Gay Tales from Richland


Published on Nov 27, 2004


Disclaimer: I am extremely pleased with the responses that I have received since I began my writing career. I have especially enjoyed the comments and suggestions. Please keep them coming. I have read and enjoyed many of the authors who have contributed to What you are about to read are thoughts that I have written down in a journal for many years. Some things are partly true. Others are purely fictional. Names and places have been changed in order to protect the innocent. There are graphic sexual acts portrayed in these stories, so if you are offended by these situations, please go no further than this disclaimer. If you are not offended, please continue and enjoy. GAY TALES FROM RICHLAND

Rashad & Jason (Surprise Trip)

By Roger Beals

Chapter 7-A


The Story Thus Far:

Setting his alarm clock for 5:30 PM, Jason and Rashad cuddled in the spoon position under the sheet, with Rashad draping his right arm over his Jason's naked body. They were soon off to dreamland (dreaming of sucking each other off again, no doubt).

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It was 4:00 PM. Jason and Rashad were awakened by the slamming of a car door in the driveway just below Jason's bedroom window. Jason, still naked as the day he was born, jumped from his bed and ran to the window.

"Who's out there?" a sleepy and naked Rashad asked.

"It's Patricia (Pat). I wonder what in the world she's doing home from the construction office so early? We'd better hurry up and get dressed. I sure wouldn't want her to catch us in bed together naked," Jason remarked.

The teens hurried into their tank-tops, yellow string bikinis, cut-offs, and sandals. Once they were dressed, they hurried downstairs to greet Pat, who, at this moment, was in the kitchen, rattling pots, pans, and dishes.

"Hi, Pat! What's happenin' Sis? Why are you home so early?" Jason asked his older Sister.

"HI, Guys! I'm home early because Mom asked me to start supper for he. We're having company tonight," Pat answered.

"Company?" Jason asked. "Is it anyone I know?

"As a matter of fact, Jase, it's someone that you and Shad both know.

How do I know this person?" Rashad asked.

"Well, from what Mom told me, Principal Phelps and his wife and Shad's Mom and Dad," Pat said.

"I can understand Shad's Mom and Dad dining with us, but what's up with Principal and Mrs. Phelps?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure," Pat mused, "but I think it has something to do with you and Shad. Mr. Phelps was in Mr. Moore and Dad's office earlier."

"Why? What on earth have we done?" I know that Jase and I have done nothing wrong." Rashad protested.

"That's right, Pat! Shad and I want to go to college when we graduate from high school, so we go out of our way to stay out of trouble," Jason said.

"Oh, I'm sure that there's nothing wrong with you guys as far as getting into any trouble. I didn't hear any loud talking coming from the office, and Dad, Mr. Moore, and Principal Phelps came out of the office with big smiles on their faces," Pat stated.

"Well, that sounds promising," Jason said, with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, that makes feel a little more at ease," Rashad echoed. "Now, is there anything that Jase and I can do to help you get supper ready? I'm pretty good in the kitchen, you know."

"You're not too bad in the bedroom either, my love," Jason whispered in Rashad's ear.

Rashad gave Jason a playful poke in the ribs and the two of them burst out laughing. Pat looked at Rashad and her brother and just shook her head. She smiled at the two young men standing with her in the kitchen, and decided to leave well enough alone. The boys were always trying to pull some playful prank on her, and if that was what they had in mind, then she had best be prepared for them.

"Gosh, guys, I really do appreciate your offer to help me with the meal. With your help, supper will be ready in record time," Pat said. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you guys how the funeral went this morning?"

With a note of sadness in his voice, Jason replied, "It went as well as it could have for a funeral. The whole senior class was in attendance. I know that Grandma Ramirez was happy to see us all there. I think that having us sitting beside her gave her a great deal of comfort."

"I'm sure it did, Jase. She thinks the world of you and Shad," Pat said, as she wiped a couple of tears from each of the young men's cheeks.

With the tears set aside for the moment, the trio set about getting things prepared for the evening barbecue. Rashad prepared the tossed salad and the potato salad. Jason formed enough hamburger patties to feed the small army. Pat started the charcoal grill, set the picnic table and put the sodas on ice in the portable cooler. With everyone pitching is the way they did, with exception of the burgers and the hot dogs, everything was ready for consumption in an hour and a half. The burgers and dogs would be grilled as soon as the guests started arriving. Jason, in addition to forming the ground chuck into perfect patties, sliced onions and tomatoes for the burgers and chopped onions for the dogs. He even pulled apart a head of lettuce in to individual leafs for the burgers.

The Moores were the first to arrive, followed ten minutes later by Mr. and Mrs. Phelps. The nine people in attendance enjoyed the meal and the conversations immensely. The table cleared, the leftovers refrigerated, and the trash placed in the large dumpster in the alley behind the Edwards' residence, everyone repaired to the den. When everyone was comfortably seated, Peter Edwards arose from his chair to speak.

Clearing his throat, Peter began his little speech. "Shad, Jase, all of the adults in this room, James, Louise, Walter, Mary, Martha, Pat, and myself, realize that the two of you have gone through a very traumatic experience when you lost your best friend, Alex, in that drowning accident. We also know that it's going to be very hard for you to concentrate on your studies at school for a while, so we've come up with a plan.

"That's right," James Moore continued, "We've planned something very special for you. Something that we think that you will enjoy very much. We figured that it would be nice if the two of you took a little trip for a couple of weeks.

"So, we've decided to let the two of you drive the family van up to our private campsite up in Mountain View." Peter Edwards concluded.

"Are you kidding us?" Rashad asked in surprise!

"Not at all, son," James Moore Replied. "In fact, you have Mr. Phelps to thank for this surprise."

"Yes, I'm afraid that I'm guilty as charged," Walter Philips remarked.

"But why, Mr. Phelps?" Jason asked. "We still have another month of school left. We'll fall behind in our grades."

"Jase, Shad, you two are the top seniors at Richland High School. The 3 1/2 weeks that we have left will be mostly reviewing what you've learned over the past year, and I know that when the final exams come up, both of you will ace them. That's how much confidence I have in your academic abilities," Walter Phelps stated matter-of-factly."

"Shad, Jase, your Dad and I have already hired a couple of high school students to help us at the construction company while you're away, and, we'll keep them on so that when you start college in the fall, you'll have time to concentrate on your studies." Peter Edwards told them.

"And, as an added bonus," James cut in, "Peter and I have decided to give you each a $100 bonus to go along with your regular paychecks."

"To show you how much we appreciate how well the two of you do at the school, Mary and I are going to give you each $50," Walter Phelps added.

"And I will add another $50 each to that just because I like the two of you," added Pat.

Rashad and Jason could hardly contain their emotions. Once again, tears were streaming down their faces. They both knew that their parents loved them very much, but were totally unaware of how the Phelps' felt about them. They thanked both sets of parents, Pat, and Mr. & Mrs. Phelps.

"Gosh," Jason exclaimed, his voice choked with emotion, "I don't know what to say except that I love all of you guys so much, and I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart."

"That goes without saying, Jase," a teary-eyed Rashad broke in. "We'll never be able to thank you guys for all of the nice things you're doing for us. I guess Jason and I are going to have to part company for the night so that I can go home and pack for the trip."

"You'll do no such thing!" Louise Moore stated emphatically. "Shad, dear, your suitcases are already packed and in our van"

"And I'll pack your bags for you, Jase," Martha Edwards told her son, "so why don't you and Shad find something else to do."

"I have a good idea!" Jason told Rashad with a knowing look in his eyes. "Why don't we take a drive down to Grandpa Edwards' farm? It's only 7:15, and it won't get dark until almost 9:00. We can take a walk down by the brook that runs through his woods."

"I like that idea, Jase!" Rashad replied with the same knowing expression. Grandpa Edwards' farm is only 5 miles outside of town. We can be there in 7 minutes, and have plenty of time to relax by the brook.

"Fine! You boys go ahead and have a wonderful time, but try to be back by 10 o'clock though. You'll need lots of rest before you start that long trip to the mountains tomorrow," Martha Edwards told them.

"We'll have a good time, Mom," Jason said, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, Aunt Martha. We'll find some way to amuse ourselves in the woods. There are lots of things that we can do." Rashad said.


The Moore and Edawards families have been lifelong friends, as well as business partners. Rashad and Jason practically grew up together. This is why each of them considers the other's Mom and Dad as aunt and uncle.


"Well, Jase, Shad, and the rest of you, it's time for Mary and me to be leaving. You boys have a great vacation, and I'll see you when you get back from Mountain View. We'll leave the money with your parents." Walter Phelps told them.

"Thanks a lot, Mr. & Mrs. Phelps. We really appreciate everything that you have done for us today," Rashad said, as he went over and hugged the principal and his wife.

"That goes without saying!" Jason chimed in. "This is so nice of you. If there's anything that we can ever do for you, please, let us know." Jason joined in the hugfest.

"We'll keep that in mind for future reference," Mary Phelps said, as she kissed each teen on the forehead.

The Phelps' drove off for home. Jason and Rashad kissed each of the family members and headed for Jason's car.

As Jason and Rashad were heading for the garage, there was this little bit of conversation heard between the grown-ups.

"I guess our suspicions were right on the money!" Martha Edwards stated.

"Yes, and I think that it's so wonderful that Shad and Jase will be part of our families forever!" said Louise Moore.

"At least we're prepared to back them up wholeheartedly. Am I right about that?" asked James Moore.

"With two wonderful boys like that, how can we not stand behind them?" declared Peter Edwards.

Pat Edwards nodded her head in agreement with her elders. After all, no matter what, Jase was still her brother, and she loved both he and Shad.

Well, dear reader! What do you think that the group is talking about? And if you're thinking what I'm thinking, wouldn't it be wonderful if all parents felt the same way the Edwards and the Moores feel. Perhaps there would be a drastic decease in the number of suicides amongst Gay teen-agers. *


This ends chapter 7-A of Rashad & Jason. Chapter 8-A will soon follow.

What's going to happen next? Well, I can hardly wait to tell you, so

watch for the next exciting episode. If you have enjoyed this story so

far, and,

if you have any comments or suggestions of any kind, please feel free to

write me at

Thanks, and please, read the stories that all of the fine authors

have posted. They are excellent.

Happy Reading

Roger Beals

Richmond, Virginia

United States of America

Unsafe sex is like skateboarding without protective gear.


Next: Chapter 13

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