Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Oct 30, 2004


Disclaimer: The story that you are about to read is my first go at writing. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy.


By Roger Beals

Chapter 2

As soon as I realized what had happened, I started to pull my hands away from his chest, but before I could move, Dave quickly grasped my hand and held it against his right breast. I could feel the nipple stiffen under my thumb.

"Please, Richard," he whispered, "please pinch my nipples. Your hands and fingers are so soft and gentle, and I like the feeling I got when you just touched my nipple."

"B-b-but D-d-dave," I faltered, "you know the rules about massaging men's breasts. I-I-I sure don't want to lose my job over something like this."

"P-p-please, R-r-richard," Dave begged, "I-I-I love the feelings that you're giving me. Nobody but you and I will know about it unless you tell them about it, because I sure ain't gonna say anything about it to anyone"

"Are you positive that you want me to do this, Dave?" I asked him. "I'll only do it if you really want me to, because to tell you the truth, I kinda wanta do it. I just love massaging your soft skin, and I've had a hankering to touch your nipples ever since I started massaging your chest."

"Don't you think I know that, Richard? I felt how close you came to my nipples and believe me, every time you came close, I wanted you to pinch or caress them, " Dave said.

I didn't have to have a mirror to know that my face turned every shade of red from pink to scarlet. I was totally embarrassed. "Good Grief! Was I that obvious?" I asked myself.

Dave chuckled when he saw the color of my face. "Please, Richard, won't you do this one little favor for me? Pleeeeease!" He begged once more.

Bowing to Dave's wishes, I took each of his delightful nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and began to lightly pinch them. As soon as I began kneading them, they hardened, and once again, Dave began purring like a kitten being petted.

"Ohhhhh, damn, Richard!" Dave cooed. "That feels fucking fantastic. Don't ever stop what you're doing. You can keep that up forever! Awwwww!

My dick was getting harder! My mouth was getting dryer! My skin was getting hotter! Shit! Why was this gorgeous youth so beguiling to me? Why was he causing my hormones to rage within me? Why were Dave's hips grinding into the mattress of the cot? That question was soon to be answered.

"R-r-richard!" Dave whispered.


"W-w-will y-y-you d-d-do m-m-me another f-f-favor, p-p-please?

"I'll be more than happy to," I replied, "what is it?

"Just this," he said, and with his left hand, he grasped my right hand and placed it directly on the bulge that was tenting his neatly pressed slacks.

I was shocked at this turn of events, but I was also very pleased. Dave's was the first cock, other than my own, that I had ever felt. I gently squeezed the massive bulge through the fabric of Dave's slacks.

"Awwwww, Jeeeeez!" Dave whispered, squirming as I squeezed his young manhood. "You hands are so nice and gentle. I'd love it if you would do this to me all night long. Ohhhhh, Richard, don't ever stop. Ohhhhh!"

"I'm gonna have to stop for a minute, Dave," I said. "There's something that I have to do first."

With a crestfallen look on his face, Dave asked me why I had to stop. "What is so important that it can't wait for a minute or two? I can't think of any thing that needs to be done at this very moment," he said, almost coming to tears.

"Only this, Dave," I said, as I released his nipple and dick, and reached for his belt. I quickly opened it, popped the button, and unzipped him. I placed my thumbs in the waistband of his slacks and tugged at them. Dave got the message and raised his buttocks off the cot and allowed me to slide them down over his hips, thus exposing a pair of tiger-striped bikini briefs that had trapped within its confines, what looked to be a monster of a cock. I continued to slide Dave's slacks down over his knees and finally had them off him completely. Once again, I gently squeezed his stiffy through the satiny fabric of his briefs

"Oooooh, Richard," Dave cooed, "that feels so nice. You sure know how to make a guy feel good."

"Dave," I whispered softly to him, "I have something I need to ask you."

"What is it, Richard," he asked?

I hesitated for a several seconds and finally worked up the courage. "Will you allow me to remove your bikini, please? I want to see every inch of your naked body."

"Ohhhhh, Richard! Do you really mean it? Do you honestly want to take the rest of my clothes off? Do you truly want to see me naked," Dave asked?

"Yes, yes, and yes," I replied, "yes to all 3 of your questions. Besides, it will make it a lot easier for me to work on that dick of yours. It feels like a monster is waiting to escape. But I don't want to remove the rest of your clothes and expose all of your glory unless you absolutely for sure want me to."

"Fuck, Richard, I've been hoping that you would say that ever since you began rubbing my back. It would make me very proud too have you see me nude. Please, please, be my guest and finish stripping me," Dave begged.

Noting the urgency in Dave's voice, my thumbs moved up to the waistband of his tiger-striped bikini. Hooking my thumbs into the narrow strip of satiny cloth, I slowly and tantalizingly began to slide the briefs down Dave's hips. Once again, Dave raised his buttocks from the mattress, allowing me to draw the fabric down his gorgeous trim legs. As the bikini slipped over the knob of his inflated hardness, a beautiful eight-and-one-half inch dick sprang free from its prison, and slapped against his belly, bouncing a couple of times until it came to rest pointing up to his belly button. His shaft was nestled comfortably in a nest of his thick, curly black pubic bush. Dave's dick was complimented by a beautiful set of balls which were hanging neatly between his fabulous legs.

"Well, Richard, what do you think? How do I look to you now," Dave asked me?

"Ohhhhh, Dave," I exclaimed, "what a fabulously gorgeous body you have. There aren't enough adjectives to describe just how ravishingly beautiful you are."

Dave looked up at me and smiled the most beautiful smile that I had ever seen him smile. His face just glowed. "Do you really think so, Richard," he asked? "Does my body truly meet your approval?

"Yes, Dave, you and your gorgeous body meet my approval," I replied as I began to work on his nipples once more. Once again, Dave began to moan again. While caressing his taut nipples, I leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips, which were tightly sealed, but parted slightly as I ran my tongue back and forth several times until they parroted slightly. I gently pushed my tongue down into his mouth. His mouth was warm, wet and sweet as I swirled my tongue around the inside of his mouth. It wasn't long before Dave and I were hotly tonguing each other.

The next thing that I knew, I felt Dave's hands reaching inside my tee-shirt, and he began to tease my nipples until they were taut. As we continued to caress each other's nipples, we were moaning into each other's mouth. Our kissing, caressing and moaning sent electrical impulses to all parts of our parts of our bodies, especially to our raging hard-ons.

It wasn't long before my right hand was leaving Dave's nipple, and began traveling in a circular motion down his smooth belly, bypassing his thick pubic patch, bypassing his blood engorged dick, and ended my journey on his inner right thigh. I continued my spherical assault from just above his knee to his groin, allowing my thumb to lightly caress his right nut sac on each pass. This really caused Dave to squirm.

"Awwwww, Jeeeeez, Richard! That feels absolutely wonderful," Dave gasped as he broke our kiss momentarily. "I can't tell you just how great you're making me feel right now. Ohhhhh!"

As I was massaging Dave's inner thigh, I decided to run my lips down the side of his neck, letting my wet tongue dart out every so often, sending shivers up and down his spine. My tongue reached his chest. Dave had his arms up over his head, leaving his lightly thatched armpits were open for an invasion by my tongue.

I left off kneading Dave's inner thigh, opting instead to cup his cum-laden balls in my right hand, lightly caressing them. My left hand was still caressing Dave's right nipple, and my tongue was bathing his armpits. From his armpits, I moved my tongue down Dave's chest until I reached his right nipple. He gasped as my tongue swirled around the outer edges, and over the top of the delicate bit of flesh.

Writhing in pure ecstasy, Dave blurted out, "Fuuuuuck, Richard, what in the hell are you doing to me? Your hands, your lips, your tongue, everything feels so damned wonderful. Please, don't ever, ever stop." He sounded so plaintive.

Removing my mouth from Dave's tit for a moment, I whispered, "Don't worry, sweetheart, I won't stop until I make you want me to stop."

"Are you fucking crazy, Richard? Whatever makes you think that I'll ever want you to stop this," Dave asked.

"I don't know Dave. I've never done anything like this before. I've never kissed a naked man before. In fact, I've never kissed a naked "anybody" before," I replied. "Everything that I'm doing to you tonight, are things that I've seen on porno flicks. You know, man makes love to woman. I get my rocks off watching those movies. Bunt Dave, you're better than any movie."

"This is my first time, too," Dave said. "I find this absolutely delicious. It feels so natural and wonderful."

While Dave was talking, he looked over at my crotch and noticed that my own 7 inch boner was tenting my slacks. Without saying a word, he reached over and loosened my belt, popped my button, and unzipped me. He then slid my slacks down over my hips until they fell to the floor, leaving me clad only in my boxers, which he quickly eliminated by hooking his thumbs into the waistband of the offending underwear and slid them down my legs, causing my stiffy to spring free and slap against my belly. I stepped out of my slacks and boxers which had fallen to my ankles. I was now standing totally naked in front of the most beautiful man-child in the world.

"Oooooh, Richard, you have a fantastic body," Dave cooed. "Kiss me again, please, Richard. I want to see what it feels like to kiss a naked man."

With that, Dave pulled me down until our lips met again. We French-kissed, our tongues exploring the depths of each other's oral cavity. The warmth of our naked flesh meeting for the very first time turned us both on. I finally decided that there was a part of Dave's body that needed immediate attention. I moved my lower hand from Dave's balls to his burgeoning manhood, and wrapping my hand around his rigid fuck pole, and began to stroke it. I thought that Dave was going to jump out of his skin.

Ohhhhh, Richard! Oooooh, feeeeels sooooo goooood! Don't stop! Ahhhhh," Dave almost shouted, "don't stop, whatever you do, pleeeeease don't stop!"

I had to kiss Dave's lips again and drive my tongue inside his mouth to muffle his voice. I sure didn't want the night watchman to walk by and hear us. I raised my lips from his and put my index finger to my lips and whispered, "Night watchman may come by any minute."

"Damn! Thanks, Richard. I almost forgot about him," Dave said, apologetically.

"No need to be sorry, sweetheart," I told him, "it could just as easily been me."

When I said that, I felt Dave's hand wrapping around the girth of my turgid hard-on. When I felt his warm hand on my throbbing member, I thought my knees were going to buckle under me.

"Oh, fuck, Dave, now I know exactly how you feel. Ohhhhh, baby, I don't ever want you to stop what you're doing to me." I groaned.

"I promise not to stop if you promise me that you won't stop what you're doing to me, honey," Dave replied.

After a few minutes of lovingly stroking each other, I asked Dave a question. "Do you know what I think that we should do, sweetheart?"

"No! What do you think that we should do," he inquired?

"I think that we should get another cot and butt it up against this one," I answered, "then we can both lie down. I want to feel every inch of that warm, gorgeous body of yours next to mine, lover boy."

"Then what are we waiting for," Dave asked enthusiastically as he hopped off the cot in all of his naked glory.

We went to the nearest booth and got a cot and carried it to our booth, and butted it to our cot. Once the cots were together, I drew Dave close to me and embraced him. We began to kiss and rub our naked bodies together. Our cocks rubbed together and the friction which was generated between us drove us wild with lust.

I moved Dave and myself closer to the cots, then I picked him up in my arms and laid him on the cots, then I crawled up on the cots and laid next to him, taking him in my arms, and drawing our warm bodies together. Once again, Dave and I were French-kissing, exploring each other's mouth, exploring each other's body with our hands. I was scouting out Dave's rock-hard dick, and as my thumb neared the knob, I discovered something wet and slippery. My heart raced as I realized that Dave's dick must be leaking pre-cum. Sticking my thumb in the crystal-clear fluid, I worked the thumb up to the glans penis and gently rubbed it in a circular motion over that most sensitive part of a man's cock. Dave groaned and squirmed at the touch. I couldn't let all of this pre fuck juice go to waste. Although I've never tried it, I've read in porno magazines that this crystal-clear liquid was quite tasty. There was only way to find out. The time had come for some drastic action.

I broke our lip-lock, and looked into Dave's bright blue eyes. "Dave, May I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure, Rich," he whispered, "what is it?"

"I don't if you would be up to this," I began, "but I would love to suck your cock, sweetheart. I want to see what you taste like. Baby, would you allow me the pleasure of sucking you off?"

"Ohhhhh, God, Rich, I thought that you would never get around to sucking my meat," Dave replied, "I've been hoping that you would finally get around to eating me. I've don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that having your cock sucked is a fantastic experience. Yes, love, more than anything in this world, I want you to swallow my cum. Go for it!

"I've also heard that eating another man's sperm is the greatest thing since pizza," I said.

Dave chuckled when he heard that. Everything about Dave is truly charming. From the time he started working for us, I was fascinated by his sense of humor, his infectioius, gorgeous smile, and the way he is willing to give of himself so freely to those who needed his help.

Back to the story. Once Dave allowed me to pleasure him by sucking his cock, I kissed him and told him how much I loved him. I hadn't realized it until we were lying in bed together in each other's arms, but I've had feelings for Dave from the day he applied for the job at the hospital. Feelings that I didn't know existed. I maneuvered my body so that my head was now facing Dave's crotch, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but copious amounts of pre-cum flowing from his piss slit. What a beautiful sight. It reminded me of a glaze drizzling down the sides of a bundt cake.

I took Dave's nut sac in my mouth and, one at a time, I sucked each perfect ball into my mouth and swirled my wet tongue around them, drawing deep sighs and moans from deep within throat. I let his scrotum slip from my mouth, and began working my way up. Beginning at the base of his stiffy, I ran my tongue up the underside of his fuck pole.


This ends chapter 2 of Dave & Me. Chapter 3 will soon follow, that is if the publishers at the Gay Cafe print the first installment. What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so far, and, if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors have posted. They are excellent. Roger Beals

Next: Chapter 3

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