
By Sean DaDude

Published on Jul 30, 2003


GAYM, part 04 -- Totally Bazaar (in which I introduce SEX!)

By Sean

This is a sort of crossover story I guess, combining science fiction, fantasy, and gay humor. It is based loosely on "Another Fine Myth", one of the Myth (or MYTH) series by Robert Asprin, 1978, which I discovered in paperback from Ace Books, New York, in the 1990s.

While parts 1 -- 3 of this story have not been the usual sex-filled jerk-off nifty stories (although I hope they may entertain); I will introduce boy-boy sex in this episode. If you should not be reading such stories, go elsewhere!


The Devo market, the Bazaar, seemed to stretch for miles -- at least as far as I could see in any direction. Tents and booths competed for space, and for customers. The closest place I had even read about that might describe it would be Mos Eisley -- the Star Wars spaceport -- and I think that would've been tame by comparison!

Aahz looked about and sniffed the air. " Welcome to Deville, kid. Ah, almost like home." He sniffed. "MMMM, smell that, kid?"

"I smell a lot a things -- mostly the sweat of too many beings in too small a space."

"Hmm, either my sense of smell is far more selective than yours, or the smells of Purrfect food must not have the same effect on the imPurrfect."

"Who you calling imperfect?" I bristled.

"I mean the Non Purrfect," Aahz explained. "Kid, I haven't had a decent meal in about a week. I know we've got a lot to do here, but top on my list is eating! Right now I've got a craving for a rare piece of meat."

"I could go for a medium rare steak myself," I said.

"Oh, when I said `rare meat', I meant rare as in hard to find. I smell roast Lizard Bird; hard to find outside of Purr."

"Lizard bird?"

"Trust me, it does NOT `taste like chicken.' A delicacy to me, you probably wouldn't like it," said Aahz, "so while I go trace that aroma to its source, amuse yourself. Just limit yourself to a 3 block radius so I'll be able to find you." With that, he was gone.

A flash of light down the street and a crash like thunder caught my attention. Was there a storm coming? "Weather control; get your weather control here; make your own storms or make `em vanish. Rain, rain, here today, or you make it go away" a voice was saying in several different languages. "Well," I thought, "at least some of the hawkers know English."

"Dragons, come watch the dragons. See a demonstration of dragon-control charms," another voice cried, in the opposite direction.

"Dragons"? I thought, now this I HAD to see.

I was surprised at the variety of dragons on display. In addition to the green dragons I'd suspected, I saw ones that were red, black (or navy blue, that one was hard to tell), even purple. Some were winged, and some weren't.

The fellow that appeared to be the dragon keeper looked like he could have been Isstvan himself. Aahz had said Isstvan was part Devo, part Giant, and the figure before me was the biggest demon (dimension traveler) I'd ever seen, but then my knowledge of demons was still rather limited at this point. The guy must've been well over 7 feet tall, with arms the size of my legs. It would be hard to say which was more impressive -- the dragons, or their keeper.

First up was a red dragon. The only defense I could see was a sword the keeper had. The keeper said a few words to the dragon in a language I couldn't understand and immediately the dragon took a sparring stance then arched its neck and let out a blast of fire. The keeper sliced the air, the flame, with his sword, and miraculously the flame parted, becoming a wall between dragon and keeper. The keeper said a few words, evidently some spell, and the flame wall vanished. The dragon prepared for a new attack, but as soon as it drew its head back, the keeper raised his other hand (fist) in a sort of "power to the people" gesture. I couldn't imagine what this meant to the dragon, but it backed off, clearly on the defensive now. The keeper said a few words, and seemed to be directing the dragon back to its stall.

Once the dragon was no longer a danger, the keeper came around, showing some sort of pendant, talisman, or crystal. So THAT was how he controlled the dragon.

When he got to me, the giant stopped. At first I thought he'd sensed my curiosity and thought he had a buyer, but the stare he was giving me made me uneasy. He seemed to be judging me; maybe trying to determine my language based on my appearance. It took me a minute to realize I was still maintaining my half-Imp disguise. Aahz had said it might blend in better than appearing as full earthling.

"You'd better be prepared to pay," the giant finally spoke in English, as I felt a tug on my shirt.

"You mean I have to PAY for that little show?" I asked unbelievingly.

"Not for the little SHOW, for the little DRAGON."

"WHAT? What dragon?"

"The dragon at your hand. You think I'm giving away free samples?" There was another tug at my shirt. This time I looked down to see, and sure enough there was a small green dragon, about 4 feet high, trying to eat my sleeve.

"I hope you weren't thinking of stealing. NO ONE steals from ME!" said the giant.

"I don't want this dragon," I said.

"Then why did you feed him?"

"I didn't!"

"He's eating your sleeve!"

"Well I didn't GIVE it to him!"

"Be that as it may, you've fed him, and now he's yours."


"Playing ignorant won't help. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and Deville law concerning unattached dragons is `you feed him, you buy him.' So pay up."

"What do you mean `unattached' dragons?" I asked.

"Sheesh, what is this, your first time to the Bazaar?"

"Well, yes; actually, it's my first time to Deville."

"And you came alone, without a guide? Impecile!"

"Did you call me an imbecile?" I bristled.

"I've heard D'imples were foolish," he said, "worse than either Imp OR Earthling, but You take the prize!"

"SO, you gonna answer my question and enlighten me?"

"Dragons can become attached to masters who feed them a piece of their clothing -- something to do with the scent apparently," said the giant. "That's why you'll notice I don't wear a shirt around them -- can't have them getting attached to me."

"But wouldn't they attach to the next buyer that feeds them a piece of clothing?"

"Ha! If they did, it would make my job easier, but they'd be a lot less valuable. No, when a dragon attaches, it's for life. So Sonny..." he poked his finger at me, but before he could say more, I exploded.

"The name isn't Sonny,' I'm Skeeve,' and get your finger out of my face if you want to keep it." I had Garkin's wand, kept as a memento. Though I hardly knew how to use it, I had instinctively reached for it from my belt, under the assassin cloak, and was pointing it at the giant. I was shaking; whether from fear, or from anger at being ditched by Aahz to find myself pushed around by some giant, I didn't know, but the effect was to my advantage. Obviously the giant wasn't used to having anyone stand up to him, let alone challenge him, and, at sight of the wand, the rest of those who had been watching suddenly departed.

"Oh, sorry sir, I didn't know..." the giant babbled.

I didn't know what the giant thought I could do, but I seized the opportunity.

"Now then, you were saying?"

"Forgive my temper, but you see my predicament," said the giant. "I can't keep the dragon now, but I can't let the dragon go for nothing, even if you didn't intend to feed and take him. But perhaps we could work out a trade?" He seemed to be looking at the wand.

"Don't even think about it" I said, realizing that the wand must be something very valuable indeed for him to both fear it and want it so. But what DID I have that I could trade? Aahz had our money, and most of our valuables. Then I remembered the firebolt ring. I had made Aahz give it to me after he had lost his temper and used it viciously against an Imp. It seemed a dangerous trinket I'd just as soon not have to worry about.

"I DO have SOMETHING," I said, fishing the ring out of a pocket and showing it. "THIS should settle our accounts."

"This?" The giant seemed disappointed as he took the ring and examined it.

I had no idea of the charm's relative worth, but bluffing had gotten me this far.

"I do not haggle. If you do not want it, then see what anyone else will give you for an attached dragon!"

"You drive a hard bargain, Skeeve. Very well." He extended his hand to shake on the deal, but the dragon rose up between us, with a noise that sounded like `gleep.'

"You see? He's ALREADY defending you. Oh he's attached alright. Well, I believe that's all," said the giant.

"Not so fast! Don't I get one of those controlling crystals?"

"You don't need one for him. The crystals are only to control the large unattached dragons. You'd only need one if you plan to use this dragon against an unattached one. And the crystals won't work on a dragon that's already attached to someone else."

"Oh. Uh, what do I feed him, besides shirts?"

"Anything he wants!" the giant laughed. "But seriously, dragons are omnivores, they'll eat just about anything. Leave him be and he'll choose his own diet. Just keep anything of value well beyond him -- protected by charms, spells, or whatever -- or he's likely to try to eat it."

"OK. How long do these things live anyway?"

"Oh he'll be around, don't you worry about that. He's got a good 3, 4, maybe 5 in him."

"Years? I asked.


"Great," I replied sarcastically. Well, does he have a name?"

"Gleep" my dragon sort of snorted.

"I think he's chosen one," said the giant. "'Gleep' seems to suit him."

"Well, come on Gleep," I tried, and sure enough the dragon responded.

Now that I was the not-so-proud owner of a 4-foot tall fledgling dragon, I was more eager than ever to find Aahz. I knew he'd said he'd find me, but that had been nearly 2 hours ago. I decided to ask the next shopkeeper for help.

"Excuse me," I decided to be as polite as possible.

"No excuses necessary, young sir. Perhaps you would like to buy a -- how do you say -- a stick? OH, I see you already have one; how about a spare? I've got the latest models."

"Uh, maybe later," I said, realizing that he was selling wands. "Actually I was wondering if you could tell me where I might find a lizard bird."

"Live, or for dinner?" he replied.

"For dinner. Actually, I'm looking for a friend that should be at the nearest Purrfect restaurant."

"You'll want The Purrfect Recipe -- only place serving Purrfect food here at the Bazaar. It's 2 blocks down, and 5 to your right -- that's the shortest way but it's through a rough neighborhood."

Before I could find out what was `rough' by HIS standards and ask for another route, he had spotted a potential customer and left me. It seemed these Devo merchants could smell money.

"Well. C'mon Gleep," I said to my dragon.

I went down the 2 blocks and turned the corner and was surprised by the almost immediate change. This was more of an alley than a street.

I could hear music from somewhere:

They tell us that we lost our tails evolving up from little snails I say it's all just wind in sails. Are we not men? We are DEVO!

We're pinheads now, we are not whole; we're pinheads all: jocko homo Are we not men? D-E-V-O

Monkey men, all in business suit; teachers and critics all dance the poot. Are we not men? We are DEVO! Are we not men? D-E-V-O.

God made man, but he used the monkey to do it; apes in the plan, we're all here to prove it. I can walk like an ape, talk like an ape; I can do what a monkey can do. God made man, but a monkey supplied the glue. We must repeat, o.k. let's go!

Are we not men? We are DEVO! Are we not men? D-E-V-O.

Following that came the next bit of music:

When a problem comes along, you must whip it; before the cream sits out too long, you must whip it; when something's going wrong, you must whip it. Now whip it, into shape, shape it up, don't be straight;

C'mon boy it's not too late to whip it, and Whip it good.

I wanted to whip my dick! My boy cream had definitely been `sitting' too long, and my balls and cock were full of juice and ready for use!

"Hey there sailor, decided to change the buoy for a boy? Spare a little time, handsome?"

A boy was standing almost in shadow. He looked about 15. He was Earthling in appearance, only better looking than most. He had a wonderful golden-olive complexion, and a beautiful mane of golden-brown hair. He was about my height and age, but better built. His shirt was open, revealing his smooth chest. His pants seemed too tight, showing every curve and a generous endowment at the crotch that seemed to be growing as mine was, straining for release.

"I think I could spare a little time, although I'm looking for a friend," I said.

"Well you found one! Why don't you come join me for a little friendly fun?"


"Follow me"

In a few minutes we arrived in a small grassy clearing that was well hidden, surrounded by thick brush, cool and shady. The dragon seemed to like it too, as he curled up and went to sleep.

"Quiet, private, and you can see anybody coming before they get here, that's why I like it so much," the boy said. "We can have fun with nobody knowing."

He put his hands on his hips, legs together, and leaned back pushing his groin out really showing off his growing cock. "Like it?" he asked.

"Okay," I acknowledged, "I'm game. What's your idea?"

"You suck me, then I help you out of your clothes, and look you over. Then I'll decide if I want to suck you or have you fuck me."

"All right, but I want to see you naked," I said.

He stripped, and was soon standing there, bare balls naked with his ramrod stiff cock standing out from his body at a 45 degree angle with a drop of clear pre-cum oozing from the tip. His cock looked about 7 inches long and a little over an inch thick with just a small tuft of fine downy hairs at the base. His balls were good sized too, pulled up tight against his body, looking as if they were more than capable of delivering a large load of tasty boy cream.

Without another word, he pushed his hips forward and bent his cock down until it was nearly touching my lips. My tongue reached out, lightly swirling around the oozing tip, licking up the pre-cum as it oozed out. Reaching out, I ran my hands up his smooth, hairless thighs until his buns were cupped in my hands and I drew him even closer, slowly sliding his cock into my eager mouth. He let out a moan of delight as his steel hard cock slid over my tongue until his downy soft pubic hair pressed against my lips.

He ran his fingers through my hair as he slowly pulled his cock out until just the tip was between my lips. Wanting to savor the taste of his delightful boy cock as long as possible, I kept a firm grip on his buns, keeping him down to a slow, steady fucking motion as I swirled my tongue around his shaft. I could feel slight tremors shaking his body, his thighs and buns twitching beneath my caressing hands.

I held him back so I could rest a moment. He seemed not to like that.

"Come on, suck it! I'm really horny now."

"Just try to relax a little. I don't want you to cum too soon. I want to enjoy this for a little while." I grinned looking over his firm, smooth body.

"I'll try, but I don't think I can for much longer," he grumbled.

Keeping my hands on his hips, I leaned forward. Running the tip of my tongue back between his legs I felt a shiver go through his body as I found a sensitive spot just behind his balls. Opening my mouth wide I ran my tongue over his smooth hairless balls and gently sucked them in. They were pulled up against his body so tight they would hardly move as my tongue explored every inch of them. Hearing another moan of pleasure from him, I looked to see another clear drop of pre-cum oozing out and sliding down his shaft. Knowing he wouldn't last much longer, I slowly slid my tongue up his shaft. Reaching the tip, I ran my tongue around it, licking the pre-cum, before taking the head between my lips.

The boy was loosing patience. He pushed his cock into my mouth, until he was nearly in all the way. When he stopped, I wrapped my arms around his hips and pulled him tighter against me until my throat was squeezing the head of his cock. I held him tight like this, not letting him fuck my mouth but rubbing my tongue down one side of his cock then up the other, until I knew every contour of his delicious shaft. He was rocking his body against me trying to fuck my mouth, but his shaft only went in and out an inch or so because I was holding him so tight. His breathing had been coming faster then I heard him hold his breath as I felt his thighs tighten against me and his stomach muscles tense up.

I backed off, really sucking him now, and letting him fuck my face. In another moment his cock throbbed, his muscles tightening even more. His cock pulsed again and I looked up to see his head thrown back as a moan of pleasure escaped his lips. Then it felt as if his cock exploded in my mouth as it throbbed madly, his body jerking and quivering as wad after wad of his sweet-tasting boy-cum shot into my eagerly sucking mouth.

Slowly his body began to relax as the tremors and spurts of cum came further and further apart. He was so drained from his explosive orgasm that his weight was resting heavily on my shoulders and I was afraid we would both collapse to the ground. I held him up, with my hands steadying his legs, as he slid his still semi hard cock from my mouth. I sat down and he eased down to sit beside me and we just looked at each other for a moment.

"Oh my gosh, that was wild. I've never cum that hard before," he said as he sat there looking half stunned.

"Well I'm glad I was able to give you a good blowjob." I grinned, feeling tired but very satisfied.

"Good? No way it was good. It was more like fantastic. You gotta teach me how to suck cock like that."

"Well, there's no time like the present" I said. "You up to it?"


He had just gotten me naked when he commented "Uh oh, we may have a problem."

"Too big for you?" I asked. I was proud of my 8-inch dick.

"No, but I'm supposed to be in this for the money."

"But I don't have any money."

"I know, that's why we may have a problem. I'm a some-time pick pocket, some-time whore. I'm part of a gang, and the goons I work for are approaching."

"I haven't heard anything."

"No? Not even with those Imp ears?"

"Well actually," I said, dropping the disguise, "I'm all human. Aren't you?"

"I'm a Troilus. And the goons I work for are Troilii, or Trolls you'd say, some of the toughest characters you'd ever NOT want to meet."

"Careful there," Brock's voice spoke softly in my brain, his warning coming back to me. "The Troilii (pronounced `trolley') can be great friends, but you don't want to give one reason to turn on you."

"Why, what might he do to me?" I had asked.

"He'd fight you," Brock had said. "A Troilus is a great lover, but also a great fighter. It's said `Hell hath no fury like a Troilus scorned.' They become Trolls -- green, mean fighting machines."

It looked like I was about to find out just how mean they could be.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Because I genuinely like you," he replied. "Well, if you're going to get pounded for corrupting me, you may as well get some sweet with the bitter." With that, he leaned over and started sucking my dick. It felt great! As far as I could tell he did NOT need any lessons!

I had just emptied my load into his eager mouth when I heard a rough voice call out "Hey Andy, I see you got a customer." This was the leader of a group of five of the nastiest-looking characters I'd yet seen.

"Uh, hi Troy. Actually, I did this one for free."

"You WHAT?"

"We started with HIM sucking ME," said Andy, "and I got so into it I forgot to check his money until later. He doesn't have any."

"Oh he'll pay one way or another," said Troy. Then to me he said: "You look pretty good. You had your way with Andy, now I'll have my way with you. Yeah, I bet you're a great fuck!"

"Ooh, gang bang," another one said.

"I'm next after Troy," said a third.

I desperately looked around for anything that might help me.

"GLEEP!" I shouted. "Get `em boy!"

The dragon awoke and bounded into action, a move that I think surprised me as much as anyone. It quickly planted itself between Troy and me, hissing, snarling, and lashing its tail.

"A dragon?" said a voice from my left. "I've got him boss." I turned to see a foot-long dagger hurtling toward the dragon, MY dragon.

My next action was automatic. Garkin had had a nasty habit of throwing things at me when he was cross, and I had quickly learned to block them with spells. He'd been impressed and decided to teach me to block anything, including knives and swords. I didn't need a wand for this. I didn't even need magic words. This was telekinesis -- mind over matter. I just reached with my mind and `grabbed' the dagger in mid flight. It jerked to a halt and hovered there.

"Nice move!" said Andy.

"The kid's a magician!" said Troy.

"That's right!" I barked. "Skeeve's the name, magic's my game."

With that, I sent the dagger flying back at the lot of them. I remembered I'd had my own small knife at my belt, and I activated it and set it to work swooping through the crowd. They were running now, only one left besides Troy. I spotted a pile of my dragon's poop. "Oh yeah!" I decided, and sent it flying at Troy.

"Levitation!" he cried. "Quanto, stop him!"

"Right boss," came a response from my right.

"Stop him, Gleep!" I commanded, pointing to the target.

Gleep charged, and roared, sending a stream of fire like a flame-thrower. He missed, but between the flame and the dragon bearing down on him, Quanto hadn't a chance to use whatever charm or spell he might have against me. He ran, but as he did so, he dropped something I hadn't expected -- a wand. So, they knew magic too!

Troy picked up the wand. Yes I had the knife and dagger still flying about, but I didn't have time to focus my mind on the dagger and bring it back.

Troy was saying "take THIS, punk," when a throwing knife swept through the air slicing the wand in two. The knife had come from behind me!

"You take THAT, Troy!" Andy had thrown the knife! "I don't need magic to beat you," said Andy, "but without magic and your henchmen, you're nothing. You have no power over me now, so leave, and never bother me and my friends again!"

With that, Troy turned tail and ran.

"What took you so long to join the fight?" I asked Andy when we were alone.

"Hey, unlike you, I only had one throw with that knife, and I wanted it to be a good one."

"Well, it sure was good! Even with magic, I don't know I'm THAT accurate!"

"Well, that made me hungry," said Andy.

"OH, well I WAS on my way to the Purrfect Recipe before I met you," I replied.

"For a guy with no money, you've got expensive tastes. I was thinking more along the lines of the Golden Crescent," he replied. "Besides, you can tether your dragon outside the Crescent; I don't think you could do that everywhere."

"I hadn't thought of that. Well, I was supposed to meet a friend, but like you said I think I've found one."

With that, we dressed, gathered our things, then headed for the Golden Crescent.

Next: Chapter 5

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