Gay Survivor

By Tyrone James

Published on Dec 18, 2003


Gay Survivor

Week 9

Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I do not claim to know the celebrities named in this story, or their sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. References to Survivor are not licensed to me and remain the property of CBS and Mark Burnett.

"The ninth person to leave the island is... Nick Carter".

Not a word was uttered as Nick picked up his bag, took his torch off the stand and walked towards Jeff.

"Nick, the people have spoken," Jeff saing putting out the flame on the torch.

"Good bye guys, good luck!" Nick said. He smiled, winked and made a gesture at Ben.

Jeff turned to the remaining 9 castaways.

Well, you all seemed quietly confident in that last vote. Nick sure didnt seem too surprised that his name was going to be called. But it looks like from here on in, the voting will become even tougher. The nine of you have several days before you make it to the final two. Grab your torches... Head back to camp."

In single file, the castaways walked out of the Tribal Council Area.

Matt slowed down so that he and Ben were walking side by side.

"Tough break, huh?", Matt said.

Ben was in a slight daze when Matt approached him. In the last two Tribal Councils, the two guys that he had fooled around with had both been voted out. He was wondering maybe if it was a sign.

"Huh?... Oh, sorry Matt, I was just kinda thinking about tonights vote. Yeah, Tribal Council really sucks. How do you come out of that feeling any more confident?"

"I dunno man, hey, atleast we're both alive for another few days, I've been wanting to catch up with you!" Matt said playfully, putting his arm around his buddy.

Ben knew what Matt was talking about. They too had fooled around in the past. They were best friends and had spent many a drunken night together. Somehow, he didnt feel like fooling around with Matt on the Island. It had proved bad luck for Leo and Nick.

"We've got Tree Mail!", Paul sang out.

Most of the Mardi Gras tribe was still in bed. The time out on the island was starting to take it's toll on them.

"What is it this time?", Brad asked laying on his back. He was still feeling might about the fact that he was currently holding the Immunity Necklace.

Matt read the message out aloud to the other tribe members.

"I sounds like we've gotta shoot and break things", Paul said.

A groan ran through the tribe.

"OK, well I guess we better have lunch quickly before we go", Ryan said getting up and cupping rice into the pot. The rest of the tribe went about preparing lunch as well. They wanted to have a little bit of energy for this challenge as it seems to require shooting at things and they agreed that feeling weak would compromise their aim and composure.

After lunch, they all headed off to the Immunity Challenge, where Jeff was standing at what looked to be a hand constructed shooting range. On one end were tables. On the tables were sling shots and different coloured stones. On the other end were 27 different coloured plates suspended by ropes.

"Come on in guys!" Jeff said, welcoming them. "Take a spot on the mat, right there."

The 9 men assembled themselves on the mat.

"Down the other end of this shooting range you have three plates each. All with your names on them. In rounds, each of you will attempt to smash someone else's plate using the sling shot and stones and try to knock them out of the competition. Once all your plates have been destroyed you're out of the game. Last person remaining wins Immunity. Brad, if you would please?"

Brad stepped forward and surrendered the necklace.

"OK guys, pick a spot, and wait for my go."

Each of the 9 guys took a spot behind the stations. Loaded their sling shots and waited for Jeff's signal. Wanting to get the biggest threat out first, JC, Justin and Hayden all aimed for one of Josh's plates. The others picked the plates which were directly in front of them.

"Survivors ready... GO!"

In unison a volley of stones flew from the stations towards the plates. Brad, Josh, Justin and Matt all connected. Brad took out one of JC's, Josh took out one of Brad's, Justin and Matt each took out one of Josh's.

"Whoa, in the first round, Josh takes two hits!" Jeff said. "OK guys, rotate, each move one to your left. Ryan, you'll have to move down to the other end. Wait for my go."

This time JC aimed for one of Brad's to get him back, Justin and Hayden aimed for Josh's last plate. Josh aimed one of Justins. The others picked random targets.


A second spray of stones flew at the hanging plates. Everyone connected except Hayden and JC. Josh got Justin. Brad got Ryan. Ryan got Ben. Ben and Matt both got Hayden. Paul got Brad. Justin got Josh's last plate.

"Ben, Brad, Hayden, Justin and Ryan all take hits and Justin takes out Josh's last plate. Josh, you're out of the game. OK everyone, rotate."

Again they loaded their sling shots and aimed. Justin and Paul aimed for Brad's last plate and Ben aimed for Hayden's again.


Everyone connected this time, including Matt who accidentally took out one of his own plates and Ryan who hit Ben's plate, but only managed to crack it.

"Brad and Hayden out of the game. Ben, Justin, Matt, Ryan and Paul all take hits and Matt takes out one of his own! Rotate guys!"

The game continued until there was only Ben and Paul left. Each had just one plate remaining and Ben's plate was already cracked from a previous shot.

They aimed at each other's targets.


Paul released his stone and it flew past to the right of Ben's plate. Ben on the other hand connected squarely in the middle of Paul's plate, smashing it and giving him Immunity for the first time.

"Winner, Ben!" Jeff raised the necklace and walked over to Ben who dipped his head so Jeff could place it on him.

"Congratulations, tonight, you are safe from the vote, everyone else, it fair game. See you all at Tribal Council."

Matt congratulated his friend with a handshake and a pat on the back and the group returned to camp.

When they arrived, Ben hung his newly acquired necklace on a nearby tree.

Matt came up from behind him as he admired his prize.

"Hey!" Matt said jabbing Ben in the ribs with his fingers.

Ben jumped. "Oh, hey Matt, what's doin?"

"Oh I dunno, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to take a nice relaxing walk in the jungle before we have to take off for Tribal COuncil?"

Ben remembered the bad luck that had been plaguing the people that he had previously fooled around with and decided it probably wouldnt be fair to Matt if he did it. Not now anyway.

"Sorry dude, I dont really feel like it right now... Next time, promise!" Ben said with apologetic eyes.

"OK, OK... I'll just have to save myself till then", Matt said with a smirk.

Matt walked away.

Ben took a good look at the others who were in the tribe. It was time to start thinking strategically. Who did he think was his biggest threat? Brad? No, Brad hadn't been doing much work recently and his wife Jennifer Aniston was taking more of the spotlight that he was with her show 'FRIENDS'. Hayden? The last movie Hayden was in wasn't a huge box office taker, and it was a while since Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. Attention on Hayden had dwindled, so he was no threat. JOsh, Paul and Ryan we all also struggling with recent success at the box office. And then there were JC and Justin. JC was working on solo work while NSync was on sabbatical. But Justin, Justin had been enjoying a LOT of attention from all the singles he released in the last year and all the appearances that he had been putting in at the award shows.

Justin had to go next, and Ben was desparate to speed the process along.

When JC got up to go fishing with Ryan, Ben made a bee-line for Justin was still sitting in the shelter in his shorts squinting out towards the beach.

Ben noticed that Justin had tanned up quite a bit since they'd been out here. He looked at his own body, it too was starting to go a nice browny colour and the small hairs on his body had gone blonde from all the exposure to the sun.

"Hey Justin", Ben called out plomping himself beside the younger boy.

"Sup!" Justin replied.

"Not much. He listen, I'm sorry bout the Immunity Challenge man, I really needed Immunity this time round"

"Dont sweat it. It's all good, I would have done the same thing if I were you"

"So no hard feelings then?", Ben offered reaching his hand out.

"Sure!" Justin said meeting Ben's hand with his.

"So listen, I'm a bit tense from all the action at the challenge, I was thinking of going to the water falls to cool off, wanna come?"

"Yeah OK, I've not nothin' to do till Tribal Council anyway". Justin got up and brushed the sand off the seat of his shorts.

Ben also stood up and started making their way into the jungle and towards the waterfalls.

Matt who was on the other side of the camp had been busy sharpening the machetes. He noticed Ben going over to talk to Justin and the two of them walking into the jungle. He wondered what they may be up to. He decided to wait a few minutes before following them to avoid being spotted.

Ben and Justin arrived at the waterfall.

"You gonna go in like that?" Ben asked.

"Good point. Last time my shorts got wet it took ages to dry and I had to walk around in the damp!", Justin said undoing the button and zip of his shorts.

A light dusting of blondish pubes were already visible from just above the waistline of Justin's pants, but when he undid his fly, he revealed his crop of dark blonde bush to Ben, along with his flacid, yet sizeable dick.

Ben was going to have fun manipulating Justin.

He too stepped out of his shorts, and his own meaty penis flopped out.

There they stood, two buck naked studs in all their glory.

Justin thought he'd be funny and decided to shove Ben into the water. Ben fell into the water which was 10 feet below where they were standing.

"You fuck!" Ben yelled once he resurfaced.

Justin was in fits of laughter and decided to dive in himself. He jumped feet first into the water and started swimming towards the waterfall.

Ben followed.

Justin swam underneath the base of the waterfall to the small cave which was behind the curtain of water.

He got out and sat back admiring the beauty of the waterfall from inside.

"Wow, this place rocks", Justin said.

Ben head popped out of the water and he too looked around. It did look amazing. The sunlight was coming through the water curtain and bouncing off the surface of the water which was inside the cave and illuminated the small room.

Ben got out of the water and sat up where Justin was. Their legs were both dangling in the pool.

He decided to get to work straight away.

"You're looking really good this far in!" Ben said, referring to Justin's muscular structure.

"Nah, I really need to do more work", Justin said coyly.

Ben reached out and touched Justin's arms.

"These are nice!", he said.

His hand moved up to Justin shoulder and around to his neck.

Their eyes met.

"Do you have any idea how hot you are", Ben said, looking Justin in the eye.

He leaned in and they shared a passionate kiss. Justin was a little taken back by the show of affection, but decided what the hell. No one was watching.

Ben's other hand reached over and started to stroke Justin's penis. It had already started to react to the kiss that he and Ben were lost in.

Their tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths and met and locked.

Ben's hand now had a full grip on Justin's fully erect member. It was rock hard and wet.

Ben decided Justin had had enough of the prelude and decided to go down on the boy.

He moved his mouth away from Justin's and engulfed Justin's meat in one go.

Justin lay back and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He let out a helpless moan to let Ben know that he was at his mercy.

Ben's worked his magic on Justin's cock rolling his tongue up and down the shaft and around the head. He fondled Justin's velvety ballsac at the same time.

Justin's hands reach back behind him to grab at the rocks for leverage. He was starting to feel the build up at the base of his cock.

"Ben! What are you doing! You're going to fucking make me cum in your mouth dude!"

Ben did not let up, he continued his assault on Justin's fuckpole, making his urgent sucking even faster than before.

"Ben!" Justin groaned. He felt his things tense as he fought the impending orgasm. Justin let out a few more boyish moans before the orgasm got the better of him and he released jet after jet of spunk into Ben's mouth.

There was so much of it that it trickled out of Ben's mouth and back onto Justin's legs.

Justin's body shuddered before he regained calmness and relaxed back onto the sandstone ledge.

"Man, that was fucking awesome!" Justin gasped.

"Glad you liked it cutie", Ben said, coming on top of Justin.

They were now face to face. Ben planted one last kiss on Justin's lips so he could taste his own cum, before he got up.

They both rinsed off in the rock pool and returned to camp. Assured in the fact that no one knew of their secret rendezvous. Or was it.

Matt had been standing behind some fronds the entire time and could make out their bodies behind the water. A sickening feeling welled in his stomach. Should he approach Ben or should he just wait to see if Ben brought it up. Either way, he felt betrayed.

The Mardi Gras Tribe walked into Tribal Council and assumed their usual positions. Jeff was there with an eager smile on his face.

"Good evening gentlemen, welcome back to Tribal Council. This will be the first tribal council where you decide who will be on the final jury who gets to decide who the sole survivor will be and who willl win the title of Celebrity Survivor."

As always the flame in the middle burst out which signalled that the vote was in. Who would it be this time? Ben secretly hoped his plan would work in his favour. If it did.... Bye Bye Bye Justin Timberlake. He laughed to himself in his head.

Jeff walked over to where the box was and brought it back to his pedestal.

"The tenth person to leave the island is..."

Author's Note:

Welcome back to me!

After a long (1 year) break, I have decided to restart this story. I was motivated by the awesome Survivor: Pearl Islands series. Congratulations to Sandra!!! Shame for the babe of the show, Ryan O... He should have been in the Drake Tribe. But no use crying over spilt castaways. BRING ON SURVIVOR ALL STARS!

My apologies to all the people who waited so long. I will try to write one on a weekly basis again.

To vote someone out, please visit:

Also, dont forget to check out the Gay Survivor website!



Next: Chapter 13

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