Gaymer Knights


Published on Feb 3, 2017



                          • This is my first story written that I'm sharing with the world. This story does include detailed descriptions of sex and sexual acts between two young men of age. Reader's discretion is advised. This work is completely fictional and any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. If you like the story or have any feedback on it please e-mail: Enjoy :) + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Gaymer Knights By Thursday Knight

I met Benjie in my first semester of uni.

"This is, what, The sixth time our professor is late?" He offered me this bit of insight while we were waiting yet again for our incompetent Philosophy prof.

I returned his response, "are we counting the times that he just didn't bother to show?"

"You know... he gets fifteen minutes until we're allowed to bail. I'm Benjie, B-T-dubs"

"Marco." I said. I offered him my hand to shake but he countered with a fist bump. I quickly adjusted and met his fist with mine, which he followed with an explosion. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be 'BenDaMann' would you?"

Benjie laughed, "That's my gamer tag. How'd you know that?"

I reached into my bag and pulled out my 3DS, "I've Street Passed you almost every day, dude! You're always playing the same games I am. Link Between Worlds, Hyrule Warriors, Planet Robot, Pokémon Moon!"

"They're some seriously awesome games." He added casually. He now had his 3DS XL open and was going through his Street Passes. "Are you AquaNerdd?"

"You got it!" I laughed.

"It says you last played Sun."

"The cart is in the slot right now."

"Wanna battle?"

"Oh... it's on!"

Truth is, I had been crushing on Benjie since the first day of class. He walked past me once and complemented my t-shirt. It was a white tee with the Elric brothers from Full Metal Alchemist. That was the extent of our conversation up until this moment.

You could tell that Benjie had lived in Florida for most of his life. He was white, but had a decent tan going. He definitely spends some time outdoors. He was short and stocky, hairy in all of the right places. Mousy, brown hair, brown eyes, nice ass--like, a really nice ass--some muscles and a little bit of pudge around the belly. He was no gym rat, for sure, but you could tell that he still is pretty active.

Me, on the other hand, I'm just a scrawny little nerd. Skinny, brown skinned, black plastic hipster glasses that complement my black eyes and straight, jet black hair. I have an undercut going which I part to my right. A lot of people confuse me for being Indian but I'm actually Dominican. On the plus side, I've got some definition going on with my abs. Not a six pack or anything, but I do look pretty good without a shirt on. I've even got a slight v-line going from all of the swimming that I do. I'm not on a swim team or anything, I just love being in the water. My parents have a pool outback, so I pretty much swim every day.

We became good friends after that first Pokémon battle (which he won, in case you were keeping score). We both majored in the same thing and started at the same time so we had a lot of the same classes. I still live with my parents on the south side, not far from Kissimmee. Benjie is from Gainesville though...

"Really?" I was nonplussed. "Why didn't you just go to UF?" He shared a dorm with another dude that was hardly ever home. So we mostly hung out there to study, play games, and shoot the shit. This was one of those occasions.

Benjie shrugged.

"No for real. Why did you come down to Orlando and UCF if you had UF right in your backyard?"

"I wanted to get away from home. I figured this was far enough. Besides, UCF has a better tech program anyway so why settle for a mediocre one closer to home."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

"Why did you decide to become a UCF Knight?" Benjie retorted.

I shrugged. "I guess it was convenient. Cheaper for sure since my parents don't make me pay rent. It didn't really make sense for me to go elsewhere."

"Yeah? So whatever. Here we both are."

Benjie was always so laid back about things. If he were to ever toke up, he'd mellow himself out of existence!

The rest of the semester was a breeze, especially with Benjie and I studying together. Our first finals were done and over with fairly quickly. Christmas wasn't very eventful, with Benjie going back home and myself spending it with my family. New Years was fun, Benjie came back down and we hung out with some mutual friends and a few of my cousins in Downtown. Before we knew it, January had come and gone and we were deep into our second semester.

"Alright dude, I can't study anymore. I need a break." Benjie groaned.

"You wanna catch a movie? You haven't seen Rogue One yet, haven't you?" I asked.

"Dude, I'm broke as shit!" Benjie added, exasperated. "I gotta ration my money, otherwise it's going to be Ramen, 24/7."

"Damn. Same here actually." I paused and added, "Dude! why don't you come to my place? My dad turned my sister's old room into a theater room, we got popcorn, a projector and I'm pretty sure I can get Rogue One streaming with KODI!"

"What? Why haven't you mentioned this before?"

I shrugged, "we always just hang out here. It never really occurred to me."

We rode down to my place in my 2009 Yaris. We made good time, it only took about 30 minutes. Traffic was unusually light for a weekday afternoon. My dad's Bolt was in the driveway when we got there. I parked up on the curve out of habit, though neither of my parents were home to actually pin me in.

"Welcome to Casa Ruiz!" I gestured as we approached the front porch. We stood amongst the potted plants and rocking chairs of our screened in porch for a moment as I searched my pocket for my house keys. Once I had the door open, we were instantly greeted by the cold, robotic voice of the security system, which I quickly disengaged.

"This is it." I said. The house was dark and empty.

"Where are your folks?" Benjie asked.

"They're gone for the week. They're visiting my great aunt and cousins down in West Palm." I explained, "I was supposed to go with them, but I had school and work, so I stayed behind."

"Sweet, so you've had the place all to yourself for the week?"

"Yeah, not that I've been here that much." I shrugged. "Come on, let me show you around."

I took Benjie through a quick tour. We peaked into the master bedroom, showed him the bathrooms, theater room, my room (a giant heap of a mess), the garage, then finally ended the tour in the back porch.

Benjie's eyes grew wide! "Dude! You didn't tell me you had a pool!"

My pool was long, stretching across most of the backyard. It had an adjacent hot tub too, with a cascade that streamed warm water into the pool. On the other side of the pool and hot tub was a grill and gazebo, and the whole yard itself was fenced off with a wood fence. It was my own little, private oasis.

"Yeah man, where do you think I've been swimming all of this time?" I asked. I was pretty sure I've mentioned this fact before, but who knows. I grew up here, so this is just normal to me.

"I just figured you always stopped by the gym before heading over."

"Nah, man. I got this shit right here." I laughed.

"I see that. Shit, man. If I would have known I would have brought my board shorts." Benjie was currently wearing jeans and a white polo. Benjie smiled and asked. "Your parents are gone all week right?"

"Yeah, they won't be back until Sunday at the earliest." I barely got the sentence out before Benjie was kicking off his shoes and simultaneously pulling off his polo.

Benjie turned to me while undoing his belt, "You coming?"

I was mesmerized by his hairy chest and tantalizing treasure trail leading down to his half unzipped pants. Before I knew it, I was staring at his white, hairy, bubble butt as he bolted straight for the edge. He screamed with pure excitement as he jumped, squeezed himself into a ball, and did a naked canon ball right in. I was impressed. I was still standing by the porch and I caught some of the splash on my face.

"Holy shit! This thing is heated." Benjie screamed with delight when his head broke the surface. "Dude, come on. Don't just stand there."

I started to strip myself, pulling off my t-shirt, undoing my pants, leaving all of my clothes in a trail next to his. There was no way I was going to match his canon ball so I dove in head first, swam up right behind him, took a big gulp of water, and spat it out in a cool stream at the back of his head.

"Aw, gross man!" Benjie turned with a splash and we were immediately engaged in an intense splash war that lasted for several minutes.

"Hydro Pump!" I shouted as I sent a giant, two handed wave of water right at Benjie's face.

The splashing stopped and everything went still once again. I was laughing until I realized that Benjie was coughing and forcing water out his nose. "Aw, man. You okay?"

Benjie held up his index finger as he turned away and continued to huff air out of his nose. I approached slowly, unsure what to do, but then quickly, Benjie grabbed me and put me in a chokehold. "Ha! This is what you get for getting water up my nose." Benjie laughed.

"Hey man, that was an accident!" This was bad. I mean, it was good but... I could feel his chest up against my back, his meaty legs wrapped around my right one, and his soft dick pressed up against my ass. I became very hard, very fast. I had to do something quick, so I began to push back and tipped Benjie's balance so that we both started to fall backwards under the water. As soon as Benjie went under he let go. I quickly pushed away as my head surfaced for air. Benjie quickly followed, reaching out for me but I caught his left hand and then his right. We were staring at each other, eyes locked, hands locked, and, secretly, my dick pointing directly at him.

Benjie quickly pushed me away and came in for the grab when he accidentally rammed into my dick with his torso. Benjie halted and looked down at my distorted brown form through the water, and laughed. "Dude, are you fucking hard?"

I was so embarrassed, "No." I said sheepishly.

Benjie continued to stare at me and laughed. "I guess there's only one thing to do with this situation." That's when he pulled himself out of the water and onto the deck. He turned around with some flare, keeping his left foot forward, to reveal that he now had a hard on too, and in his best pirate voice yelled, "En garde!"

I didn't think it was possible for me to get any harder by this point, but I did. He had a smooth, uncut dick, a good six and a half or seven inches--and thick too--plus a nice loose set of danglers adorning the underside of his shaft. I pulled myself out of the water next to him and he immediately started to slap my long, thin, cut cock with his own.

We both giggled like the little boys we were at the moment, as our dicks slapped against the other, every once in a while getting a good jab in at our pubic bones. Benjie was getting in one jab too many and was starting to corner me against one of the pillars of the gazebo. I turned to run, but that's when Benjie jabbed me in the ass, in the crack just above my hole, at which point I gave up and threw myself in the water.

Benjie jumped in after me and slowly pursued me in the water with this intense, mischievous smile and blank stare. He tried reaching out to grab me but I caught his hand, and then the other. That's when he pulled me in, grabbed my ass, our cocks pressed hard against each other, trapped between our abdomens. He stared deep into my eyes and kissed me.

I almost came right there and then. My knees started to buckle, which Benjie sensed, so he swept me up and carried me out to the edge of the pool with our lips still locked and our tongues caressing the other.

As we reached the edge, I grabbed it and pulled myself up, sitting on it with my legs in the water. That's when Benjie grabbed my dick and began to stroke it lightly at first, then began playing with my balls with his tongue... softly and quickly flicking it against my ball sack between each testicle. It felt amazing. The grip of his hand on my dick was amazing, and the stubbly caress of his cheek against the base of my shaft was almost more than I could handle.

I gently pushed away at his shoulder, prompting him to stop.

"What's wrong?" Benjie asked. He looked worried that he may have done something wrong.

I smiled and leaned down for a quick kiss on the lips. "Let's dry up and take this inside."

Benjie smiled and pulled himself out of the pool. I leaned in for another kiss and took the opportunity to grab his wet, hairy, meaty ass. I gave it a good squeeze with my left hand, then grabbed his shaft as I pulled away from the kiss. I led him by the dick out to the Rubbermaid chest that held the pool towels and tossed one to him. We both toweled off quickly. Ben decided to tie his towel around his neck like a cape and ran a quick lap around the pool, hands outstretched superhero style, dick wagging up and down ahead of him. I laughed and smacked his ass as he came back around. I enjoyed watching his bubble butt jiggle.

I wrapped the towel around my shoulders, leaving my own perky butt exposed, and lead the way back to my bedroom. I quickly shoved all of the shit off of my twin sized bed and turned around to kiss Benjie again, tongues in full force. I knelt down and returned the favor he did me on the pool deck. His balls were so loose, it was so easy for me to pop one in my mouth. I continued playing with them while I stroked his cock. It felt good to have his hot dick smacking the side of my face. I worked my tongue up his long ball sack, up the base of his shaft, until my tongue met the head. I started playing with his foreskin, sliding my tongue up and underneath it, and then proceeded to swallow him whole.

His dick tasted so good and felt so good in my mouth. I enjoyed every minute of it as I went up and down on his shaft. I began to start tasting his sweet and salty precum and soon after that, Benjie had me by the armpits and lifted me up and onto the bed.

Benjie climbed on top of me and kissed me deeply. He briefly played with my right ear, licked my right nipple, and began to lick me all the way down to my shaft. He grabbed a hold of it and swallowed me as deep as he could, his hand covering the rest. He began to go up and down on me, and I was in heaven. I've never felt that good.

It wasn't long before I was ready to come, so I beckoned him up and Benjie came in for another deep kiss. He straddled my hips and lined his beautiful cock up to mine and pressed in, and began to grind deep into me.

I clutched my left hand hard on his ass and felt it tighten and loosen as it rocked back and forth up against my body. My right had clenched a handful of hair, tugging tight--which he seemed to enjoy--as he continued to kiss me and grind away. It felt so good, having his hairy, meaty body on top of mine. The bed was squeaking really loudly and I could taste his sweat dripping in through our kisses. His musk over powering my senses, every breath was making me go wild and press harder up against his riding cock.

I couldn't take anymore and was ready to erupt. I clenched his ass harder, and pushed his head deeper into our kiss. My hips lifted us up and I could feel a geyser of cum spraying out of my dick and onto our chests. Benjie held me in a tight embrace as I went limp from my orgasm. We stayed here for what seemed like a beautiful eternity. We listened to each other's heavy breathing, feeling our chests expanding and contracting. My hand slid back down to his beautiful ass as we continued to just hold each other.

I finally flipped Benjie around and had him lying on his back now. There was no way I was going to be able to keep grinding, my dick was too sensitive after cumming. Instead I collected my liquid orgasm from his chest and mine and globbed it onto his dick, spreading it as I stroked it. Benjie wasn't far because he came almost immediately, spraying cum across his chest, some of it even smacking into the wall behind him.

I laid down next to him, our sides touching in the tight space that my twin bed afforded. I turned to him and whispered in his ear, "This was amazing!"

"Yeah!" Benjie whispered back. He turned to kiss me, a quick peck on the lips. "I've wanted this for so long."

My heart leaped for joy and I kissed him hard on the lips. "Me too!" We continued to kiss. "It would be so awesome... having my best friend as a boyfriend." I smiled.

"Boyfriend?" Benjie said it, almost testing how that sounds. "I like the sound of that." He smiled back.

We continued making out for another hour or so before we were both really hungry. We finally stopped and got ourselves cleaned up in the shower, where there was more kissing and fondling. I made us both some mac n cheese for dinner, and we spent the rest of the night cuddled up in the love seat in the theater room, watching Rogue One and a few of my favorite rom-coms.

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