Gay Uniform Slave

By Mike Wyatt

Published on Aug 5, 2022


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Gay Uniform Slave

I've discovered that my six-month job appears to have become a lifetime of sexual servitude, and my body has been augmented to facilitate this. To a mixture of joy and horror, I find it all very exciting.

Part 3

When I awoke it was all very different.

I looked down to see my bald scrotum encircled by its metal band The bandages were gone, and there was a small scar on it to the left of my cock. There was no hair to be seen anywhere. My cock was semi-rigid, the head a darker colour than normal. I realised that I was no longer in a bed, but upright, with my hands and feet restrained and stretched out. Gingerly I looked left and right and saw that I was strapped, via a complex series of cords through my metal bands, to a wooden structure, inside a cage. My neck was also restrained and I remained naked. The room was dark and not at all like the others I had already been in, its walls of stone and seemingly damp. In the distance I could make out someone else, similarly restrained in a cage directly opposite. His cock was rigid upright, and this caused mine to become similar. I tried to look him in the eye, but he seemed as obsessed with his predicament as I was with my own. I realised that this was now my future. A nameless numbered sex slave, forever in bondage and only to serve some will of my new masters. The thought simultaneously appalled and thrilled me, and my cock demonstrated the latter.

Just then the lights were turned on, and into the room walked a man. He was large and intimidating, he had the same six metal bands as us, and his rigid cock was in a cage and sticking out and leaking pre-cum, but he was naked apart from a leather harness that pushed forward his bullet-like nipples, and attached round his neck and to his cock ring. He also had hair, and a small goatee beard. I instantly wanted to be in his position and not my own. He was, I guessed, a Slave-Master, a position somewhere between us' and them' (as it was it transpired). We, obviously, could only call him Sir, but the others, I was to discover, called him `Officer' This one had used to be a Policeman, and a disciplinarian one at that. He was a mountain of muscle and power, and suspecting that one day his enormous cock was going to go into me, I stiffened yet further.

Right, he said. 30 and 31. It is your turn for training. You may still be sensitive in certain places but we will soon beat that out of you, so that you can become a useful part of the team.

Once I release you from your cages, the first thing that you will do is to bring each other to orgasm and consume the other's cum. Entirely and happily. Then you will fuck the other in turn. Do you understand?

I did not know what to say and was still computing the instructions, as was 31' across the room I think. Saying nothing seemed like a not-good idea, however so I mumbled Yes, Sir' And a few monuments later, so did he.

The Slave-Master released the cages and our restraints in turn until we were standing in front of each other, naked, erect and face to face. A stranger, and yet -- in some way - a fellow peer and fellow victim.

I felt a strange sensation in my scrotum, like a silent buzzing, and my already engorged cock seemed to spring to as fully rigid and erect as I had ever known almost instantaneously.

I noticed that, with some jerking, exactly the same thing happened to `31' opposite me.

Without any further prompting, and somehow instinctively I moved towards him and dropped to my knees. I took his massive and engorged cock in my mouth and began to suck for all my life. After what seemed like only a few moments I felt rivulets of his hot cum stream into my mouth and down my throat, accompanied by a moaning from him which I seemed to echo. He had already reached down to try to reach my ramrod-hard cock and now did so fully once his was out of my mouth. We switched positions and at only just a touch from his hand on my cock head I sprayed ribbons of cum into his open mouth. It felt amazing and sensational -- a complete stranger, and yet a fellow prisoner, we had exchanged cum in one massive manoeuvre. Spent, we released each other and both stood there panting.

Good. Said the Slave-Master. Part one accomplished.

Now, your turn to decide who goes first.

I had entirely forgotten the second part of the instruction and after expending what felt like a pint of cum, doubted that I would be able to get another erection for about a week. But suddenly my scrotum buzzed again and a shock of current ran from it to the plug in my arse and the collar around my neck. I was -- instantly -- ramrod-hard again. I saw that for the same reasons, so was he.

I decided for reasons not entirely clear to me to volunteer and bent down. I retrieved the butt-plug from my hole, and it was expelled with a rapt expectation of something more alive and exciting to follow. I offered 31 my arse, spreading my cheeks.

Somehow I knew, that like me, he had never fucked a guy before, but he approached me with his hard and swollen dick -- I could almost hear his buzzing and inched in into my hole.

It was no bigger than the butt-plug it supplanted, and yet I found it a thrill as his energy and waves of electrical stimulus flooded through me. Despite the fact that I had just swallowed a massive amount of his cum, he managed within a few minutes of pounding to cum again, and I felt ribbons of his hot juice explode inside me. It felt amazing and somehow liberating despite the weird circumstances. I was hard as a rock and we quickly exchanged positions. He removed his own butt-plug and as I inserted my cock into his arse, he groaned as though somehow I was bigger and this was also his first time. I shafted in and out and within just a few moments shot my second load straight into him, somehow sealing a fraternity between us for ever. As I withdrew, glistening from head to foot, exhausted, spent and utterly content, I felt that he was doing likewise.

We regained our positions. Upright, naked, slightly limp and smelling and tasting of our own and each other's cum. The Slave-Master simply said: Good.

Get showered, put on your uniform and I will begin your training he said.

Next: Chapter 4

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