Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Feb 15, 2004


Gay Survivor

Week 11

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference.

This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not

licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"The eleventh person to leave the island is ... Ben Affleck"

Matt had his head looking down towards the ground. When he heard Jeff call out Ben's name he was speechless. Ben got up,

avoiding Matt's eyes the whole time. He knew that he had a good run and was glad to have been included in the series after

the first 16 castaways had been named. He had even outlasted a few of the originals. He was simply glad that he did not get

voted off in his first week.

Ben walked over to where Jeff was standing.

"Ben, the people have spoken."

Jeff put the torch out and Ben walked out of Tribal Council towards the bridge.

Jeff then turned to address the remaining castaways.

"OK, guys, Ben now becomes the 2nd Jury member. From now on, he will be joining JC over there, where the Jury members will

sit. Now take your things, and head back to camp."

JC sat on his bench watching his former tribemates walking back to the campgrounds. Justin snuck a quick reassuring look at

JC as if to tell him that he was being strong. JC flashed him back a quick smile.

The members of Mardi Gras walked back to camp with little conversation. Ben had been guilty of strategising and was put out.

Until then, he was the only one who was actively making an effort to try and get someone else voted out. This time; Hayden,

Matt and Paul were all thinking of ways to try and get other people voted out.

Hayden had an idea that he was sure would piss a few people off. He walked a bit faster so that he could get to camp first.

When they returned to camp Brad got busy with boiling some water for them. Justin, Paul and Ryan all plomped themselves

around the camp fire. The repeated long walks back and forth to Tribal Council was taking it's toll on everyone. Ryan was

thinking how he'd love to be able to have a shower with soap. He wasn't sure just how badly he smelt as he had grown used to

his new scent. They talked for a bit more. One by one, they all retreated to bed, until it was just Ryan left who was awake.

He looked around him. Everyone was sound asleep.

As per usual, Brad was the first person to wake up. He went back to the campfire to get it going again. Once he'd started the

fire, he took the pot and walked to the pool as he usually did. When he returned to the camp, he went straight for the rice

can. Oddly, he could not find it in it's usual spot. He looked around the camp site, lifting all the tarps and bags, and

found no trace of the can or any rice for that matter. Finally, he searched behind the skirts of the campsite and there it

was. Behind a large group of bushes, was the large rice can, the content had been tipped out and the rice was all over the

muddy earth. Scores of large soldier ants were having a field day in the spoilt food.

Brad cursed under his breath.

He turned back to the camp where everyone was still sleeping.


Slolwy, each of the remaining castaways stirred from their slumber.

Brad walked around to the few of them who were trying to ignore his calls.

"What is it dude?", Justin said getting up and scratching his head.

"The rice is gone!", Brad said angrily.


"It's been tipped out!", Brad said point behind the bushes.

The group all got up and moved to where Brad had pointed.

"Oh my god!", Ryan said.

"Who did this?" Josh asked, sternly.

"Damned if I know!" Brad said.

"I woke up this morning, got the fire started. Went to get the water like I always do, and then came back here to start

getting breakfast ready, and there it was."

"Are you sure?" Hayden asked.

"What do you mean, am I sure?", Brad snapped back.

"Well did anyone else see the rice can last night?"

"No one needed to Hayden!", Brad retorted.

"Well, how do we know that it wasn't YOU, who tipped the rice out?" Hayden said, almost accusingly.

"Ah yeah!" Ryan chipped in. "You are always the one who doing the rice. No one else touches it".

"Well then all the more reason NOT to blame me! Why would I do that when I would be implicated?" Brad said.

"I dunno man, it's just a little strange that you are the only one who touches the rice and you were the only one awake when

the rice got thrown away", Ryan said walking back to the shelters.

Hayden, Josh and Paul both looked at Brad strangely, as if to take Ryan's side.

"Hey guys!", called out another voice. It was Matt.

"We've got tree mail".

Momentarily forgetting their rice problem, the tribe walked over to where Matt was and read the new tree mail.

If you have the guts to win,

You will go through it.

If you stop to hesitate,

You just might blow it.

Be the first to escape,

Be strong be brave.

Or it will be your last night,

And your chances will cave.

"Hmmm, be brave. I wonder what that means." Matt asked the others.

"Guys, I'm going to go see if I can find us some fish. I really dont want to be starving now that we've come so far. Does

anyone want to come with me? We need to eat before we go to the Immunity Challenge today"

"I'll come." Justin said, taking off his shirt.

Brad and Justin grabbed the two make shift poles and headed off towards the inlet.

"What do you guys think about the rice debacle?" Ryan said to the others once they were out of hearing range.

"I dont trust him," Hayden said. "And now, he's so keen to go get fish. He's up to something."

Brad and Justin returned shortly with two medium size fish. They cooked them over the fire and had lunch before going to the

Immunity Challenge.

Brad put the Immunity Necklace around his neck, and marched with the tribe out to the site for the Immunity Challenge. When

they got to the large clearing, they saw seven different coloured posts, two cage-like structures, what looked to be a ten

foot wall and three long balance beams.

"Come on in guys", Jeff said motioning them over to where he was standing.

"This Immunity Challenge is designed to test your nerve and your stamina. First up, all seven of you will be tied with your

hands and feet together at these seven posts. You will need to untie the knots, releasing yourself and then crawl into this

cage through the small hole, then make your way through the cage on your hands and knees. The cage is full of hungry spiders

and starved rats. After you make your way out of this cage, you then need to get into this second cage filled with large

branches. Now amongst those branches, are several reticulated python and native asps and cobras. None of the snakes in there

are venomous, but if you are biten, it will hurt. Make your way through this cage and then out to this vertical wall which

you will need to climb over using one of these three ropes. Jump down to the other side, and then finally, negotiate one of

the three balance beams and be the first to reach the Immunity Necklace at the other end. Pick your posts, and wait for my


The seven members of Mardi Gras all took their spots and had their wrists and ankles tightly strung.

None of them were looking forward to getting into the either of the two cages.

"Survivors, ready. Go!"

Immediately, the castaways set about trying to wriggle free from the twine that was wrapped around their limbs. Brad, Justin,

Paul and Ryan all started using their teeth as well. Josh and Matt both worked their wrists furiously and were feeling the

strain of the twine starting to burn at thier skin. Hayden, being the most lithe of all the remaining castaways was the first

to free his hands. He set about undoing the tie around his ankles. Soon after, Josh, Paul and Ryan were also free and also

started undoing their feet holds.

Hayden and Josh were the first to free themselves completely. Josh bolted to the small entry in the first cage and entered

head first. The cage was about three feet high. Josh underestimated how many critters would actually be in there. He

swallowed hard before sucking it in and dashed into the cage.

Hayden was next in line to enter. He also hesitated at the entrance and felt the skin on his body crawl. The floor of the

cage was teeming with rats and spiders. Some of whom had already started eating each other. He headed towards the left side

of the cage which seemed to be less populated with animals.

Hot on Hayden's heels was Paul. Paul was less afraid and got into the cage straight away. He followed the trail that Hayden

was making as Hayden was stopping to clear a few spiders before moving on.

Meanwhile, back at the posts, Matt and Ryan were the only ones left who were still trying to undo their feet ties. The others

were all lined up to get into the first cage.

Josh was close to the other end of the cage when a spider jumped out at him, taking him by surprise making him stumble

sideways on top of a group of rats and spiders. The rats simply crawled out from under him, but the spiders that he landed on

were squased. He let out a petrified shreik, before dusting the dead spider parts off his shoulder and back.

Brad, Hayden, Justin and Paul, who were also in the cage at this time saw what happened and used Josh's set back to catch up

with him. Unafraid of the animals, Brad rushed forward and beat a way through the rats and spiders and made it to the exit of

the cage. Justin and Paul followed him closely. Hayden was still hesitating.

Brad was first to clear the first cage, and he ran to the second cage which was about 6 foot tall and 15 feet wide. It seemed

as if the route to the other end of the 20 foot long cage was blocked with all sorts of large branches and foliage. He went

for what seemed to be a safe route. Soon after Justin and Paul joined him. They each took different routes in the cage,

making sure to keep an eye out for the snakes that Jeff was refering to. There didnt seem to be any until an asp that was

coiled around a tall branch thrusted out at Justin who fell backwards. Brad and Paul turned to look, momentarily, but

continued forward.

By this time, Matt and Ryan were also in the second cage, crawling their way through the mess of creatures.

Paul was almost at the end of the second cage, up until there was a python that blocked his path from the entrance. Brad's

path was clear and again, he was the first to get out of the cage. Seeing this, Paul took a chance and grabbed the python

before the python could strike. He pulled it off the branch and threw it to the side of the cage clearing his way to the


Brad ran to the wall and grabbed the middle rope. The tried to use his feet to anchor himself onto the wood slats.

Unfortunately for him, his weight was too much for the slippery soles of his sandals and his feet were not keep him on the

vertical wall.

While Brad struggled to climb the wall. Paul made his way out of the second cage and made a dash for the rope to Brad's


Seeing that Brad was having trouble with his sandals, Paul kicked off his footwear before he attempted to plant his feet into

the wall. Sure enough, he found it easier to make it up the wall.

Josh who had managed to come out of the second cage before Justin had now also reached the wall. He took kicked off his

sandals and made his way up the wall with relative ease thanks to his large frame.

In the mean time, Brad was still struggling. Despite his awesome strength, he was having a lot of trouble. Finally, he too

relented and kicked off his sandals. He was now able to make his way up the wall easier.

Josh was the first to get to the top of the wall. He looked down at the long drop. The quickest way down was to jump, but he

was a little nervous. He teetered at the top of the wall while Brad and Paul, and now Justin, made the wall rock with their

movements. He jumped down finally, and jarred his ankles as he hit the ground. His legs felt a little wobbly. He made his way

gingerly towards the balance beams.

Paul was second to the top. He looked over and saw Josh making his way slowly across the beams. QUickly, Paul climbed and

pulled his whole body over to the other side of the wall so he was holding on with just his arms. This way, the drop down to

the other side would simply be four foot.

He dropped down to the otherside, regained composure and headed for the right hand balance beam.

Josh was almost half way, when suddenly, his legs gave out from under him and he fell. Paul capitalised on Josh's misfortune

and strode the rest of the way to the other side of the beam and down to where the Immunity necklace was.

"Immunity, goes to Paul!", Jeff exclaimed, raising the victor's hand.

A dejected looking Josh slumped over the beam that he was on, while the others came out of the obstacles that they were in to

join the others and congratulate Paul on what was probably the toughest Immunity Challenge yet.

"Ok guys, story is tonight. We go back to Tribal Council where JC and Ben will be waiting for the next person to join them.

Only one safe from the vote tonight, is Paul. Head back to camp and I will see you tonight."

The group turned back warily and walked slowly back to camp.

Paul thought he would take this time to get away from the group. Knowing that he was safe this evening, he thought he could

afford a bit of time to himself without having to ass-kiss the other tribe members.

He went down to the beach with his towel and thought he'd catch up on some tanning.

He laid his towel down on one of the smoothed out spaces of sand and set himself on it. He put his sunglasses on to ease the

glare, laid back and made himself comfortable.

He thought about the others who were still in the tribe and who he thought would come out on top. So far, Brad was proving to

be quite threatening when it came to the Immunity Challenges. True, he was the oldest guy out there from all the men who took

part in the competition, but he was still going strong. Brad was definately a threat. The came could be said for Josh due to

his size, but Josh was yet to win an Immunity Challenge. He thought about who he wanted out next. Of all the people who was

still in the game, he felt that Hayden was the least likely to win. It was a shame though. Paul had grown to be fond of the

younger boy. He had beautifully soft skin. Paul had managed to graze Hayden's skin every so often when they slept near each

other. He lay there fantasizing about Hayden when all of a sudden, he realised there was someone standing there above him

casting a shadow down.

It was him.

"Hey sexy", Hayden said, looking down at Paul.

"Hey yourself", Paul said looking up and squinting to avoid the sun coming from behind Hayden's head.

"You did well today", Hayden said caressing his crotch.

"Thanks bubddy"

"Maybe I give you a reward for doing so well" Hayden said with a sly smile.

"What have you got in mind?" Paul said, feeling his cock twitch a little.

That was all the invitation that Hayden needed.

He peeled up his shirt to reveal his lithe frame. He wasn't a huge guy, but he still had nice muscle definition. Paul watched


Hayden then stepped out of his shorts. Not surprisingly, he wasnt wearing anything underneath.

Hayden knelt down so that he had a knee either side of Paul's head. He lowered his member towards Paul's face. By this time,

Paul had moved his hands away from his face so that he could see Hayden's body. He tilted his head upwards a little and

opened his mouth. He was now entirely erect.

Hayden too was now completely aroused and used his hips to guide his member into Paul's waiting mouth.

Paul took the whole penis all the way in. Hayden's velvety balls tickled Paul's nose and Paul got a whiff of his manly scent.

Hayden threw his head back and planted his hands on the sand behind him.

Paul hungrily slurped at Hayden's cock, and tugged eagerly at it with his lips.

Hayden gave in to Paul's lips and allowed his hips even lower to give Paul more access and leverage.

Once Paul was satisfied that Hayden's pole was nice and greased, he slid out of his own shorts and sat up. He took Hayden's

hand and made Hayden prop down so that it was now him who would receive the oral assault.

Hayden obliged and dive into Paul's beautfil blonde bush. Paul's legs were spread with Hayden positioned between them.

Hayden's head thrust back and forth as he sucked willfully at Paul's cock.

Paul let out a few groans of pleasure. He put his hands in Hayden's hair and guided the younger boy's head onto his cock.

Once he was done fucking Hayden's face, he planted his hands on Hayden's shoulders and pushed him backwards so that he fell

onto his back.

Paul moved on top of him, propped up with his arms. He looked down into Hayden's innocent eyes as Hayden looked back at his

deep blue ones.

Paul moved down and kissed Hayden softly.

Hayden responded with a more urgent kiss and his tongue muscled it's way into Paul's mouth. Paul met it with his and the two

boys engaged in a hot french kiss.

After a few moment's Paul pulled back from the exchange and looked down at Hayden.

He put his middle and fore fingers into his mouth and wet them with saliva.

He them forced both fingers into Hayden's rosebud hole. They were met with some resistance. But Paul continued to push until

Hayden's anus gave way.

Hayden released a slight moan from his lips, and breathed sharply.

Paul then positioned himself so that he could enter Hayden.

Slowly he pushed his perfectly shaped cock into Hayden's insides. The warmth of it aroused Paul so much that his body


Hayden shut his eyes at the slight discomfort in allowing such a large monster enter his hole. He put his hand up to Paul's

side to prevent him from delving deeper.

He wanted to get used to Paul's girth before he let him in any further.

Once he was happy that it would slide in effortlessly, he opened his eyes and looked up at Paul and smiled at him.

"Mind if I come in?" Paul said slyly.

"Be my guest" Hayden replied.

Paul breathed in deeply and started to thrust in and out of Hayden's ass. Hayden threw his legs up and around Paul's back to

draw him even closer.

Paul's thrusts grew even more intense and purposeful. Hayden responded by tightening his anal ring, and gripping Paul's

massive tool to give it even more pleasure.

And it worked.

Soon, Paul lost control of his intincts and released his orgasm into Hayden. Hayden groaned loudly as he too reached his

climax. Seeing Paul ejaculate was enough to send him over the edge and his cock spewed the lovely cock juice onto his chest.

The two boys collapsed on each other, before Paul rolled off and smiled at Hayden.

"You're an awesome fuck, my young padawan", Paul said cheekily.

The remaning members of the Mardi Gras tribe walked glumly into Tribal Council. Paul was the only one who did not have his

belongings with him.

"Good evening gentlemen, please take your seats. We will now call in our jury. Jc and Ben, voted out at the last Tribal


JC and Ben walked in and took their seats, across the fire from the Mardi Gras tribe and stared them down. Matt could not

bring himself to look up and his good friend.

There was a few seconds of silence before the flame in the middle of Tribal Council roared signalling that the verdict was


"OK gentlemen, I'll get the results".

Jeff returned with the box. He opened it and pulled out the parchment.

"The twelfth person to leave the island is..."

Author's Note:

Now YOU decide!


Thank you to the 120+ guys who voted in the last installment. I apologise that I took a while to get this one out. As I've

said to a few people, I've been busy at work and with the boyfriend and also trying to organise my trip over to the US. Yes

that's right! I'm coming over! Look out New York, Las Vegas, Orlando and Detroit!

If anyone is interested in hooking up with two Aussie boys let me know! Hahahaha


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Next: Chapter 15

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