Gay Sauna Fun

By UKRichard

Published on Jan 22, 2002



This is a true account of a recent visit to a gay sauna. It contains adult, gay material and is intended for adults aged 18 or over only.

I arrived at the sauna around 6.45p.m. and received the usual warm welcome and locker key. I was in the far changing area at the top of the stairs near the Jacuzzi. I walked through, stripped off, donned my towel and headed for the first floor showers via the basement video room and the second set of stairs. I showered thoroughly, eager to refresh myself from the three hour train journey and to be as sweet and clean for any prospective lover as possible. When I left the shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist and entered the steam room.

There were a couple of guys in there, middle aged I think, nothing of interest. Having just got there I was happy to just sit back and enjoy the heat for a while. It was a nice way to unwind and, exceptionally, I had the whole evening to myself if necessary to seek out guys. The two guys left after a while and shortly afterwards a younger lad came in, pretty good looking, about 30, carrying a little weight but mainly by virtue of his 'barrel chest'. He sat almost opposite to me and after a few minutes made some comment about the place being busy. He had an overseas accent sounded Australian - and I said I'd only just arrived but that it did seem to get busy around this time. It was a pretty stilted conversation as they often tend to be in these surroundings, even when there's just the two of you! After a few minutes I got up and left. I don't think I looked at him directly but out of politeness I undoubtedly gave some sort of amiable smile as I walked out.

A quick shower and I entered the dry sauna. A few interesting guys in there but no action so I just sat down to take in the heat and weigh up the talent! It was here that I noticed the moody, blond guy I had seen during my last visit. He'd come on to me then but I'd ignored his advances. I'm sure he recognised me too but he wasn't noticeably cool towards me. He was kind of good looking but his best feature was his abs. He had a sexy, smooth, washboard stomach and I couldn't help but think what it would look like splashed with cum! His cock may well have been his number one asset but so far I hadn't seen this, although on my last visit he rubbed his length through his towel quite a lot. A few minutes later I needed a shower again and exited the sauna.

By this time I was ready for a wander around. I'd wound down a little and my mind was definitely turning to cock! If the place was as busy as the earlier guy said there must be quite a few elsewhere. I headed downstairs, noticing as I went past the ground floor that the rest area was pretty full. In the basement three or four guys milled around the dark room / cubicles and two or three more were watching some porn in the TV area. I sat there and took in the film for a spell. A sexy young guy sat to my far left, legs stretched along the upper seat. From time to time I'm sure he was rubbing his cock through his towel but at no point did I see him take it out. Between him and I was a fairly old guy in his sixties, slim but definitely not for me. He masturbated openly through much of my time there and I had the distinct impression he was coming on to me or anyone else in the room. 'Mr. Abs' was standing just to the left of the doorway leading to the dark room, stroking his prick through the join in his towel and staring at the young stud to my left. I was pretty hard from the film and the knowledge that there was already a variety of hard cock and jacking off going on around me. Eventually the young guy and his admirer left, although I wasn't of the opinion they had hit it off. I didn't really want to spend time with the old guy so I too headed back upstairs and entered the steam room.

To my delight it was pretty full and the steam must have just finished because it was pretty dense in there. There wasn't much space to sit so I sat between two guys on the bench nearest the door, on the right as you go in. It was one of those occasions when you sense something is going to happen - even through the steam you can sense that eyes are really looking hard around the room and that guys are touching themselves up, urging someone on to start something off. Sure enough as the steam dissipated there were a couple of cocks standing proud outside towels, their owners rubbing them slowly, provocatively. Several others were rubbing themselves through or beneath their towels. I glanced to my right to see a beautiful pink, bulbous cock head being rubbed by its slim, young and hairy owner. I hadn't seen his face as I went in and it seemed too conspicuous to look him full in the face at such close quarters, even though I desperately wanted to see if his looks matched his cock. Sitting to his right at the end of the long bench was a gorgeous guy of about 38, short brown hair, very good looking, nice hairy chest. He was giving the guy sitting next to me a lot of eye contact. The man sitting to his right, who I didn't see clearly, suddenly reached across and placed his hand beneath his towel, pulling the stud's cock free and beginning a slow wank action. Despite this, the recipient didn't break the eye contact. Presumably urged on by the absence of any rejection, guy number 3 lifted himself off the bench, dropped to his knees in front of his lover and took his cock into his mouth. In the periphery of my vision the guy next to me instinctively began working his cock even more at which point his admirer reached across and took over from him. I glanced to my left and a small guy of quite indiscernible age, sitting to the left of the door, was openly jacking off. Another guy from the bench opposite came across and they began to mutually masturbate. Opposite me on the far wall, nearest the steam unit, a guy was now lying on the bench with another guy's face between his legs.

So far as I could make out the only people not yet engaged in working an erection were myself and the guy sitting to my left. I was aware he'd been jacking off slowly for a while and the fact that I was the only person not involved with another guy's cock meant this was a clear come on. I glanced to my left only to see it was 'Mr. Abs'! I felt a little panicked after my experience the last time I encountered this guy and for a couple of minutes I just sat there, taking in the view. However I soon concluded that the guy was clearly interested and that it seemed more natural to join in than either sit there or leave. So I took the plunge and reached across to hold his erect prick. It's funny how you form an impression about cock size based on someone's looks and physical appearance, because when I finally parted his towel to view his cock in its entirety, as opposed to the pink knob hitherto visible, he was somewhat smaller than I expected - certainly smaller than the shaft I know best! But he was delightfully fucking hard and I savoured stroking his length a few times and listening to his moans. His right hand had also found my meat and had begun gently masturbating me. Within a couple of minutes he got up and left, clearly inviting me to follow. I waited a few moments after he had gone and stood up myself. By this time the two blokes next to me had stood up and, whilst still intimately attached, were also involved in cock action of some sort with the two guys at the far end of the room. I didn't take in what was happening exactly, just that everyone seemed connected by their dicks in some way or other and that the stud who I had admired earlier was giving me the eye. I looked around - the two guys to the left of the door were still engaged in a blow job, four others were inextricably connected together by their respective cocks and I was being urged to stay by a truly sexy guy. I felt a real twat but I turned my back on the door and went to greet my new admirer.

The guy who had been sitting next to me was standing behind him, getting his cock sucked by one of the other two guys at the end, whilst he reached around and tweaked 'my guy's' nipples. As I approached him I kissed him on the lips and reached down to hold his cock. He was only semi hard but still quite a magnificent handful. I kissed and lightly bit his shoulder whilst rubbing his cock and pausing occasionally to cradle his heavy balls in the palm of my hand. Moments later he brushed my forearm away from his groin to replace it with his around my cock and began a beautiful jack off session. I was so horny but, for a change, felt I wasn't going to cum too soon - this wasn't coming after an hour or more of cruising around and watching cock and porn as usual so I was a little more relaxed than I had been in the past. I had a straining erection and his hand around me felt fucking fantastic. I felt like the best hung, hardest guy in the city (it's funny the effect an experience like this can have on the mind!) and terribly flattered that this sexy guy wanted me. Throughout the few minutes we were together he paused occasionally to rub my nipples or stroke my balls but pretty soon I could feel myself cumming. This sexy fucker must have had the greatest instinct because every time I came close he paused with no prompting from me. Several times he resumed, but each time he was now wanking me with his hand upside down so that the thumb and forefinger circling my cock were between my meat and stomach and his palm was now rubbing across the underside of my slippery glans. I'm sure I don't need to say just how exquisite that can be, rubbing over my fremun and my hyper sensitive knob. He confined his strokes to my cockhead which meant the sensations came thick and fast the pleasure was almost excruciating at times. I thought I was in pain but it was just the intense pleasure his hand was delivering to the tip of my prick. Several times I had to hold him really tight because I felt my legs would give way beneath me. Each time he stopped to give me a break before resuming with the same 'torture'. He moved behind me, sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I could feel his cock between my ass and as he positioned himself a couple of times, I momentarily worried that he was going to slide his naked meat into my virgin ass but he quickly stopped and I realised he was just getting his cock comfortable. He was a fair way from my hole but it felt good to have his meat there.

He stroked me some more before sliding from beneath me. I held his cock and masturbated him gently. He looked me full in the face and gave me a very genuine, very warm smile before disengaging from me and leaving. I didn't feel disappointed his look said to me 'I enjoyed giving you such a good time'. He either left me deliberately because he gets off on that (or knew how intense it would make my orgasm later) or he thought I'd cum anyway from my intense reactions and the tremendous wetness of my cock. Either way, I didn't mind - he'd given me a fucking fantastic experience.

My cock was flaccid but I felt tremendously well hung - you know the feeling when your cock is just about as big as it can get without starting to erect. I was as horny as fuck - that had been my steamiest session at the sauna ever and the night was still young and I only felt even hotter as I washed the precum off my cock. I left the shower, wrapped my towel around my waist and headed for the sauna where I spent a restful few minutes as guys popped in and out, looking for their 'Mr. Right'. Then I went downstairs. I didn't shower first - sometimes I like to go down there bathed lightly in fresh, clean sweat, hoping to find someone who likes the feel of hot, wet skin next to their own! There wasn't much happening in the video room, the film was at one of those 'in-between' stages where the 'actors' are involved in developing some plot! About three guys milled around the private booths but I wasn't interested. I thought I'd try the Jacuzzi because I'd only ever been in there once before and really enjoyed the sensation of the water swirling around my cock, balls and ass so much better than a conventional Jacuzzi where one has to wear trunks.

I entered the room and as I climbed up the stairs to the pool, I saw there were three guys in there already, two middle aged men to my right and a young lad on his own to the left. I hung up my towel on the hook and gingerly walked down the steps into swirling waters, enjoying the feel that everyone was eyeing up my cock as I got in it's always a good chance to check out a guy's tackle whilst he's concentrating on getting into the water without breaking his neck! As I always seem to do with this and every other Jacuzzi I mis-judged the final step and stumbled forwards into the water. It never fails to make me feel stupid for a moment or two at least! I walked past the two guys to my right and settled down with them a few feet to my left and the young guy opposite me. I relaxed and let the water swirl around me. I'm fairly easily aroused which is why I always keep my towel on when I enter the saunas until of course someone persuades me to lose it! I was surprised therefore that my cock remained soft with all the stimulation it was getting and knowing that there were three naked guys around me. However within a few minutes of getting into the water I felt a toe nudging my left foot. I inconspicuously tried to weigh up where it was coming from - left or straight ahead and readily saw the leg extended from the guy opposite. He looked young, about 26, with neat, brown, slightly curly hair and flushed, red cheeks. It was hard to tell much about his body beneath the water but just what I saw of his face reassured me that this was someone who I felt comfortable with.

I didn't move my foot and the pressure from his toes increased. His foot slid slowly up mine, allowing him to play with my ankle. Inexorably, his foot began to climb higher up my leg. He must have been stretching a lot beneath the water but it was difficult to tell and, in any event, I wasn't really concerned with how he was doing it, it just felt good. In no time, his foot had passed my knee and was stroking my thigh gently. I wanted him higher and I slid my lower body forward to bring him nearer to my still flaccid cock. He pressed against my inner left thigh and I instinctively pushed further forward, my balls making contact with the tips of his toes. His foot was moving around a bit and I think he was probably at full stretch trying to caress my dick with his foot. I pushed forward still further and by now my equilibrium was becoming somewhat shaky too, but I made firm contact with his foot, gripping it between my thighs and pressing my balls into him as best I could in the water. We probably only stayed locked together for about a minute but it seemed longer. Strangely we made virtually no eye contact during this time but it was clear this was going somewhere. I decided to make a move, knowing he would follow. I stood up and realised my cock was now semi hard. It remained just below the surface of the water until I reached the steps but then surfaced for the two guys on my left to see. Part of me felt a little embarrassed whilst another felt like a real exhibitionist!

I wrapped my towel around my waist, the material tenting in front of me for a few moments until the beginnings of my erection subsided, and headed downstairs through the video room and into the dark room. My man was close behind and as I paused in the darkness to check the availability of the rooms he walked in beside me. He seemed a little bemused by the rooms and I remember thinking to myself that perhaps he hadn't been here before. He had an innocence about him and the flushed red cheeks made me think that perhaps he was experiencing all this for pretty much the first time. As it turned out I couldn't have been more wrong!! Almost by mutual consent we went into one of the rooms. I had previously thought they were all the same but whereas the others were small and dark, this one was a little larger, quite well lit and had a small wooden seat at one end the same style as that found in the dry sauna. We immediately embraced and kissed. He was so hot - his tongue immediately started to fuck my mouth with an incredible intensity. It felt so strong, almost took my breath away and left me struggling to compete. However I quickly adapted and found a synchronicity between our tongues that made for just about the sexiest kissing I've ever enjoyed. Within moments, far from being daunted by the strength and power of his mouth, I was holding the back of his head to give me maximum leverage into him, my tongue straining into the top of his throat. We broke off for a few moments and removed each other's towels. Our cocks were just about the same size, although mine was a little harder than his. We each took a few strokes on each other's meat before resuming our kissing. We both groaned quite loudly, confirming the pleasure we were getting. Suddenly he broke off, dropped to his knees and took me into his mouth. He just took my whole length in at once - he'd fucking done this before! His mouth action on my cock was every bit as powerful as it had been when he was kissing me. He sucked on me hard, eagerly and with powerful, fast strokes. He came back up after a few moments, we kissed fucking passionately again, he tweaked my nipples and I gripped his firm ass, clawing lightly at his flesh with my nails and pulling him hard into my groin. Seconds later he was on his knees again, sucking on my prick mercilessly, just relying on the strength of my erection to keep me in his mouth - he didn't use any hands to steady my cock and it was a terrific sight seeing my unfettered boning dick disappearing into his eager, hot mouth so fast. After about a minute or so he paused, held my cock and commented how beautiful it was (music to any guy's ears!!). Then he pulled my foreskin forward, back over my glistening knob and began sucking solely on my foreskin. Fucking hell, I never knew such a technique existed, and it was fucking exquisite. At no point did his mouth stray over my knob - he just dedicated himself to sucking and stretching that beautiful piece of skin. After about a minute of this he seamlessly plunged down my shaft again, pulling my skin back as he went and resuming his expert working of my cock. I could sense the end approaching, held the back of his damp head and began to thrust ever so gently into his face, my ass cheeks clenching with every push. "I'm gonna cum" I gasped, aware that the final crescendo was still a few seconds away. He continued. About 10 seconds later I had a familiar tightness in my balls and my lower abdomen and I knew that within just a few seconds more I would be shooting my load. "I'm cumming" I warned but as before he just carried on and yes he swallowed everything I could give him. If anything his sucking action was even more intense, he was determined he wasn't going to lose a drop and fuck me he didn't either. I just couldn't believe what was happening. I know guys and women swallow but it had never happened to me before and I never imagined it would. The feel of this guy's hot, eager mouth sucking on my twitching tool, his tongue working me expertly on every stroke and my cock pumping my load down his throat was just awesome. My gentle thrusting continued, I don't think I had the strength to really fuck his face, in fact by this point I was supporting myself on his shoulders because I couldn't be sure of staying on my feet.

Finally, when I could give him no more, he released my cock. Moments later he stood up, looked me straight in the eye and gave one of the broadest grins I've ever seen. He had a beautiful smile with gorgeous white teeth. I moaned something about how incredible that had been and he said he'd enjoyed it. He also introduced himself as Craig and I reciprocated. It was at this point that I recognised the accent - it was the same guy who had spoken to me earlier in the steam room with the Australian accent, though he looked a good deal younger at close quarters. He made some light chat, asking me where I was from and I ascertained he was from New Zealand. He made some comments about my looks or age which flattered me and I responded by telling him I had a few days earlier passed 40 years of age. He seemed genuinely surprised - quite how I managed to get my head through the door at the end of all this I don't know! I said something about being old enough to be his Dad (an exaggeration as he was in his mid twenties at least) and he kindly replied by saying that definitely wasn't the case as he had sisters of my age.

The chat continued for a few minutes, throughout which we stood embracing, me with my arms loosely around his neck, as much as anything to give me some continued support as I was absolutely exhausted both physically and mentally from the recent experience. We kissed gently from time to time but, without it being prompted in any way by Craig, I began to feel awkward because there was no way I felt I could return the pleasure he'd given me. I told him how good he'd been, that I'd never experienced anything like it and that I couldn't give him back what he'd given me because I was so inexperienced. He asked why and I said I was pretty new to all this then adding that I was married. He smiled that irresistible smile and asked "why is it that the best ones are always married"? I smiled back and held his semi hard cock. He said don't worry about me, you need to play safe but the very least I wanted to do for this guy and for myself was jack him off. I gripped his cock and began stroking him up and down, smearing his wetness over his slippery cockhead, pressing his sensitive knob into his hairy groin (I knew how good it would feel) and feeling him harden in my palm. I was amazed when, only a few moments later he was moaning that he was cumming! Somehow I expected this experienced, horny cock to last an age but there he was spurting his creamy load all over his thigh. I pulled him closer to me so that he would splash some of his sperm on my leg and into my mound. It felt good to feel his warmness on my inner thigh.

No sooner had he cum than he was on his knees again, sucking on my still hard prick. I knew the chances of me cumming so soon after were pretty slim but it still felt good. He stood up and we kissed again. I thought I'd detect traces of my spunk in his mouth but there was nothing discernible. He said he wanted me to sit on the bench at the end of the room, I obliged and he went down on me again. He just kept sucking on my dick for ages. Many times I felt I was getting close and I tugged on or scratched at my sac to accentuate the pleasure. Craig clearly wanted me to cum again and I was only too glad to oblige if I could! At other times I clenched the muscles in my thighs or stretched my legs as wide apart as I could - that always helps to bring me close or accentuate my orgasm but nothing was quite getting me there. He frequently paused in his strokes to roll his tongue around my knob or suck specifically on it and that just made me groan loudly. It was almost the same unbearable pleasure I'd 'suffered' at the hands of the guy earlier in the evening. At this point I also noticed Craig was wanking himself off and moments later he stopped everything and stood up. I looked at him. He was so fucking handsome I couldn't believe my luck. I was also aware of at least one face at a small window to the room and was pleased that we'd given someone a good show. We chatted and kissed gently. I said again how fucking terrific he'd been and how sorry I was that I hadn't returned everything he'd done for me. He said not to worry about it I'd made him cum twice and that was more than good enough for him. I hadn't had a hand in his second ejaculation but I was pleased that, whilst pleasuring me, he'd jacked himself off and shot another load.

We agreed a shower was in order and he said he needed to be going soon. We said some farewells and went our separate ways to the showers. After that I decided to chill out with a drink in the main lounge. Conveniently he was sitting there having a drink too and the only available seat was next to him. We sat together for a few minutes, sharing a few words and watching the film (the opening sequences to the last James Bond which I hadn't seen). Then he said he was going to get changed. Later, on his way out, he paused at reception to say a few words to the guy on duty and I approached him, held his lower arm and said thanks. We said we hoped to see each other again and then he was gone. He was a really nice, very straight acting, straight looking, masculine young man. Not surprisingly that particular experience has gone through my mind a lot since and never fails to get a response between my legs - it just turns me on enormously to think of my cum, almost the essence of my being, ending up in another guy's stomach.

I'd showered, rested with a drink in the main TV lounge and said farewell to the gorgeous guy who gave me the blow job of my life but I wasn't ready to leave. For once I had time on my hands and even though I'd enjoyed two amazing sessions already I was eager for more. I cruised around a little before entering the steam room again and sitting on the left hand side near the steam vent, between two guys. There were quite a few young men in there and when my eyes adjusted to the dense steam I could see a number of them either had their hard cocks out, masturbating slowly, provocatively or they were rubbing the bulge in their towels. The room was silent but charged with the air of eager anticipation that comes from having about eight near naked, horny young gay guys in such a confined space. My heart was beating hard and fast and it was a struggle to control my breathing due to the excitement and heat but I loved the feeling. Within moments my towel was tenting and I too was jacking off slowly beneath the cotton. The lad to my left was, I reckon, in his mid twenties. He had short dark hair, a handsome, clean shaven face and a smooth chest. I peered at him through the corner of my eye - his cock protruded from beneath his towel and, though like mine he was an average six inches or so, he looked magnificent. He rubbed the length of his thick rod and, even though I was not looking at his face I knew he was staring at me intently, inviting me to take over. The guy to my right was about 35 with an almost shaved head and he too had his erect prick in his hand but was giving the eye to a fairly short guy of indeterminate age (he could have been early 20s or mid 40s, so hard to tell) opposite. Meanwhile on the end bench to my left the pace quickened as the two guys sitting there embarked on some mutual masturbation. The stud sitting to my left was still staring at me and stroking the length of his dick and I could resist no longer. I looked him in the face and reached for his prick, wrapping my right hand around him and wanking him slowly. We kissed gently, our tongues entwined around each other. My position made it difficult for him to get a hold of my cock but the slightly older guy to my right seemed to get impatient with the object of his desire and reached across to hold me instead.

He began jacking me off and I revelled in his expert touch as he stood up to face me. This was short lived however because the smaller guy from the bench opposite came over, stood behind him and began to pump his erection. He broke off from me and seconds later the eager stud to my left took his place, standing before me. This time though he bent forward to take my cock into his mouth. I just couldn't believe that I was getting another mind blowing blow job for the second time in less than an hour. He alternated his speed, sometimes slow, when I could really sense the warm wetness of his mouth and his lips and tongue caressing my shaft with every upward and downward stroke. At other times he head bobbed me almost as fast as my earlier lover but the strength of his sucking couldn't come near his predecessor and neither did he have that amazing technique of sucking my foreskin.

Having cum quite recently my cock was in no rush to relinquish another load and I could afford to relax. I looked about me and there was wanking and sucking going on everywhere. The guys from the bench opposite and from the right hand bench had all gravitated to this end of the sauna and not for the first time I had the feeling of being at the centre of things. I'm sure a few others had come in whilst things were heating up because the room seemed pretty full now. I was amazed and really turned on to see that another guy tall, fair haired and smooth - was positioning himself behind the horny fucker sucking my rod. He was rubbing his hardness against his ass (I couldn't see if he was wearing a condom) and I could tell he was probing around his hole. My lover offered no resistance and moments later the bucking of the guy's hips and the moans emanating from my guy told me the fucking had started. I remember thinking it was like something out of a porno film - a real orgy with guys connected in a chain of lust.

Moments later the ass fucking stopped I'm not sure whether my guy pulled himself clear or the big guy behind him withdrew but my stud dropped to his knees and began wanking me furiously. The guy with the shaved head who had been sitting next to me had also stopped what he was doing at some point and he too dropped to his knees in front of me, watching me getting wanked off and stroking his own dick at the same time. How the lad to my left managed to wank me off for as long as he did without getting cramp I don't know because he pumped away at me for at least five minutes, pausing occasionally to take me into his mouth and suck on my aching dick. Eventually I had to ask for a rest - I was as horny as fuck but just knew I wasn't going to cum just then. A short break of a minute or two was all I needed and I knew I'd blow a fresh load. But within seconds of stopping the guy with the shaved head took up the challenge. He masturbated me exquisitely. Sometimes slowly, pulling my foreskin back as hard as he could or rubbing my bell end with his fingers, other times every bit as fast as the previous guy. He also put his hand the 'wrong way' around my cock so that the back of his hand was between my dick and stomach. This way, when he pushed down on my cock and rolled my foreskin down, the palm of his hand brushed along my glans as I'd experienced early in my visit. The sensation made me weak and I groaned and writhed. He knew exactly what he was doing and didn't relent, relishing the shockwaves of pleasure he was delivering. At one point he paused to wank himself and the young fucker to my left picked up where he'd left off, wanking me hard and fast. I slumped forward so my forehead was on his shoulder and I held his left shoulder for some support. This was just mind blowing. He seemed determined to make me cum but I was too overwhelmed. In the end my cock was so wet with precum and my groans and convulsions were so strong I think he thought I'd cum anyway and came up to sit next to me smiling broadly. The sexy guy with the shaved head who'd taken me to amazing heights of pleasure stood and left, followed by the little guy and I too hit the shower.

I was still feeling horny and determined not to leave until the pleasure I'd just experienced reached a hot, wet, slippery climax. I went into the empty dry sauna and just sat on the top bench, eyes closed, relaxing. I wanted to signal to anyone coming in that I wasn't up for anything just then. I heard a few people come in and out but took no notice. A few minutes later I was ready to find the final action I craved. There was nothing happening in the steam room so I went upstairs to the second floor. There were various guys standing around the booths or lying in them waiting for someone to take an interest but there was no-one I recognised or fancied. I wandered down to the Jacuzzi but that too was empty so I went down the steps to the porn TV room. There were four guys already in there and I sat along the main wall around the middle on the top row. Seated to my left was a good looking young man who was getting stared at hard by the guy I'd seen on my last visit and who I'd spurned earlier. He was standing by the doorway leading to the dark rooms again rubbing the semi hardness beneath his towel before taking his cock out and jacking off slowly. I had to admire him he was quite nice to look at, very fit, abs to die for and with a pleasant cock, but not for me or for the guy who was the object of his desire who persistently ignored him.

To my right were the two guys from the steam room earlier - the man with the shaved head sat on the bottom row, towel open, wanking his gorgeous erection. His accomplice sat behind him and slightly to his left so that he could reach the guys dick when the fancy took him. They were both watching the video. I was really drawn to the guy on the bottom row - apart from getting a real kick out of watching a nice guy beat himself off, he was pretty sexy and had already given me an amazing hand job. He seemed oblivious to me but the little guy behind him kept looking over to me. My dick was as hard as ever - once again I was surrounded by hard cock to my right, left and on screen. I reached beneath my towel and pulled my foreskin back, sensing the wetness of my precum on my fingers. The little guy looked at me wanking and stared, inviting me to move across I thought but a couple of minutes later it was the horny shaved head fucker below him who got up, strolled across to where I was sitting and sat to my left on the bench below. He looked at me full in the eyes and said "aha we meet again". At the time it sounded sexy because he clearly relished the prospect, as did I, of carrying on where we'd left off earlier. However it sounds so cliched now!

Anyway he didn't waste any time getting a grip of my cock and wanking me in the same beautiful way he had earlier- the difference being I sensed this time he'd be successful in bringing me off. He got to his feet and carried on wanking, pausing more often to give his own meat a tug. Every time he resumed I stretched backwards, arching my back and relishing the waves of pleasure crashing through my body. When he took me in his mouth again I looked at him to take in the sight of his mouth sliding up and down my rod and I was then aware of his friend, standing a little way off to the right, jacking himself off too. Three or four new guys were standing in middle of the room with their backs to the stairs leading up to the Jacuzzi just watching - it's a great feeling having onlookers admiring your cock or the action you're a part of. When he came back up and resumed wanking me, I remember looking into his face. He was good looking with blue eyes and a warm friendly expression. He had a fabulous smile which lit up his whole face. His joyful, rather wicked expression just oozed sex! It occurred to me then and has done often since that his smile - more than anything I've seen before - was just saying 'isn't this fucking amazing?' or 'isn't cock so fucking good'? I hope that makes sense! When he paused a final time to wank himself off I grabbed my cock and began to wank myself off. I could tell I was only a minute or so away from cumming and somehow it just seemed a good idea that we enjoy the sight of each of us wanking off in front of the other to finish. He definitely felt the same because he really wanked himself off hard and fast, punctuating the silence with a series of expletives "oh fuck yeah", "mmm wank your cock", "oh fuck, beautiful". I came first groaning as my cock twitched and pumped large beads of fresh, creamy jizz over my stomach. He was really turned on seeing me shoot my load and wanked even faster. Amid the warm glow of my ejaculation I looked at his face again as he jacked off - he was looking at my cock and cum splashed stomach before looking me full in the face again and giving me that wickedly sexy smile. This time it seemed to suggest 'isn't wanking fucking fantastic'? He held my eye as he groaned and swore through his final seconds. He took a couple of paces towards me just as the cum shot from his gorgeous cockhead and I felt the warmness splash across my arm, stomach and lower chest.

I can't remember what our parting words were - the smiles said it all really. There seemed no need for too many words, kisses or hugs because we both knew just how much we'd turned each other on. I was completely unaware whether his mate reached a climax or at what point the young lad to my left made an exit I was too caught up in what was going on. I think it was around 10 p.m. when I left - probably the longest visit I've ever had and certainly the most enjoyable. I felt on top of the world and have lost count of the erections I've had since thinking about the abundance of cock and sexy guys I enjoyed that day.

If you enjoyed this account, get turned on by saunas / locker rooms or just want to share an experience e-mail me at

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