Gay Slaves First Time

By moc.loa@yobuol

Published on Feb 16, 2023


A gay Slaves first time. By Louboy

A true story.

This story is a true recollection from 1971, when you did not need to be playing safe. This story depicts gay sex between 2 teenage men. The relationship continued for 8 years until his death. Copyright 2004.

I had known I was gay since I was 11 years old, but it wasn't until meeting my first Master at 13 years of age, that I knew I was a submissive gay slave. We had been out to a party at a friend's house when I met him. He was 16 years old, tall blond, blue-eyed and very Butch. At the time I was a 13 year old, tall (6'1"), thin, brown haired, blue-eyed outgoing young man. I had been around the gay scene for many years, having been performing as an actor, singer, and dancer for 4 years already.

Daniel was standing talking to a friend of his at the party we were both attending, when he noticed me. I had been eyeing him all evening, hoping to catch his attention, but afraid for some reason unknown to me, of making the first move. He kept watching me through out the evening, always keeping me in sight. As the night wore on, he managed to make his way over beside me.

"Hello," he said. "My names Daniel, but you can call me Sir. I've had my eye on you all evening, and I know you have been watching me too."

"Yes Sir", I said.

"I know what you need boy. How old are you anyway?" Daniel inquired.

"Thirteen Sir, going on fourteen Sir, in a month." I don't know why I kept calling him Sir through out our conversation. It just seemed to come naturally to me.

"Who are you here with Boy? Do you belong to someone?" Daniel asked. As I had come alone, I just shook my head no. It was not unusual for me to spend the night out with friends and just call my mother to let her know I would not be in.

"Well boy, I think your going to come home to my house tonight. I have the place to myself, and I need some company."

"Yes Sir," I said. "Shall I get our coats Sir?"

"Yes boy, say goodnight to everyone, get the coats and I will meet you at the door," Daniel said.

I quickly ran to do as ordered. I still did not understand why I was following his orders or doing his bidding, but I was.

As we left, he placed a set of cuffs on my wrists and attached them to my belt. He placed his expensive floor length wool coat over me so no one could see and called for the elevator. I for some reason trusted him explicitly and was not afraid.

He had a chauffeured limousine waiting outside as we got out of the elevator. I did not know at the time his family was very wealthy, but when we began our journey to Connecticut, back to his home, I soon found out.

"We are going to lay out some ground rules boy. You are to obey them to the letter," he said. "I want you to keep your feet uncrossed, at no time will you make yourself unavailable by crossing your feet, legs or any other part of your body. You will remove your shoes and kick them to the side. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Sir," I replied. I did as he asked although with having my hands attached to my belt, it was not an easy task.

"Now boy, for tonight you will be my slave. I am going to train you to please me, and if I wish I may keep you as my slave. If at anytime I go to fast or to far for you, you need only say the word VANILLA. Can you remember that word, boy?"

"Vanilla Sir?"

"Yes Boy, it's your safe word, but I don't think your going to need it. I am going to take you places, and we will build slowly. You have wanted this for a long time, haven't you boy?" I just shook my head yes. As we passed over the George Washington Bridge, I realized it was true.

"If your really good, and I know you will be, I may keep you as my slave. You will have to sign a contract though, of your own free will. My father's lawyers, who happen to be gay also, will draw it up. It will be binding Boy. You're going to be mine, from now on."

" Yes Sir," I said rather calmly. I was unaware of how my life was to be changing.

As we approached New Canaan Connecticut, he gave me my final instructions. "When we get home, boy, you are to remain seated until I get out and open the doors. At which point you will follow 3 paces behind me to my right. Keep your head bowed and never look directly into my eyes again. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I replied.

"Jason will assist you in getting out of the car if you need." I followed his orders to the letter. "Okay, we're almost home. Remember boy, just follow my orders and you'll be fine."

When we arrived I followed, 3 steps behind and to the right, as directed. Once inside, Jason handed a collar and leash to him, which was placed around my neck. He was leading me to my new life.

(continued in part 2)

Next: Chapter 2

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