Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Nov 11, 2004


Disclaimer: The story that you are about to read is my second go at writing. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy.


Rashad & Jason

By Roger Beals

Chapter 2-A


Author's note:

Before getting into to chapter 2-A, I think that it would be a good idea to introduce you to the two main characters, Rashad & Jason, and their histories and vital statistics. The other characters' statistics will be given as they begin to become prominent in the story.

As you may have noticed in "Dave & Me," you may think I may appear as a kind of a romanticist, and you would be absolutely right. This is only my opinion, but I think that when two people fall in love and commit their lives to one another whether the couple is gay or straight. Some authors may like to write about hopping from one relationship to another. Others may like to write about one night stands. I applaud each author for taking the time to write about their fantasies or actual experiences.

With the spread of HIV-AIDS, and other STD's, I am all for a long-term partnership, where the partners truly love each other. I know that in today's society, it seems as though the homophobes and the religious right are out to see that we of the GLBT community are denied the opportunity to be who we are and to love the person that God has chosen for us.

The opinions expressed above are my own, and do not necessarily those of or the GayCafe. Please don't let my thoughts or opinions keep you from enjoying this story. I just love being a romanticist at heart. Thanx for your patina and understanding. Happy Reading.


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Nickname: Shad Jase

Age: 18 18

Ethnic Background: African-American Scotch-English-German

Height: 6'-2" 5'-11"

Weight: 190# 185#

Hair Color: Black Sandy Blonde

Eye Color: Brown Blue

Penis, hard: 9" 8 1/2"

True love comes in all shapes, sizes, and, yes, colors. Love is not measured by the color of one's skin, but by the contents of one's heart, to paraphrase the remarks made by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his immortal "I have a dream" speech. This view may be offensive to some, but I have seen interracial romance work like a dream. At other times it has been a disaster, but when you stop to think about it, whether the partnership is biracial or of the same ethnic background, the love can be a dream-come-true or a living nightmare. A partnership is only as strong as the LOVE that binds it together. And now, on with the story.

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"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we return our dear brother to the earth from which he was created, to await the day of the resurrection," intoned the Reverend Dr. Lyndon Woods at the afternoon funeral.

The entire senior class at Richland High School had turned out for the funeral of one of the most popular seniors in the school. He had been the All-state quarterback for two years running. There had been scouting reports done on him, and 4 or 5 big-name colleges were interested in recruiting him. He could have gone on to be a pro. In addition to being a top athlete, he also excelled academically, even offering to tutor students on the football team who were having difficulties, an act which didn't go unnoticed in the many eulogies given by some of the students he had tutored. There was not a dry eye at the graveside service. Tears were seen flowing from many of his teachers. But no tears were flowing more freely than those of his very best friends, Rashad Moore and Jason Edwards.

Rashad and Jason could not believe it. They had only spoken to Alex Ramirez Thursday afternoon, the day after Jason's party, and here they were amidst the students and faculty, mourning the loss of their best friend. They were sitting beside Alex's Grandmother, Carlotta Ramirez. Granny Ramirez, as she was affectionately called by Shad and Jase, was now alone. It was Granny Ramirez who had found Alex floating in the family pool that early Friday morning. Somehow, Alex had slipped on the wet deck, fallen in to the pool, hitting his head on the pool's edge, knocking him unconscious. Alex was 18.

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After the funeral, Jason and Rashad got in to Jason's car and drove the five miles to the Edwards' home. They stopped at Rashad's house so that he could get a change of clothes. The teens decided to spend the afternoon at Jason's home listening to CD's and maybe watching some TV. They would have the whole house to themselves since Jason's Mom and Dad, and sister Pat, were at work and wouldn't be home until 6:30 PM. It was now 1:30 in the afternoon.

Once they entered the house, the teens decided to get out of their Sunday best, and take a shower. It had been unseasonably warm that day, and they had perspired rather freely at the cemetery. Rashad used the guest room shower, while Jason used the shower in his bedroom. Once the teens had finished showering, they dried off and donned the clothes that they would wear that hot May afternoon. The uniform of the day consisted of their favorite hang-around-the-house outfit; a tank-top, a pair of skin-tight cutoff jeans, and, unbeknownst to one another, a string bikini. Shoes and socks were not worn, as they hadn't planned on going anywhere.

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Freshly showered and dressed, Jason and Rashad met in the kitchen to make some lunch. They decided on sliced turkey sandwiches with lettuce, tomatoes and mayonaise and topped off with potato chips, Pepsi, and cake left over from Jason's party. It was a rather somber pair of teens as they sat amd reminisced about their best friend, the late Alex Ramirez. They both recognized the fact that lofe as short, and that it was to be lived to the fullest.

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Lunchtime over with, the two remaining best friends headed for Jason's bedroom. Upon arriving in the room, they picked out 5 of their favorite CD's and popped them in to Jason's RCA stereo system. Both Rashad and Jason were partial to jazz. The teens sat on the edge of Jason's bed, talking, and listening to the music.

It was while "When the Saints Go Marching In" was playing that Rashad happened to notice tears welling up in Jason's eyes. Taking hold of Jason's right hand, Rashad drew both his and Jason's hands and placed them in his lap. It was at that moment that Jason began to sob uncontrollably.

"Jase, what's wrong, baby?" Rashad asked, as he moved himself closer to his sobbing friend.

"Oh, Shad," Jason sobbed, "I don't understand it. Why did Ales have to die ant such a young age? He was such a great friend and he never hurt a soul. It isn't fair! It just isn't fair!"

"I know, Jase, I know. Alex was truly one awesome guy," Rashad said as he placed his left hand behind Jason and drew his still-sobbing friend's face close to his chest, "he was one of a kind, and I don't think that we'll ever find another friend like him."

As Jason continued to sob in to his friend's chest, Rashad spoke soothingly to him. Rashad held Jason in his powerful arms and began to rub his back and shoulders through the fabric of Jason's tank-top.

"There, there, dearest Jason," Rashad whispered, "just try and relax. Rest your head on my shoulder if you want to. That's it, baby, just relax in my arms. Everything is going to be all right. You'll see."

Jason had never heard Rashad talk to him in such soothing tones before. And there was that term, "Dearest Jason" again, just as it had been written on the card. Was Rashad the writer of that note, and if so, WHY? Jason took Rashad's advice and, still sobbing, rested his head on his best friend's soft chest. Jason inhaled deeply and was enjoying the scent of his friend's freshly washed body.

"Oh Jason, dear friend, what can I do to help you feel better?" Rashad asked.

"Just promise me that you and I will always be the best of friends and that you'll never leave me. I don't what I'll do if anything ever happened to you. I love you as a friend, and I'll always be here for you." Jason said.

"I love you, too, Jase, and, like you, I promise that I'll always be here for you, and you can count on that." Rashad promised. When he finished speaking, he took Jason's head in his hands and kissed him squarely on the lips. At first, Jason resisted Rashad's kiss, but as Rashad's soft, wet tongue caressed his pursed lips, they parted, allowing Rashad's tongue to enter and explore the depths of his friend's mouth. A long, soft moan escaped from somewhere deep within Jason's being.


This ends chapter 2-A of Rashad & Jason. Chapter 3-A will soon follow. What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so far, and, if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors have posted. They are excellent.

Happy Reading Roger Beals Richmond, Virginia United States of America

Would you jump out of a plane without a parachute? PLAY SAFE! USE A CONDOM!

Next: Chapter 8

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