Gay Slaves First Time

By moc.loa@yobuol

Published on Apr 27, 2023


Sorry for taking so long to complete this Chapter. Tax time and being laid off from work took its toll. The usual disclaimer applies.. This story contains graphic depictions of Male sexuality between 2 teenage boys.. if this disturbs you please exit out.

This is a true recollection from 1971. the names have been changed to protect the innocent or guilty. This story relates to the first time experience between 2 teenage boys.

If this offends anyone, please read no further. Encouragement is welcome.

Part 6 - Gay Slaves First Time

A week later, Daniel presented me with a slave contract. It had been a hell of a week. We had spent the days following our shopping spree, and mothers visit, in training. He was true to his promise of not hurting me but that did not mean i felt no pain.

i woke the a few days later, wrapped in Sirs arms, protected and safe. i was still a little sore from being punished the night before and being strapped down. but i felt i was right where i belonged. I could not reason why i felt this, but some things you just know.

At 13, i had already lived a life, most people never would. I had been getting raped and abused by my father since i was 8 years old. He would always say i deserved the abuse and everything i was getting. Many times he would have my Uncles, His Brothers in law, as he was the only male sibling of 8 sisters, take part in parties abusing, and raping me. This had been going on for many years before my mother found out and removed my brothers and myself from him.

My mother had been a long haul trucker at the time, and would leave for 2 or 3 weeks for deliveries. She had no clue any of this had been going on. My brothers also did not know of the sexual abuse taking place. They had only been subjected to the Verbal and Emotional abuse.

Any time they did anything wrong, they would be forced to witness me getting beaten and abused. To this day, this is there remembrences of our father. I did not associate what Daniel and i had been doing as the same thing my father did. I felt Daniel was superior and i had a choice in what i did with him. Many years later, after years of analysis, i found my reasoning correct.

I felt safe with Daniel, and protected. i was wrapped in his arms that next morning. I woke before him, and just lay passively in his arms. I looked at this man, that i would be giving myself to. He was only a few years older than me, yet i felt him to be more superior and wiser than me. He lay there for a few minutes, just with his arms around me, breathing in deep sleep.

it was only my need to go to the bathroom, and my movement to get out of bed that aroused him.

"Hey boy, Where ya going?" Daniel said.

"I need to use the bathroom, Sir. May i?"

"Sure boy, go ahead. and start the shower while your in there."

"Yes Sir." i said.

I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. It was a large room with a jacuzzi tub on a pedastil base as the center of the room. The shower was big enough for 5 people to stand comfortably, with sprays all around the stall. I turned the water on to heat for the shower as i took my piss. As i was finishing, Daniel came into the room and stood.

"Come on boy, dont dally there. Lets get into the Shower."

I quickly got up and moved to the shower stall and opened the door and checked the tempeture of the water, before letting Master get in. Master let out a loud moan, when the water hit his skin.

"To hot Sir?" i asked.

"NO boy. Just feels good. Now get the soap and start washing me down. Then we will work on you boy. I think you need to look more like my good little slave boy."

"Yes Sir."

After washing him down front and back, i was kneeling at his feet. He looked down at me then and smiled. I felt this was where i was suppose to be. Kneeling at his feet and serving him. He had been so good to me. Taking me home to visit my mother and bringing me to his house for the summer. I felt i was where i belonged.

"What are you thinking, lou?"

"You Sir. and me, here serving you. This is right where i belong Sir."

"I think so too boy."

When i had finished washing him and worshipping his feet, he shut the water off and began to leave the shower stall. I waited on my knees as i was until he told me to come out.

"Okay boy. Dry me down, then we can get you shaved down and prepared for the day."

"Yes Sir."

i took the towel that he had pointed to and dried him all over. i was so in awe of him i was lingering on his legs and cock.

"Thats enough boy. we have work to do. Now move over here and lean back against the tub."

"Yes Sir." i did as ordered. the tub was high enough on a pedastal base that i had to step up and sit on the edge.

"Now Lean as far back as you can boy. Thats good. Now spread those legs."

i was sitting on the edge of this great big jacuzzi tub, leaning back trying to maintain my balance, when daniel reached over and took my wrist and moved them to the back of the tub. I was basically immobile, with my legs hanging off the edge and my hands trying to support me, without being placed in restraints.

"Now stay there boy."

"Yes Sir." i said, as i watched him get the items he needed. He pulled a safety razor from below the sink and some shaving cream.

" Okay boy. i am only going to do this the first time, after this you will be required to maintain yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir."

Master then proceeded to shave me from my neck down. I did not have much hair as i had only been getting some pubes when he took me under his wing so to speak.

When he had finished, he helped me get up and then led me back to the shower to rinse off.

"Okay, lets go boy. into the bedroom, NOW!"

I Quickly dried myself and ran into the bedroom. i was unsure of what to do, so i stood waiting instructions by the bed. This did not go unnotice by Daniel.

"Very good boy. Your learning. Now, lets get ourselves dressed and head out. We have so much to do today. In the closet you will find the outfit i laid out for me today. Bring it out here and dress me."

" Yes Sir."

i quickly ran into the closet, which was the size of my bedroom at home, and saw the clothes he had laid out for him. I dont know when he laid them out but i carried them with reverence out to the bedroom and laid them on the bed. He had chosen an A&F polo shirt and cargo pants. Under these he had also chosen silk boxers.

I knelt before him and placed the boxers at his feet to step into. i lifted them when his feet were in the boxers. As i leaned in and lifted them, he looked so hot, it awed me.

"Sir. You look so hot in those. Do we have to cover them up with clothes Sir?"

"Yes boy. Now be quick and get those pants and lets get a move on."

"Where are we going Sir?"

"Its a surprise Boy. and you dont ask questions of me."

Once Daniel had been dressed, he again went into the closet to find clothes for me. He chose a simalar outfit of Cargo pants, polo shirt and white jockeys. Once dressed he lead me downstairs to the playroom to get my collar.

"Which collar do you want to wear today boy? the spiked or the Shiny leather one?"

"i think the leather one Sir."

"Okay, run and get it, and bring the locks with you."

While i was getting the necessary items, Daniel called for the car. Jason would be waiting for us in front, when Daniel was ready. I did not know where we would be going, but Daniel had made the arrangements. It would be good to get out for the afternoon. My training had been going on during the week since i arrived. Daniel said i was progressing but i still found it hard to follow his orders.

Once i was properly collared, we headed back upstairs to the car. Jason apparently had been advised of where we would be heading, as i did not hear any directions given to him. Once in the car he gave me my directions.

"okay, boy. Remember to mind your manners. No crossing of your legs, and total respect is to be shown, at all times. That means you will walk behind me, not next to me, and you will keep yourself open and available to me. And no matter who we meet you will wait for me to give you permission to speak. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes Sir. i understand Sir." i said. Keeping my eyes averted and always walking behind him had been a difficult rule to follow during the week. Daniel had allowed me to forego not looking at him while at home. I wondered if that would apply while we were out.

"Sir, May i look at you today, or must i keep my head down?"

"Lou, when you show me respect, where are your eyes suppose to be at the time?"

"Down at the ground Sir. I guess i cant look at you then."

"Thats right boy. Now why dont you get down on the floor and you can pleasure me till we get there. And its okay to look at me while you suck me boy. Will that please you my little one?"

"oh yes sir. very much Sir." i said as i slipped to the floor of the limo. Daniel even assisted me in opening his pants and taking his large hard cock out. I remembered his orders about respect and placed my hands behind me as i took his dick into my mouth.

"mmmmm Boy. that very good." Daniel said as i enveloped him. "Your training has been very good this week. Your learning very well."

Daniel and i had never really talked about my past or how i learned the techniques i used on him. But he did feel the benefits of them. I continued to suck him slowly, keeping my teeth out of the way, and licking on the underside of his fat appendage at the spot that all men seem to have just below the head. As i did this, he gasped.

"Ohhhh God boy that is so good. You really know how to suck dick. Keep going boy. Your going to get a mouthful shortly. Yeahhhh..."

I could feel his dick getting hard and filling with cumm. I knew shortly he would be shooting. His dick was swelling and throbbing. i could taste his heavy precum as i swallowed around the cock in my throat.

"Good boy, Yesss.... Keep it up. Ohhhh Yeahhhhh...." he gasped then, and the muscles in his abdomen started to flex.

I tasted his first shot before i felt it spray the back of my mouth. Then i felt 4 more shots shooting into me. I could hardly keep up with it,as his cum filled my mouth, but i did.

When he was finished cumming, i had a hard dick in my pants also. but i knew i would not be allowed to touch it. Daniel just continued to gasp and breath for a few minutes while i licked the remaining drops from his Cock. When he could speak he told me to come sit up on the seat again.

"Sir, may i cum too?"

"No boy. Maybe later tonight, okay?"

"Yes Sir."

A buzzer sounded then from the front of the limo. Jason was calling to advise us we had arrived.

To be continued....

Please keep your emails coming and thanks to all who have written. Encouragement is always welcome at LOUBOY@AOL.COM.

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