Gay Slaves First Time

By moc.loa@yobuol

Published on Mar 6, 2023


This is a true recollection from 1971. the names have been changed to protect the innocent or guilty. This story relates to the first time experience between 2 teenage boys.

If this offends anyone, please read no further.

Gay slaves first time part 5

I realized many years later that my mother had a lot of trust in Master Daniel to permit her son to remain with him for the summer, and basically for 8.5 years afterward. In hindsight, it was this trust from her, that allowed me to function as his slave. I have never been advised what Sir may have told her, but in future years their bond also grew.

When we returned to Connecticut, after our visit and shopping spree, I was taken downstairs to my cage. Daniel still had not allowed me to remove the stretcher, and I was aware that I needed to be punished. He had told me so earlier in the day.

It is truly a form of torture, subtle though it may be, to have someone know they are to be punished and let them think about it all day. Master Daniel, being only 17 at the time and still very authoritarian, and imaginative, would surely know this. The day seemed to draw on the longer I remained in my cage.

It was several hours later, or maybe it only seemed that way, when he came for me.

"follow me boy," he said. "Which collar would you like for this evening boy? The spiked collar or the other collar you chose, its your choice."

"Sir, may I wear the black one without the spikes for tonight. I don't know what punishments you have for me, but I would not wish to have the spikes poking me Sir,"

The smile that he tried not to show, spoke volumes. Daniel knew I had given it some thought, and would accept anything he gave me.

"The black collar it is then, boy. Do you remember what I told you yesterday? You are going to be hurting, but I am not going to harm you. Your going to make me very happy tonight, aren't you boy?"

I could only smile at him, I was still fearsome of his wrath, for disobeying him, but I knew he would not break any bones, or punish me to severely.

Daniel led me into the main room, away from the cage, and retrieved the collar I had chosen. The stretcher was still pulling my balls down, and I knew he would have to remove it soon. But I was sure it wouldn't be before I had taken my full punishment.

In the middle of the room, Daniel had placed a padded sawhorse device, to which he led me. To each of the legs was a padded restraint, which he attached to each of my legs and arms. This had me bent over with my behind in the air. He had also attached straps to the back by the waist to pull your dick back and attach it. This had the effect of keeping you constantly in one place or having your cock pulled or possibly hit.

When he had me fastened in, to his satisfaction, he stepped back to admire his work. He also went around to select what other things he needed.

After selecting the Paddle, and 2 riding crops from his wall, he returned to me.

"Boy, I will allow you tonight to select the instrument of punishment. Which shall it be boy? Do you want the paddle, the horsehair crop, or the cane crop? For disobeying me, regarding never looking directly upon me, and which you have done several times, when you thought I wasn't looking. You may choose."

Thinking the horsehair crop would be the least painful, I began to choose that. I then wavered over the paddle also.

"I think the paddle Sir." I said.

"The paddle it is then, and how many licks do you think would be appropriate? For your disobedience, how many should I give you boy? Let me add some weights to your stretcher while you think about that." Master then added about 2 lbs of weight to my already stretched balls. They had been in the stretcher most of the day, and now they were really screaming.

"10 Sir. I deserve 10 good licks with the paddle Sir. I am truly sorry for disobeying you Sir. I promise never to do it again."

"I know you wont, this will see to it. Okay 10 good licks. I think I need help to administer these to you though. I want to enjoy your suffering tonight, so I am going to call Jason in to give them to you.." Master picked up the phone and dialed for Jason to come downstairs. He appeared shortly, wearing a black leather harness and black jeans. Master Daniel must have arranged to have him here.

"Jason, my boy has requested 10 good licks with the paddle. Would you be so kind as to reward him with these. Let him kiss the paddle first though. He does need to learn to obey the rules here. Then don't spare the rod Jason. Make them count. Ill just sit back and enjoy his suffering. You may begin."

"Okay kid, you heard your Master. Kiss the paddle and lets get on with this" Jason said.

I could bearly raise my head from the horse, I was leaning over, but I made the effort. After kissing the paddle, Jason began in earnest to lay on the swats.


Owwww. Sir, it hurts like fire.


"I don't hear you counting boy. I want to hear after each smack, "one sir,thank you sir. May I have another, sir.." Can you do that boy? Now begin again."

Oh nooo.


"One Sir, thank you Sir, May I have another Sir?"


"2 Sir thank you Sir, May I have another Sir?"

Whack , whack, whack, whack.

Whack, whack, whack,

"Nine Sir, thank you Sir, May I have the final one Sir."

Whack. It took all my strength to keep from screaming at this point. I felt my bottom was truly on fire, and flames would be rising shortly. Daniel had sat watching all this with a smile on his face the whole time.

"Very good, boy. You did well. Jason would you release him from the horse and bring him to the Saint Andrews in the corner Please?"

"Sure thing Boss." While he was releasing me he whispered I must have done something bad to deserve this beating. "Just don't do it again, ya hear."

My night was only beginning.

Jason led me over to a wooden x shaped rack with restraints located on each of the corners. It was very hard to walk after the beating i took. Daniel just sat and watched as Jason attached me to the apparatus. Daniel had been sitting silently watching me take my beating, smiling. I knew i had pleased him, i could tell by the smile on his face. I did not realize at the time, but i felt this was right for me to please him, in any way i could. If this meant taking a spanking, or whipping with a belt or crop, then so be it. I had been staring at him without realizing, then quickly averted my gaze. Daniel was aware, however, he did not mention it to me at the time.

Not looking at him would prove to be the hardest rule not to break. My eyes would always stray to him anytime he was in the room. I did eventually learn to follow this however.

After Jason had chained me Daniel dismissed him. Together, they left to return upstairs. I was left hanging on the st andrews for what seemed forever, but must have been only a few minutes. i soon heard Daniel returning.

"Well my little slave boy. You have done very well tonight. I know you have a lot of training yet, but you will be a fine addition to our house. I even think my parents will like you when they come back. Until then we have the house to ourselves." Daniel would walk around me during this conversation. Touching my face, my chest, by stretched testicles.

"i think you need to have these weights removed. Are they Hurting Boy?"

"Yes Sir. Very much Sir." i said.

The stretcher had been on all day since going to the store this morning. Daniel decided that he would release this from me. I did not realize the amount of pressure that was being exerted on my balls at the time, until he took the wieghts off and the stretcher.

"Sir.... Owww......" Tears welled up in my eyes at the time.

"i know it hurts, boy. but your doing really well. I love making you suffer. Just a little while longer now, and then we can go upstairs and rest."

"yes Sir, Master"

Daniel began to reiterate several rules for me to follow. "You will always be available to me. Never cross any part of your body, or hide of yourself from me. You will be my property, and i will have a contract done up to that effect. After discussing with your mother today, she thinks its good you shall be staying up here with me. I need someone to keep me company for the summer and thinks you and i will be very good for each other. She also thinks you need some order in your life. I told her, i have everything you need and will keep you in line. Little does she know how much."

To my 13 (almost 14) year old mind, i thought my mother did not want me. I could not understand that she was telling us to be friends, and that she trusted her son to him.

"i think we will be very good for each other also." Daniel said. "i really think you need this, and i feel i need you also."

" Do you understand boy?"

" Yes Sir. i think so, Sir."

"Okay lew. i think we can go upstairs now. I am going to release you from your position. Are you going to be able to stand on your own?"

" I think so Sir."

"good boy. If you need help you just let me know, okay?"

"Yes Sir." Daniel went about releasing each of the restraints around my ankles then started on my wrists. Letting my wieght rest again on my legs was painful but i wanted to please my new Master, and did not complain.

"okay boy. 3 steps behind and just follow me upstairs. I think you deserve to sleep with me tonight. You have done very well today. how does that sound Boy?"

"Thank you Sir. May i call my mother before we go up Sir?"

"lou, do you know what time it is? its 2:30 in the morning and much to late to call anyone. You may call in the morning. Tonight, you will sleep with me, in my bed. That will not always be the case, but you have been very good today."

"thank you Sir."

When we again were in Masters Bedroom, i was ordered to remove his clothes and make sure they were on hangers neatly. I felt it was only right that this be so, and i wished to please him. After removing his clothes, he crawled into bed, then told me to get in.

"now boy, you will get under the covers and slowly suck me until i cum. i want the same pace at all times, and no teeth, boy. You will build up my climax slowly, and when i cum you may cum also. but no hands boy. on me or you. I like to have my slaves so hot over me that they dont need there hands to get off. You understand Boy?"

"Yes Sir." Thank goodness i already was so hot over Daniel. and since he had been keeping me on the edge all evening, i knew it would not take much to get me cumming.

Under the covers, i slowly took Master Daniel into my mouth. He placed his hands on the back of my head and began to set the pace. It was a slow pace, and i had to take him all the way to my throat. It only took a few minutes though before he was rock hard and panting. He apparently had also been on the edge, watching me take my punishment and during his talk. I soon felt him panting and felt his legs starting to shake and move upward over my back.

I could barely make out his breathing, which was rapid, and his soft moans. I must have been doing a good job, because all of a sudden he stiffened and my mouth was filled with his semen. I tried my best to keep up with the flow, but some leaked out the sides of my mouth. I knew i would probably be punished in the future for this, however, i was glad this night was over.

After cleaning him with my tongue, i was able to crawl up, where he wrapped me in his arms, and kissed me then held me through the night. I had completely forgotten that i had been allowed to cum also. I did not get that chance though. My eyes were drifting off to sleep, as i lay cradled in my new Masters Arms.

To be continued.

Comments or questions: Subject Line: gay slave story.


Next: Chapter 6

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