties that made Jay's mouth water. She pushed her lewd thoughts aside and remembered Brady's words. " she's a queen..." Jay stood up and grabbed her jeans.

"Guess I'm going sans underwear today." She stood up and slid on the jeans. "I'm gonna get you some breakfast so that you can head straight to class. Anything special you want?" She was buttoning her jeans and so missed the sweet smile that formed on Tammy's lips.

"What ever you pick is good Jay. You know what I like."

"That I do. I'll be right back baby." Tammy raised her face to meet Jay's lips and had to stop herself from grabbing her heart, it felt so much bigger now since Jay began to reach out to her. She saw and heard each change she made. She'd be a liar if she said otherwise. She knew not to point attention to it though and risk making her self conscious. She had to let Jay find her own comfort level in their relationship.

Relationship. She felt giddy just thinking about it. Her body began to heat up just thinking about Jay leaning over her, kissing her, sans shirt or bra, holding her like she just did. It was part of the woman she never experienced full force. Just glimpses of it when they were both alone in the past. Nothing like this. It made her hot.

"A nice cold shower is in order I think." She grabbed her towel and entered the bathroom.

"It's like she's completely changed Lauryn. She's so sweet. So quiet, no more loud mouth saying whatever's on her mind. She's so much more...careful now about her language." Lauryn smiled at Tammy's love-struck look. She wondered if she looked like that when she first got together with Brady. She had a feeling that she still looked like that.

"That is so good to here Tammy. You deserve it. And Jay seems to agree."

"Yep. Her face is practically cleared up and it's so funny to see her reaction to these girls now. They suddenly remember her phone number. I've politely blocked everyone who was not a family member or a member of a current group project."

"You blocked her numbers?!" Lauryn squawked as Tammy looked at her seriously. "I mean, I guess you'd have to. I didn't have that problem with Brady, a harem of women and all that."

"That harem has been cut down to one. She was there when I blocked them. If they cared enough they would have been there when she was at her worse."

"I agree." Lauryn was impressed by Jay's improvement, but then Brady told her about how hard she was trying so she knew that Jay deserved the praise. "So today, she's coming to escort you form your last class too or is her chivalry tied down to racing to the cafeteria in 5 degree weather to grab you breakfast just to watch you eat it?" Tammy slapped Lauryn's arm. Even as she laughed with her, her eyes turned dreamy at the memory.

"We're meeting at my dorm then she's gonna park the car at your house."

"Okay, cool." Lauryn smiled mischievously at Tammy until she told her to spit out what ever was on her mind. "So you two do the dirty yet? You knockin' boots?"

"What? We just got together officially!"

"Ummm, you two were unofficially together long before last night Tammy. Everyone thought you two were together for a year now. Does she know that you haven't been with anyone in over a year?" When Tammy shook her head she poked her in the arm. "Tell her! She'll understand your urgency. TRUST me."

"But I mean, after being at her throat about all those hoes I don't want to act just like one of them."

"Hello! Do you hear yourself? You sound like me when I thought Brady was gonna think I was a slut if I told her I was ready to have sex. She was ready to explode by the time we did it." Tammy laughed, imagining Brady attacking Lauryn as she came home. It was one hilarious visual. "Seriously Tammy, tell her straight up that you're ready. It's been a year girl."

Tammy breathed in then out and nodded her head. "Okay, I will! Right now actually." She pulled out her phone to call her only to have a song blast from it nearly making her drop it. She hadn't changed her ring tone in months. It was an artist named Musiq that Jay loved. It made her eyes soften as she listened to the lyrics of the chorus that played on repeat.

Teach me how to love Show me the way to surrender my heart Girl I'm so lost Teach me how to love Now I can get my emotions involved Teach to love...

She looked up at Lauryn who was already reaching over for the phone. When she saw who the text was from she shook her head. "That girl is already head over hells for you and don't even know it."

Jay texted: I'm thinkin bout u baby. I miss u.

Tammy texted back: I miss u 2. ur never far from my mind now. I jus sent u a kiss and a hug.

"You two are all corny now. Awwwww!" Tammy stood up and grabbed her bags as she waved away Lauryn's teasing.

"I have one more class before I meet her. I'm gonna tell Jay tonight for sure."

"You better!" Lauryn watched as Tammy practically skipped from the coffee shop. It was the happiest she'd ever seen her. She thought that it looked damn good on her too.

Jay was on cloud nine after her class. Her thoughts were on Tammy from the moment she sat down. Her professor might as well have been talking Japanese.

"Okay, gotta pick Tammy up, chill with Brady for a bit then get her to her place and ask her to stay over on Saturday." Her mother had to visit her aunt over the weekend and was taking Janice with her so she had the house to herself and wanted to invite Tammy over to take it to the next level. She wanted to be with her so bad that she'd wake up in almost painful arousal. All those months of denial added up to her being in an almost constant state of arousal.

At some point she stopped touching herself. Somehow it felt wrong. She wanted the real thing and was willing to hold off until she got it.

"If I ever get it..." she grumbled as she checked herself in her rear view mirror. She smiled at how well her face cleared up but immediately looked away instead focusing on how she felt and boy did she feel good. After taking a deep breath she stepped out of the jeep and spotted Tammy immediately waiting just inside of the doorway to her dorm.

A smile found her lips and her steps became longer and quicker then came to a halt when she saw the person standing way too close to Tammy. In-her-personal-space close. Jay didn't like it one bit. Or the fact that the girl had her hand on Tammy's waist and that Tammy was smiling up at her.

"The mode of the gentleman...the mode of the gentleman..." she repeated as her face turned stony and her lips thinned. "Fuck that shit Brady..." She resumed her approach and her fists balled when the girl pulled Tammy close and hugged her then pulled back and...and...kissed her. It didn't matter to Jay that the kiss was on her cheek. The only thing that mattered is that she kissed her. Period.

She stormed through the doorway and it banged loudly on the wall causing Tammy to jump and the girl to turn around in surprise. Jay couldn't believe the innocent smile on Tammy's face and didn't hear her greeting, all she saw was the very tall, and very butch looking woman with her arm around Tammy's shoulder.

Andy, she heard through her burning anger. Tammy was saying something, moving her lips, but she couldn't focus on her words. Basketball, she picked up again. I'd like to bounce her ass up on these walls, she thought as she stepped in front of Andy and crossed her arms.

"You need to back up from my girl Andy," she said in a low voice. Andy's brows furrowed in confusion as she slowly removed her arm from Tammy's shoulder.

"Whoa, take it easy man."

"I'll take it easy when you get your ass a few steps away from my girl." Jay missed the surprise and subsequently missed the mounting anger in Tammy's eyes. If she was looking she would have seen her lips thin and her eyes turn to slits.

"Listen man, I don't know who you are but you need to take it easy before you say some shit you'll regret."

"Jay..." Tammy began only to have Jay raise her hand. "Don't you raise your hand at me! What in the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?! I'm here to pick you up then I see this...this..." she gestured to Andy then turned back to Tammy. "...what ever pawing you."

"Who the fuck do you think you are man?" Andy shouted getting in her face pushing Tammy behind her.

"I'm Jay, Tammy's girlfriend. And I don't share."

"You need to watch your mouth." Andy said as she flexed her arms which were rather big but not to Jay who only had four words rushing through her brain, 'I'm not losing her...I'm not losing her...I'm not losing her...'

"Or what?" She said as she got in her face.

"Jay! Andy, back off..." Tammy shouted pulling her and Andy apart.

"Or I'll fucking watch it for you!" Jay moved as if to hit Andy when Tammy punched her in the stomach.

"Omph! Ohhhh shhhhhit!" she said as she doubled over and looked up at Tammy surprised. Her surprise turned to hurt as she gasped for air. " punched me!"

"Better me than her you idiot! Go up stairs." She ordered as she pointed to the desk to sign in where the desk clerk was watching in obvious fascination.

"But I came to pick you up..." she said meekly then she saw Andy smirking at her and stood up ready to wipe that smile off of her face. She watched as Tammy spoke softly to her and hugged the taller woman who nodded her head and stopped smiling. Jay rubbed her stomach watching it all then grimaced when Tammy's cold eyes turned back to her.

"I'm not going ANYWHERE with you angry. Get upstairs Jay. I'll be there soon." Jay pouted and turned to a smiling receptionist who took her ID. The receptionist looked up at Jay, her eyes focusing on her arms, then looked at Tammy, whose body mass was about half of Jay's.

"You have to see it to believe it," she mumbled. She shook her head offering a pitiful look as she buzzed the pouting young woman through.

Jay stood outside Tammy's room with her hands jammed in her pocket and shoulders slumped. She felt like an ass. She had no idea what came over her. She was in loads of trouble and knew it. The elevator rang and her heart began to drum. She heard the muffled steps as they quickly approached then her eyes widened in fear and uncertainty as Tammy turned the corner. Tammy looked at her then shook her head, gesturing for Jay to move aside so that she could open the door.

Jay jumped away, offering to open the door only to get a cold glare in return. No time for chivalry I guess, she mused as Tammy entered the room and took off her boots. Jay entered and closed the door then stood in front of it with her hands at her side.

Tammy sat down at her computer desk then turned her chair around to face a wide-eyed Jay. She couldn't help it and began to smile only managing to stop herself at the last second. The big, bad, butch looked like a little child who was about to get a spanking.

"Come into the room Jay." She said and Jay walked in hesitantly, her hands shaking her car keys nervously in her pocket. Tammy looked at the hand in question and it stopped immediately. Jay was still silent.

"Andy's mother got diagnosed with cancer two months ago and hasn't been doing well. I haven't seen her in two weeks. We're pretty good friends. I look out for her. She has a very steady girlfriend who I know she loves but she is still my FRIEND Jay. I have those you know? I have friends outside of you and Brady and Lauryn. You DO know that right?" Jay nodded her head and looked at her shoes. "I don't like jealousy Jay. I know that it's an emotion that can creep up on us but I don't like it. Not when it takes over you like that."

"I'm sorry." Jay said as her lip began to tremble. She bit on it. I'm not crying over this! I'm not a baby! She thought then she remembered the anger she saw in Tammy's eyes when she ordered her upstairs. Then the thought of losing Tammy over it...her eyes watered anyway. She sniffed as she begged her eyes to remain dry...or at least as dry as possible. They didn't listen to her.

"I love you, you know?" Tammy said. She stood up and approached Jay who had her head bent and turned away from her. "Look at me Jay." Jay wiped her eyes and looked up. Tammy ignored the tears, having a good idea as to where they came from. "I wouldn't hurt you like that Jay. I mean, don't you think..." Tammy shook her head and sat on her bed. Jay hesitantly walked over and sat down next to her. She flipped open her phone. Tammy listened as she told Brady that they were going to be late.

"I'm fine Brady, she's fine too...just...listen you nosey old woman, we're fine." Jay chuckled as she hung up. "She's like another mother sometimes."

"She loves you like a big sister."

"And I'm the bigger of the two of us," Jay grumbled. She reached over and hesitantly took Tammy's hand. Tammy didn't pull away so she pulled it over until she held it on her lap then lifted the knuckles to her lips and kissed them. Jay pressed her lips to the soft skin and turned her head to look at a smiling Tammy.

Even after I behave like an ass she still looks at me like that, Jay couldn't pull herself from Tammy's gaze and found herself leaning into her, then closing her eyes. Her lips rubbed gently against Tammy's and she sighed at the softness. Jay couldn't figure out why they hadn't gotten together before this. "I am an ass." She said against the warm flesh.

"Hey, only I'm allowed to say that." Tammy smiled and didn't stop Jay when she leaned into her, pushing her down into her bed. She didn't stop her when she crawled up her body until all of her hard body was over her, pressing her wonderfully into the mattress. Jay's tongue slid into her mouth and began to explore her mouth. No, she couldn't stop her.

Slow strokes pulled at her core, stirring a fire inside her that made her begin to run her fingers up and down Jay's t-shirt clad back. She began to pull the shirt off but Jay wouldn't release her tongue.

"Mmmmm," she protested but still Jay stayed. Her hands busy over her breast squeezing in rhythm to her grinding hips. Tammy gasped at the feel of the rough jeans between her legs. Her dress rode up her thighs and she reached down to pull it up further. Thank god! She thought as Jay began to pull down her panties. "Oh yeah...yes Jay..." she moaned between kisses. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter. Then she felt Jay's hands inching down her stomach. Finger tips ran down the side of her hips to grab her thigh.

"I want you so bad Tammy," Jay murmured as she pulled at Tammy's neck, sucking on the skin there. Moving down until she reached the base of her neck only to hit a particularly sensitive spot. Tammy arched up into her and she pushed back into her causing her to shout out and hook a leg around her hips.

Her eyes opened suddenly and she tried to swim through the arousal to find some sanity. Tammy's hands were on her ass and squeezing her as she tried to find purchase against her thigh. She was like a cat, purring beneath her, rubbing against her suggestively. "Baby..." she mumbled as she tried to pull away.

" Jay, I want this."

"I know," Jay kissed her lips groaning when Tammy pulled her tongue into her mouth again and began to suck on it. Her clit began to pulse in rhythm. "Not here, not your first time with me."

"Jayyyy!" Tammy groaned out in frustration as her hands tried to frantically unclasp her jeans only to be stilled. "Why Jay? I wanna fuck!"

Jay raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the red faced woman panting in need. Yes she certainly did, her eyes were shining a yellow-green that Jay had never seen before. She looked like a cat, a messy one with her hair in a wild mess on her pillow, eyes glowing. "So now you like that word?"

"Only when you're doing the verb form of the word to me or at least are ABOUT to do the verb form to me..." Jay chuckled at the pout on the reddened lips.

"I want us to be somewhere more...conducive to what I have planned." She placed soft kisses on Tammy's cheek, then her lips, just pulling away when she felt that sneaky tongue peeking out again.

"The door is locked, what else do we need?"

"We have to go to Brady's baby," she began.

"We call and cancel..." Jay tilted her head and decided to just come out and say what she really meant.

"I want you to spend the night with me, alone, at my house so that I can fuck the hell out of you and you can scream out all night and not have someone call campus security on us." She smirked at Tammy's eyes which were both round in surprise. Tammy licked her lips as her eyes watched the sexy smirk cause a corner of Jay's lips to turn up. Her finger reached out and touched the corner of said lips.

"Well why didn't you just say so?" She pushed Jay off of her and began to fix her hair again. "Let's get going. Or was that all just talk?" She laughed when Jay jumped from the bed and began to quickly buckle her jeans.

"They've been in the kitchen sucking face all night? What's the point of renting the movies?" Brady asked Lauren. As soon as Tammy and Jay entered the house, Brady felt the change in their relationship. Jay asked Tammy nearly every five minutes if she wanted anything and couldn't seem to keep her hands off of her. Then the kissing, as soon as the couple were alone Jay had her hand on Tammy's thigh and her tongue down her throat. Not that Tammy seemed to mind at all, oh no. Brady scratched her head as she tried to figure out why in the hell they decided to come to the house if Tammy didn't want to do the girl talk thing with Lauryn and Jay didn't want to watch the movies and try to mimic the more famous characters of the movie.

It just didn't make any sense to her and she said as much, again to her girlfriend.

"Are you sad 'cause you two can't pretend to be mafiosos tonight?" Lauryn asked as she rubbed Brady's stomach.

"No!" Brady replied much too quickly then pouted and nodded her head as she looked at Lauryn. "Yeah, a little."

"She's still your best friend Brady, she just has Tammy to think about too."

"I know, I know...lemmie tell them to get the hell home or something." Brady stood up and went into the kitchen then nearly spat out the sip of beer she took when she saw what Jay was doing, or trying to do to a moaning Tammy.

"You know, that'll probably be easier to do on a bed...and might I suggest a strap on? I mean if you're trying to-"

"Brady!?!" Jay shouted as she adjusted Tammy's dress. Tammy was laughing though, it was getting ridiculous but heaven knows she was about to let Jay take her right there against the counter in Lauryn's kitchen.

"I'm jus' sayin'! Look, why don't you two get home before you cause US to spontaneously combust? You have me horny just watching you two." Jay took Tammy's hand and smiled apologetically at Brady.

"Sorry Brady, we weren't really the best company tonight." Tammy said, her eyes filled with apology.

"The hell you weren't. I'm pretty sure you got Lauryn all hot an' bothered. Should have some REALLY good sex tonight!" Jay high fived her and laughed as they stepped into the living room.

"Ugh! You are such a dude Brady. And you..." She pinched Jay's side.

"Hey, she said it!" Her wounded eyes didn't have the effect she'd hoped for. Damn, I need to practice that some more, she thought as Tammy raised an eyebrow.

"Said what?" Lauryn asked as she stood to hug Tammy goodbye. "And thanks for coming girl."

"Nothing! I didn't say a thing baby." Brady grabbed Lauryn's waist and practically pushed Jay out the door. "You're not getting in the way of me getting laid tonight!" Lauryn looked between Jay and Brady then just shook her head. "Go lay that shit down tonight man!" She heard before she slapped Brady's stomach then closed the door.

"You damn right!" Jay shouted back only to have Tammy stop walking and stare at her. "You know I'm just playing baby..." She sighed in relief when Tammy slid into the opened door smiling as she shook her head. "That little dork is gonna get my ass in trouble," she mumbled as she rushed around to the drivers side.

She settled into the jeep and smiled over at Tammy who was looking at her with a curious look in her eyes.

"What is it?" Jay asked.

"Oh, I'm just trying to figure out how you're gonna lay anything down if you're by your self." She said this in such a sweet way that it took Jay a minute to catch up with the threat. When she met Jay's stunned eyes as she tried to stutter an apology she just patted Jay's legs. "Just drive Jay." Jay sighed and did as she was told.

She was confused on the drive to Tammy's. She hoped to spend the night with her, drive her over in the morning from her dorm to see her mother and sister off, and then spend the weekend together. She knew that her mother would love to see Tammy, then Janice seemed to already be a little in love with the blonde.

But now, with that little smirk on Tammy's lips, she wasn't so sure.

She parked the jeep and turned to Tammy. Tammy looked at her for a moment and Jay became lost in her green eyes again. Need some bread crumbs to keep focused these days, she thought.

"You're eyes are so beautiful. I wish I told you that every day since the first day I met you." Tammy blushed. The shadows of the car couldn't hide it. "You know, I always compared those other girls to you? Every single time."

Tammy sighed and pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. It was a nervous gesture that Jay was starting to recognize. She wish that she kept her big mouth shut. "About those other hoes- I mean girls. Jay," she began, "I know you've had an army of girls and all that."

"I wish I didn't now-" Tammy placed her finger on Jay's lips.

"No, I'm not saying that you were wrong or anything, that was you. But I've...I haven't been with anyone in a year Jay. It's been a while." Jays eyes widened in surprise then confusion.

"But, but I thought that you and Leah were...?" Tammy shook her head and Jay pulled her finger away. "Tammy, I asked that bitch, sorry, that girl if you were together and she said-"

"I haven't Jay," Jay began to rub the finger that she gripped. "I've been celibate for a year."

"But why? I mean..." Tammy shook her head at Jay's daftness. She really didn't see.

"Because of you Jay. I've been waiting on you to get a clue." Suddenly she felt annoyed and turned to open the car door.

"Wait! Don't run away NOW! I mean, I just didn't know-"

"Yes Jay, you didn't know, and now you do." Tammy tugged at her hand but Jay smiled at her refusing to let it budge from her grip. She had an idea about why Tammy was so angry now. She pulled her forward roughly when Tammy tried to pull away again then. "Stop fighting me. Don't fight me now." She said against Tammy's lips. Tammy sighed and she allowed herself to absorb the warmth of Jay's breath against her skin...before she ran the tip of her tongue around Tammy's mouth then over the soft skin of her upper lip.

Tammy moaned and reached out to grab Jay's jacket, pulling her closer as Jay began to explore the flesh beneath her lips. She'd never had someone kiss her so thoroughly before. She finally understood why all those girls who had a night with Jay were so whipped afterwards. And they were only kissing...

Jay teased the tip of her tongue then pulled away and looked into Tammy's face. Her eyes finally fluttered open. She gazed into the green orbs and held her cheek then smiled at what she saw in them. She promised herself to never take it for granted again. "I'm coming for you tomorrow at 7 okay?" Tammy nodded her head not even bothering to ask any questions.

She hopped from the jeep and ran around to open Tammy's door.

"I'm loving this gentleman-like behavior by the way." Tammy said as Jay took her hand and walked her to the entrance of her dorm.

"Well, can't have anyone thinking that I don't take care of my girl." Tammy smirked as she watched Jay's eyes darkened slightly. She knew that she was thinking about her run in with Andy.

She was, she shook her head and reasoned with herself. If Tammy wanted to be with another woman, she would have already. She wants to be with me, that's the important thing, she thought and smiled. She also felt secure in the fact that she could have kicked her ass if she wanted to anyway. Tammy looked over and nearly laughed at the smug look in the chocolate colored eyes.

"Andy was a black belt by the way." Jay's feet froze as she stared at Tammy openmouthed. Tammy reached up a bit to kiss her. "See you tomorrow."

Jay stood in the doorway even after Tammy disappeared trying to figure out how she became so good at deflating her ego.

"Mama, you have every thing right?" Tammy was helping Janice pack the last of her things as Jay cleaned up breakfast.

"Yes Jane," Jay frowned at her mother who turned the corner. "Now, be good, we're coming back early Monday morning okay? Get Janice now."

Jay took the stairs two at a time and met her sister and Tammy as they left Janice's room. She watched as her sister talked to Tammy quietly and the serious expression on Tammy's face. Their eyes connected and she winked at Jay then refocused her attention until they were outside.

"Okay sweetie, we'll talk about this when you get back okay?" Tammy ignored Jay's curious look and walked over to hug her mother goodbye. She loved how close she was to Jay's family. Dorothy smiled at her then looked pointedly at Jay who stood waiting.

Jay felt her mother's eyes on her and looked from her to Tammy then back.

"You can go inside now Jay," her mother said and gestured for her to give them privacy. Jay frowned and huffed away.

"I can see when I'm not wanted." She reached into the car to hug Janny then walked away looking curiously back every few steps.

Dorothy hugged Tammy and pulled back to put her bag into the back seat of her car. Tammy waited uncertainly, not sure what Dorothy wanted to tell her that Jay couldn't hear. Her mind filled with bad news and then Dorothy began to talk. "I don't have to tell you how much my baby cares for you do I?" Tammy shook her head. "Good, 'cause you are the only girl Jay ever brings around here and I know about all the women she's been with." She stepped closer. "No other woman has ever been invited to this house besides you."

Tammy looked doubtfully at her then her eyes cleared in understanding. Dorothy chuckled and opened her car door. "Ya'll be good and don't burn down my house." With that she was gone and Tammy was left to sift through the message between the lines of what Dorothy just said. Jay came outside and held open her jacket. Tammy wrapped hr arms around her waist sighing into the warmth.

"I don't even want to know what you two were talking about."

"You," Tammy said. Jay groaned at the answer.

"Why am I not surprised? Come on, let's make some breakfast."

Jay took out some eggs and thickly sliced bacon then began arranging them as Tammy stood nearby watching her. She looked over at her dressed in her t-shirt and tight jeans. She looked so pretty, no makeup, just her. Jay stopped mixing the eggs and walked over to her. She framed her face with her hands and ran her thumbs over her lips then her cheeks.

Her eyes closed as their lips met. It was soft at first, hesitant. She felt Tammy's lips tremble a little and opened her eyes and saw how vulnerable she was. She knew that her own eyes were like a mirror. She couldn't hide how much she needed her in that moment. How a day without hearing her voice or somehow communicating with her left her restless that very night.

"I want you so bad Tammy," she said and felt her heart beat speed up when warm hands ran down her back and spread possessively over her ass. Then Tammy pulled her against her body and her eyes squeezed shut.

"Then take me." Jay heard the whispered reply and closed her eyes as her hands began to run boldly over Tammy's chest, molding her hands over the high, firm breasts. She felt her nipples straining for release and growled before pulling away. She didn't wait to think about what she was doing and found herself scooping Tammy up and over her shoulder.

"Jay!?" She heard and laughed as Tammy began to pound her back with her fist as she took the stairs two at a time. Her hits were more like pats though. The adrenaline running through her didn't allow for any pain. "I'm gonna kill you when you put me down!"

"Oh I don't think so..." Jay said and laughed when she finally did fling Tammy onto her bed. She bounced up and struggled to push her hair out of her eyes but Jay didn't give her anytime to think and moved over her seeking out her lips immediately.

She was so hard, so wet for her. Her hips began to move suggestively as Tammy struggled to pull off her sweatshirt. "I'm still gonna kill you."

"I know," Jay said as she kissed a hot trail down Tammy's neck and yanked her t-shirt up and over her body when she couldn't find more skin. Tammy moaned when she felt her hot mouth on her breasts, sucking them. Her hips began to move with her.

She pulled Jay up and tugged off her jeans. She watched her muscles flex as she yanked them off then pulled down her underwear. Then she allowed Jay to unbutton her jeans and tug them off too.

"No panties? I like." Jay said as she lay fully on top of Tammy. Tammy pulled her in, wrapping her legs around her hips and closed her eyes when she felt the heat pouring form Jay's body.

"You're so hot," she said breathlessly. Jay's lips found hers again as her finger ran down her stomach into her pussy. Jay pulled back slowly, surprised at what she felt...or more like what she didn't feel.

" shaved it all off. Do you always do this?" Jay's finger was running over the smooth folds, she'd never been with someone who shaved off all of their hair. It felt so damn good, she imagined licking every inch of her and began to move down despite herself. The feel of the soft, moist skin alone was making her pulse with need.

"No, I did it for you." Jay looked up surprised and smiled in wonder.

"For me?" Jay kissed her stomach and wrapped her arms around the slim waist then raised her head again. Tammy placed her hand on her shoulders, rubbing her affectionately.

"Yes, for you." Jay ran the flat of her tongue down the center of Tammy's stomach. Muscles flexed and twitched in anticipation. She found random spots to pull into her mouth and began to suck on them then released them, only to move even lower.

"You're too good for me baby," she said. Her nose flared at the scent of her arousal. She felt her clit twitch in sympathy.

"Don't say that..." she heard as Tammy began to pant. Her hips moving up, trying to meet her lips as she blew over the swollen flesh. So wet, so pretty, she thought as her lips descended. Eyes fluttered close as she tasted Tammy. Soft kisses met quivering flesh. She wrapped her arm around Tammy's hips then brought her fingers up to part her and rub her as she placed soft kisses on her clit, then a little lower. So worth the wait...

Tammy gasped and began to moan. "God Jay..."

Jay's fingers began to tease her opening but then she pulled away to place a soft kiss there and looked up to see hooded eyes watching her. She smirked and lowered her mouth again, this time she ran the tip of her tongue up and through her folds until it reached her clit and paused. Tammy's breath caught until she did it again.

Then she was panting again and squeezing her shoulders. Jay couldn't think of a single thing that tasted remotely better than Tammy's cum. It was beautiful. Her mouth moved to her entrance. She led the way with her tongue and entered her. Tammy cried out, Jay moaned in response.

She began to move inside of her as her fingers touched her clit gently, then slid a little lower and began to touch her in a spot that made her tremble for release.

"Oh God...oh God...oh don't stop."

"I won't..." she mumbled and managed to look up and nearly came when she saw Tammy touching her breasts, her eyes closed as her back arched up from the bed. If there was ever a moment worth capturing, that was it.

Jay sucked on Tammy greedily, then softened her tongue and pulled her clit into her mouth. She was trying her hardest to keep Tammy on the edge but her body was nearing its release. Jay wanted it to be explosive.

She pulled her closer and began to suck on her clit as two digits entered her. Tammy screamed out for more and so Jay slid in a third and began to move with purpose. She sucked on Tammy's clit as she took her slowly.

Curving them, seeking the spot that she knew would have Tammy seeing stars. The soft, smooth flesh beneath her mouth was almost red in arousal. She couldn't stop sucking on it but soon had to as Tammy grabbed her head and held her still as she shouted out.

She shivered as her fingers became soaked with her. But she didn't stop moving, even when Tammy tightened around her, she took her thumb and moved over her. Tammy whimpered even as her body began to orgasm again.

Jay's lips clamped over her clit sucking her hard.

"Jay!" Tammy begged but Jay closed her eyes, wishing that she could close her ears too. She wanted to lick her all day. "Jay...Jay please..."

She eased up, gently removing her fingers. She gently licked her, making soothing noises as Tammy grinded her hips into her slowly. Jay smiled at the obvious arousal. Even as she screamed out no her body begged for more.

Her hips pressed into the bed as she kissed the inside of her thighs; reveling in the softness of her skin.

"You're so soft, so perfect..." Tammy laughed softly shaking her head, unable to form a coherent sentence. Jay's lips found her pussy again and Tammy moaned as she tried to push her away. "Just let me kiss you baby..." Tammy hesitated and Jay took it as an invitation. She began to kiss her again but as soon as Tammy felt her tongue sneak out she clamped her legs around Jay's head. "Okay! Okay!"

"I'll keep you there," She said. When Jay nodded her head she let her up, smiling at the laughing eyes that met her own. Their lips met again and she immediately felt the wet heat sliding against her thigh. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," she said as her hands gripped Jay's ass and pushed her into her body.

Jay moaned into her mouth as she moved her hips over Tammy's thigh. All too soon she felt an orgasm spreading through her. She rolled over until Tammy was sprawled over her. She pushed up on her hands and pressed down on her knees as she watched Jay's eyes darken then her face become a mask of tension then all at once, it was released as Jay pushed her hips into her.

Tammy's eyes closed as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. She was right behind Jay, pulling her hand between them. Jay knew exactly what to do with it and rubbed her, slipping a finger inside as she moaned then shouted into her pillow.

She ran her hands over Tammy's back. Her eyes staring wide-eyed at her ceiling. She'd never experienced anything like it before. She didn't even have on a strap and she only came once, but she was struck mute. Her breathing quieted and her heartbeat finally slowed. Tammy had yet to stir so she assumed that she was asleep and continued to move her hands in soothing motions over her body. Stilling when they moved over the curve of her hips.

"What's gonna happen when she actually fucks me?" She whispered. Tammy began to stir again so her hands became more deliberate in their touch. She pressed her lips to the top of her head, then sleepy, green eyes met her own. Her heart skipped a beat. "Hi," she said.

"Hi," Tammy replied as she moved up to kiss her. Then she crossed one arm over the other and placed her chin on her forearm. Jay saw that she was going to be stared at until she did or said something.

"I want you inside me right now." She watched as the yellow in Tammy's eyes began to glow. Tammy sat up. She pushed Jay's legs open and sat between them. She began to touch her gently.

"I haven't forgotten about that little caveman routine earlier." She slid in a finger as her thumb began to rub her clit. She placed a hand flat on her lower stomach to hold her in place as she watched Jay's expression.

"No, I didn't think so." Jay was barely holding on. Her hands moved down until they loosely held her wrist. Tammy's eyes slid from Jay's face to watch what she was doing. She turned her fingers as she entered Jay and looked up. It was having the desired effect. She felt the roughed skin hardening where she touched her inside. Jay's hips were grinding into her hand now. She felt powerful with Jay with all her confidence and cockiness writhing under the control of her hands.

She began to move faster now, easing away from the bundle of nerves that begged for her attention. When Jay reached down to touch herself she grabbed her wrist and pushed it away. Continuing to push her further and further to the edge of ecstasy.

"Ahhh shit, Tammy...Tammy let me come..."

"You didn't say the magic word," Tammy gave her a fleeting touch and saw her face grimace in what looked like pain. Her brows furrowed in worry and she slowed only to have Jay grab her hand.

"Please Tammy...please..." Tammy smiled and pressed down over the slick, hot clit. Jay began to move wildly beneath her. She watched her eyes close and her face open up like a flower as she came. She moved inside of her until she stilled.

"So sexy," she whispered and lowered her body until her lips hovered over her still pulsing folds. Her lips met her there and opened, slowly beginning to lick her.

Jay groaned as she felt Tammy moving over her. It was so gentle, almost reverent the way Tammy touched her now. She basked in the touch. Burning the feel of her soft lips and even softer tongue into her memory.

The lips were gone and at some point Tammy crawled up her body and began to kiss her face. Jay felt her eyes watering but kept them closed. Tammy wiped at the few tears that escaped. She kissed her eyes and watched Jay, who still had her eyes close.

"I'm not crying." Jay said and pulled Tammy close, rolling them onto their sides. Tammy chuckled as she settled into her body.

"No, of course not. Studs don't cry." She smiled into Jays shoulder, listening to the deep sigh.

"That's right." Tammy heard before she heard nothing at all.

Something nagged at Jay as she drifted off into sleep; something about what she agreed to didn't make sense, but she decided to leave it for some other time to figure out.


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