Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Dec 15, 2004


Garage Bedroom

Disclaimer: I am extremely pleased with the responses that I have received since I began my writing career. I have especially enjoyed the comments and suggestions. Please keep them coming. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy.

Dear Reader, I want to thank all of you for the wonderful support I received from you all during my absence. Thank you so much for patiently waiting for this installment of Rashad & Jason. Yes, Chapter 8-A is hot off the press and headed for your monitor right now, so scroll down and enjoy. Love to all, Roger


Rashad & Jason (Grandpa's Farm)

By Roger Beals

Chapter 8-A



As Jason and Rashad were heading for the garage, there was this little bit of conversation heard between the grown-ups.

"I guess our suspicions were right on the money!" Martha Edwards stated.

"Yes, and I think that it's so wonderful that Shad and Jase will be part of our families forever!" said Louise Moore.

"At least we're prepared to back them up wholeheartedly. Am I right about that?" asked James Moore.

"With two wonderful boys like that, how can we not stand behind them?" declared Peter Edwards.

Pat Edwards nodded her head in agreement with her elders. After all, no matter what, Jase was still her brother, and she loved both he and Shad.

Well, dear reader! What do you think that the group is talking about? And if you're thinking what I'm thinking, wouldn't it be wonderful if all parents felt the same way the Edwards and the Moores feel. Perhaps there would be a drastic decease in the number of suicides amongst Gay teen-agers.

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My humble pardon to my many fans for the longer-than-usual review of chapter 7-A, but I felt that the closing conversation between the adults bears repeating, and I hope that my closing statement at the end of the chapter made sense to those who read it. THANX! You're a great bunch of readers. If it were not for you, I wouldn't continue writing. Please keep those comments and suggestions coming my way. I take personal delight in answering each response.


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Jason and Rashad got into Jason's 2002 Buick Skylark, backed into the driveway, and headed down the half-mile long lane that went from Jason's house to the county road. They would turn right onto the county road, drive one mile and turn left onto Highway 20, and drive the 6 miles to Grandpa Meadow's farm. Jason would turn right onto the half-mile lane that took the teens to the Meadows' 10 acre farm in Kingston County (BTW, Meadows is Jason's Mom's maiden name).

Upon arriving at Grandpa Meadows' immense farm house, Jason and Rashad exited the light blue Buick and stopped to talk to the elderly couple. They chatted for about 15 minutes, then headed down the lane for another 3/4 of a mile until they entered the woods and drove up to the picnic clearing by the brook. Finding a quiet spot near the brook, they spread a blanket out on the ground. Almost instinctively, they fell into each other's arms, and began to French kiss, probing each other's mouth with their tongues. Within a few minutes, they had managed to strip each other of their clothing. Then, slowly, they slid down to the blanket, totally naked. Once again they were exploring each other's bodies with their hands and tongues. Here, in the coolness of the woods, they could sigh and moan to their hearts content, and the only listeners were the birds, insects and forest creatures.

Rashad and Jason had gotten each other hard in not time at all, their swollen cocks standing straight up in the air.

"Shall we suck each other off again, Shad?" Jason asked his best friend and lover.

"I've got a much better idea, Jase," Rashad suggested. "Let's jack each other off until we shoot our loads. We haven't seen each other cum yet, and I think that it would be really cool. What do you think about that, sweetheart?"

"I think that that is w wonderful idea, babe! I'd love to see just how high and far you can shoot your sperm," Jason answered excitedly.

The teens eagerly grasped each other's each other's hard-ons and began the joyous pleasure of masturbating each other. As they jacked each other off, they kissed, and they caressed each other's nipples. It wasn't long before the pumping increased, the caressing of the nipples intensified, the kissing became more rapturous, and the moans more jubilant. Realizing that they were both close to ejaculation, Jason and Rashad ceased kissing, and fixed their eyes on each other's blood-engorged dicks. They continued to caress each other's tits as the rhythm of their masturbation increased. It wasn't long before a duet of ohhhhhs, ahhhhhs, ooooohs and other sounds of pleasure were heard wafting through the forest trees, carried by the gentle breeze, with the accompaniment of the birds and cricket's orchestration.

I-I-I'mmmmm c-c-cuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg, Shad!" Jason screamed. "I-I-Immmmm c-c-cuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg b-b-baaaaabbbbbe! Ohhhhh! I-I-I lovvvvve y-y-yooooouuuuu!"

Rashad Kept on pumping Jason's spurting cock shaft as it shot several strings of hot, white ball juice which landed on Jason's chin, chest, belly and pubic patch. Seeing the jism landing in pools on Jason's beautiful naked body, brought Rashad to the brink of his own ejaculation,

Using the same expressions that Jason had used, Rashad raised his voice to the evening breeze.

I-I-I'mmmmm c-c-cuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg, Jase!" Jason screamed. "I-I-Immmmm c-c-cuuuuummmmmiiiiinnnnnggggg b-b-baaaaabbbbbe! Ohhhhh! I-I-I lovvvvve y-y-yooooouuuuu!"

Rashad and Jason's were bathed in a beautiful afterglow, proving that they were truly in love with each other. Rashad, noticing how Jason's load of cum had pooled together on certain parts of Jason's exquisite, naked body, came up with a delightfully wicked idea. Rashad rolled slightly toward Jason, kissed him tenderly one the lips, then began licking the droplets of cum from Jason's chin. Rashad then scooped up some of the jism that had pooled up in the center ridge of Jason's rib cage, stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked them clean.

Jason, astonished to say the least at Rashad's actions, couldn't refrain from asking his lover a question. "Does my cum taste as good from my body as it does fresh from the spigot, sweetie?"

"Jase, my sweet love, I don't like to see good cum go to waste, so I'll eat it no matter where it comes from, directly from your cock, or if it lands on that gorgeous body of yours. You should try it for yourself," Rashad answered.

"I think that I'll give it a try as soon as you finish cleaning me off," Jason said.

Rashad began to lick his lover's cum from between his tits. There was even a small pool of jism in the cleft of Jason's throat, a couple of drops on one of his nipples, which, when Rashad lapped it up, caused Jason to moan with sheer pleasure. Rashad scooted himself down so that he could have easier access to Jason's navel, which, acting as a goblet, contained a generous portion of Jason's man-milk. Rashad did have to leave a small supply of ball juice, which was matted in Jason's bountiful supply of blonde pubic hair, and laid back down on the quilt, waiting to feel the touch of Jason's tongue on his cum-drenched body.

Jason wasted no time in straddling his beautiful partner's breathtaking body. He leaned down and kissed Rashad's lips, then embarked on his mission of vacuuming up the nontoxic love pottiest that had erupted from the blowhole of his lover's cock. Though not as hot as it was fresh from the source, Jason still savored every drop of Rashad's jism that he could lap up. From the gully at the base of his lover's throat, to the ridge of his ribcage, to the dimple in the middle of his belly, Jason hungrily gobbled up Rashad's generous offering. He saved the several droplets that had landed on his lover's nipples until last. Jason had discovered that, next to sucking Rashad's dick, sucking and tonguing his lover's exquisite nipples. Jason knew that as soon as his tongue caressed Rashad's sensitive flesh, Jason would hear a symphony of soft moans and sighs emanating from deep within his lover's being.

When he was finished with his delightful project, Jason rocked back on his haunches to ask Rashad a question. As settled back on his knees, the crack of his ass came in contact with Rashad's 9" ramrod. The head of his lover's cock pressed against Jason's rosebud, pushing against it just enough to cause a tingling sensation that spread throughout his whole body.

"Oh, no, Jason! Please, not yet! I haven't prepared you for this act of love yet!" Rashad thought to himself. "I'd really love to fuck you, but neither of us is ready for that yet." Rashad had reason to worry because Jason's hot pucker was causing a sensation on the head of his dick that, if he didn't nip it in the bud, Rashad wouldn't be able to control his own reaction.

"That feels rather nice," Jason thought to himself, as he felt Rashad's cock head pressing a little deeper into his tingling pucker.

Rashad, in order to put off doing what he would really like to do, pulled Jason down to his mouth and started kissing his lover. Finally breaking the kiss, Rashad spoke up.

"Hey, lover boy, why don't we get in to the 69 position and clean each other's pubic patch up before it dries up, because if it does, it'll be hell to clean up."

Jason put aside the feelings that Rashad's cock had aroused in his pucker, and eagerly straddled his lover's body so that they were each facing the triangle of pubic patch of his lover. Jason thrilled at the sensation of Rashad's thick, curly black bush had on his lips and tongue. Jason did his best to get as much cum from his lover's patch as he could, but some of the fluid had embedded itself close to the roots, making it impossible to get it all. Rashad was having the same dilemma. As much as he hated wasting good jism, he knew that any attempts to get to the blonde roots would futile.

"I guess that the only thing that we can do now is take a dip in the brook and rinse our bushes out," Jason stated. "In fact, I think that it would be rather nice if we washed each other off."

"That sounds like a great idea to me, Babe," Rashad said in agreement, "let's go!"

Rashad and Jason headed for the brook's cool, flowing waters and waded out to the middle. They knelt their naked frames in the bed of the brook, letting the cool rushing h2o soak into their cum matted bushes. The teens kissed as they gently scrubbed each other's pubic patch. Their dicks had gone flaccid once they had knelt in the water.

Once they had exited the water, Rashad and Jason headed for the quilt again, this time, using it as a towel to dry off the lower half of their nude bodies. They got dressed and got into the Skylark. The teens waved at Jason's grandparents as they headed for the for the farm's exit and started for home. As they were riding along, a burning question that had been plaguing Jason since his birthday just had to be answered.

"Shad, may I ask you a question please?"

"By all means, Jase! Ask on!" Rashad urged him.

"When I opened that special gift that you and Alex gave me for my birthday, I found a card inside that started out, 'Dearest Jason' and closed with 'Love always, Rashad & Alex,' I have the feeling that, from the way you have talked to me today, that you are the one who signed that card. Am I right, Babe?" Jason asked.

"I cannot tell a lie, my love. I am the one who signed the card. As I mentioned earlier, I've had the hots for you since that day in the library when we were 15. I didn't know if what I had written would have a kind of an impact you or not, but I felt that it was worth a try," Rashad said.

"Well, sweetness, I was really curious about it when I first read the card, but today, I finally realized what it meant. It's amazing that have been in love with me for the last 2 years, and you never gave me any sort of hint about your love for me until I read the words you wrote. I'll always cherish that card, Shad. It means more to me now than it did when I first received it. I love you so much, my love, and I want that love to last just as you stated, 'Always and forever,'" Jason pledged.

"Oh, Jase," Rashad began, his voice quavering, "you don't know how happy that that makes me to hear you say that. Until today, I never in this world thought that I would ever hear those sweet words floating from your sweet lips. I had hopes and dreams that one day you'd say them, and today, my dream came true, and I promise that I will love you, Jase. I will love you ALWAYS AND FOREVER."

Rashad lovingly placed his left hand on Jason's exposed inner thigh, and gave it a gentle squeeze. Rashad loved the feel of his lover's smooth, supple flesh. He wished that he could keep his hand on Jason's naked flesh forever.

Jason gave his lover the sweetest, warmest smile that Rashad had ever seen. And, like Rashad, Jason was wishing that Rashad could keep his hand on his inner thigh forever.

"You know, Sweetness," Jason began, "these almost 2 1/2 weeks at the campsite up at Mountain View should prove quite beneficial."

"How's that, My love?" Rashad asked.

"Well, look at it this way, Babe. We've been best friends all of our lives. We go to school together, and we are in the same classes, we work together, and we're even planning on going to the same college. Now we're even going to live together for 2 1/2 weeks. I have the feeling that this time together is really going to strengthen our relationship," Jason told his lover.

"You're absolutely right, Jase! Those are my feelings exactly, and you know that nothing will make me happier. Would you mind pulling off the road for a minute, please, Jase?" Rashad asked.

"Sure, Shad, I'll be happy to. Is there anything wrong?" Jason asked as he eased the Buick to the breakdown lane and stopped.

"Just this," Rashad answered as he leaned forward and gave Jason a long and tender kiss on the lips.

Both teens had tears of happiness rolling down their cheeks. Jason pulled back onto the deserted highway. A couple of minutes later, the duo pulled into the lane of the Edwards' estate, and headed for the garage. They discovered that in their absence, their parents had loaded the van for them.

When Rashad and Jason entered the house, they found everyone sitting in the den watching TV.

"How was your trip to the farm?" Louise Moore asked. "Did you two have fun?"

"We sure did, Mom," Rashad answered, giving Jason a knowing wink. "WE SURE DID."

"Yeah, and I know that we are going to have lots more fun at the campsite," Jason added.

"By the way, guys," Peter Edwards interrupted, "what are your sleeping arrangements for tonight ?"

"Well, Dad, it's been a long time since Shad and I have had a sleep over, so do you mind if we sleep together tonight?" Jason asked.

"On one condition, gentlemen," Peter laughed, "you two will have to sleep in the bedroom over the garage. The last time you two had a sleep over, nobody in this house got any sleep. You were laughing and talking so much, you even kept the dog up all night. Since James and Louie are sleeping here, I don't want you to keep them awake all night either! Is that a deal?"

"We don't have any problem sleeping in the garage bedroom," Rashad said. "It will be just like camping out for the night."

"That's great, guys!" Martha Edwards remarked. "I'll call you on the garage phone when breakfast is ready."

"It is now 9:00 PM," Jason's dad said, "and I think that with the day that you guys have had, you should retire for the night. You need a good night's sleep so that you'll be fresh for your drive to the mountains."

"Great idea, Peter," James Moore reaffirmed. "We don't want them to be too tired to drive to Mountain View.

Jason and Rashad gave each set of parents a hug and a kiss. The teens had grown up with the wonderful thought that even though they were from different ethnic backgrounds, each boy had grown up considering the other set of parents as their Aunt and Uncle, so, Jason kissed James and Louise good night, and Rashad did the same with Peter and Martha.

Having kissed everyone good night, Rahsad and Jason excused themselves and headed for the bedroom over the garage.

Will there be any sexual frolicking taking place? To find out, tune in for the next exciting episode of Gay Tales From Richland, Rashad & Jason! What? You don't get the program where you live? Come to think of it, neither can I. Must be my imagination. *


This ends chapter 8-A of Rashad & Jason. Chapter 9-A will soon follow.

What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so

watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so

far, and,

if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to

write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors

have posted. They are excellent.

Happy Reading

Roger Beals

Richmond, Virginia

United States of America

Unsafe sex is like skateboarding without protective gear.


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