Gay Uniform Slave

By Mike Wyatt

Published on Sep 17, 2022


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Gay Uniform Slave

Part 8. New Boys

Part 8

When I woke up, I could see that I was in a room -- the same I think -- where I had first encountered 31.

There were all six of us, strapped to the wall, shirts on (barely a surprise in my case), tied at wrists, ankles and neck, with metalwork gleaming. It seems odd that we were all able to sleep in such a strange position, but when exhausted, drugged, or having blacked out, I guess anything's possible.

There were three of us on each side, I could turn my head enough to see 15 on my left and someone whose name -- number -- I did not know on my right. 31 was immediately opposite me, flanked by 24, and 28, but 24 was the only one awake.

Psst -- he said quietly. I looked up.

New boy or 30 or whatever these fucks call you.

I doubted very much whether `these fucks' were not at least able to monitor us, and I did not feel like being drawn in.

What's your name?

Um, I realised that to my dismay I still could not remember. I don't know I whispered.

Christ, he said. Well my name's Dave and I am going to get out of here.

But, but, but I stammered -- thinking that it was quite apparent why that wasn't going to happen. All I could muster was a weak how?'. Although part of me meant why?'.

They strap us into this shit at night, but there's plenty of time during the day when we are unsupervised.

But if we were to get out they would kill us with pain from, from, these things they have put inside us.

Maybe, but do you really think we will survive much longer in here?

31, they say, and only six left. I don't fancy the chances, and I don't know about you -- well maybe you are -- but I am not enjoying the wait.

Hmm, I said. I realised that this was the first time I had seen all six of us with limp cocks, although still bound by metal bands and with cock cages on, so as to stick out. It almost made me want to and start to get hard, but I figured that was not such a good idea with Dave looking at me.

Does it hurt? he asked.

Yes, I said. I mean what? Does what hurt?

That shirt being sewn on to you, does it hurt?

Well it did right afterwards I said. Although it has not been an exactly pain-free experience since I got here.

Yes I saw. Sorry buddy -- seems they put something worse in you. Mine can make my cock erect and all, but it does not really hurt. Not until I have no more cum to produce anyway.

You're lucky.

Ha! I don't think any of us are lucky. If -- when -- we get out of here we have to get all this metal shit taken off us, and in your case god knows what else too. But I am getting out.

Good luck I said.

Then the lights came on, an electrical surge sprang from my scrotum to my cock -- causing me to become hard -- and him too I noticed, and then the other four as they were woken up by the most extreme morning glory imaginable.

Right you lot, off to get washed than to work. A lot to get done today, and a special evening in store afterwards. I hope you are feeling refreshed.

Quite what `special evening' meant I had no idea, but I was not really feeling refreshed. At least I knew that I would be wearing my shirt throughout it, as there was no choice about that...

My work day was like the others, but after a few hours, the Slave-Master arrived and said come with me.

I did not know what was to happen, but usually it involved pain and dread.

Not this time, however.

I was taken to the latrines where the Slave-Master hosed me down again and carefully shaved my head and face. Once I was dry, he looked me up and down and said: You'll do.

He then led me through a tunnel to an antechamber under the entrance lodge where I had first arrived.

Sir -- Mr Jenson - is in there interviewing new slaves today. Your job is to walk in at the signal from the light on the door. Just stand there at the back. Sir will monitor the slave's reaction. It is certain that he will become a slave, but his treatment and training will depend in part on his reaction to seeing you, the uniform, your restrictions, erection, and demeanour, and then how willingly he is prepared to become naked.

If he declines to get naked you will help him remove his clothes -- by force if necessary. Sir will assist. Normally they just do it.

Once he is naked measure his neck, chest, waist, arms and around the base of his cock. Do you remember?

I did, and my own cock stiffened at the thought.

Yes I see you do, good, hold that.

Then take his clothes, the paper he will have signed, and the measurements and bring them out here.

Do you understand all that?

Yes Sir

Good. Wait here until Jenson sends the signal.

You will get to fuck this one in a day or two. I hope he is to your taste.

I looked down at myself. My engorged cock-head was glistening with pre-cum, and -- I thought -- far more erect than 15's had been that day for me. My clean shirt was as good as new, although I knew that 15's had not been stitched into him when he had been in my position. I wondered whether this new person would notice.

Thoughts of warning him or disrupting the process did not even enter my head. I actually felt a twinge of jealousy that he would be seeing his future in me for the first time -- the uniform, the restraints, the lack of hair, the near permanent state of erection. I almost had to supress my own desire to cum.

The light on the wall went on. I opened the door and walked to stand at the to the side of Jenson's desk, so that the new candidate could definitely see all of me..

I could see a young guy the other side of the desk. He was dressed a lot more casually than I had been in a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans. He was still talking to Jenson, but I could see that he could barely take his eyes off me. He looked me up and down, stopping momentarily -- I thought -- to look at my erect and glistening cock. I could not read him. A globule of pre-cum fell from my cockhead down the shaft and onto my ankle. I did not look down, but I could feel its shininess matching my shirt. I stiffened my back and pushed out my nipples, chest and shirt.

Interested? Said Jenson to the boy.

Er, I'm not so sure. Is that what you want me to wear?

Yes. This is how you will be dressed for your assignment, Jenson said. It is simply the rules of the house. Most of our workers enjoy the liberty of having their genitals free. The uniform is to make you feel one of the team.

Are you interested?

I don't know. I'm not gay.

This is immaterial, Jenson said. But it is 100,000 dollars.

Oh, yeah, right, said the boy. Oh god. Okay.

Then please sign here, and my colleague will measure you for your uniform.

Colleague I wondered. 15 had been introduced to me by number, with the word slave dropped in quite soon. I realised that my willingness to be enslaved had made me easier than this guy was going to be.

Would you please stand up and remove your clothes, then? Jenson asked.

What, here? You don't have a changing room or anything?

Well, we need to get your measurements to make sure, er, everything fits.

I remembered that I could hardly wait to strip in his position, practically tearing off my clothes and displaying my hard-on.

Jeez, said the boy, and removed his clothes, but not his underwear.

Jenson looked over to me and nodded. I came over, and measured around the kid's neck, chest, waist and the length of his arms.

Jenson had tidied away the kids outer clothes, making sure that they were on my side of the desk and on top of the paper that he had signed. He sprang from the desk and tore down the kid's underwear.

The boy started to shout and flail around. What the fuck are you doing? he shouted

And measure here, 31, said Jenson, holding the kid by the shoulders, in a powerful vice-like hold and motioning with his head to the boy's cock. Having been fucked by Jenson on many occasions, I knew how powerfully built he was

I grabbed the kid's cock and balls, and stretched the package out to take a measurement around the base. I was not sure if it was accurate or even useful, but I did feel his cock slightly stiffen in my fist. I was sure it was the first time he had ever been grabbed there by a man. Fuck you, he said.

Jenson nodded to me. I quickly gathered up the clothes and papers and left the room.

The Slave-Master was there with 28 -- who still looked resigned, but very smart with his sewn-on shirt. He had obviously also just been washed and shaved. The Slave-Master took the measurements from me, went into a store room behind and returned with a shirt on a hanger, a belt, cock sling, nipple cups and a collar stiffener..

Do you remember this? He asked me?

Yes Sir I said.

He is less compliant than you, but a few minutes of being naked in front of his new master, and then two of you, will help. He will welcome the idea to get any clothes on at all.

Grease the nipples and put these on them, hand him the belt and shirt, and help him if he does not get it.

Sir will put on the cock sling if he is resistant.

28, after he is completely dressed as slaves should be, and on Jenson's signal, you place the cloth to his mouth and catch him, understood?

The light came on.

We both went into the room, and I could feel that something had changed about the kid's demeanour as he stood there naked. He looked bewildered and resigned, but Jenson was merely talking to him, he was not trying to escape or resist.

I suspected that the nature of what he had signed had been explained to him.

Right, now 28 and 31 will now put you into your uniform and you will feel much better. We did as instructed. There was no longer resistance - to the nipple cups or anything. It was even obvious that he would accept me manipulating his cock and balls to put the sling and divider on, no need to Jenson to overpower him again. Eventually he was dressed identically to us, and the cock cage had caused him to stiffen a little. 28 and I were completely erect having received bursts of electricity into our scrotums throughout the process.

Jenson started the same script he had with me:

You will call me Sir from now on.

His eyes expanded at this.

I guess he had heard the numbers and the word slave already though.

You are now wearing your uniform which is how you will be dressed from now on, and, other than when you are naked, permanently. Do you understand that?

Yes, ... Sir

If it needs washing, you need washing, and both get washed, It does not need ironing, so it will become part of you, perhaps even literally, he added.

I wondered whether he could have known that my and 28s shirts were sewn onto us and actually permanent, or that this might be what happened to him eventually.

Meanwhile, there are some things that are NOT part of your uniform and one of those is hair. We will arrange for your pubic hair to be chemically removed and for your head to be shaved right away.

At all times you will be required to remember these four things:

Your anus will be visible at all times to show availability

Your neck will be restrained at all times to show submission

Your nipples will be entrapped at all times to cause you pain

Your cock and balls will be contained at all times to illustrate your humiliation.

Do you understand?

Oh my god. He mumbled and then Er, Yes, er, Sir.

Jenson nodded at us and 28 went and clamped the cloth to his face, We carried him out between us, to the sickbay. Under instructions from the Slave-Master we removed his shirt, and were then told to leave. It looked as though a whole team of people in white coats were about to begin working on him. I knew that he was even less prepared for what he was going to wake up to than I had been, and probably he would like it a lot less.

Next: Chapter 9

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