Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Jun 26, 2002


Gay Survivor

Week 1(a)

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

Jeff Probst had already been on the island preparing for the arrival of the castaways. He had looked forward to seeing quite a few of them and was glad at the selection of contestants that Mark Burnett had acquired.

He received a transmition from the the mainland of Jamaica where the crew would be based. The 16 Survivors were on their way.

The 16 guys had been driven to the beach from the hotel blindfolded, they were ordered not to speak for the duration of the trip. None of them knew who else was taking part. Although, the members of NSync had already spoken to each other and had hinted that they were approached to do the show. Once the bus had arrived at the starting point, the guys were led out of the bus and onto the sand. They were told by one of the crew that they all had a blindfold of a different color, those with a red blindfold would be on the tribe called "Pride", and the ones with the blue would be called "Rainbow". Their first challenge was to be the first team to reach the island. The team that failed would have to lose one of their members off the following day. On signal they were told to remove their blindfolds.

They all looked slightly dazed after opening their eyes for the first time in about 30 minutes, and adjusting to the glare. Their belongings had already been loaded into two paddle boats that were beached just a few metres from the water.

Justin Timberlake was the first to actually start moving. He had already psyched himself mentally for this first challege. Justin was always a very competitive person. He snuck a look at the others and found JC and Lance, but they were both wearing red blindfolds and he was wearing blue. This disappointed him a little since he wanted to be on the same tribe as either one of his band members. He sprinted to the blue paddleboat and started to push it it towards the water.

David Beckham and Prince William saw Justin run for the blue boat and realised they were both on the same tribe. They ran to the boat to help Justin.

Josh Harnett from the Pride tribe also immediately made a dash for his tribe's boat. Being one of the bigger guys in the group, he found it a little easier to move the boat. Brad Pitt and Tom Welling came to help him out.

There were abbreviated introductions at this stage. Their first priority was to get the boat into the water and start paddling for the island. Very soon everyone was helping to push their respective tribe's boat into the water.

Matt Damon and Paul Walker from Rainbow, took it upon themselves to get into the boat and get ready to paddle. They took an oar each and waited for the boat to be totally in the water before they commenced their furious paddling.

Freddie, Josh, Tom and Brad were the four guys from Pride to get into the boat and start paddling. The others on the Pride tribe all jumped in and Lance picked up the map which was on top of a supplies box which was also on in the boat with their bags.

The rest of the Rainbow tribe boarded and David, Matt, Tobey and Paul started paddling with all their might. Hayden picked up the map in their boat and looked at it. By his deduction, he figured that the island they were aiming for was directly ahead of them and looked to be a little over a mile away.

"It's directly infront of us", Hayden said.

William got up to look at the map as well. "Great, if you want, we can switch at about half way so that you dont have to paddle the whole way there" he said refering to the four guys who were already paddling.

"Yep, no problem, just tell us when you want to switch" Paul told him.

On the other boat, Lance and JC had told their four paddlers the same thing.

"Just let me know when you're tired and I'll take over OK?" Ryan told Freddy.

Elijah looked at the other tribe, they were in front by half a boat. He turned around to look back towards the shore. They had already moved a fair distance. When he turned around, he saw a wave coming to meet the boat. The others in Rainbow had already braced themselves for the wave.

The impact of the wave on the boat was minimal, but the wave drenched everyone in both tribes.

Brad spat out some seawater and yelled, "FASTER! We're falling behind!"

Ryan looked at the the Rainbow Tribe and it looked like the wave didn't hurt them as much. Although, they too were drenched.

He looked at the four oarsmen in their boat. Freddie seemed to be the one who tiring out the fastest. Ryan quickly took off his shirt and moved to Freddie.

"I'll take it from here" Ryan told him. Freddie moved from the seat and Ryan took his place and started paddling, furiously.

Elijah, JC and Lance offered to switch with the other three, but they didnt want to switch just yet. Freddie moved to the back of the small boat got down on all fours and started panting. JC turned around and saw him.

"Hey Freddie are you OK man?" JC asked.

Freddie coughed. "Can you get the asthma puffer from my bag please?" he wheezed.

JC quickly rummaged through Freddie's bag, found the puffer and handed it to Freddie. Freddie took a few deep breaths with it and calmed down.

On the other boat, Nick, Hayden, Justin and William took their turn on the paddles. Both David, Hayden, Matt, Justin and Paul had all taken their shirts off.

"C'mon, c'mon we're winning!" Justin yelled, trying to motivate the others.

Soon they were only about 50 metres away from the beach on the island.

Jeff saw them coming closer and picked up a megaphone and spoke through it.

"I need you all to make it onto the island and be in your respective tribe's cirle to win. You must also bring your supplies box with you".

Jeff looked at the two cirles which had been made. He stood between them. One was red, one was blue. By the looks of it the blue tribe was closer.

After leading the entire way across the water. The blue, Rainbow tribe finally touched the sand on the island. The Pride tribe was still 10 metres into the water.

David grabbed as many of the personal bags as he could, and started running towards Jeff and the blue circle. Hayden and William grabbed the rest of the bags and also started running towards David. Nick, Matt, Tobey, Justin and Paul all lifted the large supplies box. There was two on each side and one person on the back and they started to carry it to the circle. Their muscles strained with the weight of the box.

By this time, the Pride tribe had reached the shore as well. Elijah and Ryan jumped out of the boat, both carrying all the bags that the tribe had and dashed to the circle. They ran past the group from Rainbow who were carrying the box. The Pride team had the other six members carrying their box and had already lifted it out of the boat and started for the circle. There was still about 10 metres difference between both tribes with Rainbow in the lead when suddenly Nick tripped on the sand and made the others in his tribe loose their grip on the box. Whilst they struggled to regain their composure, the Pride team continued forward and were now only 5 metres behind. But it was too late for them. Rainbow hurried towards the the cirle and were the first team to have all members and the supplies box in their circle.

Jeff announced, "Rainbow!". He handed William the Immunity Idol. The group all started cheering, and congratulating each other. Nick and Hayden fought to get their breath back, but they were both ecstatic to have won their first challenge.

The Pride team continued to their circle, and they congratulated each other for their effort. Josh and Tom both had sullen looks on their faces, picked up their own bags and remained quite. JC went around consoling the others in the tribe.

"Good work, guys. Great effort" he told them.

Jeff gathered the wet group of men around him and told them all, "OK, that was your first challenge. You will now have to make your way to your camps and prepare for this evening. Pride, tomorrow, I will see you at Tribal Council where one of your members will be voted off by the public. Here are your maps to get to your camps. Enjoy the rest of the day." He handed them their maps, and they went on their way to their bases.

Justin was still on a high after winning. He hollered at the top of his lungs and raised his arms in triumph. He had a hunch that they would win the first immunity challenge. He was glad that he was right.

Both tribes went their separate ways to get to their camps, and both arrived within 30 minutes.

The mood at the Pride tribe was low. They had barely been there for 2 minutes and they had to face the fact that they had to lose a member the following day. They set up the camp with minimal talk. None of them were sure how to break the ice. Once they finished setting up camp, they started to do their own thing.

Freddie was the most upset about it. He silently blamed himself for the loss since he wasnt feeling the best when they were in the boat to the island. He was sitting on the sand away from the group.

Ryan saw Freddie sitting alone and looking upset so he decided to cheer him up.

"Hey, how you feeling?" he asked.

"Not good, I let the group down. I was worried something like this would happen" Freddie was looking down at the sand between his feet.

Ryan sat himself down beside Freddie. He was still topless and only had his knee length shorts on. He put his arm around Freddie to comfort him.

Freddie suddenly forgot about being upset, and focussed on Ryan. Ryan had never put his arm around Freddie and Freddie found it strangely arousing. In response, he slowly, put his head on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan then put his hand on Freddie's right leg and gently squeezed it.

"Hey, dont worry about it OK? No one is blaming you." Ryan looked him in the eye and gave him a reassuring smile.

Freddie looked at him, and for the first time noticed how beautiful Ryan's eyes were. Without thought, he slowly moved forward and pressed his lips to Ryan's.

Ryan was a little taken back by Freddie's kiss, but reciprocated. Freddie then moved his tongue into Ryan's mouth and they kissed passionately.

Ryan backed away, "Did that make you feel better?", he asked.

"Much" Freddie said. He smiled.

Lance and JC had also separated from the group and were talking about who would be voted out. They had walked down towards the rocks and found a rock pool. They sat down at the edge of it and dangled their legs into the water. JC had unbuttoned his shirt.

"You know what JC, I dont think there is any point in speculating. It's not even up to us, so dont worry about it. Just enjoy your time here." Lance told him.

"Yeah, I know, I just wanna be on here longer than a day man" JC whined. "It hasnt even been 12 hours and I'm already in pain". He winced and favored his back.

"Did you hurt yourself while you were rowing?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, my back's sore, I think I over did it a little"

"Do you want me to massage it for you?" Lance offered.

"Please?" JC gave Lance a puppy-dog look.

Lance got up and sat behind JC, and JC took his shirt off. Lance looked at JC's back. He had often fantasized about being intimate with JC, but there were always the other guys, and there was this odd chemistry between JC and Justin that led Lance to believe they were more than just friends. But, here and now, it was just them two so he figured this was his chance. He reached out and touched JC's back and slowly started to knead it.

JC let out a soft moan. Lance worked JC's back muscles with his thumbs. JC's back was wet, he liked how the muscles glistened in the afternoon sun.

"JC, do you want to lie on your stomach so dont have to support yourself while I do this?" Lance said.

"Sure", JC laid his shirt down across a flat part of the rock, and laid on it stomach down.

Lance sat down so he could reach JC's back, and continued to run his hands up and down JC's back, concentrating on the tensed muscles.

"You can sit across my butt if it makes it easier for you" JC said, out of the blue.

Lance found it strange that he'd suggest that, but thought to himself that it would be even better if he were straddling JC. He got up, put a leg over and sat across JC's rear.

"I'm not too heavy for you am I?" he asked.

"No, you're fine" JC said.

This new position became too much for Lance and he slowly felt himself becoming erect. He ignored his aroused member and continued to massage JC's lower back. He thought about moving his hands lower and lower and trying to expose a bit of JC's butt, but he figured he better not over step his boundaries.

An hour after they had dinner, the Pride tribe decided to get to sleep. They had been given sleeping bags in the supplies box. But there were only five. Six of them had to share while the other two got to sleep in their own bag. It was decided that since, Josh and Brad were the biggest members of the tribe that they sleep in their own bags. The other bags were shared among the rest of the tribe. Ryan slept with Freddie, JC slept with Lance, and Tom shared with Elijah.

The weather wasn't too bad, it was warm enough so that they didnt have to wear too much clothing. But it was hard to sleep for the six that were sharing. Eventually they all fell asleep. Freddie and Lance annoyed the others with their snoring throughout the night.

At the Rainbow Camp, their sleeping bag allocation was just like the one at Pride, but instead of allocating according to size, they drew sticks and the two with the longests sticks would take a bag each. Nick and Tobey were the lucky ones, and the others had to sleep with each other.

Paul was the first to wake up from Rainbow and he strolled down to the water to wake himself up. He had been sleeping with Matt, and luckily, they were both about the same size so it wasn't awkward in bed, plus, Paul found Matt sleeping so close quite warm and he didnt move much in the night, so he slept well enough. Paul took off his shirt, left it on the sand and went to bathe in the water. It was very cold, the the hairs on his body stood on end, and his nipples became hard. He looked back up to the camp and saw Tobey watching him out of the corner of his eye. He pretended not to notice and removed his pants and underwear while he was still in the water.

Tobey watched as Paul slid out of his shorts. He reached into his sleeping bag and played with his now erect cock. He was hoping that he would have to sleep with Paul last night, but he didn't mind sleeping on his own either. He watched Paul frolicking in the water and started to jerk himself off. He could see the faint outline of Paul's dick in the water. Tobey made sure that none of the others had woken up at the time. He imagined sucking on Paul's shaft and tasting Paul's salty precum. It looked like a decent sized cock. He continiued to massage his own dick as he imagined what it would be like to have Paul shoot his load down into his throat. Slowly and surely, he worked himself into a climax, but stopped himself from cumming. He didnt want to soil his sleeping bag in case any of the others noticed.

Brad started lunch at the Pride Tribe at about midday, he had gone fishing earlier in the day with the fishing kit they had in the supplies bag and caught two decent sized fish, albeit in 2 hours worth of effort. Nevertheless, he cleaned the fish and cooked it himself. The group appreciated it since all the had for dinner the night before was rice. They all ate well, but still had to live with the fact that one of them was leaving tonight. The dwelled on it for the rest of the afternoon before heading to Tribal Council early that evening.

Tribal Council was into the island's forest. Pride made their trek and met with Jeff.

"Nice to see you all again, everyone", he said, greeting them.

They all smiled politely. Josh was infront and he led the group to the seating area around the fire.

"Now, unfortunately, this is the part where we have to get rid of one of you", Jeff said. "Now before I announce who will be leaving, we have to wait until the final count is made. Remember it is up to the public this time."

Jeff looked at Freddie who was looking very uneasy. He thought he was going to be first out because he was probaly the main reason Pride lost the first Immunity Challenge. The others in the tribe remained stony faced while Jeff waited result.

Suddenly, the fire rose, and this signified that the result had been finalised. Jeff crossed a bridge at the other side of Tribal Council to retrieve a small wooden box.

The hearts of the eight members of Pride were racing. It could have been any of them leaving tonight, and it seemed even worse considering they had no say in who was to go or not. They waited with baited breath for Jeff to make the annoucement.

Jeff opened the box and looked at the parchment which was inside.

"First person to leave the Island is..."

Author's Note:

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