Gay Uniform Slave

By Mike Wyatt

Published on Aug 4, 2022


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Gay Uniform Slave

I have willingly (to even my own surprise) accepted a job that seems so much more, and I am standing in uniform, half-naked and erect in front of my new boss:

It's time we explained a few things, isn't it?

Part 2

Er, I guess Mr Jenson.

Sir -- you will call me Sir from now on.

Yes Sir.

The document you signed is a total release for you to become our slave here and you will from now on do exactly as I say and not answer, or speak, unless invited to. Do you understand?

Yes, Sir.

Somehow this was both threatening, and simultaneously promising.

You are now wearing your uniform which is how you will be dressed from now on, and, other than when you are naked, permanently. Do you understand that?

Yes, Sir

If it needs washing, you need washing, and both get washed, It does not need ironing, so it will become part of you, perhaps even literally, he added mysteriously..

Meanwhile, there are some things that are NOT part of your uniform and one of those is hair. We will arrange for your pubic hair to be chemically withdrawn and for your head to be shaved - immediately.

At all times you will be required to remember these four things:

Your arse will be visible at all times to show availability

Your neck will be restrained at all times to show submission

Your nipples will be entrapped at all times to cause you pain

Your cock and balls will be contained and displayed at all times to illustrate your humiliation.

Do you understand?

Yes, Sir.

Right. You need to be erect most of the time and so we will arrange, in addition to the device you are now wearing, a combination of electro stimulation and drugs to facilitate this.

This will happen overnight. So, for now, it is goodbye. And with that, 22 walked over and clamped to my mouth a cloth with some pungent smelling chemical and I felt myself straightaway collapse to the floor and become unconscious.


I awoke after a dreamless sleep.

With the events of the previous day (I supposed, although actually it had been 36 hours) a haze of mixed memories. My main sensation was of pain. Pain in my arse, in my balls, cock, nipples and neck. Suddenly things started to come back to me, starting with the four things that Jenson -- Sir -- had last said to me. At all times...

I realised -- somewhat to my disappointment -- that I was naked. The only really good thing that had happened since all this had begun was being put into the uniform shirt, the thought of which made my cock twitch, although painfully. I realised that there was a burning sensation there, and around my neck, and on my nipples. I lifted the sheet covering me, pleased to find my arms were not restrained, although there was a steel bracelet on each of my wrists. In any case I could not have got up even if I had wanted to -- I was obviously still under the influence of the drugs.

I realised that there was great pain in my anus, with the sensation of something bulbous blocking and filling it, It had stretched my sphincter and was large enough that it was -- I could feel -- touching my prostrate. The pain was mingled with a feeling of erotic pleasure and I felt again my cock stiffen, although this caused its own pain once again.

My hand went to my head, and I felt that my scalp had been closely shaved, no hair left. I lifted the sheet to see that below everything was hairless, nothing on my chest or pubes. My scrotum was completely covered in a bandage, which had a few red stains on it, and I could see a glint of metal at the base of my cock where the bandage ended. Immediately it felt more painful down there. I saw that my nipples were bright red and engorged and had been pierced, each having a quite substantial ring through it, and they both stuck out far more than ever they had before. My hand went to my neck and I felt a metal collar, tight fitting, around it. It was cool now, but felt as though it had burned me somehow at the back. I realised that it was completely smooth along its entire circumference, there was no fastening, opening, lock or anything, just a sealed ring with almost no room between it and the skin of my neck, it was about an inch high -- tall enough to prevent complete movement of my head downwards.

Suddenly I realised that someone had entered the room. I was reluctant to turn my head quickly for fear of making the pain worse. I managed to keep my fuzzy mind calm. What had happened had happened and there wasn't anything I could do about beyond accept it, which a significant part of me actually wanted to.

It was Jenson who had entered the room and approached me.

Ah, I see you are awake 30.

Thirty? I thought to myself. That is who I am now? In vain I tried to remember my own name and found that I simply could not. I couldn't in fact really remember anything beyond reading the advert a week or so ago.

I had become a slave and a number. And somehow I welcomed both.

Yes Sir, I managed to say.

Let me explain what has happened to you, he said.

First, the four elements of your body that I told you about before have all been altered to make it easier for you to fulfil your duties. This has involved surgery, heat and pain, ,which is why we kindly did it under anaesthetic. The drugs we administered have also started a process of making you more submissive, compliant and uninhibited -- all of which will be useful.

Your nipples will now become a permanent reminder of the pain you will experience at all times, they will be attached and weighted as appropriate.

Your hole has been filled with a stretching butt-plug which will be worn at all times, other than when you are being entered or evacuated. Electrical stimulation and torture may also be applied this way.

Your scrotum has received an implant - hence the operation, stitches and bandage. This implant is capable of delivering electrical stimulation and will be used to keep you erect when appropriate - which will be most of the time.

It can also deliver levels of pain and punishment up to the intolerably excruciating. If, for example, you decide to leave, then once outside the compound a level of pain will be automatically triggered so great that you will return and beg to be allowed back in, despite being fully aware of the torture that comes with a failed escape attempt.

You have been fitted with six metal bands with which we will control you.

Six? I wondered.

Your genitals have been encaged with a cock band made of metal. This is permanent and irremovable. It has been welded together and polished. Despite our use of an asbestos/titanium shield, because it is so tight to you, this caused significant heat, and you will feel an uncomfortable sensation for a few days, but no actual burning happened, nor will a blister.

The same has happened to your neck. Your new collar is sealed and permanent. You will be wearing it forever. It also has an electrical stimulation and punishment circuit with in it.

Just in case -- you know.

Your ankles and wrists have been fitted similarly with cuffs. These were tailor made to your body. They are tight fitting, but not so tight as to prevent a certain amount of weight fluctuation or muscle growth, and - of course - they allow a cord to fit between them and your skin. They are all also able to complete various electrical circuits from the new control centre in your scrotum. We could make you dance like a marionette if we wished, and maybe we will, but our control over your pain and pleasure receptors will be absolute.

All of the features of these devices will be demonstrated once you are recovered.

Your body hair from the neck down has been removed with a chemical treatment, this will need to be repeated once or twice more, and after that you will be able to resume your status in uniform.

Despite just being told that my life was effectively over, the idea of becoming a slave and the pain and torture as described was somehow appealing. I almost resented myself for it, but realised that I had wanted nothing more all my life. The further news that I was to regain the uniform caused waves of pleasure to flow through my body. I had to supress the desire to become erect with all my effort due to the pain down there.

Do you understand everything I have told you?

Yes, Sir.

Do you have any questions?

This isn't for six months, is it, Sir?

Ha -- no of course not. Apart from the legal document you signed, we really cannot be going to the level of investment we just put on - and in - you for six months, now can we? You are 30, but of the 29 before you not all have survived.

Survived was an ominous word.

Don't worry. While we intend fully to exploit you completely, we will make your pain the source of exquisite pleasure for you, just as it will be for us. Our Slave-Masters are aware of all the limits and boundaries. If you obey everything we ask and tell you, you will lead a fulfilling life of giving and receiving sexual pleasure beyond any dreams you may have previously had.

Now rest. In 48 hours your stitches will be removed and your training will begin. I will give you a powerful sedative now which will allow your body to heal more quickly and cause you to sleep. With that he administered an injection to my arm and I drifted away. This time with dreams of the future to come.

Next: Chapter 3

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