Gay Slaves First Time

By moc.loa@yobuol

Published on Feb 23, 2023


This story is a true recollection from 1971, when you did not need to be playing safe. This story depicts gay sex between 2 teenage men. The relationship continued for 8 years until his death. Copyright 2004.

Walking into the Pleasure Chest was difficult when we pulled up front. Daniel had been playing with me the entire ride from Connecticut. When he led me into the store, he continued to the rear of the shop.

"Hello, I'm john. How can I be of assistance," the sales person asked? Daniel continued to walk with authority over to the leather restraints area.

"I need to have my slave boy fitted properly with a ball stretcher. Are you able to do that for me? I will also need to see several cock rings in different types, and also several hoods."

"Yes Sir, I can help you with those, Sir."

Leading me to the rear dressing rooms, I was escorted in and told to lower my pants, which had been sticking out and leaking with pre-cum since we left Connecticut. John then took my testicles in his hand and pulled very hard, downward."

"Really stretch them down. I want him to know that his balls are no longer his, and that I own them. What size do you recommend, 1.5 or 2, or 3-inch stretcher? I want this to be a constant reminder to him. And do you have any with the spike tips on the inside of them?"

"Yes Sir," John replied. He ran quickly to retrieve the stretchers Daniel had requested. After looking them over and choosing the 2-inch stretcher with little spikes on the inside of the collar, he placed it on me, and requested a lock. I would be locked into this for a long time, until Master released me.

"Do you have any Chastity devices also? My boy has the tendency to reach and play with himself, if given the chance. I need to break him of this."

How he knew this, I did not know, I hadn't been allowed to play with myself, and had my hands strapped down before I could.

" My boy is 14 and You know how they are. I also want a couple of cock rings, perhaps in leather, and maybe a chrome ring also. And lets get a couple more butt Plugs for him too! You'd like that boy, wouldn't you? And I want my boy to pick out his own collar. This is something he should be picking to show who owns him."

I was quick to reply "Yes Sir." Master continued to walk around the store, while I remained in the rear with John. After a few minutes he returned with several gags and hoods, which he had John show us how to put on. John was very careful to explain to Master Daniel, how to use them, and continued to ignore me and refer all questions to Daniel.

John escorted me to the collars area in the counter. After careful consideration I chose 2 collars. The first collar had short spikes along the top, which would require me to keep my head up at all times, or I would have spikes poking into my chin. The other collar was leather with a gold property label in the center. Both of these could be locked into place along with the hood if needed. Daniel looked these over and patted me on the head to let me know I chose well.

Daniel chose several large Butt plugs, 2 hoods, one with a tube and a cock gag, with tubing to breath through, several large and small dildos and 3 cock rings, 2 leather, (1 with spikes and the other a 7 gates of hell), and a chrome ring. He also decided on the ball stretcher already attached and another stretcher that lifted and separated them to which weight could be attached.

He also looked at an adjustable leg spreader. Each end had a padded ankle restraint, which could be locked into place, and the bar could also be adjusted to open very wide or closed to about 1 1/2 feet. In the center there was a d-ring, which could be attached to an eyebolt to secure the spreader.

After looking over the chastity devices, he decided on a couple of choices. One being a device similar to a cage, with several sharp nails surrounding the cage. I would need to be careful with that, and could only wear that lying down spread eagle, or I would have my legs all bruised and cut. The other was for everyday, I was told. It was modeled similar to a U shape pipe that the cock is place in and folded back on itself, leaving the head out of the sheath so you can piss. After measuring and fitting this, I found it quite comfortable. Master did not make me wear this on the way home, however, as he still wanted to make several stops.

After making his purchases, John ran out to get Jason to assist with the packages. Once everything had been secured in the truck, Master Daniel went about securing me. For a 17-year old stud, he sure knew a lot about all this stuff. After speaking with Jason outside the Limo, he returned to me and went about opening my shorts again, to check the stretcher, and to keep me excited. I inadvertently squirmed in my excitement.

"Remember boy, do not cross your legs, or jump around while I do this. Your mine to play with. Got that, boy?"

"Yes Sir. Permission to ask Sir?"

"Yes boy."

"Why are you spending so much money on me, Sir. I certainly don't deserve any of these wonderful things. And you only just met me."

"I am allowed to spend my money on whatever I choose. I think you deserve these things and more. However, you are correct. I only just met you and plan on keeping you, for a long time."

With that Daniel reached over and pulled my neck to his, and kissed me. I was overwhelmed with emotion, and could not speak.

Jason pulled up in front of the All American Boy Boutique on Christopher Street. He got out to open the door for Daniel and assisted him in getting me out of the car also. Inside, was an array of very trendy clothes. Daniel walked in as if he owned the place and looked around. I would not have been able to afford any of these things myself, but Daniel was certainly able to, and made no bones as to what he desired.

"I want to see some nice clothes for my boy, there. Can you measure him, and I want to see some pants, and a few shirts, and perhaps a leather jacket for him."

After making several choices, Daniel looked for a couple things for himself. Several of which matched what he bought for me. I was so emotional, I could not speak, but looked at Daniel with new respect. When he was finished paying and the car had been packed, he surprised me again.

"Boy, I think we should also stop while we're out and get something for your Mom. Perhaps some perfume or something. What do you say?"

"Oh Sir, that would be so wonderful. My mother would be thrilled. I don't have a father Sir. They got divorced years ago, when mom found him raping me. But my Mother, I love with all my heart."

"That's good boy. Off to the little perfume store around the corner here, and then I think a nice drive to see her is in order. Don't you think so too, boy? You've been good so far my little slave."

After stopping and getting the perfume, we got back in the car giving Jason the directions to my mothers home in Massapequa, Long Island.

"I think while we drive out, you can entertain me. Down on your knees, hands behind your back. Now open my pants with you teeth."

This was not as easy as it would seem. What with having your balls stretched and not being able to cross your legs, or use your hands, in a moving vehicle was very difficult. I was able to succeed in getting his pants open. And slowly removing his hard throbbing dick, I was able to swallow about half of it.

"That's good Louie, your doing just great. Keep sucking nice and slow. I don't want to cum until we are almost out to your house. You got that boy?"

"Yes Sir." I realized then he had called me by my name, for the first time. I started to reach down for my own dick then. I didn't realize what I was doing until he spoke to me.

"Yeah, just go slowly now, and make it last. Just a nice slow pace, there's no need to rush. Just keep going now, and keep your hands off your dick. You are not here to please yourself after all I just bought you. You're here to please me. Now keep sucking nice and slow."

I was afraid Jason would be able to hear and see in the front seat. I squirmed around on the floor trying not to let on what was happening. Apparently, he was aware of Daniels activities and I would learn later, would be called upon to assist in certain trainings.

"Oh boy, you're learning. Just keep going down on me. Yeah. That's good boy. Just like that. Lick that dick all over. Now go lower and lick my balls. Make love to your Masters meat. Yes, take them into your mouth. OH Yes, so very good. Yes, go lower now boy. That's the way. Lick all over. Yeah, eat my ass boy. Your such a good slave boy, trying to please me. Now get back on my dick boy. I'm getting close."

"Nice and slow now. Hold me in your mouth and just suck to head. Don't move at all. Yeah, that's the way. I'm gonna cum now boy. Your going to hold me in your mouth until I stop spurting, and don't spill a drop or I will add to your punishments this evening."

I could see Daniels stomach contracting so I knew he was close. All at once his Dick got rock hard and I could feel it filling up with cum. Then it was spurting in my mouth. I was unprepared for the amount of cum that was pouring out of him. I apparently had done a good job in priming his pump, as he filled me to overflowing, with about 6 good- sized spurts. When his contractions had completed I raised my head up, showing Master his spunk on my tongue and then went about swallowing. I again took his cock in my mouth and cleaned him of all remaining drops and my saliva.

Daniel patted me on my head then, and lay my head on his thighs. "Rest now boy, we're almost home to you house. Let me check your pants, lean back." I did as requested, so he could see I had not cum.

He seemed pleased as he patted my head. "Very good boy. You're learning to obey and not play with yourself. Now sit up here and relax. Lets close your pants up boy. We don't want your mom seeing you all wet like that though. Take this towel and wipe your dick, boy."

After cleaning myself up, he buckled my pants and had me sit silently till we reached home.


When we arrived home, my Mother was quite surprised to see us. I had called earlier that morning and told her, I would be staying in Connecticut with Daniel. What surprised her most was to have a large limosine pulling into her driveway, with all our nosey neighbors looking on.

Jason immediately stepped out to open our door and help Daniel and I out.

Daniel, always the Gentlemen, introduced himself, and had Jason get the present for her. Mother graciously accepted and invited him into the house asking if he wanted to eat or something to drink. I thought Daniel was just amazing, as he was so comfortable with her, he could just fit in anywhere. He had such class.

"Lou, why don't you show Daniel around the house. Take him up to your Room."

Mother never thought anything about my being 14 and Daniel turning 17. She just took it that we were friends and it was completely fine with her. After I showed him around, Daniel wanted to speak with my mother alone. He told me to remain up in my room until he called me.

When he returned, he packed up a few items from my room and told me it was time to go. Mother met us in the foyer before leaving.

"Now you be a good boy for your friend, and don't give him any trouble. Have a good summer and I will see about school at the end of August. Call me when you can. Daniel, if he gives you any trouble, you just send him home. Thank you again for the Perfume. It was very thoughtful of you. Have a good time with your friend. Love to you both."

Jason saw us coming and opened the doors for us. I noticed all the neighbors peering out at us. We would leave it for my mother to explain to them, her son had rich and affluent friends, who was going to keep him. Apparently my mother knew we were lovers, and it was all right with her. I don't think she understood that I was Daniel's slave. I never bothered to correct her or elaborate. She accepted him and loved him, as did i.

To be continued: Email or Comments to put in the subject line "slave story" Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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