Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Sep 11, 2002


Gay Survivor

Week 8

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"The seventh person to leave the Island is..."

The twelve castaways all held their breath.

"...Elijah Wood".

As soon as Jeff made the announcement, Elijah moved his hands away from his mouth and nodded. He felt this coming somehow, after the addition of the two new players and the guys that he was already competing with, he didn't think that he would survive this round of voting. There was going to be two people removed in this Tribal Council and he had a feeling he would be one of them.

He went to collect his torch and his bag and walked over to Jeff.

"Elijah, the people have spoken".

And with that, Jeff extinguished his flame.

Elijah turned and waved to the others and they waved back. He then headed down the path away from Tribal Council and back to the normality.

As soon as Elijah had left, Jeff turned to the others and spoke.

"OK, that's one down, one more person to go".

Jeff held the parchment that told the name of the second person to be voted out.

"The eighth person to leave the Island is Leonardo DiCaprio".

Leo heard his name and cursed under his breath. He shook his head in disapprovement. He knew the risk in entering the game after there had already been sentimental favourites, and didn't really expect to win, but he would have liked to have lasted atleast one Tribal Council. He too gathered his belongings and got up to meet Jeff.

"Leo, the people have spoken".

Jeff put out Leo's torch and he followed Elijah down the path away from Tribal Council.

Jeff turned to face the remaining ten members of Mardi Gras.

"OK guys, you're now back to ten, Ben, congratulations on making it past this round. You can now all head back to camp and I'll meet you all tomorrow for a new Immunity Challenge."

One by one, the survivors all filed out of the Tribal Council area led by Josh.

Not much was said between the ten of them except between JC and Justin. They were both glad that they both survived this round so that they would be able to spend time together whilst on their stint on the island. Also, this time, they had each other to keep themselves company. JC got along with Lance, but his real best friend was Justin and he was glad that Justin survived the voting in the Rainbow Tribe.

What Justin didn't know was, he was now seen as a major threat by others in the Tribe after winning the last Immunity Challenge.

One person who was glad that Ben survived this Tribal Council was Matt. He had no idea that his best friend was also going to be in the game. Now atleast he had someone that would keep him entertained whilst he stayed on the Island.

They arrived at the new Mardi Gras camp and tried to settle in.

JC and Justin both took spots in one of the awnings and started talking about the other members of NSync.

Ben and Matt both sat by the fire to catch up with each other. Brad, Josh, Hayden, Paul and Ryan and started talking abouts movies.

Nick feeling a little weary and isolated by the others in the group, especially since there were two members of Nsync, took a spot in the other awning and was laying down, trying to fall asleep.

JC looked over Justin's shoulder at Nick who was in the other shelter.

"What's it been like being in Nick's tribe?" JC asked Justin. He knew that there was silent rivalry that existed between the two since they both had stakes in the same market group.

"It's been OK, I mean, he's stayed out of my way, I've really spent the majority of my time with Hayden and Matt"

JC smiled and looked at Justin lovingly.

"I missed you, ya know?" JC said.

"I've missed you too JC".

JC saw this as his chance and leaned foward to kiss Justin.

Justin was a little taken by the kiss, but only for a second as he realised that this was something that he had ben longing for for a long time now and it finally happened. Maybe it was the environment, or maybe it was the game, or maybe it was just the right time, but he was glad it happened.

The broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

Justin then moved so that he was laying with his back to JC and curled into JC's body so that they could hold each other while they slept.

They closed their eyes and fell asleep soon after.

Hayden was at the fire listening to the stories that Brad and Matt were telling when he looked over and saw JC and Justin holding each other. He grinned a little and nudged Paul to get him to look at the two singers curled up in each others arms.

Paul looked over and chuckled.

"You know, I might head to bed now too. Otherwise I'll just get hungry again" Hayden told Paul.

Hayden got up and moved to the shelter that JC and Justin were using and went to lay down beside them. Justin was facing him and was already asleep by then.

Hayden lay on his back and closed his eyes.

Paul followed shortly after and took a spot beside Hayden.

Ben, Brad, Josh, Matt, and Ryan were still at the fire, when suddenly the topic of conversation moved from movies to the next Immunity Challenge.

"What do you think it will be?" Ben asked. He had already asked several questions about that they Survivors had been made to endure so far.

"I dunno, probably something physical again. I hated the challenge today!" Ryan said.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to look out for Justin on the next one, I dont want him to win Immunity twice" Brad stated, showing his competive nature.

"Well I'm the one that needs it the most!" Ben piped. Ben had expected to be one of the evictees in tonights round of voting, but was glad to have survived.

The rest of the night was spent discussing possible strategies in the next Immunity Challenge which they assumed would be physical. After a while, they all retreated to the shelters to get some sleep.

Brad took the fifth spot in the shelter with JC, Justin, Hayden and Paul and the other four slept in the other shelter with Nick.

Nick was the first to wake up. He crawled out of the shelter and rose to his feet. Beside the camp fire ashes was a note.

It was instructions to get to the next Immunity Challenge and it stated that they had to leave as soon as the note was read.

"Hey guys!" Nick hollered to the rest of them.

"Wake up, we've gotta go to the Immunity Challenge"

Nick spent another 5 minutes waking them up and showing them the note. Not long after they were all up, dressed and on their way.

They were all quite irritated that the Immunity Challenge was so early in the morning. It would have just been 9am, when Nick woke them up and they didn't like the idea of having to compete in a Challenge just after getting out of bed.

They spent the majority of the walk to the Challenge moaning whining about how tired and bleary they were and that they wouldn't perform as well as they could have.

Finally they arrived at the Immunity Challenge, yawning.

Jeff was standing near ten easels.

The easels were covered with canvas, and beside them was a box of chalk.

"Guys! A good morning to you all!" Jeff greeted them with a wide smile.

"I see you are all wide awake!"

A few of the castaways groaned, others chuckled.

"First things, first. Justin, I will need to take this back off you", Jeff said, referring to the Immunity Necklace.

Justin reluctantly removed it from around his neck and handed it to Jeff.

"This challenge, will test you mental ability and your concentration. Now to make it harder we woke you up as early as possible. That way, we know that you will all be extremely alert"

Jeff chuckled. He wasn't pulling off the fake sincerity very well.

"This Challenge requires you to do a Find-a-Word. Under these canvas coverings are a set of letters and to the left of them, fifteen words that must be found in the puzzle. They can be in any direction, be it, left-to-right, right-to-left, diagonal, vertical and horizontal. The person to find all their words first wins Immunity. Pick an board."

The ten Survivors all milled around the easels which were arranged in a circular pattern.

They all picked up a stick of chalk and stood ready as they could be.

"Survivors ready... GO!"

Simultaneously, the ten castaways revealed their Puzzles. The fifteen words to be found were: 1) celebrity, 2) fame, 3) interview, 4) paparazzi, 5) actor, 6) singer, 7) movies, 8) music, 9) Oscar, 10) Grammy, 11) Emmy, 12) television, 13) radio, 14) magazine and 15) Survivor.

Ben, Brad, Hayden, JC and Matt all started off well finding a couple of the words in the first few seconds. They furiously circled the words in the puzzle and crossed them off the list. The others were having trouble concentrating since it was so early and they were still rubbing sleep from their eyes. Ryan and Justin both had a little trouble deciding which words to start with and ending up falling behind.

Soon, Ben was in front by two words and had five to go. Coming second was Hayden and third, Brad. The others were struggling to find more of the words.

After another couple of minutes, Ben, Hayden and Brad were all left with just two words to go.

Using the unmarked letters as his reference, Ben continued to scan through the puzzle trying to find the last two small words, Emmy and actor.

Brad found his fourteenth word and was down to his last. Hayden was still stuck with two remaining.

JC started to catch up to them, but quick as a flash, Brad circled his final word, threw up his arms and shouted.


He pelted his stick of chalk into the air.

Jeff came over to check that Brad had indeed finished and confirmed it. Brad threw his arms around Jeff and bear-hugged him off the ground.

"Winner of the Immunity Necklace. Brad!"

Jeff placed the necklace around Brad's neck and Brad planted a kiss on Jeff's cheek.

"OK guys, you all have another date with me at Tribal Council tonight. Only person safe from the vote, is Brad".

With that, Mardi Gras turned around and wearily headed back for camp.

Upon returning, JC, Justin and Ryan set about making some rice for breakfast, the other tribe members lounged around tired from being made to wake up so suddenly, walking to the Immunity Challenge and being forced to use their concentration on the game.

Justin grabbed one of the pots and went down to the beach to fill it with water to boil.

Ryan moved over to JC to speak quietly.

"Hey, so how about coming into the forest with me later and picking up where we left off the other night?" Ryan asked.

JC smiled.

"No Ryan, I cant, Justin wouldn't like it"

"What do you mean are you two together?" Ryan asked.

"Well not officially, but I do love him and I dont want to ruin my chances with him" JC said.

Ryan didn't take the rejecction too well and got up to leave JC to finish making breakfast alone.

Brad was propping his Immunity Necklace up on his torch when Ryan brushed past him. He noticed that Ryan seemed irritated.

"Hey Ryan, are you alright?" Brad called.

"I'm fine!" Ryan called back, not turning around, he power-walked away from the camp and towards the middle of the island.

"Ryan! What about breakfast?" Brad hollered.

Ryan didn't answer.

Brad turned around to see who Ryan had been talking to and didn't notice anyone else in the tribe to be upset. He jogged after him to see what was wrong.

Ryan kept walking until he reached a lagoon in the middle of the island. The water was crystal clear and was surrounded by smooth rocks and ferns.

He climbed on top of one of the bigger rocks and looked at the lagoon from above. Opposite him was a 50-foot waterfall.

"Hey!", came a voice.

Ryan turned around, almost startled. It was Brad.

"What happened man?" Brad asked, climbing up onto the rock with Ryan.

"I dont want to talk about it" Ryan said.

"OK, thats fine" Brad replied.

"Gee that water looks awesome. I haven't had a bath in days. You wouldn't mind if I took a dip would you?" Brad asked.

"Suit yourself" Ryan said turning away.

Brad got up, whipped his top off and stepped out of his board shorts. Once again, he was naked.

Ryan turned around to look at what Brad was doing and was surprised to see that he had stripped again, and that he was so close to Brad's penis.

Brad steadied himself as he prepared to dive into the water.

"Uh, are you sure you want to do that from his high man?" Ryan asked nervously, "I mean there could be rock and stuff, just under the water"

"Well, we'll soon find out huh?" Brad said, doing a little run up and jumping into the lagoon, feet first.

To Brad surprise, the lagoon was only bedded by smaller stones that were smooth and sand. There weren't any jagged rocks or water plants to get tangled in.

He resurfaced to find Ryan on the rock on his hands and knees looking into the water for him.

"Phew" Ryan said.

"Why dont you come in?" Brad asked.

Ryan looked around him, before peeling off his own shirt and undoing the zip to his shorts. He took of his own underwear to reveal his perfectly shaped penis. It was a little swollen after Ryan saw Brad naked.

Ryan scuttled down the rock and popped into the pool, testing the water depth. After being satisfied that it wasn't that deep, he swam out to where Brad was. The water was not incredibly cold. It was the right temperature and Ryan was glad to be able to rinse himself off after not having showered for days.

Brad noticed Ryan splashing the water onto his body.

"Hey, do you want me to do your back for you?" Brad asked.

"Sure" Ryan replied.

He turned around with his back to Brad. Brad then moved closer and placed his warm hands on Ryan's back. He splashed water onto it and started massaging his shoulders.

Ryan trembled at the feeling of Brad's touch.

Brad continued to run his hands up and down, concentrating on the small of his back. He used his thumbs to knead into the valley that ran from the nape of Ryan's neck to the top of his ass.

Ryan's head tilted a little, showing that he enjoyed what Brad was doing.

Taking that as his cue, Brad leaned forward and licked the part of Ryan's neck that was exposed. His whole body moved forward and his fully erect penis was now touching Ryan's butt-cheeks.

Brad's right hand found it's way to Ryan's ass and he started massaging that as well.

Slowly he moved it further down until he was at Ryan's puckering hole. He slowly and carefully inserted his index finger inside and was soon moving that in and out, giving Ryan even more pleasure.

Brad leaned over Ryan's shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"Do you want me to massage you in there properly?" Brad asked.

Ryan turned around, grabbed Brad's hand and led him to the edge of the lagoon.

He climbed out of the water and lay down on a rock that was at the water's edge, he parted his legs and gave Brad a full view of his beautiful, smooth ass.

Brad couldn't resist himself and he moved forward and shoved his face between Ryan's butt-cheeks.

His tongue moved to Ryan's rosebud and was soon lapping at it, making it even more swollen that it already was.

Brad then stiffened his tongue and made it dart in and out of Ryan's hole.

Ryan squirmed with pleasure and reached down to grip his thighs back to allow Brad easier access.

"Oh man, you're awesome" Ryan moaned.

Brad smirked and continued his oral assault on Ryan's hole while he jerked his own cock to make it fully erect, preparing it for it's mission.

"I want you to stick it in me" Ryan said.

"My pleasure" Brad said, obliging.

He positioned himself at Ryan's ass before inserting his entire shaft down to the base of his penis.

Ryan's mouth gaped at the sheer girth of Brad's dick.

Slowly, Brad started to piston in and out of Ryan's hole.

His back arched as he supported himself on his hands, hovering above Ryan.

He leaned down and they pashed. Their tongues intertwined and wrestled whilst Brad continued to thrust feverishly.

"You top like a pro" Ryan said between kisses.

"You bottom like a expert" Brad replied.

Brad lifted Ryan off his back and moved him on top of his lap so that he was now sitting on Brad's pole.

Brad continued his thrusting upwards and Ryan started to jerk his own cock.

"Brad, I'm so close" Ryan gasped.

"Are ya?" Brad said, quickly speeding up his thrusts so that they could cum in unison.

"Brad it's gonna fucking shoot man"

"Go on, do it. Shoot your load" Brad grunted. He fucked Ryan forcefully propping himself on his arms, his muscles tensed as he started to bring himself to orgasm as well.

"Here it comes!" Ryan said, "I'm gonna blow... Ahhhh... AHHHH" Ryan threw his head back as stream by stream, his lovely qhite cock juice squirted all over Brad's and his abdomen.

Likewise, Brad took reached his climax and a strong throb ran through his dick as his orgasm splashed inside of Ryan's bottom.

Suddenly, Brad stopped what he was doing.

Ryan looked up.

"What's wrong Brad?" Ryan asked.

"Shhhh... Can you hear that?" Brad said.

Ryan listened. He could hear voices coming their way.

"Oh shit!" Ryan got up, and they both dashed to their clothes and quickly got dressed.

They made their way around some trees away from where the voices were coming from and returned to the camp site.

The rest of the day was spent gathering more wood and looking for fruit to add to their dwindling supplies.

At dusk, they all prepared their bags and trekked back to Tribal Council.

Jeff was there to greet them.

"Good evening gentlemen, I hope you have had a restful day after you Immunity Challenge this morning"

The Mardi Gras tribe members managed a polite laugh.

"OK, please take your seats as we await the verdict on today's vote.

The fire in the middle of the Council rose, and Jeff walked over to get the box with the results in it.

He opened the box upon returning to his stand, and read from the parchment.

"The ninth person to leave the island is..."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!

Visit to cast your vote!

Also, for information, updates and some pretty hot pictures and whatever else, visit the Community Site for this series at...

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Next: Chapter 10

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