Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Aug 25, 2002


Gay Survivor

Week 7

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"OK gentlemen, congratulations on making it this far. You have a big day ahead of you. Obviously you assume that tomorrow, the tribes will come together and become the one tribe. Now that may very well happen, but the only thing I can assure you about is that there are more than a few little surprises in store for you all. Head back to camp, you'll need all the rest you can get for tomorrow".

Jeff bid them goodnight, and they made their way back to the Pride Camp.

All five of them had their on preconceived idea of what Jeff meant when he said 'assumed' and 'surprises'. JC was happy that he may finally be reunited with his best friend Justin. Josh was indifferent to the whole situation. He didn't necessarily like the idea that he would now be playing for himself and that there were now more people to compete with rather than just against the opposing tribe. Brad was of a similar opinion. He didn't like the idea that he would have to be competing against people who were in his original tribe. He didn't like the thought of the bond they had built being broken.

Pride went to sleep that night feeling uneasy.

On the other hand Rainbow, who were not aware of the fact that there would be a huge surprise tomorrow, were taking it easy. They had spent the evening with another big meal to celebrate the fact that they had made it to the merge. Or had they.

"I've gotta say, I honestly did not think we were gonna be safe tonight" Hayden said to the rest of the group.

"Oh yeah, I seriously thought we were fucked for a second there" Justin said.

"We've got Paul to thank for it" Hayden said, giving Paul a smile.

Paul looked at Matt and he gave him a flirtatious smile too.

"Thanks guys," Paul replied "it was a team effort though. I mean we all did our best in the situation. I'm just glad that my arrow landed before Elijah's"

"Who do you think they got rid of tonight?" Nick asked out loud.

They all thought for a moment.

"Well, JC and Lance both missed both their shots, so it could possibly be one of them. It seems like that's the way that the members of Pride are being voted out" Matt observed.

The others nodded. Justin hoped that Matt's observation would be wrong. He wanted all three of the NSyncers to be there at the end, even to make it to the final three people.

They all went to bed that night feeling anxious. Rainbow were anxious to see who was voted to finally meet and interact with the Pride tribe, and Pride couldn't help thinking about what was said at Tribal Council. They would all have to wait the next day.

The following morning, Elijah woke up after a long night talking to the others in Pride about what may happen today. He was relieved that he was still in the game. He went over to start the fire to boil some water, but instead, he noticed that there was a big wooden box by the campfire with a note on it. It read:

***** The day of the merge is finally here, Time to make a new tribe, more competition to fear. Enjoy these gifts that we give you today, You have another Immunity Challenge coming your way But what makes you feel safe, that tomorrow you'll be here again. There will be a Tribal Council, but your number will still be ten. *****

"Oh my god" Elijah uttered under his breath.

"Guys, hey guys wake up, we're merging!" Elijah called to the others to stir out of their sleep.

The others in Pride slowly get their sense about them, as Elijah set about opening the huge box.

Brad got up first and read the note. Then started helping Elijah.

Soon enough the box was opened.

Ryan picked up the note, and read it with JC.

"Wow, that's the most twisted note we've been given so far!" JC gasped.

"What do those last two lines mean?" Ryan asked, screwing his face.

"I think we're about to find out, guys" Brad said.

Ryan looked up from the note. Brad and Elijah had opened the box, inside were more supplies, which included, rice, fruit, and a few more blankets. Also in the box was a big map drawn out on piece of hessian.

"What's that?" asked Josh, who was now getting out of his bag.

"It's a map to get to our new campsite" Brad said. It says that we have to gather our belongings, taking everything we can from this camp and be there at midday.

"What the time now?" Josh asked with a yawn.

Elijah was the only one wearing a watch.


The Pride Tribe all panicked, as they realised they had less that 30 minutes to get to all their gear packed and be at the new campsite. They all frantically packed and loaded as many things as they could into their bags, and used the lid of the big wooden box as a way to transport the heavier items.

Brad and Josh carried the bigger load between them.

When Pride arrived at the new campsite, they saw Jeff and the Rainbow Tribe already waiting there. They also saw two awnings which were propped up off the ground, and another big box.

"Nice of you to join us guys" Jeff joked.

The members of Pride smiled sheepishly. They were greeted by the members of Rainbow. Justin was glad to see that JC had survived the votes from last night, but a little disappointed that Lance was gone.

Brad and Josh exhausted from their trek dropped the heavy items and panted, trying to catch their breath.

"OK guys, welcome to day 7. Now today the game will take a new turn as both tribes merge, and become a new tribe. I need you all to turn over your team buffs"

All the Survivors removed the buffs that they wore which signified which tribe they were on and passed them to Jeff.

"You will all now wear the pink buffs and become the new tribe, Mardi Gras"

The ten of them cheered at being given their new name and celebrated the fact that they had made it to the merge.

Jeff passed around the new pink buffs, and the remaining survivors put them on.

"OK, now you all understand that from this moment on, you are playing for individual immunity and the Immunity Necklace. To make things even harder, we're got a couple of surprises for you"

Jeff turned around to face the trees which were a few dozen feet behind the camp shelters, and whistled loudly.

Two people came from behing the trees and walked down towards the camp.

The members of Mardi Gras stood there in shock.

It was Ben Affleck and Leonardo DiCaprio.

They were both carrying bags similar to the survivors.

The reached the others and waved to them.

"Gentlemen, meet your two newest tribe members"

All ten original tribe members were still in shock from the announcement that was just made. A few of them had their hands on their heads and mouths, in disbelief at the turn that the game suddenly took.

There would now be twelve people in the tribe and eleven individuals to compete against.

While most of them were excited to see the new faces, there were a couple, like Ryan who wondered what this meant when they thought about the rest of the message they received earlier.

"Alright, you guys have to get acquainted and prepare yourselves for the Immunity Challenge this afternoon. I will see you all later"

With that, Jeff turned around and walked off.

The new tribe of Mardi Gras all erupted into cheer and jubilation and they group hugged. The original survivors were the first to raid the box. When they opened it, inside was a feast of cheeses, fruits, crackers and wine.

Matt was the most excited to see the two new castaways seeing as one of them was his best friend.

They all sat down and traded stories of who had gone before them and what the challenges were. Ben and Leo were keen on hearing about what Immunity Challenges would await them.

They inspected their new shelter. It was a canvas awning which was propped up like a tent with poles, and there was enough to house all twelve of them. They also opened out to the camp fire so they would be warm whilst they slept from now on.

No sooner had they gotten to know each other better and been filled with their feast, did they receive their notification of their new Immunity Challenge.

Ben and Leo were raring to get going, the others who had not eaten much had gorged themselves on the cheese and crackers and were feeling a little ill.

They all forced themselves to get up and make the trek to the next Immunity Challenge.

Mardi Gras arrived at the site of the Immunity Challenge to see Jeff standing next to a bonfire with 12 sticks propped up out of the sand.

"Welcome Mardi Gras, to your first individual Immunity Challenge. Today you're playing for this". Jeff held up the Immunity Necklace.

"OK this challenge, will test your will-power and endurance. Survivors each pick a stick. The sticks have a ball of cotton-gauze at the end of them. You will hold the sticks over the flame as long as possible without it catching fire. You may select your stick"

Each of the twelve picked one of the four-foot long sticks and they stood around the flame.

"Hold the stick directly above your heads"

The castaways did as they were told.

"Before we start, I want you all to switch hands"

The survivors gasped at this stipulation. Each of them had set in their minds that they would use their strongest arm for this Immunity Challenge. Most of them choose their right arms. But now, they would be forced to use their weaker arm.

They did as they were told and placed the stick on their other hand.

"Now, you may lower the sticks above the flame on my mark... Survivors ready... Go!"

The twelve of them all held the gauzed end of the stick above the flame. High enough to keep it from catching fire.

They all winced. Slowly they all felt the strain on their arms and one by one the castaways succumbed to the pain.

At the forty minute mark, Hayden showed signs of faltering. His arm was shaking uncontrolably and he was now wincing. He faced away from the fire and his eyes were clamped shut. He tried his best to maintain the height of the stick, but slowly and surely the stick was becoming lower and lower, until, finally, with a stray flame, it caught fire.

"OK, Hayden, you're out"

Hayden groaned and let go of his stick. He went to sit down and watched while the others continued to fall.

55 minutes - Elijah 62 minutes - JC 64 minutes - Nick 74 minutes - Paul 96 minutes - Ryan 104 minutes - Matt 110 minutes - Leo

The other four, Ben, Brad, Josh and Justin all continued on for another hour. When the 3 hour mark, Jeff offered the remaining players a sweetener to give in. He came with a chocolate sundae with nuts and a cherry.

"OK guys, I'll give this to ya if you give up". He dipped his finger into the cream and licked it.

Brad looked at the sundae and sighed.

"Ah, dammit, put it away man!" Justin piped.

Jeff chuckled.

"What else are you offering?" Brad asked.

"Well just this for now" Jeff replied.

Brad thought for a moment.

"Have you got water to wash that down with?" he asked.

"I can get some" Jeff replied.

"Deal" Brad said, as he dropped his stick into the fire.

The survivors who were already eliminated cheered and clapped. Brad joined them, with his sundae in hand, scoffing down the ice cream greedily.

Ben, Josh and Justin continued to the fourth hour.

Jeff came back, this time, he had a big bowl full of nachos and Coke on a tray with dipping sauce.

"Aw, cmon. I would have waited an extra hour for that!", Brad said.

Jeff laughed.

"OK, you three. I'll give this to you if you wanna step down"

Justin did the same as before, he closed his eyes and turned away.

Ben smiled at Jeff and said, "No thanks, I need this one"

"Josh?" Jeff asked.

"Shoot dude, I'd love nachos right about now, but I wanna win Immunity this time."

"So, no one wants them? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to give it to these guys"

Jeff turned to hand the nachos to the other castaways and they went wild.

They all shared the nachos and dip amongst them, and shared sips of the can of Coke.

When the fifth hour drew near, beads of sweat started forming on Josh's forehead. His stick was a little lower than the other two. Finally with a big groan, his arm gave way and the stick fell into the flame.

"Sorry Josh, you're out" Jeff said to him.

Josh put the stick down and joined the others who gave him pats on the back and congratulated him on getting this far.

At the fifth hour mark, Jeff returned with a plate. On it, a huge club sandwich and a bottle of Coke to go with it.

"Alright, guys who wants this?"

"We do!" shouted the others.

Justin shook his head disapprovingly and Ben looked at it.

"I'm very tempted, but I dont really need to eat right now" he told Jeff.

"OK. Justin?" Jeff asked.

"Forget it man, I ain't giving up!"

"OK, well, the others are gonna enjoy this", Jeff said, heading for the other guys.

Five hours and thirty minutes into the challenge, Ben turned to Justin.


"Yeah?" Justin said, looking up.

"Do you really want this?" Ben asked.

"Yes, really." Justin replied.

"Why? Do you think you'll get voted out if you lose?"

"I dunno, but I came into this telling myself that I wanted to win as many challenges as I can, now I'm this close" Justin said.

"Well, I am still feeling OK. I mean I wont give in anytime soon." Ben said.

"OK, well that makes two of us" Justin said.

"Let me propose something to you" Ben said.

"I'm listening"

"We do Rock, Paper, Scissors and the loser bows out? There is no point in both of us taking this any further, I think we've proved our point to everyone"

Justin thought about Ben's proposition for a second.

"OK, you're on"

On Ben's count, they chose their plays.

Ben played a rock, Justin played paper.

"I win dude" Justin said, with a sparkle in his eye.

Ben thought for a moment.

"OK, you've gotta throw it in" Justin said.

Ben hesitated.

The others watched from a distance, imagining that they were so bored that they had decided to amuse themselves playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, not knowing what the other two had planned.

Ben finally accepted defeat and dropped his stick.

Jeff was nearby, watching it all.

"Ben, you're out. Justin wins Immunity!"

Jeff walked up to Justin and placed the Immunity Necklace on him.

Justin let go of his stick and raised his arms in triumph.

Ben shook his hand to congratulate him and the others came over to do the same.

"OK everyone, I will see you all at Tribal Council tomorrow. But I have to tell you this, before you go. Two of you will be leaving tomorrow. The two who receive the most votes will have to leave the island"

The twelve of them all stood there dumbfounded.

"So that's that the last two lines of the note was referring to" Ryan said.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh" Matt said in agreement, "Yeah I was wondering where that would come into it"

"Wow, two of us going. That sucks!" JC said.

The rest of the tribe were in disbelief, if they had known earlier that there would be a double vote, they may have tried a little harder.

But what was done was done. Justin had Immunity and would be the only one safe from the vote that evening.

The members of Mardi Gras walked back to their camp in a sullen mood. There were a few of them who had expected that they may be safe with now having twelve people to choose from, there was an 11/12 chance that they would stay, which was pretty good odds. Now it was reduced to 5/6. It was good, but it was still cause to worry.

Since they had eaten a bit at the Immunity Challenge, they all agreed that they would spare the rest of their food for the day after. Most of the tribe went to rest after the challenge. Brad, JC, Josh, Justin, Matt and Ryan all had a nap. The others chit chatted at the campfire.

"Hey, looks like we're gonna need some wood" Nick said, looking around them.

After all the excitement of the merge, the tribes had forgotten to bring their wood.

"Who wants to come get some with me?" Nick asked the others.

"We'll go!" Ben said, tapping Leo on the leg. "We need to do our share of work, you guys seem to have been through enough shit so far! Hehe"

Ben, Leo and Nick got up and headed towards the warmer side of the island where the wood was dry.

"You must be kinda used to this after filming the Beach" Nick said to Leo.

"Kinda, it was a similar island. But the one we filmed on was better looking than this place, I've gotta say" Leo replied.

"Was it as warm as this island?" Ben asked, taking his shirt off.

Nick looked at Ben's chest, it had a smattering of hair, but it was very fine. His chest was defined and he was looking very tanned.

Ben fixed his shirt so that it was hanging out of his pants.

"Actually, this place is a little warmer, yeah". Soon, Leo had also taken his top off. His chest wasn't as defined as Ben's, but it was hairless and almost as tanned.

Nick would sneak look at their heaving muscles while they collected wood. The sweating and the sun made them seem even more delicious.

"Let's take a break for a sec" Leo said.

"Yeah, I'm still tired from that Immunity Challenge" Ben agreed.

Nick dropped what he was doing and went to sit by the other two who were sitting on a flat rock.

"Nice tattoo" Ben said, observing the shark on Nick's arm.

"Thanks man. I've got a few others" Nick said, showing Ben and Leo the other two on his arms.

"Did you know that there's a guy back in the States who actually got the same tattoos as me? SOme guy named Tony or something" Nick said, trying to alter the subject and prevent his cock from getting any harder.

"If I was to get one, I'd have it done here" Leo said, putting his finger on the small of Nick's back.

Ben lifted Nick's shirt. "I'd get one done here", he said pointing to Nick left shoulder blade.

The two of them touching his skin aroused Nick completely and he was now tenting his pants.

Leo saw it first and commented.

"Hey man, looks like you've got a hard on."

Ben moved around so he could see.

Nick went red.

Leo put his hand on it.

"Yep, it's hard. What's turned you on Nick?"

"Nothing" Nick said defensively.

"It wouldn't be us touching you, would it?" Ben said, pressing his chest up against Nick's back.

The feeling of Ben rubbing himself against his back aroused Nick so much that he threw his head back and closed his eyes, releasing a soft moan.

"You're not enjoying this are you?" Leo asked, rubbing Nick's package with his right hand.

"You look tense Nick, let's get you out of these clothes" Leo said. He lifted Nick's singlet off above his head and Ben yanked down Nick's pants, leaving him stark naked, and erect as a may pole.

Then, Leo stepped out of his own shorts and started to massage his 7 inches. A mousey colored bush of hair grew from the base of his cock. He stroked it, whilst licking Nick's left ear.

Ben leaned down and ran his middle finger down the middle of Nick's crack, separating it with his other two fingers, and putting friction onto his anal ring.

This sent a chill up Nick's spine and he had to support himself on Leo to stop from keeling over.

Leo then moved his tongue to probe into Nick's mouth.

They met in a kiss and massaged each other's tongues. Leo's right hand continued to pump away at Nick's cock.

When Ben was satisfied that Nick's hole had been fingered enough, he ran his tongue over it, rimming it gently.

Nick moaned into Leo's mouth.

Ben grabbed Nick's ass as if he was holding a hamburger and proceeded to eat away at his ass with greedy laps.

Leo then held Nick's head with both hands and ran his tongue from Nick's chin andup across Nick's lips. After that, he forced Nick down onto his own cock.

Nick took all 7 inches of Leo into his mouth and sucked hard.

Leo had started precumming and Nick could taste it in his mouth, he sucked even harder hoping more of the lovely juice would seep out.

Ben continued his oral assault on Nick's hole by making his tongue rigid and making it dart in and out of Nick's puckering butt.

He kneaded Nick's ass cheeks a couple of times before standing upright again, and undoing his zipper, he positioned himself so that the tip of his cock was against the entrance to Nick's hole.

Knowing that Nick was already well lubed, he began inserting his member into Nick slowly.

Nick had not been penetrated before, and it stung slightly to begin with, but there was no way he could resist even if he wanted to, his mouth was full with Leo's dick pistoning in and out.

Nick started to jerk his own cock.

Ben worked slowly to get all 8 inches of his veiny meat into Nick's hole before leaning down on him and again pressing his chest up against Nick's back.

He moved up and nibbled and kissed the nape of Nick's neck.

Then, the was up right again, and just as slowly as before started to withdraw his dick.

Before it was completely out, he thrust in once more. He continued this probing, and did so a little fast with every thrust.

Soon, he was ploughing his 8 inches deep into Nick's insides.

He gripped Nick's hips while he fucked him raw.

Leo ran his hands all over his body whilst Nick worked wonders on his cock. He closed his eyes and felt the tingle running down his back as Nick brought him closer and closer to orgasm.

"Nick, do you want me to cum inside you man?" Ben said.

Nick made a muffled reply to which Ben assumed, 'yes'.

Nick held onto Leo's hips to steady himself as Ben started to buck wildly.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna fucking blow dude"

Oh hearing this, Leo too starting to feel the cum start to build up in his balls.

"I'm gonna shoot into your mouth" he told Nick.

Nick didn't let up, he continued to suck Leo's cock, whilst using all the other strength he had left to clench his ass muscles tightly around Ben's dick, making it feel even better.

"Dude, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" Ben cried, as he started grunting and ramming his dick into Nick.

Leo too was moaning and soon Nick felt a warm fluid escape Leo's tube and spill into his mouth, there was so much jizz that some of it over flowed and dribbled down his face.

Nick then concentrated on his own cock and pumped in time with Ben's thrusts.

Ben finally shot his load, so hard that Nick felt it inside of him, which in turn sent him into his own climax. He jerked his cock and came all over the ground.

Ben let his pole sit inside Nick whilst he got his breath back and Nick could feel it throbbing away inside of him.

"Man that was some good oral" Leo said to Nick, licking a bit of the cum off his face.

Nick smiled. He was very satisfied.

When dusk came, the entire tribe was ready to make their walk down to Tribal Council. Ben and Leo were a little worried that they would only be in the game for a day. The others, worried that even if they didn't receive the most votes, that they would still be removed.

They walked to Tribal Council with minimal banter. The only two who really spoke to each other were Justin and JC.

They arrived at Tribal Council and Jeff directed them to get their torches lit and sit down.

"Now, as you are all aware, there will be two of you leaving tonight. Justin, being the first recipient of the Immunity Necklace, you are the only one who is safe. The rest of are at risk"

They all nodded to show they understood.

"Now, the I will first announce the person who received the most votes, and then I will announce who received the most votes after that"

The flame in the middle of Tribal Council blazed, and Jeff went to retrieve the box.

He returned with the box and took out the scrolled parchment which was inside.

The twelve castaways, including Justin, held their breath.

"The seventh person to leave the Island is..."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!

Visit to cast your vote!

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Next: Chapter 9

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